S1 Ep 8: Royals Arc Part 8: Psychic... or Freak?
Recap on the Previous Chapter
(Spessartite burns Madame Slither)
Narration: Previously on Rainbow Academy...
Madame Slither (Getting burnt): I... must... get... some... flames.
Spessartite: Now, you are burnt to a crisp.
(At Dungeon a la Lair...)
Madame Slither: I've got some flames in this ball that you want.
Mysterious Woman: Excellent.
Madame Slither: May I take a break, miss?
Mysterious Woman: Yes, you may, Medusa.
(Talks to Spider Queen)
Mysterious Woman: Trust me, little sister. We'll do something together. I promise to cross my heart and hope to die.
Spider Queen: Yes, yes, yes! I like that idea, my big sister.
Mysterious Woman: Bulldoze, my muscular man. Go after those damn Royals, - including that damn Princess Ruby.
Bulldoze: It'll be my pleasure, my Empress.
(At Rainbow Academy...)
Sapphire: Alright! Whoever is there, show yourself, this instant!
Vivienne: Sorry I scared you and everyone else.
Sapphire: Who are you?
Vivienne: Hello. My name is Vivienne, Princess of the... uh... Citrine area. I am 8 years old, with my birthday landing on November 14th.
(Inside of Rainbow Academy...)
Louis: Mind if I come in, Philosopher? (talks to Jane) Hi Jane. I see your team has been growing a lot lately.
Jane: Well, here are the other 2 Princesses. These 2 are Spencer & Vivienne.
Philosopher: Vivienne, I hope you're excited to become a Magical Girl. (Puts the pendant around Vivienne's neck)
Vivienne: Okay, Philosopher.
Philosopher: Alright! I am going to pretend to be a...
(Citrine hits the Philosopher with her Citrine Mjolnir)
Citrine: I feel like a bad, bad person. I should be dead after almost killing the Philosopher and hurting anyone else around me.
Onyx: I think I have an idea on what you should do with your Kins, Citrine. Maybe you should try and balance out your emotions for the use of them.
Sapphire: Philosopher, what are we going to do while you're resting in bed?
Philosopher: While Nurse Tabitha will be helping me get better, Silas will be helping you and the rest of the teammates. Silas, I need you to help find the rest of the teammates with the Royals, so you can give them those boxes that are in the closet over there. (Points to the closet)
Silas: How long will it be for you to heal?
Philosopher: It'll take a while.
(Bulldoze appears)
Bulldoze: Are you the Royals?
Onyx: Yes, sir.
(All the Royals attempt to run away)
Citrine: Lightning Zap a Thon!
Bulldoze: This will not be the end. I am going back to my Empress.
Sapphire: Empress?
Smoky Quartz: Maybe the Philosopher will know something about an Empress.
Narration: And now, the continuation of Rainbow Academy.
The Royals Arc continues onward...
(Scene 1: As the kids go back inside in their normal forms, they see that Nurse Tabitha is helping heal the Philosopher, whereas Silas is talking to a little girl with dark brown hair in a pink uniform)
Louis: I'll be back with the Preacher if you need me for anything, Jane.
Jane: Okay. See you, Louis. (Blushes and then stops)
Enid: Hey, we're back from battling another threat.
Nurse Tabitha: Hello, Jane and everyone. I'm just helping your mentor out healing. It seems to me this'll take a while. So, I'd advise you go over where Silas & Harriette are at.
Chelsea: Harriette?
Harriette: Hello, ladies. I am Harriette, Princess of the Tourmaline area. I am 5 years old, with my birthday landing on October 10th. It's nice to see you, Princesses. Y'all must be Jane, Chelsea, Lola, Enid, Spencer, & Vivienne.
Silas: If you could excuse me for a bit, Harriette, I need to get something.
Harriette: You are excused.
Vivienne: You are a good guesser, Harriette. How'd you know our names?
Harriette: I guess you could say I can sense it from y'all. (Chuckles nervously)
Jane: Well, it's nice to meet you, Harriette. Are you willing to-
Harriette (Interrupts): -join the Royals? I'll be more than happy to.
(The rest of the girls looks at each other confused and a bit worrisome)
Silas: Okay, Princess Harriette. (Opens the box up with a pink collar with a pink tourmaline heart on and round shaped Gemstone) I assume you already know what these are and what it's for, correct?
