Kind of a BIG chapter.. wasn't sure where to end it so just kept going. Also.. might get a little - gruesome. Hope it's okay xx
"I'm not your enemy Caleb." Doctor Brown smiled, and perhaps if they had met under completely different circumstance, Caleb might actually have believed that. "I want to help you."
"Right." Caleb scoffed, subtly pulling his arms towards the center of his body - testing the restraints that now kept him sitting on the bed. His muscles tensed, the pull this time more obvious as he wondered what it would take the break the leather.
"I know what you're thinking."
"I really doubt that." He growled, meeting the doctor's gaze. He'd noticed how uncomfortable that made him, so did it every chance he got.
"You're thinking about her, aren't you?"
Caleb rolled his eyes. He was, May was never out of his head for long, and since this idiots arrival, with his random bits of May's things filling his cell with her scent, it was growing harder and harder for him to hide how much it really was messing with his head. He'd wake up positive she was with him, any of the blonde staff that went by his room had him pining for her - yet he had made the mistake a couple of days ago during their first meeting by letting the doctor know this was his weak spot.
Since then, he'd felt stronger and more in control. Sitting in the corner wishing for it all to be over wasn't the kind of person his parents had raised him to be and any time the flutter in chest occurred, he was starting to wonder if maybe he and May still held some kind of bond with each other. The flicker of emotion or a thought that wasn't his could only be hers and so even now as he faced off against the doctor, he thought only of warning her away. Any help she tried to provide wouldn't end well, and there was no way this jerk's only intentions were of waving around a few sweaters to mess with his head.
"No, unfortunately my thoughts are all about you." Caleb smirked then. "And all the ways i'm going to destroy you as soon as I get free."
Doctor Brown swallowed nervously, the slight change to his scent revealing his fear that perhaps the so called monster before him might actually do that. For added effect, Caleb once again tensed and pulled against his restraints, the clink of metal on metal from the wall loudly echoing as the room was so quiet.
"Well, if you were to say, change to your werewolf form, perhaps you could achieve that?" The doctor asked smoothly.
Why they wanted him in his wolf form was something Caleb hadn't worked out just yet. He refused to change, and the animal seemed to agree. It felt as though the connection he had the wolf was barely there and anytime he worried too much that it had gone - he'd feel the presence in his mind that set him at ease.
"Why is that Caleb? Most willingly change, I believe it helps you heal faster and if that shoulder of yours is anything to go by, I'd think you are in need of that desperately."
Caleb snorted, not willing to answer his questions. "So now my wellbeing is of your concern? How about you let me out of here and we'll see whether I shift or not?"
"Unfortunately, you'll have to be a little more, obedient, before we even consider letting you out this cell, let alone the facility. Though, give it time and I am sure you will be more than willing to oblige us."
"Why do you even want me to shift?"
"I don't know the whys of it all Caleb. I just do what I'm told and right now, that's to get you to change. We know you can, we've seen it. We also know you must still be able to because we've had things like you turn completely human before and you are not displaying any of their symptoms." He smiled as his voice trailed off, seeming get lost in a memory that Caleb had no interest in hearing. "Then there are the ones that turn feral, giving themselves over to the beast so that there is simply no human left."
It was then Caleb caught the scent of another shifter, and his head instantly snapped to the door where a guard stood. He breathed in deep, trying to work out of he knew the traitor and the growl that left him was as feral as any shifter that lost control. The doctor stood abruptly, trying to play it off as though that had been his plan all along only the fear that hung off him like a bad smell gave his emotions away.
"How do you expect to break him, if he knows you're afraid?" The muffled voice snapped at the doctor who spun back to look at a rather smug Caleb. Teasingly he snapped at the air in front of his face and if looks could kill, he'd be dead after that.
"Well, let's see if that's the case tomorrow shall we?" Doctor Brown sneered, storming out the cell.
Shaking his head, the shifter guard came in and collected the doctors things, while Caleb watched him with a death stare of his own.
"Careful kid, shit is about to get a lot more real." The guard muttered under his breath, so quietly Caleb had to strain to hear him. "Whatever you do, don't shift."
"Why?" The guard started to leave and this time Caleb didn't stay quiet. "Why?"
The door closed and the fear of not knowing mixed with the frustrations of the situation exploded from him as he screamed until his throat was hoarse, his wrists bled and a bad, bad feeling for May's safety and his family kept him going until he collapsed out of sheer exhaustion.
