Chapter 7 | Protests are for people like me
Tey: Father
DRY (Democratic republic of you): basically 'dry' is a neighboring country just beside Madagascar just like Nahur. All don't exist o 🤣 except Madagascar.
Soop: a short sleeved shirt made with a thin leather and zips at the side.
Bunga (pron. b-oo-n-ga): traditional musical instrument. A drum that produces melodies based on how it is programmed to set the beats.
Broo: national anthem.
Castone: A short skirt-like object made of gold to be worn on the waist down to the hips. I.e waist beads but this one covers the waist and hips.
Istra nom: for the sake of our ancestors.
i (pron. ee) - my.
Nom re: it is a Nahur tradition to call an ancestor (dead) with Nom re before saying their names.
2nd November 2005—the day we got our independence from the democratic republic of You—the day we rewrote our history books and cleared our names of the crimes our people had committed to save us.
Everyone was to assemble at the umbrella city which was a neutral ground for all clan members to celebrate for the entire 12 hours without disrupting the activities of all the cities.
The island was built on stilts in the middle of the River Ho as a representation of unity and war victory acclaim. There was food but no drinks, everyone had to drink from the ocean and each family was to drink a cup full with their children. It is believed that it purifies the entire nation and provides us with light, happiness and peace which was all a blasphemous lie to get the people to leave their homes for half a day so pirates sneak in and steal from the numerous households. It was unfortunate no one still realizes.
Nahur was under the rule of the Democratic republic of You until our Gasodi ancestor nom re Papa K, Nuhu Umar and Emeka Peters fought for us by going on a ten day hunger protest which their fellow freedom fighters abandoned them on the fourth day and it led to their deaths but forced the leaders then to let us extract ourselves and form our nation without their influence.
"Let's dance." A dark-skinned lady smiles with her hands about to touch mine.
I move back and join my hands together in a form of apology "I'm married peeress."
"It's only for a short time." She continues, looking around for the wife I claimed to have. "Besides, she's not important."
Najma was somewhere around here and I was sure she'd pull her head by her hair and if she felt she needed to take care of her business, she would. No one understood Najma's kind of crazy.
"You don't want to be here when she comes back." I turn to lean on the rails and stare at the water flowing—I'm overjoyed by the peace of standing there and returning after a year—I didn't need any crazy fight to go down because Najma couldn't accept any woman making passes at me.
"Whatever." She walks away "You're not the only King around here."
Who was she? Her clothes resembled that of the Gasodi clan—not royal, but wealthy— so I wouldn't be too surprised if her mother sent her here to speak to me. Mothers there made that a norm when they were finding husbands for their daughters.
Good luck to her.
I smell Najma just as she touches my shoulder and I make a three-sixty that stops with my elbows pressed on the rails.
"Where have you been?"
"Right here."
"When can we leave this place?" She sighed "I'm tired."
"When it's over." I deadpanned.
"When will it be over? I never attended this thing. The maid used to help us hide whenever Tey told us to enter the car."
"Well you'll have to experience the whole thing as the wife of a king." I pointed to a crowd down the other side of the ship "Make friends, the Queen of Disar is here, see the wife of the Gasodi King over there too."
"I don't want to do that." She whined.
"What do you want to do then?"
Her right brow flew up as her lips formed a smirk "What do I want to do?." She held my arm and stalked closer to me and stood on her toes then whispered "You."
I can't even lie and say I didn't feel anything. We enjoyed messing around in public because of the adrenaline—the risk of being seen—if our asses made the front screen of a newspaper or press release. We wouldn't even care but for our reputations, we would have to battle it out to save our throne.
"Is that so?" I couldn't get distracted even if I already was.
"My king" a guard interrupts and she lets go with a huff and heads to the other side of the boat to speak to her friends.
"What is it?"
"We found him?"
"Safari?" Saying his name excites me. I couldn't wait to behead him and dismember his body before shipping it to Queen Nana of Disa.
"The boy you asked us to find. We traced him and found him."
"He studies the same course with the princess. We watched them for a few days and it seems they're really good friends."
"Just with her or there are others?"
"There are others but they don't look harmful."
"Get him for me and take him to our Bunisari warehouse."
"Yes i King."
"Prepare a ship for me before you leave. I'll be with you and the boys in a few hours."
My eyes met Najma's and I could see she was tired of socializing just as I was bored of being here. I was in a rush to find myself in Bunisa so I could teach the boy that gave my Surayya drugs a lesson.
She watched me and waited for the signal to leave. I nodded and she did the same. I searched for the President Waziri so I could say goodbye to him but he was nowhere to be found so I leave after bidding Queen Nana of Disa and King Tobi Jagaban of Gaso goodbye with a promise to visit him and a quip warning to her as I would find Safari before she has my head on a platter.
