🔃Repeat🔄 (Part 1)

Fandom: Bnha/Mha/ whatever you prefer 😉

(Okay so, this story won't be related in the timeline that your stories are in, unless if you want to then that's fine :)   Also this might not be...comdedic to you....so Yeah 😁)

(Narrators POV, aka me, ya boi...I mean Gorl?)

"You kids ready to go to New york?"

"We sure are, Mom!"

"Okay then, just remember to hold my hand at all t-"

A random mother of two children then slipped under the recently formed ice, as her kids laughed at her. She then saw a man with red and white hair slid past her, while struggling to pick herself up.


"Sorry," Shoto replied in his deep monotone voice.

He continued to form ice on the floor in front of his path, seeing some people slip in the process. Shoto kept on apologizing but his voice and expression showed that he really didn't care, he had more important things to take care of. He kept on sliding past the halls of the airport as people quickly rushed out of his way.

While he slid his way to the main gates of the airplane, (I don't know what they're called when there's a person that tells you the plane is full.) he slid his hands to his two pockets, searching for his plane ticket, his fingers searching everywhere in the pocket...But there was nothing. Shoto then stopped sliding, looking down and inside his pocket, making sure it wasn't there, and it really wasnt. He sighed and began to check his coat pocket but still nothing. Then Shoto remembered that he left it back at his hotel room.

"I had a feeling that I had forgotten something...but....why my ticket...?"

"Um...sir...is there a problem?" An employee asked.

Shoto looked around at his desk until his eyes stopped on a mic.

"May I use you're mic for a minute."

"U-Uh I don't think I'm allowed to do that sir..."

"Miss, I'm currently late for a wedding rehearsal..."

"I understand that b-"


"I-I um well....I...."

Shoto looked at her with pure sadness in his eyes, making his brows do the same. It was a trick that Kate taught him, in case of emergencies or if you just really wanted that frosted cookie that you're friend won't give you because you ate like 7 of them. The employee felt guilty, she was trying to do her job, but she didn't wanted to be the bad guy and become the cause of Shoto's problems. So she sighed in defeat and nodded, giving him permission to use the mic.

"Just...dont use it for too long please. My boss might find out."

"Thank you."

He walked over to the desk, where the mic is placed, putting his hand over it as he leaned on it a bit. He took a deep breath and sighed, taking a few moments to take in, until he spoke:

"Does anyone have an extra plane ticket to go to New York City? I would be able to do anything you wish for me to do, for a plane ticket."

The crowd looked at each other in silence and filed with confusion. No one responded to Shoto's offer, which made him a bit sad. That is until someone quickly stood up. It caught his attention, but soon, he realized who it was.

"You'll be able to do anything? Is that correct?"

He smiled. "That's right."

The woman crossed her arms and gave him a fake smile.

"How about you don't go to your wedding rehearsal late..."

Shoto chuckled softly as he walked closer to her, and stopped, giving a quick peck on her cheek.

"It's nice to see you too, Ashley..."

"Hmmmm I see you lost your ticket."

"Actually I l-"


He sighed.

"But luckily, Kate gave Izuku's and her tickets to us."

"So they're going to wait for the next plane?"

"Well, actually..."



Izuku hugged on to Kate's back, tightly, like his life depended on it. Well ... actually it did. Currently, they're both up flying in the air, Kate using strong and fast winds to help keep both of them up in the air and arriving to their destination, which was New York.


She looked over the clouds below them, placing her hand on them as she flies, making the clouds whisk away.

"Yknow we should do this more often. Right Izuku!?" Kate said, happily.


"You're so sweet :D"

●Back to Shoto and Ashleh●

"Ah...." Shoto said, faintly.

"Anyways, we should get to our flight."


●TIMESKIP brought to you by...●

( Okay okay I'll stop )

*coughs *

*cough cough*

Okay I'm don :D



Endeavor impatiently tapped his foot as he looked down at his watch. It's 5 pm, but the reherseal was supposed to start two hours ago. He groaned in annoyance, everyone was here except for Shoto and Ashley. Kate started to get worried, walking back and forth, fiddling her fingers together. Izuku tried to contact Shoto by calling his number, but it would always go straight to voicemail.

"Kate, did you call Ashley?" He asked, putting his phone back to his pocket.

She stopped and nodded. "I tried but it would go straight to voicemail."

He sighed softly. "I don't get it...they should be here by now...."

Then Kirishima butted in. "Unless they're stuck in traffic, New York is a pretty big and crowded place, Izuku."

"Ah, I keep thinking were still back in Japan..."

"Same...it feels kinda weird standing in a different country."

"Not really..."

"Well maybe it's just me."

He then left, leaving him to hang out with the rest of the Bakusquad :D

"Izuku...Im worried...what if something bad happened to them."

"I doubt it, I'm sure both of them won't let that happen."

"But what if they got kidnapped, murdered or even worse tortured..."



Izuku quickly grabbed her shoulders, spinning her around to face him.



"Nothing bad is happening. You're overexaggerting...think positive." He said, as he poked her forehead.

"...Im just...worried..."

"I am too... we all are..."

"Not me." Bakugou inturppted. But then Kirishima smacked him on the back of his head, making him growl.

"Bakugou! Stop being so rude!"