Waking up with the feeling she had done something wrong, it was though an rang an alarm bell somewhere in the back of May's mind. Was it simply a dream she couldn't remember, something she should have woken earlier to do or maybe she just had somewhere to go. It made her feel anxious, worried about her family, about herself in a way she never had before. Putting her hand over her heart, she took a few deep, slow breaths - just noticing the sweat that covered her body; even her pajamas were damp with it. Then Caleb crossed her mind, as he did so often these last few days and instantly she was out of bed, slipping into the spare room and finding a shirt that had been left there for them to change in. Nate's things were pushed to one side as she pressed the cotton up to her nose, breathing in his scent like a drug to get those few moments of peace and clarity that rarely existed anymore.
'We haven't given up on finding you.' She thought, hoping he hadn't given up on her either.
The fear she had for herself exploded then, crippling in its intensity so that May fell to her knees as if she'd been hit. For a brief second she wondered if he didn't want to be found, that maybe that was why it was so hard only that would be stupid. There was no doubt that the more nightmarish editions of her dreams lately had been glimpses into his world, and there was nothing there but pain and desperation. May only kept going because he did and that wasn't about to change because of a bad feeling.
"I think something going to happen today." May told Chad a few hours later as he forced her to eat lunch.
"Good or bad?"
"I don't know." She lied.
"Well, lets hope good. Amber has really done a lot putting together this list for us to check out. Do you remember Jude and Jake, from when I used to live with Carolina?" He asked, surprising May as he actually said her name. "They're the twins and-"
"Yeah, kind of. You don't really hang out with any of those people these days."
"True. I guess we kind of all had our own sides when all of that happened and me getting to come and live with Andy and Braydon didn't help much either."
"Do you regret not staying with the others, of maybe not telling Mum and Dad no to moving in with them and the whole adoption thing?" May wondered.
"Never. That time was hell for me, because as if being a runt wasn't bad enough, Oliver blamed me for everything." Chad paused, before continuing. "Nevermind. As I was saying, Amber has the twins looking into a few possible leads. They had a couple like us go missing near them, and now we know shifters are working with these assholes, they're trying to work out who in the list of missing shifters might actually be traitors. I'm going to meet up with them later. Should I take Eli?"
May nodded. "Yeah. He's loving be apart of all the pack. Sounds crazy, but I think he'd make a good second one day. Even Morgan thinks so."
"Yeah, since he's arrived, he's made quite the impression. I'm just too paranoid right not to work out if that's a good or bad thing."
"He's living in our house, I think it's a bit late to have doubts about him."
"Valid point, but right now I see everyone as a suspect." He tapped the side of his nose as though it was their little secret. "Eat your goddamn sandwhich!"
Since it was Saturday, May and Tiffany were spending the afternoon together. Since she'd been spending all her time with Joshua, he took her making plans without him better than she thought he would. If he was distracted, or busy, she knew that was when something was happening and as terrible as that was, she was thankful for the time away from him that didn't need foolproof excuses to go with it. Now wasn't one of those times, and she chose to ignore his simple 'what's up?' messages.
May promised her parents to check in with them every half an hour, despite the chip in her arm that made sure they knew where she was. The walk to Tiffany's didn't take too long, and the cool afternoon was heavy with the promise of more rain. It was the sky she watched, the grey clouds darkening as each minute went by. The breeze blew a little stronger when she was nearly a block from Tiffany's what was left of the orange and brown leaves rushed by her as though they had somewhere important to be. May shivered, crossing her arms as she pulled her jacket tighter against her body, and as a man came around the corner, head down and looking no more out of place than she did - May knew something more than the rain was coming.
Subtly she pulled out her phone, preparing to message her dad yet flicking the camera on she knew she hadn't just imagined the footsteps coming up behind her as another man walked briskly down the other side of the road. May started to panic. If she screamed, would anyone come out of their house, or if she made a run to the nearest place - would they open the door to her? She kept walking, her body feeling numb as she focused on her breathing, forcing herself to stay calm. Hitting her dad's name the screen came up as dialling yet as she put it to her ear, only the beeps of being unable to connect greeted her. Looking back at it confused, no signal was available now and without thinking, May started to walk up the driveway keenly listening for the people around her.
"Open the door, open the door." She commanded under her breath, knocking repeatedly as she heard a car stop on the verge.
