Be Strong As You Can Be

Fandom: My Hero Academia

(Welcome back to my cringy stories featuring your host you fucking BEST FWEIND :D)

¤Ashley's POV¤

"Kate! C'mon get your ass off the ground." I shouted.

Her whole body shook as she tried to stand up. The left sleeve of her uniform was burned off, due to Bakugo's explosions, she placed her hands over her knees catching her breath.

"I'm going to die after this," She wheezed.

I smiled a bit. "You'll be fine."

Kate narrowed her eyes at me but looked away when she heard footsteps rapidly coming towards her.

"God, I hate this..."

She started to run away as the smoke started to clear, showing  Bakugo running towards her, laughing maniacally.

"Fight back, Kate!" I shouted again.

"But I'm scared to..."

"PUSSY!!!" He laughed.

Kate began to climb up a tree and crouched down on a branch, placing her goggles over her eyes. He started to walk around the forest, searching for her, checking behind bushes and trees.

Izuku tapped his foot on the ground, nervously, watching her every move, while I just didn't care what was going to happen...wait...she has my bag chips in her pocket...shit...please don't fucking die.

She spotted him underneath her hiding spot and took her opportunity. She quickly punched a big wave of wind towards Bakugo, but he quickly let out a big explosion above him, making both their quirk attacks collide. The powerful wave started push everything around them, while we ducked and took cover. Kate lost her balance and fell off the branch, but quickly made a tornado around her waist, breaking her fall. She waved her hand, making the tornado vanish from thin air, as she landed on her feet. Bakugo then tackled Kate to the ground while she punched him across his face, which pissed him off, of course. He held his fist above her face and started to strike until Izuku jumped in and grabbed his fist. It was inches away from her face.

"T-Thats enough!" His voice cracked, trying to sound intimidating.


"I dont know I think I dropped them."Kate replied, still lying on the ground.

"Fuck you then..."

"Ashley...Dont you think Bakugo is...too aggressive for her level..." He said, worried.

I shook my head. "No. Plus, she has to learn to be ready for any battle. chips"

I walked behind Bakugo and rubbed his back. He looked at me and then to Kate as he released his other hand from her neck. She gasped, slowly sitting up due to her now sore body. I looked over at her, she looked fucked up. A part of her cheek and arm was burned, her left eye was red, while most of her uniform was covered in dirt and slightly ripped. ...Am I too hard on her?

I felt bad but chips. I gave her a bottle filled with water as she gladly accepted it. Then Midoriya grabbed the bottle away from her hand, twisting the cap open, and offering to let him pour the water in her mouth. But she declined.

"You've been training for over 2 hours straight. You usually train for over a half a hour. I don't want you to strain y-""

"I'm fine," She weakly smiled. "I just want to gain more control on my quirk."

He sighed and gave the bottle to her as she took it and drank it.

"Do you want Recovery Girl to check you up?" I finally asked, as we all started heading out of the forest.

She shook her head, smiling.

"I want learn how to take care of my wounds on my own, like you."

I looked at her, surprised but kept my calm expression. "Being like me, huh, must've explain why you've been training much longer than before."

"Yep! You're basically like my role model! I want to be strong and smart like you!"

"Yesterday you said that All Might was your r-"

"Sssshhhhhh! Don't ruin the moment!"

I smiled slightly.





That was two years ago...

When she still had her quirk....

Izuku gripped her hand tightly as tears started to form in his eyes. I looked down on the floor tiles as I popped my knuckles, drowning myself with my thoughts.

No wonder she feared about using her quirk, maybe she knew this would happen,  that's why she wanted to become she can defend herself from....All for one...hmmm...but why get her quirk and not Izuku's.

I felt a hand softly land on my shoulder, I looked up, Bakugou looked at me with his narrow eyes.

"Can we private..."

I looked back at Kate and Izuku and then to him. I nodded in response

He grabbed my wrist and lead me out in the hallway closing the door behind him. I leaned my head and back against the wall as I crossed my arms.

"I'm Horny. "

(HAH! GOTCHA! *High fives
Present Mic*)

"Look, Ashley..." He started with his ruff voice. " I know how all of this stress is fucking weighting you down....or some other shit like that, but you know when she becomes quirkless, she cant become a hero anymore, right..."

I stood there silent, I wish it wasn't true but was, there was no possible way for her to become a hero without a quirk. She'll just become a normal defenseless human, that part worried me a bit.

"We'll see what happens," I replied.

He then placed his hands in his pockets, sighing "At least let me teach her how to at least finish a fight."

"You're too rough for her."

"That what she said," Mineta laughed.

"FUCK OFF, MINETA!!!!!!" He yelled.

"At least let me touch Ashley's b-"

"I SAID FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!" Bakugou yelled louder as he threw a ball of explosions at him.

Mineta then started to run away from our view. He then turned to me, his brows furrowed.

"If we ever decided to become parents and our child ends up like him, please allow me to fucking kill it."

I rolled my eyes and began to stand at the entrance of Kate's room.

