I "Love" You
I started to shiver as the cold started to fill the air. I placed the blanket over my head, trying to warm myself up, but apparently the blanket was not thick enough to create warmth. So she just layed on the bed, shivering while sleeping.
Until she felt a pair of arms, wrapping around her. She popped her head out of the blanket and saw Tom sleeping and snoring. She sighed and kissed his cheek goodnight. Tom started to smile until he fell asleep. Ashley started to wrap her legs around his waist and rest her head and hands on top of his chest. She started to feel her eyelids getting heavy, then she fell asleep.
Tord began to enter Tom's room.
"Hey Tom, have you seen-
He stopped his words as he saw them both sleeping, hugging together. He sighed and started to head out but he got stopped by a feeling... a feeling that he can't resist. He looked back at Ashley and cussed himself on what he was about to do.
"Fuck it"
He left the door open and started to walk towards Ashley. He then stopped in front of her and begin to put his hand on her cheek. He stroked her cheek softly, feeling her smooth and soft skin. Goosebumps started to run through his skin. He bit his lip, not wanting to risk waking up Tom and Ashley. But he really wanted to do it.
He started to lean towards Ashley's face, he kissed her cheek, her forehead, and lastly her lips. He leaned back, walking towards the door. He looked at her one last time.
"I wish you were mine."
Then he left the room.
Timeskip to ze morning
Ashley's Pov
"WAKE UP, MOTHER FUCKERS!" Kate screamed, as she clashed the pans together.
Everyone groaned as they walked out of their rooms.
"Can you stop being loud for 5 fucking seconds," Tom mutters.
"I JUST HAD 5 CUPS OF COFFEE!" She stated, as her eye started to twitch.
"Okay, I believe you need to calm down for a bit," Edd said, as he dragged Kate to his room and locked the door.
I looked at Tom and shrugged.
"It won't take long."
He just nodded and went downstairs to the kitchen. Tord and Matt headed to the living room. As for me, I'll just follow Tom.
As soon as I entered the kitchen, I smelled smoke coming from the stove. Tom quickly grabbed a fire extinguisher and sprayed it on a pan.
"Yeah I'm pretty sure I don't deserve the 'Kiss the cook' apron."
I rolled my eyes.
"Oh Tom."
"That's what you said two nights ago."
"You're not denying it."
"But I hope you enjoyed that night~"
He slowly slided up his hands to my curves as he started to kiss my neck. He then slid his hand under my hoodie and made its way to the chest region. I moaned a bit until Matt and Kate entered the scene.
"I heard moaning, IS SOMEONE HURT?!" Matt panicked.
"I GOT THE FIRST AID KIT!" Kate exclaimed.
Tom and I were frozen in the awkward position were in. Kate and Matt both stared at each slowly scooted away from the situation as Tord slowly claps in amusement. We both started to get out of the position that we were in as Tom started to sit on the couch, awkwardly. I sat between Tom and Tord, while Matt and Kate sat on the floor, things escalated from there.
Matt's Pov
I leaned to Kate's ear and whispered about a couple of things I've seen last night. When I whispered the last part, Kate looked at me, in a bit of shock.
"He wouldn't do that, right Tord," Kate said, as she turned her head towards Tord with a smile on her face.
He started to sweat as his face started to turn red a bit, maybe the room was getting hot for him... Or maybe... It's something else...
"I'm not understanding what you are saying," He replied, with his thick accent.
"Let me make it clear for you, Do you like Ashley? Kate answered.
Tom started to cough and choke on his own spit while Ashley started to pat his back. Honestly, I really didn't want to create drama but.... Um... It happens. I didn't wanted to ruin their relationship either.
"N-No I don't," He said, nervously.
"Oh okay."
Kate turned her head at me and smiled, in return I smiled, nervously. Where is Edd when you need him? All I want to do is look at my reflection for the whole week, giving him compliments on how good they look today.
"What?" I said.