Mina, Kaminari, and Sero laughed at this, making their "friend" boil with anger.

"Kate, We should go to the restrooms..."


"One word, Explosion."

"Oh!.....wait you mean...THERE's A BOMB!!!"

"SHHHH keep it down, also no!"

"Hmmm.....you mean Bakugou?"


"OH! Okay :D"

They both quickly rushed to the restrooms, closing the door. Kate covered her ears as Izuku did the same. They both waited for the church to explode...but nothing happened. Kate's hand reached for the knob and slowly turned it, until Izuku grabbed her hand.

"It might not be safe!"

"Well, you'll never know :)"

She then pecked his cheek, making him blush, letting go of her hand. Kate slightly opened the door, to her surprise, Bakugou was covered in ice. Izuku opened the door wider, trying see what Kate saw with his hazy vision. His eyes widened.



Kate rushed over to them and gave them a big hug, squishing them together, smiling in joy and relief. She released both of them from her hug. Kirishima pushed Bakugou to another bathroom as the rest of the squad helped, ... by telling bad puns to each other.

"He needs to CHILL," Sero laughed.

"ICE see what you did there!" Mina wheezed.

"He can be very COLD at times!" Kaminari laughed even harder.

Mina dropped to the floor, "dying", trying to breath through her loud laughs. Kate looked at them and wiped an indivisible tear.

"They grow up so fast."

Ashley sighed in relief, placing her both of her hands on Kate's shoulder.

"Its nice to see you again."




"Shouldn't we start practicing by now? It's almost 7 and I plan to sleep early."

"O-OH you're right."



"Ah! FINALLY!" Ashley groaned.

Everyone made their way out of the church, being happy that the reherseal was over. But apparently, Endeavor stayed back, talking with Shoto...well actually, it's more like an argument. Luckily, his sister, Fuyumi, toned things down before their arguement could get even more heated.

Bad pun intended ;)

While Kate awkwardly stood there, eating popcorn. Shoto's mother, Rei, gave her the "Are you fucking serious..." look, making Kate smile awkwardly.


Rei furrowed her brows.

"C'mon, I know you want some :D"

She crossed her arms.

"Welp, I assumed that you were pop-ably hungry, from all the corny stuff that's going on."

Rei looked at Kate, as she gave her a goofy grin, hovering the popcorn in front of her face. She chuckled softly.

"You're good."


"But you need to work on your puns more..."


"Although, I'll look forward of you being the goofy aunt in this family 😊. We really need some comedy relief...after everything that has been going on...for the past few years."

"Hey, just because the past with your family was bad, doesn't mean it won't be good on the present or the future. You need to have high hopes."

"I...doubt it. But, I'll follow your advice."


Rei flinched over her unexpected outburst.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I get overexcited for almost anything."

"I-I see. Anyways, I must take my leave, I need to catch up with the rest of my family. Tell your sister that I said, I'm glad she's the one marrying Shoto. He finally has someone to connect to, besides Izuku."

"I will."

She smiled and took off, walking towards Fuyumi and Endeavor. Kate waved with a huge smile, but then her smile slowly turned into a small one, putting her hand down. She started to worry for Rei, what if her mental health started to go downhill again...Kate wanted to talk to Endeavor...but she was afraid. He looked so big and strong while she looked tiny and weak, but not as tiny as Ashleh -v-

"You okay?"

I turned my head to the right of me, following the voice. Izuku looked at me, filled with concern. I smiled at him.

"Yep! Just thinking, that's all ^^"

*sighs in relief* "Got worried that something went wrong. Anyways, Kirishima invited Shoto and I to go hang out with them. It's like a guys night. But I wanted to see if you're okay with me going out.


"Actually, I-I think I c-changed my mind, it's a bad idea. S-something bad might happen to you, and I-I won't be there to s-save you!

"Izuku? 😓

"I-It might h-happen all over again...! That day, remember Kate...w-when we were all c-"


He jumped.

"Sorry....You were over thinking, again."


"You should hang out with your friends, like you used to back then. I want you to have fun!"

"What about you?"

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Besides, I'm gonna hang out with Ashley and the rest of the girls. A girls night out. See? It's a win-win. We all need to let loose before the wedding starts tomorrow.

"I guess so..."

"Cheer up! It'll be fun! You'll see!"

He sighed and smiled. "Well, okay. I guess I should get going now."

"With a suit on?"

"Yeah, why?

"Won't you get uncomfortable?"

"No, I've actually slept in it before."

"Okay then, have fun!"

"You too :)"

Izuku planted a soft kiss on her forehead, and went off to follow the rest of the bois, which they all were leaving the church, heading to Kirishima's place. He looked back at Kate and waved at her with a smile. She waved back, mouthing 'Good luck' to him, making him nod and mouthed ' You too'. He then turned around and began to walk with the rest of the boyos.

Shoto and Ashley then walked out of the church, talking to each other about what Izuku mentioned.

"Just don't do anything I would do."

"Hmm, drinking?"

"No, being late for our wedding."

"I'm never late..."

"Today, we both were..."

"Noted. I'll be off then. Take care Ashley."

She sighed. "You too."