"Try not to do anything stupid," I said, as I pecked his cheek

He scoffed. "Like I would..."



"There was that one time where y-"

"OKAY OKAY, FINE WHATEVER!!! GOD!!!" He walked off.

"Love you too!" I chuckled.

My smile soon faded as I looked back at Kate, her eyes still closed. That day...was it my fault...? Or...the villains...?

Bakugou got kidnapped by the league of villian, so Izuku, Todoroki, Kate and I started to go on a rescue mission to go save his ass. But my plan went hellfire when All for one spotted us, we were all ready to fight but then villians started to surround and outnumber us, but didn't make us show fear to them, we had powerful quirks after all.

Then we got separated, fighting on our own, I was fighting against Tomura, while Todoroki was fighting Dabi, Izuku fighting Toga, and Kate...was...fighting stain.

I thought she could handle it. She did, Kate dodged most of his attacks but he used his quirk against her, making Kate stop in place. Me and Izuku noticed this, we tried to run after her but the villains started block our way.  I managed to knock out Tomura and ran after as for Izuku got stuck with Toga as she pinned two of his hands to the ground with knives. He screamed for her name, telling her to not die. I tried to tackle stain but just threw me to the ground, I quickly got back on my feet again and started to form a bubble of water around his head, making

Stain hold his breath but threw a knife at her, which I dodged. He continued to do this, as I kept bubble of water around his head until Tomura punch me, losing my focus on Stain, the bubble of water splashing him. Decay started to form on my cheek as I wiped the string of blood from the corner of my lips, while Stain laughed at this.

Then Bakugou crashed through the wall and let out explosions towards them making them hit against a wall, while Todoroki walked behind from him, and swiped his arm towards them, forming ice glaciers to them, trapping them inside. Kate fell to the ground on her knees while she panted as she started to shake, I rubbed her back making her relax.

"Breathe," I said in a calm voice.

She breathed in and out slowly, nervously. Then Izuku rushed in and hugged Kate, showering her with kisses, make her look surprised for his sudden action.

"Thank god, you're okay," He whispered to himself .

Bakugou then looked at me, his eyes narrowed as his cheeks tinted a soft red. "I could've escape myself, I didn't need help."

I grabbed the collar of his shirt, making his face close to mine.

"Listen to me, boy, you better be grateful that we saved your ass, or else they would've try to find a way to kill you or maybe even convince you to fucking join them."

There was a big pause, we both just stood quiet until we pressed our lips against each other, as he placed his hands around my waist.

Todoroki cleared his throat, making me pull away as Bakugou growled.

"We saved Bakugou,we should now focus on getting out of here." He mumbled, as Todoroki walked out of the room.

"He's right, I dont think I'm in the best shape to fight off more villians," Kate stated as she showed her cuts and bruises all over her legs and arms, even some on her face.

I sighed and smiled. "Yeah, I plan to sleep after this shit."

Kate smiled until she got stabbed in the back. Stain chuckled as he removed the knife from her, I looked at her on horror. Her mouth started to drip out blood while her eyes were widened, her body then fell in front of Izuku, trying to keep her heavy eyes from closing.

My ears started to ring as Bakugo and Todoroki started to attack Stain, while Izuku tried his best to stop Kate from losing a lot of blood. I just kept looking at her as she kept looking at me with tears rolling down her cheek, holding her wound. Then...All for one started to walk behind her weak body, I looked up at him, silent and frozen, everything went so fast, I couldn't catch up.

"You poor child, loosing your life at a young age," He chuckled.

All for one crouched down and reached his hand over her face. Until Izuku grabbed his wrist and used  other hand to punch him but the villain later caught it. He started to grab his arm and twisted into a abnormal direction, making Deku's bone snap. All for one  threw him to a wall and then to outside, Izuku tried but failed.

He looked back at Kate and started to kneel down as he placed his hand on top of face
Kate then started to hyperventilate, I wanted to attack but I couldn't move...I dont know how or why but I just couldn't.

"Its a shame, your power has the capablity to destroy the world, yet you can't take one single punch on your arm. I don't know to either laugh or cry for you."

"Shhhh, Don't be afraid, it would be over soon."

I looked down at Kate laying down in her hospital bed, she's been in a coma for almost four months. Doctors say that her body is just adjusting itself to be...quirkless.

I'm not sure how she would react about this.

Then the door opened, revealing Shoto entering the room with two cups of coffee in his hands. He gave one to Izuku and kept one for himself, drinking his warm coffee in a small sip. Izuku wiped his tears away and looked down at the coffee, he looked up at Shoto, smiling at him.

"Thanks but I already had some, five cups to be exact," He said, softly, giving the cup back to Shoto.

He nodded his head and then turned to me. "Coffee?"

I silently took the cup of coffee as he smiled, slightly. I took a quick sip as I awkwardly stared at the floor, the room started to become silent as the sunlight started to slowly fade away from the nightsky.

"How is she?" He asked.

I looked back at Kate and then to him.


"That's nice to hear."


"Why are you here? You barely know and talk to her."

"You're wrong."

I looked at him confused and...a bit insulted but fair enough.

