Are We The Bad Guys...?

Fandom: Death Note


"NOOOO!" I DONT WANT TO GO!!!!" Ashley screamed.

She held the sides of the doorframe tightly, as Kate, her roommate, tries to make an attempt to loosen her grip by pulling her two legs, outside. This only occurs when it was Monday or Tuesday, Ashley would often have flashbacks of her hard experience through school, during these two days. I would often felt guilty about forcing Ashley to go to school, but the way she saw her solve multiple equations in a small amount of time and the fact she's only twelve years old, mastering algebra and literature,  is amazing, although I never have been a fan of mathematics, I only wanted the world's attention to see how intelligent Ashley really is.

"You have to go to school! The principal is deciding wheather to drop you out or not, due to YOUR poor attendence rate!" I strained, as I pulled her outside with all my strength.

But it wasn't enough, Ashley was still clinging to the door frame with only one arm. Kate groaned in defeat, flinging her arms in the cold air.

"It's only for today, I promise, She replied, crossing her arms. "After school, we can buy Take - Out food."

"Nevermind, Im going."

Kate giggled and began to walk, heading towards school, as Ashley followed. They both went through a lot together, ever since they were about eight years old, they had to face obstacles that Kate thought was too hard but Ashley was filled with determination. She helped her get through on almost every obstacle they come across to. She was thankful to have her by her side, her only friend and only "sister".

Ashley tapped Kate's shoulder, she hummed in response as Ashley pointed towards the entrance of the school.

(Kate's POV)
Welp, we're hell. The school bell started to ring, I then grabbed Ashley's arm and ran to our class. Right now, she cant afford to be late, I dashed through the halls and up to the fourth floor, until we entered our homeroom.

I leaned down, trying to catch my breath, as we both took seats near the window. I layed my head down, tired and cold, I felt everyone's stares at me, it's ... uncomfortable. I raised my head up and saw some students turn their head to the front of the classroom. I gripped onto my baby blue hoodie's fabric, as I looked at the view outside, trying to distract myself from anyone's stares as Ashley actually payed attention to the lesson, with her head resting on her hand.

This is going to be a long day....

(Timeskip brought to you buy, having flashbacks about ICarly)

I miss the show *sniffs*

"Finally! Freedom!" Ashley sighed in relief, letting herself fall on the soft grass.

I laughed at this.

"I fucking hate you now..."

"Haven't you always." I smiled.

"Yeah but now I hate you m-"

"Wait... whats that?"

I looked at a black notebook laying on the grass, as the wind swayed the grass back and forth. Ashley stood up and looked where I was looking, and sighed.

"Its just a notebook."

"Maybe...or could be someone's diary."

"I doubt it."

I walked towards the notebook and picked it up, dusting the dirt off the cover. I looked at the title of the notebook, and gave a confused look.

" it someone's diary?" Ashley said, standing behind her.

"I don't think so... it's a...death note?"


Ashley grabbed the notebook out of my hand and looked at the cover. She soon looked confused, and started open it to the first page.

"Rule#1: The human whose name is written in this note shall die. Rule #2: This note will not take effect unless the writer has the person's face in their mind when writing his/her name.Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected."

"What the f-"

"Hey! You guys saw the notebook fall down from the sky, too, right?"

"I'm sorry but...who are you," I asked, politely.

"I'm Light Yagami, I have classes with the two of you."

Ashley snapped her fingers, in realization.

"Oh, I remember you, you helped me study for a test that I had trouble with, last year."

He nodded. "You were so filled with stress, you looked like you were about to explode, I had to make you feel relaxed," He laughed.

"Yeah, by punching your bedroom wall."


"Sorry about that though"

"It's okay, you looked like you needed it."

"So has life been going for you for the past few months."

"Boring, actually."

"That sucks."

"Everything feels the same except for this very moment."

"You know how l-"

I cleared my throat. They started to become silent, looking at me and then each other in confusion.

"Are you guys done flirting?"

"I wasn't f-"

"Anyways, don't you guys feel a weird vibe from this book."

They both nodded in unison.

"What's inside the notebook, anyway."

Ashley gave Light the notebook and he began to read the first words that appear on the first page. He looked suprised and then skimmed to a few more pages, and closed the death note.



