Holy, Where Am I? Oh! I know!

Songs of the chapter

Ditto by Newjeans

Hoodie Season by Stray Kids

Jotto by BIBI

Tell Me by Wonder Girls (rap ver)

Swan Song by Le Sserafim

Sour Grapes by Le Sserafim

Binu by BIBI 

La Negra Tomasa by Caifanes

Way Back Home by Shaun

I took a deep breath which turned into a yawn in my mouth. Then I looked around the setting. 






Light Yagami...



I looked to my right. About 2 feet away from me was a desk (no shit Sherlock) but who was sitting there? Light Yagami! That's who. Also. What the fuck am I doing here?! I looked around and panicked. Can I get back? I'm scared...what now? Am I screwed? Yeah! God damn.

Why am I thinking about Chk Chk Boom right now? When the teacher is yapping like "Listen to the voice of god and I guess you never will..." or something like that. Religion has never really been a comfortable topic for me. So I shifted uncomfortably. I looked down at my text book. 

I looked to my side. And the young boy just spaced out. 

Teacher: What's wrong Yagami? Please translate the following sentence...

I flinched. Thinking I was caught too. I wasn't. I sighed in relief as I realized this. Light stood up he looked... zombie? Like no glitter in his eyes what so ever. I snapped out of it when he answered with: 

Light: Follow the voice of God, then the blessings of the sea will become bountiful, and there will be no storms...

I looked up at him, a bit curious. He sat back down and listened to the lesson. I looked at him and he looked up from his book to stare at me back. I flinched a bit and looked down a bit. My blood pumping like it was filling up a balloon with helium. In other words, my heart was beating fast. I looked down at my uniform...



(I had Haerin's version)

(Side note: this is the uniform I can get to the closest to his school's uniform. And it's cute. Also another side note [I made this program up] but me, Ari and Minji are part of a foreign exchange program. And we have permission to wear the uniforms of our country but still the same color pallet) 

I saw my black socks rolling off my shin a bit so I pulled it up. I placed one of my pigtails behind on my back, and I tightened my tie a bit. Boring...blah...blah...boring...blah...boring. I noticed my name tag. It said "김 가 람" (Kim Ga ram). It was small but lowkey cute. I sighed heavily and looked at the clock. No fun. I want it to be lunch already. I sighed and took out my phone. I had...two? A flip phone (this is 2004-2006) and my normal phone. I checked my flip phone. 

It was a literal black Motorola...and my modern phone was a Samsung Galaxy S22. 


I put it back in my pocket and looked up, slowly. Up at the chalkboard, then to my side.

Why is he still staring? I stared back. Dead in the eye. I'm not challenging him but damn I can't help but see his reaction. The bell eventually rung, after a dreaded what felt like many hours. We had lunch. Some kids stood up and left to go to other classrooms. I looked through my backpack and saw a camera, textbook, notebook (dw it wasn't the death note), a pencil case,  and a change of clothes for gym. 

I walked out, looking to see if I was alone. I went to the hallway. Relief washed over me like a tide when I saw Ari, but she looked around, confused. I ran up to her. 

Garam: Ari! Oh my god! Have you seen Minji?! 

Arianna: No, not yet, I hope she's here. I'm a little scared

Ari looked around for Minji 

Garam: Same, am I tweaking or are we in Death Note? 

Arianna: I dunno. I think we are, why? Is Light Yagami in your class? 

Garam: Yes, actually, a religion class I think. 

Minji: Well that sucks, you're Buddhist, Garam

We heard Minji. We both turned. Ari and I sighed of relief. 

Ari: I'm glad you're here! 

Ari ran up to Minji and she hugged her waist (Ari was sitting down on a bench with me), and Minji sat down as she took out strawberry milk and a straw

Minji: It's ok.

Ari: I also saw a notebook fall...

Garam and Minji: You too?!

Me and Minji looked at each other as if saying "Huh?"

Ari: Yeah, it was weird. A black notebook. But I didn't want to pick it up. What if it's the death note?

