S1 Ep 9: Royals Arc Part 9: Diamonds Are a Girl's True Best Friend

Recap on the Previous Chapter

Harriette: Hello, ladies. I am Harriette, Princess of the Tourmaline area. I am 5 years old, with my birthday landing on October 10th. It's nice to meet you, Princesses.

Jane: Well, it's nice to meet you, Harriette. Are you willing to-

Harriette: -join the Royals? I'll be more than happy to!

Silas: Okay, Princess Harriette, I assume you already know what these are and what it's for, correct?

Harriette: Yes, Silas.

(Outside of Rainbow Academy...)

Harriette: I just wanted to be able to help those around me with my Kins power.

Enid: Do you mind telling us what kind of Kins you possess, girl?

Harriette: Well, I possess the power that has anything to do with being Psychic.

(At Dungeon a la Lair...)

Sir Midnight: Damn it! I must find a way to defeat that damn Princess Ruby!

Sir Daylight: Are you sure you don't need any assistance from someone, Orpheus? Someone like... me?

Sir Midnight: What the hell are you doing here, my big brother, Apollo?

Sir Daylight: I was hoping to use my Sunlight strength to weaken her since Rubies are known to be weaken by too much Sunlight.

Sir Midnight: Let me get my pistol ready for back up.

(Back at Rainbow Academy...)

Lola: Tell us more, please! That's if you want to!

Harriette: If I use too much of it at once, I could get a severe headache, hence why I need to chillax a little, as well as concentrate on healing a bit. You girls don't think I'm a freak with my Psychic powers, do you?

Chelsea: Of course not.

Spencer: We're all here for each other.

Silas: Hey, do you girls want to come with me to check on the Philosopher?

All 7 girls (Union): Sure.

(Inside of Rainbow Academy...)

Philosopher: I can definitely see how much you girls care about me. Come over here so I can give you all a big hug. No matter how different you are, I'll love you just the way you are. It shows your true colors and how much you care about each other.

(Back at Dungeon a la Lair...)

Sir Daylight: I wish we could have bonded when we were younger. Especially since those damn teenagers our own left eyes swollen & glowing. Orpheus? Orpheus? Orpheus?

Sir Midnight: Yes, Apollo?

Sir Daylight: Are you okay?

Sir Midnight: Yes. Yes, I am, big brother. (Pulls the trigger)

(Outside of Rainbow Academy, Silas transforms big, and all the girls transform into their Magical Girl forms)

Silas: get ready for anything, Royals!

Sir Midnight: Fancy seeing you again, Princess Ruby. (Points his pistol at her)

Ruby: This doesn't look good! (Flies away but gets shot on the arm)

Sir Daylight (Slowly claps): Well, done, my little brother.

Ruby: Who the damn hell are you?

Sir Daylight: Why, I am Sir Daylight, Sir Midnight's big brother.

Tourmaline: Stop! I refuse to have you hurt my friend! (Calls out one of her attacks) Psychic Pink Beams!

Ruby: Thanks a lot, Tourmaline! I owe you one.

Smoky Quartz: Thank you so much, Tourmaline!

Silas: Are you alright, Ruby?

Ruby: Absolutely.

Little girl (Whispering to herself): That was absolutely positively cool. (Ice comes out) Oopsie.

(Back at Dungeon a la Lair...)

Sir Daylight: Well, (Sighs) I guess I must be going now. See you, little brother.

Sir Midnight: So long, big brother.

(Sir Midnight gets shot on the left leg from Sir Daylight)

Spider Queen: Hey, honey, I came back and... (Gasps and sees her husband severely bleeding on the floor)

Narration: And now, the continuation of Rainbow Academy.

(Scene 1: Back at Dungeon a la Lair where the previous chapter left off, the Spider Queen is scared what happened to her husband)

Spider Queen (Worried and crying while hugging her husband): Honey?! What the hell happened to you?! Tell me, please! Who has done this to you?

Sir Midnight (Weak): Honey... it was... (Hissing in pain) It was...

