S1 Ep 7: Royals Arc Part 7: Lightning Strikes!

Recap on the Previous Chapter...

Narration: Previously on Rainbow Academy...

(At Dungeon a la Lair...)

Mysterious Woman: Do not worry, my creation. Once you are completed, you will help me destroy those disgusting Royals.

Spider Queen: Do you have a mission for you know who?

Medusa: I'll take it from here, loser.

Spider Queen: Hmph!

Medusa: What shall I do, miss?

(Back at Rainbow Academy...)

Jane: Hey, girls, come over here and look.

(A fire starts really bad, and all the girls scream, while Chelsea puts it out with her water in a bucket)

Spencer: I'm sorry about that. I have a hard time controlling it. My name is Spencer, Princess of the Spessartite. I am 6 years old, with my birthday landing on January 3rd. It's nice to meet you. girls.

Philosopher: While Silas & I wait to test what you girls need to improve on your Kins powers.

All 5 girls: Go Royals!

(All 5 of the girls transform into their own Magical Girl forms)

(Spessartite accidentally creates a bigger fire than before)

Silas: Are you girls alright? Spessartite?

Spessartite: What's the use? I'm not capable of using my own Kins power. What's worse, I'm not capable of being a Magical Girl like the other girls.

Sapphire: We're here for you through the thick and thin, no matter what happens to you and any of us.

Spessartite: Thanks, everyone.

(The Spider Queen and Madame Slither come out of the bushes to destroy the Royals)

Spessartite (Calls out one of her attacks with her Gemstone Weapon in her left hand): Fire Flame Slicer!

(Madame Slither screams in agony)

Narration: And now, the continuation of Rainbow Academy.

The Royals Arc continues onward...

(Scene 1: The part continues where the previous chapter left off on the scene where Madame Slither gets burned, whereas the Spider Queen gets horrified watching her, and nervously biting her fingernails)

Madame Slither (Slowly puts the ball in the air): I... must... get... some... flames. (Some of the flames go inside the ball that she needs to give the Mysterious Woman)

Spessartite: Now, you are burnt into a crisp.

Madame Slither: Come on, Spider Queen. The least you can do is carry me with you back to Dungeon a la Lair.

Spider Queen: Okay. (Glares at the Royals) This won't be the end. You'll see- you'll see. (Exits back to Dungeon a la Lair)

Silas: You did it, girls. Especially you, Princess Spessartite! You beat the two threats.

Sapphire: I guess you could say that was one hellfire.

(All 5 of the Royals laugh and stop after hearing something from the bushes)

Silas: What the hell was that?

Sapphire: It came from the bushes.

Smoky Quartz: I thought those two threats went back to where they came from.

Ruby: Let's go check it out.

Onyx: I hope it's not a bear.

Spessartite: Let's all go together, y'all.

(As Silas & the girls slowly tippy toe to see what was behind the bushes, they quietly looked to see what it could be, while staying quite for a brief moment, until the Silas gets shocked and screams in pain)

Silas: Ouch! That really hurts!

Ruby: Are you okay, Silas?

(The girls look at the burnt mark across Silas' arm)

Onyx (Gasps): You're hurt.

Smoky Quartz: You really need to go back inside to heal up and let us handle it from here.

Spessartite: I agree with Smoky Quartz.

Silas (Holding and grunting his arm in pain): Okay. If I go back inside, you girls need to be careful and not get shocked.

Sapphire: Do you need one of us to help you get back there safely?

Silas: That's okay, Sapphire. I'll be fine after I... (grunts)... go back inside to have the Philosopher helps me out.

(As Silas limps back to Rainbow Academy, the Princesses all feel despair in seeing him injured from some kind of shock)

(Scene 2: Meanwhile back in Dungeon a la Lair, the Spider Queen carries Madame Slither back to the same place to report back what happened, as the Spider Queen puts the TV screen on for themselves)

Mysterious Woman (Sighs): Madame Slither? Why the hell does it look you came back from being burnt by putting the stove up to high and nuked it?

