Chapter 2: Recruit ODST, Are you crazy?!

Three days later in Hereford or Rainbow Base.

After that little mission went down and the team there was shocked to find out what really happened. Ela managed to give it to Six or Harry, who reviewed it. The next day he called in all Rainbow operators for a meeting. Once everyone was there he came out and began.

Harry: Good afternoon, everyone. As you might have heard three days ago White Masks were holding City Hall hostage and placing 2 bombs and one of them is a JDAM bomb. Though one Security was she was wounded. As Ela and her team stated when they arrived there. All of them were dead and the hostage was saved and the two bombs have been defused. The security was there but she didn't do it. She said it was a group with different armor with weapons of unknown origins group named Ashira or Fireteam Ashira.

Echo: (raise eyes brown) Ashira? Do you mean Storm? as in Fireteam Storm?

Finka:(eye brown raise) And they managed to take all the terrorists out and diffused the bombs? And save the hostages? 

 Blackbeard: And what kind of fireteam name is that? Sounds ridiculous

Caveria: Oh yes and "Rainbow" doesn't?

Blackbeard: Don't start skull face. (Stern)

Harry: (fake couch) Anyway, I would like all of you to watch this recording footage from the Camera security thanks to Ela. 

As Six played them the footage and there they can see the group in question in armor that none know about. Though they did seem packed with firepower. they seem to be able to get around undetected as his killing of a White mask soldier with a knife to the throat showed. They move as expert tactical military or ex-military black ops, what then unexpecting is one of them is killed them with unknown blade and suddenly disappeared from nowhere then he shows up from behind the white mask and stab him. 

 As they continue to watch they can tell they were scoping the area and took out what looked like a silenced SMG though its design isn't familiar. Then the group opens fire and they all see how the White Masks is falling and how quickly and accurately their shots were. When the lights were out their helmet suddenly change and start killing them swiftly, their action and team work are so excellent.

Then when they are outside the hostage room, the weird this is that a weird spike has been held by one of the red and dark soldiers with a knife pouch on his right, and then the green and red soldier kneel and look at the doors after he taps something on his helmet. 

Sledge: Interesting....their movement, their tactics, Is like they are special ops division.

Valkyrie: And their teamwork is top-notch. And their coordination.

Eliza: (awe) And look at how fast they are moving.

Kali:  Yeah it's like they have done this repeatedly.

Frost:(smirk) They are pros at this.

Caveira: (Eyes wide) Especially....the one with the giant blade.

Castle:(shocked) And look they move faster they any special ops teams that I've ever seen.

After the red and green go back to their position, he gave them a signal. They watch the white and blue armor because he seems to be the leader of this team then he nodded, and he then looks at the red armor giving him a signal to breach it. As the red and black armor slammed the spike to the doors, he then quickly took cover, Suddenly the doors blow up. As the couple's White mask shows up, the three start firing quickly, and then The operators watch there is one more left of the grunt, suddenly the windows are breached and then an unknown soldier shows up then he swings an unknown blade to cut his head. 

 Rook: Dear lord!! (shocked) 

 Kapkan: (eyes wide) Suka! did that man just cut the white mask head off?!

Caveira: Dios mío...

Twitch:(shocked) Oh my God!!!!

Glaz:(shocked) No mercy whatsoever!

Ying covers her mouth in shock

Eliza:(shocked) With no hesitation

As the footage change, the operators watch the green and red armor, helping the injured security, he then pulls something like a tube from a rucksack, he inject something into her leg. After he help her, they still heard what they saying as they cooperated to find the bomb.

Doc:(eyes wide) What medical device is he using? I've never seen it before ever

Harry: From what scientist report says that they using is some kind a foam and there is morphine combined too, It can disinfect the person and seal the would fast, Gustave.

Doc:(awe) But we never have been able to develop that! That would take years or centuries to make that!!

Montage: (whisper to IQ) Looks like he getting crazy about it (chuckle)

IQ whispers back to Montage

IQ:(whisper) Well he is our medic. What would you expect?

As they continue, they watch the five including the security to the basement suddenly they stop as they notice the situation is getting quiet, The red and Gray armor leave the group and then disappeared like a ghost, this makes everyone didn't realize that they have that advance tech that can turn invisible. 