(At this point, is when I forgot what's Shoto's height is. And I didn't really felt like searching it up, because my laziness got to me... 😖)

Shoto placed his finger and thumb on her chin, lifting it up. He leaned in and gave a quick but passionate kiss. He pulled away, as Ashley cleared her throat.

"Well, um, have fun."

"Same goes for you."

He then left. Ashley kept on looking the back of him, slowly walking away from her vision. She sighed, and looked down at her feet. Was that awkward? Hmm...probably not. Kate then popped out of no where and slithered her arm around her shoulders, with a huge smile on her face.

"Welp! Wasn't that....um...romantic?"


"Anyways, we should've been in Mina's hotel room by now, I didn't want to inturppted what you both were doing. BUT NOW! IT'S OUR GIRLS NIGHT!XD WHOOOOO!!!"

"please kill me..."

"You always say that," Kate said, as she grabbed Ash's arm and began to fly away, the wind carrying them across the sky.

(Timeskap to Mina's hotel room)

◇Ashley's POV◇

"This is a bad idea, Kate."

We both stood in front a ruby brown door, with a silver plate on it which had the number 23 placed in the middle of the plate. The hallways of the hotel were quiet, but not too quiet, since I can hear laughing and giggling on the other side of the fucking door.

"C'mon, have fun for once :)"

"With Mina?"

"What's wrong with her?

I sighed. "Remeber last summer?"

○ Flashback 😄○

"See being in a Ferris wheel isn't so bad." Mina smiled.

"Well, I must say, it is peaceful up here..."

I sat back on my seat, feeling the breeze on face, as the sun started to set, making the sky mix with warm colors. I haven't felt like this for a long time. I should hang out with Mina more often.

"Yeah it is peaceful up here, but y'know what will be much cooler?"


"This! XD"

Mina hovered her hand out of the side of their seat, and shot acid on one thingy that keeps the ferris wheel in place.

"What are you doing?!"

"Chill, Ash, I'm trying to make this more funner."

Oh no.

Then Mina scooted over to my seat, shooting acid on the other side of the thingy (IDK WHAT'S IT CALLED OKAY 😅)


"Well, I guess I made their day better:D"

Suddenly, I felt the ferris wheel starting to move. It slowly started to move out of it's place. I looked down, and saw some people staring at awe and fear. Some didn't even notice at all. But luckily, the ones that noticed told others to move out of the way and take cover. Izuku and Kate were both down there eating cotten candy, laughing

Fandom: Bnha/Mha/ whatever you prefer 😉

(Narrators POV, aka me, ya boi...I mean Gorl?)

"You kids ready to go to New york?"

"We sure are, Mom!"

"Okay then, just remember to hold my hand at all t-"

A random mother of two children then slipped under the recently formed ice, as her kids laughed at her. She then saw a man with red and white hair slid past her, while struggling to pick herself up.


"Sorry," Shoto replied in his deep monotone voice.

He continued to form ice on the floor in front of his path, seeing some people slip in the process. Shoto kept on apologizing but his voice and expression showed that he really didn't care, he had more important things to take care of. He kept on sliding past the halls of the airport as people quickly rushed out of his way.

While he slid his way to the main gates of the airplane, (I don't know what they're called when there's a person that tells you the plane is full.) he slid his hands to his two pockets, searching for his plane ticket, his fingers searching everywhere in the pocket...But there was nothing. Shoto then stopped sliding, looking down and inside his pocket, making sure it wasn't there, and it really wasnt. He sighed and began to check his coat pocket but still nothing. Then Shoto remembered that he left it back at his hotel room.

"I had a feeling that I had forgotten something...but....why my ticket...?"

"Um...sir...is there a problem?" An employee asked.

Shoto looked around at his desk until his eyes stopped on a mic.

"May I use you're mic for a minute."

"U-Uh I don't think I'm allowed to do that sir..."

"Miss, I'm currently late for a wedding rehearsal..."

"I understand that b-"


"I-I um well....I...."

Shoto looked at her with pure sadness in his eyes, making his brows do the same. It was a trick that Kate taught him, in case of emergencies or if you just really wanted that frosted cookie that you're friend won't give you because you ate like 7 of them. The employee felt guilty, she was trying to do her job, but she didn't wanted to be the bad guy and become the cause of Shoto's problems. So she sighed in defeat and nodded, giving him permission to use the mic.

"Just...dont use it for too long please. My boss might find out."

"Thank you."

He walked over to the desk, where the mic is placed, putting his hand over it as he leaned on it a bit. He took a deep breath and sighed, taking a few moments to take in, until he spoke:

"Does anyone have an extra plane ticket to go to New York City? I would be able to do anything you wish for me to do, for a plane ticket."

The crowd looked at each other in silence and filed with confusion. No one responded to Shoto's offer, which made him a bit sad. That is until someone quickly stood up. It caught his attention, but soon, he realized who it was.

"You'll be able to do anything? Is that correct?"

He smiled. "That's right."

The woman crossed her arms and gave him a fake smile.

"How about you don't go to your wedding rehearsal late..."

Shoto chuckled softly as he walked closer to her, and stopped, giving a quick peck on her cheek.

"It's nice to see you too, Ashley..."

"Hmmmm I see you lost your ticket."

"Actually I l-"


He sighed.

