A/N: Just as a warning, this page is rather long. If you wish to not want to read it, that's fine.
So, I stumbled upon this video here by a person of the name of Toxic Entertainment where he "calls out" the dragon ball youtubers, (specifically rhymestyle) in the defense of the old broly. And... it's really bad.
"Rhymestyle did his collab with Geekdom. And in it, he said: Broly doesn't suck anymore. I was under the impression that broly was one of the most popular things about dragon ball."
While He's not wrong about Broly being one of the most popular characters in dragon ball, the reason he was liked some much back then was because he was this strong evil legendary saiyan that took on multiple super saiyans at once, people were amazed by that and kinda liked the character for that and the fights in the film, then there's the obvious fact that they kept bringing him back in more movies. And not to mention that games like raging blast and heroes or the dragon ball 4-d ride kept giving him transformations up the ass with little explanation (for the most part).
"The whole time he was non-canon, you guys did was scream and cry and beg toriyama to make him canon."
Ok, first things first, this man really needs to edit the damn video so he can cut out all the pauses he makes, honestly, I've had to keep skipping through some parts to get to the next thing he says because of it. And wow, really wish he would have shown some clips, screenshots or even leave links to videos or whatever where they say this. Because I've followed a lot of dragon ball youtubers for a long time and not once have I heard them say that they wanted broly canon. Even then, I hope you know that people's mind can change over time.
"And not that he's been made canon, you guys, you "so called real dragon ball fans" are sitting around. Shitting on the old broly. Which is supremely better than this new one."
You know, I just love it when people say real dragon ball fans like that. Because god forbid, we can talk about a character all we want, but if we don't like said character and prefer a new version of them, we're apparently not a real fan. And for the old broly being superior thing. I know it's an opinion, but, he tends to go out of his way to try and say that the new one is the exact same as the old one. I will bring evidence into this to disprove this little argument at the end.
"He's another example of these guys when they don't need something anymore, they throw it in the trash. You don't need the old broly anymore. Because you got this new one. So let's throw it in the trash."
Again, some links and stuff like that would be nice to give some evidence on this. But, he doesn't provide any. And I doubt he and a few other dragon ball youtubers are gonna stop talking about the old broly. Whether it be through discussions on the character, comparisons of him and the new one, what if or hell, even through any possible reviews on the old broly films if there's any anniversary event. And let's not forget about the games.
"But, this time that the new broly didn't exist when you needed the old one, he was cool then. He was okay and ya begged them to make him canon. You guys never cease to amaze me with the absolite slime that drips off you dragon ball youtubers."
Funny, because I've looked at both of Rhymestyle's two channels, rhymestyle and unrealentgaming, and all of those seem to either be gameplay with and without mods, discussions on the character, what if scenarios regarding the character or a look back at the films. The gameplay seems to be the more known one, and even then, these videos of old broly are only a portion of the videos on the channel.
"All you guys: "Oh, I just love the new broly". He didn't even get any fucking character development like you guys keep saying. All he did was fucking scream, yell and blow shit up, just like the old broly. You guys, who are trying to pass off this new broly as he's some significant upgrade to the old one. You're just a bunch of fucking lairs, man. He did not get any character development. They made him more powerful and he screamed a lot."
Keep this in mind, I'll be going at it near the end.
"He never sucked. He's been one of the main things keeping this dragon ball community alive."
Yeah, and that's why we've had things like brolytards. And just for the record, just because broly was one of the "main things" of dragon ball, doesn't mean that people can have their own opinion on him as well as question the character as a whole.
"You assholes have been on broly life support for I don't know how long. He's been givin y'all oxygen."
I've already gone over the whole thing about the amount of broly videos there are on Dragon Ball Youtuber channels compared to many other videos and what type of videos they are.
"You guys are really, really, really, really fucked up in this community. You love biting the hand that feeds you all the damn time."
Really? Because all I see was them either playing as Broly, using him in a mobile game, what if theories, discussion and reviews, which are still only a portion of the amount of videos on most of the channels. And even if they liked the old broly back then, once again, opinions and point of views on that character can change of time where they start to notice things such as flaws.
"Rhymestyle, whether you friends with Geekdom or not, it don't matter to me. You full of fuckin shit, dude. You really are. Cuz, you one of the motherfuckers who's suckin off broly's cock for views. Just like everybody else.. Don't nobody wanna hear that bullshit man. Bounce up out of here with that."