 Vigil: (awe) Am I the only one who watches this???

Hibana:(awe) No your not

Thermite:(awe) Now that is something I would want.

Valkyrie: No kidding! It could help in rescuing hostages.

Fuze: What the hell? How did he go invisible it's like something out of a science fiction movie.

Ying: Agree, though the real question is how can he move around without the White Mask knowing with armor like that?

Harry: Valid question. That is unknown, though from reports that man has access to a caseless weapon that can tear through their body armor and it really messes them up.

Ela: Harry, I thought caseless rounds can go through Kevlar?

Lion: Also how do they have this tech and equipment?

Harry: That's unknown Lion, and That's true but not this case. It seems he has a special type of caseless rounds that are different from the normal ones. Other than that the other thing that was found belonged to a gun that also belong to those groups. The Security described it as a silent killer which is accurate for she heard no sound of it. Then ballistic experts saw the casing and can't find what caliber it is. Since it doesn't match with any we know. 

Frost: (Awe) Wish I have that tech (eyes star)

Glaz:(awe) It could help me when I'm sniping

Kali: (Shocked) You are not the only one, Glaz.

A few minutes later, the red and black suddenly show up, he looks like he reports about the situation. As they make seperate ways, the two of them take the right side, while three including security head straight away. as the camera change to the three checking the room, the Green and red go to the bomb, and raise their arm. The operators notice that his arm has a tac pad and start hacking, suddenly an explosive breached from other walls, and the three were pinned down. when they tried their base to hold them off, the red and black suddenly stand up and holster his SMG, then grab a big giant cannon with a huge blade. 

Caveria: (shocked) Mierde......he got the big blades. 

Ela: Everyone there's something I need to tell you before it continues

All operators turn to Ela. 

 Tachanka: What is it? comerade Ela?

Ela grabs both arms and shivers in horror as the memories of what she saw in that part of the video horrified her to the core.

Zofia: Sister, tell us. What is that you want to tell?

Ela:(shivers) This next part is.....

Pulse: Guys? is that guy trying to charge them (pointed to the video), Is he a madman?!?! 

Eliza: What... 

 Eliza gasps in shock and covers her mouth in horror 

 Eliza:(horrified) Oh my God!!!!

As the white mask fired at him, this made everyone horror. But what they shocked is he using the giant cannon to cover himself from getting shot, as the White mask out of bullets. He then starts firing the Cannon each every group. Before he reloads his cannon, he starts using a blade to kill the rest of the White Mask.

Zofia: (Shocked) O mój Boże...

Mute: I am gonna grab a bucket...(run find a bucket)

Fuze: Me too! (run find a bucket)

Lion: (shocked) I may hate White Mask, but never thought that he kill them without mercy for them. 

Thermite:(horrified) That's just horrifying.

Frost:(horrified) Even though they did bad, they didn't deserve that!!!!

Suddenly they heard something from one of their radio. 

 ???: (Coms) Scout! stop what you're doing now! 

 Scout: ( answer the coms) Why! I have almost done it! this bomb has a fucking timer here! also, Sonya tell me that those white masks always planted Gas toxic bombs 

???: (coms) They have a 2000-pound JDAM down here! 

 This made everyone shocked when they heard about a missile JDAM 2000 pound.

Thatcher: What?!!!!!

Jager: You kidding right? I thought Jordan was the craziest idea to make a bomb...but this the worst crazy.. (shocked)

Nomad: That's insane!!!!!

Pulse: They went even further

Frost:.......on second thought......let them die, They deserved it.

IQ: How did they disarm a JDAM?

Leison: IQ is right. Those are tough to diffuse

As they continue their heard their coms.

Scout: (Coms) Say what?!?!

???: Yes we are looking at it now!! And we think it's a secondary device in case the first one fails!!!

Scout: (coms) Ok listen! does any of you two have a cutting wire?! or tacpad on your arms? You have to connect the system!

????: Ark has!!! We took an extra before we left!!

Arkham: I'll do what I can to disable the JDAM, but do NOT touch the gas bombs!

Scout: (coms) Copy!

As the camera changed they saw Arkham what he call himself with a blade showing his arm a tac pad. 

IQ: What's a tacpad?

Dokkaebi notice something and saw his arms then look at her IQ equipment.