"But luckily, Kate gave Izuku's and her tickets to us."

"So they're going to wait for the next plane?"

"Well, actually..."



Izuku hugged on to Kate's back, tightly, like his life depended on it. Well ... actually it did. Currently, they're both up flying in the air, Kate using strong and fast winds to help keep both of them up in the air and arriving to their destination, which was New York.


She looked over the clouds below them, placing her hand on them as she flies, making the clouds whisk away.

"Yknow we should do this more often. Right Izuku!?" Kate said, happily.


"You're so sweet :D"

Back to Shoto and Ashleh

"Ah...." Shoto said, faintly.

"Anyways, we should get to our flight."


TIMESKIP brought to you by...


( Okay okay I'll stop )

*coughs *

*cough cough*

Okay I'm don :D



Endeavor impatiently tapped his foot as he looked down at his watch. It's 5 pm, but the reherseal was supposed to start two hours ago. He groaned in annoyance, everyone was here except for Shoto and Ashley. Kate started to get worried, walking back and forth, fiddling her fingers together. Izuku tried to contact Shoto by calling his number, but it would always go straight to voicemail.

"Kate, did you call Ashley?" He asked, putting his phone back to his pocket.

She stopped and nodded. "I tried but it would go straight to voicemail."

He sighed softly. "I don't get it...they should be here by now...."

Then Kirishima butted in. "Unless they're stuck in traffic, New York is a pretty big and crowded place, Izuku."

"Ah, I keep thinking were still back in Japan..."

"Same...it feels kinda weird standing in a different country."

"Not really..."

"Well maybe it's just me."

He then left, leaving him to hang out with the rest of the Bakusquad :D

"Izuku...Im worried...what if something bad happened to them."

"I doubt it, I'm sure both of them won't let that happen."

"But what if they got kidnapped, murdered or even worse tortured..."



Izuku quickly grabbed her shoulders, spinning her around to face him.



"Nothing bad is happening. You're overexaggerting...think positive." He said, as he poked her forehead.

"...Im just...worried..."

"I am too... we all are..."

"Not me." Bakugou inturppted. But then Kirishima smacked him on the back of his head, making him growl.

"Bakugou! Stop being so rude!"

Mina, Kaminari, and Sero laughed at this, making their "friend" boil with anger.

"Kate, We should go to the restrooms..."


"One word, Explosion."

"Oh!.....wait you mean...THERE's A BOMB!!!"

"SHHHH keep it down, also no!"

"Hmmm.....you mean Bakugou?"


"OH! Okay :D"

They both quickly rushed to the restrooms, closing the door. Kate covered her ears as Izuku did the same. They both waited for the church to explode...but nothing happened. Kate's hand reached for the knob and slowly turned it, until Izuku grabbed her hand.

"It might not be safe!"

"Well, you'll never know :)"

She then pecked his cheek, making him blush, letting go of her hand. Kate slightly opened the door, to her surprise, Bakugou was covered in ice. Izuku opened the door wider, trying see what Kate saw with his hazy vision. His eyes widened.



Kate rushed over to them and gave them a big hug, squishing them together, smiling in joy and relief. She released both of them from her hug. Kirishima pushed Bakugou to another bathroom as the rest of the squad helped, ... by telling bad puns to each other.

"He needs to CHILL," Sero laughed.

"ICE see what you did there!" Mina wheezed.

"He can be very COLD at times!" Kaminari laughed even harder.

Mina dropped to the floor, "dying", trying to breath through her loud laughs. Kate looked at them and wiped an indivisible tear.

"They grow up so fast."

Ashley sighed in relief, placing her both of her hands on Kate's shoulder.

"Its nice to see you again."




"Shouldn't we start practicing by now? It's almost 7 and I plan to sleep early."

"O-OH you're right."



"Ah! FINALLY!" Ashley groaned.

Everyone made their way out of the church, being happy that the reherseal was over. But apparently, Endeavor stayed back, talking with Shoto...well actually, it's more like an argument. Luckily, his sister, Fuyumi, toned things down before their arguement could get even more heated.

Bad pun intended ;)

While Kate awkwardly stood there, eating popcorn. Shoto's mother, Rei, gave her the "Are you fucking serious..." look, making Kate smile awkwardly.


Rei furrowed her brows.

"C'mon, I know you want some :D"

She crossed her arms.

"Welp, I assumed that you were pop-ably hungry, from all the corny stuff that's going on."

Rei looked at Kate, as she gave her a goofy grin, hovering the popcorn in front of her face. She chuckled softly.

"You're good."


"But you need to work on your puns more..."


"Although, I'll look forward of you being the goofy aunt in this family 😊. We really need some comedy relief...after everything that has been going on...for the past few years."

"Hey, just because the past with your family was bad, doesn't mean it won't be good on the present or the future. You need to have high hopes."

"I...doubt it. But, I'll follow your advice."


Rei flinched over her unexpected outburst.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I get overexcited for almost anything."

"I-I see. Anyways, I must take my leave, I need to catch up with the rest of my family. Tell your sister that I said, I'm glad she's the one marrying Shoto. He finally has someone to connect to, besides Izuku."

"I will."

