Chapter 2: Hunger For Battle

Jynx's gaze lingered on the spot where Death vanished, her lips curls into a snarl. She turns away, her eyes darkening. Revenge pounded in her ears, roaring like a sore thumb.

"Jynx! Why are you bleeding?" Moon's fussing caught Jynx's attention. Making Jynx's blood thundering in her ears dim. "Night, what happened to your pelt?"

Simi observed his grown kits with a thoughtful musing, then he broke in with a gruff voice, " the grimness in your eyes look like you won unlimited catnip, but found out the catch."
It was uncanny how Simi could recapture his grown kits' moods.

"Night? Jynx....What happened?" Kat pressed in feline tongue. Her green eyes wide with fright.

"Death!" Night growls, his black with white pelt bristles with annoyance. He glanced around the room, as if the walls had ears. "That's what happened."

"I see," Kat replying calmly, but her face tightens and her gaze shifts to a clouded storm. Of regret. Of revenge.

Night opened his jaws to speak, but Jynx, informing them all, retorts," Death that good for nothing cat came waltzing in, and offering a bet battle...." she begins and the dives deeper into the recalling and explaining of all of it.

Moon's jaw gaped open, her cat eyes shocked at Night's collection. "He what???? I'll shred Death if he lays a single filthy paw of his on Kat." Moon had come to love Kat like her own birthed kits.

"Me too," the other felines echoed. Their faces sincere. Kat blinked, embrassed.

"Thank you," She smiles and lets out a long yawn.

"Jynx! Let me!" Jarad broke in as his mate licked her stinging wounds. Jynx gratefully purrs and closed her eyes.

"What if we back out?" Simi brought up the only fact Night left out. His eyes scanning the room with careful darkened eyes.

"Do it anyway," Jynx growls, getting out of her zen. Her eyes flashed dark and spiteful. A crack of lightning flashes outside, liting up the dark as night room. Thunder followed, startling all the felines and Kat.

Jarad broke the pulsing dense silence," should we train for battle? It's good to have our battle skills fresh. It's been awhile."

"That'll be a good idea, Jarad," Kat muses softly, "hey,  am I allowed to fight?"

Moon relenticly meowed," I so," Fear made her stammer. But her fear was misplaced,  Kat was one of the best soldiers when in feline form.

Quickly, Kat changed into her cat form. Her cat form was a she cat with black and silver stripes, she had black ringlets on her tail. She had a white belly and paws. Paired with warm firey green eyes. Her cat name was Rainfire.

"Okay, let's go ask Felis for some tips," Jynx reponces, then winces when she moves.

Rainfire (her cat name) growled," I can't wait to shred Death. I'll wip that sneer off of his face!" The six cats gathered together.
" On the count of three....flash. 1....2....3!" Simi yelled and they all flashed. A crackle filled the air.

They were gone and then "thud" they landed nimbly on their paws....well
Rainfire, Moon and Jynx. The toms weren't as lucky. Jarad landed in a thorn brush, Simi landed smack on his back, and Night landed really hard on his paws, his momentum carrying him in a roll almost into the bubbling river beside them.

" You tom cats should practice more or get luckier!" Jynx jests.

Jarad glared at her and snaps," I'll be feeling these thorns for weeks! I think I have one where the sun don't shine," he lowers his voice.

Jynx rolled over laughing her head off.

" It's not funny!" Jarad roars but smiles briefly. Simi groans and sits up.

"I've had worse flashing." Simi admitted. He flexs his back muscles. Checking to see if they were sore.

Night was limping and he mutters," heal this paw." (All felines had the power to heal and cast spells with proper training.)

Moon, being the anxious one, meows," let's get a move on!"

They lingered for a half a moment to check out their piney surrondings. The pine forest stretched in all directions. A river flowed proudly. Birds chirped, on and about different family members being eaten by cats, and of the Tree Of Seeds.

The Tree Of Seeds was a tree Felis had made for the birds, as a peace offer. As if to say, "ummm please forgive us for hunting you? But may we continue to do so?" The birds happily accepted. Now to this day for the birds it was an honor to be eaten by a cat if it was by chase.

This part of the forest was known as Pine Heights Training Grounds, part of Felis' domain. Lord Felis stalked out of the shifting shadows of the woods. "Welcome. I hope you all are faring well. Nice to see you again." Felis rumbles in a deep voice, his eyes flashing. " Rainfire, a pleasure to see you again, my granddaughter."

