PJO dump #2 (because I actually have THAT many...)
When I see Percy I'm all about running at him. He blocks my blade but doesn't take the open chance I give him to attack back. That's when I realize he's going easy on me. Not as the battle continues and he misses a bunch of over chances, or when I take nots of how soft his blows or, or even when it's so obvious that he's pulling his attacks that I clench my jaw in anger. That's when I unleash on him, going full out. It takes a matter of seconds for him to end up on his back, me straddling him, my knife blade to his neck. My sword had been forgotten when he'd swiped it out of my hands.
"Stop underestimating me," I growled. He paused, hands up, then smiled.
"Yeah," he gasped breathlessly. "I really, really will stop doing that."
Will winked at me, smirking and Nico just looked between us, like... the fuck?
His blush gave him away thought, and I always walked from the two half pleased, half amused, and all laughing hysterically.
My eyes couldn't help but wander to Leo. He was shirtless and sweaty, battling blade to blade with Annabeth Chase. As he rolled, barely dodging her, I smiled. Left walked over, leaning against the wall. "Don't get your hopes up. No one can beat Annabeth."
"You're bias. She's your girlfriend."
"And he's your crush," Percy shot back. "You're just as bias as I am."
A scoff passed my lips as I rolled my eyes. "He is not my crush, Perseus Jackson."
Percy smirked. "Oh you so definitely like him."
I shoved him but it only encouraged the water boy. "Shut up, Percy," I snapped.
"Hey Y/n, look!" Leo shouted. Immediately I looked over to see that Leo had pinned Annabeth and looked at me, a huge, proud grin on his face. "Did you see?"
"Yeah!" I shouted back. "Your badass, I get it!" He winked and I rolled my eyes, but a pink dust in my cheeks revealed enough to Percy. Percy, who smirked at me knowingly when I looked back. I looked away from both boys. Whatever.
"You're doing it wrong," Leo instructed.
"I'm doing it fine," I snapped back, determined to not let him distract me. Leo out his hands up in surrender and stepped back, returning to his work. He was shaking me how to make little things with my hands to pass time. Just dabbing random things and making little animals or trinkets or whatever. I was trying to make a bird with wood that I was weaving together, but I was nowhere as good at fixing things as Leo was. It wasn't my gift. Hephaestus wasn't my parent.
Leo was significantly better and he knew it. After a second I sighed, letting the bent wood fall from my hands, slumping my shoulders in defeat. I could feel Leo's eyes on me and I looked ver to see him fighting a smirk. "What's wrong, Y/n?"
Glaring at him, I motioned to the lost cause of a project. "I need help."
He only laughed. "I'm coming." He moved next to me, his fingers bending the wood in an almost beautiful way. In only a few minutes he had the bird I was trying to do, and I sighed.
"Show off," I accused. He just laughed.
Piper and I were training, practicing combat. On each other. Good fun.
As it turns out, I was actually pretty good at hand-to-hand combat and Piper was finishing it difficult to beat me. Her eyes moved tot en side for a seconds before she looked at me and I was curious. When I saw her paused, I stole a millisecond glance to where she'd looked before. Leo was doing some work outs with a few of the campers. Just to warm up, or whatever. I don't know. But damn did he look good. I tried to focus on the battle at hand but Piper already saw how distracted I was and she smirked.
"Ooh that camper isn't doing as well as the others," she noticed. I looked over again to see a girl p, tired from the workout, struggling to do a push-up as she finished out her burpie before I looked back at Piper. Okay. Whatever. "Aw, how nice of Leo to help her."
I tripped and looked over. Leo was nowhere near her. He was watching me, dusting his hands off my rubbing them together. Our eyes locked and I blushed, but in my moment of distraction, I left myself wide open, and I didn't even have the chance to look back and return to the fight before Piper had me pinned.
I cursed under my breath. "Whatever, Piper. I guess you win."
She smirked. "You're too easily distracted." I blushed, looking away.
"He only works that hard when you're around, you know," Frank noted to me one day. I saw Leo off to the side, obviously showing off on the lava wall. He would hesitate, then scale it super fast, before he could get himself into trouble. His eyes would wander to me every few times, smirking as he saw me watching him, undistracted by anything else, worried that he was going to kill himself.
