Ashley is da best

Fandom: Creepypasta

Kate's POV
I vomited on the toilet, as Ashley, my best and only friend, started to pat my back in disappointment.

" I told you taking and eating oreos from other strangers was a bad idea."

"But I didn't know they had toothpaste in them," I said lifting my head, until I felt the need to barf again.

She sighed. "Y'know sometimes I wonder how are we even friends in the first place."

I smiled but I continued know.

"C'mon let's go to the pharmacy, they probably have something that you need," Ashley said as she started to put on her dark blue hoodie and black converse shoes. "Besides, I dont want this house to smell"


"That you're a piece of shit."

Silience started to fill the room, I felt uncomfortable, we were both staring at each other, waiting for someone to make a move. Then I decided to break the silence.

"Fair enough."

I started to put on my black hoodie and black converse shoes, then we both started to head out to the streets.

Apparently, where we live a lot of  things happen around this small town. Millions of cases of missing children, Alien abductions, paranormal activity, and cold-blooded murder. Not a lot of people usually go outside walking around, they rather stay indoors, staying away from trouble and I don't blame them, I would be scared too. Too many people are killed or missing, people are being prepared for something bad that might happen to them. The government doesn't know that the town that we live in exists and everyone is afraid to move out, so we are all stuck here.

As we both stood in front of a pharmacy, Ashley opened the, gesturing me to come in.

"Pussies first."

I looked down at her.

"Shouldn't we both come in?"

She rolled her eyes.

"Haha very funny..."

We both started to go inside as the warm breeze hits our face. I started to enjoy the warmth of this place until Ashley started to speak.

"Don't touch anything," She said as she started to look for some medicine for my stomach.

I nodded and started wonder off.  I looked over through every shelf that's filled with medicine's, but there was this one pill bottle that caught my eye.

"Penis Enlargement pills... What is that?"

I grabbed the pill and went to walk over to Ashley until, I bumped onto a person and fell. I looked up to a teenager with Brown messy hair and pale skin with a scarf around his mouth. He looked a bit shy.

"S-Sorry, I-I didn't s-see you c-coming by," He said as he held out for his hand.

I know how to get up for myself but I didn't want to be rude so I grabbed his hand as he lifted me off the ground.



"I'm Kate. Kate Blu."

"O-Oh u-um... I'm T-oby... I-I MEAN T-TOBIAS!" He yelled, awkwardly.

I looked at him confused but shook it off, he probably not a sociable person, due to all the stuttering and the shifty eyes. He reminds me of Ashley a bit. Speaking of the devil, Ashley started to walk in the alley that we were both on.

"Hey Kate, I found some pills that might work" She started to slow down her words as she saw the both of us. " Kate, Who is this?"

"Oh, right, DRUMROLL PLEASE!" I said as I started to drum the empty spaces of the shelves with my fingers. A few seconds later, I stopped drumming. "This is Tobias."

Toby stared at Ashley in awe as she gave him a confused look.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" She said, as she crossed her arms.

Toby blushed as he started to rub the back of his neck awkwardly. I started to give them both a cheesy smile, loving this moment. I started to raise my eyebrows up and down to Ashley as she smiled a bit and rolled her eyes...again.

Then another man started to enter this aisle. He had brown messy hair, he has side burns, wearing a yellowish brownish jacket, and he was taller than the rest of us. He started to grab Toby's arm and started to walk out of the aisle.

"Lets Go!" The man said.


He sighed in annoyance, he looked down at Toby which he was whimpering. He rubbed his eyes and then crossed his arms.

"You have one minute."

Toby smiled and started run towards us until he stopped and stood in front of us.

"S-so I w-was wondering i-if you w-would like t-to....u-um...i-if you...w-well,"He stuttered, unable to get his words out.

He turned his head to look over to the man, awkwardly smiling at him as the man shrugged his shoulders in return. He turned to face us again.

"W-Would you l-like t-to hang o-out s-sometime."

"But we don't even know you guys," Ashley said.

"He's Tobias and the guy behind him is.... " I drifted off.

"His name is Timothy,"He replied.



Ashley looked at me signaling me to go, as Tim and Tobias started to have an argument. I shook my head. I wanted to get a chance to gain some friends, besides this might do something good for Ashley, you'll never know. Ashley started to head out to the door until I grabbed her sleeve. I held a tight grip on it so she won't escape.

I tapped on "Tobias's" shoulder, then they both stopped fighting and turned to face me.

"Here." I took out a piece of ripped paper with Ashley's number on it, from my pocket, and hovered it in front of Toby. "This is my friend's number, if you want to call us."

Toby looked at the number, he slowly took it from my hand, as he placed it in his pocket. Ashley's eye started to twitch, I felt her angry vibes surrounding me. Oh boy....

"I look forward to seeing you guys again," I said, as pushed Ashley to the door and waving goodbye.

I then slammed the door closed, then Ashley grabbed my wrist and walked to the nearest alleyway, which lead to the woods. We stopped and then she started to lean on the wall, crossing her arms.

"You know what I told you about talking to strangers."

"Yes but there's nothing wrong with socializing."

"But you suggested that we should hang out with... THEM!"

"Technically, it was Toby who said that."

"I don't care, what if they call us and they want to meet us at some place but they're planning to kidnap us."

"Well Toby looks like a person that wouldn't hurt a fly."

"What about Timothy, huh!

"He's probably a nice person!"

"Doesn't look like it. "

I huffed in frustration.