"Remember when she had to recover in your home from her broken arm?"

I nodded.

"Izuku and I broke into you're house just to give her some sweets and talk about several subjects."

Izuku nervously laughed. "Sorry I broke inside you're house, I lost my spare key.

I silently nodded.

"I learned a few things about her, She's... kind, loves anything sweet, still watches Blues Clues, childish and She doesnt get easily angry but when she does, it gets...interesting. I can see why she fears her own quirk, she'll probably be satisfied that she hears she's quirkless."


I placed my hand over my chin as Shoto started to head out the door, his hand hovered toward the knob but stopped himself, and then turned to my direction.

"I really don't want to bring up what I did to you in the past, it was unforgiving but...Is it possible that we can be just...friends?"

"Hmm..." Yes, what he did to me was unforgiving but I can't be a bitch about it forever. Besides, I don't want to be awkward with him all the time.

I nodded him as he smiled in response.

"Say Hi to Kate when she wakes up for me."

"Where the hell you going?"

He opened the door. "I have to do something...important."

Shoto then walks out the door, closing it behind him as I sighed in relief.

"Finally..." Izuku mumbled.

"What did you say," I said in a threatening voice.


Shoto's POV

I walked down the hallway with my hands in my pockets, looking over every painting that passed by me until I stopped at the end of the hallway. I turned my direction to the left, showing another door leading to a room, I took a deep breathe and softly knocked on the door. Silence started to evade for a few seconds until I heard a soft voice telling me to come inside.

I walked inside the room, revealing a woman with snow white hair and grey eyes, laying down on a hospital bed with a wet towel on top of her forehead.


"Are you feeling better, mother?"

I placed the back of my hand against her neck, checking her temperature, it was warmer than before. She started to get sick a few days ago, she began to cough and vomit, was blood... so I rushed her into the hospital, I was worried she had something that's making her die slowly but doctors say she just had a flu, although it doesn't explain her vomiting blood.

I removed my hand away from her neck.

"Did the doctors gave you medicine?"

She nodded her head. I sat on a chair next to her, as I held her hand.

"Have you've been sleeping?"

I stayed silent. She placed her soft hand against my cheek, looking at me, worryingly.

"I appreciate you, being caring but you have to take care of yourself too."

She began to brush my cheek with her thumb, as I took delight from the prescience of my mother.

"Because someone you know will start to worry about you..."

I slowly nodded as she warmly smiled at me. Then a nurse started to walk inside the room checking her temperature.

"We're going to make a few examinations on her, could you please step out of the room for a few minutes," The nurse said.

I nodded my head and walked out of the room, leaning on the wall. The warm sun's rays started to hit my face, flinching from the brightness, but I smiled a bit. The raging brightness reminded me of someone....

I walked myself home, alone as the sun started to set, making the sky have a mixture of colors of pink and orange. I took a deep breath, enjoying the fresh cold air, I felt ...relaxed.



Ashley started to run to me but slowed down as she got closer to my direction. And as for Kate, she started to speed-walk after her.

"I want a rematch! We didn't had a fair fight!"

"Every fight will not be fair."

I then started to walk away but she blocked my way.

"Just one more round!"

I looked down at her icy blue eyes, it was filled with determination, hmm, I wouldn't have a choice anyway, she'll still keep bothering me if I declined.


I then started to walk back to the academy, placing my hands on my pockets. Ashley started to walk beside me, leaving her friend behind us, we then entered to a empty stadium as I gave my bag to Kate.

"I'm trusting you to take care of my bag, can you place it somewhere where you can keep you eye on the bag"

She smiled widely and playfully saluted.

"Yes sir!"

She began to sit on the left side of the stadium, placing my bag on the floor, and looked at the two of us with stars in her eyes.

Ashley and I placed ourselves on the opposite sides of the stadium. She began to stretch and "loosen up" her arms until she finally went to her fighting stance.

( A/N: If you're wondering what your fighting stance is like, its just like Annie's, from Attack On Titan)

I then went to my stance.

"Ladies first."

She looked suprised but shook off the feeling.

"How polite."

She then started to run towards me, as I placed my hand on the floor, immediately turning into ice. Her eyes went wide open and slipped, as Kate laughed, she growled, turning her self into liquid, rapidly flowing her way towards me. When she thought she was close enough, her puddle form imeadeatly jumped as she went to her human form, trying to uppercut me but failed as I dodged her fist. I then punched her away from me as she fell, but got back up on her feet again.

If I remember, she showed she had a high pain tolerance the last time we were sparring, I wondered who trained her.

Ashley aggressively waved her arm though the air, making a wave of water flowing rapidly towards me. I quickly formed an ice wall in front of me, blocking the attack, and made the ice wall move towards her. Kate aggressively ate her popcorn as Ashley ran to the side of the stadium making the ice crash to the wall. She started to run after me.

"I heard something crash, What's going on?" Izuku asked Kate, as he sat down next to her.

Kate looked at him with a smile across her face. "They're sparring!"


"Yep! Ash assumed that the fight was unfair, so she wanted a rematch."