Unshed tears burned May's eyes as her heart began to race. She couldn't bring herself to turn around just yet, afraid of what she would find and as another round of knocks proved unsuccessful. There was no one home, the house was silent and all she'd done was set herself up to be taken. Nate had been right yesterday, she wasn't invincible and nothing going on behind her was going to end well. Tiffany's wasn't that far, but was she only going to be putting her friend in danger by trying to get there now. Either way, May wasn't going to make it easy for them - no matter their intentions and turning to walk back down the drive, she noticed how low the side fence was.
'I can jump that.' She thought.
Then suddenly she was running, and her estimate had been right - she could jump it. Not only that, she made it over the back fence too and sprinting down the back lane, the thud of being followed had her moving faster than she ever had before. Cutting through the block, she didn't have a real plan, just climbing over what fences she could despite the odd pet dog who barked unhappily at her intrusion. Thankfully none dared to chase her, and not being slowed down she realised the footsteps behind her on the road had vanished. Pulling out her phone, she sobbed with relief as she sucked in a few quick breaths, the signal being returned so this time when she hit dial the call went through.
"Dad!" She screamed breathlessly. "Help, they're coming!"
"May? What is it? I can't hear you!" Came the broken up reply.
Tires squealed behind her as the rain started and hearing voices up ahead, she took off in that direction - screaming as best she could to draw in any attention. Slipping down another lane way, she knew the van tailing her wouldn't be able to follow and gripping the top of the fence, she went to jump only to have her legs taken out from underneath her. The wood she clung to splintered and ripped into her fingers, making May cry out as she let go. Falling hard, a heavy body was suddenly on top of her as she wiggled and squirmed as best she could until something hit her lower back. Pain had her closing her eyes, the concrete grazing her cheek as her head was pushed down while her arms were pulled behind her back and tied that way.
"Help!" She cried, begging someone to hear her and as she was lifted her to her feet, she kicked and squirmed with all she had. "Please, anyone!"
"Nothing to see here. Don't be fooled by her appearance, she's a dangerous criminal. We've been after her for weeks." Someone with a lot of authority to their tone said to Mays left and glancing that way, a few curious faces peered over the edge of the fence while a woman in a police uniform told more lies.
"Don't believer her! I am May-" A sharp pinch in the back of her neck silenced her as her vision clouded with black spots. The ground was rushing up from below, before the rain fell gently over her upturned face. "Help."
May couldn't fight anymore as her limbs felt too heavy and slumping back against the person moving her, the rain and laneway vanishing as darkness closed in with an echoey thud as they threw her into the van. She vaguely heard the clink of metal on metal, the tightening of the strap around her ankles and whatever was put over her head smelt like the tangy pungent scent of cats.
'Stay awake May.' She told herself forcefully, yet the feeling of whatever they injected her with was slow and cold as it spread through her body like a venom.
May wanted to stay awake, wanted to work out who they were and where they were taking her, but it was a losing battle. Every part of her knew it, yet she somehow managed to hold - just for a little bit, until she had no choice other than giving in.
'I'm sorry, but I can't.'
Caleb had heard that right before you were about to die, your whole life flashes before your eyes. What ever they had injected him with - however long ago that was, hours, maybe days, had him doing just that. In tiny glimpses he saw himself holding Leanna when she was born; arguing with Nate over who got to hold her first before his Dad intervened and carefully placed her over both their laps while they had to sit super still and be good boys, because they didn't want to make her cry did they?
Then there was their fifth birthday party, and again a frustrated Nate was arguing with him because he just wanted to open his presents, but had to wait for Caleb who didn't care much about the gifts or blowing out the candles on the cake or anything that had been organised for their party because that was when May had caught the chicken pox and hadn't been able to go. He made sure there was a balloon sword from the clown in pink just for her, leftover cake and a lolly bag; watching the adults to make sure all his demands were met before doing what Nate wanted. He'd barely looked at his things, sending his Uncle Connor to May's house before the party ended to make sure she got them. They got to talk on the phone when Connor got there, and as sick as she was, he knew he made May get better super fast because she got to have cake and she could use her sword to fight her sick germs.