Spider Queen (Continues crying): Was it Princess Ruby? If so, I will go after that sick bitch. But first, I must call the Healers up to take you to the Healer's Health Center to get you treated. I'll be right back; I've got to get my phone.

(After a little while, the Guards and Healers both came over to take Sir Midnight to the Healer's Health Center, while Spider Queen clenches on to her husband's hand and doesn't let go of him)

Spider Queen: Don't worry, dear. (Wipes her eyes with her handkerchief, sniffles) I'll get that Princess Ruby for what she did to you. I promise with all of my heart.

Sir Midnight: Honey?

Spider Queen: Yes? What is it, darling?

Sir Midnight: You must stop... (Moaning in pain)

Spider Queen: Don't worry, dear. I'll get Princess Ruby for what she's done. I'll be with you as soon as I can.

(The ambulance drives off as the Spider Queen has a glare look on her face as she vows to get revenge, while stomping back inside to Dungeon a la Lair)

Spider Queen (Angered): That damn Princess Ruby! She has really done it! She has really crossed the line this time! (Throws a book to the wall) I am this close to killing her for what she did to my sweet husband! (Kicks the wall) The one that I could not eat due to how much he's loved me for who I am! (Punches a hole in the wall and growls in anger)

(As the Spider Queen continues to get angrier, the Mysterious Woman pops on the giant TV screen and asks her little sister how things are going lately)

Mysterious Woman (Smiles): Hello, my dear little sister. How are things going with you?

Spider Queen (Yells and cries): What in the living hell do you think, big sister?! I am super pissed off! (Blows her nose)

Mysterious Woman (Unconcerned): Yes, I can see that. Tell your dear big sister what happened.

Spider Queen: My husband has been shot!

Mysterious Woman (Oblivious): Oh, my God. That sounds terrible. I am so sorry to hear that. I am sure you'll get better soon.

Spider Queen (Glares in anger): I must be going now. I am going to get that Princess Ruby for what she has done to my husband.

Mysterious Woman (Grins): I'm sure you will. (Turns of the TV)

Spider Queen (Grabs her scepter and eggplant purple and black spider purse): I will get you for this, Princess Ruby.

(Scene 2: At the Mysterious Woman's place, she goes to wait for her husband as she looks at her latest creation and talks to it)

Mysterious Woman: Oh, my beautiful latest creation, my little sister is such a fool. She really thinks Princess Ruby shot Sir Midnight. Isn't she such a gullible woman? I know it's taking a while, but I promise that you will get your chance to get Princess Ruby and the Royals - I promise.

(Someone comes in the room and talks to the Mysterious Woman)

Sir Daylight: My Empress? My wife? I have returned after the assignment you've assigned me.

Mysterious Woman: Excellent. (Kneels down to pick up her husband and kisses him) My sweet husband, what'd I do without you?

Sir Daylight: So, how's our latest creation coming along?

Mysterious Woman: Patience, darling; she'll be finished as soon as possible. (Puts Sir Daylight on the footstool) See for yourself if you don't believe me.

(An orange dragon with her eyes closed with magenta scales appear on the table with the desk light shining on it)

Sir Daylight: Brilliant work, my love. When do you think we should have our creation destroy Princess Ruby and her team?

Mysterious Woman (Lifts up Sir Daylight's chin up with her finger): How about we send her on her second birthday since it's going to be 2 years that we've been making her.

Sir Daylight: Great idea, dear.

(The two proudly look at their dragon as they give each other a genuine hug)

(Scene 3: Back at Rainbow Academy where Silas & the Princesses transform into their child forms, the girl with a sky blue ponytail and grey uniform follows them all back inside, while hiding after they all return to the classroom)

Lola: Phew! That was some action, huh, girls?

Vivienne: You can say that again, Lola.

Chelsea: Yeah. Thanks again, Harriette.

Spencer: We appreciate you saving all of us.

Harriette (Off screen): No problem, everyone. I was doing whatever I can to help save your lives.

