The return of RainStorm
About a year ago I went to ponyville with my best friend Anika. It was fun in all but I'm just glad I felt better after that trip. I had a few problems with life before then. Well today was fine. Just hangin around the house when Twilight's gem started flashing. I then called up Anika and told her we are being summoned by Twilight. She hurried up and got over here quickly. Kodi pulled out the portal from his candy stash. He then set the portal up. They then went through the portal to ponyville. Where they appeared was in front of Twilight's house. The only difference from last time was Twilight's house was a library but now it's a castle. Twilight came out and greeted them. She brought them inside to tell them what the problem was. Twilight told them that AppleJack and Fluttershy have gone missing. Both of them have been gone for several days. Twilight also said "After Fluttershy's disappearance there was a clue left behind targeting Rainbow Dash next". RainStorm said "If we lose any more of your friends we are really gonna need to find some pony for the Elements of Harmony. We will stay here and try to help as much as possible". Twilight said " If you need help looking for Fluttershy and AppleJack go to Diamond Steel. HE's a orange colt with a red mane. His cutie mark is a shiny silver diamond. You can find him walking around ponyville randomly". "Thank you Twilight for the information" said Golden Night. "Lets get some sleep since it's starting to get dark out" said RainStorm. "That's a good idea RainStorm. Lets go to bed and you two can start tomorrow" said Twilight. All three of them went to bed and fell asleep.
When morning came around RainStorm and Golden Night set out to find Diamond Steel. It took them a while to find him. They finally found him and asked him to help find AppleJack and Fluttershy. "I love helping every pony out. Lets head to Fluttershy's cottage and look for hints on her disappearance" said Diamond. Diamond Steel, Golden Night, and RainStorm went to Fluttershy's cottage. Diamond lead the way to Fluttershy's cottage. When they got there they went right in to look for clues. The only thing they could find was the words "Rainbow Dash" on a wall of the cottage. Once RainStorm saw that she said "We really might want to check up on Rainbow Dash". They all ran to Twilight's castle. Twilight wasn't there but she entered shortly. She was in a panicking state. Twilight managed to say "Rainbow Dash has disappeared and on her bed it had the name Rarity on it". RainStorm said "Oh no. I will go back to my world to get some help. The rest of you protect Rarity. We can't lose her or we are down one more pony for the Elements of Harmony". After that RainStorm took out the portal and set it up. She went through it. Before she left Golden Night said "We will do our best". Back in the world where Kodi and Anika come from Kodi called Aaron and Logan. He told them both "I have a little problem and I need some help with it". Both of them agreed to come over and help. Kodi waited for them to show up. The first person to come over was of course Aaron. It makes sense because Aaron and Kodi love each other. They played Fish before Logan showed up. When Logan finally showed up Kodi told them "The problem is the main six are disappearing one by one. So far AppleJack, and Rainbow Dash are missing". Aaron started to cry because Rainbow Dash was his favorite pony out of the main six. Logan didn't believe a word Kodi said. After cheering Aaron up Kodi got the portal out and set. "After you two" said Kodi. They all went through the portal.
They appeared in Twilight's castle. RainStorm put the portal away and noticed that every pony and Pinkie Pie was there. RainStorm asked "Why aren't you watching Rarity"? Diamond said "We failed. We all fell asleep and Rarity was gone when we woke up. I'm sorry we couldn't protect her". RainStorm said "Every thing will be fine. I'm glad I brought two ponies instead of just one. Every pony this is RainForest (pointing at a red colt with a green mane that is a earth pony) and Phoenix Storm (a yellow colt with a black mane that is a Pegasus). RainForest and Phoenix Storm this is Twilight Sparkle (a purple alicorn with purple mane), Golden Night (a yellow mare with a black mane that is a Pegasus.), and Diamond Steel (a orange colt with a red mane that is a earth pony). Then I'm pretty sure you know who Pinkie Pie (a pink earth pony with a dark pink mane) is". RainForest said "Nice to meet you all". Twilight then said "Right now we need to make sure Pinkie pie doesn't disappear. Pinkie Pie you need to stay with at least one of us. Ok"? "Okie dokie lokie" said Pinkie Pie. All of them took turns every two hours. When they weren't watching Pinkie Pie Twilight tried to figure out who was taking her friends, Golden Night walked around town, Phoenix Storm join Golden Night on her walks around town, RainForest tried to follow RainStorm constantly since that's the only thing he could think of, and RainStorm just kept checking on the pony who was watching Pinkie Pie. No pony knew what Diamond Steel did since he vanishes when it's not his turn.