His body burned as though it was literally on fire and the few times he had managed to open his eyes to confirm that wasn't actually happening, the blurry bright, white space around him meant one of two things, the first being that he was taking the most painful trip to heaven possible or two, he was still in hell. Yet his flashbacks kept coming, happy memories of good times he needed to be reminded of because they were all that he had left now. His family was gone. There were no more dinners at his Uncle Jay's, despite his cooking not being that great, it was the fact he always tried so hard that made it so good. In that moment, Caleb would have killed for the over cooked, charcoal covered roast beef; even the super salty gravy that everyone had just to try and help the meat go down. It wasn't anything like the feasts May's grandmother cooked up - her gravy was a masterpiece in itself, the roasts she made always juicy and tender. Just thinking about it had him licking his lips, his stomach growling with need before another wave of pure blinding pain sent him over the edge and his cries were heard down the corridor - scaring his neighbours as they wondered if it would be their turns next.
'No more. I can't.' Caleb thought, not sure if he was actually sobbing or just playing out how much nicer that would be to do than wondering if he was falling apart or if it just felt that way. 'Let me die.'
Another scream left him, though it lacked the effort of earlier as his vocal chords could no longer make real sounds. All he could taste was blood, and his stomach ended up relieving itself of what had been swallowed down. Caleb fell onto his back, unable to move himself away from the mess or sit up as more bubbled out of him.
"What the fuck?" Someone asked, yet he was unable to open his eyes to see who. He couldn't even find their scent from the toxic aroma of bile and his blood. "Get Maggie in here now!"
There was no fight as he felt his sore shoulder be grabbed; no argument as he was put onto the itchy blanket. Thankfully he was positioned onto his good side, barely opening his mouth as little more than foam came out and he was done. Caleb couldn't take it anymore.
"Don't you dare give up you little shit!" A voice growled, so deep and loud by his ear. His eyes rolled open, wanting to see who was talking to him before disappearing into the back of his skull. He hated authority, assholes that wanted to tell him what to do. If he had enough - he had enough, and giving up was all he wanted to do. "Do not do this!"
"Do not do this, please Caleb. Don't do this to me!" May cried. Her hair was a mess, those beautiful blue eyes were bloodshot and desperate as they looked into his. He felt her pain, but he felt his more and despite that, he knew he should stop what he was doing and fix everything so they could just move on. They could be happy together, and her shifting wasn't everything. She was still May. His May...
"May." He rasped as he sucked in a raspy breath.
"Yeah kid, May. Hold on for her okay?" The male told him. "I said get Maggie in here now!"
Everything went quiet, until something stabbing his arm snapped Caleb back into consciousness. Slowly words began to filter through his throbbing head, yet he didn't understand. Someone called Maggie kept talking to him now, her voice soft and gentle - not muffled from the mask staff normally wore. Cold, wet something brushed over Caleb's face, his mouth and then around his neck. It was a cloth, he heard the dripping water as it was washed out before touching him again. He was vaguely aware of a beeping sound, and forcing his eyes open, the room wasn't as bright as he was expecting yet he couldn't focus on anything except the wash cloth and it's faint soapy smell as it went over his face once more.
"What now?" The same male had tried telling him what to do asked.
"They're going to take him back to his cell. The danger is over, but he still didn't shift. I think Brown is wrong and he has lost his wolf." Maggie sighed.
"No. I smell it on him, but make sure you write that in his reports. I'll say it too. The fact he hasn't shifted thanks to their stupid drugs only helps. Hopefully they won't-"
The next time Caleb opened his eyes, he was back in his cell and the itchy blanket was promptly shoved off. The floor was clean, the leftover disinfect smell much too strong for his liking. There was tiny cracks and scratch like marks on the tiles though, and reaching out to touch them Caleb froze as he saw the bandages on the tips of his fingers. Pulling one off, his fingernail was gone and the bloody stump left behind gave him no doubt about what had happened.
Before he could process that any more, he jumped back up onto the bed - eyes wide as he resembled no more a threat than a child did as a white coat came in with a guard. Instantly he knew the pair - they'd been with him before. Not only that, this was the white coat who smelled like coffee the handwash at May's grandmother's house. Now he knew her name.
"Maggie." He rasped, his voice gone.
"No." Came a growl from the guard.
It was then Caleb saw that her metal tray. Cold hands. Blood samples. Yet he was surprised to see the sealed bag sitting there in place of needles and test tubes. The guard held the tray as one gloved hand reached in and pulled out a steak. Not just any steak, but one that didn't hold the tell tale aroma of their drugs. It was fresh, pink and red rather than grey and dry. His mouth watered.
"Gentle now Caleb." Maggie mumbled, offering it to him. "There are no tricks here. Eat."
