Chapter 1: 2021?!

On earth in a Forest.

Unknown situation the sky suddenly makes a cracking electric after minutes later it's getting bigger and then the prowler ship suddenly shows up and going to crash really hard.

In the cockpit, Rachel opened her eyes, surprisingly they were alive when she heard a warning ringing,  she snapped out her thought and she hold the controlled the prowler before they getting crashed to the ground really hard.

Rachel: Come on, damn it! (hold the control) stay with me!!

As Rachel was able to control the prowler, she saw an open field so she decides landed without getting crash. A few minutes later, the prowler landed safe and sound, the ship finally stop moving. This makes of lucky for her to manage to save others.

Rachel: (relief) That was to close one...mmm?

She then looks outside the window pilot and looks around the area and the view looks like an abandoned airfield and lots of trees or more like a forest. Then she get out of her seat pilot and went to check the others.

As Zane and Ash groan they both woke up from consciousness.

Rachel: You guys alright?

Zane: Yeah. (groan) Jeez, are we actually alive?

Rachel: It looks like that fucking portal sucking us in there, then out of nowhere we manage out from it. (smirk) Also good things I found the empty airfield.

Ash: (surprising) Seriously? Wow nice going Rachel

Rachel: (giggle) Thanks!

Zane gets up 

 Zane: I'm going to check on the others.

Cole: (groan) Ash? Rachel? Zane? Are you three ok? 

 Ash: We are ok, Sir. 

 Rachel: Still green, Sir. (giggle)

Zane:(smile) We made it Sam

Sam: Looks like it.

Amy groans as she wakes up

Zane: Amy!

Zane goes over to her seat and kneels next to her

Zane: You okay dear?

Amy: I am ok? We alive? (shocked)Holy shit!!! hahaha!! 

Zane kisses her deeply

Amy: (kiss back) I love you ~ Zane (smile)

Suddenly a crate suddenly falls off and reveals Reaper or Nick, and Scout AKA Matt who had woke up from a crashing landing.

Nick: (groan)Can't believe we all make it. 

Matt: (rubbing his head) Ow. Who's the bastard that hit me across the face? (Groans)

Nick: If I remember got hit by a weapon's crate. 

Matt:...... Oh. (Looks down at his hands) Hey, look. We're still here. Neat.

Nick: Yeah...(Remember something) Rachel...Rachel! Are you my love!

Rachel(shout from the pilot cockpit): I am ok! dear!!

Ash enters the passenger area

Ash: Alyssa you alright?!

suddenly out of nowhere Ash suddenly hug from behind and it was Alyssa.

Alyssa: We make it (smile)

Ash:(smile) Are you okay? No serious injuries?

Alyssa: That's good, and where are we?

Rachel: (shout from the pilot cockpit) Guys! you all should see it on the outside!

Everyone goes to the cockpit and sees what's out there, all they see is an abandoned airfield and a scrapped aircraft transport.

Amy: An abandoned airfield?

Nick: No offense but...doesn't that looks like an old aircraft transport? (point to the helicopter) 

Zane look and his eyes widen

Zane (though): That helicopter?! No way? Could it be?

Ash: Ehhh Zane? Why your face looks so surprising?

Cole: Something you knew Lieutenant?

Zane: No it can't be! That's impossible!

Zane runs out of the cockpit to get out of the ship to take a closer look

Alyssa: Zane!

Cole: You guys, followed him! make sure to get his ass back here!! 

Zane exits the ship with the team trying to keep up with him

Matt: What the heck is wrong with him suddenly?!?!

Amy: I don't know!! this is the first time I saw his reaction like that!!

Zane runs to the helicopter and beings to survey it

Zane (thoughts): It's the same size as it. Also the same look

Nick: Hey man, why are you suddenly so hurry about it??

Amy: Zane (concern). what is it?

Zane remains silent and enters the inside of the helicopter to investigate further

Ash: Hey Zane! what did you find inside this old aircraft?!

As Zane enters he clearly recognized the helicopter's interior and layout. Then when he reaches the cockpit he sees a flag on the horizon and sees its the flag of the United States of America

Zane (thoughts): That flag is.

Zane takes off his helmet

Zane(thought): That and this all confirms it

Alyssa: Lieutenant? is there something wrong?

Amy: Dear? (concern)

Zane remains in silence and turns to them

Zane: I know where we are. Specifically when we are

Zane walks out of the helicopter and back to the prowler. They see Cole and Rachel talking about the situation.

Cole: Status?

Rachel: Well....(checking datapad) the prowler is really bit damaged of the blast that been shot from Banished and it would take long to fly it.....would take 4 months, also we still have a pelican, 3 warthogs with different turrets. and we do have enough ammo supplies, food supplies, and medical supplies. Also, a thirty weapons crate that we don't know what is inside that we brought in here. Sir.