Jane (Panting and sweating while holding her arm): We really appreciate what you've done for us, Harriette.

Enid: Hey, Jane, what's the matter?

(Jane passes out on the floor, while Silas puts his hand on her forehead)

Silas: Oh, my God, everybody; she's burning up! Go get Nurse Tabitha! Stat!

Jane (Continues panting): Silas?

Silas: Don't worry, Jane. The girls went to go and get Nurse Tabitha.

Philosopher (Rushes over): What's going on here?

Silas (Worried): I don't know, Philosopher. Jane isn't feeling too well.

Philosopher: Let me take a look at her. (Picks her up in their arms to put Jane in the bedroom where she was before)

Little girl (Walks up to Silas): Is she going to be alright?

Silas: I hope so. (Surprised and falls to the floor) Hold up. Who exactly are you?

(The girls return in the classroom with Nurse Tabitha and surprised to see a girl next to Silas, while Nurse Tabitha asks where she is)

Nurse Tabitha: Silas? Could you show me whereabouts is Jane?

Silas: Of course. Let me escort you there.

(After Silas shows Nurse Tabitha the way, Louis bursts in the Philosopher's classroom to see what happened to Jane)

Louis (Slamming the door open): What happened?! Where's Jane?! I need to find out what happened!

Silas: Come with me, Louis. (Talks the girl) You need to stay here with the rest of the Princesses. I'll be right back. Maybe you can acquaint with them.

(As Louis follows Silas, the Princesses introduce themselves to the girl)

Spencer: Excuse me but who are you?

Angelique: Hey, girls. I am Angelique, Princess of the Diamond area. I am 6 years old, with my birthday landing on April 4th.

Harriette: It's a pleasure to meet you, Angelique.

Angelique: Now, let's go check on your friend.

Chelsea: Right!

(Scene 4: As all the girls go over to check on how Jane is doing, they all see Louis holding on to Jane's hand to make sure she's alright)

Louis: So, Nurse Tabitha, is she going to be alright?

Nurse Tabitha: Don't worry, Louis. She'll be just fine after she-

(The rest of the girls burst in to panic as they check on Jane)

Angelique: Tell us, Nurse Tabitha, what's going to happen?

Lola (Cries): Don't have her die from the shot, please!

Nurse Tabitha (Calms everyone down): Everyone, please! Calm down! now, Jane is going to be fine. (Gets something out her first aid kit which looks like a red ghost) Here you go, Jane. I need you eat this.

Jane (Weakened): What is that?

Philosopher: That's a strange looking kind of food.

Nurse Tabitha: It's a Food Bomb.

Silas: It's not going to blow up, is it?

Enid (Whines): Don't kill her, Nurse!

Angelique (Angered): What kind of Nurse are you if you're going to kill your patient?

Spencer: Don't make us use our Kins on you?

Vivienne: You should be ashamed of yourself!

Nurse Tabitha: Will you all please calm down? A Food Bomb doesn't kill people. See, these Food Bombs are only eaten whenever someone gets harmed by anything that is made from a Kins Stealer Stone. It also comes in many different colors and flavors to the person with Kins.

Chelsea: A Kins Stealer Stone? What's that?

Nurse Tabitha: A Kins Stealer Stone is a very dangerous stone that is rainbow-colored and can harm anyone who possesses Kins. In fact, it can made into anything from jewelry, bullets, handcuffs, jail cells, chains, and anything else. So, I'd advise all of you kids be extra cautious and avoid at all costs.

Jane (Takes a bite of the Food Bomb, chews on it, and burps out some red smoke out of her mouth): This tastes like red apples. Yummy!

Louis: How are you feeling, Jane?

Jane: I am doing better than before. Thanks for asking, Louis.

Louis: Hey, what are friends for?

Angelique (Impatient): Come on, everyone! Let's go back out there! Let's go, let's go, let's go! (Runs to the classroom before anyone else does)

Nurse Tabitha: Remember what I told you, kids. (Talks to the Philosopher) As for you, Philosopher, you should go back to bed and rest.

