form for stormhaven


I put my form her as it is rather long and there are a few matters that I am unsure about as such I will first be posting it here were you can go over my oc and tell me what needs changing as there are probably quite a few things.

Also please be so kind as to point out anything I might have forgotten.


Optional Character Quote: "I'm simply an imitation of life"

Name: Miresi Imagala

Age: 97.341 years since counting began (counting only began after his coronation as a void knight of the ancients) he came into existence ten thousand years before creation, he was the tenth and last being created by the first dwellers that were originally created by the ancients.

Gender: he has no gender but he generally takes the form of a male do to the effects of histories preference to male figures. And generally refers to himself with male terms. As a result.

Species: (See the species Glossary Book in the Stormhaven Library) Void dweller of the knight type.

Rank Choices: (Put first and second. People can only begin as a REGULAR ranked member and apply for a promotion after a set time period; see Roles & Ranks and Promotions chapters for more details.)




Why your character deserves the rank: (For both)

Miresi is a kind and caring soul which carries great power, though his military discipline is second to none the only drawbacks being his species wary own instincts which he has to constantly battle in order to stay functional.

His love for life and his passive nature is something which keeps him from using force unless necessary. But his limited speaking keeps him from talking things out efficiently.

Visible Appearance: (Original Appearance) (the one used in rp outside of solstice isle.)

Miresi Imagala is 2.5 metres tall; about 8'2". He wears a full suit of black plate mail armour made from void metal; a substance as strong as titanium while also splitting in half all magical energy it comes in contact with until contact is lost. The metal can withstand heat comparable to the sun and temperatures reaching absolute zero. It does not conduct electricity and neither is it magnetic. The armour is held together by black chain-mail of the same kind, though much weaker, only being as strong as iron or steel. The armour has small golden embroidery lining its edges. Though the armour is simple in design and has a very classic full plate mail knight look, it is masterly made, its shape perfectly crafted to deflect blows from his joints, while at the same time allowing maximum manoeuvrability. Without his sword, he estimates his weight to be about 10 tonnes. On his left hangs a longsword, 210 cm in length, excluding the hilt. It weighs nearly half a tonne. Its hilt is about 40 cm in length, allowing room for both his hands. Together, they cover about 30 cm of the hilt. The extra 10 cm are for manoeuvrability. The guard comes out at about 20 cm from the blade and slightly bends downwards to where the hands would be, though not enough to get in the way. The blade itself is 20 cm wide and slowly gets smaller as it reached the tip. At about 200 cm down its length, it goes from 15 cm to a molecular thickness of only one combination of the atoms that make up void metal, so pointed was its edge. The blade's edges are the exact same as the tip, only being made up of a single atomic combination of void metal, slashing through flesh, like a super-heated knife through the air.

The instant the blade comes in contact with another metal alloy, the blade vibrates at a molecular level, breaking the molecules in the other metal and effectively slicing through the metal. Etched into the blade's sides are runes which banish spirits and summoned creatures to the void. Depending on how physical the spirit or the summoned creature was, it takes up to three hits to banish them to the void, where their life and magical energy are devoured, turning them into empty husks which soon join the emptiness of the void.

(Appearance A.M. [After Moran]): See Media.

Miresi acquired an organic form after sacrificing his void-metal armour, the only companion he had for 50,000 years, so he could be with the vampire Moran Flores, Mating Counsellor to the tribe. His face and body are lean and can be described as lithe, though he posseses strong compact muscles, his skin is tinted with a purplish hue, recognising his void-dweller essence. His hair is long and pure white reaching his upper back, his eyes are reminiscent of amber fire and if one looks closely enough one can see a dark purple smoke imitating what Miresi calls the dance of life. His eyes are thin and long giving the impression of imence concentration at all times. How mating mark are in two places of his body the first are five black lines that begin at hid chin and go down his neck befor conecting with a single line that goes around the edge of his neck and shoulders and on his stomach a half circle goes around his belly button with three lines at the bottom which connect with his belly button one of which goes further down his body ending just abowhis groin. The veins inside his body are made of void metal, given the ability to bend and shift like normal veins in exchange for their durability and weight. Pure alt-vion energy courses through them. His heart pumps life energy into his organic system, keeping it fresh and alive, and fuses with the pure alt-vion energy.
Inspired by Moran he has given his organic form a characteristic of vampires, retractable fangs that can extend up to 2 cm.

