
Somewhere In Space.

A Halo near the orbit, flying in space then a UNSC Infinity been attacked by the banished, one of the Banished dreadnought crash the UNSC Infinity ship top. The second Banished Dreadnought board the UNSC Ship, and a couple Banished Phantom's firing the life's board and pelicans that who tried to escape.

Timeskip in the hallway. (Imagine inside is really chaos)

A group of UNSC Personals tried to evacuate while others are fighting back against the Banished who board their ship, and killed the rest of the humans.

Captain Lasky (intercom): All hands personal! Evacuate UNSC Infinity! abandon ship! Head to the lifeboats! Those who have arms and weapons defend and buy some time for the evacuation!

UNSC Marine: (firing MA5K at jackal and Unggony) COME ON! YOU WANT SOME OF THIS!!

 Suddenly unknown to the Marine from behind an Elite shows up from an invisible clock and active the energy sword. 

An ODST wearing gear similar to scout armor, to those that were seen on Reach, tackled the elite. Knocking the sword out of its hand and pulled out his Socom before firing it into the elite's mouth.

This makes the Marine turn around and saw another Elite from behind him and ODST from nowhere.

UNSC Marine: What the?! (surprise)

The ODST then drew his knife and slit the elite's throat. Watched it hold its throat as the Sangheili choked on its own blood before it fell to the ground. Dead and bleeding out.

UNSC Marine: Holy shit...(snap out) thanks for the help, sir.

The ODST sheathes his knife after wiping off the blood and holsters his pistol. 

 ODST: You're welcome. Get to the lifeboats marine. They're going to need you down there.

UNSC Marine: (salute) Yes, Sir! and thank you, Sir!

 The Marine went off to the lifeboat and regroup the other Personals. Then another group ODSTs show up behind him.

Another ODST in white and blue armor walks up to the ODST who killed the elite 

 ODST 2: Nice save Ark.

ODST: Thanks- 

 He quickly drew his Socom again and shot a jackal that came up from behind the second ODST.

The White and Blue ODST turns to see the Jackal and fires his BR75 with grenade launcher at four grunts behind the Jackal

ODST: Nice shot.

ODST 2:(smile) Hey you're not the only sharpshooter Ark

Suddenly a hunter shows up after breaching the ramp door, then The Red and Black ODST fires his Hydra Launcher at the hunter's head and got blows it up....and its guts spread everywhere. 

Arkham: ...(wipes some of the remains of his armor) Remind me to skewer a certain someone later.

ODST 3: (lower down of Hydra Launcher) Really? Didn't I save all of us from that fucking Hunter? (pointed to Hunter's dead corps)

ODST 2: (scoffs) Oh make that two you going first Ark

Arkham: Yes but I'd like to at least kill one without having to clean my gear of Hunter's guts.

ODST 2: Me too. Hey Reaper do you always have to blow a hunter up whenever there is one

Reaper: (groan) You do realize that we don't have any weapon that can pierce that thing's armor right? Only Hydra Launcher the one I hold, Slayer?

Slayer: Seriously? There are more efficient ways to kill it. A hydra launcher is not the only way to kill it.

Arkham: Yes. Like a well-placed grenade.

Reaper:....Isn't that the same thing? blowing up Hunter's guts too?

Arkham: There's a difference between a compact missile launcher, and a frag grenade.

Slayer: Plus Amy is not going to like the smell on my armor thanks

Arkham: Neither is Alyssa.

Reaper: Whate- (notice Elite holding) ohh~~~ what do we have here?

Reaper Pick up the hilt the one Elite's holding at, and then he active it and reveal an energy sword.

Reaper: Hohoho~ Looks like I got a merry Christmas gift. (smirk)

Slayer:(smile) What do you think Ark. Should he keep it?

Arkham: (takes the sword and deactivated it) My kill, my prize. To Victor go the spoils.

He holstered the deactivated energy sword on his belt.

Reaper: Oh come on! You already have a bloody Katana?!

Slayer:(smirks) That's the rules right Ark

Arkham: Yes. And... I was here first.

Reaper: (murmur) Damnit.

Cole: (coms) Come in! Can anyone hear?! I repeat, can anyone hear me?! This is Commander Cole of Fireteam Ashira! we got a soldier wounded here!

Slayer taps coms

Slayer:(coms) Cole this is Slayer. Is that you?

Cole: Slayer! Thank God, I need help! My squad is pinned down by Banished forces! Requesting backup, over!

Arkham: (come) Arkham Here. Slayer and I just reunited with Reaper. We're on our way.

Slayer:(coms) What's your position, Cole?

Cole: We're the armory, you better hurry! They've just sent in the Hunters! We can't hold out much longer!

Reaper: (tap coms) Is Rachel with you Cole? she's the only one who can get us out from here!

Arkham: (coms) What about Alyssa and Amy?