Yeah, because it's totally cock sucking for people to talk about an upcoming addition to dragon ball, what it will do, what it will have and what the possibilities for the franchise may be after it as well as even doing what ifs for the character considering how he was done in the new film and where he story could go next.
Now then, I think it's time I finally shot down that little point he's been making about the old broly and the new one being the same. This is false for a few reasons. Yes, they have a few similarities here and there, but, they're not the exact same thing going on.
Let's start off with the problem with the old broly and his problematic backstory.
Broly was a child born on the same day as Goku. and he was apparently psychologically tormented by baby goku all because goku was crying non stop next to him. He was then to be executed by king vegeta under fear of him being a threat. So he comes in, stabs the baby in the chest and throws him away with his father to die. The two somehow survived that and managed to even survive the destruction of planet vegeta. Broly's behavior became more maniacal and erratic as he matured, due to his power and the traumatic events during his infancy.
(And trust me, I'll be bringing that up when we get to his personality).
He became destruction wanting and sadistic to the point his father had to put a crown on him to control his power and use him as a tool for revenge against king vegeta. Paragus had a plan to use Earth as a base of operations for universal domination and to take revenge on Vegeta by luring him to a planet doomed to be destroyed by a giant comet. During the time, he used Broly to destroy the remaining planets in the South Area, such being the main cause of the realization of disturbance in the universe from King Kai, who contacted Goku and informed him of the threat. And it wouldn't be until he saw goku that he started getting made and eventually broke free from his father's control. A long fight goes on between him and the Z fighters before finally being taken down by goku and exploding. In movie 8 anyway. In movie 10, he some how survived exploding and escaped in a pod and crashed on earth before being frozen in ice for a few years. He only woke up after hearing Goten's crying for some reason. He fights them for a while before eventually being taken out by a family kamehameha by gohan, goten and goku's spirit? And I'm just going to ignore bio broly because that one is a clone.
Now for New Broly.
Now, his story is similar to the old broly's a little, except with a few exceptions. Goku and Broly were only born at the same time rather than the same day. While King Vegeta was also afraid of the child's power, he was also jealous of it since it was even higher than his own son's and didn't want the son of a saiyan under him to out class his son. But, instead of killing him, king vegeta simply sent him off to a frontier planet which was inhabited by large beasts. Paragus chased after, got stuck on the planet with him for a few years. Paragus would take that time to try and mold broly into a warrior. During Broly's time on the planet, he trained, played and befriended a large animal named Bah. Paragus didn't like this and shot the ear off bah, making him loss his trust and friendship with broly, all of that done so paragus could turn broly into a warrior for revenge. Some time would have eventually lead to broly being forced to wear a shock collar by his father to control his power and would be shocked if he even got a bit out of control. The two would eventually be found by Cheelai and Lemo, brought back to frieza and would work with him to get revenge on vegeta. Broly would make friends with Cheelai and Lemo during this time. Once he got to earth, he fought vegeta and goku and broke free from the collar and his father's control. Sometime after seeing his father's dead body, Broly turned into a Super Saiyan for the first time, seeing that the only person he's known the most for his entire life was gone. He would eventually be taken down and almost killed when goku and vegeta fused to become gogeta. Thankfully, cheelai wished for broly to be sent back to vampa. Now broly currently lives his days living with the two and will likely start to get to know more about them and get the type of love and care his father never seemed to have given him.
Now, onto their personalities.
Old Broly, due to having dealt with a traumatic event started to become a psychopath that wanted to destroy and kill just about anything in his path. His father had to control him with the crown and basically turned him into an almost full on emotionless character. And as before, once he broly free, his other personality came out. He was inhumane and didn't hesitate to kill anyone, even his own father. He was shown to be sadistic in battle and even toys with people before killing them. And example would be with the slaves where it looked like he was about to kill them, only to make his blast hit their planet so he could then laugh at their misery. And of course has an irrational hatred for Goku. In Movie 10, his defeat at Goku's hands as well as his severe injuries resulted in him losing his sanity and sense of reality as he mistook goten for a baby goku and only said kakarot.
