Rainbows POV
As Monday came my ankle felt much better, I still walked with a limp but at least I could walk on my own.
That morning when my alarm went off I got up and changed the bandage around my ankle, and got dressed.
i had my white shirt with red yellow and blue lightning bolt, blue short sleeve jacket, rainbow "flame" Leggings, and red yellow blue and white sneakers. I also had put my geode on to keep it safe.
Blitz and I rode the public bus as far as we could then walked the rest of the way. Of course I limped half of the time we walked.
As we came to the school my friends immediately came over, blitz waved and went to find thunderlane. A couple minutes later the bell rang, and we all went in.
As I went to my locker I didn't see Gilda or lightning, don't get me wrong im so happy they aren't here but it's odd that there not here. I grabbed my books and went to class, stupid math. I still don't like math, just give me the final now, I'll probably get a C but that's besides the point.
As I feel asleep in math... Again twilight woke me up. The teacher was calling random students up, "rainbow dash," Mrs. Ricci (pronounced rick-e) said our normal teacher came back finally, "can you come solve this?"
I stood up with a groan and walked up with my limp and just solved it.
(I don't know WHAT the huh this math is but it looks like sophomore math so there it is)
I turned and went back to my seat almost falling. I saw, the class in shock most or all of them knew I was asleep so I guess they thought I was a genius. If you know me I'm always and I mean ALWAYS getting hurt so when I'm not drawing my mom (before she passed) and fleet taught me some math stuff when I was in the hospital.
As the bell rang me twilight and sunset walked to art the BEST class of the day. "How did you do that" Twilight asked still in shock.
"Eh" I shrugged "WOAH" I said about to fall.
"You ok?" Sunset asked
"Ya I've been doing it all day" I said as they continued to walk and I continued to limp.
"Are you a genius or a witch, or maybe a reincarnation of Albert Einstein!" Twilight said.
"Look you know how I'm always getting hurt as you can tell" I pointed to my arm ankle and some of the bruises that haven't faded, "so fleet taught me some math"
"That explains it" Sunset said as we walked into the art room and went to our seats where our friends already had been waiting.
"You should have seen rainbow she solved a problem we've barely learned and she slept the whole lesson!" Twilight said as I took out my art folder, and worked on a picture.
the girls talked until the lesson started, we were. Working on city scapes. So I started to work on one, I or 2 point prospective I choose 2 point.
As I came to a end the other were only done 1 - 5 building except sunset who was on my page.
as class came to an end me and sunset were chatting, "what in the hay are you two doin packing up we still ain't finished." AJ said
Me and sunset nodded to each other that said in unison, "we're done" Then high fived cause we practiced that so MANY times you have no idea.
As it become lunch time I didn't feel like eating, I had a bag of chips in my bag that I ate but I didn't really even eat it, "why aren't you eating dashie?" Pinkie asked as the girls sat down.
"Eh not really hungry" I said
"You sure dashie" Fluttershy asked
"Ya I'm sure," I replied as I just fiddled with a fork.
As lunch ended we went to our last classes. I went to ELA, I had Mr.Tower as the bell rang I was the last one out, I limped out and without looking were I was going I bumped into someone, "sorry" I said as I shook my head to clear it.
"Hi miss" He said,i looked up he was giving me his hand it was soarin I took his hand as he helped me up he asked, "didn't I meet you on the roof a month ago?"
"Ya you did I was heading there now actually" I said
"Can I acompany you?" He asked,
"Sure, I mean of you want to" I said I sound like fluttershy
He smiled and followed me as I limped to the roof. "Why are you limping?" Soarin asked
"Got beaten up by the bullies, got covered in bruises, and sprained my ankle" i said like it was no biggie.
"Are you ok now" He said
I rolled my eyes, "didn't you just ask me why I'm limping,"
"Oh so your not ok" He said like he just noticed.
I facepalmed, "no Because my ankle hurts really bad after today" I said then almost done tripped but caught myself on the wall.
"So you never told me your name" He said starting a new conversation
"What do you mean" I asked as we finally had made it to the roof, I sat on the edge with my feet still on the roof side so I didn't fall.
"What's your name" He asked before sitting on the ground beside me.
"Rainbow Dash" I said peering over the edge.
"Wait rainbow dash... As in the one that was in cloudsale elementary that stood up agenst the toughest bullies for that one girl with pink hair!" He explained
"1.her names fluttershy 2. I already know the story and 3. Yes that was me" I said
"We use to be like best friends! How did I not recognize you" He said almost jumping off the edge
"1 calm down 2 I changed my look 3 it's been 5 maybe 6 years 4 you forgot I even existed when you become a singer or actor whatever you are and lastly 5 why!" I said getting mad-er by the minute
"Look it wasn't my choice I wanted to stay with you, and why are you so annoyed with me!" He yelled
"Cause you left me to become famous!" I yelled back.
"Look" He said calming me down before I feel off the edge, "I know we went through somethings so how about we start over" He suggested
"Sure I'm down" I said with a slight smile
"This is now the first time I saw you smile today" He said then pulled me off t he edge.
"Soarin" I said once
"Look rainbow I know you don't like me but can we be friends?" He asked
"Of course" I said then started for the stairs down knowing that the clubs were going to be done soon. "Remember when we were little and use to do this all the time" I said than jumped sliding down the railing of the stairs stopping myself before the end to get down, he walked down the steps.
I heard him mutter, then he said "still afraid of the end I see," He smirked
I smiled"aye if my ankle didn't hurt I would have jumped off"I said giving him a push.
"Aye!" He said as we walked out the door to the hallways, a few people roming around but I still had to wait for my friends.
soarin then grabbed me from behind and picked me up. "Put me down soarin"
"I'll punch you"
"Alright alright," He put me down "sheash"
"I heard that" I said as the bell rang to go home, I saw AJ and pinkie coming out of baking club
"Howdy rainbow forget you went to a club whats it called again?" AJ greeted
"Rooftop" I said
"Hi dashie, ohhh your friends with the celebrity I see" She said popping up from behind soarin
I laughed, "can we just go wait for the other girls my ankle is REALLY starting to hurt"
"Alrighty let's go" AJ said as we started to walk (or limp) to the entrance/exit of the school
We met the other girls and soarin started to walk to his home. We started to walk back to well I basically hopped half of the time. Then finally reached our destination.
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