Cole: (sigh) Well that's good and the bad news is...(turn to Zane) What did you find lieutenant? 

Zane: Gather everyone in the passenger area

Zane says as he walks past them

Rachel: What's going on?

Zane:(serious) I'll explain when everyone is in here. And it's going to be a lot to take in

As everyone in here, then Zane started explaining everything from what he found in old aircraft transport.

Zane: The helicopter outside is an MH-53 Pave low chopper. It was designed and use to transport infantry and SAR rescues in Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan

Nick: So.....that helicopter was from military transport? (notice it) don't mean that we-

Zane: Guys I don't think we are in the 26th century anymore

They all look at each other, then Ash speaks first. gonna say that we back on the past?

Zane: It's not the only thing I saw

Rachel: And that is?

Zane: Give me your data pad real quick Rachel

Rachel gives him a data pad to Zane, this makes matt and nick confuse.

Matt: What is he up to?

Nick: I don't know, but I am sure he had a crazy founded. (chuckle)

Zane uploads a picture to it and shows it to them.

Zane: I saw this flag on a pole outside. Look familiar?

Amy: Isn't that....old flag...(shocked) USA.

Rachel: saying is that we back on earth, Zane??!

Zane: Yeah. But not in the same time period

Ash:...tell us, Zane...what time period are we in?

Zane: When we went outside you notice how greener it is than how we know on Earth

Nick: Yeah, wait you don't mean we-

Zane:(serious) We're in the 21st century


Zane: 2021 that's right

Nick: Ok ok, let's all calm down! It won't that bad, right? I mean we barely escaped a damn huge fucking threat?! The Banished, The covenant, and The Floods??! right?! 

Rachel: Well that's true but don't forget we have to face government.. 

 Cole: And another terrorist (groan). 

 Nick: shit..,

Zane: Everyone listens!!!

Everyone turns to Zane.

Zane: I get it. You may not believe it but I know I'm right. That helicopter out there hasn't been anywhere in the 26th century. The only way we would know about it is during history classes and videos of it. I know that because I've been studying the Earth's past in my spare time. So I need you to believe me, please.

Everyone is suddenly silent the cole speaks first. 

Cole: We trust you, Lieutenant, So what's the plan?

Zane: Before we go there you all need to know something else too

Cole: (raise eyes brown) What is it? is there more of it?

Zane: Yes. You know that the governments in this time must not get hold of our weapons supplies technology and equipment at any cost. I'm saying that cause we are going to be facing something else in this time period

Cole: We get it that, and it is also against the protocol of the Offical Naval Intelligent. If those governments tried to steal our equipment then They have to through us first. (concern)

Zane: Exactly. And something else

Alyssa: Is it about the threat?

Zane: You remember terrorism, Ash , Alyssa

Alyssa: (groan) More like insurrection, so yes. why?

Zane: Here in 2021 it was strong. And one group was in the top 10 on the terrorism list

Ash: (chuckle) Then I will show them what is fears like.. 

Zane:(smiles) No doubt you will Ash. Terrorist scum doesn't deserve mercy. Rachel may I use your pad again, please.

Rachel: Sure (nod) Also I need to check the pelican if it's still working. (kiss nick's cheek) Bye love~

Nick: (Kiss back) bye my dear (smile)

As she leave, Zane started explaining to them.

Zane pulls up an image of the terrorist group and shows it to the team.

Zane: They are called the White Mask. A merciless and ruthless terrorist group that doesn't care about, age, sex, color, or nationality. No care for human life. And they have been doing operations all over the world. Some in the US and overseas

Cole: White Mask....(sigh) Looks like we have another insurrection.. 

 Nick: Well good thing we got everything we need to fight this guy (smirk) 

 Alyssa: Anything else, Zade?

Zane: They are trained and they go for maximum casualties. And they will spill as much innocent blood on their hands to complete their objectives. But we won't be alone in fighting them.

Matt: (raise eyes brown) Well that's good news, who are they?

Zane pulls up another image and shows it to the team.

Amy: Rainbow....I never heard about those names of the group.....what are they, Zane?

Alyssa: and who are these people? 

Zane: Rainbow is an elite organization that brings operators from the best counter-terrorist organizations from around the globe and bring them together to counter terrorist threats. And White Mask is at the top of their list. And these are all the operators they have in the organization. FBI, Navy Seals, GIGN, SAS you name it does operators how many are they (look on the data pad) and how good are they?

Zane: They are the best of the best. The only problem is....

Ash: go on, and please continue Zane...