Harriette: Yes, Silas. The pendant is to store in my own Kins power and only use it when I'm transforming into a Magical Girl. As for the Gemstone with it, this'll only transform into a Gemstone Weapon when I transform into said heroine type.
Silas: That is also correct. (Puts the pendant around Harriette's neck) I am sure that once you are able to control your Kins power, I am sure you won't be getting too many headaches.
All 5 girls (Union and looking at each other): Headaches?
Harriette: I understand, Silas.
Nurse Tabitha: Okay, Philosopher. I advise you to take it easy while in bed since those ribs are quite broken. I assure you that you stay in bed, while Silas & the rest of your students will help you out. Especially if you need protection from those around you.
Philosopher: Thanks, Tabitha.
Nurse Tabitha: If you need anything, don't hesitate to have anyone come and get me if you need anything else. (Leaves to go back to her office)
Philosopher: Silas? While I'm resting myself in bed, could you please take yourself and outside for a bit since I need plenty of rest.
(Scene 2: As Silas & the rest of the Royals go outside, they all see Harriette sitting on a bench, closing her eyes, just not sleeping but doing something)
Jane: Hey, Silas? What is Harriette doing?
Silas: I am not quite sure, Jane.
Spencer: Maybe we should ask her what she's doing. I mean, if she doesn't mind us asking us.
Chelsea: Yeah. She looks like she's concentrating on her Kins power.
Vivienne: I'll go ahead and ask her.
Lola: Wait, Vivienne!
Enid: Be very, very careful. You don't want to break her concentration.
(Vivienne tiptoes quietly over to Harriette and taps her on the shoulder, but a small shock of her lightning zaps her and both get tossed away from each other from different areas)
Harriette: Ouch! Who the hell shocked me?
Vivienne: I deeply apologize for that, Harriette; I was trying to see what you were doing.
Chelsea: We're sorry for disturbing you. Uh, do you mind telling us what were you doing?
Harriette: Nothing. Just... uh... chillaxing. That's all.
Jane: Okay. We were just asking.
Chelsea: Wait a second, Jane. Are you sure you don't want to tell us what were you actually doing?
Lola: Chelsea? We shouldn't be poking our noses in people's business like this.
Harriette: Listen, Chelsea, I don't think any of y'all would like me for who I am.
Jane: What are you talking about?
Harriette: I just want to be able to help those around me with my Kins. I mean, even though I have never seen you girls with your Kins powers, I can definitely say you have great powers. Heart, Water, Wind, Earth, Fire, and Lightning. I don't find my Kins power anything special.
Enid: Do you mind telling us what kind of Kins you possess, girl?
Harriette: Well, I possess the power of anything that has do with being Psychic.
Silas & the Princesses (Union): Psychic!?
(Scene 3: Back in Dungeon a la Lair, Sir Midnight has been pondering around what he can to make himself more intimidating to Princess Ruby & anyone around him, including his wife)
Sir Midnight (Flustered while walking with hands behind his back): Damnit! I must find a way to defeat that damn Princess Ruby! I don't want my wife to help me! Not this time! NO, no, no! (Kicks the couch over) I want to do something on my own!
A small man in golden yellow comes behind Sir Midnight: Are you sure you don't need any assistance from someone, Orpheus? Someone like... me?
Sir Midnight: That voice? Why does it sound so familiar? (Looks behind him) Why? It's you- my big brother Apollo, or as you casually call yourself, 'Sir Daylight'. What the hell are you doing here? Are you to show you're better than me like before.
Sir Daylight: No, my little brother. Why, I came here from my wife's place to help you.
Sir Midnight: Wife? Since when were you married? You've never invited me to your wedding.
Sir Daylight: Even if I did invite your pathetic ass, you wouldn't have the balls to tell anyone how much you love me. (Sid Midnight's dumbfounded face is shown) Admit it, little brother; you always were the one who was stubborn out of the two of us.
Sir Midnight: And you were always the one who was spoiled. Next question?
(Sir Midnight and Sir Daylight look out the window while pondering out what to do to get rid of Princess Ruby)
Sir Midnight: So, if you're going to help me get rid of Princess Ruby, what can we do to get rid of her ass?
Sir Daylight: I was hoping to use my own Sunlight strength to weaken her since Rubies are known to get weaken by too much Sunlight.
Sir Midnight: As my wife would say: 'yes, yes, yes'. Good idea, big brother. Let me get my pistol ready for backup.
Sir Daylight (Smiles lightly): As my wife would say: 'Excellent.'
