Fandom: Bnha
"Tell me what I'm thinking right now!"
Shinsou settled his cup of coffee on the kitchen table and sighed.
"I told you ten times already...my quirk is not reading minds, my quirk is brainwashing people..."
Kate nervously smiled.
"Sorry. My mind has been stuck in the clouds recently," She joked, as she laughed, slightly punching his shoulder.
He sipped on his coffee and furrowed his brows, but later his expression softened. Shinsou placed the cup back down and looked at her with a slight worried expression.
"What's your name?"
He nodded as he crossed his arms. Kate looked at him confused, but her eyes slowly started to widened.
"I-I...dont know..."
Shinsou stayed silent.
"Have you've been taking your medication?"
"I...uh...I don't remember."
"Guess that means a no..." He mumbled.
Shinsou opened one of the kitchen cabinets and started to look through the shelves, trying to find a small orange bottle of pills. There was only cans of food, pots and pans, so he closed the small door-cabinet. He looked over to Kate.
"Do you know where you keep your pills?"
Kate rubbed her chin and squinted her eyes. "Uh, I think its somewhere in my room."
Shinsou went upstairs to her bedroom, leaving Kate alone in the kitchen, playing with spoons. She looked at her reflection on the spoon and giggled, the spoon made her head big and round while the rest of her body turned small. She kept on making weird faces, trying to make herself laugh. Kate laughed at this, knowing how weird she is right now. If Ashley were here, she would question herself on why and how Kate was her best friend.
Ash is recently in patrol with Izuku right now. Kate was supposed to be with Ashley, but she's...still in recovery...for her memory loss. You see, two weeks ago about the middle of the night, as WhirlWind, of course, she was on the look out for any villains that were doing what they usually do. Izuku wanted to come join her but he had the flu. She didn't want him to overwork himself, so she forced him to stay back at their home and rest. He felt too weak to argue, so he listened to her. Anyway, Kate saw a group of police cars speeding towards the bank, as the sirens echoed through the air, and their lights flashed red and blue. This caught her attention, making her fly to where they were all going, apparently, she over heard the officer's radio in the car, saying that the bank was getting robbed, and they have hostages in there.
She flew ahead and crashed inside the bank, quickly blowing wind to the hostages as they all slid to the exit. The robbers had guns, one of them aimed their gun at Kate. She smiled and flicked her finger, as huge gust of wind went towards him, making him fly towards the wall, hitting his back. The others started shoot bullets at her, quickly making her duck and hide over a table. Kate pushed the long big table towards them, as they fell. One of them, jumped over the table though, taking out a knife from his pocket, and stab her on her stomach. Kate gasped, realizing what just happened. He kicked her away from him, while Kate landed roughly on the ground. She grabbed the knife and held her breath, taking it out real fast, as she yelled in pain. The criminal then took out a crowbar and swung it at Kate, but she luckily dodged. Kate threw her fist near him, as violent gust of wind, threw him across. She sighed in relief, thinking she got all of them. Until, her arm broke by some force. Kate screamed in pain, as she realized she forgot one of them, and he unfortunately has a quirk. The guy pointed his hand towards a wall, making Kate crash through the hard concrete. She slid to the ground and slowly got up, holding her broken arm. His quirk is telekinesis....
Kate round - housed kicked wind at him, but he dodged, and threw a table at her. She flew up as the table shattered the window that was behind her. Unaware of her surroundings, he flew towards her, and placed his rough hands around her neck, as he flew her outside the bank and slamming her onto a road. She kicked him off her. Kate weakly got up and started to punch wind at him again, but got intruppted by getting hit by a truck. The nose of the truck hit her waist, making her fall on the hood of the truck, while her head hitted the windshield, shattering the glass. Kate then unconsciously rolled out of the truck as soon as it stopped moving, and fell on the road, hitting her head again. The criminal just left and continued to rob the bank, as the driver called for an ambulance.