Zane: They don't work together as a team. They're not in sync with each other and they have fights and arguments from time to time. And we all know what happens when they do that.

Nick: (sigh) I still remember how bad was when we were a rookie.... is a really hard time, and then What?

Zane: It affects mission unity in the field. And not only mission gets put in jeopardy but the lives of their teammates and innocent people will be harmed. You all know that remember?

Amy: (groan) please don't remind me that honey... I still remember and hate those ONI's complaining

Zane:(smile) Hey you know ONI can get fuck themselves. They don't know the hard decisions we have to make in the field. And you know I trust you with my life And that goes for all of you. I trust your decisions and judgment always. Okay 

 Zane kisses Amy's cheek 

 Zane: (smile) Especially you my love~

Ash: Okay!!! So now what? And where should we hide? because we need to cover ourselves, and no one sees us.

Nick: on second thought, I agree with Ash.

Zane: We can use this airfield as our base of operations. What do you think Sam?

Cole: that's a good idea, but first let's go for a patrol for while, after we move our stuff, also we need a new place as our home, and identify our fake name.

Zane: Hmm. I might have an idea for that

Cole: and that is? (raise eyes brown)

Zane:(smiles) I'll tell you all after we patrol the area okay. And it's something you'll all love

Cole: very well then, You take scout, Ark, and Reaper with you, while me and the girls gonna build the base operation. and Gear up trooper.

Ash, Reaper, Scout, and Slayer: (Wearing helmet) Yes, Sir! (salute)

As the boys gear up, grab their weapons, and say goodbye to others they start recon outside of the airfield with a warthog. after a few hours later on patrol, the boys had a peaceful time, watching the view it was a good view, not too loud just a sound nice and quiet, the boys enjoyed the view of the mountain and the green field while Matt's driving the warthog.

Zane:(smile) Man how I wish it could have been like this in our time. Don't you agree boys?

Scout: Yup, I mean seriously how can't we all just go retired for the first place and start a new life imagine our new future, no more wars, no more bloodshed, and a new build family. (chuckle)

Ash:(smile) Look like it will become possible. And we fight an enemy we can definitely handle

Nick: Don't so easy your self Ash, also we cannot judge their books, even though their suck but they are really sneaky fucking bastards...remember history of world war 2 about Japan? Those bastards do some fake death and do the suicide bomb.

Ash:(grins) Yeah I remember. I felt bad for all those young men who had to give their lives like that. Even though it's to serve their country they didn't deserve to go out like that.

Nick: (sigh) I wish there is no any suicide bombers from those White mask bastard groups....

Zane: Knowing terrorism that fits them to a tee

Scout: Don't Jinx yourself, Staff Sergeant (chuckle). Who knows if they will show up. 

 Nick: Is a fact!

As they were trying to come to terms with this they hears gunshots and headed there to see what is going on.

Scout: A Gunshot?

Zane: Let's investigate.

Reaper: (wear the helmet) Scout! stop the warthog, and hide over there (point the near of the tree)

Scout: Copy!

As they stop they hop off the warthog, and investigate what's going on, when they are at the peak, they saw a City. They saw a gunfight in City hall where there were cops all around the building. As well there are the men who wear a White masks and hold a woman hostage with a pistol that is an antique to him.

Reaper: White mask....(grab an MS7 Smg silencer)

Scout: I count 4 of them from outside, we should use the silencer so no one notice. ( checking mang MS7 Smg silencer)

Slayer: Let me tell Cole first

Arkham: I call rooftop entrance.

Slayer(coms): Cole you copy?

Cole (coms): I read you, Slayer. what's the status from on patrol?

Slayer (coms): We have a situation. There's a firefight in a city at city hall. Police are engaged with White Mask. We count four terrorists and they have a woman hostage. Request permission to engage and save the hostage over

Cole (coms): Permission Granted after you boys rescue those hostages make sure to leave the scene.....immediately We cannot Rainbow find us, yet. Also, make sure is all clear, And Reaper will be you XO. Over and out. 

Slayer: Copy out. Alright, boys in and out. We can't let Rainbow find us understood?

Ash: Not a problem. I grabbed something else from that elite on the Infinity.

Scout: 10-4.R

Reaper: Copy that. (Grab a Brute shot)

Arkham: See you inside. (Turns invisible)

Slayer: ArK, you, and I will go in from the roof. Scout and Reaper watch us

Reaper: Negative, Sir. We don't know how many of those white masks are inside the building, let's work together as a team. Our first objective is secure the hostage, a secondary objective is clean and eliminated the White mask, and we need to make sure if there isn't a bomb, if there is a bomb then that will be our third Objective to defuse the bomb. We cannot work alone, Lieutenant. I may also have a plan.