Madame Slither (Cripples a bit and shows the ball of flames to the Mysterious Woman): I've got some of the flames in this ball that you want.

Mysterious Woman: Excellent. (Pushes the button from her left side to get it from her) Put inside the slot and I'll take it from there.

Madame Slither (Puts it in the slot and closes it up automatically): May I take my break, miss?

Mysterious Woman: Yes, you may, Medusa. (As the two walk away, the Mysterious Woman stops the Spider Queen) Hold it right there, little sister. Where do you think you're going?

Spider Queen (Covers her face with her hat and makes a little boy voice): I'm not the Spider Queen. I'm just cosplaying as her.

Mysterious Woman (Crosses her arms): Little Sister? I am not in the mood to play games with you.

Spider Queen (Uncovers her face and goes back to normal voice): When have you ever been in the mood to play games with me?

Mysterious Woman: Listen to me closely. I am this close to snapping at you. Before you take your bath, I want you to quit acting like a small child who can just do whatever they want. When I give you an assignment, then you can go. I am going to give the next assignment to somebody else and I better not hope to see you follow them.

Spider Queen: But I really want that Ruby heart from Princess Ruby,

Mysterious Woman: I do not care what you want. I only sent you and the others to help me annihilate the Royals at Rainbow Academy, not steal a piece of jewelry. Once I am done with my creation, it'll help me destroy the Royals once and for all.

Spider Queen (Whimpers): But, please, my big sister... what happened to the good times with you and me?

Mysterious Woman: Trust me, little sister. We'll do something together. I promise to cross my heart and hope to die.

Spider Queen: Yes, yes, yes! I like that idea, my big sister.

Mysterious Woman: Now, go on and take your bath.

(As the TV screen shuts off, the Mysterious Woman gets up from her chair and walks over to her creation, she coldly talks to her creation)

Mysterious Woman: Like freaking hell I'm going to have my little sister do something together me. She is really that gullible to the point where she makes a small Royal kid in Royals Land look like a genius. It's time I sent one of the other threats to destroy the Royals at Rainbow Academy. (Presses the buzzer button) Send in Bulldoze for me.

(As Bulldoze enters the room, he stands intimidating in front of the Mysterious Woman)

Mysterious Woman: Bulldoze, my big muscular man. Go after those Royals, - including that damn Princess Ruby. (Shows the picture of Princess Ruby; laughs maniacally)

Bulldoze (Speaking in a deep voice and cracks his knuckles): It'll be my pleasure, my Empress.

(Scene 3: Back at Rainbow Academy outside where we were before, the Princesses are still looking to see who's behind the bushes and who did that zap to Silas)

Spessartite: Come on out, whoever you are.

Sapphire: We aren't playing games with you anymore.

Onyx: This is just hopeless. We'll never find out who it is.

Ruby: Now, we mustn't give up, girls. We'll keep searching for who that is before we... (Gets zapped on the leg) ... Ouch! What the crap was that about?

Smoky Quartz: Princess Ruby? You alright, girl?

Ruby: I hope so. That hurts like hell. Ouch! (Rubs her leg)

Smoky Quartz: (Impatient) That's it! I'm going after this sick son of a bitch!

Spessartite: Smoky, wait!

Smoky Quartz: (Gets struck by the zap on her one eye and covers it after dropping her Gemstone Weapon): Damn it to freaking hell! My one and only eye!

Ruby: Here! Let me carry over to... Woah!

(Ruby tries to carry Smoky Quartz and both of them scream as they fall in the pond together as the three other Princesses go check up on them to see if they are alright)

Spessartite: Well, they had a quick swim.

Onyx: Are you both okay?

Ruby & Smoky Quartz (Union): We're okay.

(Sapphire gets her Sapphire Energy Sword ready to attack, while Onyx & Spessartite help Ruby & Smoky Quartz out of the pond)

Sapphire: Alright! Whoever is there, show yourself this instant!

(As Sapphire demanded, a girl with yellow hair two braids and in a yellow school uniform appears in person)

Sapphire: Huh?

Vivienne: Sorry I scared you and everyone else.

