Chapter 3: Rescue operation

Three days have passed since Nick save Frost and Ying from the thugs. And after a flirty chat and sharing hot chocolate they gave each other phone numbers. Nick also shows them the new bar he works at called Feet First into Hell. After that night Frost and Ying went back to base and told everyone that there was a new bar and town and they heard the locals talking about it too which caused a commotion in the base. But Ash and Valkyrie were suspicious about it so they decided to go on their off time

Timeskip 3 days later.

In the hangar, as the Fireteam Ashira gathers around because of a call from Cole.

Zane: Alright Cole what do we got?

Cole: We got another report from London, a White Mask holding a hostage, and guest what who's the hostage now.

Amy: It's Rainbow isn't it?

Cole: Yup, the five of them got ambushed when they tried to find the bomb.

Matt: You got to be kidding me!!

Alyssa: Who are the team members that got caught?

Then Rachel put the data pad, and show them their names.

Rachel: Ash, Valkyrie, Kali, Thermite, and Blackbeard.

Zane takes a look and his eyes are locked on Ash and Valkyrie

Zane: And do we have any information on them, Rachel?

Rachel looks at Ash And Valkyrie's pictures and files.

Rachel: Ash AKA. Eliza Cohen, work as an FBI Agent in the field. She is also the leader of the operators, and good at leadership. For Valkyrie AKA Meghan J. "Valkyrie" Castellano, she's a former Navy's Seal division.

Zane:(whistles) I like them.

Amy smiles at Zane that he found his two other soulmates

Ash: And the others Rachel?

Rachel: Blackbeard Aka Craig, he also as the Attacker and also former Navy's seal division along his partner Valkryie. Thermite AKA Jordan, the explosive expert, and crazy make some explosive charger.

Cole looks at Kali while blushing from the inside

Cole: And Kali?

Rachel: Kali AKA Jaimini Kalimohan Shah was introduced in the Operation Shifting Tides expansion alongside Wamai. She is the founder and leader of Nighthaven. She's the best sniper in Rainbow, also smart, and intelligent. 

Matt: That's good, but how did they get caught? And Valkyrie and Blackbeard are Navy Seals!!

Cole: From Intel says that they got ambushed, and those white masks got bombers too or more like a suicide bomber.

Zane:(smile) See Nick you jinxed it

Nick: (groan)....don't remind me.

Cole: The location is in London near the center, also is a Bank, I suggest we make two teams, Team 1 Scout and Ash will be the Support firing with the sniper firing, Team 2 Reaper, Apollyon, Slayer, Amy will taking point and rescue the hostage and defusing the bomb.

Zane: You coming too, Cole?

Cole: (nod) Someone needs to watch on the sky and support, I will stay with Rachel while you guys rescue those operators.

Zane:(smile) Alright. You heard him Ashira gear up!!

Fireteam Ashira: OOOORAAH!!!

Timeskip on London, 2 hours later. 

As the Fireteam Ashira checked their gears, ammo, and equipment as they finished making plans for the tactics for breaching and rescue the hostage from unharm.

Matt: I just thought of something...

Nick: What is it, Matt? Did you say something? 

Matt: What if they were you using them to draw us here? A bank is a pretty odd place for terrorists to be in don't you think? 

Cole: That's why we need to caution about this Operation, so don't mess up!

Zane: Right (nod) Matt, and Ash are on overwatch while  Me, Amy, Alyssa, and Nick go inside. Are we clear?

Scout/ Ark / Cole: (wear helmet) Copy / very well.

Rachel (intercom): Fireteam Ashira! we are ETA 2 minutes to prepare for the drop!

Reaper: (wear helmet and jet pack) Good thing I brought a few jet packs.

Slayer:(wears helmet and jetpack) Alright we drop here. Ark, Scout drops on the building across from the bank and land on the roof.

Ark: Copy. Let's go, Scout!

Scout: Let's do this! (grab SRS99)

Cole: (Grab a lever) Fireteam Ashira! the light is green.

Slayer: Helljumpers what's our motto?!!

Fireteam Ashira: Jump Feet First into Hell!!

Cole turns around and opens the troop bay door. Before anyone can make a move Reaper jumps out. Everyone else looks at each other in surprise before Amy and Scout put on their helmets and jump joining Reaper in the sky. Alyssa smiles and passes Slayer his helmet before putting on his own helmet and jumping off the Pelican. Slayer puts on his helmet, turns around, and jumps. He joins the others in the sky.

Slayer:(com) Com check?

Reaper (coms) Reaper, here.

Apollyon (coms): Comms check, Slayer.

Scout (coms): Scout, ready for some action.

Ark (coms): Ark, online, and ready.

Amy (coms): Amy, ready for some action!

Slayer: (coms) Reaper Start counting!! wait on my mark to start the truster!

Reaper: (coms) Copy, Slayer! 4500 meters! 




Reaper: (coms) 4000 meters!!




Reaper: (coms) 3500 meters!!!




