S2 Ep 1: Wanted Arc Part 21: Returning to Rainbow Academy
Recap on Chapter 19 of Season 1...
Narration: Last Season's Episode on Rainbow Academy...
Ruby: Uh, S- Silas, Pyrite, Daisy, what's going on here?
Pyrite: Well, let's just say, it's not something you want to know.
(Back inside of Dark Hall...)
Killer Orca: You are one dead tomboy!
Spider Queen: Princess Ruby! Give me your freaking Ruby Heart!
Ruby: Never!
Empress Tarantula: Here's the deal, Princess Ruby. See this is something I love to call "Big Sleep" potion. But first, let's take the rest of the Royals out of the lab and put them outside in their own tanks.
(Outside of Dark Hall...)
Spider Queen: 2 against 1, so you're clearly outnumbered from us.
Ruby: 2 against 1, you say. I'm fine with that.
Empress Tarantula: Good. Let's get started.
(Both of the women get outsmarted by Princess Ruby)
Spider Queen: Hey! Princess Ruby!
Empress Tarantula: Come back here!
Ruby: You want me? Come and get me!
(Ruby and her friends go on top of a staircase tower)
Spider Queen: What are you waiting for, Princess Ruby?
Pyrite: Are you alright, Ruby?
Ruby: I've went through much worse.
Spider Queen: What the hell?
Ruby: Don't even think about it, bitch!
(Both the Spider Queen & Empress Tarantula transform into their own real forms but bigger as Ruby begins fight them, while the rest of her friends fight Sir Daylight & Sir Midnight off)
(As both Spider Queen & Empress Tarantula attempt to fight back Ruby, she begins glowing red and uses her Ruby Crystal Wand while she calls out one of her new attacks from her own Kins)
Ruby: Ruby Heart Vanquish!
(The 2 women land up in the Pillory)
(Ruby and the rest of her friends go to the rest of the Royals to make sure they are okay and welcome Daisy to join the Royals to come back with them at Rainbow Academy)
Ruby: We're more than just friends, we're a family.
Pyrite: Come on, everyone. Let's go back to Rainbow Academy together.
Narration: And now, the continuation of Rainbow Academy.
(Scene 1: As Ruby and the others return to Rainbow Academy, the Philosopher is outside with Marshmallow waiting for Ruby and the others as they have a surprise for them)
Philosopher (Points at the sky): Look, Marshmallow! It's Princess Ruby and the rest of the Royals!
(Silas & Daisy are carrying the rest of the Royals as they, along with Pyrite & Ruby, all go back to their normal child forms, with everyone looking exhausted)
Silas (Cries out loud): Philosopher! We need Food Bombs for them! Hurry!
Philosopher: Oh, my goodness! Please, come inside at once!
(They all head inside with the Philosopher carrying a tray of different colored Food Bombs for each of the Royals with their own color, eating them, while Silas, Jane, & Louis explaining to the Philosopher that Daisy is joining the team of Royals)
Philosopher: So, you're telling me that Daisy will be part of your team?
Jane: That's right! So, what do you say?
Philosopher: Hmm? I'm not sure what to say, Princess Jane.
Silas: You have to understand, Philosopher. She was created by the Empress Tarantula to destroy the Royals. Now that she can't be abused by her creator anymore, the rest of us have decided to have her in our team. She'll also help me out when she and I need to help the Royals.
Philosopher: Oh, then I guess you can have her in the team, everyone. We wouldn't want her or anyone to get abused. But that reminds me, I have to tell you all something very important.
Daisy: What is it?
Philosopher: If any of you kids ever do something that is not heroic or anything that requires villainous motivations like stealing something, anything that's heinous, or anything that is even worse, murdering people off the streets of Royals Land with your own Kins power, you will be disqualified off the team for a while. There's no telling when you'll come back in the team, but your things will be confiscated, until we allow you back in.
(All the Royals listen carefully as Jane looks more concerned with hoping that no one in the team knows what she did in her Princess Ruby form as the Philosopher has a serious look)
Louis: Thanks for the heads up, Philosopher.
Philosopher: Yes, my Prince Louis. You may proceed to go back to your classroom.
Walter: Wait a second! Louis isn't part of our team.
Don (Whines): And just when we can have more Magical Boys in our team of Royals.
