Chapter - 4
A/N: Hey guys I just wanted to say we might be getting Phoenix Of Death back! I don't want you to get your hopes up but a Wattpad user named purple4812 said the same thing happened to her and she got one of her stories back. And if I had to pick one it would definitely be Phoenix Of Death. But I'll have to try her idea on I think Monday because right now the internet I'm using is really crappy so I want to get some good Internet so I can make sure I do this all totally right so we can get back Phoenix Of Death. But anyways guys here's the next chapter and I'm really glad you all like this book series because I absolutely love it!
I walked into the Death Room with Kid sucking on his pacifier. I looked around and smiled at my cloudy room. It reminded me of the first time me and Lillian met. I looked at Kid to see him look around wide eyed. His mouth was wide opened so his pacifier dropped out of his mouth. He tried to reach it but his arms were to short. His smallness was always getting in the way of him. I hope when he's older he won't have those kind of problems.
Kid pouted and looked at me. I laughed and grabbed the pacifier with two fingers. Kid's eyes widened when he saw I had his pacifier. His arms pulled out and he fisted his tiny hands together then unfisted. I smiled at him and said "Ahh who's a cute little boy? Kiddo is!" Kid giggled happily. I'm glad it was just a cold Kid had and not something serious. I popped the pacifier into his delicate mouth. He sucked it greedily.
I sat Kid down on the side of my mirror. I heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" I yelled happily.
The door opened and in walked my friend, Sid. "Hello sir. Stein had said you were back and I had to come and make sure it was true." I nodded.
"Well it's true! I'm back in business." I said cheerfully.
Sid smiled and said "Good. We were all worried, why exactly were you gone for so long sir?" Oh that's right I hadn't told anyone that I had a son well except Spirit which he probably blabbed to Stein.
"Oh well that's why." I said simply. I pointed to Kid in his car seat.
Sid's POV.
I saw the car seat but I still didn't understand why Lord Death had that. Car seats were meant for babies, unless......
I walked over quickly and peeked to see if there was anything in it. There was. A little boy with round ember eyes starred back at me. He had pacifier that looked like Lord Deaths mask. I looked closely and saw that already he had a full head of ebony hair. You could barely see it but, it was there. The pacifier dropped from his mouth as he starred at me with mouth wide opened.
'Oh man here it comes." I thought. Everytime a baby or children or even some of the academy students would see me they would instantly ball there eyes out. I looked at this child and waited. His face scrunched up, his mouth wide opened, oh man here it comes! I closed my eyes waiting for the worst.
"Ahhh hahahaheheheyah!" The little boy giggled with delight. I opened my eyes surprised and starred at the boy. He had a smile on as he clapped his hands together. How unusual.
I turned to Lord Death still confused. "I don't understand sir. Is the boy a child of a witch, Kishin, umm some other magical creature?"
Lord Death laughs and says "No you dummy. That cute little baby boy in the car seat is my....son!" I looked at Lord Death with my mouth wide opened. No way in hell! This had to be some kind of prank.
I looked back at the boy. As crazy as it sounds, the child being Lord Deaths son made sense. The reason why he didn't cry when he saw me, his ebony hair, his pacifier, it all made sense. I just couldn't believe it.
Lord Death must have read my mind. "Believe it Sid! This little boy here is my son." I looked at the boy or should I say Lord Deaths son.
He smiled at me and giggled. I could only say one thing. "Congratulations." Lord Death came over and patted me on the back.
"Why thank-you."
I finally found my voice and asked "So this is your son. What's his name?"
Lord Death
I smiled under my mask and said "Death The Kid."
Sid looked at me and said "Isn't that kind of a mouth full sir?"
I thought about it for a moment and nodded. "I guess it is. Well I'm not changing his name. Mmm his nickname is Kiddo."
"Ahh I think I'll call him Kid since sometimes people call you Death and a name like The isn't really a name."
I nodded happily and said "Kid it is!" Kid giggled with excitement. He started to get jumpy and excited. I unbuckled his belt and picked him up. "Death The Kid meet Sid, Sid meet Death The Kid." Sid smiled at Kid.
He put out his hand and Kid took one of his fingers and shook it sideways and up and down. "Nice to meet you Kid." Sid said.
"Gwasaaaaaa garaaaaaarag!" Kid yelled happily. I smiled at my son.
"So Sid, Spirit told me that the witches are quiet. Have you found anything out on them yet?" I asked.
Sid sadly shook his head. "No we haven't, sorry sir." Kid looked as if he was getting bored.
Kid started to fuss. I held him against my chest and patted his back but that didn't work. Sid saw my dilemma and said "Ahh sir I may not know any information about the witches but I'm pretty sure I can help Kid with his problem of being bored."