Dokkaebi: I'm pretty sure they look like your equipment Monika, but with a hacking system. 

IQ: (pout)Copycat.

Frost look closer

Frost: No it's not like hers

Zofia: What makes you say that?

Frost: Look at how it is. It looks way more advanced than IQ's one. And much better and stronger and faster to use to diffuse a bomb like a JDAM bomb

As they continue and watched the footage, they saw one of the white masks being thrown away and crashing to the walls. As they look at the red and dark soldierswith a full cover of blood, from his way is a full corpse of the white mask. Then the White mask suddenly surrenders itself, the security argue about it then the red and dark soldiers tells her to stay out from here because this gonna ugly when she left the room he then put his giant cannon to his back then grab a hilt.

Jager: Is that a fucking hilt?? what is he gonna do about it?!

Ela then screams in horror

The operator turns to look at Ela who is scared as shit.

Zofia: (worried) Ela!! what's wrong!!!?

Ela:(horrified) No not that again!!!! So much blood!!!!!

Ela then shivers uncontrollably and shudders in fear

Zofia goes by Ela and hugs her to offer comfort

As everyone looks at the footage, he then ignites glowing crimson two blades, and then he speaks quietly.

Reaper: (whisper) May god please forgive me, let me purge these fakeness souls, murder, who dare to kill innocent lives, let their judgment be sentenced to death...(Do Cross sign) Because I am the Executioner. Amen.

Suddenly the camera has been cut by his blade, which makes everyone jump in shock. then the camera change to the room where Scout doing the defusing, as the security asks him.

Sonya: Scout do you have any mercy for those terrorists scum?

Scout:...(sigh) Some of them....but if they make their right choice to turn themself in it depends....but for this

Sonya: Yeah your right. For those who realize what they did and what's wrong then I believe they deserve a second chance. But for those who don't and continue to do it, they don't deserve mercy. Right?

Scout having hard thought about it suddenly they heard a footstep and it was the guy with red armor and he full of blood all his armor and his helmet....

the red and dark soldiers: I really need to drink beer after we defuse the bomb.....

As he sits there, let scout finish his job. A few minutes later they got a report that the bombs have been defused, as they regroup the two were shocked about what going on, and then the two of them look the other room, who had the same shock.

Eliza:(horrified) Oh my God.

Nomad:(horrified) What did he do?!!!!

Ela: He.....just executed them...(scared)

Operators:(horrified) What?!!!!

As they turn around and watch again, to see what happens after they left, the hidden camera show an empty alley then 4 of the same soldiers show up and tried to run away and leave the scene, but then....the red soldier suddenly stopped moving.

Arkham: What's wrong Reaper?

Reaper: (look down)Was I....did the right thing to do to.....executed

Arkham: ...One sword keeps another in the sheath. Sometimes the truest of violence is a deterrent. By taking a life, others are spared.

Reaper: I....(look away) just can't believe I have to kill merciless to those White Mask....even though they are human like killed a human....I am a monster..... these bad memories bring me back to when we fought the insurrection.

The white and blue soldier known as Slayer holds Reaper's right shoulder.

Slayer: Hey you're not a monster Reaper. Yes, they were people but they were willing to commit evil and kill many innocent lives. And your showing remorse proves you are not a monster. You're a good man. And you did what you had to do so innocent people don't get hurt.

Reaper: (deep breath) Guess you're been a while since we did fight another battle with the insurrection group...let's get out from here, I really need to get a drink.

Slayer: Darkness always tries to find its way into people's hearts and souls and corrupt them. Some don't and some do. But we can't lose hope and always hold on to the light within ourselves. And those who are evil and refuse to change their ways and seek redemption will get what's coming to them. And we will be there to stop them because it's who we are. But we always keep our moral strengths and beliefs in us and never change into them. Always remember that Reaper. And you too Ark and Scout.

When operators heard this is was awe and amazed by his speech, including the three armor guy.

Reaper: (Chuckle) Guess you right brother, Come one let's go.

Scout: I'll drive, and you guys to take the passenger seat...also shotgun! (hop in)

Slayer: Shotgun!!! And your driving Scout so you don't call that

Scout: Aweee (pout)

Arkham: Just get in.