Louis: Don't worry, you two. I'll come and help you all out whenever there's backup. (Talks to Jane) Remember, Jane, if you and the team need me for anything, I'll be in the Preacher's classroom. See you all around. (Exits the classroom)
Philosopher: Okay, now if you kids don't mind, you all need to come with me.
(As the Philosopher directs the kids to a different place in the school, Jane has a bit of a concerned look on her face as she looks out the window and hopes nobody catches her on what she's done as she then follows the rest of them)
(Scene 2: While the Philosopher directs the kids to the different room, they open the door by putting their hand on the touch pad as the door slides open automatically by itself, with the rest of the kids and both dragons follow the Philosopher inside)
Philosopher: Here we are, my young Royal kids.
(A view of the room where there's a large round clear table with touchscreen buttons and different colored chairs with pair of wireless headphones, and a giant flat screen TV, and some other accessories they can use for their missions)
All the Royal kids (Gazing): Wow!
Kiarra: Wow! This looks amazing!
Spencer: Look at all of this stuff.
Enid: Woo-hoo! This is like a new upgrade for what all of us Magical Girls & Magical Boys are going to have!
Lola: Hey, everyone, look at the table.
Naomi: Let's go check it out!
(Everyone races over to the table as the Philosopher tells them to slow down)
Philosopher: Woah! Don't rush to the table so fast, kids.
(The Royal kids all stand nearby the touchscreen table and look at all the buttons that are on there, as they all look amazed, but Vivienne looks at one such button)
Philosopher: Just do not touch anything, okay?
Vivienne: Hey? What does this button do?
(She presses one of the big buttons as it blows everyone to the window as they all scream in fear, with Jane trying to walk over to stop it and glares at Vivienne)
Jane (Snaps): That's what it does!
Chelsea: It's a good thing we all didn't get blown away.
Lola: Yeah! That would be pretty scary!
Harriette: Lola, is there anything that you're not scared of?
Angelique: Go easy on her, Harriette. She'll learn how to be braver around those Threats in Royals Land. It's going to take some time, but she'll learn.
Don (Gawking): It's not just her, Anglique, my diamond.
Walter (Looking at Don): Uh, yeah, we all must learn to improve on what we do too.
Philosopher: By the way, Daisy. Would you like to have an outfit?
Daisy: An outfit for me?
Philosopher: Yep. (Gets Daisy her outfit) Here you go, my young dragon.
Daisy (Grateful): Wow! No one has ever given me something this nice before.
(After changing into her outfit, Daisy appears with a navy-blue turtleneck sleeved sweater, a pair of pale blue jeans, and a pair magenta and white laced sneakers on her feet)
Daisy (Shows off how she looks): Ta-da! How do I look, everybody?
(All the Royal kids give Daisy big thumbs up)
Philosopher: Why, you look amazing!
Silas: You can say that again, Philosopher.
Daisy (Blushing): Thank you so much, everybody! Especially you two, Philosopher & Silas.
Silas (Blushes): Aww, don't mention it.
Philosopher: Okay. Do you young Royal kids mind sitting over there by the table? Meanwhile, Silas & Daisy, could you get that crate over there for me?
Silas & Daisy (Union): Yes, Philosopher.
(Scene 3: As the Philosopher sits in the center of the table, both Silas & Daisy bring in a crate together with a new device the Royals are going to use when transforming)
Philosopher: Thank you, Silas & Daisy. (Takes the crate from them)
Silas & Daisy (Union): You're welcome, Philosopher. (Both of them step back)
Jane: What's inside the crate, Philosopher?
Philosopher: You'll see once I open it,
(The Philosopher opens up the crate as they pass out each of the Royal kids their very own colored small box to each of the students as they all look confused what's inside of the boxes)
Philosopher: Now that all of you Royal kids all have a colored box of your own, you may open it and find out what each of you all have gotten.
(As all the Royal kids begin to open their own boxes, inside comes a colored wristwatch with the same colored heart in the middle with all the Royal kids have a curious look on their faces)
Naomi: A wristwatch?
Vivienne: Um, we have phones to tell us what time it is, Philosopher.
Angelique: So, why give us each a wristwatch to tell us the time.
Philosopher: Pay close attention, everybody. These aren't no ordinary wristwatches; these wristwatches here are more than what meets the eye. You see, these are Royal Communicator Watches. See, these things are only used whenever I or Silas & Daisy are contacting any of you when we assign you from danger. You can contact each other if you'd like, but only when it's necessary. But before you can use them immediately, let us all test them out.