Reaper: (coms) 3000 meters!!!




Reaper: (coms) 2500 meters!!! 




Reaper: (coms) 2000 meters!!! 




Reaper: (coms) 1500 meters!!

Slayer: (Coms) Start the truster!!!

Timeskip. On the Rooftop

As the Fireteam Ashira Landed on the rooftop, they start to turn on their jetpack and landed on the ground safely.

Slayer: Everyone good?

Ark (coms): We are good! and Team 1 are in a position.

Scout (coms): We got your cover. (cocking SRS99)

Slayer:(com) Copy. You two be our eyes and ears on the outside. Watch if anyone more come in. understood?

Scout & Ark (coms): Copy.

Slayer: (com) Overlord we are on the ground. Do you have the location of the hostages?

Cole/ Overlord (coms): This is Overlord, and yes, The location is in the tellers' office, and the bombs are unknown located, I suggest you ask the operator or one of the White Mask. 

Slayer(com) Roger that. And don't worry I'll have Apollyon persuade one of the white masks if the operators don't know

Overlord (coms) Copy, You guys have 20 minutes out from there. Over and out.

Slayer: Alright let's move. Reaper take point. Alyssa and Amy covered in behind us

Reaper: Copy.

Apollyon & Amy: 10-4.

The team proceeds to the bank. Suddenly when they near the 3 corridors Reaper stops moving including Apollyon, Amy, and Slayer

Reaper: Hold up (halt signal) We got incoming...2 or 4 tangos heading through the hallway.

Slayer: Cloak now.

As the four cloak to invisible, they wait until the four white masks pass, as they pass the four start to grab them then slammed to the floor and snap their neck as their bodies fell on the floor, then They put them inside the toilet and resume to rescue the operators.

Slayer: Nice work

Slayer taps com

Slayer:(com) Ark, Scout you have us on thermals?

Scout (coms): I got you LT, I spot the rest of you guys, but you guys might have a problem, a group of grunts is heading your way...Permission to distract them? 

Slayer:(com) Permission granted. Make sure your sniper rifle is silenced and nothing crazy.

When Slayer says suddenly the windows are been destroyed and the shot got hit the White mask grunts as he flies to the walls and crashes it.

Reaper:..looks like he used AP bullets

White Mask 1: What the?! Sniper! Scatt-

Before one of the White Mask could finish it, he suddenly got shot to his head and drop dead. Then every white mask on the ground and taking cover. 

Slayer: Good work Scout.

Scout: (coms) My pleasure boss.

As scout continue firing and taking down one by one, while the White Mask tried to cover them from his shooting.

White Mask 2: (Panic) Where the fuck did sniper come from? 

 White Mask 3: I don't know!! I can't find the shot from- 

Suddenly the third white mask got shot to the head again, this make the white mask suddenly fire randomly. Team 2 manage to walk past them while the white mask group was busy, and headed to the tellers' office.

As they proceed they see four white mask grunts guarding the door to the teller's office 

Slayer: (whisper) Hold up. Take cover.

As the four take cover, Slayer take a small peep and see the four White mask grunts standing, and then suddenly saw a explosive around his chest with a full hazmat suit.

Slayer: (whisper) Shit.....We got a suicide bomber.

Reaper: (whisper) Let's use flashbang, you guys mark the bomber while I handle the rest of the grunts.

Slayer: Alright Reaper. Apollyon, Amy we take the others.

As the four make way their position and take the targets, and waiting for Reaper Signals.

Amy (coms); I got the right one. 

 Apollyon (coms): I got the second right near the bomber. 

 Slayer: (tap coms) got the third one near the window teller's office. 

Reaper (com): On my mark. 3.2.1. Mark.

As the four start shooting and dropping every target on the floor, team 2 starts moving and checking their bodies twice.

Slayer: Got anything?

Reaper (coms): Negative, all targets already down. 

 Apollyon (coms): (sounds stabbing) I got some small intel if you guys want to hear it, is about the planting bomb.

Slayer: What is it Apollyon?

Apollyon (coms): Is a decoy...there is nothing such thing as a bomb in this bank.

Slayer: Shit....Are you serious Apollyon?

Apollyon (coms): I am deathly serious, I even cut this Grunt fingers~

Amy (coms): Jesus Apollyon (shiver), You really are sadistic. 

Slayer (com): Alright let's move to the teller's office.

Amy (Coms): I with Reaper, we take on the left wing.

Apollyon (coms): I am heading your ways Slayer.

Slayer: Copy I'll wait for you Apollyon. Overlord, you copy?

Overlord (coms): Loud and clear, looks like you guys doing good in there.

layer: Solid Copy on that. Listen we have confirmation about the bomb. It's a fake

Overlord (coms): Very well, now..let's get these operators safe and sound.

Amy (coms): Overlord, Have you got any report with Team 1?

Overlord (coms): Well......

Meanwhile With team 1.

White mask grunt 1: Keep! shooting!!! this fuckers!! are fucking camping!!!

