S1 Ep 6: Royals Arc Part 6: Warning! Fire is Approaching!
Recap on the Previous Chapter...
Narration: Previously on Rainbow Academy...
(Lola & Silas hear something)
Lola: What was that noise?
Silas: Hop on to my back so we can find out. (Flies and soars to the sky)
(Lola & Silas see the girls along with someone else)
Enid (On screen): You can trust me, gals! My name is Enid, Princess Enid of the Smoky Quartz area! I am 4 years old, and my birthday lands on June 13th. Nice to meet y'all!
Silas (Ponders): Enid, why are you out here when you should be at Rainbow Academy?
Enid: Because why go to a school when you can what you want to do as a Princess.
Chelsea: But you can better master your Kins power.
Lola: Why do you wear that eyepatch, Enid?
Spike (Shocked): Lola?
Lola: Oops. I'm sorry about that.
Enid: That's okay, y'all. I wear this eyepatch because I was born with one eye.
Silas: We better get back to Rainbow Academy, girls. Hold on tight, Princesses because here we go! (Takes flight)
All 4 of Princess: Woah!
(In Dungeon a la Lair...)
Mysterious Woman: Oh, Vanessa?
Vanessa: What can I do for you, ma'am?
Mysterious Woman: Since you are a Vampire, I'd like you to go after those Royals' blood since their blood might be good enough for you to bring back for my latest creation.
(Goes into the secret room)
Mysterious Woman: Do not fret, my beloved creation, Once Ruby and her full are all founded, I will have them come to me.
Vampire Princess: You've got nothing to worry about. You are talking to a Vampire who enjoys sucking blood out of anyone. Come out, come out wherever you are. I know you're here somewhere.
Enid: Does the Philosopher have anything prejudice against someone like me?
Silas: What makes you think that, Enid?
Enid: Because of how I have an eyepatch and I am not normal to anyone my own home area.
Lola: To us, you are normal for being you.
Enid (Blushes): Aww. That's very nice of y'all. Thanks for the encouragement.
Silas: You girls are going to make me cry for hearing such inspirational words.
(All 4 of the Princesses hug Silas)
(At Rainbow Academy...)
Philosopher: It looks a bat!
Lola: A bat!
Silas: Come on, everyone. Let's get outside and stop that bat!
(Outside of Rainbow Academy...)
Vampire Princess: Are you talking about a bat, little dragon?
Silas: Yeah. Do you know where it went?
Vampire Princess: Well, you're looking at the bat right now.
Silas: (Gasps)
(As Ruby, Pyrite, Sapphire & Onyx fight the Vampire Princess, she bites them, and Silas and Smoky Quartz stop her themselves)
Silas: I'll back you up, Smoky. (Grows big and breathes green stings) Make your move now, Smoky Quartz!
Smoky Quartz: Earthquake!
Vampire Princess: No! My vials of blood!
Silas: You did it, Smoky! Uh, Smoky? What's the matter?
Enid: Buh... buh... buh.. blood. Oh! (Faints)
Silas: Oh, my Goodness.
(Back inside...)
Silas: (Whispers) Will Enid ever wake up from seeing the blood?
Philosopher: (Whispers) Of course, Silas. And so will the rest of the Royals, including Louis.
Silas: (Whispers) Phew! That's a relief!
(Back at Dungeon a la Lair...)
Mysterious Woman: I will get those Royals killed one of these days... including that damn Princess Ruby. (Thunder crashes)
Narration: And now the continuation of Rainbow Academy.
The Royals Arc continues onward...
(Scene 1: The next day in the dark area of Royals Land, the Mysterious Woman looks at her creation in the shadows that looks like the dead body of a baby dragon that is a foot bigger than Silas)
Mysterious Woman (Gently rubbing the body): Do not worry, my creation. Once you are completed, you will help me destroy those disgusting Royals. I know you won't betray me. Not like my little sister and the rest of the threats in her home.
(View of the other body parts that the new dragon needs for her creation appear)
Mysterious Woman (Walking coldly with her hands behind her back): But first, I need my little disappointing sister and the rest of the threats need to get more stuff from those Royals and such. I also need something else. (Shocks sounds) Ah, yes! I need to put these shocks inside of you. That way, you can only be programmed to only use emotion when you use it. (Gets a pair of red and blue wires for the arms and carefully puts them in the sockets) Easy does it. I must be very careful what I am doing.