Spencer: And just how do we test them out?
Philosopher: First, I need you all to go to a different room from here. It can only work if you're at a different location from this room here.
(Scene 4: All the Royal kids exit the room as the Philosopher, Silas, & Daisy get the giant flat screen TV and the touchscreen table all set up for them to demonstrate how the watches work for the Royal kids whenever they all go out on any mission that they get assigned with, as the Royal kids are all outside of Rainbow Academy)
Don (Excited): Ooh. I can't wait to be the Magical Boy I hope to be.
Walter (Sarcastic): Really? I can't imagine why that is.
Kiarra: I can't get over how beautiful this green wristwatch is.
Naomi: Are you kidding me. Kiarra? My purple wristwatch is more beautiful than your green one is. And besides, green is my least favorite color there is.
Kiarra: Oh, don't you start with me. (Smoke coming out of her ears)
Naomi: I already am. What are you going to do about it? (Begins sweating tremendously)
Chelsea (Groans): Ugh! Not this crap again.
Harriette: I think we're going to have to get used to their nonsense, Chelsea.
Enid: Let's just hope that the Philosopher gives us all separate missions on different occasions, y'all. Because otherwise, it's just going to let these 2 go cuckoo.
(A beeping sound goes off on the wristwatches that the Royal kids look and press the heart in the center of it to answer the Philosopher as a clear holographic of them appears as they talk)
Philosopher: Greetings, my young Royal kids. So, what do you think?
Jane: Ooh! This looks great, Philosopher.
Chelsea: I'll say.
Lola: I love it so much!
Enid: I can't wait to use this watch more.
Spencer: But does this mean we have to only use these when you assign us a mission?
Philosopher: Actually, Princess Spencer, you and the rest Royal kids in the team will be getting your own mission. But that said, when the wristwatch beeps, that means I need you to stop a Threat that's causing danger in Royals Land.
Vivienne: Are there any other sound effects to these watches?
Philosopher: Why, yes, there's a different sound effect. If any of you are nearby a Threat from someplace, that means you are nearby said Threat.
Harriette: Geez! These wristwatches are quite useful.
Angelique: What about our Magical Girl or Magical Boy transformations, Philosopher?
Naomi (Squeals): Oh, I'd love to see if our transformations updated!
Philosopher: The transformations will only be shown right after I assign you the mission. Today8 will be your day off, so I advise all of you Royal kids to not see your updated transformation immediately. But remember, kids. These wristwatches are only used when it's necessary.
Kiarra: Got it, Philosopher.
Walter: I have another question. How long does the battery of these wristwatches last?
Philosopher: My young Prince Walter, the batteries in them are lifelong. So, none of you won't have to worry about them dying.
Don: Sweet! This is magnificent!
Philosopher: All you Royal kids can come back inside now. (Turns off)
(As everyone goes back inside, Jane is a bit unsure what to think about what's going to happen in the future when she's fighting off dangerous Threats since she does not know if she'll be able to or not)
(Scene 5: As both Silas & Daisy get the beds ready for the Royal kids to take their naps, the Royal kids are eating their breakfast as Jane looks a little more upset than she already did before while looking at her red wristwatch on her left wrist)
Jane (Sighs in monologue): What am I going to do?
Naomi: Hey, little sister, is there something wrong?
Jane: Huh?
Walter: You look quite gloomy.
Jane: Oh! It's nothing, really.
Don: Do you want to talk about it?
Jane: Nah! I'm sure I'll be fine, everyone.
Lola: O... Kay then?
(The Philosopher comes in to check on them and tell them more on what's going to happen)
Philosopher: Alright, kids. Now that you all have a new device to use, you'll be using them whenever I assign you all on a mission. Now, keep in mind, everyone, when I give you all an assignment, you can either work in a team of how you'd like, or you can work by yourself. If you all work together in a team, make sure you work together. But if you work by yourself, you need to be extra careful on how you stop the Threat. Any questions
Harriette (Raises her hand): I have a question, Philosopher.
Philosopher: Yes, Princess Harriette.
Harriette: Do we have to report back on what we did or what's happening?
