Life And Death
Fandom: Death Note
Ashley_Fanfic (Imma Tags yous agains) 😁
Blank space 👌
🎶 Oh my god look at his face🎶
*Ashley jumps in and looks at the fourth wall*
" If you're feeling suicidal you've come to the right place"
Ash and Kate were standing in front of the entrance of their collage, The light pink petals from the blossom trees as it slowly and softly fall to the ground made Ashley feel relaxed. She took a deep breath from the cold air and sighed, the scene in front of them was beautiful , it reminded Ashley of her mother. She smiled softly gazing at the trees leading the path to college. Tears started to form in the corner of her eyes, but quickly wiped them away with the back of her hand.
Her Mom was kind, selfless, and Beautiful. Her snow-colored hair shined from the sunlight and moonlight, her ocean eyes looked soft and gentle, and her smile... it could stop a war. She was always on Ashley's side, whenever she felt sad, Mrs. Valentine would shower her with kisses and hugs, she showed her love everyday.
Until that day, Ashley's father came home... He hasn't seen her since the day she was born, but when she's was eight... He was there, looking fucked up. She felt scared when he saw him, she didn't know him, Ashley ran to the kitchen, yelling "THERES A STRANGER IN OUR HOUSE!" but her father covered her mouth with his hand. He threw her into a closet and locked it, she punched and kicked the door to open but it didn't budge. Ashley looked around her surroundings, she couldn't find anything useful, there was only clothes. Ashley could here her parents yelling at each other but she couldn't hear clearly on what they were saying.
Her knuckles started to bruise as she kept banging and punching the locked door, until a horrifying scream started to fill the whole house. Ashley screamed her mother's name with tears rolling down her cheeks, she started to back to door away and ram through the wooden door, breaking through. Her eyes widened as she saw her, lying on their pool of her own blood, a knife through her chest, and a scared look on her face.
Her dad turned to Ashley with murderous look on his face. He began to walk towards her, as she walked backwards to the front door that was open, still making eye contact. But then Ashley started to run as he chased after her, she kept running and running until she bumped into another eight- year old girl . They both fell down, but she picked her self up and kept on running, the girl looked confused, she looked where she was running away from as she picked up her yellow bookbag. She saw a man running passed her, she tilted her head until she saw a knife covered in blood on his left-hand. She gasped, the black-haired girl stood up as fear started to crawl up in her, but snapped herself out of it and started to run after Ashley. She took a shortcut into a dark alleyway, goosebumps started to form in her skin but that didn't stop her. She stopped at end of the alley way and waiting for her to run pass by. Then footsteps started become louder as she came closer until she reached and grabbed Ashley's arm, pulling her out of the street. She looked at her in a frightened expression as she tried to catch her breath. The girl gave her a friendly smile until she heard another pair of footsteps, they both quickly hid inside the empty trash bins as he entered the Alley way.
"🎶 Ashley, where are you, I only want to spend some time with you 🎶 " He said, with a hint of insanity in his voice, as his dark-colored hair covered his icy blue eyes.
The girl took out a flip-phone and started to dial and call 911.
"We're in a dark alleyway hiding in empty trash bins, a man is holding a knife covered in blood, we're located in 667 5th, please h-"
Before she could finish her sentence, Ashley's dad opened the bin, pulled her out and threw her to the wall. She screamed in pain and tears as her arm broke due to her crushing her arm as she was thrown to the concrete wall. He lifted her up from the ground and started to choke her.
Tears rolled down her cheeks as she held his wrist tightly with her other arm, while she tried to kick him in the stomach with her short legs, but failed for each attempt. Ashley placed her hands over her hair, she needed to help her. Ash looked around and then her eye spotted onto a broken bear bottle, she quickly smashed the half bottle into pieces and grabbed a large glass piece with pointy edge at the end of the glass. Ashley tightly gripped the glass in anger, as she looked at his dad, making her hands bleed. Ash ran towards him with full speed and stabbed him on the back with all her strength, yelling in anger. Blood squirted from the wound to her face, she looked at him emotionless, as he laid on the ground frantically telling her to help him, as the girl gasped and coughed from the lack of air that stopped flowing around her.