When she arrived in the hospital, doctors reported that she had a broken arm, broken leg, Traumatic brain injury, and a broken pelvis bone. The rest were just cuts and bruises. When the hospital called Ashley about this, she melted a little as she felt sad, angry, and nervous. She then told Izuku what happened, and he quickly hopped out of bed and rushed to the hospital, using all of his energy he had left, while Ashley did the same. Doctors rolled the "bed" that Kate was on, to one of the surgery rooms, since her pelvic bone is severely broken. Ashley and Izuku wanted to follow them, but a nurse stopped them, telling them "Everything is going to be okay."
After that, Kate went into a coma for about three months. Izuku would always be by her side. The doctors allowed him to stay in her hospital room as long as he wishes, since they know who he was, Deku, the number one hero who was the one who saved their city from villains, everyday. Ashley would see him sleeping on the chair he was sitting on, and wake him up to tell him, he should go home. But he refused. When Kate finally woke up, she was met with hugs, tears, and kisses, from Ashley and Izuku, well the tears and the kisses came from mostly Izuku. Sadly, Kate freaked out when she saw Izuku and Ashley. She didn't remember them or anything that happened, she didn't even know who she was.
This of course, made them both sad. Kate stayed in the hospital for several months, waiting for her bones to heal. When it did, she had to learn how to walk again, Ashley helped her stay in balance, while Izuku encouraged her to walk, by saying some pretty inspirational speeches. He was where the support bars ended, while Kate was in the opposite side, in the beginning. She assumed both of them were great friends and thought Ashley was her mother. She had a hard time standing up and trying to move her legs, the bars really helped her with her balance though. When she finally took two or three steps, she falls down, and then calls it a day. The same thing happens every day. Kate was on the edge of giving up, but Ashley's determination wouldn't allow her to. She stayed rehabilitation for six months, until Kate started to walk again. It went something like this.
Kate took a deep breath, as she slowly stood up from her wheelchair, from a little help with Ashley, who was holding her arm. She then slowly let go as Kate shakily placed both of her hands on the metal bars that were on the sides.
"I-I hope this is t-the day I walk again..."Kate whispered to herself.
She used her upper body strength, to help her stand in a perfect posture, as she tried to feel her leg muscles again. Kate slid her hands that were tightly placed on the bars forward while she slowly took a step. She took another step and another, until she lost her balance, but this time she caught herself, by gripping the bars tighter. Kate stood up, and shuffled her feet towards Izuku, gaining her feel of her legs again. Izuku looked at her, surprised by her slowly walking towards him.
As she shakily came closer to him, he wrapped his arms around her, smiling and crying. Izuku then kissed all over her face, making Kate blush with her eyes wide open, in realization.
"W-Wait...are we...u-um..."
He chuckled. "Yeah. We are."
She then turned her head to Ashley, who crossed her arms.
"Are you my.....mother?"
"No....sister, actually." Ash replied, calmly.
She stayed in rehabilitation for one more week, forcing herself to walk normally. After that, she had to regain some of her memories back. Kate had look through a book filled with polaroid pictures, Izuku had to tell her about people and friends that she knows and pull up a photo of them. While Ashley told her the events that has happened throughout both of their lives.
Now, she had to learn how to control her quirk and fight again. She's still working on it. Kate easily passed the basics of her quirk, she just has to learn hand to hand combat, just in case if gets stuck in a situation where she can't use her quirk.
Kate placed the spoon down, as Shinsou came down the stairs, with her bottle of pills in his hand. He threw it towards her as she made an attempt to catch it, but she missed , making the bottle fall on the floor.
"....Who taught you how to catch?..." He rubbed his eyes.
Kate ignored him, and picked the bottle up, as she tried to open it. She struggled to open the white lid up. Kate stopped as her hand started to cramp. She looked over to Shinsou and smiled, giving the pills to him. He sighed at this, as he snatched the orange bottle away from her hand, pushed and turned the lid opened, and gave the bottle and lid to her.
"Thanks :D"
She took two small pills out of the bottle and swallowed them, as placed and turned the lid back on. Kate lifted her head and noticed a picture frame hanging in the wall, inside the frame was a photo of Shinsou and Ashley, looking somewhat happy for having each other's company, as they hold hands. Kate was in the corner of the picture, fangirling over them. She looked over to Shinsou's direction.