(Gets a call from her little sister from the giant TV screen)
Spider Queen: Hello, my big sister!
Mysterious Woman (Almost drops the wires, growls): Hello, my little sister.
Spider Queen: Do you have a mission for you know who?
Mysterious Woman: Why?
Spider Queen: I was thinking while I'm out finding bugs, you can give me a mission on to get those Royals for you. Please, my big sister. (Rubs her stomach) My tummy is thinking of getting some delicious cockroaches to make some hot cockroach dogs. Oh, and as well as that Ruby heart too!
Mysterious Woman: I am not giving you this assignment. I am giving it to someone else. But you can always get them yourself.
Spider Woman: Ooh. Okay. What are you working on? May I come over and see it?
Mysterious Woman: No!
Spider Queen: Why not?
Mysterious Woman: Because I said so. In fact, get me one of the threats from your home.
Spider Queen: Which one, big sister?
Mysterious Woman (Snaps): I don't care which one! (Calms down) Just get one of them for me.
Spider Queen: Okay, sis. (Talks to herself) She doesn't need to be so damn snappy over the most basic of things. Geez! (A snake slither by the Spider Queen and transforms into a human with a mouse in her hand)
Medusa (Hisses): I'll take it from here, loser.
Spider Queen: Hmph! Come on, tummy! Let's go find some delicious cockroaches together. (Exits out)
Medusa: What shall I do, miss?
Mysterious Woman: I'd like you to destroy the Royals and capture a few flames in this ball. I need them for my creation.
Medusa: But miss, I am afraid of fire.
Mysterious Woman: I don't care if you're afraid of used coal; I need to have it for my creation.
Medusa: Sure thing, miss. (Grabs the ball and transforms into a snake again and turns the TV screen off)
(Scene 2: Back at Rainbow Academy, Silas comes in the huge bedroom where the Princesses are in with each sleeping in their own beds from the night before and wake them up to bring them to the Philosopher)
Silas: Wakey, wakey, girls! The Philosopher and I are waiting for y'all.
(All 4 of the Princesses yawn after a long night they had)
Silas: We'll be waiting for you in the Philosopher's classroom. (Exits the Royals' bedroom)
Jane: Gee! What a night, huh, girls? (Stretching)
Chelsea: You bet your own behind that was a night.
Lola: You were awesome last night, Enid.
Enid: Do you really think so, Lola?
Lola: Yeah. I wish I was brave like you when you were defeating the Vampire Princess.
Enid: Well, the thing you need to learn is that we're brave because deep down we are scared of something. We just need to show courage that we all have inside of us.
Lola: Wow! You are so awesome!
Chelsea: Come on, y'all. We need to get ready to meet with the Philosopher.
Jane: As well as Silas, too.
(As the girls get ready to meet with Silas & the Philosopher, they get their colored uniforms ready and all, Jane looks out the window and sees a girl with orange hair, purple glasses, and orange uniform coming to the school)
Jane: Hey, girls, come over here and look.
(The rest of the girls look out the window and see the same girl Jane saw and see her do something with her Kins power)
Jane: See?
Lola: What is she doing?
Chelsea: Looks like she's doing something her Kins power.
Enid: Maybe she could help us out in the team,
(The girl attempts to use her Kins power by using a little bit smoke but accidentally creates a fire nearby the school, and the girls start panicking)
Enid (Screaming): Oh, my God!
Lola (Screaming): Fire!
Jane (Screaming): What should we do!?
Chelsea (Screaming): Stop screaming, girls! I'll use a bucket of my water and throw it over there!
(The girls get Chelsea a bucket to pour her own water in and throw it over where the fire is located, and almost completely stops immediately)
Lola: Phew! That was a close one!
Enid: Too close!
Jane: Hey! Where is that girl going?
Chelsea: Let's go down to Silas and the Philosopher and find out where that girl is going?
(Scene 3: As the 4 Princesses go down to Silas & the Philosopher to find out who this girl is, they rush down and see the same girl is with Silas & the Philosopher, while Silas gets the fire extinguisher to put out the fire she accidentally let out)
Silas: Excuse me, girl; coming through. (Carrying the fire extinguisher and heads outside)
Philosopher: Hello, ladies. This is one of your other peers that will join us. (The girl waves nervously) As you girls get acquainted, I'll go get your breakfast ready. (Exits out to make breakfast for everyone)
Jane: Hello there.