She turned to where Tord was sitting but he wasn't there.
"And surprisingly Matt is not the one yelling right now,"Ashley replied.
She kinda does have a point, I have been acting weird lately. I probably woke up in the wrong side of the bed, who knows.
I started to get off the floor and began to check on Tord. I walked upstairs and checked his room. He wasn't there. I knocked on Edd's door, no answer, I knocked again, still no answer, I began to open the door, seeing a sleeping Edd on the bed. Kate really did took the energy out of him, handling her must've been hard. I closed the door, and continued to look for Tord, I checked all the rooms...well except for one... Ashley's room...
I began to open the door, and saw Tord...sniffing Ashley's undergarments and clothes. He continued doing until he spotted me. I'm lost in words, he then started to offer me one of her undergarments.
"Want some?"
I smacked the underwear away from his hand.
"Are you serious! I'm telling Ashley..."
I started to walk away until Tord grabbed my leg, which made me fall flat on my face.
"Please don't, I know I have a weird obsession over Ashley but don't tell the others, I need this," He begged.
"You hurted my face! Again!"
"Just please don't tell them..."
I looked at Tord, he had worry in his eyes, I sighed. Honestly I felt sorry for him , but a part of me felt a bad feeling about this.
"Okay... I won't tell, as long as you don't make things weirder."
"Thank you, Matt"
Tord started to let go from my leg as I picked myself up from the ground, dusting off the invisible particles from my clothes.
"Hey Matt, would you help me get Me and Ashley... Getting much closer" He grinned.
"I don't know...
"Please Matt, I can't do this alone. Just find out what she likes and tell me everything about her.
I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Fine but if I get caught you're going to help me out of this."
"Thanks Matt
He then continued, sniffing Ashley's clothes. I closed the door and made my way back to the living room.
I sat on the floor as a wave of regret start to flow on my body.
"You okay, you look... Sad..."Kate said.
She put her hand on my shoulder, I looked back at her, her face was filled with worry. I didn't want to worry her even more or get Tord into trouble ... So I said...
"I'm fine."
She smiled a bit as she removed her hand from my shoulder and started to watch the news. I didn't wanted to lie to her, she's my best friend, she gets me and knows me, I don't want to make her feel betrayed.
Why did I agreed to do this...
Timeskip to the middle of the night
I couldn't sleep. A lot of thoughts were in my mind, and I just couldn't shoo them away. I could do it before but now I just couldn't anymore. I sipped on the warm milk and placed the cup on the table again. I should've think twice before I made the decision to help Tord out.
Then I heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen, I knew it was Tord, he always shifted his feet when he feels tired. He sat beside and took my cup of milk, drinking it.
"Hey! That was my MILK!" I shrieked.
"Shh! Keep your voice down, your going to wake the others up" He loudly whispered.
I sighed.
"So what's the plan," I mumbled.
"First thing in the morning, you have to take Edd, Tom, and Kate somewhere, so me and Ashley will be alone in the house, bonding and... Stuff."
"Then after that, I'm going to take her somewhere that will leave her speechless, then she'll end up with me."
"I don't think she will just end up with you, that quick."
"This plan will work, besides what do you know about love"
I gripped the table tightly. I was about to speak until he interrupted me.
"Besides looking at yourself in the mirror." He interrupted as he sipped on the milk.
I looked down at the table. The kitchen went quiet until I broke the silence.
"I was in a relationship, once..."
Tord putted the cup down, slowly. He looked at me in shock.
"I shot her with the mind erasing gun, and erased almost all of her memories. Which included our relationship...So I decided it was best if we were just friends, I didn't want to put her in danger because of me."
Tord patted my back.
"Must've been hard."
"It was at first but I started to get used to it."
The sun started to rise up.
"If you don't mind, who was the girl that you were dating with..."
"Oh it was... "
"WAKEY WAKEY EGGS WITH BAKEY!!!" Kate screamed as she hitted the pots together.