Slayer: Got it. Stealth and teamwork boys. That's how we get this done

Reaper: We take down those guys from outside first, let scout handle for medical treatment to the injure (open his pouch)...also here. (handed a two-cloacking device)

Reaper gave Two devices to slayer and Scout, Slayer noticed this device belongs to the elite's corpses equipment. 

Slayer: (raise eyes brown) How did you get these Reaper?

Reaper: My kill...from infinity...also is a cloaking device. 

 Scout: Cool.

Slayer: Nice work. 

Slayer attaches the cloaking device to his belt

Reaper: Let's go! we don't have much time left! clocks ticking. 

Slayer: Alright let's move. Ark take point

Arkham: Let's go then.

as they cloak themself and turn invisible. they are cloaked and make their way in a different way. they check around for a side entrance and he finds it. Slayer makes a signal to Ark to go up the roof, as he agrees to do it he climbs the wall and heads to the roof. Scout decided to pick the lock for a quieter approach. Scout was able to unlock it and head inside quietly.

Scout: (coms) We in. 

 Reaper: (coms) Save some ammo, use melee if you have to. (unsheathed combat knife) We cannot be wasting all ammunition. 

Slayer:(com) Roger. Did you get that Ark?

Arkham activated his energy sword. The activation sound is being heard over their radios.

Slayer:(com) He's got it. Alright let's move and keep your eyes sharp

Reaper: (coms) 10-4, I'll take point. (go first) 

 Scout: (coms) Please...tell me he using an energy sword...does he know we doing some stealth?

Arkham: (coms) Last time I checked, a combat knife can't block bullets.

Scout: (coms) Good point...

Slayer:(com) Don't worry rookie. Ark knows what he's doing. Stealth is one of his strongest suits

As they enter, they saw two white masks patroling and heading their way to their location. Reaper look at Slayer and nodded, Scout, go hide with Reaper as the two waits for the two White masks to pass. A minute later when they pass Slayer and Reaper start to tackle and pinned them down and slice their throat and cover their mouth so no one can't hear their screaming. as they no moving anymore, they hide the dead body White mask on the storage. they go resume their objectives.

Reaper: (coms) Ark, how many White masks are inside the building? and how many hostages and where are they?

Arkham had just slit the throat of a white mask guard outside a room. He picked up the radio from the dead guard and listened to it. 

 Arkham: Ten hostiles remain by sounds of the radio. Four hostages inside the mayor's office. Windows are barricaded, and a large bomb is in the center of the basement. Doors and walls are barricaded as well.

Reaper: (coms) Ark...cut the power and show them what fears like (chuckle).

Slayer:(com) Let's put these bastards in the dark

As Arkham heads to the power generator room, he turns off the power and makes everything dark from inside. suddenly Ark heard someone is coming he then go hide.

White mask 1 grunt: Who the fuck turn off the generator?

White mask 2 grunt: Don't know let's get this power on, leader doesn't want to keep waiting and wants to kill the hostage.

Arkham: (coms) We've got a problem. The leader is impatient.

Slayer:(com) Shit. Alright, we move to secure the hostages first.

Reaper: (coms) copy, Ark...slice them up, Meet us on hostage room.

Arkham: (coms) With pleasure.

He stepped out of his hiding spot. Activating his sword before quickly dispatching the terrorists.

White Mask 1 grunt: What the-

Arkham sliced his head clean off before rushing towards the other terrorist.

White mask 2: You mothefucker!!!!! 

The white mask fired his rifle, but sadly Arkham suddenly disappear out of nowhere. 

 White mask 2 grunt: show yourself you fucking coward!!! Come and fight!!

Suddenly the terrorist found himself impaled through the chest by the energy sword. Arkham decloaked behind him as he pulled the energy sword out.

White mask 2: (couch blood) who... What....are..(couch blood) you...

Arkham: The ones who go went to feet into hell. (Deactivates sword)

As the White mask drop, Ark starts heading to the hostage location.

Meanwhile, With Slayer, Scout, and Reaper.

As they waiting the three white mask grunt walked past suddenly the lights went off.

Reaper: (coms) Going dark. (turn on Night vision)

As they turn on the night vision mode, they rushed toward and start shooting with their MS7 silencer SMG, and drop all White Mask grunt one by one. 

Slayer and Scout turn on their night vision as well 

Slayer:(com) Remember to use suppressed weapons and your knives. 

Scout: (Coms) Copy, Slayer. (Fire White mask head)

Slayer holsters his silent MS7 SMG on his leg and takes out his combat knife and a throwing knife. He runs up to two white masks grunts and slices one's neck wide open with his knife and uses his throwing knife and kills the other one in the throat.

