A Nesa x Jeff one shot and a Puppeteer x Nesa... Jeff no likey the Puppeteer for this. THASSS MUH BOIII! *Dabs like Logan Paul* Also, Nesa, Inenna and I will be in ONE body and this will be kind of like a back story BEFORE we ended up becoming killers. Puppeteer will be the "dream" and Jeff will be the "nightmare" which is in real life, LETS GO!
~~~~~ Nesa's pov ~~~~
Vanessa and Inenna were asleep, I was awake playing music, I sighed because I'm tired... before I could do anything, I ended up passing out due to being cold. I woke up again only to see that I'm in a dark void, I looked around but nothing was to be seen, then out of the blue a pair of gold eyes appear, I was wrapped in gold stings as if I was a puppet.
"So, we meet Nesa." a voice spoke as I said "You best let me go otherwise I kill you." "Is that ANY way for you to speak to your master?" he asked as I was forced to start dancing... ballet dancing. "If you happen to remember Vanessa, the USED TO BE goddess--" "She's still a goddess, no matter what, me and Inenna SWORE to protect her from anything." he growled and made me drop onto the ground then get back up to dance.
"Like I was saying. If you happen to remember, Vanessa, is happening to have these nightmares about you, Inenna and herself turned into puppets and were under my control." "I happen to know that Puppeteer." I growled as I felt hands hold me and start dancing with me. It was him, Puppeteer. "You know, love, you're very beautiful." he purred as I pushed him away and said "Thy will not touch the reaper." "Reaper? If I happen to remember, you RETIRED from your job."
"Only because the gods called for a reaper, a demon and a goddess who was almost dead. Vanessa was the goddess called for this, Inenna went to do it to protect her, the demons were sad to see their warrior leave." "And what about you, dear?" he asked looking deep into my eyes that have no soul. "I went because I know no one would need of me."
"I see..." he said as I felt my soul awaking, Vanessa and/or Inenna was waking up. "I best be going now." I said as he kissed my hand and said "Until then, I'll be waiting for you, Nesa." I fell into darkness, all I could hear was "Nesa is still asleep, like always." "The only time she wakes up is so she can give up life lessons OR when the moon is out." Inenna and Vanessa were talking, I smiled and went back to sleep... but I woke up again, only this time, it was midnight. I was in control of Vanessa's body.
I heard a creek, I feel like I know this from nightmare of mine from when I was alive... before I became a reaper OR a split. I got up and thought, "This has to be a another fucking nightmare... of the same one I had so long ago." I pinched my/Vanessa's arm, but I didn't wake up... nor did Vanessa or Inenna. "Shit..." I muttered as I left my room, I heard a creek sound coming from the kitchen. I went back to my room, grabbed the orange box cutter Vanessa uses to cut herself, and walked to the kitchen softly and slowly. I held my breath so the person wouldn't hear, I did baby steps that were so light and didn't make a sound.
When I got to the kitchen, no one was there... the sliding door was open letting rain in. "Someone most be inside the house... I have to find them and MURDER them before they murder my goddess, little brother or anyone else," I thought as I slipped the box cutter in my pocket and grabbed the chef's knife and walked downstairs to the living room. "Come out now. I know you're here," I spoke in loud, demanding voice. I heard a crackle that's deep and from a male.
"So, a young girl thinks that she can hurt or even KILL me?" he spoke as he came from the office that's more down. I could smell blood on him and I can see a cut in smile. "Jeff The Killer AKA Jeffrey Woods... how nice." I said as I could feel three shadows watch us. "You most be a little bitch who is how old?" "Way older then you think, but for uncover, I'm only 13 years old. Now, if we're going to fight, we have to fight outside... in a place fitting for a fight." I ran out the door with him on my tail, I threw rocks at him on the way to the forest.
When we got there, I sat on a tree waiting for him, he showed up looking around. "Where are you, bitch?!" "You know, you never call a GRIM REAPER a bitch," I said jumping down that's a few feet away form him. "I just did." I growled as I felt my eyes sting. Every grim reaper has a eye color they share, but only a few of them have different eye colors. The color they share is green... bright green. The ones who are different is a random color, most of the time it's brown or blue.
"Make your move, Mr. Woods, I'll wait," I smirked as I spoke as he ran to me ready to hit, I jumped up into a tree while laughing, this went on for a few hours. I made my next move by jumping down onto him ready to hit him, but four hands grabbed me before I could hit him. I looked up to see William T. Spears and Grell Sutcliff. "Oh... what up guys?" "Nesa, you're breaking a rule AGAIN," William said as I rolled my eyes. "Darling, you know you never fight anyone without moi," Grell said as I yelled, "He was the one who broke into my house and tried to kill the people living in there!"
I saw a knife flying to my face, my eyes widen as I summoned my scythe, which I haven't used in some years, I blocked it. William and Grell dropped me to the ground as I held my scythe. "You fucking little fuckin' ass BITCH!" I yelled as I ran to him ready to strike him down, but he moved so I just hit the ground. I looked at him and growled, Inenna was waking up. I smirked and said "You should have NEVER messed with the DEMON." my eyes turned brownish red.
~~~ Inenna's pov ~~~
I woke up to see that I was holding a scythe, it disappeared as I looked in front of me, I saw Jeff The Killer. "So, you most be JEFFREY WOODS, eh?!" I asked as he looked confused, but didn't mind. "Heh, you may have met the REAPER, Nesa... she told me about you, but I'm not telling what she said. Now then," I started as I pulled out a knife and my eyes started to flash pink. "LET'S DANCE." I ran to him and started attacking, he fought back, but I had the upper hand. I kicked him away, I looked up to see William and Grell watching from afar... what caught my eye was the shinning light coming from the sky.
"Shit... the sun is rising. The GODDESS is going to wake up," I thought as I looked at Jeff who is bleeding. "She hates it when people are hurt..." I growled as said "Best get out of here before SHE wakes up..." I ran off before he had time to react, I was at home now, in bed. She woke up and took over. "Inenna, what happen? Why does my body hurt?" she asked as I said, "Dunno sis. You most have slept on the wrong side of the bed." "Oh... okay then."
I knew it wouldn't be until years later were we would meet Jeffrey Woods again. He better be fucking ready for a world of pain.
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