He wasn't stupid enough to be fooled by their random acts of kindess. Was this just some stupid test Brown had come up with since using May hadn't worked. Hungry, gods he was so, so hungry. Caleb felt himself shivering with need, the saliva in his mouth only increasing until it pooled in each corner of his mouth and suddenly he had taken it - snatched it from her hand quicker than she could pull away or even gasp. All the manners his mother had taught him vanished as he wasn't even sickened with himself for eating the raw meat as eagerly as he would have a slice of pizza.
Realising what he had done Caleb froze, glaring at the duo as he braced himself for something to happen now. What would it be this time, restraints, tests - did they want to cut him open and see if his body digested the food like any other person did. No one moved as he sat there and waited to feel dizzy or sleepy or even to just suddenly wake up in a different location.
"Why?" He whispered, the woman boldly bending in a little closer.
"What was that?" She asked.
"Enough, the cameras will up again in thirty seconds." The guard warned.
Instantly Caleb's head shot up the tiny black device in the corner and then back at the people who suddenly had another slab of meat on offer for him. Like a wild animal he took it again, only this time he moved to his favourite corner and as the doors closed, a signal he was alone again he finished chewing with a groan as his aching body adapted to having something real inside it again. Caleb sat there until his legs went numb and his back ached from the awkward position he was in. He tried to make sense of events, from the doctors return to the needle, to feeling as though he was literally dying - he didn't want to dwell on that, his body shaking with tremors of fear as it rushed into his mind. Then they had saved him. He'd been out of his cell and suddenly Caleb was standing, pacing back and forth as he gave up. He wanted to die and the wolf said no.
Rolling his shoulder, the pain didn't come as it should have and instead he had the briefest moments of feeling free as he ran from the room, until that guard - the shifter guard, tackled him down and ended up tying the wolf to the bed. Both Caleb and his wolf had been forced to sleep then until he took control back, becoming human once more and that was when he had been placed back in his cell. A fresh headache began to hit then, and slumping back down into corner he wondered why he hadn't been allowed to slip away completely - go feral as Doctor Brown had called it. What would his parents think if he gave up now, would they be proud he lasted this long or disappointed he never managed to make his way back home? They had told him they'd killed his mum, Caleb knew that wasn't true. She was a survivor, and these assholes wouldn't be able to take her down.
"Don't give up just yet, sometimes one more try is all you need." Bianca would say. It was good advice, rather encouraging and a little too positive from a woman who spent months planning out the murders of the people who killed her family. She had been cold, cunning and vindictive - so different to the warm, protective mother he had only known since she had left her past behind her. Would Caleb be that way too, or had they all been changed in some unrepairable way now?
Caleb started to count, if only for the simple pleasure of being able to tell how long it took for his next treatment, test or visitor. He needed to stop thinking about his family and the fact he hadn't thought about May in just as long was something he mentally patted his back for. Using his fingers and toe to keep track, he made it to eighteen minutes when the usual goop was pushed through the slot in the lower section of the door and the usual smell of something toxic invading the cell came with it. He didn't touch the tray, simply left it where it was until, forty minutes later - or was it thirty five - a random hand appeared to take it back. Seven minutes after that, someone near him was howling, and Caleb never understood what bone chilling actually meant until he heard that sound. Guards rushed by the door, some white coats too and then there was only the quiet once more.
Maybe an hour later, since the counting was becoming too much of a headache to maintain for long periods of time, Doctor Brown appeared in Caleb's doorway. Caleb didn't move, sticking to his spot in the corner as he watched the man come in with cautious eyes while his mind gave up counting to instead take a guess how many steps he could go towards the doctor before the curiously missing guards appeared to protect Brown or to stop Caleb from running down the corridor. Again.
"I must apologise for earlier Caleb." Doctor Brown started, instantly annoying Caleb more than anything else could as he used his name so easily, like they were old pals - like he had a right to say it.
Caleb wasn't really listening though. He breathed in deeply, picking each smell from the doctor and those that came in with him outside. Running for the corridor would be pointless, there were a slightly worrying amount of guards staying out of sight; the shifter guard was with them. Maggie wasn't. There was something else though, faint yet familiar enough it caused the wolf within him to stir.
"Are you listening?" The doctor snapped, boldly moving to stand in front of Caleb.
"I came to say I'm sorry. I miscalculated the formula and the, effects, it may have on you." The man paused, that look in his eye as he stared down at Caleb making the animal even more agitated. Even without his wolf, Caleb knew Brown was lying and whatever this was - wasn't good. "So, I have brought you a present of sorts. Let's call her, a peace offering."