True Appearance:

Miresi Imagala is a being of pure Alt-vion energy taken consciousness; pure Alt-vion energy was nothing made manifest. It is nothing, yet it is something. Anything it touches has its life energy slowly drained from it, and all living things have the instinct to stay away from it, as do magical beings, for Alt-vion energy, whether pure or not, cancels out all magical energy it comes in contact with. Alt-vion energy appears like a dark purple smoke.
This smokeis constantly tuning through "Miresis" veins and moving the body like a puppet, In reality the organic form Miresi posesses is just a meat suit for containing his true form so that it doesn't dispers with the wind.

Personality: (Detailed: 3-4 sentences minimum.)

Miresi loves life above all else, though he understands that, sometimes, to save a life you must take a life. Miresi strives to become a kind of pacifist but his his racial instincts make it difficult to achieve. He prefers not to fight, though his speaking problem makes it difficult to talk, seeing as every time he speaks his conection with the void weakens ever so slightly. He is a loyal friend, rarely, if ever, breaking a promise or letting anyone down intentionally. He always does the best he can. He follows an honour code of the void; a code which one will learn by observing him. He loves children and other people and tends to be extremely fascinated with life and magical energy, being able to see both. He has a habit of forgetting himself and simply staring at what, to others, is nothing, but to him is the most beautiful sight in the world: life or magical energy dancing through the air. When he sees the two dancing with each ain't getting him back from that one.
You could clasify Miresi as a selective mute seeing as He never says a word to anybody unless He absolutely has no other choice, the only exception being Moran. And though it looks like He doesn't speak to vasaka that is simply becouse void dwellers speak to each other in a different way from people.
He is extremely calm being almost impossible to anger, the only cases of his anger coming forth being related to morans safty.
He is extremely protective of Moran taking her safety over all else, if a choice between the tribe and Moran is presented to him then he would destroy the tribe himself without any hesitation, he would even go against the ancients and destroy planets. Long story short, don't mess with his Moran.

Date of birth: (Of character; please provide in words, not numerals.)

Do to there being no known date for his birth he chose the date of the 8. of April


Miresi was a void dweller. Void dwellers were beings of pure conscious void energy. This species is theorised to have sparked creation, being so ancient. Though Miresi is not one of the old ones, he is rather old, having reached 97,341 years of age, though his experience with this world is limited to only twenty-four years collectively; those twenty-four years being before he met the Solstice Tribe. Miresi only ever went to the earth realm out of curiosity. Unbeknownst to himself, he appeared at the epicentre of a great battle, slaughtering thousands in mere moments. Many legends told of an unstoppable black knight, as tall as a giant, who appeared out of nowhere in great battles and slaughtered armies single-handedly. In reality, he only ever killed as a last resort, for the beauty of life was the best thing he knew. Unfortunately, slaughtering those armies was the only choice he had at the time, for when someone with an appearance like that of Miresi's appears suddenly, the first thing that happens is that someone tries to slay them, believing that he was a demon or monster or with the enemy.

Miresi only attacked in his full defensive form, and only in self-defence - his chains were as of yet unstrengthened, meaning that a simple sword was able to cut through them. However, having never met humans before, he could not understand their frailty. After the first battle, Miresi wandered believing that it was just a misunderstanding or those whom he had met had simply been evil. He travelled to another part of the world in order to mingle with people. He became the protector of a village for a time. However, instead of staying in the tomb, which had only one entrance, and allowing him to act as a 'human' shield, the villagers cut off Miresi's arms before handing him over to the invading army. Miresi spent quite some time trying to understand why they had betrayed him but was unable to. After a day of being studied, he had had enough and left despite the people's attempts to stop him. However, he got word that the humans had discovered the cub, which enhances strength by three times, though it corrupts the mind, so he was forced to cleanse the facility.