"It could be fake, though." Ashley stated.

"Only one way to find out." I said, with fingers over my chin. "Light,  can we come over to your place, Ashley broke our T.v. this morning."

Light looked down at the notebook and back to me and Ashley. He then smiled.

The three of us started to head to Light's place, they both started to talk about their lives and other stuff while I was walking behind with my hands on my pockets. We started to walk near to a bakery, my stomach started growl in hunger, as I looked at one of the chocolate cakes near the window. My mouth started feel all watery, begging for the sweet taste of the cake.

"Pull yourself together, Kate!" I whispered-yelled to myself.

I couldn't control myself, we were walking pass the bakery, making the veiw of the cake fade, I started to regret eating a lot of candy when I was little.

"God dammit," I muttered.

I tapped Ashley's shoulder, which made her stop walking as Light did the same. I pointed to the bakery and whimpered, carving only for a slice of cake.

"I thought you ate lunch," Ashley sighed.

I smiled, nervously.

"C'mon, one slice wouldn't hurt," Light stepped in. " Besides, we all had a long day."

Ashley looked at him and then to me and sighed, rubbing her eyes.

"Okay but only ONE slice!"

I giggled and ran towards the bakery in joy.

"I feel like a mother raising her annoying and energetic child."

Light chuckled. "Then who's the father?"

Ashley tensed up as her face turned red, she pushed him out of her view, joining kate, flustered.

He wheezed and laughed as he entered the bakery, joining them.

I was eating on a table with Ashley and Light, as they drank coffee. Well...technically, only Light is. Ashley just stared at the cup of coffee with a flustered look. What did I missed...

I took another bite of the chocolate cake and began to enjoy the sweet and creamy frosting of the cake, I felt like I was in wonderland. My peacefulness was intruppted by the sound of gunshots that were playing on the Tv. We all looked at the News and began to see a active shooter in a school, keeping the children hostage.

Why isnt the police going inside?

What are they waiting for?!

He's going to kill them!!!

Someone do something!!!

I started to feel anxious as my face was filled with worry.

"Now's our chance to see if this notebook is real or not," Ashley nodded to Light.

He began to take out the Death note and started write down the shooter's name on a empty page. He closed the book and looked back at the Tv screen.

The reporter began to recap about the situation that is occuring until someone telling him in his ear piece an update on the shooting. He then told the audience that the shooter was now dead due to a heart attack.

"It appears that the shooter is now dead due to a heart attack, the police are going inside the school, taking the hostages to safety."

All of our jaws dropped and looked at the notebook in amazement.

"T-This must be a-a coincidence," I stuttered, nervously.

Light looked at me and frowned.

"I don't think it was."

I turned to Ashley, she looked lost in her thoughts.

"Imagine what we can do with this notebook!" He smiled.

I looked down at the notebook, goosebumps started to form on my skin.

We can do a lot of things on the Death note but...wouldn't that make us murders also?

Ashley snapped back to reality by Light tapping her shoulder. He then told Ashley to search up some names that belong to criminals on her phone. I slowly ate my cake,I didn't know wheather to join in or walk away from this. Yes, some criminals deserve punishment but some are framed or deserve a second chance, some have families that they truly care about.

This is where I got stuck...

Timeskip brought to you buy  Ashley's  and the face of bullshit, and their new song "Daddy Don't Go"

I can't sleep...Thoughts were circling around about the notebook. I put a pillow over my head, maybe its the sugar thats making me awake. I got up from my bed and began to walk downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed a glass cup and began to pour tap water in it. I walked over to the living room and sat on the soft and cream-colored couch, while I grabbed the remote and turned the TV on. I switched to the news channel and layed the remote beside me.

"Earlier in the afternoon, a shooter has mysteriously died from a heart attack, although doctors have shown that he doesn't appear to have any heart problems or drugs in his system."

I sipped on the glass of water.

"But strangely after that event occured, 50 more relatable heart attack deaths h-"

I choked on the water and started to cough violently.

"Have taken place on other criminals this past day. Police are now investigating this current situation on who and why they are killing off these people."

I began to calm myself down and started to text Ashley and Light about the situation.

Kate: Heya guys

I began to tap my phone case nervously.

Ashley: What's up

Light: Hey

Kate: Have you seen the news...