White Mask grunt 2: LMG reload it! (Cocking LMG PMK)

White mask grunt 3: Fire now!!

The white mask group fired all their guns randomly, except Team 1 who were playing cards while invisible cloak.

Scout: Do you have 3 hearts? 

Ash: Nope sorry Scout. 

Scout: Shit....(sigh) 

 Then scout pulls the trigger SRS99 with no scope or even not looking at it. even the shot hit the white mask's hands and got blown up. 

 White mask grunt 1: (shout hallway) AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! My arm!!! My damn fucking arm!!

 White mask grunt 2: (shout hallway) Johny! no!!!! you bastard!!!

Ash: Nice shot.

Scout: Thanks.

Ash: You recording this?

Scout: (Chuckle) Oh yeah, Can wait to watch their funny reaction.

Back to others.

Overlord (coms): They are fine, Team 1 just doing a good job on their task.

Slayer: Roger that. Team 2 out (call off)

Slayer turns and sees Apollyon behind him

Slayer: You ready to go Apollyon?

Apollyon: Loud and clear.

Slayer nods and turns on his com

Slayer: Amy, Reaper report. Are you guys in a position for a breach?

Amy (coms): Affirmative, we are in position.

As the four are in position, and ready to breach each door.

Slayer: Hold up.

Slayer taps his com

Slayer: Team 1 you there?

Ark (coms): Team 1 here, loud and clear.

Slayer:(com) Do you have eyes on the teller's office?

Ark (coms): Give me a minute....and yes 5 operators and 4 grunts inside. You guys might be able to clear it.

Slayer: Copy. Amy Reaper we need one alive. I got questions to ask

Amy: (coms) Copy, Hey Reaper...remember no, explosive this time.

Reaper: (coms) Yeah yeah I know.

Slayer:(com) Apollyon be ready to interrogate more

Apollyon (coms): Copy~ (grab a lancer MA37)

Meanwhile with the other operators.

we see the five of the operators were been captive and been guarded 4 white mask grunts who holding AKs as they walk around.

Thermite: (sigh) Shouldn't know this is a trap.

Ash: It's not your fault Thermite

Valkyrie: You didn't know

Kali: We didn't know if this was a trap, but we are still at least in one piece.

Blackbeard: Well speaking about that alive, how are we gonna escape from those fuckers?

Suddenly Blackbeard got hit by a stock of AK47 by White mask grunt.

White mask grunt 1: Quiet!!

White Mask grunt 2: Hey does anyone hears from the others? I can't contact them with the group Bravo.

White Mask grunt 1: Probably heading to cafeteria....I mean we still got four guys to guard the door, including one if is our bombers (chuckle).

Ash:(whisper) One thing I can't understand is why they are keeping us alive. Doesn't make sense.

Kali: (Whisper) You and me both....

White Mask grunt 1: I never know why we have to capture this scum Rainbow...and why the boss wants them alive??

White Mask grunt 3: Beats me, at least we got money in the Bank basement while we wait for the transport.

White Mask grunt 2: You don't think it has to do with that unknown group does it?

The operators look up as they heard what he said.

White Mask grunt 1: You idiot....there is no such thing as an unknown group. (Stern) Keep it together! 

White Mask grunt 2:(scared) Oh yeah you forgot didn't you?!! The group that took our guys out at city hall remember?!

White Mask Grunt 3: And please don't forget the red unknown soldier!!!!....with a fucking giant blades on it!!!!....he even not get a single fucking scratch!!!

Valkyrie:(whisper) Are they talking about Ashira?

Thermite: (whisper) I think so. 

 As they hear heavy thud sounds this makes the three white masks grunt on guard.

White Mask grunt 2:(scared) What the hell was that?!

Then a chainsaw can be heard, suddenly a chainsaw breaches and cutting through the door barricades

White Mask grunt 1: Fire! fire!! fire!!

The three start shooting through the door, until they got someone, after they are out of bullets, there was no one there.

White Mask grunt 1: where did they go?!

White Mask grunt 4: You think it's Rainbow?!

Suddenly a flashbang threw inside the room and then flashes to make them blind when the flashbang goes off the 4 ODST started breaching the door and shooting one by one, Apollyon Tackle one of the White Masks by grabbing his head and slamming his face to the table.

Apollyon: Target is secure, Slayer. (cuff him)

Slayer: Good work. Reaper helps the hostages

Reaper: Copy. (nod)

As Reaper Help other Operators to cut their ties and help them to stand up, then he goes ask Ash or Eliza.

Reaper: Can you walk? (cut her cuff)

Ash: Yeah we can. Thank you

Reaper: (Nod) Just doing our Job, Ma'am. 

Thermite: (awe) Are You guys, the rumors of the unknown group?

Reaper: (shrug) Maybe or Maybe not. 

 Scout (coms): Slayer! We got a problem! 

Slayer: (tap coms) Report Scout.

Scout (coms): White Mask brought reinforcement and they are heading your way! ETA 5 minutes!