Sapphire: Who are you?

Vivienne: Hello. My name is Vivienne, Princess of the... uh... Citrine area. I am 8 years old, with my birthday landing on November 14th. What's up?

(All the Royals look at each other, perplexingly)

(Scene 4: Bulldoze is out searching for the Royals, he looks at the picture of Princess Ruby and clenches it with his fist in distain)

Bulldoze (Speaks in a slow deep voice): Princess... Ruby. I will get you and destroy you and the rest of your teammates.

(A bird flies around makes a bunch of noise with Bulldoze punching it, landing on the ground dead after that)

Bulldoze (Walks coldly): I absolutely despise these stupid Royals... - including that damn Princess Ruby. (Continues walking coldly while silently looking around, up in the sky, and the trees)

(Scene 5: Back at Rainbow Academy, the Royals are seen transformed back into their normal forms and Vivienne stares at Silas & the Philosopher, while the rest of the girls talk about Vivienne behind her back)

Lola: So, who is she, you said, Chelsea?

Chelsea: Vivienne, Princess of the Citrine area.

Enid: I don't know about y'all, but she's a little peculiar.

Spencer: Do you really think so, Enid?

Jane: I can't say I don't agree. Now, come on, girls. Let's not jump to conclusions like that. If there's one thing that the Philosopher has taught me: It's better to be weird than be a creep. (Looks at Chelsea) Right, Chelsea?

Chelsea: I suppose so, but she was hiding in the bushes zapping Silas, you and Enid like she is some stalker that came out of nowhere.

Jane: This is coming from the same girl who used her own Kins power that splashed water on Louis and me from behind the bushes, if my memory serves correctly.

Chelsea (Stammers): Yeah... but I... what in the... (Takes a deep breath and crosses her arms in disgust) Fine. You've made your point, Jane.

(Knock on the classroom door)

Louis: Mind if I come in for a bit, Philosopher?

Lola: Speak of the devil...

Philosopher: No, don't mind a bit, Louis. You get acquainted with Vivienne and Spencer. I'll be right back. I need to get something.

Silas: Hello, Louis.

Louis: Hey, Silas. (Looks at Silas' arm, gasps) What happened to your arm?

Silas (Looks at his arm): It's not that serious; try not to worry about it.

Jane: Hey Louis.

Louis: Hi Jane. I see your team has been growing a lot lately. I have to say I'm quite impressed.

Jane: Yeah. You've already met Chelsea, Lola & Enid. Well, here are the other 2 Princesses. These 2 are Spencer and Vivienne. (The 2 girls' wave to Louis)

Spencer: Hello. It's a pleasure to meet you, Louis.

Vivienne: Are you part of the team?

Louis: Nah. I'm a temporary member.

Vivienne: Cool. Does that mean you have temperature powers?

Louis: Huh? No, it means that I only come in to help out any team on occasion. But I do help Jane and the rest of you girls out when I have time.

Vivienne: Really? I hope to be in a team with people like you.

Lola: Vivienne, you are in our team with us believe it or not.

Vivienne: Amazing.

Enid: Are we sure we should have her in the team?

Jane: Yeah. Why?

Enid: Because she's kind of coo-coo.

Spencer: Enid!

Silas: Okay. That's enough, kids. Go easy on her. She just needs time to adjust herself to be part of the team.

Philosopher (Returns in the classroom with a box in their hands): Alright, everybody. I have returned, and Vivienne, I hope you're excited to become a Magical Girl.

Vivienne (Jumping with excitement): I'm super excited. What's inside the box?

Philosopher: Calm down, my Princess. (Opens the box up with the yellow collar with a Citrine heart Gemstone attached with it and a round shaped Gemstone with it, as the Philosopher grabs the pendant to put around Vivienne's neck) Now, remember, Vivienne, I assure you that Silas & the rest of your friends are going to be stopping any kind of threat that approaches to Rainbow Academy.

Vivienne: Do I need to give this collar back?

(All the other students groan in misery with each having a face palm)

Silas: Everyone, please. We need to be patient with her.