Garam: I dunno, I wouldn't touch a notebook that fell from the sky to be honest...

Minji: Any sane person would ignore it.

Minji proceeded to sip on some strawberry milk, loudly. 

And I had forgotten she whipped it out and drank it up like she drinking the entire fucking seven seas. 

And her bitch ass can't even share?!

Garam: Where did you get the strawberry milk from?

Minji: It was on my desk when I woke up

Ari: Oh my god!

Garam: I want someeeee!

Ari: Same! No fair!

Minji: Alright

Minji then proceeded to take out two strawberry milk bottles. They were stubby, like Yakult bottles. She gave them to me and Ari and took out straws. 

Ari: I love you! You literally saved my fucking life!

Minji: It's not much. But it'll do.

Garam: We don't care, you're a legend for this I love you Minnie!

Minji smiled and giggled at how much power she had over us. With just some strawberry milk. I poked a hole with my straw and took a sip. I smiled as the flavors bloomed on my tongue and rushed down my throat. I sighed and looked over at the two girls. 

Garam: Should I take a photo of us? 

Minji: Yes!

Ari: I wanna share these moments with y'all, before we all die, so why not?!

Garam: Okay!

I smiled and took out my camera. I flipped it so that it can face our direction. We all posed with either finger hearts or peace signs and I snapped the moment a few times. We all giggled and looked at the shots. 

We kept happily sipping on strawberry milk while brainstorming on how to not die here. Eventually we got bored and decided to draw on a chalkboard and play tag in the halls. 

I started drawing a little bunny rabbit. Minji drew a bear and Ari drew a kitty. We laughed at each other's drawings because they were silly. I gave the kitty a lil bow to go with it. Ari playfully smacked the back of my head with her palm and i rolled my eyes back at her. 

Minji grinned and we all posed with  our drawings as background and i took the shot. I started recording and Ari drew a little treble clef. Minji drew a stick person with a bow.

We like bows or some odd shit. I smiled at them and went back to drawing a flower. 

Minji: Y'all low key school is more fun here. They're more chill.

Garam: I know right! I love it here better.

Ari: For some odd reason i still play violin here.

Garam: Oh crazy.

Minji: Why?

Ari: Because it's my passion!

Garam: We love us some passion

Ari: Like the makeouts you and Light will have

Garam: GIRL WHAT?! NO!!

Minji: In your delulu dreams, you two...

Minji rolled her eyes and she playfully nudged me. I scoffed and shoved her and she bumped int Ari. Ari snapped her head to her and gasped. Me and Minji and i rolled our eyes and laughed. 

Minji then decided to be a menace and she said:

Minji: Tag! You're it!

Ari: No fair!

Garam: Haha! Boo hoo!

We ran through the hallways, grinning, laughing and chasing each other.

Just enjoying teenage girlhood, you know? 

Minji tagged Ari and we started running around. 

I kept laughing and looking behind me. That I didn't notice someone infront of me. I crashed into someone. The impact was so hard and painful I literally retracted and fell back painfully. On my butt. 

Garam: Ow fuck!

Ari: You okay Rami?

Minji: Holy shit

I looked up after getting out of my dazed mode and I saw...


It's Light Yagami, again! 

Get away man!

Light: Damn, are you okay?

Garam: Kinda...

Light: Well go back to class. Be careful next time. And take this as a lesson that running should only be outdoors.

Garam: Sorry...

Light: It's- it's whatever. Just don't do it again.

He just simply walked away after that. God damn. How snarky and rude. I rolled my eyes and Minji helped me stand up again. I dusted my uniform and rolled my eyes at him. He glared back and left to go back to class. 

Minji: Ugh, so rude god damn!

Ari: Yeah! And apparently he's so popular with the girls!

Garam: Did that inflate his ego?

Ari: I'm assuming so.

Minji: God, what an asshole.

Garam: But he gets worse. He was Kira's first victim.

Minji: What's that supposed to mean?

Garam: His alter ego "Kira" has taken over Light and he gradually, over time, grew more cocky and insane...