Slayer:(coms) Copy that. I want you and Ark to take out as many as you can before they get here!

Scout (coms): Copy, I suggest you guys get out from there! I spot an empty vehicle Van near southeast 50 meters it, that my able useful, slayer!

Slayer:(com) Copy.

Slayer turns his com off and turns to Ash and her team

Slayer: You need to leave now

Eliza: what's going on?

Slayer: White Mask has reinforcements coming. There are an empty van 50 meters southeast of here you can take. You guys can go while we hold them off

Blackbeard: No! We can't! We won't let anyone be left behind!

Amy: Sorry Soldier, Slayer right? Your team won't handle all of them, but don't worry we have other plans to escape.

Slayer: You're leaving now. That's final okay

Eliza:......(sigh)Fine, team we are leaving.

Thermite: Ash! are You crazy?!

Slayer: Listen we appreciate you not wanting to leave us for dead but you, we need you to trust us okay

Thermite: (sigh) Fine, Make sure you guys are alive and hope we can meet again Sir?..

Slayer:(smiles) Callsign Slayer and We will.

Ash: Alright (nod)V

Valkyrie: Ok thanks for saving us (smile)

Slayer:(smiles) Just doing our duty. You would do the same you two

As the two thank you to the Slayer, the rainbow are heading to their evac, while Fireteam Ashira set a defense.

Amy: Slayer, when and how long our pickup will arrive?

Slayer: Hold on

Slayer taps his coms

Slayer:(com) Overlord this is Slayer hostages have been rescued and are evacuating now. When does our evac arrive? Cause we got enemy reinforcements coming soon

Overlord (coms): ETA 5 minutes. The evac location is on the rooftop.

Slayer:(coms) Roger. Be sure to have guns ready just in case. Evac is going to be hot!

Overlord (coms): Copy, over and out.

Slayer turns to the othersSlayer: We have 5 minutes until evac gets here

Reaper: (Cocking MS7 silencer) Well then, let's set some defense then.

Slayer: Apollyon keeps him alive. We got questions to ask him

Apollyon: Roger, Slayer (cocking Lancer MA5)

Amy: (coms) We got movement! at lobby room!

Slayer:(coms) Alright Ashira let's the bring the storm!!!

Fireteam Ashira: OORAH! !!!

As the White Masks are breaching, the Fireteam Ashira fired all their weapons at them before they got closer to them. Slayer used his MS7 and fired on the four White Mask grunts who tried to sneak to the right and put them down.

Reaper shot his weapon at the Grunt who tried to throw a grenade at them, but he manage to shoot his arms and the grenade fell to the White Mask group then they are blow up to pieces.

Amy use her shotgun on the three White Masks who breach the doors, she then knocks on one of the White Mask's faces, then she cocking the shotgun and fire at them three times.

Apollyon fired her Lancer MA5, she notice that One of the grunts tried to sneak onto the ground, she then hop off the table and kick his face, she then activated her chainsaw and rip him apart.

White Mask grunt : AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!

Reaper: Apollyon! Watch out!!!

As Reaper shouted to her, she turn around and saw one of the White Mask trying to stab her with a Knife suddenly a loud shot broke into the window and hit the White Mask's head and blow off.

Apollyon: (tap coms) Thanks for the support Scout.

Scout (coms): No Problem.

suddenly the four of them heard a loud noise and it was a pelican hovering on top of the Bank.

Reaper: Slayer! our pick-up is here!!

Slayer: Alright let's cover our escape. Pop smoke!!!

As Amy and Reaper throw some smoke to cover their escape, they start heading their way to the second floor and then pass through the hallway.

Slayer: Apollyon you still got him?!

Apollyon: You got that right! 

 She with the White Mask who still knock out on her shoulder. Suddenly Amy saw a squad of White Mask found them and aimed them. 

As multiple shots break the glass windows hit the White Mask grunts. Slayer saw Scout and Ash on the roof covering them. 

 Ash (COMS): Keep going! we got your cover!!!

Slayer:(com) Thanks Team 1!! Let's move we are leaving!

As they were on the rooftop, they saw Pelican hover at the edge of the roof, as the ramp opened Cole covered fired for them and mange shot two White Mask grunts. 

 Cole: come on! (suppressing fire)

Slayer: Everyone gets on!!!

As everyone on board, the pelican. While Team 2 makes it on board, then they move to Team 1 location to pick up. When Apollyon drops the grunt to the floor and makes him woke up.

White mask: (groan) you bitch! Can you just drop relly-

As the grunt look around he was suddenly scared and show the unknown group with him.

Slayer: Hello there (smirk)

White mask hostage: (eyes wide) wait you guys the unknown group?!!?! The one who massacre our group in the city hall!! 

Ash: (activates voice filter) And the one who will send you to hell.

Slayer: But first we have questions to ask you. Ain't that right Apollyon

White mask: (scoff) Like hell I am gonna spilled to you Fuckers! Killed our brothers!!