Philosopher: Understandable, Nurse Tabitha. But I want to give something to Silas, before he instructs the new student what she needs to know about what happens at Rainbow Academy.

(Scene 5: Back with the Spider Queen, she grunts in anger as she searches high and low to find Princess Ruby to get revenge after what happened to her husband)

Spider Queen: I will not have this! I will not rest until I find Princess Ruby! Once I get her, I will get her for what she did to my beloved husband! She is going to be as dead as a doornail. Maybe while I'm at it, I can steal that Ruby Heart away from her and take it for myself.

(As she sits down by the tree nearby her, she gets her light purple diary and gets her case of 30 pens out of her purse to write, she starts writing)

Spider Queen (Monologue): Dear Diary, I am absolutely pissed off. I am going to go and search to find Princess Ruby and get revenge on her by getting her Ruby Heart. This bitch deserves to die after what she's done to my beloved husband. Don't worry, Diary. I will do whatever it takes to get that disgusting Royal out of sight. That's all for the day. Period.

(As the Spider Queen finishes writing in her diary, she locks up her diary and case of 30 pens and puts it away in her purse, gets up and grabs her purse and scepter, and starts making her way to Rainbow Academy)

Spider Queen (Gets her scepter ready): Yes, yes, yes! I have my scepter ready to harm that damn Princess Ruby. She will pay for this with her own life. I will not rest until I get that sick, twisted Princess! (Grabs the stick bug from the bark of the tree coming near her, chews and spits the head out) It's good not caring.

(Scene 6: Back at Rainbow Academy, Angelique hurries back to the classroom as she's super excited to know what she's going to do)

Angelique: Will all of you please hurry up?

Chelsea: Give us a second, Angelique. We need to make sure Jane is alright.

Angelique (Groans): Ugh! Okay.

Louis: Take it easy, Jane. (Pulls out a chair for Jane) We don't want you going through the same situation as you did before.

Jane: Thanks for this, Louis. As well as the rest of you.

Angelique (Talks fast): You're welcome. Okay, c'mon, everyone! I'm ready for what I'm going to learn about Rainbow Academy! Let's go, let's go, let's go!

Philosopher. Wait a minute, my Princess.

Angelique (Frustrated): Ugh!

Philosopher: Silas? I've got you something. (Hands a pair of clothing to Silas) Here you go.

Silas: Gee! Thanks, Philosopher. I'll go and put them on.

(After Silas puts the clothing on, he has on a white shirt with rolled up sleeves, dark blue suspenders, a pair of blue pants, a black belt with golden buckle, and a pair of brown shoes on his feet, and keeps on the same stopwatch he has on before)

All the kids (Union): You look great, Silas!

Silas: You really think so? Thanks!

Philosopher: You look very distinguished. Now, you can instruct the new Princess what she's going to do. (Gets into their bed gently)

Silas: You got it, Philosopher. (Talks to Angelique) Okay, Princess. Are you ready for what you're going to do at Rainbow Academy?

Angelique: You bet I am.

Silas: Alright. I'll be right back.

Jane: Hello there, Angelique. I'm Princess Jane. And these are Louis, Chelsea, Lola, Enid, Spencer, Vivienne, & Harriette.

Vivienne: Why, it's a pleasure to meet you, Angelique.

Lola: You have such a pretty name.

Angelique: Thank you, Lola.

Spencer: By the way, Angelique? Why did you act like you were in a quick rush to know what's going to happen here at Rainbow Academy?

Angelique: Well, if you must know, I saw your pink friend, in this case, Harriette, and she saved Jane's life from getting hurt and that's what inspired me to become a Magical Girl. (Some ice comes out of her) Oopsie. It's happening again.

Harriette: Aww. (Blushes) You are really too cute and complimenting. But wait, how did you know that was me saving Jane's life? It could have been someone else.

Angelique: Nope. That was you; I know it was. Plus, being a Magical Girl would be quite a help. It'd be good for my own Kins which is around ice.

Chelsea: Icy what you mean. (Giggles)

Angelique (Annoyed): Really?