She smiled and took off, walking towards Fuyumi and Endeavor. Kate waved with a huge smile, but then her smile slowly turned into a small one, putting her hand down. She started to worry for Rei, what if her mental health started to go downhill again...Kate wanted to talk to Endeavor...but she was afraid. He looked so big and strong while she looked tiny and weak, but not as tiny as Ashleh -v-

"You okay?"

I turned my head to the right of me, following the voice. Izuku looked at me, filled with concern. I smiled at him.

"Yep! Just thinking, that's all ^^"

*sighs in relief* "Got worried that something went wrong. Anyways, Kirishima invited Shoto and I to go hang out with them. It's like a guys night. But I wanted to see if you're okay with me going out.


"Actually, I-I think I c-changed my mind, it's a bad idea. S-something bad might happen to you, and I-I won't be there to s-save you!

"Izuku? 😓

"I-It might h-happen all over again...! That day, remember Kate...w-when we were all c-"


He jumped.

"Sorry....You were over thinking, again."


"You should hang out with your friends, like you used to back then. I want you to have fun!"

"What about you?"

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Besides, I'm gonna hang out with Ashley and the rest of the girls. A girls night out. See? It's a win-win. We all need to let loose before the wedding starts tomorrow.

"I guess so..."

"Cheer up! It'll be fun! You'll see!"

He sighed and smiled. "Well, okay. I guess I should get going now."

"With a suit on?"

"Yeah, why?

"Won't you get uncomfortable?"

"No, I've actually slept in it before."

"Okay then, have fun!"

"You too :)"

Izuku planted a soft kiss on her forehead, and went off to follow the rest of the bois, which they all were leaving the church, heading to Kirishima's place. He looked back at Kate and waved at her with a smile. She waved back, mouthing 'Good luck' to him, making him nod and mouthed ' You too'. He then turned around and began to walk with the rest of the boyos.

Shoto and Ashley then walked out of the church, talking to each other about what Izuku mentioned.

"Just don't do anything I would do."

"Hmm, drinking?"

"No, being late for our wedding."

"I'm never late..."

"Today, we both were..."

"Noted. I'll be off then. Take care Ashley."

She sighed. "You too."

(At this point, is when I forgot what's Shoto's height is. And I didn't really felt like searching it up, because my laziness got to me... 😖)

Shoto placed his finger and thumb on her chin, lifting it up. He leaned in and gave a quick but passionate kiss. He pulled away, as Ashley cleared her throat.

"Well, um, have fun."

"Same goes for you."

He then left. Ashley kept on looking the back of him, slowly walking away from her vision. She sighed, and looked down at her feet. Was that awkward? Hmm...probably not. Kate then popped out of no where and slithered her arm around her shoulders, with a huge smile on her face.

"Welp! Wasn't that....um...romantic?"


"Anyways, we should've been in Mina's hotel room by now, I didn't want to inturppted what you both were doing. BUT NOW! IT'S OUR GIRLS NIGHT!XD WHOOOOO!!!"

"please kill me..."

"You always say that," Kate said, as she grabbed Ash's arm and began to fly away, the wind carrying them across the sky.

(Timeskap to Mina's hotel room)

◇Ashley's POV◇

"This is a bad idea, Kate."

We both stood in front a ruby brown door, with a silver plate on it which had the number 23 placed in the middle of the plate. The hallways of the hotel were quiet, but not too quiet, since I can hear laughing and giggling on the other side of the fucking door.

"C'mon, have fun for once :)"

"With Mina?"

"What's wrong with her?

I sighed. "Remeber last summer?"

Flashback 😄○

"See being in a Ferris wheel isn't so bad." Mina smiled.

"Well, I must say, it is peaceful up here..."

I sat back on my seat, feeling the breeze on face, as the sun started to set, making the sky mix with warm colors. I haven't felt like this for a long time. I should hang out with Mina more often.

"Yeah it is peaceful up here, but y'know what will be much cooler?"


"This! XD"

Mina hovered her hand out of the side of their seat, and shot acid on one thingy that keeps the ferris wheel in place.

"What are you doing?!"

"Chill, Ash, I'm trying to make this more funner."

Oh no.

Then Mina scooted over to my seat, shooting acid on the other side of the thingy (IDK WHAT'S IT CALLED OKAY 😅)


"Well, I guess I made their day better:D"

Suddenly, I felt the ferris wheel starting to move. It slowly started to move out of it's place. I looked down, and saw some people staring at awe and fear. Some didn't even notice at all. But luckily, the ones that noticed told others to move out of the way and take cover.

Izuku and Kate were both down there eating cotten candy, laughing and goofing off. Well it was mostly Kate goofing off and Izuku laughing. Anyways, they looked confused when they started to see people running away. Until, Izuku looked up at us and mouthed "Oh...". He softly placed his hand around Kate's jaw and made her look up. She widened her eyes, but soon, she started to hold on to her laugh by placing her hand over her mouth.

The ferris wheel started to pick up more speed and spun around the amusement park, destroying everything in it's path.



"JEEZ, OKAY.... oh....u-um....Ash..."


"I-I dont know....how to stop it."

"You've got to be fucking with me....

○Flashback End○

"Well, it's was an accident, she thought she had it under control," Kate said.

"But she didn't...."

"W-Well it's good thing Shoto was there. At least he managed to stop the wheel."