Ash activated his energy sword and held it close to his face. 

Ash: Wanna bet?

White mask hostage: (shiver) No-Thanks!!

Slayer: That's what we thought but for now it's lights out. Apollyon knock him out

White Mask: Wait what-

As Apollyon knocks him hard with her Rifle, she then put him on the seat, cuffs him, and blindfolds him. 

 Apollyon: So what now, Slayer? since we got one of their group?

Slayer takes off his helmet.

 Zane: We go back to base and interrogate this piece of shit. Also, Scout may be right

Ash: (deactivates voice filter) About what?

Zane: About the hostage situation. No bomb on site and using the rainbow operators as hostages. I'm thinking they were using them to draw us out.

Nick: (take off helmet) So, they going to after us then? and tried to steal our gears?

Zane: Possible but that will never happen. But think about this for a second. Why target a bank of all places and place no bomb and use rainbow operators as hostages?

Ash: Something tells me that the man behind this is smarter than we think.

Zane: Exactly. Do you agree Alyssa?

Alyssa: (take off helmet) Maybe or maybe not. things are complicated, right?

Ash: (takes off helmet) Agreed. But this is only a reminder to stay sharp.

Zane: Yeah. And this Asshole going to shed some light on this. Ash, Alyssa, you two are going to help me with the interrogation alright

Alyssa: Sure (smirk).

Ash: I'll get my rope ready.

Rachel (intercom): Alright then boys and girls! get your all sit tight! we are heading home (smirk).

Zane:(smiles) Copy that. Alright, Ashira let's take our seats and rest. We've earned it

Fireteam Ashira: Alright!!

Timeskip 4 hours on Hereford.

At Hereford base, Ash and her team made it back safely and have been debriefed. Eliza was heading out to the new bar everyone was talking about when Meghan called out to her

Meghan: Hey Eliza! where are you going? (smirk)

Eliza:(smiles) Oh hey Meghan. I'm heading to that new bar everyone is talking about

Meghan: (raise brown) You mean the one that Mei talks about?

Eliza: Yeah. I'm kinda feeling suspicious about it.

Meghan: Is it about the bar that has been open and getting more popular? 

Eliza: No. It's just the timing. They opened up three months after Ashira appeared

Meghan: Mmmm now that you mention it...that's weird.

Eliza: Exactly. I'm going down there to see if I can dig up anything on them

Meghan: (smirk) Mind if I join? I heard Tina say that he makes good hot chocolate. 

Eliza:(smiles) Of course. After all, you are my best friend, and I need someone to watch my back. And I want to try that hot chocolate too.

as they went to Eliza's car and headed to the new Bar that the two girls mention about it.

Timeskip outside the Bar.

Eliza: Here we are.

Meghan: (surprise)Huh....those two were not kidding, about their name's of the bar 

As she pointed to the Bar's name, this made Eliza chuckle her reaction.

Eliza:(smiles)Yeah they weren't. But I like it. It's innovating

As they go inside the Bar "Feet First Into Hell!", We see Alyssa and Nick cleaning the room before the guest comes.

Zane was sitting at one of the tables having a sprite while on break thinking about the two girls he saw during the rescue. A blond hair girl and a red-haired girl. And it so happens that the two girls were in the bar right now

Nick: Oh? Well hello there, welcome to the Bar's Feet First Into Hell. What I can do for you ladies? (smirk)

Zane looks to the entrance and immediately notices the blond hair girl

Meghan: (small smile) Sure, do you mind making us two glasses of hot chocolates?

Nick: (nod) Sure.

After they take orders, Nick busies making drink cocktails for those two girls.

Meghan then notices Zane and asks Alyssa about him

Meghan Excuse me, Ma'am?

Alyssa looks at Valkyrie

Alyssa:(smile) Yes dear?

Eliza (Thought): Dear? (raise brown)

Meghan: (small blushes) Do you mind telling us, Who's the guy over there ( pointed Zane)? 

Alyssa looks to see her pointing at Zane 

 Alyssa:(smile) Oh that's Zane. A great friend and a brother to me 

 Eliza: A brother? like a real brother? 

 Alyssa:(smile) We aren't the same blood. But we've been through a lot so much, that's why we consider him as brother and his part of our family. 

 Meghan: (notice the tattoo) Are you, a veteran soldier ma'am? 

 Alyssa(smiles) What do you mean? Oh, my tattoo is that what you're asking about? 

Meghan: Yes, Is just...the man over there has the same tattoo on his left shoulder as yours. 

 Alyssa: (smile) Oh it's just for show 

Eliza notices it but she keeps quiet about that topic, even though she notices they do have dog tags. 

 Meghan: I am gonna admit that's cool draw symbols (smile) 

 Alyssa:(smile) why thank you, dear. What are your names? 

Meghan: (smile)Meghan, Meghan J. Castellano (ask to shake hands), and this girl here is my friend Eliza, Eliza Cohen.

Eliza: Hello (smile).