"Does he really?"
Frank chuckled. "Oh yeah."
Smiling to myself, I looked away from the attractive boy. "Interesting."
"We... we're what?" I asked, confused. "I thought you said your the only child of Poseidon." Percy silently pointed to the symbol above my head, which was only just barely fading.
"Obviously not," he pointed out, laughing.
He came up to me, hugged me tightly, and then stepped back, smiling as he scanned my face. "We do look a lot alike. I'm surprised I didn't see it before."
"Why don't people see Superman when they look at Clark Kent?" I asked sarcastically. "No one expects to see a hero in an everyday man. No one expects to see a sibling in an every day camper when they believe it impossible to ever happen."
He ruffles my hair. "Oh yeah. You'll get along here just well." I laughed and he put his arm around my shoulders, walking me to the campfire for further celebration.
Nico wouldn't look at me. I nudged his shoulder and his eyes met mine, him looking up through his eye lashes. I rolled my eyes. "It doesn't change anything, Nico," I told him.
"Really?" He asked, looking up completely, obviously shocked.
I ruffled his hair and he pulled away, actually smiling. It was rare, and I was flattered to be the only one, if one of very few who'd ever seen it. "Yeah. I always knew. Ever since I met you and you looked at Percy like he was a God himself-"
"Y/n!" Nico complained. I laughed.
"I'll stop I'll stop!" I paused for a second. "But that Will Solace boy..."
"Y/n!" He threw a pillow at me, but I was too busy rolling ugh laughter.
"What's wrong?" My boyfriend, Nico asked gently as he sat next to me. I was in his cabin, curled up on the bed, glaring at the wall. I absolutely hated my life right now. I hated my dad. This camp. I hated my stupid brother and his stupid good looks. I hated that Nico - in the past - I hated that at one point - he'd liked - Gods I couldn't even think it! I didn't respond and Nico looked worried now. "Y/n?"
"Do you still have nay feeling for Percy?" I asked, before I could stop myself.
Nico was shocked into silence for a few seconds. Not long, but long enough to make me sick with doubt. "What? No!"
"Were you in love with him?" I followed up immediately.
"I... I don't know." Nico shrugged, obviously at a total loss for words. "What - why are you asking me this? It doesn't matter anymore. I've moved on. To you. Obviously." He motioned to me and I hugged, sitting up.
Looking at him, I tried to communicate what I was thinking without saying it. Nico looked no less confused. "They say that after your first love doesn't work out, people tend to find similar qualities of that person in other people. I might be a certain preference of hair color, or a specific personality trait..."
"Y/n, what's going on? Why are you saying this?" He scooted closer. "I thought we could tell each other anything?" He looked scared, for a second. We were very open to each other. It took forever for me to get Nico to trust me so completely, but since then we were totally open about anything. He was softer, happier. Only around me, when we were alone, but I was okay with that. It might have surprise him to learn I now had a secret. It would have miffed me if he hadn't told me something so obviously important.
So I knew I had to say it. Not eventually. Not later. Not tomorrow. Now.
"I'm a child of Poseidon," I blurted. "Percy's my brother."
Nico froze. "What?"
I couldn't meet his eyes anymore. "I'm a child of Poseidon."
For a second, Nico was frozen, but then he shook his head and leaned forward, grabbing my face with both of his hands, forcing me to look at him. He was so different with me than everyone else. A lot more genuine, a lot more of that broken boy he tried so hard to hide. A lot more of that person Percy knew when they first met. He didn't hate to be touched by me, nor was he afraid to flirt - rarely, though - or tease me. He smiled around me. Smirked. Even... cuddled. He was so different.
And I was so completely, totally in love with him. I couldn't lose him.
He had finally gotten over Percy. Finally found someone else who was worth his time. Who loved him back. I couldn't deny the certain similarities between my brother and I, but I was a different person. I wasn't as sassy, more sarcastic and sardonic. My humor was self deprecation and my outlook was always grim. I was generally more openly depressed, more open in general. I strove to be there for people.
