•The rage...•

"She who is beautiful but radiates an unpleasant persona, finds her beauty fading away" ~ Helia from Elemental Guardians

What this quote means is that even if you are the most beautiful person in the entire world, but if you have an ugly personality (meaning you're rude and unpleasant to others), all that beauty just goes right out the window.

This rant is about the infamous Nia.

Infamous for being annoying and her rude and bitchy attitude.

It is time to flambé the lobster-

I feel like it's the first time in years that someone has told Raven to shut up 😂 like someone did the one thing that no one could do because they were so intimidated by her. Now, we could spend all day talking about why it is so hilarious, but this isn't about Raven being told to shut the hell up.

Basically if you're not familiar, Raven and Nia are friends. And Nia after making a comment on Rarity and Raven replying back, Nia went all "RAWR RAWR RAWR MUTHAFUCKA" and snapped saying "boi you can't tell me what to do so shut the hell up because I can judge whoever the fuck I want!"

I know I am not a fan of Raven (and I honestly never will be), but first of all, Nia is acting as if Raven said: "Ho Ho Ho Nia you have to listen to whatever I say and when I tell you that you can't judge Rarity, you can't judge Rarity, got it?" Like, Nia got so defensive about it and honestly Raven just replied with "that's Rarity for ya", basically another way of telling Nia: "we all know how Rarity is". I don't think Raven was trying to change Nia's mind, as Nia quotes.

This is just an example of toxic friendship. When a friend starts to not treat you right and you let them walk over you, that just breeds a different group of toxicity. Like, why is Raven letting Nia talk to her like that? Like my good friend once said: "Friends for life? More like dumb-asses for life." If I was Nia and she talked to me like that, no cap I would give her the same amount of disrespect she gave to me because I was raised to treat people the way I want to be treated. Basically if Nia were to act like this in a job or something, she would be fired I'm just saying- 🤭

Even Alexia01906 said it herself: she was not judging Raven in any way. She did not say anything about Raven herself. Then Nia comes in with her big, fat mouth: "nO yOu'Re NOt. YoU NEEd tO lEArN To rEsPEcT RaVEn'S OptION".

First off, sweetheart, it's opinion. Second of all, as said, the user never said anything about Raven for Nia to say "sTOp JuDGiNg hER", once again coming off strong as being defensive. Even when Alexia said that Raven got the wrong couple, Raven said that she was right! So why is Nia barging in here with her unwanted ass? The conversation between the user and Raven was none of Nia's business.

This is just plain rude. Once again coming off so defensive as if someone murdered your cat. So if someone is new to Raven's abominations and has a question about the Twilightnardo ship, you're gonna go all Godzilla on them and give them that attitude? Like, they have the right to ask questions or something that they're confused on. You don't get to decide if they should or should not ask about Leo and Twilight.  "Also before anyone gets any idea Leo and Twilight are only going to be friends cause she said so before so please shut up about the whole 'are they going to be together' or stuff it's annoying". Bitch, you're annoying. You saying that brings a very negative and bitchy vibe and it's not a pleasant attitude, sweetie.

Calm damnit, calm! 🙄

Also you are the one who needs to calm down. The user was telling you to calm down in a polite way, and all you did was snap and give her attitude. You on your period or something? Like, chill 😒 stop with the rudeness, it ain't cute.

Okay, so this i need to talk about because this just brings out the true side of Nia.

FYI y'all, rudeness does not make you a cute person. The more you're rude, the more people will dislike you. Someone needs to tell this bimbo that.

Calling someone a "degenerate male" is just plain wrong and rude and disrespectful. You talk with that mouth to your parents, Nia? I don't know what Jakob really said, but I doubt it was something disrespectful. So Nia had no reason to go all caps lock on this poor dude and be all defensive in the name of her "friend". I believe it was a conversation between Jakob and Raven, and like always, Nia is like a pimple that keeps saying "I'm here! I'm here! I'm here!" Like god, go away already. And also the "And I don't give a crap of your pathetic excuse of being 'busy'. So if you don't like this idea then GET LOST!" And I don't give a crap of your pathetic excuse of acting like a bitch to everyone you see. You need to understand that people have a life outside social media and they have their own things to do. If someone says they are busy, let them do their thing because they have the right to and their lives don't just revolve around social media. Oh, and need I remind you that people can dislike things and ideas, too? Not everyone has to like a certain idea that someone has. Everyone has different opinions and that's okay. Just because someone doesn't quote in quote like something, doesn't give you the right to tell them to get lost. Besides, I doubt Jakob said anything that points to him disliking the idea. So how about you stop assuming things, alright? If I don't like an idea that your so-called "friend" has, are you going to call me a degenerate and tell me to fuck off, too? Nia, Nia, have you ever heard of toothpaste? Because you really need it to wash that rude mouth of yours.

At this point I'm about to go to the dictionary and see if I can find your picture beneath the word rude. It seems that you have no respect around here. All you do is run your mouth like an annoying song that's on reply. Also, Jakob probably deleted his comment because you're harassing and acting rude to him! So before you call someone a coward, maybe you should reconsider who is the coward here, since you think you can call people names and act like a bitch to them behind a screen.

