Dear Insanity...I Was Right...
Songs of this chapter
Pierrot by Le Sserafim
Don't Go Insane by DPR Ian
Impurities by Le Sserafim
The Weekend by BIBI
Obsession by EXO
A Boy by G Dragon
She's Gone by G Dragon
Life is a Bi... by BIBI
Skins by DPR Ian
Garam POV
I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I really hate that sound, it makes me miserable. I sat up and looked around, not wanting to leave my bed.
I started overthinking for the millionth time since I got here.
We have been here for like three weeks. It's around the time that the Kira investigation started.
Light Yagami or rather Kira has started his killing spree.
Fuck...and I haven't gotten enough time to think.
I'm an entire ass rebel in this world he wants to build.
And I'll probably die here now that I think about it...
I'd rather have 100 Pierrots smiling at me
I sighed and dragged my feet to the bathroom. I splashed my face with cold water to really wake myself up. Man, fuck mornings they can go crawl in a hole and rot in there!
I hate school more though...they make mornings bad.
Ari came in the bathroom and she had her cell phone and she showed me a whisper from Pinterest. It was random, but an okay way to start my morning.
But I've never related to a pin so much.
I smiled and started brushing my teeth. With Ari doing the same and Minji walking in and applied toothpaste to her brush. I started washing my face, with cleansing foam being spread around my face like jam.
I started playing music.
The first song was "The Weekend" by BIBI. I smiled and washed the foam off my face as the beat and lyrics repeated in my head like a little repeated lullaby.
It was peaceful...
Which is never strange's like a weird peaceful if you get what I mean...
We all ran out of the bathroom and started making breakfast and lunch. Running around faster than Speedy Gonzalez and Roadrunner combined.
Minji made breakfast...
Ari packed our lunches...
And I grabbed all our stuff and prepared our shoes and homework...
I heard I had a project in my religion class. I'm nervous. I heard it was about learning different religions.
Like Islam
And among many interesting others...
I wonder who my partner is...
I set the backpacks down at the door, I grabbed our lunch boxes and stuffed them in each of their respected backpacks. I sat at the table and started eating.
We all sat down to eat and talked to each other a bit. About random things, like how to survive and being a rebel in this world that is taboo to speak bad. I wonder if this is how the Soviet Union (now Russia) felt in their days.
Hm...but I wouldn't know because this is different. Different in a sense where nowhere is safe. Unless you go off grid
I turned on the radio out of pure, innocent boredom and another heart attack was announced on the broadcast.
I tensed a bit, I turned it on at the wrong time. I looked at Jiji and Ari, They had the same reaction as me. Tense and uneasy.
"________ ________ was found dead in his cell from a heart attack done by Kira" is like an entire Mantra of scare.
Something bad...
We all stared at the radio and then at each other.
Minji abruptly turned it off and got up with me and Ari following her like soldiers.
We grabbed our backpacks and ran to school. Playing tag on our way. Just to get there faster, after all, Light said that running was for the outside.
Did his bitch ass never play tag or what?
We all made it on time thanks to the running, and we were also out of breath, thanks to that too.
The three of us giggled like little children who just talked about their crushes and we entered the school, looking around at the bustling halls. Seemed a bit...normal. That's good no?
I went in my class and sat down, with the teacher explaining our project.
Teacher: So this project will be about different religions. All of you have to go to the library for the computers or the books for your research. I will give you a paper as a starter and do whatever you want with the information
He gave us a piece of paper with the religions. We all had different ones, no duplicate or anything of the sort.
Gave us the partners he has assigned for us.
Who could've guessed? I'm assuming I'm the main character here too...
Because I got to collaborate with Light Yagami.
And I got Buddhism as the religion we're studying.
The teacher let us disperse into conversation and made kids move around the classroom to their partners.
We didn't have to move around the classroom at all since we were already sitting next to each other. We decided to meet up at his house.
Light: Should we do this project at my house? I have a textbook or two on our topic...
Garam: Uh, sure! If it doesn't bother you or your family.
Light POV
Light: Of course it wouldn't! It's just a project
Garam: Oh, I just didn't wanna bother anyone, I overthink things too much, sorry.