But Nico had touched me in the way that I had him. Made me more positive. Happier. Less depressed. More hopeful. We brought the best out of each other.
I couldn't lose him. I couldn't. I just couldn't!
And yet.
The irony of his second love being the sibling of his first...
What would it do to us?
"You're not Percy," Nico said gently. "I don't love you because you're related to Percy. I wasn't drawn to you because I sensed Percy in you. Anything you're thinking along those lines? It's wrong. I swear to the Gods. I swear on the Styx. I love you. And it has nothing to do with Percy. Okay?"
His hands shook. He always was very nervous to open up so completely about his emotions. Still. But the fear revealed in hands revealed how genuinely honest he was being.
I smiled, nodding. "Okay."
"I'm coming! Hold your horses!"
"I swear to the Gods Y/n shut up!"
"DAMNIT JACKSON PICK UP SPEED!" A pause. "Why isn't he yelling back?"
"He's exhausted. Stop yelling at him."
"Aw shut up, Annabeth. It's encouraging."
"I won't even argue. You're right."
"Oh, I know."
He slapped my hand. "GO!"
"I knew you had it in you, Jackson."
"Shut up, Y/n."
Exhausted and breathing hard, I smiled. "Well, we won, right?"
He paused, then nodded. "Yeah. We won."
"Damn it!"
Racing into the room, I saw Leo shaking his hand, trying to put out the fire. Every time he gets stressed his powers would get a little... out of hand. Or, rather, all over hand.
Popping my canister lid open, I moved the water for the bottle to around his hand. It didn't out it out super fast, as it was a never ending fire, but it cooled down Leo's hand and therefore calmed him down. He looked up, smiling. "Better?" I asked.
He smiled, pulling me close, kissing me gently. "Thank you, Y/n. For just being there."
I smiled. "Anytime."
I was at Leo's side faster than he could call my name. He had burned Piper's hand and I took it into my own, taking my hand water out of my jug again. I always Carrie dig on me. For healing purposes, such as now. Or calming Leo down. Now I focused on Piper's hand and we all sat there for a few minutes, still and silent. Finally I pulled away and Piper's hand wasn't totally healed, but it was just a little redness, like a blush instead of a bad burn.
"Thanks, Y/n," Piper sighed. I wrapped her hand with a bandage and nodded.
"Anytime, Piper." She left and I turned to Leo. "Don't blame yourself," I immediately ordered.
He wouldn't look at me. "How can I not?" He snapped.
I sighed, pulling him into my arms, hugging him. "Don't blame yourself." After a second he relaxed and hugged me back. I relaxed as well.
Leo popped his head into the room. "What's wrong?"
I held up the poor water bottle I always had at my side. "I broke it," I assessed, miserable.
He chuckled, sitting next to me. His tools were out and he fixed it so fast, I was surprised I'd ever thought it broken in the first place. It took a minute, minute and a half, but he moved so fluid and quickly it felt like no time passed at all. He handed it back to me and I smiled. "All better," he announced, smiling proudly.
A smile light up my face. "Thanks, Leo." I kissed his cheek and he winked.
"No problem, Y/n."
"What's wrong?" Leo and I asked at the same time. We looked each other and grinned, but when we looked back, Percy's serious face wiped away those grins faster than we could think to keep them on.
Percy sighed. "I just stubbed my toe. I'm exhausted." He shook his head, running his hand through his hair.
"Go get some rest, Perc," I told him.
"I'm on watch," Percy concluded. We were on a quest and it was night. I'd been filling my water bottle back up, I didn't know why Leo was up.
"We'll take over," Leo told him. "Ariel and I need some time alone anyway." He shrugged and I looked over, confused. Ariel?
Percy chuckled and nodded, moving to where Annabeth lay and curling up with her. Aw. I smiled, watching them, until I felt fingers interlock it's mine and I looked up. Leo had taken my hand and was now guiding me to where Percy had been keeping watch. He sat where my brother had previously, pulling me down next to him. Leo ran his hand through my hair after I shuffled, laying my head in his lap.
"Who's Ariel?" I asked, a bit jealous if I did say so myself.
Leo chuckled. "You, doofus." I smiled.
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