As the footage turn black every operator's reaction was shocked, awe, scary, and horror. 

 Harry: so...what do you guys think? 

 Frost: For me those guys are amazing, but I still feel bad for the red guy who calls himself Reaper, even though he had emotion, and was guilty of killing them, so I understand. Thanks to the guy calling himself Slayer for understanding us.

Valkyrie:(teary) That speech was amazing huh guys

Blackbeard: (sniff).... 

 Bandit: Did you cry? (raise eyes brown)

Blackbeard: No just something in my eye!! Shut up!!! 

 Nomad:(teary) But his words were strong and so true. Right everyone?

Ying: Agree (sniff), I'm still bad for Reaper guy, and I know he has a feeling (small smile) 

 Caveria: Even thought....I am still scared of him, and his big blades. (shiver)

Eliza: They show phenomenal teamwork, coordination, and synchronization. And they were precise and efficient.

Sledge: But are we going to dismiss the fact that Reaper executed those white mask terrorists?!

Finka: I know he showed remorse but he still shouldn't have done that

Thermite: In my opinion, those bastards deserve that, I mean do you guys have any idea how big an explosive can damage that be?!? and is a JDAM a 2000 Blt!?!?

Finka: But-

Tanchanka: I forgive him, We know that the Reaper guy is merciless to do White mask, he is also a human and a soldier.

Kapkan: Same.

Glatz: Me neither (nod).

Fuze:..I agree.

Eliza: I do too. And Finka I hate to say this but Thermite is right.

Hibana: They were willing to blow up half a dozen city blocks!!! They deserve it

Valkyrie: And I forgive him too

IQ: Me too...but I still can wait to hold that hilt!!!! (eyes star) look at their tech?! including their equipment, their look like full gear!

Frost:(star eyes) Me too!!!!! So awesome and cool!!!

This makes everyone's sweat drop with the two girls acting childish...

Harry: I may have a plan, I don't know if you guys like it or not this may sound crazy.

Kali: And what is that plan?

Lion: Oh please tell me you're not going to say it (groan)

Harry: We gonna find them and recruit them, peacefully. Also, I give any authority to do your way to recruit them, Those who do not want to join you may leave the room. (laugh awkward)

Operators: What?!! 

 Sledge: You want us to recruit them?!! Why?!

Harry: Think about what happens if those White masks or other terrorists try to recruit them, If we recruit them we may be able to get new info about them, training, and a new family member. Also, other governments will find them first and try taking their equipment and tech. if don't find it first.

Nomad: Um harry did you just see what we saw? They are not in the business of working with terrorists. They are eliminating them. That Slayer guy said it himself.

Harry: And that's why we going to find them first before other governments find them first. Also, I will handle them everything I can, and don't forget Eliza and Kali You two are still grounded for 2 weeks and have no mission for you both only for this recruitment.

Eliza and Kali groan at this.

Eliza:(groans) Don't remind us.

Kali:(groans) We know.

Harry: Good, You all may be dismissed. (smile). Have fun with the hunting.

As harry leave, all operators are back to their activity.

Meanwhile with the rest of the Fireteam Ashira.

In the three days that have passed since the op at city hall, the ODSTS were fully set up in the abandoned airfield. In the Hanger was the prowler which was cloaked with the three warthogs and pelicans in another hanger next to it. And in the main structure, there was an Armory set up with all their weapons in it including the weapons from the cases. And they turn the main area into a command center with a holo table in the center and a briefing room in the corner. And they set up a rest area in the room next to it along with their food and medical supplies in the storage room. And they were able to set up a bar area in the room and a TV with an Xbox one X with their beds in the back of the room with a couch in the main area

In the rest area, the team gathered around Zane.

Matt: (Yawn) Sup, Zane what's the call for?

Matt wearing an ODST T-shirt sports long pants, and snicker shoes.

Zane:(smile) You'll see. Cole remember my idea I was going to tell you about after we get situated?

Zane was wearing an ODST shirt, short pants and snicker shoes.

Cole: (raise eye brown) Yeah, you did say about that part?

Nick: So what's your idea, Zane?

Nick wearing a hoodie from UNSC and long pants, and shoes for walking.

Zane:(smile) Well you guys remember how we said we wanted to open a bar?