Enid: What was that fire you started outside?
Spencer: I'm sorry about that. I have a hard time controlling it. So, I thought if I'd practice at my own home area or outside, I wouldn't have to be a laughingstock to everyone, or anyone scared of me from using my Kins power.
Chelsea: Well, welcome to Rainbow Academy, where we learn how to master our Kins power and become a Magical Girl &/or Magical Boy to stop threats all over Royals Land.
Lola: It's a pleasure to meet you, uh... what's your name?
Spencer: Oh, where are my manners? My name is Spencer, Princess of the Spessartite area. I am 6 years old, with my birthday landing on January 3rd.
Jane: I am Jane, Princess of the Ruby area.
Chelsea: Chelsea, Princess of the Sapphire area.
Lola: I'm Lola, Princess of the Onyx area.
Enid: And I'm Enid, Princess of the Smoky Quartz area.
Spencer: It's nice meeting you, girls. I do hope to gain more confidence in my own Kins power and show myself I am not as dangerous as I appear to be.
(Silas returns to the classroom with the fire extinguisher)
Silas: Well, I must say that was quite the fire you've let out. Good thing it didn't burn down the school, or we'd be doomed.
Spencer: I'm sorry about what happened, Mr. Dragon. I didn't mean to cause a fire that outrageous.
Silas: No need to worry about it, your majesty. And please, call me Silas.
Spencer: Okay, Silas. And you call me Spencer.
(Both bow to each other and the Philosopher comes in with a box for Spencer, and to tell them breakfast ready to eat)
Philosopher: Okay, Silas and Princesses. Breakfast is ready when you're ready. (Talks to Silas) So, Silas, did all the fire let out, Silas.
Silas: Yes, Philosopher.
Philosopher: That's good. (Talks to Spencer) Now, Spencer, my Princess, next time if you ever use your Kins again, try to make sure you don't go overboard with it.
Spencer: Okay. I understand, Philosopher. I'm really sorry about all of this.
Philosopher: That's okay.
(Scene 4: In the cafeteria, the Philosopher gives Spencer the box with the orange round shaped Gemstone and orange collar with an orange pendant, that she has friends that will be there for her to back her up)
Philosopher: So, you see, my Princess, Silas and these younglings will be helping you and as well as the rest of the teammates will there to help out. (Finishes putting the pendant around Spencer's neck)
Spencer (Chewing her cereal): That sounds like a good deal.
Philosopher (Talking to Silas): And remember, Silas. Even the most dangerous Kins power users from the students of Rainbow Academy out there still need to have someone to help them improve on their Kins power.
Silas: Sure thing, Philosopher.
Jane: Philosopher? How many Royal students are in this school to learn how to control their own Kins power?
Philosopher: To be honest, Jane, I am not quite sure how many there, considering Royals Land is an entirely different world than one would think. In fact, the locations everywhere here aren't just one location, it's a huge world with many different areas throughout places all over. (Showing the map near them)
Jane: That sure is a huge map of Royals Land.
Philosopher: Anyways, we'll learn about the history of Royals Land when you have everyone in the team. That way, we can discuss about it a bit more. As for now, you girls need to finish up your breakfast. While Silas and I wait outside to test what you girls can do to improve on your Kins powers.
Silas (Comes with the Philosopher): See you outside, Princesses.
Jane: Alright! We get to show off each other what we can do with our own Kins powers.
Chelsea: But we also need to show off what we can improve on too, Jane.
Jane. Oh, yeah.
Spencer: But, girls, I'm afraid to show off my fire again. What if I create something and make an accident along the way? What if I get outcasted by y'all? Or even worse, what if I am not capable enough to be a Magical Girl?
Lola: That does sound scary, Spencer.
Enid: No one likes being an outcast.
Jane: Come on, everyone. We need to be more supportive than that.
Chelsea: Yeah. We all must encourage each other, including Spencer.
Jane (Puts her right hand down): As leader of the Royals, I say let's swear to make our teamwork worth whatever we got it. Especially when we make our team bigger.
Chelsea: You got it, Jane. (Puts her right hand down on top of Jane's)
Lola: We should never give up on each other. (Puts her right hand down on top of Chelsea's)
Enid: We are all in this together. (Puts her left hand down on top of Lola's)
Jane: Come on, Spencer. What do you say? Are you going to join the team of Royals?