Philosopher; No, dear. You keep that pendant to keep your own Kins power stored inside of it. (Grabs the Gemstone for Vivienne) As for this Gemstone, it'll only transform when you transform into your own Magical Girl form. Remember to keep with you at all times, sweetheart.

Vivienne: Okay, Philosopher.

(Scene 6: As they all go back outside, the Philosopher advises Silas to try and take it easy on his arm)

Philosopher: Silas, I need you to take it easy with that arm of yours. I promise you that you'll be able to heal eventually.

Silas: Okay, Philosopher.

Philosopher: As for you Royal kids, I'd like you to try and use your training skills around this threatening mask prop that I am using for myself to play a baddie. I am going to try and escape you kids try and use your Kins powers to stop me. I'd also like each of you to demonstrate what you're able to do to make yourselves stronger. Got it?

All 7 kids: Got it, Philosopher.

Philosopher: Now, without further ado, transform into your alter egos.

Jane: I am Princess Ruby! (Ruby appears)

Louis: I am Prince Pyrite! (Pyrite appears)

Chelsea: I am Princess Sapphire! (Sapphire appears)

Lola: I am Princess Onyx! (Onyx appears)

Enid: I am Princess Smoky Quartz! (Smoky Quartz appears)

Spencer: I am Princess Spessartite! (Spessartite appears)

Vivienne: Uh, when will I get to transform into a Magical Girl, everyone?

(As her pendant glows into a yellow color, she transforms from an 8-year-old whose 4' 9" tall to an 18-year-old whose 5' 9", with her two yellow hair braids on each side are made into a one high ponytail. She earns a golden tiara with a citrine gemstone on her forehead, her fingernails are painted yellow, golden bead bracelets with one on each wrist, light pink lips, her school uniform changes into a yellow short-sleeved yellow crop top and yellow skirt, along with a pair of yellow moccasins. She has a pair of yellow butterfly wings on her back. Her round shaped Gemstone transforms into a Citrine Mjolnir. Her voice changes into a little girl with a high-pitched voice to the same voice just not high pitched like before.)

Philosopher: You look great. What do you decide to call yourself?

Citrine: I call myself 'Princess Vivienne.'

Ruby (Whispers): We meant what do you call yourself in your own Magical Girl form.

Citrine: Oh, okay. I decide to call myself 'Princess Citrine.'

Philosopher: Alright. (Puts the bad guy mask on) Remember, everyone, I am pretending to be a-

Citrine (Interrupts and screaming): Bad guy alert! Watch out, everyone! I'll protect you with everything I got!

Pyrite: Citrine! Wait!

(Citrine hits the Philosopher with her Citrine Mjolnir, and injures them in the chest with some of her lightning zaps)

Smoky Quartz: Oh, my goodness. (Hisses)

Onyx: That has really got to hurt.

Ruby: Let's not just stand here; let's go check up on them.

(As the others rush over to make sure the Philosopher is okay)

Smoky Quartz: Philosopher?

Onyx: Are you okay?

Philosopher (Takes mask off and coughs): I'll be okay. I think my ribs need to heal now.

Silas: You should go inside and rest your ribs before they get worst.

Citrine (Shaky voice): I'm sorry, Philosopher. I thought you were the baddie. I guess my excitement got the best of me. I am so sorry- I truly am. Please forgive me.

Philosopher: It's okay, Citrine. (Coughs) I'll be back inside if any of you need anything. (Continues walking and coughs from the shocks)

Silas: Here. Let me help you get inside.

Philosopher: Thanks, Silas.

(As the rest of the Royals watch Silas help the Philosopher get back inside, Citrine feels and has a downtrodden look on her face)

Citrine (Monologue): I feel like the more excitement I feel, the more lightning comes out.

(Scene 7: Bulldoze is still searching for the Royals all around and gets a call from the Mysterious Woman on his phone)

(Phone rings from the back pocket)

Bulldoze: Hello?

Mysterious Woman (V/O): Have you found Princess Ruby and the Royals yet?