"This is exciting! I never get to  see her spar, for some reason, but now I get to! I wonder who will win! They're both equally strong and smart!"

"Yeah! Its kind of hard to tell."

I ran towards her and slid my knees on the floor, touching her leg, making ice form around it. She then fell but got up again, staying where she was, she thew a bubble of water towards my face and my hands, but it didn't pop. I held my breath and freezed the water from my right hand, punching the ice to the wall behind me, breaking it. But she placed another bubble of water over my hand.

Kate watched in amazement while Izuku looked worried.

"Cmon Todoroki," He whispered to himself.

I kicked the air as large ice crystals started to spread towards Ashley like a untamed bull. She quickly dodged but I kept throwing my attacks at her, she can't keep going like this forever, she going to lose her concentration one way or another. She kept her narrowed eyes on me as I stared at her too, Ashley then started to shake as the ice from her leg started to spread to her waist, but she forced herself to show no weakness.

Kate looked at her worried but she still remained positive, cheering her friend on.

I walked towards her with my hands up in the air, signaling I wasn't going to attack, but Valentine still held the bubble of water around my head and hands. The ice then spread to her whole chest, when she exhaled, smoke came out.

(A/N: I dont know what to call it when a cloud of smoke comes out when you're breathing the cold air :p)

I then placed my left hand around her waist, making her suprised, which lead the water splash over my head and hands. Steam started to come out of my hand as the ice slowly melted, her expression turned from suprised to relief as the ice melted from her body.

"Im sorry about that."

Ashley looked at me in confusion.

"You could have easily won if you just let me turn into ice."

"True but...You were trying to drown me, so you could have easily won if you kept putting water over me."

She hummed.

Izuku and Kate stood up from their seats and ran inside the stadium.

"So who won?" Izuku asked.

"I think it's fair to say both of them are the winners," Kate replied.

Ashley sighed. "Agreed..."

I released my hand from her and placed them in my pockets.

"Kate, Bag."


"My bag."

"Oh right!"

She took out my bag behind her and gave it to me. I then walked off without saying a word but then stopped as I felt a hand wrap around mine. I turned to Ashley, she looked at my hand and then to me.

"Why you never told me you can control fire too?"

I looked at her, suprised, but sighed.

"I don't want you to think that I'm just like my father."

She rubbed my hand with her thumb.

"Well, You're not."

I smiled a bit. "It really means a lot when its coming after you."

I pushed a strand of hair behind her ear as she blushed a light-colored pink across her cheeks. She narrowed her eyes...still blushing.


He sighed and chuckled to himself.

"Tsundere personality...I see..."

I then lifted her hand and kissed it.

"I hope to see you again tomorrow."

Then I walked out of the stadium.

"Ooo hooo hooo looks like someone l-"

"Shut up!"

I still remember...when we were both sure of our feelings. But now, I'm not so sure what to feel anymore...

¤Izuku's POV¤



Her eyes were open. I embraced her into a hug as Ashley did the same, tears started to roll down my cheeks, as I heard her laughter and felt her smile.

"Awww, you guys miss me?! Sorry to keep you waiting," She said as she pecked my cheek, making me smile as I sniffed away my tears.

Ashley pulled away but I just kept clutching on.

"Do you remember what happened?"

Her smile then started to fade as she nodded her head, But then her expression brightened up, again.

"I can still be a hero without a quirk, right!?"

Ashley opened her mouth but she stopped herself from talking, then she closed it.

"Right?," Her voice started to fill with worry.

I hugged her even tighter, I could feel her body shake from sadness, I showered her with kisses, trying to make her feel better. Ashley stayed quiet as she looked down to the ground.

"I'm sorry...the doctors couldn't do anything to bring your quirk back."


I cupped her cheeks and turned her head to face me, her eyes were glistening from her tears that were now forming. I slowly placed her head against my chest, soothing her by softly stroking her hair.

"But being quirkless is a good thing, you won't have to risk your life from dangerous missions anymore, its a relief."

"What if I need to protect myself."

"Y-You dont need to, cause I-I'll protect you."

Ashley scoffed but I ignored it.

"I'm not going to lie to you, you're not going to feel the same person you were before, you will think that you are weak at sometimes, you'll start to self-esteem might drop. But you have people around you that will support and help you, keep telling yourself...Being weak is okay because it gives you a chance to become stronger. E-Even t-though I dont think y-you're weak," I rubbed my neck, nervously.

Kate smiled as she rubbed away her tears falling from her face. "No worries, I'm glad to be weak now."

We both laughed as Ashley rolled her eyes, casually.

"Shouldn't we take her out of the hospital, now that she's fine?"

I hummed. "Where can she go though? Bakugo exploded your house after you both had a heated argument."

"Your home, dumbass."

"A-Ah right..."

"I should smack the fuck out of you."

I gulped.


Timeskip brought to you by Izuku's mom being adorable for three minutes straight :D

"That's all of them," Ashley dragged Kate's luggage to Izuku's front door.