Ari: Oh, holy shit. But girl, you should definitely be petty and date him.

Garam: Nuh uh, he's gonna think I'm stupid or some shit, bruh.

Ari: No no...he won't! I promise!

Minji: Fine...I'm not okay with it but I love me some pettiness.

I never thought this random conversation would turn into a mini yapping session and it got deep too...

Light POV

I stayed and listened. The shorter girl with two low pigtails was kind of cute. 

She's kind of short and her bunny face makes it better. 

I'm not going to lie about that.

 I flicked my forehead. I should focus on my studies more.

I walked away silently. I sat down. And the new girl sat down next to me. Next thing I know after I space out is the teacher walking in.

Garam POV

I sat in my seat and tried not to look at Light. 

I felt his eyes on my side. 

Mind your damn business man. 

As the end of the day got near, I started to worry on where the hell we lived. Where would we stay? Did we have to rent a house or did we already have one?! Oh my, I'm scared. What if we don't have any sort of plan?! Shit.

The end of the day was here. But I'm still worried. I nervously bit my nails, waiting for Ari and Minji. They arrived but then my body started moving on its own and they followed me. 

I walked out the school, to the street, to the sidewalk and to a house about 15 minutes away. I set my bag down and I replaced my loafers with penguin slippers. Ari went to the kitchen and grabbed a snack. I went to the couch and plopped myself there. I sighed and I let the couch swallow me. It didn't really swallow me, it just felt THAT comfortable. I sighed and i heard Minji start turning on the stove to cook. 

I closed my eyes and dozed off. 

Light POV

I was walking home. Reading a book. My legs moving on their own since i take this route many times, all the time, almost everyday. As my nose was in the book I heard the news on the billboard 

News reporter: Today, at approximately 11 am, in Kangawa Prefecture in Yokohama, the body of a man, appearing to be 30 years old, was found in an apartment, covered in blood. Kangawa police have opened up a homicide case. 

Holy...what? I didn't mind much. I kept walking on autopilot and kept reading. 

News reporter: In other news...today shortly after noon in the Shibuya district of Tokyo, a 25 year old woman was gagged and killed by her live in partner. 35 year old Tofuji Naoki, is being held in custody, charged with her murder. 

Day in and day out...the thing over and over again...this world is...rotten. 

I looked down to my bag. At the book I had. In...it...

I was looking out the window. It all happened so fast. A literal SOLID book has fallen from the sky. 

Of course I had to pick it up. But jeez

It was a pain to read. Because it was in English...

And now here I am...home with it.

I read it throughly. 

"There will no effect when face of the targeted person is not in the writer's mind, so that the people sharing the name will not be affected."

"If the cause of death is written within 40 seconds of writing the person's name, the death will happen. If the cause of death is not specified, the person will simply die of a heart attack."

"After writing the cause of death in the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds, details of the death should be written"

Either make people die peacefully or make then suffer...

Arianna POV

I saw Rami doze off. I walked upstairs to my room and I set my backpack on the ground next to my desk. I took out my textbooks and started studying. I'm not gonna fail. At least try not to. I looked over the material I barely knew and I kept going over as much i could understand to at least try and learn a thing or more. 

I started smelling food at the 12 minute mark. It smelled spicy. Like spicy rice cakes. My mouth watered at the scent that invaded my nose. I looked down and realized I haven't changed. I stood up and looked through the clothes in my closet. Before deciding to take out an oversized sport style sweater with the number "08" and a skirt to match the navy. 

(Ari i hope you like it TT)

I went downstairs and Garam was still asleep. I sighed and walked over to her. I kneeled down next to her and shook her gently. She stirred a bit before rubbing the tiredness out of her eyes and yawning. 

Minji: Hey can you two look over the food while I change?

Garam: Sure!

Ari: Are you making spicy rice cakes?

Minji: Yup!

Ari: Alright.

Minji left the kitchen and went to her room to change. I looked over to Garam who looked fully awake yet slightly wide eyed because I woke her up. She looked down at my slippers and i did so too. 