"He was in a rollercoaster with Kaminari, and he had to jump off the ride while it was moving..."

"But luckily, He made a slide of ice in front of him to break his fall."

"But...what if he wasn't there..."


"Lets...just get this over with."

Kate awkwardly turned to face the door. She knocked and we both waited. The sound of footsteps started to move closer to the door, and then the door opened, revealing Mina standing in the doorway with her PJ's on, smiling.

"Hey! You made it! I thought you guys wouldn't come."

"Why wouldn't we?" Kate giggled.

"We both know why..." I said, in a monotone voice.



"Anyways, Come in!"

We both entered the room. There was a big ass blanket tent and pillows were everywhere, including empty bags of chips and bottles of soda. But at least there was a half full carton of cookies. Ururaka, Tsuyu, and Hagakure, are sitting on the floor, talking about *cough* stuff. While Momo and Jiro were lying on the beds, listening. Then something caught my eye, on the side of bed, was a full bag of makeup.

"I'm out." I said, as I walked away.

"No you're not."  Kate grabbed my arm and pushed me towards the girls, making me fall onto the pillows that were in the floor. When I looked up, they all smiled, it looked a little creepy.

"Congrats, Ashley." Ururaka spoke, hugging me.


"I'm so happy for you!"

She released me from her hug, and gave a sweet smile. Ururaka looked up at Kate and waved, while she waved back.

"Now, how about we do some....activites :) "

"What kind?"


"Oh no...dont tell me, that means...." Jiro began.

"Yep, a MAKEOVER!!!!"

"SCATTER!!!!" Tyusu yelled.

Everyone except for Hagurke and Ururaka, went to find a place to hide. Momo and Jiro hid under the beds, Tyusu and Ashley hid inside the kitchen cabinets, and Mina and Kate hid somewhere in the bathroom. I can hear Uraraka and Hagurke giggling as they grabbed a fucking makeup bazooka and begin to search the rooms. They first looked under the beds, and shot the bazooka at Momo's face. Makeup quickly plastered on her face.

"Dammit..." Momo sighed in defeat.

Jiro made a run for it, but Hagurke tackled her down, pinning her arms to the ground. She wanted to poke her in the eye with her jacks, but she doesn't know where it is. Uraraka walked over to her positioning the bazooka in front of her face. Jiro widened her eyes.

"W-We can make some kind of deal!!"

"Hmm...What kind of deal?"

"U-Uh I'll....uhhh....COOK FOR YOU?!?!"


She then pulled the trigger of the bazooka. An explosion of glitter and dust surrounded them, making the force of the wind, close the door cabinet I was peeking on, making a loud thud......HOW?! I ONLY OPENED THE DOOR A SLIGHT BIT. My bad luck is fucking around with me today...

"You think she heard that?" Tyusu whispered.

"It's a possibility..."

"Now is the good time to come up a plan..."

"Right...hmmm....Ah! I got one. Here's what you need to do...."

(Meanwhile at Kirishima Hotel room)

(No one's POV)

*knock* *knock *

Izuku breathed in and out nervously, while Shoto stood beside him with a blank stare. The door then open slightly, by itself. Izuku peeked in but he couldn't see anything, it was dark, creepy but not too much to make him worry. He fully opened the door, it was still dark. Izuku looked on the side of the room, he caught his eye on a light switch. He placed his finger on the switch and pressed it down, the lights didn't turn on.  He tried pressing it up, but it still didn't work.

"Um, Shoto, if you don't mind."

He only nodded, forming fire on his hand, as he entered the room with Izuku. The room lit up a bit, making it somewhat dark now, revealing knives lying on the floor everywhere, having a red substance on the tip of the blade. Izuku picked up a knife and examined it, his hands shaking a bit. Shoto noticed there was scratch marks in the walls, there was one side of a wall that looked like someone peeled off the yellow painting. He placed a finger on top of the scratch marks, they went really deep in the walls. Shoto then went to check on the bathroom, he opened the door and a pile of bodies fell on him, they had red liquids on their stomach and heads. He held his hand over the bodies, so he won't burn them.



"Come over here..."



His footsteps echoed the room but then stopped as he looked down at the pile of bodies Shoto was stuck in.

"That's...the guys..."

He nodded. Izuku helped him push them off of Shoto and gave him his hand, lifting him up.

"Someone killed all of them." Izuku whispered to himself.

Shoto looked down at his now red-stained white blouse. He picked the red substance off his blouse with his other finger and smelled it. Izuku looked at him, waiting for his response. He looked at him in return, and licked the red substance into his mouth.


"Its not blood, it's ketchup."


"All of you can get up now...-_-"

Kaminari, Sero, Mineta, and Kirishima sat up on the cold floor, their faces filled with disappointment.

"Dang it, I thought it would work," Mineta said to himself.

"I told you guys my plan was better, BUT NOOOOOO, YOU HAD TO CHOOSE A PEOPHILE OVER ME!!! Kaminari yelled.

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING A PEDOPHILE!?!?! Mineta screamed.

Kirishima just sighed and placed his hand over his eyes, rubbing them.

"Where's Bakugo?" Izuku asked.

"He said he's going meet us at the bar, cause he knew that the plan wouldn't work, and oh how right he was..." Kirishima said, as he cleaned the ketchup out of his face.