Then lights of red and blue started to flash near the Alleyway. Two cops came out of the vehicle and pointed out their guns on the Alleyway, but then they were hit with shock, making them lowering their weapons. They saw Ashley face covered with blood as her arms and legs were filled with cuts and bruises and her father on the ground gasping for air. The officers looked at each other and to the man that was holding a knife.
Ashley sat on the back of the ambulance as the girl was placing her arm in a cast. Once she was done, she sat next to her and smiled softly. Ash looked at her in silence.
"Where are you're parents?"
The girl smile faded away l and looked down at her feet.
"No...I never met them since I was three. They left me in a bakery."
Ashley looked down at her feet.
"What about you?"
"My mommy's dead..." She said, in tears.
The girl looked up at her and sadly frowned as she braced in for a hug. Ashley tightly gripped around her as she cried on her the shoulder. "I'm sorry to hear that."
Ash gently lift her head up and wiped her tears, as she sniffed her stuffy nose.
"Hey why don't you come with me, I live in a orphanage, I dont want you to sleep in the streets."
Ash looked up and slowly nodded.
The girl smiled and reached out her hand towards her. "I'm Kate."
She looked down at her hand and shook it. "Im Ashley."
Kate patted Ashley's shoulder as she saw her tears roll down her cheeks.
"She must've been a good person," Kate stated.
Ashley nodded. "She was..."
She looked down at her watch and then her eyes went wide open.
But before she could finish her sentence, Ashley grabbed her wrist and dashed inside the building. The squeaking from her shoes echoed the hallways, as everyone started to go to their classroom, she then started to slow down and followed the rest if the students as Kate did the same. We all entered the classroom and took our empty seats that already had a stack of books, the lesson bored the two of them, but Ashley did the work anyway, while Kate was doodling on the desk. The rest of the day was like any other school day, boring, no fun, and other stuff.
(Ashley's POV)
It was time to go home...finally. We were walking out of the school and to the road of the exit as petals started fall around us, Kate smiled.
"This place looks like painting, filled with warm colors, even if the air feels cold, it can make you feel warm inside."
I sighed. "Yeah it sure d-"
Then I felt something fall on top of my head as the item fell to the ground.
"What the fuck?"
Kate bursted out in laughter, as she held her straps from her bookbag. "Trying to get some of that knowledge, I see."
"Well dont you get it? The book just fell on your head."
I looked down at the item, she was right, it was a white-covered notebook, that had empty pages on it, but what startled me was what the golden text said in front of the cover.
Life Note
I looked back at Kate as she shrugged her shoulders and grabbed the notebook. She turned to the first page, it showed the main rules, however there wasn't a lot though...
1. If you write the name of the deceased in this book, they will come back to life.
2. You must picture the person's face in your head as you write their name down
3. Do NOT abuse its power for wrong doings and selfish needs
4. If you make this book no longer usable, every person that touched this book will die
5. The number limit to write names a day is three.
6. If the body is turned into dust by fire, this will not take effect
We both looked at each other, this must be a prank right...? I checked my surrondings but there was no one was outside ... Okay...
Kate began to place the book on her bright yellow bookbag and walked off, as I followed.
"What the fuck you think you are doing?!"
She stopped and spun to my direction.
"We're taking it home, duh."
I furrowed my brows.
"We don't even know what it does plus what will Near and L think about this, they're both working on the the Kira case!"
"Ash, chill, I'll just hide it."
"And exactly where, smartass?!"
"In my room?"
"But what if they find it?"
She opened her mouth but nothing came out, so she quickly closed it. I smirked as I knew that I won the battle.
"I'm still taking it with me though."
I groaned.