Slayer:(coms) Are they with you Cole?

Cole: (coms) Rachel is looking after Amy who's wounded! Alyssa and my team are- Shit! Just get assess here as soon as possible! Over and out! (ends his coms)

Slayer got very worried about Amy

Reaper: (cocking M7S Silencer) We have to their location!!

Slayer: (worried) Amy

The same was said for Ash about Alyssa. But he shook it off as he cocked his assault rifle.

Arkham: She's not dying Slayer. We'll make sure of it.

Slayer nods at Ark

Slayer: Your right. Come on boys. We need to double-time it to their position now!!!

Arkham & Reaper: 10-4!

Timeskip in the Armory's room.

 We see Cole fighting with Brute, while others fighting with the 3 Elites.

Brute: You puny human!!!! You are nothing just a pathetic creature!!! just die!! with the rest of your friends!!! (swing a gravity Hammer)

Cole: (dodges the gravity Hammer) The fuck off my screen!

Cole fires his SAW at the Brute and damage it's shield.

Brute: RROOOAAAARRRR!! (Rush toward him)

Cole: Oh shit!

Cole kept firing his SAW at the Brute

But the Brute's still charging at Cole, He manage shot into it's head with precision accuracy. Sadly It only make the helmet crack suddenly Reaper tackle the brute to the floor.

Reaper: Just die!!!! you fucker!!!! (firing a M7 Sillencer all mags at the brutes on the face) 

Ash took out his Socom and used it combination while cutting and gunning down the banished soldiers.

Zane switches to his slient smg and fires at three jackals and five grunts and uses his throwing knives to kill two brutes

Reaper saw incoming Elite charging with energy sword heading toward Rachel, he saw a brute shot on the floor, he then grab a brute shot and throw it toward the the Elite and it hit pierce through and stuck on the locker by a blade's brute shot.

Reaper: Rachel! You ok honey? (help Rachel to stand up)

Rachel: (Smile) I am fine, thanks. How about you?

Reaper: (chuckle) They gonna have lot more to kill me.

Arkham; We need to get off this ship. Infinity's lost.

Zane: Ash is right Cole! We got to go!!! Where's Amy?!

Ash: And where's Alyssa?!

Cole switches to his Lancer and sawed an Elite in half.

Cole: She's Injured but stable! thanks to Rachel for the help, and Alyssa is on the other side sector 7B while she tried to hold them off! with two of the ODSTs!

Ash: (loads in a new magazine) I'm going after her.

A Jackal was about to snipe them, but Cole went behind and twisted its neck, killing it.

Cole: Who love's ya, baby! (turn to others) Rachel. Get a prowler ready. We're abandoning the Infinity. Get everyone on board, Ash find Alyssa. Slayer, you focus on Amy bringing her to the prowler. If we're fast enough maybe we can rendezvous with Captain Laskey on Zeta Halo. Now go! move it trooper!

All: 10-4!

Zane: Got it! Rachel where's Amy?!

Rachel: At the next corridor! (heading to the hangar)

Ash began making his way to where Cole said Alyssa was.

Nick Pick up and Brute shot a Hilt of energy sword from Elite's corpses suddenly he notice something on Elite's arms so he grabs it their equipment. Then he taps coms to the Commander and Arkham.

Nick: I'll handle the rest of the weapon crates (point the crates), you guys go, I'll catch up. 

Cole: I'll help with that. (go help Nick)

Arkham: (coms) Cole. Reaper. Load up what you can. If the banished want a fight, we'll them one. On our terms. See you at the prowler.

Suddenly a ramp door was breached and reveal two hunters, one of the hunters charging the cannon and it's aiming at Reaper.

Cole: Get down! 

 Cole pushed Reaper down from a plasma cannon shot as two Hunters came from behind.

Reaper: Shit...

Reaper look around and saw a jetpack inside the breaking crate.

Reaper: (grab a jetpack on his back and turn to Cole) You ready? (changing mag M7 Silencer)

Cole: (smirk) I'm always ready. (revs his Lancer)

Meanwhile. Ash continued to slice through and gun down the Banished with his recently quoted sword and guns. Kicking a jackal and shooting it through the eye and slicing the heads off a few grunts.

Ash: (calls out) Alyssa?! Alyssa! Where are you?!

Then he saw a survivor run away from the other side corridor, then he saw 4 couple Marines heading to the hangar.

He stopped the survivor.

Ash: Excuse me-!

UNSC Marine: (tiring) Sir! where are you doing here?! This ship is-

Ash: Looking for someone. Someone named Alyssa!

UNSC Marine: You mean Sergeant Major Apollyon! She with two of the ODST! go left and turn Right she was still there with two ODST with her while they tried to hold them off from the Banished!