Alyssa shakes her hand and turns to the other woman

Alyssa:(smile) And it's nice to meet you too Eliza, You two may call me Alyssa.

Eliza: Nice to meet you too, Ma'am.

Alyssa:(smile) Did you two want to speak to Zane?

The two look at each other, then turn to look at her again.

Eliza: Maybe or Maybe not, (turn to Meghan) What do you think?

Meghan: I mean his really cute, so why not (smile)

then Nick shows up and brings two glasses of hot chocolates for those two.

Nick: Here are your drinks girls (smile). Hope you two enjoyed it.

The two head to Zane's table and give him a smile. 

 Meghan: Hello there? Zane was it? 

 Zane:(smiles) Hello. What can I do for you, fine ladies?

 Eliza: Do you mind if we sit here? 

 Meghan: We also like to ask you if you don't mind (small smile)

Zane:(smiles) SureZane gets up and pulls the seats out for them 

 Zane:(smile) My ladies.

 Eliza & Meghan: (Giggle) my thank you handsome~ 

 The girls take their seats and Zane goes back into his seat 

 Zane:(smile) So what did you want to talk about? And your names, please? 

 Eliza: (small smile & Lowe sunglasses) you can call me Eliza. 

 Meghan: Meghan, handsome~ 

 Zane:(smile) A pleasure to meet you. I'm Zane 

 Zane looks back and forth between them 

 Zane:(smile) Mmm. 

 Meghan: so... Zane tells me about yourself.

Zane:(smile) Sure but first.

 Zane points to Meghan 

 Zane:(smile) Navy seal .

 Zane points to Eliza 

 Zane:(smile) FBI agent.

The two girls were shocked and surprised. 

 Zane:(smiles) Am I right? 

Meghan: (eyes wide) how did you- 

 Eliza: (raise brown) that was a lucky guess? 

 Zane:(smiles) Well miss Eliza you look like what an FBI agent should be. Respectful, professional, caring about innocent people, smart, kind, and professional. Want to make an impact? And most importantly help stop big threats. And someone who knows right from the wrong 

 Eliza: (blushes)......... Ok you got me.. 

Meghan:( Surprise) Holly shit! Eliza is blushing for the first time!! No one has ever done that before!! 

 Eliza: (Crimson blush) Meghan! If you tell anyone about this, I swear I will- 

Zane looks at Meghan.

 Zane:(smile) And you miss Meghan 

 Meghan: Yes, Zade? (small smile)

 Zane:(smile) Your eyes says it all. You've seen war and have fought in the war. But you never let it dim your soul. You stay true to yourself and your beliefs and moral codes. And you look like a person who would serve their country. A person who loves it so much that she'll protect it with her life. And you show courage compassion toughness valor and dedication. And you never leave anyone behind. Symbols that personify the spirit of the navy seal creed. I'm sure they're honored to have you as one of them. 

This make Meghan heart stop, her smile drop in shock. but is true she did and what has been through a lot during her service in Navy Seals, she can't hold her tears but she glads someone understood her condition and she never gives up. 

She get up and walk to his side, what surprise is she hug him, and make everyone surprise to Zade and Meghan. 

 Meghan: (sniff) thank you for telling Zade.... That are really wonderful words you telling me.. (sniff). 

 Zane smiles and returns the hug 

 Zane:(smile) Your welcome. But a lot of people should be thanking you for your service to defend their homes from harm.

His word makes her touched and gratitude how and thank you for his kindness, then Eliza snaps out of it. 

Eliza: I am gonna say that is one of hell amazing words and surprised but how do you know that I am was an FBI Agent, and Meghan is Navy Seal? Also, Isn't it a bit creepy to know about our bit personal? No offense but please explain. 

 Zane:(smile) Well I'm very perceptive and I see it by just looking at your body language and how you represent yourselves 

 Eliza:...... (cover her body) are you..a (blush) 

 Zane:(laugh awkward) No I'm not a pervert. Never have never will. Also, I get this feeling you don't smile a lot miss Eliza. 

 Meghan: he got you there Eliza (giggle). 

 Eliza:(groan) You know, you might be right about that... (take a sip a hot chocolate) 

 Eliza (thought): Huh, Tina was right this hot chocolate taste really good. (smirk) 

 Zane:(smiles) And I guess some people don't understand what you've been through miss Meghan.

Eliza: (sigh)....You have no idea.... I mean seriously we were supposed to work as a team! and communicating not race! (groan) but she just ignored the orders! 

 Zane: team? What kind of team? Meghan: Is about competitive team operators, those who win will be the best team operators and the winners will be given a 2 months holiday. 

 Zane:(whistles) That's a good prize to have and that can affect teamwork chemistry.

 Eliza: I know! But we also got a bit complicated and is really messed up after the competition. Zane: I see. But this person doesn't give a hard time a lot, doesn't she? 

 Eliza: Yes, our support is Kali our sniper. She also shot at me. (holding her ear) 

 Zane grabs her hand. 