Ash: Yeah you did say...(eyes wide) wait...are we really going to open a bar?!

Ash was wearing a sports shirt ad short pants, and sports shoes. 

Scout: Sweet!! I can't wait to help you guys!! 

 Scout wearing a hoodie and long sports pants, with walking shoes. 

 Amy: Mmmmm honey? how do we get all materials and furniture for the bar? also we do need money, right?

Amy wearing a red t-shirt and long sports pants, with sports shoes. 

Zane:(smile) Well I found something in the prowler that will help us with that.

Rachel: (raise eyes brown).....what did you find?

Rachel's wearing a leather Jacket, long pants, and boot shoes.

Zane:(smile) Well I don't know how but a device that wasn't in our inventory was on the prowler after we exit the wormhole.

They all look at each other and turn to Zane. 

 Cole: Do you mind showing us?

Zane:(smile) Follow me.

As everyone follow Zane to the Prowler, they saw something under the blanket.

Alyssa: What is that?

Zane:(smile) The answer to our furniture problem for the bar

Scout: (Eyes wide) It can't be?!?!

Nick: (Shocked) the Fabricator?!?? How and What the fuck?!?!

Alyssa: this device is all here, in this ship all the time, Zane?

Zane:(smile) It wasn't. I just found it in here the other day. And if you see there is something else next to it

Zane points to another thing covered by a sheet

Rachel: What are those?

Zane:(smiles) Actually it's not those. It's this

Zane takes the sheet off to reveal it.

Zane:(smile) Ta-da!!!

Cole:....Ok....since when we rob a fucking bank?!??

Nick: Fuck it! Cannon ball!!!!

As Nick and Rachel jump to the Money pool, they swim in it, as Rachel shows up from the money.

Rachel: I call dibs for that!! (cheer)

Ash: I...lost a word. (eyes wide)

Zane:(smile) Actually it was here with the fabricator when we came out of the wormhole

Scout: (Smirk) Looks like we don't need to be afraid for the money then!

Zane:(smile) So dear everyone does this answer all your questions.

Zane:(smile) Hey you two don't go too crazy with the money okay? We got to use it wisely and it's for all of us to remember

Nick & Rachel: Shut up! let us have a moment of fun!! we never had a money pool before!! (cheer)

Zane chuckles

Timeskip 3 months later,

As Fireteam Ashira manage to open their own bar including their own secret hidden place, and secondary home. They have nothing to worry about the money or things because thanks to the fabricator and the money were found in the Prowler thanks to Zane. A few minutes later as Nick goes outside of the bar with a mask and cold jacket, bringing a tactical magnum and knife in case there is someone trying to mess with him.

Nick: Hey Zane! I'm going out to buy some supplies for a bit!! take care of the bar, would you?! 

Zane:(smile) I got you, Buddy! Be safe out there! Oh and gets some more mint chocolate chip ice cream would ya?

Nick: Will do!

After 20 minutes later, 

As Nick inside the market and buy some supplies and he wouldn't forget to buy a ice cream mint chocolate for Zane and others. After that he buy some supplies and start heading to their bar suddenly he heard a woman screaming, as he hurried up and find the screaming coming from.

After a few minutes later he finally found the commotion from other alleys and saw two girls surrounded by a group of thugs.

Ying: Let go you jerks!!!!!

Frost: Get off of us!!!!!

Thug 1: Oh we will~ at least let us have some fun-

Before the thug could finish, Nick show up and punch him into the walls, and the other group of Thugs were surprised and started attacking him.

Ying and Frost look in surprise and watch the fight unfold

As he goes to hand-to-hand combat to punch and kick the one in front of the thug. Nick then blocks another's punch and kicks it away before blocking another punch and rolling over another Thug's back, then kicking it away.

He takes down the two thugs with his own experience in close combat, suddenly one of the Thugs woke up, and he then grab a pistol and aim at him.

Nick: I don't think so ( unsheathed Combat Knife)..

he then throws the knife into Thugs' hands and stabs him making the thugs scream in pain, but the bullets maybe got him to hit his face, but only a scratch on his cheeks.