"Looks like there up,"Tord answered.
Kate continued to clasp the pots together until Edd removed the pots from her hand.
I walked to my room to get dressed, putting my purple hoodie, and green overcoat on. I looked myself at the mirror, I noticed I had bags under my eyes. They probably won't notice anyways, so I left the room and headed to the living room.
The smell of bacon and eggs started to fill the air, I looked in the kitchen, Tom was helping out Ashley with the cooking, it's nice to see them together, it makes me think how happy they could be to start a family.
Tord was talking to Edd about making the others hangout with me while Kate sitting on the couch upside down, watching the television.
Sometimes I feel... Left out...I don't know why. Everyone seems so happy while I'm trying to figure things out. For an example, accepting the fact that we are growing up and how things can turn into chaos. Things like that just... I don't know... Worry me.
"HEY MATT! HEY MATT! HEY MATT!" Kate repeated, as she poked my cheek.
I smiled.
"HEY KATE! HEY KATE! HEY KATE! I mimicked, poking her cheek.
"I'm booooorrrreeeeddd!"
"No worries, we're going to la mall."
"Whatever you want!" I cheered.
I laughed and ruffled her hair. She then giggled and tried to ruffle mine but I grabbed her hand and placed it over her other hand.
"I just did my hair, Kate"
"Not really, That's your bed head," She pointed out.
"Well I'm going for a new look."
"Yeah...looking like a pinecone," She laughed.
I sticked my tongue at her.
"Sorry Matt 😂"
Ashley started to call us for breakfast as the rest of us headed to the table, taking our seats.
"Morning, Katie" said Edd.
"Morning Eddie," Kate replied.
She kissed Edd's cheek as he did the same, I smiled a bit.
Ashley's POV
My head started to hurt as Matt started to speak about all of his hanging out in the mall. Sometimes, I question his existence but Edd and Kate said that he's part of this...."Family"...
Although, today he looked a little bit different, actually he looks kinda depressed...that's something you don't see in Matt everyday. But hey... look at me and Tom, we're both depressed.
I started to eat my bweakfast, enjoying the smooth and crispness of the bacon, as for the eggs, the looked so golden and soft, I was practically drooling on the inside. Suddenly, I started to feel a weird vibe, I looked over at the rest of the group until my eyes stopped to Tord. He was staring at me, right across the table.
Damn it! I just wanted to fucking eat, dude, what a weirdo. I looked away to face my food, continuing to eat...slowly. I didn't wanted to make any sudden movements, so he wont have any wrong ideas.
I'm very uncomfortable at the moment.
Timeskap brought to you buy...nesquick cereal, it looks like Rabbiat shit 😊
Taste good though
Matt,Edd,Tom,and Kate were getting ready to leave, I didn't wanted to go, due to not getting used to having the mall crowded, with girls wearing ten pounds of makeup. Oh and I really don't want to be in another shopping montage again, the last time I was there, I was forced to wear...
*camera zooms close to her face*
A Pink Dress...
But unfortunately, Tord is going to stay with me because he got banned from the mall. You see, he carried a gun around and started to shoot up glass windows of the stores and stuff. I'm surprised he hadn't gotten arrested for that.
"Sorry I can't stay with you,Ash, someone has to look over Tom and Matt." Kate said, as she starts to sit down next to me, waiting for the boys to get ready.
"But isn't that Edd's job?"
"Well the last time, We both stayed back at home, Tom encouraged Edd to have a beer, making him feel sick, Matt got lost in the mall, and Tord shot up a couple of stores, luckily he didn't hurt anyone."
"I know right. Sometimes I wish they were more responsible but things would get boring if they were. Hopefully you'll be okay without me here."
"Don't worry, I'll manage,"I said calmly.
"You sure? You look like you're about to have a seizure"
"I'm...fine"I grunted.
In reality, I want to die. I don't like the idea of a person watching my every move, while I'm over here being distracted by whatever I'm doing.