"Yes, my lord. Nice to see you too." Rainfire purred, using the formal address to Felis.

"Just Felis, my dear Rainfire. You all can call me Felis." Felis scolded, reminding her yet again. He flicks his long tail to empathize the request.

(If you are wondering why not just call him grandpa? In cat culture it was not acceptable and you use their first name which was the highest respect.)

Simi, Moon, Jynx, Night, Jarad, and Rainfire nodded as one. "What brings you to these neck of the woods?" Lord Felis inquires, his gaze curious. Felis's blue eyes glinting as if expecting trouble had risen. Danger of some kind.

Felis was a broad powerfully built tom with black fur and a snowy white chest. His fur spiked up. The cats remained quiet. After a minute Lord Felis growls," I smell trouble and not the wolf. I'm not as dumb as you may think. What happened?" He knew they couldn't back down from his bold accustion. They also had too much honer to lie.

Night broke down and spilled all of it to Lord Felis, who at times purred with laughter and winced at certain parts.

Ten Minutes Later..........

"Well, we thought we'll have a better chance, than just one battle! If every cat is blaming me, then I'm leaving!" Jynx snaps out like a whip. 'After all, it was my idea so now everyone is going start blamimg me,' she thought darkly.

Night's mouth gaped, 'Where did Jynx get that from? No cat is blaming you, or me for that matter.' He thought confused.

Jarad broke in with his own two cents," if she leaves, I'm going to!" His tone unyielding. Her lashes out his claws in warning.

Felis's eyes showed a hint of amusement, but as quickly as it came it was carefully hidden and tucked away.

"No cat here is blaming you. I would of done the same, if I'd even thought of that amazing idea in the first place." Lord Felis informed Jynx, soothing her wounded pride.

Jynx finally calms down and stays. Jarad and Jynx walked to the edge of the river bank to chat privately.

Felis distractly rolled his blue eyes. " Anyhow,  have you come for training?"

The cats nodded. Jynx and Jarad paused their conversation, and threw a quick "yah," their way.

"Okay, let's go! Follow me!" Lord Felis commanded, he flicks his black tail. The six cats followed Lord Felis to the Battle Training Clearing. Lord Felis had put that spot of land to the side, just for battle and hunting training. It was wide. It was clear of sticks, tree roots, stumps and leaves. It was a mere ten feet from the river from earlier, Flow River, the river were used for swimming practice.

"Jarad, you battle with Jynx. Rainfire with Moon and Simi with Night. I'll evaluate your training needs." Felis rumbles, his face shinning, he loved training.

Lord Felis for an hour watched the six highly skilled felines fight. He was filled with awe at their exellence. It was as if they had practiced not a mere fortnight ago. But he knew they hadn't.

"Stop! I have seen enough. Moon, love, your the image of perfection! Simi, you need to work on your sneak attack, otherwise your amazing. Night, remember when your opponent gets that calucating look in their eyes, duck they are going to try to pounce on your back. Jynx, love, your pretty good, just work on your timing for your Slash Kick. Rainfire, love, work on your sneak attack as well. Jarad, your perfect as well. Okay, practice what I told you. Jarad and Moon help them." His mentering side kicking in from long ago, before he was the Lord of the feline land.

Moon smiled slightly and got to work. She in her prime time before she had kits, was a highly sought after menter.

Soon the sun was setting, and Jynx blurts out suddenly, " Oh crap! We have to get back to fight Death!"

Felis meows somberly," good luck....I hope you do well." Then he corrects himself," I know you will."

Rainfire licked her grandfather's ears in parting and purrs happily," thanks so much, Felis!" Her paws tug into the earth, ready to fight Death.

"If you lose this bet, the Quest of The Stone shall begin." Lord Felis warns, his eyes dark with worry.

His words sparked fear. Unknown fear that had long disappeared........***

☆How did I do? Just got this chapter done *wipes off sweat and cracks stiff fingers ouch* You know the drill, don't be a silent reader. Comment even if you didn't care for it, just say what you didn't like and I'll fix, vote please, and follow me ._. .-. Oh yah check out my other book Soil and Rain, it's a ghost romance.   :3☆

~Kyra :-*

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