I flopped on a spinning chair, my feet were killing me. Near looked at me and backed to the monitors, as he smiled to himself.
( Near is going to be 18 in this chapter, just to keep it safe :D)
"I see you had a long day, Ms. Valentine," He said, keeping his eye on the monitors, as he rolled a dice around his fingers.
I turned my head to him. "Something like that."
He softly chuckled at my sarcasm. I looked up at the monitors, Light and L were starting to fight, when he punched L, L went flying across the room as he was pulled with him. But when L kicked Light, he flew halfway across the room but L was pulled so hard that he jerked foward as they violently crashed into and broke the couch and the chair and simotinastly flipped the table. Misa was just standing there, shrieking and acting surprised, while Kate was recording the whole thing on her phone, cheering L on. This is the type of shit we all get involved on. Matsuda began to pick up the phone and dial a few numbers in as he pressed it against his ear. In the monitors, a phone started to ring, L picked it up and hung it over to his ear.
"Ryuzaki I got good news! Misa-Misa is number one in Eighteen magazine's popularity poll!"
"Oh I see..."
"And get this, she going to get a lead roll for nisha naki's next movie!"
Then he hung up. I rubbed my eyes in disappointment.
"What was that," Light asked.
"Matsuda is acting stupid again..." He replied.
"Well...that is his speciality."
"Im right here ya know" Matsuda said quietly.
I pushed my chair next to Near and layed my head against his shoulder. But he quickly, shifted his shoulder away from me.
"You know we can't do this in front of people, even when there's a Kira suspect in the building"
"I know but why doesn't L and Kate aren't doing the same thing as us."
"They are."
I huffed as he sighed.
"Listen, this is for you're and everyone else's safety. When this is all over, I will make it up to you." He said, softly, as he placed his dice on top of my head.
I smiled and nodded. I grabbed the dice and gave it back to him, Near gladly took it and looked back at the monitors, as he played a strand of his snow-colored hair.
I walked out of the room and began to walk to Kate's room. I opened the door, seeing Light sitting in a chair with his arms crossed, smiling. Wait a minute...
"How the fuck did you come all the way down here?"
"I have my ways."
He began to pull out a white notebook from his back pocket as he kept his devilish smile stuck on his face.
"Where did you get that?"
"No, Where did YOU get this?!"
I growled. He started laugh as he opened the first page of the notebook.
"Hmmm....Just like the death note, how interesting."
"Death note?"
Light looked up at me, smiling again, with a look of insanity in his eyes. I kept my eye on notebook as he began to take out another notebook. Except it look similar to the one we had but it was Black and it had a silver text saying "Death Note" on the cover.
The notebook must have the same rules as the other, right? You just only need a name and face to kill that person...My eyes started to widened in realization.
"You're Kira..."
He placed both of the notebooks on a wooden table and chuckled.
"I guess you solved the case, detective."
Light started to stand up and head for the door, but I had enough with this shit. I grabbed his arm and threw him to the floor. a look of surprise started to show on his face, as I took out some handcuffs. Light kicked me in the face as I fell to the floor with a stream of blood running down my nose. Then I snapped, I quickly got up and ran towards him as I formed my hand to a fist. But he dodged as I punched to the wall, he grabbed both of my wrists and pinned me to the wall. I tried to pull away from his grip but he held my wrists even tighter that it made blood stop flowing around my hand.
"I guess your plan catching me was fail, huh," He laughed as I narrowed my eyes.
Light began to lean closer to my ear, making his breath tickle, as I shivered. HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF PERSONAL SPACE!!!!
"Y'know I could really use some determination like yours, I would love you to be a part of my prefect world."
He started to brush his lips against my jawline as I tried to kick him in the leg but he dodged. Damn It!
Luckily, I heard footsteps coming towards the door. Thank Cheetos I've been saved.
"If you mention anything about me being Kira, I will end your life first and make Kate's death brutal." He whispered as he backed away from me, letting go of my wrists.