On my way out I see Bala who looks disheveled and confused. He stops and catches his breath then speaks.
"Hunter told me you were going to Bunisa. Why? You didn't tell me what happened with Surayya. Is she ok?"
"You won't believe what I saw even if I told you."
"Don't tell me she's doing drugs?"
"Ding ding ding!"
"Are you joking?"
"She was high Bala." I held me head.
"I'm sure it was a little."
"She didn't recognize me at first."
"Oh shit."
"Yes, shit."
"What did you do about it?"
"I left. I'm going to find the guy that answered the call. I'm sure he gave her the burwa."
"Are you sure? Don't hurt someone when you haven't verified anything."
"But I know she wouldn't ask for it. She's too innocent."
"She's getting older. If she didn't experiment now then it means she's done it back in Middle Form school."
"I don't know Bala."
"Just do your investigation first."
"I will."
We joined our arms in a vertical way to say goodbye and wish ourselves a happy Independence Day.
"Take care of her." He says with a wave.
"Will do. Take care of our people. You're next in command now."
"Nothing short of that will be done."
I take a stairs down the stilted exit and soon I'm able to join Najma who's already changed her outfit to a casual Soop and cargo pants. She's sipping from a wooden cup with an umbrella stick in it.
Her eyes light up when she sees me "My lord you're finally here!" She exclaims, dropping the cup.
"Yes." I raise my arm to meet hers and she's looking at me confused "Happy Independence Day Najma."
"Is that what it means?" She nervously laughs.
"Yes. I realized we hadn't done it earlier."
"Oh, that's so sweet." She hugs me and I let her walk down into one of the rooms while I command them to take us home first so I can drop her off before moving to Bunisa.
By the time I go to meet Najma, I see she's asleep so I cover her and sit on a chair to read a book on trading golden state trinks in the 15th Century. It was the second most sought jewel after the gem of the River Ho then and I was thinking about making it a part of the currency again if I can find it so I can improve the state of our economy.
The pilot rings the phone in the room to signify we've reached Kindo so I stretch and get up from the sit to kiss Najma on her cheeks "Wake up Najma."
She yawns, blinking "We're here already. So quick." She sits up "Are you coming with me or you have business somewhere?"
This was why I liked her. She knew when to submit and be understanding without me asking. There was never trouble with her unless a woman was trying to get at me.
"Actually I'll be heading to Bunisa."
She jumps off the bed and leaps onto me, her arms cuffing my neck while I hold her by her waist.
"Alright, I hope Surayya is ok. You haven't really spoken about her since your last visit."
"She is. I have business there so I'll see her before leaving."
I wasn't lying. Concealing the truth didn't also falsify what I was telling her.
"Ok, ok." She grabs a jacket from the edge of the bed and wears it.
I hold her hands and we ascend the stairs of the ship together. At the top we hug and she climbs out.
Outside she turns back and smiles, "I love you."
I hated lying to her but "Always."
I wait till she enters the car and leave before I let the pilot turn the boat around. Next stop, Bunisa and it was going to be one hell of a problem if Surayya was to find out I was there.
It starts raining when we reach the east of River Ho and from the distance I can hear the sound of music, traditional bunga's and chants of the broo.
I don't move to a shade, the splattering of water slaps me from left and right as I stare at the island fireworks till we pass it. The wind is so strong but it doesn't spoil the fun. I feel liberated in this instance with just the darkness of the night and it's gusty cohorts.
Bala's call makes the phone vibrate in my pocket. I pull it out and touch the back to answer.
"Fro ji brother?" He asks.
"O bi. Were you by the tower?"
"Yes. I saw your ship that's why I called."
"Oh. Was there any news of theft this year?"
"Not exactly." He sniggers.
"That's not bad actually. At least it wasn't as bad as last year where half the city of Gaso and almost all of Disa were missing their furnitures."
"The pirates were caught because of the new security system initiated by Queen Nana's regime."
"Speaking of Queen Nana, any news on Safari' whereabouts?"
"No. We're still on it."
"Ok," I see us nearing the docks so remind him to watch Najma before hanging up and heading for the exit of the ship.
While in the car, the driver greets and waits for me to tell him where to take me.
"Bunisari royal house."
I close my eyes and let the warmth of the back seats. I'm almost ready to let the sleep overtake me but the driver wakes me up immediately and I have to head in.
I catch the servant leaving my room. I already know he was sent to leave my food and other essentials. I take off my shoes in respect to the Bunisari traditions and take the back entrance, climb the stairs to a tunnel-like road that led to my room. The electrical light forks brighten the roads for me and warm the under of my foot. I could sleep on the floor.
I shower and eat before calling the guards and let them know to come and take me to the warehouse. They arrive on time and we leave. I feel bad that I haven't seen President Waziri but I know he won't be too bothered because he will be distracted by his slave dancers.