"What was your relationship with Ashley like?"
He looked at her surprised but his expression faded, when he went back to his calm tired face. His hand ran through his hair and then stopped at the back of his neck, as he gave her a very small smile.
"Well, its...nothing that I ever experienced before. When we first started dating, I was hesitant at first. I assumed she would lose interest of me in a week but....she stayed. She was different. She understood the suffering I was going through when I was much younger, and she just changed my life around, for the better. I love how strong, smart and skilled she is, I'm basically jealous of her, but love her at the same time. I honestly cherish our relationship."
Shinsou sighed.
"I assume she pretty good in bed, too!" Kate joked.
He quickly gave her a menacing death glare, as she held her hands up, surrendering.
"I was just joking, chill!"
"How would you feel if I asked how Midoriya was like in bed? Hm?!"
"Exactly, now go get ready for training, we are going to work on your hand-to-hand fighting."
"Wait...you know how to fight now?!"
He nodded.
"Your sister taught me a few tricks. I know my strength and speed wasn't the best in the past, but here we are..."
"But I thought Mr. Aizawa-"
"Shhh! let's not talk about that!"
She laughed.
"I thought Ashley didn't like other people training me."
"She...left me in charge...unfortunately..."
Kate hummed.
"Where will we be training exactly?"
"In the basement, now get the hell out of my kitchen." He pointed to the doorway that lead to the living room and the stairs."
"Yes, sir!" She playfully saluted, as she skipped up the stairs.
Shinsou groaned as he made his way to his room.
"This is going to be a long day..."
"Whoah! I didn't know Your and Ashley's basement was a gym!" Kate said, as she looked around the big area.
The walls were painted in a cream color, there was big blue mat that was in the center of the room, while around the room was a lot of workout equipment, and a big mirror on the left side of the room. Shinsou stood on the mat with a tired look on his face, as he placed his hands inside the pocket of his sweatpants. Kate then started to shiver by the cold temperature of the gym, she looked over to him, seeing that he didn't seem that affected by it.
"Why is it so cold down here?"
He raised a brow. "What do you mean?"
She looked at him surprised. "You're wearing a black tank top and you are telling that you're not cold?!"
"Maybe it's just you, now stand on the end of the mat." He demanded.
Kate listened and walked on top of the mat. She began to stretch her arms for about a minute, when she was done she stood still, waiting for Shinsou's orders.
"...Punch me."
"I said, punch me."
Kate slowly raised her fist in the air.
"WITHOUT using your quirk."
She quickly lowered her fist down, and sighed. Kate breathed and exhaled. Then she started to run towards him at full speed, while he stood completely still, with a straight face. When she was close enough, she started to bring her fist to his shoulder, until she felt two pair of hands grab her arm. Kate eyes widened, as Shinsou flipped her over his shoulder, making Kate's back hit the ground. She laid on the ground for a while, processing what just happened. Shinsou looked down at her in disappointment.
"Too slow, again."
Kate cussed under her breath, as she picked herself up from the mat. She went in to her fighting stance, Shinsou went a little closer to her, they're like about five feet away from each other. Kate swiped her foot under Shinsou's feet, this made him jump, she took the opportunity to punch him, she used all her speed to punch him in the chest, luckily she didn't missed. He fell to the floor but he quickly got up, brushing himself off.
"Your punch is too soft, again."
"WHAT?! HOW?!"
Kate groaned in agony, as she went in to her fighting stance....again....Shinsou analyzed her stance, silently judging her. She gave a confused look, tilting her head a bit.
"First of all, your fists are too close towards your face."
"Does my stance really matter?..."
"Yes. A good stance will give you flexibility, range, balance, and stability. Plus, your legs are too close together. Spread them apart, you'll be able to have more space to move from."
Kate looked down at her feet, as she spread them at the opposite ends of each other. She then started to bend both of her knees a bit, as she lowered her fists to where her chest is.
"Like this?"
He nodded.