"Thanks, Ash and...Bakugou," Kate smiled.

"Whatever, now...where the fuck is my paycheck!" He growled.

I sighed as I took out a twenty- dollar bill out of my back pocket and gave it to him, as he snatched away from my grasp. I felt a little sting on finger, realizing he just gave me a paper cut.

"Kate, can't you carry these bags yourself?" Ashley crossed her arms.

"I usually carry heavy stuff with my winds but now I can barely lift it up."

"Reasonable....Anyways have fun living with him...but not too much fun" Ashley said, as she walked off, holding Bakugou's hand, as he tensed up.

"See you around, Ash!" She waved.

Kate and I began to push her two luggages inside the house as my mom looked at her in suprise.


" It's nice to see you again, Ms. Midoriya."

Tears started to flow down on her face as she ran up and hugged her tightly, smiling. Kate looked suprised but hugged her back, giggling.

"I knew you were going to live!"

She then started to let go from the hug and hugged me, sniffing her tears away.

"Welcome home, honey."

I warmly smiled. "Thanks, Mom."

I looked back at Kate, who was looking around, I'm sure Mom will let her stay for a while.

"Hey, Mom"


"Can Kate stay for a few days?"

"You mean forever!" She squealed, excitedly.

"Thats not what I m-"

"This is so exciting, just to see you both grow up together, showing your love for each other, making some grandkids for me- "

"M-Mom! I said in a few days," I blushed. "I-Is this really the time to t-talk about that r-right now?!"

"But Izuku its true! She has stood by your side for almost your whole life, one day you'll take this relationship to the next level!"

"I-I know but I want Kate to recover, so please take it easy on her."

She sighed but smiled. "Ok, dear."

I smiled back. "Thanks Mom"

My mom then went on the tip of her toes, and planted a kiss on my forehead.

"...Welp I guess it's time to make some dinner, does Kate like to help me in this one?"

Kate then quickly walked inside the hallway we were standing in as stars started to form in her eyes, while both of her hands were placed on top of her cheeks.


Mom then squealed in joy and excitement.

"I'm sorry but I'm just so happy, Kate and I bonding, while you get some rest or do some of your exercises."

"You mean stretching?" Kate jumped in.


"S-Sorry, Ashley told me stretching was the same thing as exercise, I think..."

"Anyway, if you both need me you know where to find me. Good luck on your bonding Mom!" I said as walked towards my room.

¤Kate's Pov¤

I clasped my hands together. " So shall we begin?"

Then the door busted open, Izuku's Mom and I frozed when we saw a guy with messy black hair and some purple....stuff on his face. He then smirked at the two of us as he formed blue flames over his hand, Ms. Midoriya then backed away with her hand over her chest, shaking. I quickly grabbed a fire extinguisher next to me, as I fired the stuff around him. As soon as I empty it out, I threw the empty product at his face as he fell to the floor, holding his forehead. I grabbed her hand and ran to Izuku's room, I closed the door behind me and locked it, his mom was busy waking Izuku up while I tried to call Ashley. It went straight to voicemail several times until I decided to leave one.


I then tried to call Shoto, just in case if Ashley wouldn't come here or if she needed backup. But he wouldn't answer, it went straight to voicemail, so I left a voicemail message.


I then finished the voicemail as Izuku woke up rubbing his eyes.

"What's going on?"

"A villian is in the house!" She whispered- yelled to him in a panicky tone.

"Calm down, I just need you two to go find  place to hide while I-"

Then he got interrupted by a knife going through the doorway and some giggling on the other side. We stayed quiet as Izuku signaled us to get under the bed, we both did what were we told, quietly. He then formed his hand into a fist while he slowly opened the door a bit, but to his suprise he couldn't find anyone there, in fact, it was quiet....too quiet.

Izuku started open the door widely confused but he didn't let his guard down. He then realized what's happening as he quickly turned around and tried to punch the person behind him but stopped halfway, as he got impaled with a knife across his stomach. Toga giggled loudly as blood slowly flowed out of  wound, she then removed the knife from the wound, Izuku groaned and yelled in pain as held his wound.

His mom covered her mouth as she saw blood drip on the ground, tears then started to pour down from her face as her whole body shook. I soothed her to remain calm but in the inside I felt the same way she was feeling right now. Toga then quickly pinned Izuku to the ground, he tried to push her off but she held his wrists away from her, Toga then forcefully spread his hands flat to the floor and stabbed both of them. He whimpered in pain, as he turned his head in our direction, he mouthed 'Im Sorry' , then a tear started to roll down my cheek.

"Y'know you look cute with blood all over you," She said as she placed her hand over his cheek, stroking  with her thumb.

Izuku furrowed his brows as he kick her in the back. She laughed as she removed her hand away from him and then slid down it down under his shirt, as he struggled to get her off.


He growled at her in anger.

"Toga! Focus on the mission. We are not here for him." Dabi intruppted.

She groaned and started to get off of him. "Fine!"

"Search the whole area! We need to find her."

Then they both left the room as we both came out of our hiding spot and rushed over to Izuku. Her mom covered his face with kisses as I hugged him tightly.