Bulldoze: Not yet, Empress.

Mysterious Woman (V/O): I'm quite sure you will find them at Rainbow Academy.

Bulldoze: Thanks for the information, Empress.

Mysterious Woman (V/O): No problem. Just remember to not disappoint me.

Bulldoze: But I thought you had your latest creation on the way to help you destroy the Royals.

Mysterious Woman (V/O): I know. But I just need you and the rest of the threats to do something to prevent them from getting any stronger. Once these Royals are weakened by someone like you, they will not be able to defeat me or my latest creation. Once that happens, they will be destroyed by what I have in store for them.

Bulldoze: Shocking.

Mysterious Woman (V/O): What is?

Bulldoze: Nothing. I'll talk to you later. Bye. (Hangs up the phone) I wonder what this so-called 'creation' my Empress is working on.

(Scene 8: At Rainbow Academy, Citrine is sulking by herself about she did to her mentor from her own Kins power)

Ruby: Hey, Citrine. Do you mind if I sit next to you?

Citrine: Whatever. I really didn't mean to hurt them.

Sapphire: I'll go and check on the Philosopher.

Spessartite: I'll come with you, Sapphire.

(As Sapphire & Spessartite fly over inside Rainbow Academy to check up on the Philosopher, whereas Ruby, Pyrite, Onyx, and Smoky Quartz comfort Citrine)

Citrine: I feel like a bad, bad person. I should be dead after almost killing the Philosopher and hurting anyone else around me.

Smoky Quartz: Citrine, dear, don't be so hard on yourself.

Onyx: Plus, all of us have a bit of difficulty with our Kins. This isn't something you should blame yourself over.

Ruby: Listen carefully when we say this to you. See, there are times when we will have difficulty with using our Kins at first glance. But you need to realize that once we can manage our Kins, we'll be able to be able control.

Pyrite: Is there a cause and effect that does this to your Kins?

Citrine: In other words?

Pyrite: What makes your Kins spiral like that? You know, what makes your power active and/or inactive when you use it or not?

Citrine: Well, you see, everyone. When I use my lightning, I can only use it when I feel a certain kind of emotions.

Ruby: What kind of emotions?

Citrine: You know. The positive emotions make me spark my lightning all over, even when I feel a bit too excited. As for the negative emotions, my Kins get all over the place and/or make me hurt somebody in the process; almost as if I am feeling anxious.

Smoky Quartz: Like what happened to the Philosopher?

Citrine: Exactly.

Ruby: What about when you saw the Philosopher in disguise? Was that when you were going a little too far with your emotions?

Citrine: Uh-huh.

Onyx: I think I have an idea on what you can do with your Kins, Citrine. Maybe you should try and balance out your emotions for the use of them.

Smoky Quartz: Yeah. You can do it by not feeling too excited and too anxious. Think of it like the Yin & Yang.

Pyrite: That way, when there's a threat coming by, you can just concentrate on your Kins and make sure that your lightning won't go out of hand.

Citrine: Good idea. I can definitely do that.

Ruby: Yeah. Good thinking, Onyx.

Onyx (Blushes): Aww shucks. Thanks, Ruby. I do try my best.

Citrine: I just hope the Philosopher is doing okay.

(Scene 9: Inside of Rainbow Academy, Silas puts the Philosopher in bed to rest their ribs, while Sapphire & Spessartite help tuck them in the bed, with Marshmallow by their side)

Silas: Don't worry, Philosopher. I'm pretty sure Citrine didn't mean to zap you with her lightning.

Philosopher: I know, Silas, I'm not mad at her. (Marshmallow lies on the edge of the bed) I already called Nurse Tabitha over check and see how my ribs are.

(Sapphire & Spessartite stand right next to the bed)

Sapphire: Philosopher, what are we going to do while you're resting in bed?

Spessartite: Especially because this isn't something that should heal automatically like that.

Philosopher (Coughs): Well, since Nurse Tabitha will be helping me get better, Silas will help you and the rest of the teammates out. (Points to the desk) Can one of you Princesses please hand me that watch over there?