Reaper uses his MS7 Silencer SMG and fires the White mask behind Slayer, and then notice incoming two more from the left side, he then uses flashbang and throws it then it suddenly flashes the two white mask then Reaper grabs his tactical magnum with silencer and shoots them both to the ground.

Scout go sprinted while the White Mask tried to shoot him, but he manage to dodge it, and he unsheathed his combat knife then throw it when it stab the white mask grunt's head, he then grab his knife and stabs again to other white mask grunt's chest, on his left hand he grabs his silencer pistol then shoot his throat, then the grunt falls the ground.

Slayer:(com) Nice teamwork boys. (changing mag MS7 )

Reaper: (coms) Mayor's office is just up ahead, we have to move (changing mag MS7 )

Slayer:(com) Ark what's your location?

Arkham: (coms) I'm just outside the office

Slayer:(com) Copy we're coming to you now

As the three at outside the mayor's office, Reaper ready his spike grenade to breach the door.

Reaper: (coms) Charger is ready.

Scout: (coms) using a thermal vision, now. (changing thermal vision on)

Slayer:(com) Alright. Scout where are the tangos positioned?

Scout: (coms) I count four tangos, one is on the windows on the right side second window, the three look like they torturing the security, and one of them is the leader from the left side. (turn off thermal vision) 

Slayer:(com) Alright we take the three on the right side window. Ark the leader is yours. Understood?

Arkham: Cloak on. Draw them out when the door blows. Then it's open season.

Scout: (coms) Copy.

Reaper: (coms) 10-4...(ignite the spike grenade) Breaching!!! (slammed the spike grenade to the door)

Arkham used his active camo again.

As Reaper slams the spike grenade on the door, the three start cloaking, when the timer is ticking off, it suddenly blows up.

The explosive echos through the city hall and the three white mask grunts walked through the doors and check outside the office.

Reaper: (coms) Drop them.

Slayer Scout and Reaper fire their silent SMGs at the three white mask grunts and take them out with precision.

White mask leader: (Surprising) Who the fuck are you!-

An energy sword suddenly went through his chest. Making blood drip before it slashed upwards. Leaving a large gap between his torso and shoulder, leaving it hanging by only a few strands of muscle and flesh.

Reaper: (coms) Area clear! Scout checks the hostage wounded.

Scout: (Coms) I am on it.

As he go checking the wounded of the security, he look at her injured and saw blood dripping on her leg. he then grab a Bio-foam from his rucksack.

Scout: Listen I'm going to put Bio foam on your leg to stop it bleeding and clean the wound. It might sting a bit so be ready.

As he puts the foam on the wound he hears her groan at the pain but soon it stops as she sees it harden and he puts it away and takes out a syringe.

This is polyseudomorohine a sedative that is like morphine but not addictive. He puts the needle in her leg and once done he says.

Scout: I just gave you a sedative that will help with the pain. The thing will wear off a few hours like the Bio foam. Can you walk?

She got up and took a step and replied.

Security: Yes, I can thank you for helping us. Are you with Rainbow? 

Arkham suddenly decloaked in front of the security guard.

Security: (Eyes wide) Holy shit...

Slayer: I'm sorry but we are not with rainbow ma'am

Security: Then who are you, people?

Reaper: we just a couple of Soldiers just doing our duty, Ma'am.

security raise her eyes brown, then saw something Slayer's rank on his left shoulder.

Security: A lieutenant? You must have done a lot of years of service to get that rank.

Slayer: Yes ma'am. 19 years of service in the military 

Arkham: First feet into hell.

Slayer: Ma'am is there anything else that the White Mask has set up in here

Security: Yes, they set a bomb in the basement.

Reaper: Alright then, that's where we are heading. Get everyone out from here, ma'am. We will take care of it.

Reaper: Copy-

Security: I am coming with you all.

Scout: (concern) Ma'am you are injured, You can't fight with this condition like this. 

Slayer: And we need you here to keep this people safe until rainbow and the police come in

Security: I'm still going with you whether you like it or not. (smirk)

Arkham: (thoughts) She's a stubborn one.

Security: You do need a guided tour, to find that bomb right? I mean do you your four know the basement was?

This makes Slayer shut his mouth and got burned, and Reaper just chuckles about her answer.

Reaper: (chuckle) I like her, what do you say, Slayer? Should we follow her guide?

Arkham: We don't have the layout for the basement.

Slayer: Alright you can help. Reaper change plans your watching her. Ark, you take the point

Reaper: What? me?! why- (Sigh) fine...Slayer, Scout give her your side arms.

Scout grabs his sidearms and gives them to her.

Scout: After this scene I want you to give me back.