Miresi was involved in another battle a few years after that; and in later years, he travelled around, mostly ignoring humans. Though, he did encounter a few whom he began to consider as family. They abandoned him at the first time of him feeding. Later, he found a bandit camp. They tricked him into doing their dirty work and keeping people busy. One hundred years after that (three hundred years before Solstice Tribe was established), Miresi met a girl, whom he began to consider as a mother and helped and protected as much as he was able. However, some people killed her after the two took them in and saved them from certain death, nursing them for two months. The people they had taken in were military officials from another kingdom. They had killed the girl in order to cover their own tracks.

Miresi was among the original ten members of Solstice Tribe. He was lost in the forest when one of the great revamps of the tribe took place. He had been meditating at the time in low power mode and had been considered missing or dead. During that time, he meditated under a great oak tree covered in 30 cm thick dirt. This had grown into a small hull which was heavily covered in flowers, mushrooms, small trees, bushes, and three bird nests - one on his head, the other two on his shoulder. One side of this dirt-covered "hill" had been covered in spider webs and had been of a more swampy and dark nature with giant spiders of multiple breeds. The other side had been greener, happier, and more colourful. An ant trail had gone past the spider webs and up his thigh, then down his other thigh, carrying food down the hill. Miresi was awoken from his meditative state by Alpha Althea Faline in the forest.

Powers: (Alluding to active/offensive magic that the OC consciously activates in order to change/affect something or someone else OTHER than the OC.)

The void knight has wary few sources of power though the sources can be used in a number of different and creative ways.

For example

Void shield is just a thin membrane of smoke like energy which protects the dweller from energy of the none scientific origin.
Though of a magical energy is in a concentration five times that of the alt-vion energy that makes up the sield then an implosion happens which can result in him loosing the ability to manipulate alt-vion energy for about 20 minutes (does not count for his true form)

Void slash is simply the void knight launching a waive of alt-vion energy by swinging his sword and releasing built up energy.

But enough about basic things that anyone can figure out let's get to the abilities that actually differ from one another,

Miresi is able to manipulate, read, affect and implement thoughts into a person mind by establishing contact with there forehead wether the contact be through his finger or his armoued hand doesn't matter so long as it is something thats a part of himself (his armour carries a connection with Miresi)
He has even shown the capability to put other manipulators of the mind to sleep for a limited time ranging from a few minutes to a few hours depending on the other persons mental strength. So far there has been none shown with the ability to fully resist his power.

Miresi like all void dwellers with any semblance of power can open rifts in space to travel through, this requires little more then thought and while to the people outside it apears near instant to Miresi he is simply walking through a tunnel of swirling dark purple energy and finding the right place to step out of it. What to others is near instant can range from a few seconds to even day's for Miresi.

Creation is a fundamental ability of advanced void dwellers, while not wary proficient Miresi is capable of creating objects of void metal or even life of organic nature, though difficulty and risk greatly increases with complexity.

Miresi is able to increase his speed by up to ten times by focusing on the alt-vion energy in his vains. Though he prefers not to use it as he finds it a cheap trick to achieve victory, not to mention 10x speed is limited to only one limb at a time (do to him focusing on it) meaning he has to stay still during it. But a consequence is that it carries the chance of wriping his arm apart should he use it.

He is able to contain, cancel out and devour all forms of energy (granted there not artificially created by science or a natural substance) by using his alt-vion energy.
he can only do that to energy of a mythological nature anything natural or artificial is immune to this effect (like natural electricity)

Skills: (A learned, physical development non-magical-wise. Can be anything from martial arts to cooking to setting up a tent.)

Miresi has masterd the art of sword play, having had more time then most any being in existence to practice has given him a skill rarely ever seen.

He has learned many forms of martial arts though he rarely uses them for hand to hand combat prefering them as a form of balance, mediation or simply a way to pass the time.

He's a pretty good Gardener having quite a wide range of knowledge about plants from many different parts of existence.