Sapphire: This one? (Shows the watch to them)

Philosopher: Yes.

Spessartite: What do you need it for?

Philosopher: You see, ladies. This watch here is what I'll use to communicate with the stopwatch that's wrapped around Silas' neck. (To Silas) Silas? Are you still there?

Silas: Yes, Philosopher.

Philosopher (Coughs): I need you to help find the rest of the teammates with the Royals, so you can give them those boxes that are in the closet over there. (Points to the closet) So, once everyone in the team comes all together, I need you to take the lead on what the Royals need to do to improve their Kins, and by that point, I should be able to heal by then.

Silas: How long will it be for you to heal?

Philosopher: It'll take a while, but I'll be able to heal for how long Tabitha says. Anyways, when Tabitha comes, open the door for her so she can check up on me. (Talks to Sapphire & Spessartite) You girls need to tell your teammates what's happening and tell Citrine if she's going to use her Kins, she needs to be more careful. (Coughs)

Sapphire: Okay.

Spessartite: Alright.

(Scene 10: Sapphire & Spessartite go back outside and explain to the rest of their friends that the Philosopher will be resting for a while after what Citrine did)

Sapphire: So, you see, everybody, the Philosopher will be resting in their bed for a while.

Spessartite (Talks to Citrine): And they said that you need to be more careful with your Kins when using them, Citirine, since that has really hurt them.

Citrine: I understand, girls. Little Onyx here that brilliant idea to help me better use my power by balancing out both my positive & negative emotions out.

Onyx (Blushes): Aww. You don't need to rub it in, Citrine.

Smoky Quartz: At least we don't have to worry about any threats that are coming after them. Speaking of which, these threats will beat in one go with us to stop them.

(A rustle in the bushes)

Pyrite: What the hell was that?

Ruby: Get ready for anything, everybody.

(Everyone gets their own Gemstone Weapons ready for protection; out of the bushes comes out Bulldoze, who stands quite intimidating)

Bulldoze (In a booming voice): I have come to destroy the Royals... even the Princess Ruby herself.

Pyrite: Woah! He's quite huge!

Bulldoze: Are you the Royals?

Onyx (Gulps nervously, speaks softly): Yes, sir.

Ruby (Whispers): Let's all run away.

Citrine: What did you say, Ruby?

Ruby (Shouts loudly): I said let's all run away!

(All the Royals run away and Bulldoze jumps in front of the school to block them)

Bulldoze: Where do you think you're going?

Sapphire: May we ask who you are?

Bulldoze: The name is Bulldoze, and I came here to destroy you pathetic Royals. But let me start off with you, Princess Ruby since you have my least favorite color.

Ruby (Attempting to fly away): Ahh!

(Bulldoze grabs Ruby's one of legs and punches her in the face as she lands on the ground)

Rest of the Royals (Union): Ruby!

Bulldoze: Who's next?

Pyrite: You girls stop Bulldoze while I go and check on Ruby. (He rushes over to Ruby to check on her)

Bulldoze: Hey! Get back here, you damn fool!

Pyrite: Ruby? Don't worry about a thing. I'm here.

Ruby: Pyrite Look out!

(Bulldoze sneaks up to the two)

Sapphire: Stop! (Calls out one of her attacks) Sapphire Lasso! (The Sapphire Lasso gets tossed and wraps Bulldoze around his body) I got him! (Bulldoze breaks the Sapphire Lasso) Uh-oh! (He grabs her arm and tosses her to one of the trees) Woah!

Smoky Quartz: Sapphire! Okay, tough guy. It's time to show off what I can do! (Calls out one of her attacks) Smoky Quartz Kick!

Bulldoze (Grabs Smoky Quartz's leg and throws her to the ground): Nice try, brown quartz.

Onyx: Don't worry, Smoky Quartz! I'll come and save you from this beast!

Spessartite: Hey, Onyx! I have a plan. Come over for a bit with Citrine and me.