Security: (smirk) Sure, also a nice pistol.

Reaper: So...what's your name, Ma'am?

Sonya: Please Call me Sonya, and stop calling me Ma'am.

Reaper: Sure...Sonya.

Arkham: Let's move people.

Timeskip 30 minutes later.

As the five walk into the basement, suddenly Ark stops moving.

Arkham: Hold up.

Scout: What is it, Ark?

Arkham: Something's not right...

Slayer: He's right. It's too quiet

Reaper: Let me go check the inside (cloaking invisible). 

 As Reaper went and checked, everyone is waiting for him, and suddenly got silent.

Sonya kneels next to Slayer.

Sonya: (whisper) So....what should I call you? Do you have a name Soldier?

Slayer:(whisper) It's Slayer. That's my Callsign. And look thank you for helping us but you should have thought about those people

Sonya: (giggle) Well....what can I say, I am a stubborn woman who loves to get some action (smirk).

Arkham: Sounds like your type Slayer. (smirk)

Slayer:(whisper) Oh really. Do I need to remind you what your type is Ark.

Arkham: ...Do that, and I'll show the girls your "collection."

Slayer: Dream on. You do that and you'll have my dear lording over you for the rest of your life. Plus Sonya it's not a good trait to have sometimes

Scout: (coms) What are you two talk about? also what "collection" do you talking about Ark?

Slayer:(com) Nothing Scout

Slayer turns to Sonya

Slayer: You need to think about the situation you are in. You can't just jump into the action every time

Suddenly Reaper shows up from cloaking invisible, who had serious.

Reaper: Ok, I have good news and bad news. Which one do you guys want to hear?

Slayer: What's the bad news?

Reaper: The bad news is there is a lot of C4 with some kind of nitro cans on it and sensor movement, every damn door frame so I suggest watching out around us and destroying that thing before blowing us up.

Slayer: And the good news?

Reaper: There is no white mask in there, only a bomb and we are running out of time.

Slayer turns to Reaper.

Slayer: No white mask is guarding the bomb? Seriously?

Sonya: Well his not wrong I mean every white mask is fucking idiots, but we can't underestimate them of their number.

Arkham: So idea on disarming the bomb?

Slayer: Reaper can you disarm it?

Reaper: Sorry Slayer, I am not an expert in disarming the bomb. 

 Scout: (raise hand) I can do it, But I need someone to cover my back.

Slayer: Alright Reaper you and Sonya cover Scout while he disarms the bomb. Ark and I are going to sweep the basement for hostilities. And Sonya listens to Reaper. That's an order

Sonya: (smile) ok. 

 Reaper: You got it. (nod) Good luck you two.

Slayer: Alright Ark you and me. Let's roll

Arkham cocked his Socom and readied his energy sword in response.

As they make separate ways, Reaper, Sonya, and Scout go defusing the bomb, while Ark and Slayer sweep around the basement to make sure is clear.

With Slayer and Ark.

 Slayer: Doesn't feel right that White Mask would leave their bomb unguarded (checking the right corridor)

Arkham: Eyes up. I wouldn't put it past them to have a failsafe.

Slayer: Exactly

Arkham: Heh. Reminds me of when we were back to fighting insurrectionists at the end of the Great War.

Slayer:(chuckles) Just like old times brother.

Arkham: Just like old times.

Slayer then hears noises in the room in front of them 

 Slayer: Hold up. Do you hear that?

Arkham nodded.

Slayer: Stack up on the door

Slayer and Arkham stack up on the door

Slayer: Ready?

Arkham lightly opened the door. Only a little bit to hear what was going on.

Slayer peeks in to see

Slayer: What the hell is that?

Arkham took a peak next.

Slayer goes in for a little closer to see and his eyes widen in shock 

Arkham: (tap coms) Scout! Stop the defusing!! We have bigger problem!

Scout: (coms) Why! I have almost done it! this bomb has a fucking timer here! also, Sonya tell me that those white masks planted a Gas toxic bomb! 

Arkham: (coms) They have a 2000-pound JDAM down here!

Scout: (Coms) Say what?!?! Are they seriously trying to blow up the city?!?

Slayer: Yes we are looking at it now!! And we think it's a secondary device in case the first one fails!!!

Scout: (coms) Ok listen! does any of you two have a cutting wire?! or tacpad on your arms?!

Slayer: Ark has!!! We took an extra before we left!!

Arkham: I'll do what I can to disable the JDAM, but do NOT touch the gas bombs!

Scout: (coms) Copy!

suddenly and explosive breaching sounds from Scout communicated. 

Slayer:(com) What the hell was that?! Reaper?!

