Old Friend
Fandom: Eddsworld
(Ashley's POV)
It was a sunny morning and I'm still in bed while the rest was eating breakfast. The smell of bacon filled my room, I want to get up but I'm too lazy to make any movements.
At least it's quiet.......
For a few seconds when Kate kicked my door open.
"Gooooooooddddd mmmmmooorrrrnnniiiiinnnnnng mmmmmmyyyyy goooodddd ffffrrrreeeeiiinnddd!!!"
I groaned. "Can you shut up, I'm sleeping."
Kate laughed and grabbed a tray of food, laying it on the side of my bed. I sat up and saw the food with stars in my eyes. In the tray there was pancakes, eggs, mini chocolate cupcakes, and a cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream.
"It's beautiful," I said, amazed.
"Tord made it, I'm surprised that he can cook, he's a better chef than me," Kate giggled. "Also a old friend of ours is going to visit us, it's going to be fun!"
"And who is this old friend."
"You'll see," She said, smiling while she walked out my room.
Welp. At least I can eat now.
Timeskip )
I walked downstairs and saw Edd, Matt, Tom,Tord, and Kate sitting on the couch watching "The Children." Empty cans of cola were scattered everywhere and there was mustard stains on the floor.
"Um, guys? You do realize that someone is going to come here," I sighed.
"Wait........Who?"Edd asked.
"I don't fucking know."
"Language!!!" Matt screamed.
"Shut up Matt!!!" I growled.
"Hey!!! That's not nice!!!"Kate yelled.
"You shut up as well!!!"
"Shut up Ash, before you start a fight again!!!" Edd yelled.
"Don't tell me to Shut up, Gould!!!"
"Ashley, can you please shut the hell up," Tord growled.
"THAT'S IT!!!"
I ran towards Tord with a knife until Kate grabbed my leg while Edd grabbed my hoodie, which made me fall to the floor. But that didn't stop me as I got up again and shoved both of them out of my way. Edd grabbed Kate's yo-yo out from her pocket and threw it towards my leg, he pulled the string and I fell again....Tord was laughing.
"Kate! Tom! A little help here?!"Edd shouted as he struggled to hold the string. I was crawling my way to Tord, ready to hunt him down.
"Right!" Kate exclaimed, as she ran towards Edd and helped him drag me towards them. "Tom, why aren't you helping?"
"I really want to see her kill Tord sooooooooooo yyeeeeeaaaahhh," Tom replied, as he sat on the floor, eating popcorn.
Kate glared at Tom until I grabbed the string and cut it. Edd and Kate fell backwards as Tom was laughing.
I ran towards Tord again until the doorbell rang.
(Edd's POV )
Everyone looked at each other and ran to the couch, watching TV while I answered the door. I opened it slowly and I saw a man with Black hair, dark brown eyes, and a dark purple hoodie.
"Can I help y-"
I was interrupted by Kate pushing me to the other side and stood on the front door with a big smile on her face.
"Derrick !!! It's good to see you again!!!" Kate said happily throwing hes hands in the air.
"HEY KATE, ITS BEEN A WHILE!!!" Derrick exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air, also.
"Come in, you've missed a lot."
Kate and Derrick both went inside as he carried a black bag into the house. Ash got up to her feet and saw Derrick, she ran towards Derrick and said...
"Um the sky?"
They both laughed. While they both were having a conversation I walked over to Kate and ask who he was.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you, he's an old friend of mine," Kate replied. "I'm sure he'll get along with the others just fine."
"How long is he going to stay?" I asked.
"Just for today. He has some busy stuff he needs to do."
"Okay but are you sure that your both.... Just friends?"
"Edd.... Are you jellyous?!
She crossed her arms.
"Only a little bit."
"Don't worry, he's just a friend, besides, no one is the most Creative and loyal person in this house than you."
"I guess your right," I blushed.
She laughed. I put my hand over her cheek, I never realized how soft her face was until now.
"E-Edd....we s-shouldnt do thi-"
I put my finger on her lips to make her stop talking. Then I placed my other hand on her other cheek and smiled as she looked down to hide her blush from me. I put my hand on her chin, and softly lifted her head up to face me.
"Don't be so shy, Kate," I whispered.
She nervously nodded.
I went closer, closer and closer towards her lips...
Until Ashley pushed my face away from Kate's.
"NOPE!" Ash said.
"Really Ash, I never do that to you when you are about to kiss Tom!" I growled.
"I'm trying to keep her innocence!"
"What innocence?!"
Ash pointed to Kate, which she was drawing all over on Tom while he is sleeping with Derrick and Tord.
"Um, I think you need to make Tom to calm down," Matt said, as he pointed to Tom running towards Kate, Tord and Derrick with a flamethrower, they were running and taking cover, while Tom is burning the house down to find them. "Where the hell are you?!"
I looked at Ash and Matt looked at her as well, making a "C'mon" face.
"Fine," She groaned as she grabbed a napkin and put chloroform on it, and walked over to Tom. She jumped behind his back put the napkin over his mouth and nose. He struggled to take the napkin off but he fell on the floor unconscious. Everyone looked at each other and then to Ash, wide-eyed.
"What?" She's said, confused.
"I thought you were just going to talk to him..." I replied.
"Nah, that's for weaklings"
"YAY, WE HAVE SLAYED THE BEAST!" Kate exclaimed as she threw her fist in the air.
"Let's eat!" Tord smiled. She looked at him in disgust and stepped a few inches back. "What?!"