"I'll bring you something from the food court, just to make you feel better, besides I owe you one. " She smiled.
She laughed.
"Kate it's time to go," Edd pointed out.
Tom and Matt were already in the car, waiting for them.
"Call me if you need anything, We'll be back in a hour. Sees yous laters."
She got up from the couch and walked out of the front door as Edd followed, closing the door behind him, locking it.
I slumped on the couch, watching the clock's hands tick. I looked over to the side of the couch, seeing Tord there, smiling. I jumped a bit in surprise, as Tord started to laugh.
"HAHAHA! I'm sorry I frightened you."
"You're not sorry," I muttered.
"Your right, I'm not," He giggled.
I rolled my eyes, then I started to smell an odor in the air. I started to sniff around me, it was a little bit strong.
"You smell that?"
He started to sniff the air.
"A little bit."
He continued sniffing, following the smell, he started to come to my direction, close to my hoodie, until he backed away a bit.
"When was the last time you washed it?"
"2 years ago"
"Hey! Kate didn't wash hers for 4 years!"
"Okay, Okay, Just give me your hoodie, I'll wash it for you."
"But what hoodie would I wear?
"Don't you have any spares?"
"Kate never gave them back to me."
"Wear my hoodie then"
"But why?!"
"Because YES"
He smiled, then he took off my hoodie and his too. We switched our hoodies, then Tord stroked my hand but I ignored it. It probably wasn't in purpose... Maybe...
He went upstairs to the end of the hallway, where the washing machines were located. Tord dumped my hoodie on the machine and let it washed. He went downstairs, and started to sit next to me. He looked at me up and down, observing me, where are the others when you need them.
"You look nice in red," Tord complimented
His hoodie felt a bit baggy but it felt soft and warm. The sleeves went over my hands, but in the bottom part it was fine, not that perfect though.
I just quietly nodded at him. He began to scoot closer to me, I don't like where this is going. He placed his hand on my cheek, stroking it, as his face came closer and closer, inches into centimeters, his lips were ready in position until my phone started to ring. I HAVE BEEN SAVED!
I pushed his face back with my hand and grabbed my phone from the coffee table. I looked on my phone, it was Kate, I swiped the green button up and put my phone close to my ear.
"Hi, Ash, um, we're kinda stuck in traffic, so we might come home about 4 hours"
I immediately died inside.
"It's fine, besides, I get to relax more"
"That's good to hear," She sighed in relief.
"Sorry you're stuck with them, though"
"Hey what's that's supposed to mean?!" Tom butted in.
"Sorry Thomas the dank engine."
He huffed.
"Well someone is on their man - period." Kate giggled.
"Fuck you, too!"
"TOM! STOP BEING SO RUDE! " Edd yelled.
"You too, Kate"
I need to get new friends...
"Anyways I have to go, Need to save the battery power."
"Alright bye, guys."
"BYE!" They all yelled except for Matt.
Then she hanged up the call, I put the phone down back to the coffee table.
"Soooooo...Wanna go somewhere?" Tord asked.
"This is better not be a date?"
"No... We're just going to hang out."
"Det er faktisk en dato skjønt" He whispered in norwegian .
I narrowed my eyes at him as he smiled nervously. If only I knew how to speak norwegian...I sighed.
"Alright, I'm going."
His face lit up.
"YES! I'll be in my room getting ready."
"What's with you boys getting ready and stuff?"
He shrugged his shoulders and and went to his room.
My stomach started to feel all twisty...
I have a bad feeling about this...
Tord's POV
I closed the door behind me. That was a close one...if she knew what I was saying she wouldn't go. I sighed, putting my hands through my hair.
"Vær så snill og elsk meg..."
"Please Love Me..."
Tom's POV
I groaned in boredom. Kate looked at me and sighed in annoyance. We've been in the car for almost 2 hours and I'm already losing my shit. Surprisingly, Matt has been quiet for the whole time, so he hasn't been a problem to me, Edd keeps on beeping the horn, trying to make everyone to move faster, we a literally at the corner of the parking lot, and it's crowded. Kate is kinda annoying me but....meh.