Reaper: (coms) Son of bitch!! those fuckers are here!! Ark! you better defuse it now!! we will buy you two some time!!

Arkham: (pulls up tacpad) Damn it, where's a rainbow when you need them?

Slayer: Hey Ark you got this. You never let us down before. You can do this we believe in you. I believe in you okay

Arkham: Ok. Just keep them off me.

He starts working on disabling the bomb.

Slayer: I got your back

Arkham: Thanks.

Slayer:(smile) Always

Slayer takes up position by the door to cover Arkham.

Meanwhile with Reaper, Scout and Sonya. 

 As the three hold the White Mask group and push them back from where they came from, Reaper holster his MS7 silencer and grabs his Brute shot, when Sonya saw it she was shocked and surprising what his holding.

Sonya: What the hell is that?!!

Reaper: Lady, meet my brute shot...(cocking Brute shot and looking at the White mask)...let there be carnage!!

As he charged them, the white mask group start firing at him, Reaper used his brute shot's body to cover him from their shot, as he got close to them, he then fired all rounds at the white mask and make a small explosive to the group, that makes a lot more taking damage and killed the rest of the white mask.

Before Reaper changes mags the brute shot he uses close combat with the blade that's on the Brute shot, he slashes them all with brutal and hardcore without mercy on them.

Reaper: Die!!! feel the wrath of the Executioner!!!

Sonya: Jesus Christ. I think I'm going to have nightmares about this.

Sonya fires her weapon at three white masks approaching in the head

Scout: Well.... a good thing his on our side, but I kind of feel bad for those guys.

Scout then shot his MS7 to his left and shot the white mask who holding a crowbar and fell to the floor.

Scout: (tap coms) Ark! Status! (taking cover)

Arkham: (coms) I'm nearly done!

Scout: Good! cause we still hold here, and Reaper is starting carnage those White Mask!

Arkham: Copy. Give them hell!

Scout: Roger that,(call off) Hey Sonya! Are you good? (shoot two White Mask on another side corridor)

Sonya: Doing fine. How's disarming the bomb coming?!

Sonya kills two more white masks grunts.

Scout: He's almost done, all we need to do is hold them back!! 

 Scout throws his combat knife at one of the grunt's heads. 

then suddenly one of the Grunt was flying away and crashed into the wall.

Sonya: Holy shit!!!!

The two turn around and saw Reaper with a cover of blood and on the floor is a full pile of dead bodies of White mask grunts, the grunts are dropped their knees and some of them are shiver can't move their body.

White Mask grunt 1: W-We surrender!! please don't kill us!

White Mask grunt 2: Have mercy!! (Scared)

Sonya:(angry) What you soulless bastards think you deserve mercy!!!!

Reaper look at her eyes and understand her hatred, so he said.

Reaper: I suggest looking away Sonya, You are gonna puke about this parts.

Sonya: (nods) Okay.

Sonya turns away.

Reaper: Now then...

He then put his brute shot on his back, and grab a hilt....he ignite the energy sword, this make those grunts scared.

Reaper: Your sins and your souls will taking, and you all gonna die....

White Mask Grunt: Wh-who Are you..(scared)

Reaper: I'm. Your. Executioner..

He then starts to massacre all the rest white mask grunts who surrender themself with a full blood bath, and without giving them mercy with his energy sword. The two still hear their screaming and pain from the other room. 

Sonya: Scout do you have any mercy for those terrorists scum?

Scout:...(sigh) Some of them....but if they make their right choice to turn themself in it depends....but for this

Sonya: Yeah your right. For those who realize what they did and what's wrong then I believe they deserve a second chance. But for those who don't and continue to do it, they don't deserve mercy. Right?

Scout having hard thought about suddenly they heard a footstep and it was Reaper and he was full of blood all his armor and his helmet...

Reaper: I really need to drink beer after we defuse the bomb..... 

Sonya: Nice job. You deserve it Reaper

Reaper: Thanks Sonya...(nod)....(tap coms) This is Reaper to Slayer, coming. How's the bomb doing?

With Slayer and Arkham

Slayer:(com) Hang on. Ark how's it coming?

Arkham: (turns off tac pad JDAM is disabled.

Slayer:(com) Bomb is disabled. We are in the clear. How about you guys?

Scout (coms): Give me a sec....and.....Done! the bomb is been defused! Noice work Ark, You know I should teach you more about how to defuse a bomb. (chuckle)

Slayer: What do you think Ark? Wouldn't hurt to have two bomb defusers.

Arkham: Everyone has their specialty.

Slayer:(com) That's his way of saying yes Scout

Scout (coms): Cool!

Reaper (coms): Let's leave this place before Rainbow's come.