Light: It's alright!
She overthinks everything. Huh...i hope she doesn't suspect anything I'm about to do...that would be troubling for me.
Oh Garam, the things you don't know yet will you will find out about...
Garam: I'm glad it's okay!
She flashed me a rare smile. A pretty one too. She only smiles for her friends...simple.
Why can't she smile for me?
Why am I simping over a simple smile?
That makes no sense for me...
Garam POV
Me, Ari and Jiji were at lunch, eating school lunch and drinking strawberry milk from the vending machine. It was yummy. Jiji showed us a panel from the manga she was reading. Which was "Chainsaw Man". We just stared at it
Ari: Why the hell would you show this?
Minji: I dunno man. Just felt like it! :3
Garam: I wish to unsee!
Ari: Real...
We all side eyed each other before we continued to eat. The flavors popping up in my mouth like something satisfying. Like some Ratatouille typa shit.
Light approached me and asked
Light: Just to confirm, we're doing the project at my place?
Garam: Mhm!
Light: Alright thanks
Then he left to go chat and eat with his friends. I sighed, sounding a bit dreamy. Maybe I'm crushing on him? Yeah, my heart can't avoid him like I wanna.
Another Timeskip bcz idk what to do
The bell rung and I finally felt free for the next hours. I stood up, packed my things, stretched and looked over at Light, who was already waiting for me at the door of the classroom.
He waited for me...why does that make me feel...butterflies, if it's just a simple gesture?
I followed him to his place, and when we got there he opened the door with the key that he had. We heard his mom in the kitchen, she turned around to us and smiled.
Sachiko: Welcome home, Light! Who's your new friend?
Light: It's a girl from school-
Sayu: A girl?! You're dating?!
Garam: No...
I was blunt with my "no". I lowkey don't care. I don't wanna die here! I don't wanna die while being married to him!
I'd rather die while practicing some dances but that's not the point!
I'd name our kids Jeongin and Asa-
Imma not die here!
Even if he's hot!
But at least I'm slightly logical!
Sayu: Oh that's too bad. I wanted an older sister.
Light: You're funny. Not anytime soon.
I sighed and she just looked disappointed but she didn't push it any further. Which good. We walked up the stairs.
Each step just seeming more and
Like we should've worked on our own parts alone...but it's just whatever.
He opened his room door and let me in, he let me sit at his desk freely while he kneeled next to me. We then started studying the religion of Buddhism. There was a lot we could give out a report to.
Eight fold path...
Buddha himself...
And Nirvana...
He eventually spoke up
Light: Say, what was your name again?
Garam:'s Garam Kim. But you can call me're
I acted dumb. As if I already didn't watch the damn show and knew that he died.
And he almost married Misa. That blonde haired bitch.
Like no girl...get outta the way I wanna marry him. Shoo!
Light: I love your name...pretty name for a pretty girl
Garam: Thanks...
That was kinda...unexpected. He called me of all people...pretty?!
I looked at him a bit and went back to my work. Writing down things as my hand starts to sore a bit. But I have to keep going so I don't have to come back too much.
I'd rather...have 100...Pierrots...smiling at me...
Oh well...I'm stuck here for now and i really hope nothing goes wrong...
Light POV
I looked over at her. She was small...but at the same time I'm kind of tall. So it's a bit of both.
Why is she kinda cute? Why? How? Damn any motherfucker would be lucky to have her-
I shouldn't be thinking like this...
I never expected this to happen to me...well...
Though I will admit to a priest that I've never thought like this.
I looked over at her a bit and blinked before going back to the textbook and writing more things down.
My back and hand started to sore. Why is it hurting if I've killed more disgusting people than I've written in here. Maybe because the text is long and names are shorter...but I can't complain. Good practice must I say.
Garam POV
I noticed he looked over at me, I better not stay stuck here permanently...I hope not, I'll be screwed if so. I kept writing. This time about different buddhas and gods. It's such a deep and respectful religion. Not sure but it's more peaceful than Christianity and Catholicism.
Light: I have something to tell you...can you keep it a secret?
Garam: What is it?
He opened his drawer. Holy, is he showing me?! But I barely know him!