Philosopher: You don't need to report back on what's happening, but if you need to call for backup or something, call me so I can either have Silas or Daisy help you out.
(School bell rings)
Philosopher: Well, breakfast time is over, everybody! Once you're finished cleaning up, come back to the classroom as I have something else to add in your alter ego. (Walks away with their cane, with Marshmallow following behind)
(The Royal kids begin cleaning up after themselves)
Enid: Are you sure everything's alright, gal?
Jane: Yeah, I'm sure everything's alright, Enid. I appreciate all of you checking up on me.
Kiarra: Hey, that is what friends are there for.
Vivienne: We'll have your back no matter what.
Angelique: If you need something from us, just ask us.
Harriette: Besides, you helped save us.
Spencer: Let us help you out the same way you helped us.
Lola: You're like a maternal figure for the team.
Walter: Despite how naive you can be at times; we still appreciate you.
Naomi: Never put yourself down during situations.
Don: We're here to help each other get back up again.
Chelsea: Don't be afraid to ask us. (Holds Jane's hands with her hands) Didn't you say that we're more than a team, we're like a family?
Jane: Yeah, I did say that. Thanks for that, everyone.
(All the Royal kids hug Jane as they all show how much they care for her)
Jane: Uh, everyone, we should really get cleaning up.
(Everyone proceeds to clean up as they all take the trash bag out together)
(Scene 6: As the Philosopher, Silas & Daisy all wait for the students to return to go back to class, the Royal kids all return as they all sit down on the chairs around in a circle)
Philosopher: Welcome back, my young Royals. I've came to give you all another upgrade for your own transformations. I'd like another setting to on the watches you have. See, these watches will also have you all disguise yourselves whenever you are undercover.
(Gets the giant flat TV screen ready to show how the watches work for the Royal kids to demonstrate how the watches work as it shows how the Philosopher describes it)
Vivienne: Does it matter how we disguise ourselves or not?
Philosopher: No, it doesn't matter, Princess Vivienne. You all just need to disguise yourself where nobody can spot you. I don't care whereabouts you disguise yourself, just don't do in front of anyone or they might get suspicious on your identities.
Don: Disguise ourselves, you say? Now you're speaking my language.
Naomi (Holds Don's hand): Mine too, young man. (Holds Walter's hand and talks to him) How about you, my Prince Walter?
Walter (Sarcastic): Yeah, I'm the Master of Disguises.
Naomi: Neat! Maybe we call all be a married couple if we go undercover.
Kiarra: Oh, God help me, please. (Rolls her eyes)
Philosopher: Now, don't get all too much on these disguises all at once. You need to understand to use these disguises when it's absolutely necessary and crucial, my Royal kids. If I assign you to a mission, you can disguise yourself to cover your tracks, but don't do it until further ado.
Lola (Raises her hand): Excuse me, Philosopher. I have a quick question.
Philosopher: Yes, Princess Lola.
Lola: Do we do this in our actual child selves, or do we do it when we go into our alter egos?
(A vision of the screen shows more of what the watch does for the Royal kids)
Philosopher: That's the part I'm getting too, actually. You see, my Royal kids, you can do this in either form. Just don't do anything sexual or anything else that causes suspicion. These watches will also only have you disguise yourself when you do different jobs and occupations.
Enid: If we use our watches to transform us, how does it work?
Philosopher: That's the part I'm going to demonstrate, Princess Enid.
(The screen shows how the watch is used when it transforms one of the Royals)
Philosopher: You see, my young Royal kids, the watch you all have on your left or right wrist, in order to transform, you must have it scan your entire face and then you can transform into whatever you like. It's also worth pointing out that you mustn't overuse your disguises, or your watch will glitch and malfunction. These watches weren't easy to prepare for you all to use. Any other questions, my Royal students?
Kiarra (Raises her hand): I have a question, Philosopher.
Philosopher: Yes, Princess Kiarra?
Kiarra: I know this is somewhat off topic, but whenever we go out on these missions, does this mean we're going to be doing this Magical Girl/Magical Boy job around different times?
Philosopher: Yes, there are going to be different times that you all will be doing your job. You all might do this around nighttime since that's usually where more of the Threats will come out and try doing something lurking and sinister.
Walter: I wouldn't mind doing at nighttime at all.
Don (Frightened): Wait! You did not just say nighttime. Did you, Philosopher?