"My poor baby!," She cried

"I-Im fine. I-Ive been through worse."

I then started to grasp the handle of the knife.

"I-Izuku, hold your breath for me, please."

He looked confused but he did what he was told. I then quickly lifted knife away from his hand as loudly moaned in pain. I then did the other hand, but it was very deep, this is going to be a bloody mess. I struggled to get it out, it was stuck on the floor, he hissed in pain, as he tried to hold in his screams, a minute later, I finally pulled it out. Izuku sighed in relief as he laid there, slowly breathing.

His mom started to search the room for bandages or possibly a first aid kit or at least something we can use to aid him. I slowly and softly held his hand, he was losing lot of blood from his hands and inside the stomach, I feel almost scared for him. He then sat up slowly, as he winced in pain and placed his hand over his bleeding stomach.

"Dont hurt yourself, please, j-just...j-just rest, o-okay," I said, softly as tears started to fall.

He looked at me, sighed, and smiled, wiping my tears with his thumb, as he held cheek with his right hand. His eyes started to get glossy from being in the verge of crying.

"If you cry, I cry," Izuku sniffed.

He held my chin and moved my head up to him. He slowly leaned  closer to me, closer and closer, until I felt his soft pair of lips.

Our kisses were usually quick, both of us didn't had the courage to...Y'know ... not that but you know what I mean, right?

But this one surprised me, it was much longer and filled with a lot of passion.

I kissed back, as I shyly placed my hands through his shoulders. We continued for over a minute until we both pulled away, gasping for air. I then started to laugh as I wiped my tears away, he smiled at this. Then we both heards a box drop to the floor, we looked over where the sound was coming from, his mom looked at us, her eyes shimmering, smiling.


We both blushed.

"Did you find anything?" I asked.

Her smile turned into a frown and shook her head. I hummed as I looked outside of the room, the hallway is empty good, but I hear stuff thrown from next door. Luckily,  that room isnt close to the front door, might  a chance to escape, we just need to stay quiet.

"Okay we need to tak him to the hospital, he's going to die if  doesn't go, so we need to go to the front door and escape," I whispered.

I began to place Izuku's arm around my neck as I grabbed his waist and stood up, we quickly went out of the room and outside, as his mom tried to find a usable car to drive. Luckily she did as her neighbours, lets just say she...borrowed it. She drove in front of the home as I layed Izuku on the back seat. I kissed his forehead and began to hug his Mom goodbye.

"Aren't you coming with us?"

I shook my head.

"They'll follow us if I go with you. But dont worry about me, you worry about him, he's slowly dying."

"Right, Thank you, Kate!"

I smiled and nodded.
She then drove off to the hospital as I stood there in front of the house. Until I felt a arm drag the back of my yellow hoodie, and thew me inside the house, I then stood up and saw Toga and Dabi in front of me.

He looked at me up and down, then scoffed. "This is who we have to kidnap, this'll be easy."

"Well, you got knocked out by  fire extinguisher," Toga giggled.


I held on to my laughter, what are they brother and sister or something?

"Im sorry...did you see something funny about this, bitch!" He growled as he hovered his flame over the wall.

But then a ball of water started to splash over his hand while ice started to trap his legs to the floor. He looked suprised and started to look at the person behind me as I did the same.

Ashley and Shoto were there with there hands raised towards the villians, ready to strike again.

"What took you so long?!"

"Don't look at me, look at Ashley," Shoto responded.

"First of all, Bakugou and I were busy doing something." She crossed her arms.

"Basically they were having se-"

I then started to cover his mouth.


He slowly removed my hand from his mouth and mouthed an 'okay' to me. But then Toga popped up behind him as she swung her knife against Shoto but he luckily caught her wrist and pinned her to the wall, placing his hand against her arm as ice quickly spreaded around her, attached to the wall.

"Its only these two, correct?"

I nodded.

Then a portal started to form behind me and then quickly a hand grabbed the collar of my hoodie as I got dragged in the purple void.


"Well fuck!!!" Ashley cussed.

But shoto quickly grabbed my arm and tried to pull me away from the portal. As for the other guy, Tomura tried to pull me inside the portal, this was just like a match of Tug-Of-War, whatever you call it. Shoto's grip started to slowly weaken as frost started to form around my arm, Tomura than grinned at himself as he pulled me inside with all his strength. Then I fell on the other side of the portal while Shoto fell through the portal too, as it snapped closed.

Tomura then quickly dragged and threw us into a dark room, and closed the metal door behind him. Shoto lifted his hand towards the door attempting to melt it but nothing happened.

"The room's wall are filled with a special type of material that can block out your quirk. So it's pointless if you were trying to use that tatic, Todoroki."

Tomura then laughed and walked off, leaving us in the dark.

"WAIT!" I yelled through the door.

He stopped and turned his head to the door.

"Can we at least have a nightlight here...I'm scared of the dark..."

Tomura scoffed and walked away.

"Well, you tried," Shoto mumbled.


"Was that even a attempt to escape?"