Can you not? Jakob answered your question politely and you give him attitude as if he lit a lighter up your ass. He did nothing to you and yet you're acting like this smh 🤦🏻‍♀️ are you always this rude or you think acting like a bitch is cool?

God, just shut up, will you? Your mouth is more annoying than the annoying orange on CartoonNetwork 🙄 You know Wattpad can come after you like the FBI goes after a criminal, right?

Writing on your profile: "NICE TRY WATTPAD YOU CAN'T GET RID OF ME I'M BACK BITCHES!!!!!!", can literally get your account deleted. Wattpad gave you the privilege, not a right, to be here on this app— Wattpad can take it away in one snap. With an attitude like that I'm not surprised that they haven't banned you from here permanently yet-

And speak of the devil-!

Omfg I hate that excuse. "I dIdN't dO AnYtHinG wRoNG." Using that excuse to justify your actions is stupid. It's like me saying after running over a person: "oH tHE cAr dID It" even though I was the one who was driving the car, which holds me responsible for what I did.

Say sike right now, Nia. "I didn't do anything wrong" my fucking ass. There is clear evidence of you bullying, harassing, and acting rude to others simply because they asked Raven a question or something. So don't you come at us with that bs because we can smell it all the way from where we stand— even when we're in the kitchen. If you're really here to comment and read stories (bad taste, btw), then stop being like a bitch and having an attitude towards everyone. Stop acting like you're all that and talking to everyone as if you're the queen of England. You're not. You're just a human being like us, and although you have rights and such, you also don't realize that when you give someone the rotten treatment, guess what, don't expect to be treated like gold because you won't. And to add more to that, don't you remember what you said before on your previous account? You suspect haters, but you literally told Wattpad to fuck off. You really thought Wattpad was going to sit back and drink piña coladas and watch you violate their policies? You had it coming, Nia. That's the rule here on this app: you violate one of Wattpad's policies, they take down your account. They have the right to do so. So keep it up, Nia. Keep it up. Keep telling Wattpad to fuck off and being rude to everyone because lemme tell you something: they and the rest of us are gonna catch you in 4K.


Are you all for real? Are you all seriously forgetting all the bs that Nia did? Are you all seriously letting what she did slide? What the absolute fu-

Again with the "oH sHE DiDN'T dO aNyTHiNG wRoNg" ... like, yes the fuck she did and there is evidence of her harassing and acting rude to others. Me, personally, if someone don't write books or writes here, I don't think they need a ton of support— I get it if you still want followers and you're just a reader, but Nia? Diddley-Daddley I think the fuck not. She don't deserve followers— especially with that attitude.

Raven: "she was only commenting stories and didn't do anything wrong"

Yes, she was commenting on stories...while also not hesitating to spray "Imma be a rude bitch!" spray on innocent users who have done nothing wrong. She snaps rudely to those who ask simple questions to Raven or something Nia sees as "insensitive", and I'm quoting insensitive because it's not really insensitive, such as when the user horcam told her to calm down politely.

Raven: "If she did please forgive her and give her a chance"

No comment. If Nia acted the way she did to all those users to me, I wouldn't forgive her. Sorry not sorry. And the people who Nia acted rude to don't have to give her a chance. I wouldn't blame them if they don't because considering Nia is a toxic and rude friend, yeah, there's just no point giving her a chance or forgiving her.

Horcam26: "I'm sorry to hear that your account got deleted. But don't worry, I will support you no matter what"

Um...you're gonna support the person who was being a complete bitch to you? You forgot all the stuff she did to you? 🤦🏻‍♀️ and again, what support?! She doesn't need it for Pete's sake! Like, all you people saw what Nia did and you're pretending as if nothing happened! Do I need to give you a mist-clearer drink to clear up your foggy memories?!

People need to understand that you can't act rude and act like a total bitch and get a free pass for that 🤦🏻‍♀️ it doesn't work like that.

Spread the word. Share this chapter. People need to know the truth about Nia. If Nia is gonna continue acting like a bitch with a stick up her ass, then believe me when I say that I hope Wattpad bans her because that kind of attitude is not allowed here on Wattpad and Nia harassing and bullying of others can't be skipped over.

And I also wanna tell you guys this. If someone is being disrespectful to you or acting rude to you or just being toxic with you, don't let that person walk over you. Don't be the puppet that is controlled by strings, dictating what the puppet should and should not do. I get if you're a kind person, but sometimes, being too kind is not always a good thing— you're gonna let people walk all over you and that's not good. Stand up for yourself. Take action. Let the person know that they can't talk to you that way. Because if you don't, they will slowly but surely start to have power over you and they think you won't say anything to them because you never say anything to them at all!

And before you say: "oh but those people were being rude to Nia so you contradict your own statement!" No, Nia was just being a bitch as usual. Those people never said anything rude or disrespectful to her and she had the audacity to unleash her unpleasant attitude on them like a person releasing their dog to attack a poor kid.

Shoutout to my dear friend GenesisG206411  for providing screenshots of the evidence! Thank you, Genesis!

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