wait what
Rainbow's POV
As I waited for my friends I felt someone push me down onto the concrete, I was unconscious for a bit. When I woke I felt people sitting me against something.
My vision was blurry, and my ears were ringing. I had a huge headache.
I heard AJ but she was yelling?
I saw blurred people move, "A-AJ?" I asked
"Dashie, it's us, can you see us?" I heard twilight
"N-no... It's b-blurry" I said
"What do you remember" Twilight asked
"W-where am I? I r-remember g-going to s-sleep t-shen I w-was h-here" I said
"We're at the school" Twilight said
"How is she?" I heard AJ
"She can't see well and can't remember anything from today" I heard shy.
"Rainbow, it's going to be ok, we're going to getcha home, I just want you to tell me how you feel" Twilight said
"Um... H-headache, and m-my ears are r-ringing... And d-dizzyish" I said
I heard them them talking, then I heard, "can you walk"
I shrugged
"Let's try" I heard
I got picked up, I felt someone holding me close.
"Ready" It was AJ
I nodded, I was put down and they let go, I felt shakey
I suddenly fell but I got caught, "I'll just carry ya sugarcube"
I got picked up, I layed my head on her chest.
We started walking, it made my headache worse.
I was put down in the car, I felt my buckle got on.
I still couldn't see well.
We left but we went right? Our houses are all left?
I heard someone on a phone?
I got scared,
"Wh-where are w-we g-going?" I asked
"We're going to bring you to the hospital" I heard
I frowned and passed out again.
I woke up to beeping and something on my face and head? I slowly opened my eyes and looked around, I saw AJ? And a doctor? I looked the other way and saw the rest of my friends talking?
I felt something on my arm, it was a IV? It had red stuff in it? I released I was in a hospital room?!
I had a breathing mask on and what I'm guessing was a bandage on my head.
It suddenly felt like I got stabbed in the back of my head, I winced, closing my eyes, I grabbed the blanket tightly.
When they pain slowed I opened my eyes to see everyone standing around me.
"Hi sweetie, how do you feel" The doctor asked me and took off the breathing mask
"My h-head" I groaned
"Alright, sweetie" She said, "you lost a lot of blood"
I was confused
"You're gonna stay here for a few days ok" She said
"O-ok... " I said
She looked at the clock, "well visiting hours are up"
The girls said bye then left
The doctor checked my breathing, I felt myself struggling to breath.
"Let's put this back on you for a few hour" She put the mask back on my face.
"Your nurse will check on you in a hour ok" She said and put the remote to call the nurse where I could reach it.
I nodded
She left turning the light off. I stared at the ceiling, I just wanted to go home.
I was like that till I heard the door open
The nurse came over, "you're still awake" She said and checked my heart
I nodded
"Here let's get this off ya," She took the IV off, "it's almost empty anyway" She put a bandaid over it so nothing got in it.
She checked my head bandage.
"Get some rest ok" She said
I nodded
She left.
I couldn't sleep even though I felt exhausted.
2 hours past when the nurse came back.
I looked over
"You're still up sweetie" She said and checked my heart again
I nodded
She checked my bandage, "you look tired sweetie"
I nodded
"I'll be right back sweetie" She left
A couple minutes later she came back with a new doctor
The doctor turned the light on.
The man examined my head. "Are you sleepy"
I nodded
"Can you go get the medicine grace" The doctor said
The nurse nodded and left,
"You'll be able to sleep" The doctor said
The nurse came back in with a cup of water and a pill. The doctor took the breathing mask off.
He helped me sit up.
I was given the pill and water. After I took it I was layed back down and helped to get comfortable.
I finally fell asleep
When I woke up I saw Blitz! And fleet!
"Dashie" Blitz said coming over, "I'm so happy you're ok" He hugged me
"B-blitz" I said hugging back, I started crying
He helped me sit up, "what's wrong Dashie"
"I-i w-wanna go h-home" I said
"You'll be able to go home soon" He said
The door opened
"Hi guys" A new doctor said
I stayed quiet
"I just wanna do two tests alright" She said
I nodded,
"I wanna check your speech, you haven't been talking much," She said, "so just talk how you normally would, tell me your name, and just anything you want"
Blitz sat next to me and held my hand
I took a deep breath, "i-i'm ra-rain-rainbow d-da-dash and i-i w-wanna g-go h-home"
The doctor wrote something down, "alright, now let's see if you can stand, or walk,"
They helped me get up. Blitz held me close till I was ready to stand, when I did I was wobbly.
Blitz held my hands.
"Let's getcha back in bed" She said and they helped me get back in bed.
"Alright, I'll talk to my partners, you will probably need to stay and get help with walking till you can walk on your own somewhat again, and with speech too" She said
I nodded
"I'll be back in a few hours" She said and left
I yawned
Blitz helped me lay down
I Immediately fell asleep
I worked on my speech and walking for a week in the hospital, then I was allowed to go home, I would still have to practice at home and go somewhere once a week.
When I finally was able to walk normal I had to go back to school, I didn't talk at all, not even to my friends.
They got worried but I still wouldn't talk to them.
It was the weekend and I was sitting in my room laying on my bed. I was trying to take a nap, I was tired. My door was closed and lights were off.
I heard someone knock on my door, "c-come i-in" I said sounding sad
"Rainbow, your friends are here" Fleet had opened the door.
I nodded
"I'm going to tell them they can come up" She said
"o-ok" I said
She went back down stairs. I heard a few people come up.
"Rainbow" AJ said, "are ya ok"
I nodded
"Why won't you talk darling" Rarity asked
I shook my head, they would be annoyed with me
"It's ok dashie you can talk to us" She said
I shook my head again
"I didn't want to do this but I guess we have to" AJ said
I looked over at her, my eyes widened.
AJ started tickling me
I started laughing, "o-ok s-stop!" I said
Applejack stopped
"W-why'd y-you d-do t-that" I said
They stared at me
My eyes widened and I started to tear up, I ran out of the room, I ran downstairs and found fleet.
I ran to her and hugged her
"Ooh, hi dashie, what's wrong" She said hugging me back
I started crying into her shirt
"Shhhhh it's ok," She said
I soon calmed down,
"What happened" She asked
"M-my fr-fri-frien-friends d-do-don't l-li-like m-my vo-voi-voic-voice" I stuttered,
"It's ok, I don't think that's true," She kneeled in front of me and hugged me putting her hand on the back of my head.
I hugged back and layed on her shoulder.
I yawned and fell asleep...
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