"Anyways, I'll be taking Tom to his room" Ash said, as she dragged Tom upstairs and to his room.
Everyone was fine except for Kate's Hoodie ●︿●. She was weeping over her burnt up hoodie while the rest had their hoodies. Welp....
(Timeskip again.....)
Everyone was sitting on the couch watching "The Cats", Ash sitting next to Matt and Derrick as I'm on the chair couch(Is that even a word? ) and Kate was sitting on the floor with a white blanket wrapped around her, since her hoodie got burned, she's not used to not wearing a hoodie and whenever I try to slowly take the blanket off she would pull the blanket to her until I lost my grip on it.
Tom and Tord entered the room....drunk. Both of them were leaning on the wall, hiccuping with beers in their hands.
"OOOHHH Can I have some?" Derrick said.
"Suuuurrrreee,"Tord slurred. He handed him a beer, he drank the whole thing and quickly got drunk. "Oh god...." Derrick ran to the bathroom and vomited on the toilet.
"Heeeeyyyy Asssshhhh whhhyy ddooonn't yoooouuu haaavvvee aaa drrriiinnkk" Tom slurred as he fell on her lap.
"I'll pass."
"Pppprrreeetttyyyy ppplllleeeaaasssee?!"
Tom handed Ash smirnoff as he sat next to her with his other arm around her waist. She drank the whole thing and then she started to feel dizzy.
"Thaaaattt stuuufff isssss sttttrrrooonggg,"She slurred. "Heeeeyyyy Kaaaatttteee whhhhyyyy doooonnnttt yooouuuu drriiinnkk soommmee?
"Okay!" Kate said excitedly. As she was about to grab the drink, I grabbed her wrist to stop her. "Please don't do this."
"Don't worry, Edd," She said smiling as she grabbed the drink and took a sip. I looked at her to see her reaction but surprisingly she's not drunk, not even dizzy.
"It tastes like water to me,"She said as she shrugged her shoulders. I snatched the drink away from her and took a sip, suddenly I start to feel a bit woozy in my stomach.
"Ugh, I don't feel so good,"I said while standing up and walking upstairs to the bathroom. Kate followed behind me, just in case something happens to me. She opened the door for me and I ran to the toilet vomiting as Kate rubbed my back.
(Derrick's POV)
I was taking photos of Ash and Tom well.... you know  ̄︶ ̄ until Tord called me in the kitchen. When I entered I see cans of cola in the trash bag and a empty fridge, he told me his plan and OH Boy. This is going to be fun.
(Matt's POV )
"Your the most beautiful person I have ever seen in my life,"I said to my reflection as I stroked the mirror and kissed it. But then I was interrupted by the sound of knocking on my door. "I'll be back."I put down my mirror and opened the door, Derrick was standing there with a water balloon launcher, then I covered my face with my arms.
"NOT THE FACE!!!" I screamed. Then he shot a bunch of water balloons at me, but it turns out to be cola instead of water. I fell to the ground and crawled under my bed. He shot Cola balloons all over my bedroom as wet all of my mirrors and my toy collection ╥_╥ he then walked out of my room and went to Tom's bedroom. I really want to warn him but I'm stuck here.
(Tom's POV)
"Fuck!!! It's in deep!!!" I groaned in pain.
"Don't worry, I'll take it out, but this might hurt a bit," Ash said. She grabbed a clipper and gently pulled my arm towards her lap, then she took the pieces of glass off my arm.
"You know you're a dumbass for leaving pieces of broken glass bottles on the floor."
"Yeah..... "
She grabbed a roll of bandages and wrapped it around my arm until she was disturbed by the knocking of the door (Welp... Fuck). I got up to answer the door and as I opened it, I was wet by all the balloons thrown by Derrick......what a piece of shi-(LANGUAGE!!!!) he then ran to the bathroom and it was silent.....
Until I heard a high pitched scream, it's probably Kate. Then Ashley started laugh about me being wet (My mind was in the gutter, while I was typing this.... ) guess I'm going to change. I grabbed her wrist and threw her out of my room and locked the door. Hopefully she won't kill me...
(Kate's POV)
"Aaaaahhhhhhhh,"I screamed as Derrick was throwing Cola balloons at me. I tripped backwards and landed on my butt on the tub (XD), Edd was just standing there laughing while I was being Cola-d (Can't spell today ( ̄へ ̄). Then after Derrick used all of his balloons he ran out and yelled "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!" as he high-fived Tord. Meanwhile, I'm still in the Cola- filled tub with strands of hair covering my face.
"Can I join," Edd snickered. (Brought to you by Snickers the candy bar )
"Sure,"I said, sarcastically.
He jumped in making a splash and which made the walls and the floor wet. He pulled out a cup out of nowhere and scooped a cup of cola from the tub and drank it. "So-da lisous," (AAYY!!)
I laughed over his sweet pun. (I tried XD)
As Edd and I got out of the tub, Derrick was packing his things to get ready to go home. We all lined up to the door to say bye to him. Matt hugged him and gave him some skin lotion, Tom just said bye, Edd said "it was nice meeting you, I hope we can meet again", Ashley hugged him a goodbye while Tom crushed his bottle of Smirnoff into a million of pieces, Tord said Bye to him and gave him a gun, And me well...... We did our secret handshake. Then he walked out of the door and to his home.
Ashley collapsed to the floor and said "FINALLY!!!"
Then it was silent.....
Until we laughed.
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