"Look I just want talk to other people and get to be friends with them. I don't want to spend the rest of my life being stuck in the house, I want t-," But before I can finish someone tapped my shoulder.

I jumped a bit until I realized it was Toby.

"W-Would you l-like to h-hangout... right n-now?"

I smiled and looked over to Ashley. She hesitated but nodded. I looked over to him again and gave him a quick nod. He smiled a little and started to gesture the both of us to walk with them.

We walked the streets in awkward silence, waiting for someone to make the first move. I noticed Toby twitching a lot recently...maybe he wasn't used to talking other people, which made him nervous. I left that thought to the side of my head.

"So where exactly are you two taking us," Ashley asked.

Toby pointed to a near by Corner Cafe, the cafe was really famous for their cheesecakes and sweets. I wonder what's a cheesecake...

As we started to head inside, the smell of coffee beans started to fill the room, as the mini chandelier, hanging from a ceiling,started sparkle in the room. We ordered some coffee and sat down on a nearby table. I kept my attention on the chandelier, watching it shine.

"So are you guys like brothers, or something," Ashley mumbled.

"Thankfully we're not,  we are just... friends," Tim replied.

Ashley rubbed her chin and nodded. She turned to look at me and started to snap her fingers in front of my face. I jumped a bit but gained my attention to Ash. She signaled me to say something to them with eyes. I felt a bit embarrassed about the question I was going to ask them, it was the only thing that came up from my head. I started breathe in and out slowly, pushing my anxiety away.

"Have you guys ever experienced love?" I cringed at my own words.

Tim started to tense up as Toby started to make ticking sounds and twitching at the same time. Toby looked down and started to play with his hands, he looked uncomfortable.

"You don't have to answer the question, if this makes you uncomfortable, we can talk about something e-"

" I-I did once... I used to have a s-sister, when I was 13 or 14, we would do almost e-everything together, just to distract ourselves from our disfuctional f-family. S-She was the only person that gave me happy memories and thoughts. U-Until one day,  when she picked me up from s-school, we got into a c-car accident. Everything was all blurry after that though. A-All I can remember is seeing her f-face covered in b-blood, and her jaw was d-dangling while some of her tissues and m-muscle held her jaw from f-falling."

He gripped on the table tightly, showing no emotion on his face, until seconds later, he furrowed his bushy eyebrows.

Ashley looked at Toby, filled with guilt. She sighed softly, and started to pat his back.

"You're not the only one who lost some they love."

Toby turned his direction to Ashley. They both stared at each other for a few seconds until Toby smiled. Then Ashley "smiled" back.

In the outside, I looked happy and calm about this, but in the inside, I was fangirling way too hard.

"So...Tim...Have you ever experienced love?" Ash asked.

Tim sighed and started to ruffle his hair, he shifted his eyes to look at me and then to Ashley and then to the floor. It was silent for a short amount of time until he answered.

"No...No I haven't."

Ashley stared at him suspiciously while I was confused. Toby just sat there, drinking his coffee, watching our every move. It felt awkward... again....maybe it's just me. Tim raised a brow to Ash, while Ashley sighed and started to drink her coffee, as Tim did the same. The comferting  silence started to fill the cafe until...

"Hey guys.... What's cheesecake?"

Tim started to choke on his coffee, while Toby and Ash looked at me in disappointment. As the customers of the coffee started to look at me in shock. I awkwardly smiled and slowly hid under the table. I really didn't know it was that big of a deal. Tim stopped choking and started to go under the table with me.

"Are you fucking with me?!" Tim whispered-yelled.

"I'm not, I just want to know what cheesecake is!"I whispered-yelled back.

Tim groaned and started to crawl out of the table, within a few seconds he crawled back in with... Strange-looking cake. He took a spoon out of his pocket, scooped up a piece of cake and shoved it in my mouth. He started to bring his two hands over my jaw until I grabbed his wrists, blushing.

"I can chew," I mumbled.

He slowly put his hands down to his lap, as I chewed on this cheesecake I'm apparently eating.

The writer sighed as she began to learn why she was alone as fuck and why all her friends had lives and not her. And then she heard a loud bang! It was Ashley! Her friend! Who was ready to finish this shit chap for her without even knowing what was going on. But because of the fact she was bored as fuck and was only trying to get to 2000 word because why the hell not. And because it's a Creepypasta story she came up with this:

Toby: s-shit

Ashley: What?

Toby: I-



BEN: Dude..

Kate: What?

BEN: Ashleys on her period today

Kate: Wait wait wait

Kate: ASH IS A GIRL!!?!?!

And then Tom came in like "ash you gotta choice " and ash was like "fuck no" and Ford was like "we got no for this shit we need to stop bill dudes"  and dipshit was like "no she needs to choice" Kate was all like "wait wait choice what!?" And bill (who was there whole fucking time sitting on stan's And eddd's lap) was like "choice if she wants a taco or hell for dinner" then ash was like "fuck yours alls" and Eddie boi looked at jeffy boi and was like "wanna join us" and jeffy bi was like no but he low key did but he was as low key dating Ben who was low key dating ash who was lowkey dating Toby who was low key dating Eyeless who was high key dating Kate but didn't give a fuck. Then clockwork was like "shit" and ash was like "fuck" and they both were like "wanna fight?" And bill was like she still gotta choice" and everyo9ne was like "who gives a damny damn"

And then dipshit hit bill and then bill kicked dipshit's ass

And dipper recorded it all

And ash wrote it down in here 

Fuck yeah=

End fucking the

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