He's quite gifted at sowing, painting, drawing, sculpting and carpentry having quite a liking for the arts of creativity, his paintings are often described as masterpieces rivalling most if not all on earth, even hastily drawn images in the sand posses immense detail rarely seen, even going so far as to draw tiny paintings inside the painting. Though he thinks little of his ability as he puts it all up to his ability to do what he sees even if he only sees it ones (not related to magic)

He's an incredibly quick learner only needing to see it ones befor learning it. Yet despite that he just can't seem to figure out how doors work.

Abilities: (Passive magic that affects only the OC in some way 24/7.)

Fear: do to Miresis origin and source of power living and magical beings have an instinct to stay away, on sight every fiber in there being screams at then to get away and as a result a paralyzing fear erupts from them. Miresi becomes the embodiment of death itself to all who look upon him, to them it's as if the Grimm reaper himself has his scythe around the persons throat ready to take them to the afterlife. This instinct is the reason for why he always pokes everyone in the tribe he meets for the first time in there foreheads, it's in order to get rid of this instinct towards himself as it is quite bothersome.

Alt-vion and life energy constantly flows through his body providing him with energy, and his flesh get injured it will heal thanks to liquid life energy.

Healing: if his arm is cut open it heals in a few seconds if his arm is removed then he needs to either re-attach it or create a new one (which can take a few minutes) organs heal at rates depending on there complexity but generally it is around a 5 minutes. His heart takes 30 minutes. During that time life energy will not flow through his body which results in his body begining to decay and fall apart.
Sinch all of Miresis abilities require life energy (alt-vion energy is pure-alt-vion energy (none conscious and gained from the portal in his head) fused with liquid life energy) he can't heal forever and neither can he use his abilities forever, if constantly sustaining damage relative to a knife slazing his arm his suply will only last for 20 minutes, while using his abilities his supply can last for 24 houres, without using them his supply can last for 100 years if dormant his suply can last for 24 centuries.
If sustaining damage and using his ability his suply can only last for 5 minutes.
after his life energy suply is finished/is near finishing he will force a dormant state to happen as to not go feral. If the threat still remains and no allies are near he will allow himself to go feral as a last resort.

Calm: contradictory to fear animals insects plants and the like have a wary strange liking for the dweller, he does not understand it himself but unlike people animals do not shy away from him, infect they flock to him whenever he's been stationery for some time, even going so far as to build nests on his person, plants envelop him as well growing much faster then normal as they wrap around him. It is a strange phenomenon that is not understood by him.

(Please include any details, especially limits to all their powers, skills, and abilities. Anything not listed in your application form will not be valid.)

Extra Information: (Only if you feel in some way that your character is incomplete. Do not use this to make your characters OP. Can include important objects, weapons [max. 2], armour, pets, etc.)

Miresi has an enchanted white elven Rob which he often wears, it's almost as sturdy as steel while flowing like silk. It negates the fear effect he has on people, making sure he doesn't need to poke there foreheads in to much of a hurry.

-if the enchantment of the corresponding blade strengthens the molecular bond then I can accept that, if it's an alloy with a naturally strong bond then yes I can accept that, if all the enchantment does is give the other metal weapon fire then no I can't accept that.
If the sword is protected by a magical membrane it would halfen in strength in contact but as long as something as thin as 0.001 mm is in the way the vibration affect doesn't occur.
Please note that the vibration affect only occurs with metalic alloy and nit with anything else like rock. If a weapon is made from a combination of metal and some other substance (depending on how large a thing the other substance is. Over 20% should do) then Miresis blade doesn't vibrate.

-natural energy would be anything natural, like fire lightning light and so forth. Scientific would be energy created by science like, nuclear energy, electricity and so on you know Artificial

Another thing to mention, the 5 by 5 portal in his head is the source of his alt-vion energy suply and the thing that holds him together. Should anything physical (and not if the void) come in contact with it it will implode and he goes dormant for 10 houres while a new one is made.