I laughed nervously and shook my head. "I'm actually scared of the dark."

"Hmm not surprised..."

Then the door opened, revealing to be Toga standing on the metal doorway. Shoto began to tense up a bit but I soothed him to calm down by rubbing his shoulder, she started to laugh as she placed our hands inside a metal container that had a chain to connect together with.

"W-Where are we going, we j-just got here!"

I looked at Shoto, scared, as he kept telling me I was going to be okay, Toga then dragged the both of us into another room, inside was... Well the room was empty well almost. There's a lightbulb swinging side to side, two chairs with straps on and dry blood on the floor, it also smelled weird in here. She began strap us in the chairs while we waited, I dont know why we are but I have a bad feeling about this...

1 hour later

The door then suddenly opened, finally, as a person walked through, but I couldn't see their whole face through the darkness but only their dark green orbs, the light from the lightbulb wasnt that helpful. It was male, wearing a suit on but I guess they removed the jacket bit, he also had sleeved rolled up and wore black gloves. I just can't see his entire face.

He began to analyze Shoto and me as he took out a needle, sticking it through my skin and taking a good amount of blood out, as he did the same to Shoto. The villian chuckled to himself.

"Im surprised you were stupid enough to go through that portal with her."

That voice sounded familiar...

"Well, she's a friend."

"Yet you act like its no big deal, but when I do this..."

He grabbed my the sides of my cheeks and began to pull out a pocket knife, quickly giving me a big cut. Shoto tensed up as he saw blood drip down from my cheek, he looked almost angry.

"...You become protective...she must be like another sister to you, correct?"

"No, she just makes really good coffee."

The villian chuckled.

"Both of your quirks are very interesting, I've been studying and watching you for the last two years, and I must say... I'm impressed."

He then turned to me.

"I apologize that All for one stole your quirk, I wanted to study it more and write some notes about a few things. You were right, your quirk is dangerous, you dont let your emotions take full control over you otherwise a big tornado will form around you, destroying everything..."

Wait a minute...


He became quiet and later revaled himself to the light.

It was him...

"Yes and no."

I looked over at Toga, she was smiling and blushing.

"You're a clone aren't you."

He smiled and nodded his head.

"Smart but dumb."

"Should I be offended?"

"Thats for you to decide."

He then walked over to Shoto again as he took out a handkerchief and cleaned my blood from his pocketknife.

"Now, I wonder how many fingers I would have to cut off for your quirk to stop working."

"It's pointless, I'd still have my quirk."

"Yet it's fun...for me at least, unless you enjoy being in pain."

He gently soothed the blade over his skin, making him uncomfortable, poor Shoto...

As soon as he was about cut his finger, the door exploded revealing Bakugou and Ashley in scene through the smoke. Toga quickly threw a knife at Ashley, which she quickly caught it with water and threw it back at her, making her quickly dodge. Bakugou looked at the clone, confused, he looked over to Shoto and me as he began to cuss at himself.

"Who the fuck is he!"

"A clone."

Then the villian jumped behind Bakugou, choking him with his arm, while the asshole did his best to remove his arm away but appearently he's actually stronger than he looks.

Bakugou then grabbed 'Izuku' behind him and threw him in front of  ground. Bakugou quickly managed to unstrap Shoto but as he made his way to me, 'Izuku' dropped kicked him, he tumbled to the ground but got up  in seconds, he punched explosions at 'Izuku', he dodged most of them but then he got distracted by me dragging myself towards a jar with a ball of wind  inside. His eyes went wide, Bakugou then let another explosion at him, 'Izuku' then flew straight towards a wall.

"Hey, Todoroki!"

Shoto then turned his head to me as he hummed.

"Can you unstrap me please, my wrists actually hurt."

He began to unstrap me, and as soon as loosen up the last strap I began to quickly run towards the mini lab placed in the corner of the room, strange I didn't notice it before. As soon as I almost got my hands to that jar, 'Izuku' pinned me to a wall, he then took out a knife and tried to stab me in the chest but I quickly caught his wrist. His strength slowly overpowered mine, as the blade became inches closer to my chest, I gave out my all but I only shifted the blade back a bit. I can see why Bakugou calls me weak, but hey, Im still a hero in training.

I began to get a hold of his finger and quickly twisted it. He dropped the knife and held his finger in pain as I kneed him in the crotch, now he's on the floor curled up into a ball.


"Well I finished the fight, so technically it's over," I stated as I walked towards the jar.

As I got a hold of the jar, I opened the lid as the ball of wind managed to absorb itself to me, my eyes began to glow white but then minutes later it soon faded as I got eye color back.

" Y'know it's funny, you're the clone of Deku but you're nothing like him except for his appearance."

"I'M HIM BUT BETTER!!!" He laughed, maniacally.

I smiled and patted his cheek.

"Good luck with that."

Then Shoto began to freeze 'Izuku's' hands together as he struggled to be freed from the ice.

"You know, you should have killed me, you had a opening yet you didn't took it," He chuckled to himself.

"Why should I kill you?" I tilted my head, confused.