 Zane: I'm sure she didn't mean to do it on purpose 

 Eliza: I.... (sigh) I don't know..but does she really need to do that?! I mean we are a team, we stick together. 

Zane:(smile) You know I think there's more to this competition you guys are having besides winning an award like vacation time.

The two look at each other and turn to Zane with confusion. 

 Meghan: and that is? 

 Eliza: I mean we do get a payment reward. 

Zane:(smile) Learning. You see you two should know this when you join the navy seals or the FBI. There's no I in the team. But even being a leader you still need to learn. For instance Eliza you can't be hard on Kali

This makes the two silent, think about it, and then Eliza says. 

 Eliza: (Sigh)I hope you are right, Zane and.... Thank you (smile) for your advice. 

 Zane:(smile) Anytime. But I believe you have some questions you wanted to ask me. 

Eliza: Yes, do you mind if we...(small blush) 

 Eliza and Meghan look at each other and nod then turn to Zade and say. 

 Eliza & Meghan: (small blush) Do you mind if we add your phone number?! 

 Zane looks in surprise.

 Zane:(smile) No I don't mind. But why do you want me on your contact list? 

 Eliza: first of all when we ask that because you are really interesting. 

 Meghan: (smirk) Second, you not just handsome, You kinda like a veteran because of that ( pointed on his dogtag)Zane looks at his dogtags 

Zane:(smile) Oh that's just something I like wearing. But what I meant was do you have a specific reason to have my phone number? A local guy like me as a contact for a navy seal and FBI agent is kinda weird. Or is it something else?

Eliza: (smirk) To me is nothing, I mean we do still single, and we can trust you, Right Meghan?

Meghan: Yup, we don't mind sharing ~ (smirk) I mean you look charming, and equal and good bring some advice. 

 Zane:(smile) Oh I don't but you have to promise me something first Meghan and Eliza. 

 Meghan: Sure. (shrug) 

 Eliza: Yeah what is it? (raise brown) 

 Zane:(smile) Never change who you are. Keep fighting for what you believe in. And never give up on your dreams and each other 

 Zane writes down his cell number and gives it to them 

Zane:(smile) And Meghan please help Eliza learn to have fun. Because she doesn't look like she knows what fun is but you do. So be her coach and mentor on that 

 Meghan: (Turn to Eliza) Hmmm Maybe I do have someone who can do that~ (smirk) 

 Eliza: What are you smirk like that Meg? (scared her smirk) 

Zane:(giggles) Uh oh. Someone is devious here. 

 Suddenly a phone rang and it was Eliza who pick up. 

 Eliza: excuse me, I gonna take this call for a moment (small smile) 

 She went outside, it just only Meghan and Zade. 

 Zane:(smile) Now I notice something else with you Meghan Meghan: What is it? Zane holds her hands Zane: I see that you have some turmoil in you. That some people misunderstood you for what you do. And some of those people are close to you Meghan: Well you not wrong, it's craig we did work togethere and friends in our service, I did confess our feeling but he rejected, so we move on and stick as a friend....and is still really hurt..(gonna cried) Zane was shocked and deeply sadden by this than brings his hand and cuppeds her cheek Meghan: (sniff) I- I don't know what should I do (sniff) Is still really hurt....Zane: Meghan look at me. Meghan then look at him. Zane:(smile) That man is a fool to turn down an amazing woman like you. Anyone who turns you down doesn't see the true beauty you possess Meghan Blushes, and hug him really thight. Meghan: (sniff) Thank you for your word, Zane. Zane hugs back in response Zane:(smiles) Your welcome. Cause you know I see in you Meghan look at him again, and he use his finger to wipe her tears. Zane:(smile) I see someone who represents what a Valkyrie is. Strong be gentle in the right times. A true warrior who cares for her home and people. And shows love and compassion to those around her. If someone turns down that then they lose a great price in rejecting it His words make her heart melt she then kisses his lips and make him surrpised and what they don't know that the two undercover ODST smirk.

Zane melts into the kiss and wraps his arms around her waist. And then the two release their kiss. 

 Meghan: That was. (small smile)~ Zane(smile) Amazing~ I'm guessing this isn't the last time we see each other. I mean I didn't get to tell you what I like and my hobbies 

 Meghan: (put a finger) Maybe next time, until we meet again? (smirk) 

 Zane:(smile) Until we meet again my Valkyrie. And I wonder who Eliza is talking to?

Suddenly the doors reveal Eliza and had a serious mood. 

 Eliza: Meg! We got to go, is about the white mask. 

Zane:(smile) So my Valkyrie duty calls for you~ Meghan: Looks like it, handsome~ 

 Eliza:....did I miss something?

Zane turns to Eliza 

 Zane:(smile) Oh I'm sure Meghan will tell you all about it on the way my darling agent~ 

 Eliza turn looks at Meghan and notices something on her lips. 

 Eliza: You did not.... 