Ash: Thank you, soldier. Give the banished hell! (Runs off in the direction)

UNSC Marine: (salute) Good luck, Sir, See you on the otherside.

Arkham follow what The Marines say and heads to Alyssa's location, when he got there he saw three ODSTs hold them off, then one of the ODSTs suddenly out of the ammo.

ODST 1 Rookie: Shit! shit! shit! (trying to load the ammo)

ODST 2 Rookie: Mike! Watch out!! 

 ODST 1 Rookie: Huh?- AAAARGHHH!! (been hit by gravity hammer) 

One of the ODST got swung away by Gravity hammer by Brute really hard and crash to the walls, then the brutes swing again to ODST to make sure he's dead.

Warchief Brute: RRROOOOAAARRR!!!!

ODST 2 Rookie: You bastard!!!! (firing DMR) 

The brute was shot in the head with precision and falls on its back.

Alyssa: (finishing Elite with Sawing )Scout! Come on! we are leaving! 

Scout: Yes Sergeant!!!

Cole: (coms) Alyssa, what's your status?

Alyssa: (tap coms) We are heading back to the hangar! and we are losing men in here, Commander!

Cole: (coms) Roger that! We've been in your position as soon we dealt with those Hunters! Over and out! (ends his call)

Alyssa: (turn to Scout) Come on scout! we going to regroup each other!

Scout: Copy that!

Before scout left, he then turns around and looks at the ODST, he then takes his dog tags and put it in his chest pocket, and the two started rendezvous at the hangar.

Ash stabbed an elite through Its neck and shot down two more grunts.

Ash: Alyssa?! Where are you?

then Apollyon and Scout show up from the right hallway.

Alyssa: Ash!

Ash: Alyssa!

He deactivated the sword and hugged her.

Ash: They're at the hangar getting a prowler ready. We're getting off. Infinity's lost.

Alyssa: Right! also this Scout (point matt), our new teammate

Scout: (salutes) Sir!

Ash: At ease soldier. Let's get on the Prowler. Master Chief will need all the help he can get. And so will every soldier that gets off Infinity.

Alyssa: (cocking MA5B lancer) Then what are we waiting for! let's go!!

Ash: (activates sword) Ladies first.

Scout: (puts a magazine in the DMR) Let's get to it!

Ash: Wait, Where the other trooper?

Alyssa: (lookdown) He didn't make it.

Ash: I see, he will remember this and we will pay for what they did to our brother's arm, let's go!

Alyssa & Scout: Copy! 

Timeskip in the hangar.

As the three manage to the hangar, and it was chaos, the more Banished groups took over, and some of the pelicans manage to escape. Then they saw Reaper and Cole firing at the Hunter.

Reaper rolls over and go behind the hunter, then he goes climbs on it, and places it a grenade inside its stomach then back-flip from it then explodes. 

Ash grabbed a large crate lid and used it as a shield to block the flying Hunter's guts.

Scout didn't catch on and got hit by splattered guts and blood on his armor while standing there with a straight look.

Scout: (wipes the blood and guts off his helmet and armor) Oh, well that's just great.

Reaper: (turn around and saw ash, and others) Oh! are you guys, would you mind helping me to grab this crate to the ship?! (grab the crate).

Ash lowered the crate lid and looked over at Scout.

Ash: Better get used to that smell.

Scout: (shakes his head)I'm not worried about it.

Cole: Wooho! Nice work Reaper! that's good explode and skills you got there! (turn to Alyssa) Good to see you and still kicking Sergeant Major Alyssa.

Alyssa: Ha! Not even the banished can keep me down!

Cole: Good! Now everyone gets on board the prowler! and help Reaper get this crate on it now! (grab the crate and start board the osprey), Ark! go help Rachel and be the Co-pilot! Scout go help Reaper carry those crates!

Ash nodded before running inside towards the cockpit.

Scout: I'm on it! (He helps Reaper with the Cargo)

Meanwhile With Zane in the corridor.

Zane enters another room in the corridor

Zane: Amy?! Where are you?!

Amy: Over here!! (hold her arms that are injured)

Zane follows her call and finds her on the ground with her arm injured who had needles and runs over to her

Zane: Amy!!!

Amy: (chuckle) Glad to you again Zane...Where are the others?

Zane: There in the Hanger getting a prowler ready for us. We're abandoning Infinity. How are you feeling?

Amy suddenly shot a grunt ungony from behind him with her tactical magnum pistol.

Amy: Still kicking, and alive (smirk).

Zane:(smile) That's my girl. Come on

Zane picks Amy up bridle style

Amy: (leaning on his chest) My hero~

Zane:(smile) Aren't I always dear~

Amy: (rolled eyes) Whatever, let's get out from here, and I got your back.

Zane:(smile) Denial. Yup I'm always your hero love~

Amy: Less talking, more running, honey! 