"Okay, good!"
Kate threw her fist at him, but he grabbed her arm, swinged her next him as he quickly stuck out his foot under her feet, making Kate trip and fall flat on her face. Kate lied there and sighed. She felt very annoyed that she was losing.
"Again, too slow. And always be aware of your surroundings. A lot of things can happen around you when you're not looking. "
She lifted her head as she placed her arms on the mat, looking up at him with her eyes narrowed.
"Dont let your temper take control of you, your quirk is too dangerous for you to explode. Learn to control your emotions, Ashley could help you with that one."
Kate swiped her leg under his, make him trip but he caught himself from falling. She quickly kicked him on his chest, but then she accidentally kicked a strong gust of wind at him instead. He flew to the wall, as Kate gasped, while his back hit the concrete wall. He then fell to the floor but quickly placed his hand on the ground. Kate rushed over to him, and crouched down near him, checking if he was okay.
"I'M SO S-SORRY! I-I ..I-IT SLIPPED OUT! A-ARE YOU HURT?!" She said, as she placed both of her hands over her short-curly hair.
Shinsou slowly sat up, until he grunted, as a sharp wave of pain came out from his back. He narrowed his brows at her.
"C-Can I check?"
He stayed silent and sighed as he nodded. Kate's shaky hands grabbed the ends of his tank top and slowly pulled it up. He twitched a bit. His whole back was red, some places where even bruised, although she doesn't know if that was from the wall or all the training he had done in the past. She quickly pulled the tank top down. He hissed in pain.
"Take it easy, would you!" Shinsou growled.
"Sorry....Uh. Can you stand?"
Shinsou looked down at the ground for a few moments until he slowly picked himself up, he started to pick himself and walked upstairs.
"...I guess that's a yes."
Kate walked upstairs, making her way to the living room, hopping herself on the couch. She wiped her sweat with her forearm and exhaled all the breath she had. Kate closed her eyes, as she tried to make herself fall asleep. Silence filled the room for a good 3 minutes. Kate started to drift off to sleep. Until She heard the front door open and close, at first she didn't do anything. Kate assumed it was Shinsou going outside, until she felt someone's soft pair of lips gently pressed against hers. She quickly pulled away as her whole body shook in fear, but stopped when she opened her eyes, Kate started to feel relaxed again.
"O-Oh, its you," She blushed.
Izuku's expression softened. "How are you feeling?"
He laughed, as Kate giggled. Ashley then walked and stood behind Izuku, as she faced her attention to her friend.
"Where's Shinsou?"
"O-oh, um, h-he's upstairs in his room," Kate nervously said.
Ashley went upstairs, leaving Izuku and Kate alone in the living room. He looked at her and smiled.
"T-There's someone that would like to m-meet you." Izuku stuttered.
He slid the straps off his arms, as he carefully carried and placed his bookbag next to Kate. She looked at him confused but turned her head towards the bookbag. Whatever was inside started to shuffle around but then started to stop. Izuku shuffled closer to his bookbag.
"Its okay.You can come out now." He softly whispered.
They both waited for a few moments until they saw the hood of the backpack slowly lift up. Kate saw her innocent-looking eyes slowly appearing, as she opened the lid all the way. Her ruby eyes glistened by the sun's ray's. She looked at Kate, her face filled with shyness and curiosity, as she moved a strand of her blue-whitish hair away from her face. Kate looked surprised, but slowly sweetly smiled at her.
"Kate,Eri. Eri, Kate." Izuku introduced.
Eri shyly looked up at her and then to Izuku. She pointed her finger towards Kate while he nodded at her. She looked back at Kate and smiled.
●Ashley's POV●
I knocked on his bedroom door, then waited for some sort of response from him. But he did nothing. I knocked again...and still...nothing. Hmm....Did something happen?...
"Shinsou, its me...Ashley..."
"The door is unlocked."
Ashley grabbed the knob that is attached to his door, as she turned it and opened the door slowly. Her icy blue orbs met his purple ones, his eyes softened as Ashley entered the room. Shinsou was just laying down his bed
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