Nick: Now then (turn around and saw the rest of the thugs), Who wants to die first? (combat stance)

With Frost whispers to Ying

Frost:(whisper) Should we help him

Ying:(whisper) No I think he's got this

As the three thugs look at each other and start Charging him, Nick grabs a trash can and throws it at those three, and rushes toward them. As he knocks down the three thugs with a single punch.

As the three thugs knock out on the floor, one of them is still stuck on the wall with the knife on him.

Ying:(whisper) Told ya

Frost:(whisper) He's good

Then Nick walked toward the one been stabbed in the thug's hand, and he say.

Nick: If you ever. I mean ever. tried hurting a beautiful lady like that again, I am gonna cut your balls. Is that clear? (Stern)

Thug : (shiver) Yes-Yes Sir! please take your damn knife off my hands!!

Nick grabs his knife and releases his arms, and then the thugs and others run away. He then sheathed his combat Knife in his pocket.

Nick: You ladies alright? (turn around and look at the ladies.)

Ying:(smile) Yes thank you, sir

Frost:(smile) Your a good fighter. Very well trained

Nick: (chuckle) Well thank you, girls, Also don't call me Sir is like I am getting old, The name's Nick, Nick Silver. (shake hand)

Ying:(smile) I'm Ying

Frost:(smile) And I'm Frost

Nick: (smile) That's a really cute name and it really suits you both girls.

Frost:(blush) Well thank you

Ying:(blush) You are so kind

Nick: (chuckle) Spasibo.

Frost: You speak Russia?

Nick: (shrug) Sometimes.

As he grabs the grocery and the paper bags, the girls notice that he has so much stuff so they decide to help him.

Frost:(smile) Here let us help you with that

Nick: Why thank you for your kind, girls. Do you mind you two grabbing one of each that paper bag for me? (small smile)

Ying(smiles) Sure, So Nick....where are you heading?

Nick: Follow me, I'll show you guys to my workplace. (smile)

As the two start helping him to bring his grocery and his paper bag a few minutes later they start having fun talking about his hobby, his work, he also tells them about a new Bar in this town that is really popular, this makes the two girls surprise. 

Frost:(smile) And what's the name of this bar?

Nick: It's "Feet First Into Hell" it means You step into the hell, (chuckle).

Ying:(smiles) Very interesting words. Very creative

Nick: Yeah and here we are.

As the girls go inside, the two really impressed by the bar and how clean it is, it feels nice and warm. 

Nick: Why don't you girls sit down for a minute, let me offer you two some drinks if you like. (smile) as thank you for helping me.

Frost:(smiles) Sure

Ying:(smiles) Thank you Nick

Nick: You're welcome(nod), Oh would you two mind if I turn on some music while waiting?

Frost: Sure, I don't mind at all (giggle)

As Nick turns on an MP3 music play. Then the music suddenly starts and makes them really relax and enjoyed it.

While the girls waiting for Nick, Then they decide to start having chat about him.

Frost: What do you think Mei?

Mei: He's amazing and so kind

Tina: (smile) Yeah...also I never heard there will be a new bar, and I have to admit this place is awesome, and the music is really nice.

Mei:(smile) I'll say. Definitely beats the others doesn't it

Tina: Yeah...but do you notice something about his combat?

Mei: Yeah I did. You saw how precise and how fast he was?

Tina: Yeah, I mean is just coincidence right?

Mei:(shrugs) Yeah you're probably right. But I have my doubts

Suddenly Nick shows up without a mask on him including bandages on his right cheek, he brought two hot chocolates for the two girls.

Nick: I make some Two hot chocolates for you two. (small smile) Hope you girls enjoyed my new recipe for hot chocolates.

Frost:(smile) Oh thank you

Frost gives Ying hot chocolate for her.

Ying:(smile) Thank you Frost and thank you, Nick.

Frost and Ying take a sip of the hot chocolate and their eyes widen

Nick: You girls like it? (chuckle)

Frost:(smile) Oh my God. It's wonderful. I can taste the chocolate and it's so warm and not so hot

Ying:(smile) Yeah. Nick, it's amazing. How did you do it so well? It's better than the hot chocolate I've had at home

Nick: Well, let's just say I put my secret ingredients, and also that cream on top of it (pointed to the white chocolate ) Is a marshmallow that I melted it, the chocolate is the original cocoa 65 % and I pour a few kinds of milk so it would make the balance of the sweetness. (smile)

Frost:(smile) Well you definitely have our accommodation as the best hot chocolate around.

