Dissaperence Part 2
Fandom: Eddsworld
(Warning ⚠: contains a bit of language and gore )
(Kate's POV)
I woke up in a small dark room with the only source of light, which was a light bulb tied up in the string. I assumed that I was alone, I need to find a way out. Who knows what could happen. I was about stand up until I realized that I was tied up in a chair. Great, how am I supposed to get out of here. I attempt to struggle my way out of the rope and only my right hand was free from the grip of the ropes. Perfect. Now, If I can just reach my knife pocket from my hoodie pocket, I'll be able to get out of here. But then, I heard footsteps coming towards the locked door. The door opened to reveal two soliders walking inside of the room and standing right next to the sides of the doorway. And then Tord came inside the room, closing and locking the door behind him. Welp, I'm screwed. He walked towards me until he stopped in front of me, and bent down to his knees to make eye contact with me.
"Hello Kate, did you sleep well?" he joked.
I stared at the ground.
"I'll take that as a yes," he said, as he grabbed my arm and took out a needle from his pocket.
I struggled to loosen Tord's grip in my arm but he just squeezed my arm tighter.
"I thought we were friends," I mummered, with tears in my eyes. I miss home, I miss the others, I want to come back to them.
Tord grabbed my chin and lifted my head up in order to face him.
"Who needs friends like you, when I have a chance to rule the world, Tord said, as he put needle in my arm, taking some blood out.
I flinched in pain as he took the needle out with blood inside of it.
"What are you going to do with me?"
Tord smirked. " There's something powerful in your blood. Something that I have never seen before. And I want whatever you have inside of you, so I can make weapons that can make my army stronger. Everyone will surrender and bow down to me." He laughed."I've told you too much."
"I thought you were happy with Edd, Matt, Ash, and Tom," I said, shaking in fear.
"You thought wrong."
I stared at him wide eyed.
"Welp, I must be on my way."
Tord walked away but stopped at the door.
"Oh and one more thing Kate..."
Tord took out his handgun and shot my leg as I screamed out in pain.
"Don't even try to escape," He said as he opened the door, the other soldiers went out to the door. "Oh and I'll be coming back to teach you on how you can stop being soft." Tord went out, closing and locking the door.
I pressed my wound from my right hand in order to stop the bleeding. I tried to loosen the ropes around me but it was no use. The pain in my leg was strong, I'm weak. I can't stand up or walk.
All I can do is wait for someone to save me.
(Ashley's POV)
"You hungry, Ash?" Edd asked.
"Ok, jeez lewiz. What would you like to eat."
"Well, I am in a mood for bacon."
"I'm ssoooo glad you said that."
Edd pressed a button to make the aircraft on "Auto pilot mode", hopped off the chair, and walked towards the kitchen.
"Come with me."
"Since when the aircraft had a kitchen?"
"To be honest, I have no idea," Edd said, as he opened the refrigerator, grabbed the bacon out and placed it on a plate, and puts the bacon inside the microwave.
"Don't you need to cook the bacon in the pan?"
"Pffffffff, noooooo!"
"Whatever, I'm hungry!" I exclaimed, rubbing my stomach.
Edd laughed.
"Hey.... Ash?"
"I know this is off topic but, Was Kate born half human and half cat?"
"Hmm..... I don't know. She never tells me, I guess she doesn't like to talk about her past."
"Oh, ok."
"Why don't you ask her yourself?"
"WHAT, I don't want to her feel sad, plus I want her to keep smiling. It makes me feel bad to see her upset. I just want what's best for her."
"Awwwwww, Kids grow up so fast," I said, pretending to wipe away a tear from my eye.
"Shut up,"Edd mumbled as he was blushing.
I chuckled. I was about to apologize to him until(the aircraft's speaker voice thingy, I think you know what I'm talking about ) said: "Alert, Alert, Alert, the left engine is failing. Oil change required."
"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" I yelled looking at Edd with steam coming out.
"Haha,Um you see I forget to bring the oil," Edd laughed nervously.