Ashley: No

Light: No

Who am I kidding, what teen in the world would watch the news....oh wait... Thats me...

Kate: The police are trying to investigate on who killed 51 criminals in a day.

Light: They will never find out

Ashley: Although we should still be cautious on every move we make

Light: Agreed...

I started to feel paranoid. I looked out on the windows trying to find someone spying on me. I turned back to my phone.

Kate: I think we should stop using the death note


Light: why?...

Kate: The police will soon suspect us if we keep using it

Ashley: She does have a point I cant go back to jail :p

Light: I'll outsmart them then

Kate: I have a bad feeling about this...

Ashley: Or maybe you ate the slice of cake too fast...

Kate: Maybe 😅

I sighed and began to lay down. I lightly threw my phone on the coffee table and try to drift to sleep.

(The Next Day)

I groaned as the Sun's rays hit my eyes, so much for a bright day. I changed into my school uniform and began to put my baby blue hoodie over me, unzipped.

I brushed my teeth and began to walk to the front door, I then stood outside of our home, waiting for Ashley.

"Hey," Ashley slightly waved as she closed the door behind her.

"I've been waiting for two hours straight! What were you doing..." I shivered.

"Um...getting for school, like always," She stated.

I narrowed my eyes at her as she started to sweat. She's hiding something.

"Tell me. What are you hiding?"


"Tell me"

"I have nothing to hide."

"TeLl MeH"

"I have nothing to hide."


"I have nothing to hide."

"I'll buy you a new phone."

"Light and I wrote over 200 names last night.

I frozed. The shock started to stab me like a knife going through my chest. Ashley showed no emotion saying this, and that's what scares me the most.

"Ashley..." I put my hands over her shoulders. "Some of those criminals had to do bad things against their will, protecting theirselves and maybe even their families-"

"If they care about them so much then why did their families didn't even try to get them out."

I removed my hands from her shoulders and looked down to the ground, playing with her fingers.

"This feels wrong..."

"But its the right thing to do."

I looked up at her.

"What did Light put in your head..."

Ashley opened her mouth, getting ready to say something, but she stopped herself.

Ashley and I started to down a street that was crowded full of people, some where looking up at the news from a screen board. I looked up and kept watching, waiting for something interesting to come up.

"We'd like to apologize for the interruption, as for right now we are bringing you a live world-wide broadcast from the police department."

I nudged Ashley's arm and pointed to the screen board, she looked up where I was seeing.

"We are now going live to the broadcast in the police department."

The programming change into a man sitting on a desk in good posture with a suit on.

"I head up in the international police task force, which includes all member nations."

What's going on..., I thought.

"I am Lind . L Tailor...otherwise known as ...L

Wait a minute, as in L, the world's most famous detective... HOLY SHIT!!!!

Ashley looked at me with worry and looked back to the screen.

This makes no sense though, why show his identity now?!

"Criminals around the world are being murdered by a serial killer. I consider this crime as the most cruelest and active murder in history , I will not rest until the person or the person responsible is brought up to justice. Kira I will hunt you down and I will find you..."

"Is Light watching this?" I asked Ashley.

Ashley pulled the phone away from her ear and nodded.

"He's planning to kill him."

"I dont think that is a good strategy."

"Kira, I got a pretty good idea on what you're motivation is and what you want to achieve, however what you're doing right now is evil."

I could hear objects being throwned and punched from Ashley's phone. Welp

Then I can hear Light writing something on paper as he lightly chuckled to himself. Wait...HE'S WRITING HIS NAME! Dammit!

"ASHLEY TELL HIM TO STOP PLEASE!!!!" I kneeled down.

She looked down at me with sad eyes and sighed in regret.


My breath hitched. I grabbed her phone from her hand and pressed towards my ear.

"Light, listen to me there's another way out of this if you could just l-

"THIS IS THE WAY!!!" He screamed as he laughed, maniacally.

"Have you ever considered a therapist..."

"I'll show the world what happens when you cross me."

The sound of the book slamming send chills down my spine.

"The entire world is watching...L" He said. "5 more seconds"

My eyes widened.






The detective started to hold his chest in pain and groaned in pain. Ashley and I gasped as his dead body hit the desk.

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