Nick: Well you can have my recipe if you want (chuckle).

Ying:(smile) Oh please. And don't worry it'll be our secret~

Nick: (smile) Thanks, Also I am quite surprised with your both CQC skills while you both try to fight back those fucker? but both have been lacking on it, I presume?

This makes the two girls shocked, and Ying starts to talk first.

Ying: (concern) How did you know?

Nick:(smiles) I just noticed how you two were with those thugs. I see that you can defend yourselves but you are not that skilled to take on a group that big.

Frost: You could say that again, I mean when you show up, your fighting skills are really unknown! (eyes star)

Nick:(smile) Oh I have a super fan now. Well, I'm very well trained since my childhood to be in combat. Also, you look cute like that Frosty

Frost: (blushes) Fro-Frosty?!

This makes Frost really stutter, and Ying feels like bit jealous..

Nick:(smile) Well you look like someone that is trained to be in the cold. Plus you look like you love snow. But you have the strength to live in it. So like it Frosty~ Cause your blushing at it

Frost just zips up her jacket neck to hide her blushes, then Nick turns to Ying notice that she bit jealous about it, and pouts.

Nick:(smile) And you Ying. Someone jealous~

Ying: (tsundere) I am not jealous Dummy!....well a bit actually.

Nick looks at Ying and walks around the counter to look closer at her.

Ying: Wha-what are you doing? (small blushes)

Nick:(smile) Taking a closer look at you. Strong and courageous. Disciplined respectful and honorable. And shows much potential to be a great CQC fighter. But your heart says it even more. You show true care for the people close to you and you protect them with your life. You a fine young lady Ying. A true side Yin to the Yang.

Ying suddenly lost a word and can't say anything then suddenly her face turns crimson red, and her head turns to smoke, she closes her face with both her hands and she can't show him how blushing she is.

Ying: (mad blushing) xie-xie..

Nick: Bié kèqì (smile)

She was shocked when he understand her home language, as Nick cupped her cheek and turns her face to look at him.

Ying: Nick? (blushes)

Nick:(smile) I meant every word of that. And I think you like my hand. I can see it by how your face is leaning into it

Ying suddenly stopped for a moment and her face turn to heat and pass out as she slam her face on the table, but Nick manage to catch her face before she hit the table, and he then heard her stutter words.

Ying (pass out): (Blushes) I....I...I...

Frost: (unzip neck jacket) Wow, I didn't know you were a lady killer, Nick~~ (teasing)

Nick:(smile) Well my friend Alyssa and Zane said I have great charms. And you seem to like it to my Frosty~

Frost: hehehe~ You know Nick, You are not bad after all, do you mind if we add contacts? I mean three of us?

Nick grabs her hand and dips her down in a dancing position

Frost: Nick!??! 0_0 (blushes)

Nick whispers into her ear lovingly

Nick:(whisper) And what have I done to earn your numbers my lovely frosty~ Moving that fast huh~

Frost then stand up and pinned him to the wall and look at his face.

Frost: How about we go a date first~ You know Ying and me already talk about boyfriend, so you are perfect~~ handsome~

Nick grins at this but grabs her hands and spins her around so her back is against his chest and holds her tightly and blows his minty breath in her ear

Frost: MEEP!! (blush) Stop it! ( blushes) That's really sensitive to my ears (hold her ears)

Nick:(whisper) You love it though right~ Being in this position~ In my grip~

Nick traces his fingers over her body very slowly making Frost stutter at this

But then Frost stops his hand.

Frost: Date first tough guy~ how about we getting know each other for a while then we start more than that~ (smirk)

Nick:(smirks) Didn't answer my question though~

Nick takes his right and slaps her butt softly and Frost gasps at this and moans softly

Frost: You really naughty are you~?

Nick:(smirks) I don't see you objecting to it~

Nick gives Frost a few soft kisses on her neck.

Frost: (moan) Stop it~, what if someone sees us~?

Nick:(smile) Oh everyone is at home sleeping now. It's just us~

Nick:(smile) Oh everyone is at home sleeping now. It's just us~

Ying: (groan) what happen?