Chelsea: Sorry about that.

Angelique: That's okay.

(Scene 7: Silas comes back in with a box for Angelique for what she needs in order to become a Magical Girl)

Silas: Okay, Angelique, my Princess. I have your things right here. (Opens up the box with a grey collar with a grey diamond heart and a round shaped Gemstone)

Angelique (Squeals): Ooh! This is absolutely positively exciting! I'm finally going to become a Magical Girl! (More ice comes out of herself) Oopsie.

Silas (Puts the pendant around Angelique's neck): Do you mind telling us why you keep getting more and more ice out of yourself?

Louis: Yeah. I was wondering the same thing too. That is, if you don't mind telling us. Please.

Angelique: Well, you see, everybody. If I ever get too excited about anything that I say, do, or witness, my ice can come out as quickly as it can. I have yet to learn how to control it.

Vivienne: Fascinating.

Angelique: Not really, Vivienne. I still have to learn not to make it worse every time.

Chelsea: Well, you came to the right place, Angelique.

Enid: Yeah. Welcome to Rainbow Academy; a school where you can become a Magical Girl/Boy and to better master your own Kins.

Angelique: Wow! You know something? Maybe all of you aren't that bad after all.

Lola: What makes you say that?

Angelique: Because I've heard any Royal who's lower than a Diamond are just worst for not showing off their true colors. But as it turns out, you all have true colors that I can really appreciate more than I thought.

Jane: Aww, thanks for that, Angelique. Also, welcome to the team where we call ourselves the Royals.

Angelique: No problem, Jane. How are you feeling?

Jane: I'm getting better than ever. Thanks for asking me.

Louis: Although I am a temporary member of the Royals, I do what I can to help out.

Angelique: I hate to stick my nose into your business, but are you two always by each other's sides? Because you two look cute together.

(Jane and Louis blush as they don't know how to respond to that)

Angelique: It's alright if you don't want to answer that. I just love to see relationships with people who'll be there for each other through and through.

Silas (Growing in his big size): Wow! Every time I transform into my 1-year-old baby size and my 11- year-old adult size, my clothes don't tear off. Thanks again, Philosopher.

Philosopher: No problem, Silas. I'd thought you might need clothing to make sure you don't have to worry about feeling left out. (Moans in pain while holding their stomach after it growls)

Silas: What's wrong? Are you feeling hungry?

Angelique: Yeah, that does sound like you might to need to eat something.

Philosopher: No, I'm in more pain than ever before. I... (Stomach continues to growl) need... to stay in my... bed and rest. (Pants lightly)

Louis: Do you need anything?

Philosopher (Snaps): No! (Calmly) Just have you, Silas, and the rest of the Princesses go outside and train some more. (Pants lightly)

(Scene 8: As Silas and the kids go outside, they all look very concerned about what's happening to the Philosopher)

Angelique: Has the Philosopher ever acted like this before?

Harriette: Nope. Not all.

Chelsea: Jane, you've been with the Philosopher a lot longer than us. Have they ever acted like this before?

Jane: Nope. Not at all.

Spencer: I am deeply concerned about the Philosopher.

Lola: Me too, Spencer. Me too. (Crying her eyes out)

Enid (Hugs Lola): Don't cry, Lola. We're all here for them.

Silas (Hands Lola a tissue): Exactly. We will always have them like a moral guardian.

Vivienne: Think of us like we are all their own biological kids, except not literally.

Silas (Stands in front everyone on top of the stage): She's right; we are all going to do whatever we can to help make Royals Land a much better and safer place as well as Rainbow Academy. Listen to me when I say this, everybody. We all mustn't let anything consume us; no weaknesses, no downplays, no failures. So, I need you all, including you, Louis, to not let any of those get to you. Never let the worst of your negative aspects get to you as well.

Angelique: And we shouldn't anyone tell us who's any different. We're here for those around that need us Royals. We're here to carry out the hearts within us. So, let's get ourselves ready for whenever there's danger.