They were cute shark slippers. We both smiled and she went to her room to change. And then I 

Minji POV

I entered my room and I looked around. 

Desk, closet, posters, bed and chair. 

Damn, I miss my members. I'll be honest though, our drama is bad, so it kinda feels good to not wake up everyday to remember that.

I walked to my closet and looked through it. I looked through the many clothes i had. I smiled when i saw a t shirt with a cartoon me and some shorts i had neatly folded. Slipped off my uniform and changed to something more comforting. 

I walked out my room and Garam walked past me. I'm assuming with the same intent of changing out of the uniform. I don't blame her, or Ari. I walked to the kitchen and saw Ari watching over the rice cakes. I smiled at her and said:

Minji: Thanks for watching over them.

Ari: Yeah, no problem!

Minji: Did Garam sleep well? 

Ari: I dunno. I forgot to ask  

Minji: Oh, okay.

Garam POV

I was sitting on my bed. Thinking. The room was cold, but I'm assuming it's good because I was sweating, at the thought of being here. In a world where I might die if I peep something slightly unappealing. 

Yes, I'm crushing on Light Yagami

But it doesn't mean that I'll defend his actions. Sorry, I won't defend Kira's actions. I'm scared. Oh shit oh shit...I'm terrified. What now?

I sat on my bed. Already changed. In a white, long sleeved, off the shoulder shirt with a pair of black denim shorts

I started thinking. Well...overthinking to be specific...

What if I get killed by Misa?

What if I accidentally fuck up and I die? 

What if Kira wins?

What if I accidentally make him win?

We would be screwed for sure...it was good morals until it wasn't...

What if...i am his side trash?


I don't want to get involved with this imma be honest. But why would i be sent here? 

Why would we be sent here?

To change some shit? Or just for death? Makes no sense!

Hey bitch! Yeah! YOU LIFE! Make. It. Make. Sense. You piece of shit...

I sighed and stood up and walked to the kitchen. The smell of spice filling my nose. My mouth water at the scent i forgot i needed so much. I took out cups and served us mango juice. With ice. Ari took out utensils and napkins. Minji served the food and set the three bowls down. 

Tteokbokki, with melted cheese. Ari smiled in happiness. We all felt the same. Happy that we're eating a proper meal after a long ass day of confusion. I took my chopsticks, grabbed a rice cake lathered in spice sauce, and put it in my mouth to eat it. The spicy flavors started blooming on my tongue and mouth. I smiled and sighed. 

We eventually finished eating and decided to go out. Aoyama is the next stop. We got on the train (we didn't even change). We saw the many shops. We went inside a makeup store and we took pictures of us posing with the mirrors they provided here. We looked through all the products and samples. I picked up a lighter pink blush and put it up to my cheek. 

Garam: Would this blush look cute on me?

Ari: Definitely! Just use it with light makeup

Minji: Oh definitely! The lip oils here are sold for good prices!

Ari and Garam: Really?!

Ari: Imma take green apple and lick it!

Garam: No silly! Wait I'll take grape and do so too!

Minji: Dumbasses!

Garam: Only 120 yen...? Fuck I forgot we weren't in Korea anymore...

Ari: Oop.

Minji: I love this store suddenly everything here is cheap!

Ari: Cute!

Minji: Yeah!

Garam: I'm buying this blush.

Minji: It feels weird not being famous.

Garam: Feels good too, then you can go out and do whatever. 

Ari: You guys feel pressured to be perfect?

Minji: Yeah! Can't even buy "Yu-Gi-Oh!" cards without having Dispatch asking if I play.

Garam: Oh no! Everyone's gonna know that Kaiba is my baby daddy!

Ari: Y'all are kinda weird haha. 

We all laughed and went to the cashier. Everything here was cheap. But of good quality. 

We ran all over the shopping district and wasted our money. We bought things like we ate from silver spoons. 

Wasting like rich kids.

And overall started enjoying life with dread again. 

We eventually went home and to bed. One of the best sleeps of my life...

God damn I was seriously locked in

Thanks for wasting your time and reading this 


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