Rainbows POV


It's now march... The year has already been SO slow, but I've been out of school for a week, with cold that won't go AWAY!

I've been refusing to get out of bed, I have a 102 fever, my head hurts, my body aches, stomach ache, I've been throwing up a lot, I can't keep food down, only water and soup broth, and have been getting chills.

WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME! I groaned as my thoughts got louder, I was curled up on my bed... Well mattress.

I groaned in pain, I physically could not move, my whole body aches so bad, all I did was groan and whimper.

Suddenly someone came up, it was fleet, she had been taking care of me when she wasn't at school. Which was only Tuesday and Thursday.

She kneeled next to me, "you ok dashie" She said in a calm tone, and stroked my hair

"Un uh" I replied

"You wanna come lay on the couch" She asked me

"Uh huh" I said

She helped me up. I held my stomach, she picked me up... Ya you try to be starved most of your life and not be small... She brought me downstairs and layed me on the couch with a blanket wrapped around myself. I kept getting chills.

"I'm going to go get you some water" She said and went to the kitchen.

I tried to keep my eyes open but they soon closed and I fell asleep...

A few hours later

I started to wake up but didn't open my eyes yet. I heard some voices.

"I can't believe she's been sick for a week" It sounded like twilight?

"Poor dashie" Fluttershy?

"Rainbow has had a lot going on"that sounded like Applejack

" But she looks so peaceful darling" Wait rarity? Who's next pinkie?!


I groaned from her loudness, they all went silent, then heard them move closer to me. I slowly opened my eyes.

"She's awake!" Pinkie yelled

I covered my head with the blanket. I heard them all shush pinkie. Then a orangeish hand slowly pulled the blanket down.

"It's ok rainbow it's just us" Applejack said quietly

I looked at them smiling slightly

"How are you feeling" Flutters asked me

"Sick" I said with one breath.

"Rainbow, are you feeling any better" Twilight asked.

"A bit... But not much" I said then hiding my mouth and started coughing feeling mucus in my mouth, applejack patted my back trying to break it up from my lungs.

The coughing slowed, and applejack rubbed my back in circles.

"Is that better sugarcube" applejack asked

"Uh huh" I said relaxing a bit.

"Maybe you should go see a doctor, darling" Rarity said

I didn't answer, I didn't want to but I probably will have to at least go to urgent care.

"You ok dashie" Shy asked

I just curled up more, as my head started thumping and stomach started hurting really bad.

I heard someone else come in, "hey dashie," I heard, it was fleet.

I moved my head slightly too see her.

She started to stroke my hair, "you have to take your medicine ok"

"Uh huh" I said,a cold medicine, that tasted disgusting, put after I took it a few minutes later I would relax, and actually be able to have a bit of energy, at least enough to get comfortable.

She went to get it.

"You look EXHAUSTED DASHIE BUT YOU JUST SLEPT FO-" Pinkie started but mouth got covered.

I pulled the blanket back over my head and groaned. I felt applejack rubbing my back still.

I saw Applejack pull the blanket back down, "it's ok" She said is a quiet voice

Fleet came back with the medicine and water, I took it with a gag, before trying to relax.

"You ok dashie" Flutters said and brushed my bangs out of my face.

"I guess" I said,

We talked for a bit... I was relaxed, laying on the couch.


It's around midnight,and I was in the bathroom puking my guts out. Blitz was sitting next to me rubbing my back.

I was crying from pain, my head was throbbing, my stomach felt like knifes pierced through, and my throat burned.

Fleet heard me and came running! Blitz looked. Fleet kneeled next to me.

"Blitz go get a bucket," Fleet said blitz did as told, "we're going to the hospital dashie,"

I threw up again, I NEEDED to go, fleet rubbed my back.

Blitz came back with a plastic bucket.

"Here dashie," He said

I nodded

"Come on, dashie" Fleet said,

Blitz helped me up, fleet grabbed a bag and a blanket, they slipped some shoes in and grabbed mine. We all got into the car. I had tank with me, I had him next to me.

Me and blitz sat in the back, blitz wrapped the blanket around me, since it was a bit cold.

We we're all in pajamas, and went to the hospital, I threw up once in the car, I had chills, my throat was sore.


We had waited in the children's emergency room for 10 minutes, before I went back.

The doctor examed my stomach touching different areas, it made me uncomfortable, she had my shirt up a bit. I winced a few times before she stopped. I had tank next to me, holding onto him.

I wanted to scream I was in so much pain, but I couldn't, I held back tears as best as I could but some still fell.

"Sorry if I hurt you" The doctor said and pulled down my shirt, I sat up.

She checked my throat, and back. My body was aching.

"We're going to give you a X-ray to see if there's something in you tummy that's making it hurt so much, ok" She explained

I got nervous, but nodded,

"But in the meantime, I have a few tests I would like to run" She said, "I just need some of your blood ok sweetie"

I got tense, all I felt was the pain,

"She'll be alright" Fleet said

The doctor left.

Blitz came over sitting next to me, "it's going to be ok little sis"  And hugged me

I hugged him back, as tears ran down my face from the pain.

He rubbed my back gently,"shhhhhhh shhhhhhh it's going to be ok," He said in a calming voice.

I started to calm down, tears slowing down. I just leaned over his heart listening to the light thump... thump... thump.

The doctor cane back with a little tray.

"You ready" She asked.

I didn't answer just got tense.

Blitz saw, "shhhh it's ok, just relax, squeeze my hand and look away" He held my head away from the doctor, I held his hand, and found the light thump in his chest, and relaxed.

That's when I felt a sharp pain in my arm. I squeezed blitz's hand and cried.

I felt a bandaid on my arm. "I'm going to send the test and then we're going to do a X-ray" She left.

Blitz rubbed my back, "dashie... Baby it's ok, you're going to be alright,"

I calmed down, "I want go home"

"You can't yet dashie, they're going to help you, don't you wanna get better" Fleet said

"I don't wanna stay" I said, too be honest, I don't like hospitals, they scare me, I hate staying overnight.

Blitz rubbed my back gently to calm me down. I slowly did. By the time I was calm the doctor came back.

"You ready" She asked.

I looked at blitz with a, "please don't leave me " Look.

He stroked my hair and whispered to me, "you'll be alright,"

"She's ready" Fleet said

We went to the X-ray room.


The X-ray didn't show anything, I didn't get told what the test. They took me too a room and told me I was dehydrated and needed to stay there for the night and all tomorrow.

I got scared, Blitz stayed with me knowing I would be scared.

They had gave me a IV with water and medicine. It hurt when they did. They had left for now.

I was laying on the bed, Blitz layed next to me, wrapping his arms around me. I nuzzled into his chest, as he held me close, comforting me, keeping me calm and letting the medicine work.

Fleet had called CHS and my friends telling them what happened and where I was.

I was soon tired, and was fighting sleep.

"Go to sleep I know you're tired" Blitz said rubbing my back gently

"Are you going to leave" I asked

"No I won't leave you, I'm staying right here with you"  He said.

The doctor came back and pulled fleet aside.

I started to fall asleep, Blitz rubbed my back, I held tank near me and cuddled with blitz. I soon fell asleep.

I hope you all like this story, I love the comments, and I'm glad you all are so patient! Leave ideas!

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