"I wish I could kill you, but unfortunately we're going to jump out of the aircraft. Edd can you -" I stopped myself, as I saw Edd flying outside of the plane and stick out his tongue."fly....."
"Your a dead man." I mumbled as I grabbed the bacon out of the microwave, put it in my mouth, grabbed a parachute from the cabinet and jumped out of the aircraft.
I put the parachute on and pulled the strap, in order for the parachute to release the blanket, thingy, and then I floated down slowly. I looked around and saw a plain valley with only a red building in the center of the valley.
"Sooooooo,how's it like not to fly" End chuckled.
I growled at him, but he just laughed.
"I think that red building over there, is where the commie is," I said, pointing at the direction on where the building is.
"Right but we should be careful when we go in there, we don't know if there's someone else in there."
"Is that why you're being PowerEdd?"
"That's not the only reason."
I rolled my eyes.
"Let me guess, It makes Tord feel so scared that he will just surrender, just like that. And make Kate say "Your my hero."
"How did you know? Can you read minds?"
I facepalmed.
"Let's just get this over with," I said as I landed on the grassy field and Edd landed behind me.
Then we heard a explosion in our left, and looked up only to see that the aircraft crashed and exploded half of the field.
"Ash, cmon, as he grabbed my wrist and ran to the red building but stopped in front of a electric fence.
"Oh boy," Edd whispered to himself.
"Now what, genius," I said as I crossed my arms, turning to look at Edd.
Edd put his hand on his chin. I assumed that he was thinking about what he was going to do. Then, he grabbed my arm and threw me over the fence and landed on my..... Face. While Edd flew over the fence and landed right next to me.
"Ow, " I said, standing up as I put my hand on my forehead. In the corner of my eye, I saw Edd trying to hold his laugh."It's not funny."
"Your right, it's not funny......
.....its HILARIOUS!!!," Edd bursted out laughing.
"Shut up before Tord can hear us."
But it was too late, a lot of men with red and blue army uniform ran outside with their guns pointed at us, ready to pull the trigger. Me and Edd raised both of our hands to show that we surrender. Then Tord came outside, wearing a uniform which is what the other men are wearing. (You get the idea).
"We're screwed," I whispered to Edd.
"I can see that," he whispered back.
"Well ,well, well look who came to the rescue," Tord chuckled.
I glared at him. I forgot how annoying he was.
"Someone's impatient."
I growled.
"Tord, you don't have to do this," Edd said.
Tord sighed."I have to Edd, Put them somewhere where they can't escape," he ordered to his men.
"YES SIR," they said.
(Timeskip (* ̄︶ ̄*) )
(Edd's POV )
Ash punched the metal bars of the cell in anger.
"Dammit Edd, if you wouldn't have laughed, we wouldn't get caught in the first place."
"I'm sorry but I admit it was still funny."
I sighed. But I had an idea.
"Ash, what if I use my po-"
"Your powers wont do anything to the bars, there apparently power proof," She said as she turned to look at me while crossing her arms.
"Can you freeze the bars?"
"I'll try."
Ash puts both of her hands on the metal bars and closes get eyes. Then frost went to her hands and to the bars, the frost almost covered up the bars until it stopped.
"Punch.... The bars.......i....... can't.....hold...... it....." Ash grunted.
I quickly flew towards the bars with my right hand formed into a fist and punched the metal bars. The bars broke apart and landed in the cold hard ground. I stopped in my tracks and looked behind me to see Ash falling to her knees, catching her breath. I walked towards her and put a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to me.
"You did good,"I said."Now let's kick some ass."
She smiled.
We both ran quietly out of the cell and to the hallways. There were soldiers walking by, some didn't see us but some did. Ash did most of the killing than I did. She gave them no mercy and no emotion, while I just knocked them out or just freeze them. Ashley picked up a wounded soldier by the neck and threw him against the wall. She held a gun towards the man's forehead.
"Tell me, where is Kate," Ash said.
"I-I don't K-know what you are t-talking about," he said.
"Don't bullshit me!"
"I'm s-serious, I don't K-know."