Sir Midnight (Smiles lightly and gets pistol ready): So, who is your wife?
(Scene 4: Back at Rainbow Academy, all the Princesses tell how lucky Harriette is to have a Kins power than predict the future)
Vivienne: Oh, my God, Harriette!
Spencer: You mean you can actually see the future and stuff?
Chelsea: Cool!
Enid: You can say that again!
Lola: Tell us more, please! That's if you want to!
Harriette: Well, I can't see the future. But I can tell you more about my own Kins power. But if I use too much of it at once, I could get a bit of a severe headache, hence why I need to close my eyes and chillax a little, as well as concentrate on healing a bit.
Jane: You know, it seems like all of you girls have weaknesses to whatever your Kins power could be, except for me.
Vivienne: Well, you should be happy about that.
Jane: Really?
Lola: Yeah. You must be the luckiest out of all of us.
Spencer: What's more, that makes the strongest of the team of Royals.
Silas: Don't worry, Jane. I am sure you'll find out what's weakness. Besides, the Philosopher and us might say that we must not let our weaknesses consume us. But at the same time, we all must have something that weakens us to show the flaws we have within us; it shows that imperfection is better than perfection.
Jane: That's true. But what could be my weakness? Could it be something bad or severe? What do you think it could be, Harriette?
Harriette: Uh, I wouldn't want to spoil it for you, Jane. Take it like a new movie you haven't seen; it's best for you to find out what it is for yourself.
Jane: That's true. I think it's best for me to figure out what my weakness is.
Harriette: You girls don't think of me as a freak with my Psychic powers, do you?
Chelsea: Of course not.
Enid: If you think you're a freak, then I'm a freak too. I mean, hell I was born with one eye.
Spencer: We're all here for each other.
Jane: No matter what happens to you or anyone else, we'll be there.
Harriette (Blushes): Aww. You girls are the best friends that a Royal could ever have. I just wish everyone in our own home areas wouldn't treat like us like outcasts due to all of us having our own Kins power.
Lola: Let's not get it in our ways.
Silas: Hey, do you girls want to come with me to check on the Philosopher?
All 7 Girls (Union): Sure.
(Scene 5: As the Philosopher is still in bed, Marshmallow is sleeping right by them and hears the door with Silas & the Princesses coming from)
Silas: Hey, Philosopher. We just came in to check on how you're doing. Is everything alright?
Philosopher: I'm still hurt, but thanks for your concern. I am glad to have someone like you and the students here with me. Y'all are like a bigger family I've always wanted to have.
Lola (Crying): Please, Philosopher, don't die on us.
Harriette (Appalled): Lola!
Enid: Why would you say that?
Philosopher: That's okay, everyone. I can definitely see how much you care about me. But I care about you more than you know. (Gets up and sits up from the bed) Come over here so I can give all of you a big hug. Just try not to hurt my chest.
(Silas & the girls all hug the Philosopher with all having tears coming down their eyes)
Philosopher: No matter how different you are, I'll love you just the way you are. It shows your true colors and how much you care about each other. To me, you're more than just a team, you're a group of lovely people I'll always appreciate that.
(Scene 6: Back at Dungeon a la Lair, Sir Midnight has his pistol ready to shoot Princess Ruby while Sir Daylight gets all heated up to use his own strength to weaken her)
Sir Midnight: This'll be so damn great.
Sir Daylight: I couldn't agree more with you, little brother.
Sir Midnight: You know, I never thought your wife was an Empress. That means she has great power over any Royal out there, including my wife.
Sir Daylight: That's right. She means the world to me.
Sir Midnight: I envy you for marrying someone that quite powerful. But how come you still kept the King's brand name instead being called an Emperor?
Sir Daylight: Well, she said to me that it's entirely up to me to decide what title I should fall under. The King title is only for when I am with you or doing something that is heinous with her. She also told me I could do whatever the hell I want with it.
Sir Midnight: I never thought I'd see the day. (Pulls the trigger to shoot the nearby target)
Sir Daylight: I wish we could have bonded when we were younger. Especially since those damn teenagers left us our own left eyes swollen and glow.
(Flashback: When both of the men were younger, and Midnight gets hit in the face from a teen with a baseball bat. As Daylight came to try and protect his younger brother, he gets hit in the face as well the same way. With the small teenagers picking on them just for how different the two are and not liking them for who they are, the parents of the two went to get Daylight and Midnight, but scold Midnight for disobeying them. As that weren't bad enough, they defended Daylight more than Midnight, comforting him in the process. End of the flashback: Midnight has an angered face, looks at his pistol and will do anything to get revenge on teenagers)
Sir Daylight: Orpheus? Orpheus? Orpheus?