Philosopher: No need to fret, Prince Don. This job isn't going to be around nighttime all the time; there will be daytime shifts. But if you can't handle doing it around nighttime, I won't force you. But you will have someone to stick with you.
Don: Like Angelique? (Angelique blushes as Don hugs her)
Philosopher: We'll see what happens. I'll answer one more question. Anyone?
Naomi (Raises her hand): Do you mind if we could test them out for right now? Because if they don't operate when we go out on assignments, we're screwed.
Chelsea (Raises her hand): Yeah, because we need to test them out.
Spencer (Raises her hand): It's better to be safe than sorry.
Philosopher: Okay, my Royal students. Since you brought up an interesting point. But first, instead of going outside since I don't want any one of you getting caught from what your act is.
(Scene 7: The Philosopher, Marshmallow, both of the Mascots, and all 12 of the Royals go to the Gymnasium where they see a different mentor who looks a bit buff and wearing a small red orange headband, a red tank top, and dark brick red sweatpants coming out)
Philosopher: My Royal students, I'd like you to meet another mentor in Rainbow Academy, Mr. Sinn.
All 12 Royals (Union): Nice to meet you, Mr. Sinn.
Mr. Sinn: Hello, my Royal students.
Philosopher: And he is going to be your mentor to demonstrate on how to use the watches you're going to use.
Vivienne: Wait a second, Philosopher. I thought you said that we're not supposed to demonstrate anyone aside from you.
Philosopher: Princess Vivienne, dear. I said anyone outside of Rainbow Academy. Anyone from here in this school, whether it's students or mentors, you can show us. Just don't show anyone outside of Rainbow Academy.
Vivienne: Oh, I understand now.
Walter: Does she?
Philosopher: Marshmallow, Silas, Daisy and I will be over there and make sure you all, including you, Mr. Sinn can come to us if there's something you need.
Mr. Sinn: Don't worry, Philosopher. After I go the instructions and my clipboard here already for me to grade how well they do. After that, I can give you the results on how they do. I'll let you and the other 3 proceed and go back to the classroom. I'll make sure they are all ready. I keep my word and promises.
Philosopher: Oh, okay. Thanks for that, Mr. Sinn. (Marshmallow climbs on the Philosopher's shoulder and talks to Silas & Daisy and wishes their students) Come on, everyone else.
Silas: Good luck, Royal kids.
Daisy: We are all wishing you the best.
Mr. Sinn: Alright! Let's get started on testing those watches. (Gets the clipboard out with a sharpen pencil to use) But first, put on these outfits I have ready for all of you.
Jane: Outfits? What outfits?
Mr. Sinn: These outfits here. (Points to the outfits on the two folded chairs with each a different colored hoodie and black pair of long sweatpants with a stripe on each leg) Don't change here- change in the locker rooms across from here.
(Scene 8: In the girls' locker room, the girls look at how most of them look in the outfits they are wearing, whereas Jane blushes and thinks of how she looks more like Vinnie)
Naomi: This purple hoodie looks nice on me.
Kiarra: Naturally someone like you would say that about yourself.
Chelsea: No wonder why you're so green and I'm so blue. (Chuckles) Get it?
Vivienne: Yellow is so much better, girls.
Harriette: Says who? Pink is more feminine than you think, ladies.
Angelique: I'm so grey. (Blushes) Hopefully Don doesn't comment on it.
Spencer: Got to say, he must really like you. Oh, but I wonder what Walter will think of me when I'm wearing orange.
Lola: How do I look in black, Enid?
Enid: I think it looks nice on you. Even though it's really you in all black. I'm wearing brown and black. (Looks at Jane in the mirror) Come on, Jane. Let us all see how you look.
Jane: I don't know about you girls, but whenever I wear red, I kind of remind myself of my Daddy in a way.
Harriette: Why? Did he always wear a hoodie with black sweatpants with red stripes?
Jane: Yeah, when he goes to bed. I hope to be like a Daddy too!
(All the girls faint and moan)
Jane: Oops! Did I say something wrong? Uh? Girls?
(In the boys' locker room, Walter & Don are both changing as Don gets himself thoroughly dressed as Walter looks in the mirror and sees Don his violet purse)
Walter: Uh, Don?
Don: Yes, Walter? (Brushes his hair)
Walter: We're getting ready to train with the girls, not go to a special party.