Calebs heart skipped a beat as his body turned to lead and sure enough, three guards came in then in a triangle formation - the two at the front blocking the third, the shifter guard. Their weapons were raised as the doctor stepped back, the shifter guard moving towards Caleb before turning towards the bed. The sack he was holding was dropped down with little care, the fabric lifted and a mass of blonde hair was the first thing Caleb saw.
His eyes darted around the room, panicking as he didn't know what to do first. May; she was here. It wasn't a trick or a sweater, or a stupid video. He strained to hear her breathing, every sense he had so in tuned to her, that when her hand gave the tiniest of twitches he saw it.
"What. Did. You. Do?" Caleb roared, his voice cutting out as he strained himself.
For a minute there, he couldn't remember how to breath. He was nearly hyperventilating as he shook in the corner, his rage so new and raw, being around a grenade after its pin was pulled would be a safer option. Any time he so much as glanced in her direction he saw red, and any plan he had about not reacting when the doctor mentioned May disappeared.
"I gave you what you wanted." Doctor Brown smiled, oblivious to the danger he was in as the two human guards took a step back towards the door - guns still trained on Caleb, while the shifter guard, stuck by May only pissing Caleb off even more.
"Don't, do this." He whispered, but Caleb barely heard and forgot his earlier warnings.
"Let me give you something you want then." Caleb hissed.
The human was gone. It happened quicker than any camera could ever process, no matter how the recording was slowed down. One second there was Caleb, the next the wolf that took his place wasn't quite like any of the others they'd seen before. Feral didn't describe it and the bloodlust that filled its eyes actually made the doctor scream as he made the biggest mistake of all - he ran. Caleb and the wolf weren't fighting for control right now; they were one and as the doctor fell, they went in for the kill. Instead, the shifter guard charged, ordering the other two not to shoot. Words like tranquilizer and get him out where thrown around instead before the wolf got free. The shifter guard went for his taser, yet Caleb had grabbed his forearm before he could get hold of it. In the chaos, Doctor Brown got out, and as those jaws snapped down with full force, the shifter yelled in surprise and agony as his wrist cracked under the pressure.
Then the taser was on Caleb, who yelped and spun around. It wasn't enough to stop him, and this time when the guard was taken down, he wasn't getting back up. The tranquiliser was fired then, the sharp sting barely felt as the wolf turned in a growling, furious display on the other guard. The smell of urine, fear and death drove the creature on, making the guards every nightmare about the so called werewolves come true as he was suddenly cornered.
"Back off or I'll shoot." The shifter called out, sounding much too calm considering the state of his risk and the mess in the cell.
Calebs head snapped around to see him with a revolver pressed into May's hair; his good hand poised right on the trigger as his mask was removed. The pair stared off for what felt like eternity, before the pinned guard ran for the door and Caleb didn't give chase. Not yet at least.
"You won't win this round wolf. There are too many out there and I won't hesitate to kill the girl." He threatened, not blinking as the animal faced him completely now.
Bloody foam fell from Caleb's muzzle, his tongue darting out as his head kept lowered and the savage sounds that erupted from his chest didn't cease. Slowly the pair began to circle each other, the shot staying lined up and Caleb didn't doubt it would find its target given the chance. The other shifter clicked his fingers, mumbled something to the people behind him and three guards ran in to collect their ex-comrade. The red smear trailed out of the cell and out of sight, not that Caleb cared much about that. Jumping up to stand over May, his eyes didn't leave the other shifter as the wolf kept growling its warning to back off. One of the whitecoats he didn't know appeared, surprisingly efficient as they mopped the floor and then finally the door was closed so it was just the two of them.
Carefully, he laid on the outside of the bed so May was between him and the wall. Her breathing was deeper now, stronger and satisfied they were going to be left alone, Caleb gently nudged her with his nose in an attempt to wake her up. She barely stirred, her eyelids twitching slightly as though she was heavily dreaming and Caleb wished she could stay that way, unaware of where she was and why. It was his fault after all - giving that asshole a clue that May was important to him was what got her here. Gods what an idiot he had been, worse than that a tiny part of him was glad she was there. That feeling vanished as he took in the graze on her cheek, the cuts on her hands, plus the bruise and cut on her forehead. Slowly, Caleb and his wolf started to relax, yet an anxious whine left the wolf before he began to gently lick at her wounds.
If he had lost his will to go on earlier, the doctor had no idea what he had just done to give Caleb his motivation back.
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