I looked at Sid surprisingly. "Well I'm up for any ideas."
Sid nodded and scurried out of the Death Room. I watched as he left. What could Sid possibly do to help Kid?
I didn't even notice that Kid was now starring at me until he grabbed my mask and pulled it off. "Gaaaaaa gragggggg!" Kid yelled happily. I looked at him and smiled.
"You know Kiddo, your momma always liked it better when I took off my mask too. In so many ways you and her are alike." I said sadly. Kid saw a tear roll down my cheek. With his tiny hand he hit my tear away. I smiled at him. He smiled back and rested his head on my chest. Then with his little arms he hooked them around my neck. Well tried to at least. He grabbed fists full of my cloak. "Mmm who's daddy's little boy?"
"Gawaaga." Kid mumbled.
"That's right, you are." I hugged him tightly. Kid let go and started gnawing on my mask. I laughed and took it from him. He pouted at me. "Hey Papa needs that." I put it back on right when I heard someone walk in.
I turned around and saw Sid carrying a blue haired child around Kids age. The blue haired child turned to me and smiled a smug like smile. His hair was a bright neon blue and sort of in the shape of a star. He wore a orange shirt onecy with a big yellow star on it. He also wore gray shorts that went to his knees.
"Sir this is Black*Star. He's six weeks old. I thought him and Kid could play together." Black*Star was bigger than Kid but then Kid was older than Black*Star by a......lot. I finally realized that Kid was so tiny. A six week old was bigger than a eight month old! Black*Star, the name sounded familiar. Oh! Yes yes yes, Black*Star was the evil White*Stars child. Did I want Kiddo to play with a child who's dad was evil?
I nodded happily. "Yes great idea Sid!" I said hell with it. I've killed a lot of people in my life time so this child couldn't be that evil, plus it was his father that committed the crimes.
Right then Miss Marie walked in. "Hey Sid have you seen Black*Star? I was gonna go visit him in his room but he's not there. Oh hello Lord Death I didn't-" She was cut off when she Kid in my arms. Her eyes went wide and she ran over to us. "May I?!" She asked excitedly. I nodded and handed Kid over to her. She took Kid and hugged him tightly. "Ohhhhhh he's adorable! Oh Lord Death who's little bundle of joy is this?!" She asked still hugging Kid.
"Well I'll have to take the credit for that one Marie." Her eyes went wide. She looked at me then Kid, then me then Kid. Kid giggled at her confusion.
"Wait what?! This baby is your son?!" Marie asked disbelief coating her voice. I nodded. She went back to hugging Kid again. "Ahhhh he's soooooo cute! What's his name?"
I smiled under my mask and said "Death The Kid."
"Or just Kid." Sid added.
Marie squealed with delight. "Now I know why you wanted Black*Star! Kid and Black*Star are gonna have a play date!" I nodded.
"Yes, actually if you don't mind can you take them somewhere, where they can play? And watch them for us?" I asked already knowing the answer.
Her eyes went wide. "Of course! Best job ever!!!" She took Kid's little hand and pretended to wave it. "Say goodbye Daddy."
"Gar gagaaaaaga!" Kid yelled which made Marie squeal in delight. She took Kid and Black*Star in both her arms and walked out the Death Room.
Marie's POV.
I took the boys to Steins classroom knowing that he didn't have any students yet. I opened the door with my foot and scurried in. I saw that Stein wasn't in here so he must be in his office. I went to the front and set the boys down on the floor and watched them. Black*Star knew how to sit up but did Kid? I watched as the small boy just sat there and looked around. I smiled and pushed Kid closer to Black*Star. Kid starred at Black*Stars hair. Black*Star starred at Kid.
Comparing these two boys right now, they were totally different. Black*Star wore bright clothes while Kid wore dark clothes. Black*Star was a big baby while Kid was just a tiny itty bitty baby. There were a lot of other things that were different as well but those were just the main things.
I set some toys down next to them both. Kid grabbed a rubber ducky and chewed on it. Black*Star grabbed a block and threw it in the air. It sadly came down on his head and he started bawling his eyes out. Kid noticed this and before I could even get up Kid popped a pacifier into Black*Stars mouth.
Black*Stars eyes went big, then he started to suck the pacifier. The pacifier looked like Lord Deaths mask so I knew it was Kids. Kid giggled happily as Black*Star sucked on the pacifier happily. I laughed and thought 'Ah how nice of Kid for sharing. Him and Black*Star are probably gonna be best friends when they grow up.'
A/N: Yah Kid met Black*Star! Apparently Kids older than Black*Star but I just didn't feel like doing the math so I just was like boom that's how old you are! P.S. I do not own any Soul Eaters mentioned in this story!!! If I did Lord Death and Kid would've always done father and son bonding.
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