He's trusting me with this? Is it because I barely know him and seem trustworthy for some off reason?
I was right because he pulled out the Death Note and said:
Light: Garam Kim I'll admit to you that I'm Kira...
Garam: What?!
I pretended to act shocked, but I wasn't at all. I wasn't surprised about the truth I'm surprised he's telling *me*
Like I barely know the guy and he's telling me this?! Well...I know him...but he doesn't know me...
Garam: If you really are...I have to go...I can't stay...Kira scares me...
Light: You can't go!
Garam: why the hell not?!
Light: You just can't!
He held me in place, his light yet deep brown eyes staring right at my own.
I froze in fear.
As if he had double snake eyes and turned me into stone.
I squirmed in place but it was of no use.
He handed me his book "Death Note" written boldly on the cover. I stared at it and gently took it in my hands. And I flinched when I saw it...
His "Shinigami" oh god how I wish I didn't see or find out. I thought he looked really funny in the show. But here...face to face...he isn't so easy to draw.
Ryuk: She can see me now?
Light: Yes, she touched the book.
Garam: Who is this?!
Light: Ryuk, my *Shinigami*...
I pretended to be so clueless, if he found out that I knew all along...I would be beyond screwed.
Ryuk: She looks scared, are you going to kill her?
Light: No, I'm not...I can't...and I don't want to
Garam: Why?
Light: It might be too early but I don't care, but I think I like you.
Garam: I barely know you
Light: We can get familiar with each other. We can rule this filthy world. You and me...
It sounded a bit cheesy but...he sounded so serious. I don't I can take the responsibility of being the seraph of this god.
Am I his seraphim?
If he makes me be that then I will certainly actually start feeling defeated. He can't be doing that.
Light: Call up whoever you live with and say you'll stay here a few nights just to "finish" your project.
Garam: But that would make no sense to them!
Light: Just do it!
i slightly flinched at his sudden tone of voice. I sighed out of fear and called up Minji.
Minji: Yeah what's up?
Garam: Minji, I'm going to stay with my partner for 3 days to finish a project...
Minji: Huh? Can't you guys just work on it after school everyday?
Garam: Yeah but...
Minji: If y'all are gonna smash just tell me!
Garam: What?! No!
Minji: Fine! Stay there then...just be careful...I don't trust him
Minji POV
Something about that conversation is off...but I could be overthinking it...I hope I'm wrong. I hope she's gonna be okay. It'll cost me if I was right. I sighed and looked over to Ari.
Minji: Rami is staying with her project partner...
Ari: Light Yagami?!
Minji: Yes! I just hope he doesn't get her involved with his shenanigans...
Ari: Same...I hope so too I would be distressed if he did...
Minji: Same...
Garam POV
I cried as I hung up. Fear started rising in me. What now? Am I screwed? Most definitely, why is he acting like this? I don't compare to him.
Or maybe that's why, so I don't speak against him?
Maybe I'm better than him in a sense that I at least have humanity and morals in me.
I looked over to him only to see him already staring at me
Light: Okay now you'll stay here until I say so.
Garam: How long will that be?
Light: About a few days...
He wrapped his arms around my waist and took a deep breath. Is he breathing me in? Hell nah...I feel wind on my neck and hair.
Yup, that's him sniffing me. Just great...
And then he kinda started...
Is that I kiss on my neck I felt? Because it feels hella weird.
I crashed out on the spot...I'm tired, but for what? School, obviously. He just sighed as he hugged me. Since I was a bit tense, I became a bit loose to the hug.
It feels weird. He wasn't like this in the show. Isn't he supposed to be more heartless and shit?
Did I fix him?
No, I don't think so.
I'm so scared for my life right now, because right now he's hugging me, sniffing me, and basically lured me in his house.
He let me go and went back to his project as if nothing had happened. As if he didn't just show me something scary as hell and kiss me a bit. What's up with that?
Ari I'm sorry but your dad weird as hell/j
That's it for now
Um, tell me y'all...
Did my writing quality decrease? Because I feel like it did
And if it did, tell me what went wrong to fix and improve it.
Thank you! And have a wonderful day, bye!
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