Silas: Right!

(Scene 9: Silas & the rest of the kids go to a place where they can transform into their own alter egos to prepare for what threat comes along the way)

Silas: So, without further ado, get ready to transform into your alter egos. (Silas transforms into his 11-year-old adult size)

Jane: I am Princess Ruby! (Ruby appears)

Louis: I am Prince Pyrite! (Pyrite appears)

Chelsea: Princess Sapphire! (Sapphire appears)

Lola: Princess Onyx!  (Onyx appears)

Enid: Princess Smoky Quartz! (Smoky Quartz appears)

Spencer: Princess Spessartite! (Spessartite appears)

Vivienne: Princess Citrine! (Citrine appears)

Harriette: Princess Tourmaline! (Tourmaline appears)

Angelique (Amazed): Wow! You all look amazing! I hope I am able to transform into my Magical Girl form too!

(As Angelique's pendant glows grey, she transforms from a 6-year-old girl whose 4' 7" tall to a 16-year-old girl whose 5' 7" tall, with her short sky-blue wavy ponytail grows from being on her head as a little girl to longer wavy sky-blue wavy ponytail growing down to her ankles as a teenager. She earns a golden tiara with a grey gemstone on her forehead, her fingernails are painted grey, silver bracelets with a silver bell ball on each wrist, baby pink lips, her school uniform changes into a grey short-sleeved crop top and grey skirt, along with a pair of white knee socks and a pair of grey sneakers. She has a pair of grey butterfly wings on her back. Her round shaped Gemstone transforms into a Diamond Dagger Sword. Her voice changes into a bubbly little girl high-pitched voice to a normal teenage girl voice who's mellowed out.)

Diamond (Surprised): Oh, my God! This is amazing. Now, everybody, you can call me by Magical Girl alter ego name, 'Princess Diamond.'

Onyx (Excited): That's a lot more beautiful than ever before!

Diamond: Thanks! I figured to come up with something that has nice ring to it!

Ruby: Alright! Enough screwing around, everyone! Let's get ready for what's coming.

(Behind the tree nearby the team, the Spider Queen spots Princess Ruby as she gets her scepter ready to blast her)

Spider Queen: There she is! Say 'Goodbye', Princess Ruby. (Blasts her scepter at her)

Ruby: We don't want anything to happen to- (Gets blasted) Ouch!

Pyrite (Rushes over to Ruby): Ruby!

Ruby: What the hell was that?

Sapphire: You seem to get more hurt than any of us do. Why is that?

Ruby: I don't know, Sapphire. (Gets up and shouts) Alright! Come out whoever you are! (Gets her Ruby Crystal Wand ready)

(The Spider Queen comes out of from behind the tree)

Spider Queen: Well, well, well. If it isn't my greatest worst enemy. Princess Ruby.

Onyx (Screams): It's the Spider Queen!

Smoky Quartz: Why the hell are you here?

Tourmaline: This is the Spider Queen? She looks more human than spider.

Diamond: Yeah. She looks like she's cosplaying as Cybersix.

Citrine: That could explain the outfit so much.

Spider Queen: Quit your chitchatting; all of you. Princess Ruby, I came to kill you.

(Everyone gasps)

Ruby: Kill me? Why?

Spider Queen (Grabs Princess Ruby by her crop top): Because you shot my husband Sir Midnight's leg. (Puts the scepter up to her face)

Tourmaline: There must be some misconception. Ruby didn't shoot your husband.

Spessartite: Maybe there's been a bit of a misunderstanding as well.

Spider Queen (Shouts): Shut up, you brats! (Calmly talks to Ruby) Now, tell me, Princess Ruby, either you tell me why you shot my husband's leg and left him severely wounded or you will die and give me your ruby Heart right now in front of me and your dear friends. (Laughs maniacally)

Ruby: I'm telling you, Spider Queen. I didn't... (Hears a rumble someplace) What the hell was that noise?

Spider Queen (Obliviously drops Ruby): Oh, my God! I need to get my gunk out. Could you give me a minute or two?