Ash was about to pull the trigger until I grabbed her gun facing to the ceiling, which made her shoot the ceiling.
"Hey I was about to blow his face off!"
"No need, we can use him as bait."
"Right." Ash turned to the wounded solider. " Take me to your leader."
He nodded and started to walk. We both followed him until we stopped in front of a red door. Ash kicked the door open and aimed her gun towards Tord, which he was sitting on his desk as if he was waiting for us to come by to his office. Tord glared at the solider that helped us and shot him in the head. His body flopped to the floor, making a pool of blood.
"Hmph, traitor," Tord whispered to himself. "It's good to see you both again," he chuckled.
"Oh please," Ash said sarcastically. "Where is Kate."
Tord hopped off his desk and open another door on the left side of the room. He dragged Kate out of the room and threw her in front of us.
"Kate!!!"We both said in unison as we both hugged her.
"G-guys,"She said in a weak toned voice.
Kate had cuts and bruises everywhere in her arms and legs. Her hair had a short haircut. Her mask was missing and she's got a black eye. Her cheeks were stained in dry and sticky tears. And her hoodie had cuts and blood stains.
"I'm so sorry, I whispered as tears rolled down my cheeks. " It could've been me."
Kate hugged me slowly and buried her face into my chest.
"Don't you ever disappear like that again Kate or else I'll kill you," Ashley said.
"Don't worry I-I won't," Kate said, smiling weakly.
"Now, that's over with prepare to die To-"
Before Ash could finish her sentence, Tord shot her arm and Ash fell to the floor as she groaned in pain.
I carried Kate and Ash out of the building and to outside. We hid behind a bush so no one could see us escape.
"We need to get out of here,now" I said.
"But how?"Ashley asked as she wrapped the wound with bandages."Your aircraft crashed, remember?"
"Your right."
"I got a teleportation device, Kate said.
"Where did you get that?"
"That doesn't matter."
*cough* *cough*
We looked behind the bush and saw Tord standing in front of us.
"To be honest, all of you suck at being quiet," Tord said, loading up his gun.
"Shut Up commie,"Kate mummered.
Tord growled, aimed at Kate, and pulled the trigger. I ran towards Kate and made the bullet hit me instead. I groaned in pain as Kate tried to treat my wound.
(Ashley's POV )
I pounced at Tord and punched him as he tried make me get off of him. So instead, he blocked my punches with his hands.
I frozed.
"Oh crap."
Tord smirked.
He then got on top of me and punched me. I couldn't block his punches, he was too fast. But then I realized something. Tord is a guy rrrrriiiggghhhhttt? I kneed him in his crotch and he fell backwards, holding his crotch and groaning in pain.
I took out a camera and took a picture of Tord.
"That's a keeper," I laughed as I shot Tord. His dead body made me chuckle a bit. But it's not funny...... It hilarious.
"Ash!!!" Kate screamed." Tom gave us a aircraft and he is going to fly us home!!!"
"I'll be right there," I screamed back.
I ran towards the aircraft and went inside.
"ASH!!! Tom exclaimed, hugging me.
"Hi Tom. I never saw you this happy."
"Why wouldn't I, if I saw you beating the crap out of Told."
I smiled a bit.
"Wait a minute, are my eyes deceiving me, are you...... SMILING!!!"
"I guess I am"
"This calls for a celebration."
I rolled my eyes.
"Awwww, relationship goals," Edd and Kate said in unison.
"Shut up."
(Time skip...... Again )
We walked inside the house and I was attacked by Matt hugging me.
I interrupted him by putting duck tape in his mouth and walked away.
I sat at the couch as the others joined me. Kate played with Edd's hair as Edd hummed for Kate's soft touch. Tom is making a attempt to make me blush, so far he failed several times until he.....nibbled on my ear and whispered......(Well,you get the idea ). And Matt was just Matt, he flirted his reflection on the miror, while Edd recorded him until Matt fell asleep.
Everything turned out great.
The end ♪☆\(^0^\) ♪(/^-^)/☆
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