Now New Broly, in his base form, developed a more sane personality due to not having a tramatic event happen to him. Due to his upbringing on an inhospitable planet living only with his father and no other sentient being, Broly was a quiet person with little social skills or manners. He also showed a noticeable fascination with the various comforts of the civilized society, particularly eating better quality food. As noted by many, for all Broly's unprecedented talent for battle and sheer power, he was a peaceful man who didn't like fighting beyond pleasing his father or when his Saiyan blood is fully aroused. Rather, Broly was by nature was very soft-hearted and friendly, shown to be a sentimental man, as he greatly valued any and all companionships he experienced, a trait extremely rare in Saiyans. He was quite friendly once his trust was earned. Broly was shown to be fiercely protective of Cheelai and Lemo, as shown when they were harassed by a Frieza Force soldier. And due to all the time he spend on Vampa, his father was the only companion he had in all this time, he developed an undying loyalty and love towards his father despite the harsh training he put Broly through. Some of this may have even stemed from emotional scaring, as he was horrified at the very notion of his father disciplining him with his electric collar. This is seen in both the moments when Broly first saw the button to the collar and struggled to get it off with a feared look, and when he was shocked by his father in the cafeteria. He was also was appreciative of other's kindness, giving Goku a warm smile after the fellow Saiyan offered to teach him to fight and to visit often, sparking a friendly rivalry.
However, when Broly transformed and Broke free from the Collar, instead of being a murderous psycho, he became more of feral beast with little rationality. As Broly tapped into and goes deeper into his power, his sanity starts to fray and he starts to have trouble comprehending instructions from his father along with progressively becoming more violent. When he reaches Super Saiyan due to the death of Paragus, his mindset boils down to "kill everything that moves". All of this was due to the mistreatment of his father and him trying to turn broly into a weapon to the point that he put a shock collar on him like an animal and Broly still having loved his father. He was so mentally unstable that the only known way to non-fatally subdue him is to invoke the fear of death. This was seen when he looked in shock as Gogeta's kamehameha was coming for him, and we could see Broly's pupils back on his eyes.
Now onto what some people hated about the old broly to why these certain said people like the new one.
some people didn't like this was simply due to the fact that the backstory, once you dig down, it starts to make less sense.
I'll let an image I've used in one of my previous books to do some of the explaining.
And as an add onto this, how the hell does a new born baby, saiyan or not, survive a stab to the chest without succumbing to massive blood loss or even a damaged area in the chest?
Not only that, Old Broly had a generic villain personality when as a legendary super saiyan and almost none when he was control and how he was in movie 10. Some people could try to make the defense that he has PTSD and should at least make this broly sympathetic to an extend. Here's the thing, the narrative of the film doesn't do this and just paints broly as a psycho who now only want's death and destruction and won't listen to anyone. He was like kid buu, but older, less childish and had more vocabulary.
And to add onto this, he's had an extremely toxic fanbase of his for a long time.
And some of these people liked the new broly's backstory because not only did it make more sense, it gave a wider look into the past and we would see a bit of what broly as a kid alone was capable of as a taste to what he would be when he was an adult. And mixed with the personality he was given in the film, it actually gave us something for us to really feel sorry for him. We saw an example of the cruel things his father did to him and others to try and make his son into a fighter. And once Broly broke free, he went out of control because of all the treatment. It was all thanks to the help of new friends that cared for him that his life would be saved and broly could finally not have to be told or forced what to do.
Not only this, but, it's been hinted in this film that this broly is possibly a mutant, as stated by king vegeta himself in the original Japanese dub. This can essentially be backed up with the fact that Broly can go into a form that utilizes the powers of an oozaru without becoming the ape as well as not losing speed and agility. And there's also the fact that Broly was able to affect goku's god bind move to where he managed to use it as his own binding ability for a moment. So, there's more differences between LSSJ then and LSSJ now.
And for the fanbase thing, the new broly may get brolytards of his own if not possibly the same ones who were fans of the old one.
Well, that's all I had to give on this response.
(Quick Update).
And that's about it. My Thoughts?
This video has a lot of problems going for it. He didn't really leave any links or screenshots to back up what he said about the dragon ball youtubers, he kinda pushed the thing with the new broly that he's exactly like the old one a lot where it was being pushed more towards fact than opinion, he pulled that "real dragon ball fan" card as if they're not real fans of the series, which is clearly not true because if they weren't actual fans, they wouldn't spend their time of days looking up info, playing the games, reading the manga and watching the anime, even doing reviews and what ifs and paying their respect to the original source material, he really needs to edit the video to get rid of all the pauses in there.
Now, don't get me wrong, the man has some good content on his channel when I gave it another look. But, I honestly think that his video on other dragon ball youtubers and this one weren't really all that good honestly.
Other than that, that's everything I need to give on this.
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