Don: I know, Walter. I just thought I'd make myself super cute in front of Angelique. Do you think she likes me?
Walter: Uh, why are you asking me that? You should ask her that yourself.
(Both boys look in the mirror together)
Don: Violet is so my color. It's such a beautiful color to me.
Walter (Sarcastic): Gee, I never knew you liked it so much. Thanks for telling me that, Don.
Don: Quit the sarcasm, Walter. That 'language' is getting to me.
Walter: Then don't let it get to me. Anyways, turquoise is quite the color for me.
(Hears a whistle blowing outside of the room)
Mr. Sinn (Talking in the bullhorn): You kids have 1 minute left to come out!
(As all the Royal kids get ready to come out as they check to make sure they have their watches on their own wrists)
Jane: Let's all get out there, girls.
(All the girls come out as they all line up while the boys come out afterwards)
Walter: Let's get out there, Don.
Don (Squeals): Yay!
(All the boys come out as Spencer waves to Walter, Don blows a kiss to Angelique while she blushes, and Naomi gazes at how the boys look in their own hoodies and sweatpants)
Mr. Sinn: O... kay? I don't what you kids were doing there, but let's get started. Anyways, as you all know, I am going to teach you all to properly test out your watches. But remember what the Philosopher told all of you; you must only use these watches when it's absolutely necessary. So, I do hope you all are ready to get started.
(Scene 9: In Royals Lands' Pillory, the Spider Queen & Empress Tarantula are both doing time as they are both hammering rocks with tools while both are chained up)
Female Guard (Yelling in a bullhorn): Okay, ladies! You can all take 5!
Spider Queen: About damn time!
Empress Tarantula: Right?
Female Guard: Spider Queen? Someone is calling you.
Spider Queen (Yells): What is it?!
Female Guard (Moans): Oh, my God. I meant on the phone inside the big house, you fool. (Mumbles to herself while face palming) I don't ever get paid enough for my job.
(Inside, the Spider Queen answers the phone as Sir Midnight in his new wheelchair is on the phone, alongside with Werewolf Woman and Grizelle are on the other side)
Spider Queen (Miserable): Hello?
Sir Midnight: Hi, honey. I see that you're not looking too well.
Spider Queen (Rolling her eyes): Gee! Whatever gave you that idea?
Sir Midnight: So, we got good news and bad news to tell you.
Spider Queen: By all means, spill out the beans to me.
Sir Midnight: The good news your friends Grizelle & Werewolf Woman have made a Wanted poster to show you.
Spider Queen: How in all of the living of all hell is that good news, deary?
Sir Midnight: Why, don't you understand, love? Take a look for yourself.
(The Spider Queen looks at the poster that her husband hands her as she slowly grins with her teeth showing and starts laughing maniacally)
Spider Queen: Yes! Yes! Yes! This is the Wanted poster that I've been wanting to see. (Kisses the poster) Oh, you don't know how much I love it. This is what I've been waiting for. Now, tell me about how many copies of this poster you all have made as of now.
Sir Midnight: Well, you see, that's the bad news.
Spider Queen (Surprised): What?!
Sir Midnight: Grizelle and Werewolf Woman here only made...
Spider Queen: How many?
(As Sir Midnight and both of the ladies sweat and stammer nervously, they are all a little nervous to tell how many copies they have made on the poster)
Spider Queen: Well? I'm waiting for an answer.
Sir Midnight: Well, I'm out of here. (Rolls away) You can tell her yourself, ladies. (Exits out of the room, leaving the ladies with his wife)
Spider Queen (Losing patience): I don't have all day, you idiots! Tell me how many copies are there now!
Grizelle: Well, ...
Spider Queen (Mimics Grizelle): "Well?"(Angered) Spit it out now!
Werewolf Woman: We only have 1 copy.
Spider Queen (Slowly glaring): What... did you say?
Grizelle: 1 copy, your majesty. (Chuckles nervously)
Spider Queen (Angered): No! Make more than 1 copy! Immediately! (Hangs up the phone and walks away while looking at the poster) You will get caught... one of these days. One of these days, you will get caught. (Snickers)
(As she throws the Wanted poster on the ground while going back to the pillory as the audience sees that the Wanted poster has a picture of Princess Ruby on it with her face looking angry)
To Be Continued...
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