 Meghan: Hehehe (scrathing her neck) I did actually~ 

 Eliza then turns to Zane and walked toward him, then she grabs his collar and kisses him for about 25 seconds, then she lets go of him, and licks her lips....when she looks at him, he was eyes wide and can't say a word. 

Meghan: Don't be so naughty prince charming~ also see you later (wave) 

 Zane:(smile) Oh I wouldn't be when I know if you two get naughty you want to be punished by me~ And I guess you like that too Eliza~ 

 Eliza: We'll see about that~ cowboy~(tease), well then (raise her sunglasses) bye Zane! and thanks for the drink, Nick! 

 Meghan: (turn to Zade) Call me~ (smirk) 

 After they left just three of them left, Alyssa and Nick look at Zade.

Zane:(smile) What? 

 Nick: You really a chick magnet.....and why don't you work as a therapy doctor?!??! 

 Alyssa: I agree with Nick, You are really good at advising girls. 

 Zane:(smile) Mmm. Maybe but I think I'll stick to what I do best. An ODST, a great teammate and friend, and beloved boyfriend. 

Nick:.....Well speaking about the boyfriend....does she know about this?? I mean Amy? 

Zane:(smile) Amy told me before that she believes that she wasn't the only one that will love me. And knew there are two other girls out there that would love me. And she told me she's fine with sharing me with them. And she sees they are the right ones that she'll share with 

 Alyssa: (Sigh) Well that's good, I also have a feeling that my boyfriend also got someone's attention, I don't who she is, I hope those girls are not a bitch! 

 Meanwhile in Rainbow base. 

 Zofia, and Caveria: Achhhoooo!! 

 Back to others. 

Nick: (sigh) Well good luck with it, also I saw Your girlfriend buy something like 3 boxes of it.

Zane:(smile) Mmm. I think I know what it is 

Meanwhile with In Meghan and Eliza's truck 

As the two girls operator on the way back to their base,  Meghan was sighing heavenly and daydreaming

Eliza: Is there something in your mind, Meg?

Meghan:(smiles) Zane~ He's just so dazzling and wonderful. So kind and caring~ He's perfect

Eliza:...Don't tell me you are suddenly in love with him? because of his therapy thing. (raise eyebrows) 

 Meghan:(smiles) I am in love with him and that wasn't therapy talk Eliza. That came from the heart and experience. And don't tell me that you are not in love with him. 

 Eliza: (Small blush) Actually...I do love him (smile) 

Meghan:(smile) See. Don't you see Eliza? He's just the one for us. And so much better than Craig. And I can't wait to see him again and know what his hobbies are and what he loves to do. Don't you feel something so special about Zane, Eliza?

Meghan:(smile) Or what? His smile and the glow of light that surrounds him? 

Eliza: Both actually, but have you noticed something about the tattoo and the dog tags? 

Meghan: Yeah, What about it? did you find something, Eliza?

Eliza: I gonna say that there is no record from a military tattoo or any tattoo shop have that kind. 

 Meghan: I did and your right. I haven't seen anything like that. Not in the Navy Seals. And you remember the advice he gave to you about being a leader and not being hard on Kali? 

 Meghan: Yeah. What about them? 

 Eliza: (sigh) Yeah...(giggle) I have to admit his really good at it. 

Meghan:(giggles) You're not wrong there. But you don't believe he's a bad guy do you, Eliza? 

 Eliza:....(chuckle) I am pretty sure those guys are not the bad guys, do you remember the group that rescued us? 

 Meghan: Yeah I do. They were phenomenal, weren't they? 

 Eliza: More like mystery, (laugh)...I think.....we should let them have time for a moment.

Meghan:(laugh) Yeah. But I wasn't kidding about Zane. He's our true love, Eliza.

 Eliza: Yeah yeah yeah! also, let me focus on the road will you, meg? (laugh) 

 Meghan:(giggles) Aww. The professional and great Eliza has her walls broken down and finally has her heart open for the first time~ You got it so bad for Zane like I do girl~ Eliza: (mad blushing) MEG!!! 

 the two women are having a fun time, but what they don't know is a small device that has been attached from below their sit and can hear from long range it was Alyssa who hear a lot about them, and she is glad that those girls can be trusted. 

 Alyssa: Looks like he got a perfect match girlfriend (giggle) 

Zane comes next to Alyssa.

 Zane:(smiles) Alyssa it's show time. Ready to interrogate the prisoner?

Alyssa: (cracking knuckles) oh sure, be right back.

Zane: What are you getting?

Alyssa :(smile) that would girl's secret, also they can be trusted. Shall we?

Zane:(smiles) Alright Mama wolf. Yes we shall and get Ash too

Alyssa: also is alpha wolf... And second (grab his collar) no one speaks about that part (stern). You get that! (small blushes)

Zane:(smiles) You will always be Mama wolf to me. And armor up too

As she keeps arguing or more tsundere, he keeps teasing her as the two went to their hideout for interrogating the prisoner of White Mask. 
















To Be Continued

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