I examine the instruments of pain I ordered for and check one by one if they're still working before stepping out of the car with one of my guards Abel.
We close the door and I go to sit opposite the young man who's trying to destroy my Surayya. He didn't look a day older than 19 and I knew he was either a bit older than her or younger.
"Tie him up and leave."
He nods and does as he's told. He grabs the ropes from my bag and ties it behind his back and around his ankles.
The other guards follow him and he drags the metallic door shut.
"Are you ready to speak?" I stare at my watch, it was almost 11. President Waziri asked to see me just as I got here so I'd have to make this snappy so I could move on to things of more importance. "Tell me why you gave her the burwa." I sit opposite him searching the bag for what to use. I like the feel of the pliers so I take them out and lean against the chair with it hanging on my lap.
"I didn't give her any burwa." He shivers. We haven't even started.
"Then who did, if it wasn't you?"
"I don't know."
"The more you lie, the longer we stay here and your body parts will pay for each lie spoken."
"Now," I clamp the metal close to his eyes and he swallows with wide eyes "You'll tell me one truth for each question and it'll reduce your chances of pain with the following questions."
"How did you become friends?"
"It just happened one day in class."
I move behind him and press the clamp on one finger and let it squeeze his index finger for a few seconds. It doesn't hurt because it wasn't my intention "Obviously it wouldn't happen in two days or three."
"We w-w-were paired t-t-t-to do a classwork."
I squeeze the finger harder, again and he screams "Lies."
His body almost flies out of the chair but he's too strained to move so he's going to be stuck with a sore finger or two.
"I promise! Istra nom." he cries.
"People lie with their ancestors spirits now. Why should I believe you?" I throw the plier into the bag and find electrical tweezers that'll fry a piece of skin for me. "The guards already told me you confessed to being with her everyday."
"We go to class together, yes. But after we don't really hang out unless we're going to the library."
I touch his neck with the tweezer and it fries off a piece of his skin and it darkens. "Then who gave her the burwa?"
Blood drips from his neck and he wheezes "I don't know my king."
"Are you deaf? You can die today." I press it to his stomach and drag it along his ribs and up his chest. Smoke rises from his burnt flesh and his mouth releases roars of a wounded animal.
He closes his eyes and breathes out after I take away the tweezer and put it in my bag and sit. "It might be Kareema her old roommate."
"How do you know?"
"Everyone knows her as a junkie. Also Surayya has refused to tell us why she wanted to change her room." I nod. She's changing her room?
"How do I know you're not lying?" I cross my legs.
"I can get her to confess while I go in with a microphone."
"I don't want that. Find me Kareema's supplier."
"Today!" I squeeze his shirt "If you tell Surayya I'll kill you."
"Yes my king."
I twist my phone in between my fingers, whilst biting my lip. I continue to think of calling Surayya. The boy may be lying but I've sent my men to watch him. If he's lying he'll be done for.
President Wazir is explaining why we should explore trading beyond the rivers of Nahur but I'm not really paying attention. He taps my shoulder and I look at him.
"Your mind is occupied. Is it Najma?"
I smile, holding my chin "Actually."
He cackles "I can help with that."
"It'll be so much fun. Try the slave girls. They do things my wife couldn't do."
"Ok, send a few to my room."
We tap the back of each other's hands in greeting and he leaves while I return to my room with three naked girls waiting to be commanded to do whatever I desired.
I lock the door and sit on the bed with my phone beside me. I sized them up from the neatly braided hair on their heads to the castone on their waist and ringed toes. I now understood why all the kings I knew couldn't be loyal to their wives.
These girls danced liked snakes, they were brazen— the wind in a forest of flames—you wouldn't know when it would consume you.
Our wives would shiver in shame to do what they did but Najma was a different species.
They join me on the bed and all of them begin to touch me. I'm also tempted to fondle a boob or spank one of their asses as one of them is already sitting one me but Najma was there taking care of our home and I couldn't betray her so I ask them to leave.
My phone rings and I freeze once I see the number. Who was calling? No need to even wonder. I knew already because it was only a Disari clan man or woman that could manipulate our call signals to block their ID so I answer without hesitation—it was Safari.
He was the one person I spent many months trying to catch without avail.
"I just wanted to say you shouldn't hold back. Najma is having the time of her life here as well."
What did you think?
I don't like leaving notes anymore. They just look bulky to me but I had to say this.
All the Kings remind me of our presidential aspirants and some current leaders.
Tobi Jagaban is a younger Tinubu and in some ways he's a younger Peter Obi, it's only fair because he's ruling the booming economic region.
Sanusi Bamanga is a younger Atiku. Queen Nana isn't really like our presidents, she reminds me of Aisha Buhari. Lastly, Waziri Jibril is our Buhari 🤣
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