(Scene 10: The Spider Queen walks away to go by a bush, whereas the rest of the team huddle up and whisper while think of a plan to stop her before she decides to kill Princess Ruby)

Silas (Whispers): Okay, everyone, what do you think we should do?

Pyrite (Whispers): I think you all should use our own powers to distract and stop her.

Ruby (Whispers): Pyrite and I can be the bait while the rest of you fight her off.

Silas (Whispers): Okay. Let's go!

(As Ruby stays along with Pyrite, the rest split up and the Spider Queen returns to try and kill Princess Ruby)

Spider Queen: Now, where was I?

Ruby: Weren't you going to kill me?

Spider Queen: Ah-ha! Now, any last words before you die and give me your Ruby Heart? No? Oh, well. (Get her scepter ready to kill her but gets blasted by Silas' green sting and tossed to across the ground) Ouch!

Silas (Calls the Spider Queen): Hey, Spider Queen! Come and get me!

Spider Queen (Growls): Get down here, Dragon Boy!

Sapphire (Flies and calls one of her attacks): Sapphire Water Splash!

Spider Queen: That was freaking cold! (Chases Sapphire)

Spessartite (Flies and calls one of her attacks): Spessartite Fire Dragon!

Spider Queen: Ouch! That burns like actual hell!

Tourmaline: Hey Spider Queen! Come and get me!

Spider Queen: Get back here!

Tourmaline (Calls one of her attacks): Psychic Illusion! (Fades away)

Spider Queen (Hits her face by the tree and gets dizzy): Damn you, Royal!

Onyx (Takes a deep breath): Wind Gust Blower! (Spider Queen's hat gets blown away)

Spider Queen: My precious hat! (Rushes over to the hat)

Citrine (Calls one of her attacks and shocks the Spider Queen): Lightning Storm!

Spider Queen (Screams): That was quite a shocking storm!

Smoky Quartz: (Flies and calls out one of her attacks) Earth Crumble!

(Spider Queen gets her hat and looks behind her as the dirt piles on top of her)

Spider Queen: I will not give up! (Runs towards Ruby & Pyrite)

Diamond: It's my turn! (Takes a deep breath) Ice Breath! (A huge icy storm occurs and gets the Spider Queen frozen until she bursts out of it)

Spider Queen (Shivering): That's it! I'm d- done w- with y-you R- Royals (Sneezes) Great! (Sniffles) Now I've got a cold. (Sneezes and trips continuously)

(Silas & the Royals all laugh as the Spider Queen continues sneezing and tripping over herself)

(Scene 11: At the Healer's Health Center. the Spider Queen takes her hat and walks in by the counter, grabs a few tissues to blow her nose, and asks the lady at the front desk to see her husband)

Spider Queen (Blows her nose): Hello, ma' am.

Lady: Oh, hello there. Are you expecting somebody?

Spider Queen: Yeah, um, is my husband Orpheus here? (Sneezes into the tissues)

Lady: Oh, yeah. you must be Queen Aranha, correct?

Spider Queen: Yes, ma' am.

Lady: Your husband is in Room 1-B on your left.

Spider Queen (Sniffles): Thank you.

(As she goes over the box of tissues by the lady's desk goes missing)

Lady: Huh?

(The Spider Queen puts the box of tissues in her purse as she walks to the room the lady told her and sees her husband, with tears coming down her cheeks when she sees him)

Spider Queen: Hello, darling. I am here for you.

Sir Midnight: Hey, dear. My leg is still really sore from the shot.

Spider Queen: Well, I tried getting Princess Ruby for what she did to you. (Pulls out a chair for herself to sit by him)

Sir Midnight: Actually, honey, I was trying to tell you that wasn't Princess Ruby who shot me.

Spider Queen (Gasps): Then... who was it?

Sir Midnight: It was... (Moaning in pain) ... my big brother Sir Daylight. And he's married to your big sister.

Spider Queen (Gasps and covers her mouth): Oh, my God! What?!

To Be Continued...

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