"FINALLY! There starting to move," Edd said in relief.
He began to drive around the parking lot until he found a spot to park. He quickly parked in that spot, making sure no tries to take it. We all got out of the car, stretching ourselves and smelling the fresh air a.k.a pollution.
We walked inside the mall, side by side, preparing ourselves from the crowd. As soon as we all walked in, a group of wamen started to surround both me and Matt, flirting at us. This is a first for me, probably from the incident, although, this always catches Matt, whenever this happens Matt would always try to flirt back, but this time, he ignored and walked pass them...huh...
I pushed the crowd away and begin to catch up with the others.
Kate just laughed and pointed at me, being an asshole she was. Edd held his laughter, while Matt smiled.
"Wait till Ashley finds out." Kate giggled.
"You wouldn't."
"I would."
She took out her phone and hovered her finger over Ashley's number. I narrowed my "eyes" at her as she did the same. I can't wait for the day that I can get my hands on her and strangle her, or saw her into pieces.
"All right, that's enough you two." Edd stepped in.
She sighed in defeat as she putted her phone away. I smiled, victory is mine.
Timeskip again, cause I ze lazy
"So what do you think?" Matt asked.
He was apparently wearing cosplay of Connor from "Detroit Become Human". Kate raised her thumbs up while Edd shrugged his shoulders and I said...
Kate clasped her cheeks together and gasped. Oh boy...
"Hows cans yous says thats?! Connor is the best character from the game."
"Never played it"
She then looked down to the floor, playing with her thumbs.
I turned to face Matt.
"Yeah...I don't think it's gonna work out."
Matt frowned and went back to the dressing room, changing back.
We all walked out of the store empty-handed. Honestly, I'm starting to get bored, The author is shitting her ideas out... I-I mean it's so nice outside today.
We headed to the food court, the smell of fried chicken and Chinese food filled the air. Chefs were chopping vegetables down as the customers started to bite their big and juicy... Whatever their eating but still... I'm in heaven...
"Tom?" Edd tapped my shoulder.
I continued to stare at the food, the texture of the burgers, the greasiness of the noodles, and the fried-crispy chicken made me lost on their looks.
"You're starting to drool."
He began to take out a napkin and started clean off my saliva. He cringed but he continued to do it.
"There all better, let's just find a table."
He began to push me to an empty table and made me sit down on a chair, while the rest did the same, looking at me in confusion.
Matt's POV
"Welp, I'm gonna go get some pizza." Kate said, as she got up from her seat and walked to the corner of the food court, which was where the pizzeria was located.
I looked over at Tom, he's in his phase again...what does Ashley do with Tom anyway...I scratched my chin, in suspicion. All they do is...um...uh....well...when they chose one of their rooms to sleep in, sometimes I hear banging on the walls and weird sounds, yelling too.
"Sooooo Matt...."
"Actually, Can I ask a question?"
"You've already asked a question." He snickered.
Then he got hit by a snicker bar. A guy with purple hair, suddenly walked towards us and stood there saying:
"You're not you when you're hungry."
Then he walked away.
Edd blinked a few times, then turned to me in confusion.
"What just happened?"
I shrugged.
"Aaaaannnnyyywwwaaaayyyyy...What is your opinion on Tom and Ash's relationship."
"Hmmm, I've never really had a opinion about that. I guess I've been busy watching over with you guys, that made me realized that I never really blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah, blah"
I nodded my head.
"Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah."
"How about we go to the park, just to be one with nature."
"I dont know... Tom doesnt like mother nature that much."
"Did I mention that there is a box full of cola, in the back of the car, which we only open it when we are outside"
"OKAY let's go :)"
Nu meow
Mew mew
Nuu meow
Mew meow meow day
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