Sir Midnight: Yes, Apollo?
Sir Daylight: Are you okay?
Sir Midnight (Lying with a smirk on his face): Yes. Yes, I am, my big brother. (Pulls the trigger to shoot the target again)
(Scene 7: Back at Rainbow Academy, the girls all help the Philosopher all tucked in bed to rest before they all go back outside with Silas, and Marshmallow drinks her own bowl of milk by the Philosopher's bed)
Philosopher: Thank you so much, everyone. I do appreciate what you do for me. If there's anything I can do for you, please let me know. Okay?
Silas: You don't own us a thing, Philosopher.
Jane: Yeah. We're here to help you like how you help us. Hell, even if you can't do much as if now, we will always be there for you.
Harriette: But I think it's better for you to rest before you get back on your feet again.
Vivienne: If you need something from us, just say the word.
Enid: We're all here for you no matter what.
Chelsea: You mean the world to all of us.
Spencer: We are happy to have a mentor like you.
Lola: Take us like a parent whose children will do whatever they can to help out.
Philosopher: Aww. What am I going to do without you. Now, go outside and make sure nothing bad happens to you or the entire school. Silas, as always, you're in charge of the Royals.
Silas: You got it!
(Scene 8: Right as Silas & the rest of the Royals go outside; he immediately tells the girls to transform into their Magical Girl forms to get ready for any sight of danger)
Silas: Alright, ladies. Are you ready to transform?
Jane: But there's no sight of danger yet.
Silas: Well, you never know what danger comes ahead of time. Plus, you don't to be exposed to know who you girls are in your actual forms, correct?
Spencer: No, we certainly don't want that to happen.
Silas: So, without further ado, get transforming.
All the Princesses: Right!
Jane: I am Princess Ruby! (Ruby appears)
Chelsea: Princess Sapphire! (Sapphire appears)
Lola: Princess Onyx! (Onyx appears)
Enid: Princess Smoky Quartz! (Smoky Quartz appears)
Spencer: Princess Spessartite (Spessartite appears)
Vivienne: Princess Citrine! (Citrine appears)
Harriette: I hope I am able to earn my own Magical Girl transformation. (Starts glowing pink)
(As Harriette's pendant glows pink, she transforms from a 5-year-old whose 4' 6" tall to a 15-year-old whose 5' 6" tall, her brown hair gets shorter which looks like cropped and pixie like. She earns a golden tiara with a tourmaline gemstone on her forehead, her fingernails are painted pink, each wrist has a golden with pink tourmaline gemstones on them, hot pink lips, her school uniform transforms into a pink short sleeved crop top and pink skirt, along with a pair of pink flats. She has a pair of pink butterfly wings on her back. Her round shaped Gemstone transforms into a Pink Tourmaline Spear. Her voice changes into a small girl voice to a somewhat deeper girl voice.)
All girls amazed: Woah!
Ruby: You look amazing!
Citrine: I agree with you, Rubes!
Tourmaline: Thanks, girls. You can start calling by me, 'Princess Tourmaline.'
Spessartite: Did you notice your hair looks shorter than before when you were as your real form?
Tourmaline: Really? (Touches her hair and finds a nearby pond to look at her reflection) Hey! I look... I look...
Onyx: Horrible?
Sapphire: Different?
Smoky Quartz: Strange?
Ruby: Tell us, please.
Citrine: I am getting too eager to know what you think.
Spessartite: Me too! Me too!
Tourmaline (Gleeful): Unique! I look absolutely unique, and yes, that includes my own hairstyle too! (Skeptical) But wait, what if I fail at this assignment? What if I am not the kind of Magical Girl that you girls think I turn out to be?
Silas: Don't worry about whether you fail or not, Tourmaline. What matters is that you are doing what you can to protect rainbow Academy and yourself.
Ruby: And we're here to help back you up when you need us. Remember, we're for you through the thick and thin, no matter what.
Spessartite: Try not to get the worse into you. We're all here for each other out.
Onyx: Remember! We're doing this for the Philosopher.
Sapphire: As well as for ourselves too!
Smoky Quartz: Whatever happens, we are all here as a Royal team. We're not just a team of Royal teammates, we are also friends, the best of friends.
Tourmaline: Thank you, everyone! I absolutely appreciate that!