"We're going to the bar?..."

"Yeah, why?"

"U-um I don't think t-"

"C'mon, Izuku! Loosen up a little! It's gonna be fun," Kaminari smiled.

"Plus, there's going to be hot babes and maybe even strippers there," Mineta drooled.

"...Who invited him?," Kirishima said.

"Me, but I now regret it." Kaminari replied.

"Lets...just get ready..."

"Do you have a shirt I can borrow." Shoto asked in a monotone voice.

"Ah, yeah, follow me."

       (Back to Mina's hotel room)

(Timeskap to a bar )

"PLEASE SHOW MERCY, URARAKA!!!" Kate pleaded as she went on her knees, clasping her hands together.

Mina got caught by using the toliet, while she was doing her business, but she told her to shoot Kate first, although she was hiding in the bathtub. But Uraraka decided to shoot Mina first and then Kate.

"Don't worry, It won't hurt a bit."

She aimed the bazooka on her face.


Then she pulled the trigger, glitter and dust flew through the air, but when it cleared out, revealing her face filled with 3 pounds of makeup.

"I feel like my face is heavy."

"It's a side effect...Now tell me where is Ashley and Tyusu."

"I don't know."

"Lies!" She yelled, as she pointed the bazooka on Kate's face again. "Tell me or else!"

"Why did Mei created that thing...I HONESTLY DON'T KNOW!!!"

Ururaka sighed as she lowered the bazooka down. She turned to face the cabinets, that's when she caught a glimpse of Ashley's blue orbs. But when she looked back, the door closed. Ururaka smiled and walked over to the cabinets, making Kate  nervous. She placed her hand over the knob and opened the cabinet. Then Tyusu' s tounge reached the handle of the bazooka and pulled it out of Ururaka's hands. She gasped in suprise, as Tyusu gave the bazooka to Ashley with her tounge.

"Your turn." She smirked.

Ururaka laughed nervously until Ashley pointed the "weapon" at her and released the trigger. Glitter flew around the air, making everyone cough. Her face was now filled with makeup.

"Welp, I guess you both won!" Ururaka laughed.

Ashley and Tyusu fist-bumped each other.


"Bakugo asked me out on a date 3 days ago, true or false" Ururaka  asked.

Everyone is currently sitting on the floor in a circle. Apparently, Ururaka came up with a game, called Truth or death, basically, the person will have answer a question about events of their lifetime while the other person will have to guess if it's true or false. If they say it's true but it's actually false or the other way around, they would have to call someone they love, something embarrassing about themselves. But if they refused to due it, then, they'll pour a bucket of ice on the person

(I had to come up with something, but that's  all I got, Don't judge me xd)

"Um I'm gonna go with.....false? Mina answered.

"Nope, it's true."

"Wait, really?"

"Yep, I'm surprised as you are."

"But you're so sweet and he so...sour..." Hagurke jumped in.

"Yeah but if you really get to know him, he has a soft spot, he just doesn't like to showing it to others .

"I don't think that's true..." Jiro said, placing her hand on her cheek.

"Actually, it is." Ashley replied.

Everyone looked at her in confusion.

"It is? How do you know?" They all said in unison.

She sighed. "Well my dear children." Ashley started off sarcastically. "We used to date.

"What happened with the two of you?" Momo asked.

"Things...got complicated..."

Kate looked at Ashley with soft eyes and patted her back in comfort. She gave her a small smile and sighed.

"It was for the best, though."

"...I'm sure it was," Momo softly smiled.


"Well, all the depressed shit aside, True or False, I am part robot and somewhat human."

"Hmm...lets see, you almost show no emotions, you have a very high pain tolerance, but you probrably don't feel pain at all, and there was this one time where you showed a lot of emotions at once, which made you look like melting ice cream. I'd say that would be true." Momo answered.


"Wait, you're a robot! THAT'S AWESOME!!! Mina exclaimed, frailing her arms in the air.

"Moving on, it's your turn Mina."

"O-Oh um ok, Kate, True or False, When I first met Mineta, I thought he was cute."

Kate rubbed her chin. "Um...True?"

"Oof, Wrong..."


"Nope! That was Kirishima, now pick your pun-ishment XD"

"You're not pun-ny, Mina," Tyusu giggled.

"No...just no..." Jiro sighed.

"Why do I chose to hang out with you people..." Ashley spoke to herself.

She grabbed an empty bucket and stood up, walking to the freezer. She opened it, then "vape" started to flow off the freezer. She grabbed a couple of ice cubes that were scattered there, then she placed the bucket in the sink, turning on the tap water, making it fill the bucket. She closed the tap water,carried the bucket , and placed it beside her spot on where she was sitting.

"Ashley, she didn't get to choose yet...,"Mina explained.

"I know her well enough on what's she's going to pick. You'll see."

"W-well you might b-be wrong," Kate stuttered.

Ashley rolled her eyes, as she took out Kate's phone out of her pocket, and hovered it over her hand.

"Show me."


"Show me how I could be wrong," She smirked.

Kate laughed nervously. "I-Its not that hard."

She slowly took her phone out of Ashley's hand, went to her contacts, and called Izuku. The phone started to ring...and ring.......and ring.....until he picked up.

