Ramadhan 1438: Day 30

DAY 30

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

ربي اشرح لي صدري و يسر لي امري...

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Finally, day 30!

Alhamdulillah... Although this month of mercy and forgiveness is leaving us, we should be happy that TOMORROW is EID!

Choose your Eid gift from me, and don't say I didn't give you a gift for cooperating in our daily reminder tasks!

So, here we go again. We've got one more day! Subhan Allah... Let's make the most of it!

We are, of course, very  very busy now with Eid preparations; but don't forget to check out the last daily reminder.

Dhikr of the Day

Allahumma innaka affuw tuhibul 3afwa fa3fuanna

Allahuma ij3alna minal ladhina yastame3unal qawla fayatabi3una ahsana

Allahumma ihdhina ila siratikal mustaqeem

Allahuma inni asalukal Jannah wa ma qaraba ilayha min qawlin wa 3amal wa audhubika minan nar wa maqaraba ilayha min qawlin wa 3amal

Allahuma taqabbal salatana wa siyamana wa rukuuana wa sujoodana wa qiyamana ya rabbal 3alamin

Allahuma inni abduk ibn abdik ibn amatik naasiyati fee hukmuk 3adlun fee qadhauk nasaluka bikulli ismin huwa lak sammayta bihi nafsak aw anzaltahu fee kitabik aw 3alamtahu ahadan min khalqiq aw ista'tartha  bihi fee 3ilmil ghaybi 3indak an taj3alal Qur'aanal adheema rabi3a qulubina wa nura sudurina wa jalaa ahzanina wa dhihaba humumina wa ghumumina

Allahumma iyyaka na3bud walaka nusali wanasjud wa ilayka nas3aa wa nahfidh narjuu rahmataka wa nakhsha 3adhabak inna 3adhabakal jiddu bil kufari mulhiq

Allahumma sahhil lana umuruna wa aslih dhata baynina wa tawaffana ma3al abrar

Allahuma innana nasalukal jannatul firdausil a3laa ya Wahhab

Rabbana zidna 3ilma warzuqna fahman wa hikma

Rabbana habb lana min azwajina wa dhuriyyatina qurrata a3yun wa ja3alna lil mutaqeena imamah

Rabbana atina fee dunya hasanah wa fil akhiraty hasanah wa qinaa adhabah nnar wa qina adhabal qabr

Allahumma ya muqallibal wulub thabit qalby ala deenik wa yamusarifal quloob sarif qalby ala ta3atik

Allahumma innana nasaluka husnul khatima. Allahumma innana nasalukal tawbatan nasooha qablal mawt

Allahumma innana nasaluka ridhaka wal jannah wanaudhubu bika min sakhtika wan nar

Allahumma laa sahla illa maja3altahu sahla ij3al umurana kullaha sahla

Yaa nasiral madhlumeen wa ya rabbal mustadh3afeen wa ya raheemal masakeen unsur ikhwanunal mustadh3afeena fee kulli makan Allahumman nsurhum fee falastin wa fil 3iraq wafil yaman wa fee jame3i biladil muslimeen

Allahumma rham mawtana wa mawta jamee3il muslimeen wa ishfi mardhana wa mardha jame3il muslimin Allahuma iqdhi daynal madeenin..

Allahuma a3izzal islama walmuslimeen wa adhila shirka wal mushrikeen

Allahuma nsur juyushal muslimeen

Allahumma innana nasaluka an nushahid shahru Ramadhan aljaee (Oh Allah, we ask you to make us witness the coming Ramadhan)

Allahuma ij3alil farah was ssurur baynana fee yawmil Eid (Oh Allah, make happiness come between us on the day of Eid )

wa salla Allah 3ala sayyidina Muhammad wa 3ala alihi wa swahbihi wa ssalam

Walhamdulillahi rabil 3alameen 😊😍

We have completed our beautiful duas which covers all aspects in our lives. If you like you can look back at the reminders from Day 1 to Day 29 and read all the adhkar we mentioned.

I tried to translate the personally formulated duas, but for the others, you can find their translations on the net since if I had translated them, the article would have been very long.

Alhamdulillah ala ne3matil Islam.

Action of the Day

Tomorrow, in shaa Allah, is Eid, my friends!

It's a happy day for Muslims; and all good days need preparations. Since it's Eid, we will do our preparations with the niyyah for it to be ibadah, because you are doing it to make your parents happy, your kids happy, to make your spouses and family happy. It's a happy event, so making another Muslim smile with happiness is sadaqah! Just make sure you have the right niyyah, that you are doing it to for Allah's sake and to earn Allah's pleasure. Then it becomes ibaadah!

So, for today, we will focus on preparing ourselves well for tomorrow. Iron clothes, bake varieties, cook biryani, make your house presentable for guests, and don't forget gifts for the kids and neighbours. Make sure you attend the Eid prayer if it's possible, and listen/benefit from the khutbah before you leave. Don't forget to wish each other "Eid mubarak wa taqabbala Allahu minna wa minkum saalihul a'mal."

Note from Bint Mahfudh and her team:

Alhamdulillah, we were able to make the best out of this Ramadhan. Let's thank Allah for it. Alhamdulillah.

All the work we did was for Allah's sake and all was from Allah's help. We didn't do anything by our own selves; it was through the aid of Allah.

We thank you all for the cooperation. We love you all for Allah's sake.

The references of all authentic work came from the following:

- islamqa.info

- islamweb.net

- Hisnul Muslim

- sunnah.com

- Knowledge that we acquired and benefitted from as students of knowledge

Alhamdulillah. See you next Ramadhan bi'idnillah!

Alhamdulillah bine'matihi tatimmu salihat.

We end our Ramadan Daily Reminders course by: Subhaanaka Allahuma wabihamdik ashhadu an laa illaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayka.

Jazakumillah khairan.

Smile; it's sunnah!

May we be able to share and practice what we learned during this course throughout our lives.

Smile; it's eid tomorrow in shaa Allah!

We hope you benefitted through this beautiful course! Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah!

Keep checking bintmahfudh.wordpress.com for more articles to come inn shaa Allah!

Till then…

Fee amanillah till next Ramadan bi'idhnillah!

Source: bintmahfudh.wordpress.com

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