(Silas & the Princesses do a group hug together for how much they deeply care for each other)
(Scene 9: Sir Daylight & Sir Midnight both are in the Dungeon a la Lair's limousine talking about their plan on how to harm Princess Ruby)
Sir Midnight (Lightly pats his pistol on his lap): Oh, my big brother Apollo, I can't wait to get revenge on that damn corundum Princess.
Sir Daylight: Patience, my little brother. Once we get her, I do want to bond with you in order of our celebration on the revenge.
(Sir Midnight has a glare look on his face with him looking like he doesn't believe his brother with what he said, in which he just les through his teeth again)
Sir Midnight: Yes, my big brother. I too promise you we'll celebrate after that. (Monologue) Like hell I would.
(The limousine parks nearby Rainbow Academy while the limo driver comes out of the driver's seat to come and open the door up for the two brothers)
Sir Daylight (Takes a deep breath of fresh air): Ah, yes. This is the school, correct?
Sir Midnight: That's right. (Gets his pistol ready)
Sir Daylight: Well, here we go to this school. (Points his finger out) Now, lead me the way, little brother.
Sir Midnight (Has an evil grin on his face): Sure thing, big brother.
(As both men silently walk together and look for Princess Ruby, they both don't make any peep from their mouths and look at each other instead, and get themselves ready while still getting prepared to get her, until they hear a peep)
Sir Daylight: Orpheus?
Sir Midnight (Gasps and almost shoots): Oh, my God! Don't you dare scare me like that again! I almost shot you!
Sir Daylight: Apologies. Do you see Princess Ruby?
Sir Midnight: Wait a second. (Hears something) I think I hear something?
(The two men both slowly walk without making a peep and hear more of the same noise from before, and they go behind the bushes after hearing something, as soon as they heard the noise, they take a peek and see Princess Ruby and her friends)
Sir Midnight (Whispers): There she is, Apollo.
Sir Daylight (Whispers): Let's get her!
(Scene 10: Princess Ruby & the rest of the Royals all talk to each other until they heard something that came from the bushes)
Ruby: Once we have all members in this team, we will all do whatever it takes to stop those threats once and for... (Hears something) What the hell was that noise?
Silas: Get ready for anything, Royals!
(Silas transforms into his bigger size as the Princesses get their own Gemstone Weapons ready for defense, and slowly tiptoe to the bushes to see what was causing that noise, when suddenly a shot from a pistol made noise)
Onyx (Shouts): Oh, my God! It's a pistol, everyone!
Silas: Let's get out of here!
(As they all fly up in the air, Sir Midnight uses hid pistol to aim at Ruby and Sir Daylight gets himself prepared to use his heat to weaken her, whereas the rest of the Royals hide on top of the school building while Ruby is still flying to stop who was shooting)
Silas: Phew! That was a close one! Is everyone okay?
Citrine: I'm okay.
Smoky Quartz: So am I.
Sapphire: Same here.
Onyx: Thanks for the warning, Silas.
Spessartite: What'd we do without you?
Silas: Wait! Where's Princess Ruby?
Tourmaline (Looks around): There she is, everyone!
(Ruby flies down and marches over to stop Sir Midnight and his brother)
Sir Midnight: Fancy seeing you again, Princess Ruby.
Ruby: Who the hell do you think you are trying to shoot my friends, Sir Midnight? (Gets her Ruby Crystal Wand ready)
Sir Midnight: Believe me when I say this, I wasn't trying to shoot your friends. (Points his pistol at her and gets ready to shoot)
Ruby (Attempts to fly away): This doesn't look good! (Gets shot and falls to the ground, injured in the process) Ahh!
Silas & the Princess (Scared): Ruby!
Sir Daylight (Claps slowly): Well, done, my little brother.
Ruby (Lies on the ground and holds her arm): Who the damn hell are you?
Sir Daylight: Why, I am Sir Daylight, Sir Midnight's big brother. Too bad we didn't get to know each other for too long. So, goodbye, Princess Ruby. (Gets heat ready to harm Ruby)
Ruby: No! (Gets overwhelmed by the heat) Please stop that! That heat... is... too much... for me to bear!
Onyx (Worried): We've got to help her before it's too late!
(Tourmaline leaps and flies over to stop Sir Daylight & Sir Midnight from harming Ruby more)
Tourmaline: Stop! I refuse to have you hurt my friend!
Sir Daylight: Out of my way, pink boy!