A few days went by while watching Pinkie Pie. It was Diamond's turn when every thing went wrong. RainStorm was just going to check in on Diamond. RainStorm saw Diamond giving Pinkie Pie to a shadow figure. This upset her. She ran into the room crying and pushed Diamond up against the wall. The other ponies ran in because they heard the noise of Diamond hitting the wall. Before they entered the shadow had vanished. They ran in to see RainStorm crying and her asking Diamond why he did it. Twilight asked RainStorm "Why are you crying and why have you pinned Diamond against the wall"? RainStorm said "Diamond here is helping getting rid of you and your friends. This upsets me because I thought we could trust him. I guess not". Diamond said "It's true I have been. I'm sorry about this". RainStorm said "You can be sorry all you want but you have hurt me mentally. I will never trust you again. You ponies can do what ever you want with him. I just need some time to feel better". RainStom left the room and the castle. RainForest says "Look what you have done. If you ever want her trust again your going to have to work hard to get it back. For now we are going to put you in a cage". Twilight using her magic made a cage appear and put Diamond in it. After that they all left the room leaving Diamond to think about what he has done.
Diamond kept saying sorry until his voice got really quiet. Diamond felt really bad for making RainStorm cry. He then told himself "I need to get back on RainStorm's good side. I have really done it this time though. How will I ever get back on her good side"? "You could start by telling her every thing we need to know" said Bella Melody as she enters. "Who are you and how do you know about the problem" asked Diamond. "Well I'm Bella Melody. I'm one of RainStorm's best friends. She told me what the situation was before she ran off crying. I was wondering what pony could do that to her but I now know" said Bella. "Can you please find her? I have really messed up and I'm really sorry about what I did" said Diamond. "I so happen to have her right here if you want to say your sorry" said NightCaster walking in with RainStorm. Diamond grabs the cage and says "Night Shine is that you?... I'm sorry RainStorm for betraying you and I'm sorry Night Shine for vanishing a long time ago". NightCaster tries to remember who Diamond was. "I don't trust you but we need to get all of the mane six back and we are going to need your help. I will let you free to help but you try to any thing against me I will become a nightmare to you if I have to" said RainStorm. "Note taken. I won't cross you again" said Diamond. "Bella can you please get Diamond Steel out of the cage" asked RainStorm. Bella used her magic, since she is a unicorn, to get Diamond out. "Oh ya. Bella Melody this is Night Shine (a very light gray colt with a black mane who is a pegasus) and Night Shine this is Bella Melody (a white made with a dark and light blue mane and is as you know a unicorn)" said RainStorm. "Nice to meet you Night Shine" said Bella. NightCaster is spaced out thinking really hard on who is Diamond to him. "Well Night Shine maybe spaced out but Diamond we need you to lead us to where your holding Twilight's friends" said RainStorm. "I will" said Diamond. "Just don't forget about me becoming a nightmare" said RainStorm. The four of them left the castle unnoticed.
It was night time but Night Shine, Bella Melody, and RainStorm followed Diamond Steel through the darkness. Diamond lead them to the old castle of the two sisters. "Is this a joke? Why would they be here? It's just a run down castle" said Bella. "No its not actually. I remember what I saw the last time I was here" said RainStorm. "What did you see" asked Bella. "What I.. I saw.... short story I was playing hide and seek with the main six and my other best friend Golden Night. Everything was fine until I saw the pony shadows" said RainStorm. "I remember that. I was watching every pony run in terror" said Diamond. "RainStorm and Bella go on in and your search please. I've got to talk to Diamond alone for a second" said Night Shine. RainStorm and Bella Melody went into the castle and started their search. "I remember who you are. I'm sorry it took so long to remember you you have been gone for so long" said NightCaster. "I know it has. I have missed you so much" said Diamond. Night Shine hugged Diamond and then asked "I this really where they are being held? Also why are you now helping RainStorm"? "This is where I know they are at but knowing the pony of shadows might of moved them without telling me. Why I am helping RainStorm is because after losing you a long time ago I never felt like any pony could trust me. When I actually hurt her feelings I knew she really did trust me but I found that out to late. I must make it up to her" said Diamond. "If you can't get back on her good side at least you have me" said Night Shine. Night Shine and Diamond went inside to help with the search.
Eventually Night Shine and Diamond ended up running into RainStorm and Bella Melody. They became one group and continued there search. It took a while for them to finish. After they were done searching RainStorm said "You said they would be here. You lied to me". "I... I...." said Diamond. "Please believe him. I know he told the truth" said Night Shine. "You really believe him" asked RainStorm. "Yes I do. I have full trust in him" said Night Shine. "Since you actually trust him I will give him one more chance" said RainStorm. They all then decided to head back to Twilight's castle.