Izuku: Hey, Kate! Is there something wrong?

Everyone squealed except for Tyusu, Ashley, and Kate. Well, she's  actually mentally panicking .

Kate: I-I u-um *coughs* Hi?

She looked over to Ashley. Suddenly, an idea popped on her head, and menacingly smiled.

Kate: Can you bring Shoto over the phone.


Izuku: Sure give me a sec.


"I hope you choke on something, tomorrow morning."


Shoto: Hello?...

Kate: ASHLEH here has something to tell you

She hands over the phone to Ashley. She then glared at her and snatched away from her hand, placing it over to her ear.

Ashley: Hey, Shoto

Shoto: Hello

Ashley: I might need to cut you off and tell you tommorow

Shoto: Alright

Ashley: Bye, hon

Shoto: Bye, love you.

*Ends call*

Ash then dropped the phone then rolled up her sleeves. Kate laughed nervously.

"Is it too late to apologize?"

"You should run..."

(MEANWHILE at the bar)

Kirishima whistled at the bueatiful sight of the bar, while Kaminari, Sero, and Mineta looked at eachother, raising their eyebrows up and down, smiling. A girl with a short skirt and a crop top, walked past them, making Mineta, Kaminari, and Sero chased  after her. She noticed this, and began to run.


Shoto sighed. Kirishima looked at him and Izuku.

"I'm gonna go find Bakugo. Are you guys okay with being alone?"

Izuku and Icyhot both nodded, making him smile.

"Alright then, Have fun!" He said, as he walked away.

They both looked at each other and shrugged.

(Timeskap to 10:30)

"Sir, Don't you think you drank.... enough alcohol?" The bartender said, with her thick southern accent, making Shoto laugh about it.

"Cowgirrrrrl, let me teeeeeelllll you sooommmmmething," He slurred.

"It's Connie...."

"Whattteevvverrrr, anyway."

She sighed. "This is gonna be a long night..." She placed her hand over her pink-blushed cheeks, and waved her hand around signaling him to continue.

*hiccup* "Onnccceee the day oooffff your wwweeedddiinngggg, hehehe, is around *hiccup* the corner, you'llllllll

"I have a wife...."

*burps* "Tehehehehe, weeeelllllll in that caaaassseeeee, *hiccup*........"




His eyes then overflowed with tears and hit his head on the table.


Shoto continued to cry as he placed the bottle of alcohol down. Connie looked at him with sympathy, she used to feel the same why. She slid her hand over her dark brown hair and sighed.

"I'm sure you'll be a good husband."

*hic* I doubt it *hic*

"Well, not everyone is perfect. I'm sure QuickWaters loves the good and bad in you. "

"The heelllll does that meeeaannn?!"

"You won't understand that now, well obviosouly, you're drunk, but you'll understand someday, which I'm guessing is tommorow."

She then walked over the shelves behind her, grabbed a small glass, and then poured a shot of vodka. She raised her glass to Shoto.

"To your marriage."

Shoto giggled and raised his bottle. Connie drank her shot, once she finished, she took out a handkerchief and cleaned it. Shoto drank what's left in the bottle, and burped. Connie grabbed the bottle our of his hand and threw it to a trash can beside her.

"Seriously though, you should stop drinking, if you don't want to be late for your own wedding."

Shoto sighed and burped.

"CONNIE! SHOTO! HELP! PLEEEAASSEEE!" Izuku yelled, as he popped his head out of the...*cough* love room *cough*, gripping on the door while a group of women try to pull him in the room. He has lipstick kiss marks all over his face, his tie was undone, his jacket is ripped, and his blouse had a few buttons missing.

"Dammit! I told them girls he's not available! *groans in frustration* no one listens to me!"

Connie grabbed a staff that was placed under the counter, as she hopped over the the bar counter, trying her best to rescue her friend's fiance.

Shoto laughed to himself as he placed his cheek on top of the cold counter. His eyes felt heavy, but suddenly opened when he hiccuped again. He slowly closed eyes. The noise around him slowly muffled, until he couldn't hear anything. Finally, he passed out.


Shoto opened his eyes and gasped. His vision was very blurry, quickly making him having a headache. He noticed he was lying on the floor, so he sat up, placing his hand over his forehead. Shoto mushed his face together, trying to feel more awake. It somehow made his vision better. He looked around his surroundings, and he went wide-eyed. He inside a elevator, alone.

He didn't feel any clothing on his legs or chest. Shoto looked down at his legs and......he......wasnt wearing any pants....not even...boxers or anything. He looked at his chest and he wasn't wearing a shirt either.  He's just completely...naked. He gripped his hair and mouthed "the fuck".  He stood up and gripped more of his hair tightly, his expression still in shock. He didn't remember what happened last night.

Then the elevator door opened as the  crowd cheered but then slowly stopped with their faces dropping. There was two firefighters on the sides, he thought to himself, was he stuck in a elevator. They awkwardly looked away, some just kept on staring, blushing, while one of them took a picture.

"How long was I stuck here for?" Shoto asked one of the firemen, trying to be calm a possible.

"...A-About 3 and a h-half hours....sir...."

Shoto sighed to himself. "Fuck..."

To be continued.

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