(Spessartite, Citrine, and Onyx all huddle up to talk about the plan to defeat Bulldoze)

Bulldoze (Angry): Hey! Whatever you ladies are blabbing about, I'm going to kill your red Royal member now. If not, then fight me if you don't want that. (Stomps his feet to get ahold of Princess Ruby)

Ruby (Tries to get up): I... must fight... Bulldoze... (Coughs)... before anyone gets hurt.

Pyrite: Ruby! You need to stay down!

Ruby: Why? I can't stand to see anyone, not even you, get hurt in front of me.

(Bulldoze stomps closer to where Ruby & Pyrite closer)

Pyrite: Because... I care about you. (Hugs Ruby tightly)

(As she blushes, she stares dumbfoundedly as Bulldoze looks more intimidating with his nose ring jiggling, eyes glowing red, and cracking his knuckles)

Pyrite: No! I refuse you to go after Princess Ruby!

Bulldoze: Out of the way, twerp!

Pyrite: Never!

Bulldoze: Fine!

(A huge wind blows behind Bulldoze's back as he looks behind)

Onyx (Takes a deep breath): Hey, you big bully! (Calls out one of her attacks) Wind Spiral Storm!

(Bulldoze gets blown away and hit by the tree where Sapphire is, and falls into Bulldoze's lap)

Sapphire: Woah!

(Bulldoze tosses Sapphire towards Onyx and knocks her over)

Onyx: Ouch!

Sapphire (Gets up and helps Onyx): I'm sorry, Onyx.

Onyx: It's not your fault, Sapphire.

(Bulldoze goes on a rampage run to go after Onyx & Sapphire; while Smoky Quartz is nearby and trips him as flips him on the ground)

Bulldoze: Ouch! My leg! (He slowly gets up and attempts to go after Smoky Quartz) You're next!

Smoky Quartz: (Screams) Ahh! Someone please help me!

(Spessartite jumps in front of Smoky Quartz to protect her)

Spessartite: Don't worry, Smoky Quartz. I'll protect you! (Calls out one of her attacks) Fire Breath!

(Bulldoze gets burned from Spessartite's breath and screams in agony)

Bulldoze (Screams): Fire! That burns like actual hell!

Spessartite: Now, Citrine!

Citrine: Right! (Gets her Citrine Mjolnir ready, jumps in the air, flies and pounces down on Bulldoze with her lighting zaps ready to shock him) Lightning Zap a Thon!

(A huge wave of lightning comes from the clouds in the sky and comes down on top of Citrine's Gemstone Weapon as she uses it to whack Bulldoze's face and damages his rib cage as he falls to the ground)

Citrine: How's everyone?

Spessartite: We're fine. Thanks for asking. (Helps Smoky Quartz get up)

Pyrite: You did it, Citrine. You used your lightning to great use to defeat. (Helps Ruby get up)

Citrine: Yeah. I did, didn't I?

Bulldoze (Gets up from the ground and glares at the Royals): This will not be the end. I am going back to my Empress. See you around. (Exits out with the others confused)

Sapphire: Empress?

Onyx: What does he mean by 'Empress?'

Ruby: I'm not sure, Onyx. What do I know is that an Empress is higher ranking Royal than a Queen.

Citrine: Do you think we'll ever meet an Empress?

Spessartite: We're not sure.

Smoky Quartz: Maybe the Philosopher will know something about an Empress.

Pyrite: Let's all go back inside, ladies.

(Scene 11: Back at Dungeon a la Lair, Bulldoze comes back with some the injuries that he has gotten from the fight and talks about what happened to the Mysterious Woman on the giant TV screen)

Bulldoze: I do apologize, my Empress.

Mysterious Woman: What the hell happened?

Bulldoze: I have failed you.

Mysterious Woman: Then what the hell are you doing at my little sister's place?

Bulldoze: I didn't want you to beat me up like the Royals did.

Mysterious Woman: Oh, boo-hoo. Cry me damn river, why don't you? Do you know who you sound like? You sound just like my little sister, just not as whiny. While you rest, I'll still have more threats on the way. Meanwhile, my creation should be ready when it's time.

To Be Continued...

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