When they returned the sun was coming up. They all went into the castle. RainStorm went to check on her friends. Every thing was fine except for one thing. Twilight was missing. She woke every pony up quickly. "We got a problem" said RainStorm. "What's the problem" asked Golden Night. "All the main six are gone and we don't know where they are" said RainStorm. "That's horrible but why is Diamond Steel out of his cage and who are the two other ponies" asked RainForest. "I'm Bella Melody and this is Night Shine" explains Bella Melody. "Diamond is helping us find the main six" said Night Shine. "Nice to meet you both and is Diamond really helping us now" asked RainForest. "He is" said RainStorm. "Now what? We don't know where the main six are" said Phoenix Storm. "I have a..... idea" said Diamond. "Really? What is it" asked RainStorm. "I can summon the pony of shadows. You can then use the Elements of Harmony" said Diamond. "We don't know what element would work for every pony" said RainStorm. "We maybe don't know what element goes to who but the element of kindness goes with you" said RainForest. "No matter what I'm here for you and your friends RainStorm" said Golden Night. "I got my magic you can use if needed" said Bella Melody. "It does suck that the main six are missing but you still need to smile. What do you got Phoenix" asked Night Shine. "I don't know give me a second to think" said Phoenix Storm. "Ok then" said Night Shine while laughing. They all wait a few minutes before Phoenix got a idea. "I know. You can use any thing I own" said Phoenix. "That's kind of lame but is generous of you" said RainForest. They all hugged. "I know who gets what element now" said RainStorm. "Really" asked RainForest. "Yay" said Golden Night. "Lets do this then" said Night Shine. RainStorm hands out the elements as she says who gets them. "Loyalty for Golden Night, Generosity for Phoenix Storm, Laughter for Night Shine, Honesty for RainForest, and magic for Bella Melody" said RainStorm. "And the final element kindness goes to RainStorm" said RainForest while he hands her the element of kindness. "looks like we are ready Diamond" said Night Shine. "Should I summon the pony of shadows now RainStorm" asked Diamond. "Please do Diamond" said RainStorm. Diamond pulled out a glass bottle from his mane. "Are you sure about this RainStorm" asked Diamond. "I'm ready" said RainStorm. RainStorm, Golden Night, RainForest, Bella Melody, Night Shine, and Phoenix Storm formed a circle. Diamond then threw the bottle into the center of the circle. The pony of shadows appeared. The pony of shadows asked in a little bit of a deep voice "Why have you summoned me here and who are your little friends Diamond? They look cute especially the turquoise one with the black mane". "I summoned you because my friends need to use the Elements of Harmony on you" said Diamond. "Ha defeat me. You must be joking. You can't get rid of the pony of shadows" said the pony of shadows. "You will be amazed what we can do. Come on my friends lets do this" said RainStorm. The Elements of Harmony started to work at the start of Bella doing a spell that Twilight taught her. The six of them RainStorm, Golden Night, RainForest, Night Shine, Bella Melody, and Bella Melody started to float as the elements flashed brightly. Then the Elements of Harmony shot rays out of them at the pony of shadows."Nooo. This can't be right" said the pony of shadows. The pony of shadows was no more. "Way to go" said Diamond. "I will be right back every pony. I need to talk to Diamond alone" said RainStorm. "Go ahead you two we'll stay here and be happy" said Golden Night. "Thanks" said RainStorm.
RainStorm and Diamond went into a different room. "I'm sorry for how I acted towards you yesterday. It's hard when a friend betrays you" said RainStorm. "It's my fault I hurt you. I didn't know you were actually my friend before or I wouldn't have done what I did" said Diamond. "It's ok now" said RainStorm. RainStorm looked into Diamond's eyes for a minute and then kissed him. "I... I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself. You just did some thing that I really needed done and you actually tried to get back on my good side" said RainStorm. Diamond stands there in shock. "Please don't tell any pony I kissed you. If any pony finds out I will be in trouble with RainForest my boyfriend. I'm sorry Diamond" said RainStorm. "Don't be sorry and don't look sad. I won't tell any pony about the kiss especially because you are dating another pony. I promise" said Diamond. "I hate promises but thank you" said RainStorm. Both of them then left the room and went back to there friends. When they got back to there friends the main six were there. "When did you get back" asked RainStorm. "We appeared in front of the my house and just entered" said Twilight. "Well me and my friends should get back home" said RainStorm. "If you have to, go ahead" said Twilight. RainStorm set the portal up. "Ok friends it's time to head home for us" said RainStorm. "Ok. See you next time Twilight" said Golden Night before she went through the portal. RainForest and Phoenix Storm went through the portal without saying any thing after Golden Night. "I'm going to miss this place" said Bella Melody. She goes through the portal. "You coming Night Shine" asked RainStorm. "I'm going to stay here with Diamond" said Night Shine. "If you say so. I will see every pony later then" said RainStorm and then goes through the portal.
Back in there world Kodi and Anika said bye to there friends but Aaron. Then Kodi hugged Anika and she left after the hug. "Well it's your turn to head home love" said Kodi. "I know. Can I get a kiss good bye" asked Aaron. "Of course. You are my boyfriend. Why wouldn't I want to" said Kodi. They kissed and then Aaron left. "Well it was nice to see a lot of my friends and my boyfriend. I'm glad my dad hasn't been home for about a week. I don't need him worrying about me again. It's time to head to bed" said Kodi. He then went to bed and fell asleep. That is the end of this trip.
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