David Tennant is, in fact, not dead
Weird dream time :3
David Tennant was filming a movie about a guy that was filming a movie but got shot on set (his character, not David). Apparently it was a succes because it got some sort of award (the dream showed it, the award ceremony or whatever)
Then a flash forward or something, Davod Tennant walking in the woods or just somwhere in nature, idk why when BOOM
He gets shot
But he's not dead, no, because that wasn't the intention
This guy walks up to him and he starts talking like 'You think we shot any imortant organs or something? You're wrong'
Just imagine some guy saying that, but he's sarcastic in a kind of nice way
So now we have David in the back of a car with this dude because why not
They come to a town or something, and for some reason the guy has some luggage, this giant duffel bag and something that looks like a laptop case
David and the guy gat out of the car (more like out of the van, because it's a van now, idk when it changed, it just did) and then these other guys start shouting and running at them
The dude that (presumably) shot David Tennant gives him the duffel bag and laptop case and he's like 'Run to the woods, I'll handle them' like this is some kind of heroic sacrifice or something
The other dudes looo angry and they have guns that they're cocking now so if course David runs
[I woke up here for a few minutes so idk what happened to David or the guy, but I'm going to use my imagination:
-David gets to the forest and finds first aid kit type things in the duffel bag but can't open the laptop case
-the guy that was with him in the car was actually trying to help him and the other guys were a criminal organisation that wanted ro kidnap David for whatever reason
-the guy that actually shot David was then in turn shot by Duffel Bag Guy and because the car/van driver didn't know the original shooter he didn't notice that Duffel Bag Guy is, in fact, not part of the criminal organisation (or maybe he is and he just likes David Tennant idk)
That's my version, if you want you can make your own]
I was walking with my mom through a forest when we heard gun shots and saw these weird orange lines (bullets, as dream me realised) coming from a top of a hill (as if it was a sniper). We turned a corner into a part of the woods that my subconcious made up but appears a lot in my dreams, there's a half-dug-out hill (actually a military facility of some sort), a gravel road and a bunch of really tall but sparse trees (enough to still be a forest, but it could jusy be a bunch of scattered trees in the middle of someone's giant backyard)
We were walking up the half-dug-out hill (idk why there's no fences around the military facility) when a bunch of white drones flew out the front door and some scattered but three hovered like an inch above the top of the hill
The drones looked like this
(It's the drone that Raj bought once in TBBT, we watched that episode yesterday)
And dream me and my mom - being the geniuses that we are - still went up the hill for some reason, even though three drones with laser blasters were hovering there
We got past the first two but then the third one spotted something (not us) and started shooting laser beams (green like the ones in She-Ra)
I laid down on the ground while my mom was already in the bushes and was telling me to crawl towards her
So I did and then ran down the other side of the hill (and the hill was WAY taller on this side so I had a fun time)
Then I jumped off a bump in the hill and started flapping my arms like a complete idiot
But guess what? IT WORKED
I was FLYING across the woods and I couldn't see my mom but I knew she was there
Like all you had to do was jump and flap your arms and you'd feel weightless and you could FLY
It seemed so natural in the dream too, that I started wondering - ACTUALLY WONDERING - why the guys in Dune Two even need those floaty thingies
I thought I could actually FLY
Fastforward again, we're at a funeral in front of the military facility and for some reason, Envy Adams (Scott Pilgrim vs the world) is there, in the front of the chair formation (I'm saying chair formation because there were like ten chairs around a small table forming a U around it and facing the facility
The ceremony isn't started yet (I also see no coffin or anything so that's weird) when this guy comes on stage (or maybe he was jisy talking in close proximity idk) and starts talking about how David Tennant died three moths ago
Suddenly an image of the result you get if you Google David Tennant is in front of me, filling my whole vision, and it says that he died in September (so it must be December now, though the absence of snow is a little weird)
Then the guy starts saying something about David Tennant recovering somwhere so I guess he's not dead (or the doctors are trying some weird necromancy idk) and Google's wrong
Then I woke up for real and idk who died or what happened to David
The thing is I actually believed dream Google for a second and googled David Tennant to check if he's still alive when I woke up
That was this episode's weird dream
See you next time I hope
For my amiga
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