Frost (whisper): Maybe next time handsome~

Nick:(whisper) Sure. But here is something to remember me by

Nick then bites into her neck gently marking her as his

Frost: (blush) Wha-what are you (hide her neck)?!

Nick whispers into her ear and gives her his phone number

Nick:(whisper) Now you're all mine. Ying too~

Frost (thought): Did-did he just?! (blushing)

Ying: Eh?

Nick:(smile) Nothing Ying. Are you okay?

Suddenly Ying kisses his cheek and marks him as her new boyfriend, and slips her number, not in his pocket.

Ying: You can have it~ my phone number handsome~~(giggle)

Ying: (small blushes) Oh well, Okay~

Frost: (blush) We- Kinda need to go, and thanks for the hot chocolate! Nick! (smile)

Frost: Bye-bye! Nick! (wave) and thanks for the hot chocolates!

Nick waves back.

Nick:(smile) Bye girls be safe okay?

Ying & Frost: Ok! Bye~!

As they left, Nick pick all the two empty cups and clean them up. suddenly Rachel shows up from the stairs.

Rachel:(smile) So babe. You found your two other soulmates, have you?

Nick: Can't help it, Those two girls definitely catching me, my eyes. at least you are my alpha~ So why not, I stick to equality dear~

Rachel giggles and wraps her arms around Nick's neck

Rachel:(smiles) And that will never change my love~

Nick kisses her lips and holds her hands.

Nick: (smile) Yeah, is a really good thing that we live without any problems and start making new big families.

Rachel:(smile) Yeah. You know I never thought we would see the past but here we are. I'm already loving it here

Nick: Me neither, but sadly we have to deal with this new threat...

Rachel puts her finger on his lips

Rachel: Shhh. We'll deal with it together all of us. Now, why don't we go upstairs and relieve some tension us~

Nick (smirk) Oh~~~ you really bold are you Rachel?

Rachel: Grrrr~ You always make me horney~ Especially when I saw you dominate that girl with you~ It turned me on so hard~

Nick (thought): Oh shit.... 

Meanwhile the two girls operators in the car and heading back to Hereford base. 

Ying: So.....what did I miss, Tina? (driving) 

Frost was touching herself and moaning softly at remembering Nick's touch and his warm hands. Savoring it all 

 Mei: Tina? Hello?Tina snaps out of itTina: What? Yes Mei what did you ask? 

 Mei: have you noticed how cool Nick was? (smile) is really a good charm, and a great househusband (giggle). 

 Tina sighs heavenly.

 Tina:(smile) Yeah. So charming and kind and his hands~ his touch~Tina start moaning softly againMei: calm down woman... Did something happen while I was passed out.? 

 Tina:(smile) Something amazing happened~ 

 Mei: (pout) not fair... Come on tell me or I tickle you! (smirk)

Tina:(smile) Do you want to know Mei~ 

 Mei: (getting close to her) Oooh~yes I am~ 

 Tina:(smile) When we get back to base come to my dorm and I'll tell you~Mei: fine, but do you notice about his skills and that throwing knife? His really abnormal, like he has been experiencing of it. 

 Tina: Yeah that was precision and takes a lot of training to get right like that 

Mei: Do you think that.....he is one of their group? The unknown group? 

Tina: Let's not jump to conclusions. We just met him. And let me tell you he's our soulmate Mei~ I just know it 

Mei: good point, But not gonna lie that was an amazing drink (giggle) should we tell the girls to visit their amazing bar? 

Tina: (smile) Yeah we should. And you know that amazing thing I will tell you at base. 

Mei: Ok~ what is it? 

Tina:(smiles) Well to tell you this shortly Tina whispers into Mei's ear. 

Tina:(whisper) I nearly melted into a sea of pleasure~ 

Mei: you lucky girl... (Grint) 

Tina:(smiles) I'll explain it all back at base. Come to my dorm after you freshen up 

Mei: okay~ 

 as the two girls continue, head back to base. They tell anyone about a new bar and everyone is interested in it and want to try their drinks, for the girls......they have a dream and getting imagine what the hot chocolates taste like. except for Eliza she had a suspicion about the Bar and those groups, she heard there is a couple of people open the bar and start a business for 3 months, So she decide to take one of the operators to visit the bar later.



















To Be Continued

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