"My god, I should slap the fuck out of you," The clone angrily said.

"That's what I said to Deku! How ironic!" Ashley butted in, as she kept on dodging Toga's slices.

"I'm a villian and you're a hero."

"Yeah but heros don't kill."

"You know what, forget it. You wouldn't understand either way."

As soon as Ashley knocked out Toga, we all began to walk away, leaving the clone in the room, alone, as we tried to find our way to escape the villian's base.


I knocked on the door waiting for reply, then I heard a voice say come in. I smiled and walked inside the room, closing the door behind me. I sat down on a chair next to his hospital bed as Izuku looked down at me, smiling. I smiled back at him as I held back my tears, he noticed this and started to give me a hug, rubbing my back.

"You're okay!" I said, happily.

"Of course I am, I wouldn't leave without saying goodbye to you and taking a good look at you."

I sniffed as we both pulled back from the hug, Izuku then placed his hand on my cheek, nervously.

"One day... When we're...both older, w-would you like to s-start a f-family with me," He stuttered as he placed his hand over his neck.

I blushed a dark red as Izuku did the same.

"T-That is i-if you're okay with that! I dont want to f-force you or a-

"I would love to!"

"Really? But there are  consequences about this too. Like the villians targeting the kids a-"

"Then we'll protect them,"I said as my eyes sparkled with joy.

He looked at me suprised but smiled again as I giggled.

10 years later

I laughed as I saw Ashley and Bakugou chasing they're kids down on the pool. I guess I gave them too much candy, that might've been my fault but hey they bribed me for ice cream. They LIED! But still... I laughed to myself as Bakugou yelled in frustration, steam coming out of his hands, but later stopped as Ashley smacked him in the head.

"I told you to where a condom!"


I gasped as I ran over to one of their sons and covered their ears.

"Dont use that dirty mouth in front of your children, Bakugou!"


I was about to open my mouth to say something until Izuku splashed me with water. He began to laugh as I gasped in suprise, as our daughter started to swim up to the surface, high-fiving Izuku.

Ashley saw this and started to "evily" smile, she began to control the water into a big wave, Izuku saw this and quickly threw (This is the only name  could think of, honestly) Ash to my arms, as he took the hit of the wave, the force made him go underwater but later he swam back up, gasping. He then got out of the pool as he shivered from the cold, Ash hugged her father in the leg, giggling as I quickly wrapped  towel around him.

"Okay, I think I had enough fun." Izuku laughed nervously.

"Awww," Ash whined. " Was it because of Aunt Ashley and Uncle Bakugou?!

"N-No its not them honey, I just feel a little ti-"

"Dont worry, daddy! I will avenge you!" She said as she held up her water gun.

She then ran up to them and giggled as she shot water in front of Bakugou's face. His eye started to twitch and then started to chase her around the pool as Ash smiled and laughed while running around.

"She has your smile," Izuku said.

I looked up at him and sighed.

"We're playing that game again arent we..."

Izuku nodded, childishly.

"Well then, she has your hair."

"She has your eyes."

"She has your skintone."


"...Cmon Kate you're better than that."


He then kissed my cheek. " No worries."

"I hate to inturupt but there's a villian on the loose, destroying buildings, threatning citizens, the usual stuff." Shoto mumbled as his mouth filled with popcorn.

"But what about the kids?" I asked.

"Fuck the kids, Im out," Bakugou said, in harsh tone, as he walked away.

"I'll do the most hardest part of this mission, babysitting," He replied as (Insert two boy  names :D) (B/n) and (B/n) Started to hug both Shoto's arms, while Ash hugged his leg.

I smiled at him. "Aw. That's probably the nicest thing you have ever done."

"I want to be just like you, Mr. Todoroki. Strong and funny," Ash said, as wonder and determination filled in her eyes.

He looked suprised but smiled as he ruffled her hair. "I'm not sure about the funny part."

Ash giggled.

The rest of  rush ourselves to wear our hero suits, while we placed the kids on Shoto's hands.

"I really do not feel like moving anyone..." I smiled at Ashley.

While she frowned in return. "Just like da good ol days."


Kate: Hey, Shoto....

Shoto: Yeah?

Kate: I know our friendship has been progressing for the past few months but there one little thing that keeps on popping in my head, whenever I hang out with you.

Shoto: Which is...?

Kate: *Places both of her hands over his shoulders*

Shoto: *looks at her confused*

Kate:  You look like fucking Zuko from Avatar: The last airbender

Shoto: *looks around the room and looks back at Kate* That's because I am him

Kate: OOF! Plot twist!


Bakugou: What the fuck is going on!!!!

Ashley: My theory has been confirmed!!!!!

Bakugou: *Begins to have a seizure*

Shoto: *whispers to self* I need to get the fuck out of here

Zuko: Me too...Im not even suppose to be here.

Shoto: *looks at him shocked*

Zuko: ...

Shoto: ...

Zuko: You have daddy issues, right?

Shoto: Yeah, what about you?

Zuko: Same...

Izuku: Same here...

Okay I'm done here XD

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