Light started to put the death note in his back pocket and hide the Life note under Kate's bed.
The door opened, revealing to be Kate on the doorway. She looked confused as she saw Light reading a..."graphic magazine" while I leaned on the wall, crossing my arms.
"Why are you guys in my room?"
Light placed the magazine down, slightly, in order to see Kate.
"Because Its comfortable here."
"Ah...I see"
"Can I ask a question?"
"You just did!"Kate giggled as Light scoffed.
"How long have you guys been together?"
She frozed up as a confused look started to plaster in her face. He began to smile mischievously, but stars started to form in Kate's eyes. She wrapped her arms around and started to squeeze for a hug, making me gasp for air.
"We've been friends ever since when we were little." She smiled brightly.
Light hummed in response and started to head out to the door. "It was nice talking with you two while it lasted."
Kate started to analyze Light's body movements, the result...he seems too perfect...strange. She closed and locked the door, looking at me with a worried look. I felt confused until I tried to look where she was looking, there was a slip of folded paper in my pocket. I unfolded it slowly, as Kate kept on watching, tugging her sleeves around her hands. Here's what the note said:
"Meet me in the nearest hotel in
Room: 67B, at six o'clock, don't be late ;)"
Kate checked and grabbed the notebook from under her bed and sighed in relief.
"Hey Kate..."
Her head perked up.
"Let's do some...experiments on the notebook."
She smiled as she started to grab a pen and opened to an empty page, while sitting on the floor. But I grabbed both the pen and notebook from her.
"With Near."
"Aww :("
Near began to analyze everything about the notebook with a pair of rubber gloves on. He read all of the rules and looked carefully at every page, as he twirled a strand of hair.
"Interesting..."Near muttered. "Where did you find this?"
I began to crouch down on the floor next to him. "Well oddly enough, it just fell from the sky and landed on top of my head."
Kate held her laughter with her hand as I gave her a death glare.
"Was anyone there when the scene occured?"
I shook my head.
"What were your first thoughts about the notebook."
"I was somehow dangerous but it could possibly solve this case."
He turned his head to Kate's direction.
"And what about you?..."
Kate awkwardly looked at us with her mouth full from cake, as some of the cake's frosting were on her cheek. I rubbed my eyes in embarrassment as Near kept his blank expression. She swallowed the cake with one big gulp and quickly placed the plate down, clearing her throat.
"Well I wanted to use it but Ashley told me not to."
Near hummed as he closed the notebook.
"Is there anything else you want to show me, Valentine?"
I took out the slip of paper from my pocket and handed it to him, Near gladly took it. He began to read the note, while I watched him, waiting for his reaction, but he closed the slip of paper and gave it back to me, showing no emotion like he often does.
"We will place cameras and microphones around the room, I want you to act as yourself as possible, he will start to look at your every move, if you're acting suspicious or not."
I nodded. Near began dig his hand into his back pocket and took out silver necklace locket (I think that's what there called, Im also too lazy to describe what it looks like sooooooooo...)

"I also want you to where this when you are with Light,"He gently grabbed my hand and placed the necklace on top of it. "Inside the locket is a tracking device and the diamond is a button that will signal us if you are in trouble."
I placed the necklace on my back pocket, smiling to Near. "Thank you."
He smiled and nodded in reply.
"Hey guys it's 5:30, shouldn't she get ready by now." Kate asked, as she looked away from the clock.
"Yeah I guess I should,"I said as I stood up and began to walk out of the room. "Wish me luck..."
(No one's POV)
Ashley began to enter the hotel room as Near, L, and Kate are watching the scene. She closed the door behind her, walking inside. It was semi-dark and warm in the room, the lights were also dimed making the scene look... *shudders* romantic.
Then she saw Light leaning against the wall with a black suit on, what is he up to?
"Hey Light, why did you dim the lights?"
"To save power,"He said.
"And I want to suck your dick."
"Just to save power, " He replied.
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