Slayer:(com) Copy. Hold where you are. We're coming to you

Timeskip 5 minutes later.

As Ark and Slayer manage to rally to meet others, suddenly they are shocked and how much blood that been spread to the walls and lots of White Mask corpses everywhere. They Saw Scout and Sonya who wave to them. 

Slayer: Holy shit

Arkham: Looks like we missed quite the party.

Slayer: Reaper?!

The two looked at Reaper who had the cover of blood, and the two rush toward him.

Slayer: What the hell happened to you?

Reaper: (chuckle) Let's just say I suddenly go massacre all of them, with a damn Brute shot blade's, Also this blood wasn't mine, is theirs (laugh).

Slayer then notices the room next to them has blood on the window and goes and opens it to see inside Slayer was shocked at what he sees.

Slayer:(whistles) Ark you should look at this

Arkham walked over to where Slayer was.

Arkham: ...And I thought the feeding frenzies with jackals were disgusting...

Slayer turns to Reaper

Slayer: You do this Reaper? It's impressive 

Reaper: Yeah....Let's get out from here, I need a cold shower.

Slayer: Copy. Let's move troopers!! Let's go back to base!

Sonya: so.....Are you guys leaving now?

Slayer: We have to. Rainbow can't know about us. So you have to keep what you say to yourself okay

Sonya: Yeah, (giggle) I mean you guys already help us a lot, I'll keep in mind. By the way, hey scout! 

 Scout: Yeah? 

 Sonya: You might need this. (toss his tactical magnum to him), Also thanks. (smirk) 

 Scout: You're welcome.

Slayer: Alright let's move!!!! We're going base!!

Ark: Until the next time we meet again!! 

 Scout: (give her two salutes).. 

 Reaper:...Take care of yourself...Sonya

Slayer: Take care of yourself, Sonya. Don't get to crazy

Sonya: I will, So....what should I call your group again?

Slayer: Ashira. Fireteam Ashira is who we are...

As they cloaked themself and vanished from nowhere, suddenly the doors been busted and reveal Rainbow Six, five operators being Ela, Frost, Rookie, Buck, and Twitch. They all look shocked at the scene and Ela asks.

Ela: Did you do this Ma'am (surprised)?

Sonya: (Chuckle) I didn't.

Frost:(shocked) Then who did this?

Sonya: It was the crazy and one of hell group soldiers I can tell you. Their goes by Ashira, Fireteam Ashira. Is nothing I have seen before.

Buck goes to the room with the blood on its window and looks inside and is shocked and then moves away and throws up.

Frost: Buck! are you- (eyes wide horror) Oh my god...(gonna puke)

Ela:(concern) What is it?

Ela goes to the room and sees what's inside

Ela:(terrified) Oh my God!!!!

Sonya: Yeah...I suggest don't go there if I were you, I mean they deserved it (sigh)...They also put two bombs in this basement 

Twitch: Two bombs?! What are they

Sonya: already defuse it both of is Bomb toxic gas, and the other is.- 

 Rookie: (shout hallway) HOLY SHIT!! IS A FUCKING JDAM BOMB!!! 

Ela: What?!!

The operators run down the hallway and into the room Rookie is in to see it 

As they see saw Rookie pointed, it was shocked at how the size of the JDAM Bomb was.

Buck: Holy shit!

Rookie: (shiver) Ma'am...permission to go outside, I don't like to be near that kind of bomb and this scene with a blood bath.

Ela: Go ahead, Rookie. We'll handle this.

As the rookie goes outside, The other operator wonders who the hell is Ashira. As Ela goes to the CCTV room, Ela checks every security camera for more Intel and reports back to Six or Harry. When she replayed the video, When she played it made her shocked she then download all the recordings to bring back to their base Hereford, and Erase all evidence.

Frost: Ela you found anything on the CCTV footage that can tell us what happened here? And who did this?

Ela: When we back to base, I'll tell you right about it....we can't let anyone know about this, I also need to give this intel to Six.

witch:(concern) Why? What's wrong?

Frost:(concern) What did you see?

Ela: I'll tell you guys later. 

Frost: Okay we trust you. But when we get back all the operators need to know. Not just Six. They are going to ask why we came back so fast. Including Eliza

Ela: I know...and thanks. (small smile)

Frost:(smile) We got your back always 

 Buck: Cmon girls. Let's get out of here.

As they leave the scene with Sonya, they can't wait and want to know who is this group and what are they. It looks like White Mask has found a new threat....Now Fireteam Ashira has just made it hard on themself on day one. But they couldn't help it they needed to help because they are a Soldier..... Trooper.....and an ODST it is their duty. What kind of soldier turns back on those who need them. 














To Be Continue.

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