As she fires her tactical magnum pistol at a group of elite chasing them while Zane chuckles as he runs to the Hanger with Amy in his arms.

Meanwhile with others in the hangar.

When Reaper dropped the last crate suddenly he look at the side the window and saw Chief choked by a Brute. This make him really shocked.

Reaper: (tap coms) Commander! this is Reaper! I spot chief and he been taken by a fucking Brute!! I going to after him!! (grab VK 78 Commando) 

Cole:(coms) No Reaper! Negative do not do that!!!!

Reaper: But sir?!

Cole:(coms) I don't like doing it either!! But we need to leave now!!!

Reaper:....(sigh) Understood, Sir. (call off the coms and look at Scout) You ok Scout?

Scout: Uh? Yeah. Why do you ask?

Reaper: just when I see your seem lost, someone?

Scout: (sighs) Yeah. Actually no, I'm not alright. I just lost Mike.

Reaper: (tap his shoulder) Sorry for your loss....I'm sure his a good rookie, and a friend of yours.

Scout: (small smile) Thanks...

The engines of the Prowler roared to life.

Ash: (coms) Engine's hot! We have to leave now! Infinity's coming apart!

Reaper: (tap coms) Copy! but Zane and Amy are not here yet!!

Ash: (coms) Find them! If we're not out soon, we're going down with the ship!

then they saw Zane holding bridle style while Amy shoot the banished behind them.

Alyssa: We got contact! (aiming at the banished)

Zane: Cover us guys!!!!

Reaper: Covering fire!! (firing VK78) Scout! aim to their head!

Scout: I'm in the forefront with that! (Aims his DMR at the head) Say goodnight!

Scout shoots multiple times to the head as the Brute falls dead

Scout: Boom, Baby!

Reaper shoots two jackals headshots from the warthog wreck as the two of them fall down.

Reaper: Jackals down!

Ash: (coms) Guys get on board... Chief is gone...

Zane and Amy get abroad the prowler when they hear that 

Zane:(com) Ash repeats that again

Ash: (coms) The Master Chief is gone. I repeat. Sierra-117 is gone.

Zane and Amy are in shock at the news

Amy:(shock) No way

Cole: (coms) You heard he said, Lieutenant Zane.....Chief is gone, including the Brute... Reaper saw it too.

Ash: (coms) Atriox...what about him?

Cole: (coms)...dead...those bastard die from that huge explosive.

Zane:(coms) Well I don't believe it, Cole. Chief never dies

Ash: (coms) Get on board. We have a score to settle.

Zane:(com) We in!

Rachel: (coms) ok! everyone hold on to something! because things getting crazy out here!

Ash: (coms) Punch it!

As the Eclipse-class prowler launched with full speed, Rachel's full control of the ship, and dodge any from attacked and phantom Banished and banshee Banished firing after them. Suddenly one of the Banshee launched plasma missiles lock on them.

Reaper: (coms) Incoming missiles!!

Rachel: Shit! Ark! flares!! (dodge from plasma firing)

The flares were soon released. Making the middles hit and detonate on them instead.

Ash: Rachel get us out of here!

Rachel: I am doing my best!! this fucker!! is getting in my way!!

as the group manages to get away from them, suddenly the banished retreat, which makes others are confusing.

Amy: They..retreating?

Scout: I got a bad feeling about this.

Ash opened up a screen to look at the aft camera. His eyes widened at what he saw a big ain't portal, and it was getting close to them.

Ash: (shocked terrified)...May god help us all...

Rachel: (eyes wide) guys.

Zane goes up to the cockpit and sees what Ash and Rachel is seeing

Zane:(shocked) Oh shit!!!!

Reaper & Cole: (scared) son of a....

Scout: (gets to the cockpit and raises an eyebrow) What is that thing, Lieutenant?

Zane: I have no idea! Everyone strap in now!!!

Rachel and Ash tried their best to free themselves from the unknown portal, everyone is panic, suddenly Nick or Reaper tapped his coms to say his last word for his wife.

Reaper: (tap coms) Rachel....before we die, I just want to say that I love you, you are always the craziest pilot girl! I love! 

 Rachel: (coms) I love you too, dear (sniff)

Zane:(coms) Amy whatever happens I love you so much. Until the end of time

Ash: (coms) Alyssa...? No matter what happens, I will always love you...

Alyssa: (coms) I love you too, my dear shadow (smile)

Amy: (coms) Until the end, dear (sniff).

Scout: (takes off his helmet and starts smoking) I'll see you all on the other side.(Takes his last puff and closes his eyes).

Cole:(com) It's been an honor serving with you all.

Rachel (coms): Brace for impact!!

As the prowler was sucked into the wormhole it began to close and never opened again. But what they didn't know is this team will embark on a new journey and face a new enemy. And it won't be in their time but a time further back. Where adventure and love awaits



















To Be Continue.

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