Sir Midnight: Or I'll have to shoot you as well!
Tourmaline: Pink boy! Did you just say, 'Pink boy?!'\
Sir Daylight: Yeah! What about it!
Tourmaline (Looking infuriated and gets her own Pink Tourmaline Spear ready by twirling it around to get revenge on them, shouts with anger):I am Princess Tourmaline! (Calls out one of her attacks) Psychic Pink Beams! (A few pink beams come out of the spear and strike the two brothers and hurt their heads)
Sir Daylight: Ouch! My head!
Sir Midnight: I think we should get going before our brains melt! Ouch!
(As the two brothers run back to the limo, they told the driver to step on it)
Sir Daylight (Shouts): Driver! Driver!
(The driver is seen smoking a pipe)
Sir Midnight (Shouts): Don't just stand there like a stooge! Get back in your driver's seat and get driving!
(The driver gets back in his seat and drives both of the brothers away from Rainbow Academy to skedaddle back to Dungeon a la Lair)
(Scene 11: Tourmaline gives Ruby a hand to get up as Silas & the others come flying down to congratulate Tourmaline for saving Ruby and everyone else)
Ruby: Thanks a lot, Tourmaline! I owe you one.
Tourmaline: Hey, what are fiends for.
Onyx: You did it, Tourmaline! You saved us!
Silas: That was amazing!
Smoky Quartz: Thank you so much, Tourmaline! (Pats Tourmaline on the back)
Citrine: Congratulations!
Spessartite: Free cheers for Princess Tourmaline! Hip! Hip!
Everyone: Hooray!
Spessartite: Hip! Hip!
Everyone: Hooray!
Spessartite: Hip! Hip!
Everyone: Hooray!
Sapphire: Let's all get back inside of Rainbow Academy, everybody!
Ruby: Agreed! (Pants a bit while holding her arm)
Silas: Are you alright, Ruby?
Ruby: Oh, yeah. (Sweating) In fact, I am more than fine.
Spessartite: Are you sure?
Ruby: Absolutely.
Silas: Okay. Well, come on, Princesses. Let's all go back inside and check on the Philosopher.
(As they all go back inside, there was a little girl with sky blue hair in a ponytail and grey uniform pops out of the bushes looked fascinated on what tourmaline did to save everyone and feels inspired by how brave she is)
Little girl (Whispers to herself): Wow! That was absolutely positively cool. (Ice comes out of herself) Oopsie.
(Scene 12: Back at Dungeon a la Lair, Daylight finishes talking on the phone with his wife and will be home as soon as he can)
Sir Daylight: I assure that I will do whatever I can to help you, honey. Okay. Bye! Talk to you later! (Hangs up the phone) Well, little brother, even though we failed, I guess you can still be happy how we've bonded on each other.
Sir Midnight: You could say that. (Glares at his pistol with anger and his left red eye glowing)
Sir Daylight: Hey! Even if I was a bit spoiled when I was young, well, younger, but still and all, I do feel sorry for you not getting as much love as me. I do regret what happened to you over the years; I truly do.
Sir Midnight: Really? (Makes sure he has enough bullets inside of his pistol)
Sir Daylight: I assure you that you have a big brother who'll stick with you.
Sir Midnight: I guess so. (Gets his pistol) You could say that. By the way, how long have you been with your wife?
Sir Daylight: I'd say about several months. Why?
Sir Midnight: I was just wondering. Oh, big brother Apollo?
Sir Daylight: Yes, little brother Orpheus?
Sir Midnight: Before you leave, would you like to have a hug?
Sir Daylight: Uh, sure.
(The two brothers give each other a hug before Sir Daylight goes back home and say bye to each other)
Sir Daylight: Well, (Sighs) I guess I must be going now. See you, little brother.
Sir Midnight: So long, big brother.
(After he turns around and gets his pistol ready, Sir Midnight attempts to shoot his brother, until Sir Daylight turns around and shoots him on the left leg with his laser, leaving his leg wounded and severely bleeding on the floor)
Sir Midnight (Screams in agony): Ouch! You sick son of a bitch! (Hisses in pain)
Sir Daylight: I know. (Walks away, obliviously laughs at his brother's misery) I'll be seeing you around..., little brother. I never did like you. (Laughs as he walks out)
(The Spider Queen walks in)
Spider Queen: Hey, honey. I came back and... (Gasps and screams as she witnesses her husband on the floor with blood on the floor)
To Be Continued...
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