((Wasn't sure where to put this))


Alt-vion energy is a form of energy used by void dwellers and void dwellers only. Along with its life-draining effect, alt-vion energy cancels out all forms of mythological, magical, and spiritual energy, chakra, ki, and others. If a void dweller has mastered alt-vion energy manipulation, he can use it to contain these energies instead of simply dispelling them. Alt-vion energy has no effect on physical or scientific energy. Alt-vion energy is made up of pure alt-vion energy fused with life energy to give it mass like air or smoke. The top speed of alt-vion energy so far is 1000 mph. Pure alt-vion energy is the energy of the void itself. It is nothingness - absolutely nothing, yet it exists. Why and how it exists is unknown. However, because it is nothing, there is nothing to stop it; no molecules to collide with, no force to affect it. In fact, the only thing that can contain it is void metal.

Because of its nothingness, pure alt-vion energy can travel faster than light, with a flick of the wrist it goes hurtling away from you, and unless you will it will simply keep on going forever, gaining speed as it moves. Though it can't cancel out anything it does have a life-draining effect. Void dwellers do not use this to fight because it is their very being. Using it would be like ripping out their own arm and throwing it at the enemy. It is much more efficient to fuse pure alt-vion energy with life energy and use that. All void knights have a cube 2 cm in every direction in the centre of their helmet. This is a portal to the void from whence they gather pure alt-Vion energy and fuse it with the life energy they store in them in order to fuel their abilities.

VOID DWELLERS The void dwellers are the ones that dwell in the void, which has existed since before creation. The first void dwellers were created, but the rest are alt-vion energy given consciousness. The process is random and sometimes void dwellers have no other ability besides being floating smoke. Occasionally, a void dweller is produced with the potential to serve the ancients and become their enforcers. It is theorised that the void dwellers sparked the beginning of creation. This, however, is unconfirmed. Their species is extremely long-lived. Some would say they are immortal, but an exact record of their age limit has not been made. It is suspected that they can live up to a few hundred millennia. A certain characteristic of void dwellers is their ability to open up a rift in space to travel through.

The void knight is inherently calm, but if he goes too long without feeding on life energy, he can become feral, losing his mind and beginning to feed on everything around him until he is satisfied. A hungry void dweller is not a good sight, but a hungry void knight is frightening. In his feral state, his strength and speed are doubled but he loses the ability to use void energy. Instead, he mindlessly charges and attempts to eat the enemy with his many mouths. He may be considered weaker in this state, but he has the ability to eat anything. His many hundreds of mouths constantly eat the air and anything else. Even metals previously considered indestructible are eaten up. He may seem indestructible, given that, even though his armour turns into an organic substance and eats up any substance almost instantly, he becomes quite stupid and relies entirely on instinct. If he is led into a forest, the first thing he does is eat the life energy and begins turning back to normal. Given enough time and will, a void knight can learn to turn his body organic without going feral. When this happens, he won't have the hundreds of mouths. His organic tissue will resemble glue in a way, for it will be quite malleable.


Void metal: a substance as strong as titanium which splits in half all magical energy it comes in contact with. The metal can withstand temperatures that of the sun and temperatures reaching absolute zero. It does not conduct electricity and is not magnetic. Void metal tends to have a strange effect on spirits, making their forms turn unstable. If a spirit holds contact for long enough it will cease to be. The durability of the void metal depends on the thickness and the amount of void metal it is made from. 1 cm thick would be iron or steel; 2 cm: steel/tempered steel. At 5 cm it gets as strong as titanium but will not gain strength with higher thicknesses. Void metal is extremely heavy; Miresi's armour weighs 10 tonnes and his sword weighs half a tonne.

If void knights learn enough they can create void metal with special characteristics. For instance, with Miresi's sword, the instant the blade comes in contact with another metal alloy, the blade vibrates at a molecular level, breaking up the molecules in the other metal effectively. They are able to give them many other abilities, though it usually either comes at the cost of time or the sacrifice of another characteristic.

Miresi is also able to create life, though difficulty greatly increases with complexity.

The void can see all. Miresi has friends in the void, which allows him to keep an eye on many others, especially his mate, Moran.

Time Zone: (e.g. Australian EST) 00:00 gmt

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