Spencer: You mean, you really want me part of your team with you, girls?
Lola: Why not? Maybe your fire can help us out in the team during different occasions.
Enid: And we'll be here to help you, ourselves, and everyone else who needs us to be there to lend a hand.
Chelsea: Or in this case, more than one hand.
(All of the girls laugh at Chelsea's joke)
Spencer: Alright. I'll join y'all to be part of the team. (Puts her left hand on top of Enid's)
All 5 girls: Go Royals!
(Scene 5: As all 5 of the girls go outside to meet up with Silas & the Philosopher, the girls each carry their own Gemstone and all surprised at an obstacle course that
Spencer: Wow! This looks like an obstacle course.
Silas: That's because it is, Spencer.
Enid: What is the obstacle course for, Philosopher?
Philosopher: Well, girls, this obstacle course is for y'all to improve what your Kins need to do to improve your strength. You can start off by transforming into your Magical Girl forms, then you can work your way up from there to use either the target signs, the bad guy props, or the equipment here that you can use to show off your inner strengths.
Silas: So, we hope you girls are capable of what you're able to do with your Kins powers. But also remember to believe in yourselves and your Kins will function the way you want them to function.
All but Spencer: Okay.
Philosopher: Spencer? Are you okay?
Spencer: Uh, sure... I guess so.
Philosopher: Remember, my Princesses, this is just a training exercise. So, it's okay if you mess up a bit since you just need to improve on your own Kins a little more.
Silas: Now, girls, get transforming into your own Magical Girl forms and get your own Gemstone Weapons ready as well.
Jane: I am Princess Ruby. (Princess Ruby appears and her Ruby Crystal Wand)
Chelsea: I am Princess Sapphire. (Princess Sapphire appears and Sapphire Energy Sword)
Lola: I am Princess Onyx. (Princess Onyx appears and Onyx Nunchucks)
Enid: I am Princess Smoky Quartz. (Princess Smoky Quartz and Smoky Quartz Mace)
Spencer: I wonder who'll I be, and my own Gemstone will transform into. (Orange light glows on her own pendant)
(As Spencer's pendant glows orange, she transforms from a 6-year-old whose 4' 8" tall to a 16-year-old whose 5' 8" tall, her short orange hair grows a bit with two separate short and low ponytails with teal hair scrunchies. She keeps the same purple glasses on her eyes. She earns a golden tiara with an orange spessartite on her forehead, her fingernails are painted orange, each wrist has an orange bead bracelet, scarlet lips, her school uniform transforms into an orange short-sleeved crop top and orange skirt, along with a pair of one inched orange sandals. She has a pair of orange pair of butterfly wings on her back. Her round shaped Gemstone transforms into a Spessartite Katana. Her voice changes into a little girl to a well-meaning and cheerful teenaged girl voice.)
Silas (Looks at Spencer's new form): Wow! Your new form looks great; just like the rest of the girls do.
Ruby: What are you going to call yourself, Spencer?
Spessartite: I decide to call myself 'Princess Spessartite!'
Smoky Quartz: Cool!
Onyx: I'll say!
Sapphire: Sounds quite the spicy name!
(All 5 of the Princesses gleefully laughing)
(Scene 6: Meanwhile, outside of Rainbow Academy, Madame Slither is still in her own snake form while looking around to find flames; and behind her comes a black widow spider who's following her)
Madame Slither: Where in the living hell can I find flames? There's nothing here or everywhere else I've went.
Spider Queen: I am sure you will find some flames.
Madame Slither (Looks behind her): Who the freaking damn hell said that?
Spider Queen (Jumps on top of Madame Slither's head): I did, Madame Stupid.
(Both transform into their own human forms, with the Spider Queen staying on top of Madame Slither's shoulders, thinking she could give her a piggyback ride)
Madame Slither: Excuse me? First of all, it's Madame Slither. Slither. Understand Me?
Spider Queen: Whatever you say, Madame Slither. (Mumbles to herself) Someone needs to calm their snake titties down or too?
Madame Slither: And second of all, get off of me, you creep!
Spider Queen: You don't tell me what to do. In case you've forgotten, I'm the Queen. You can't tell me what to do.
Madame Slither: Does this Queen happen to be the Queen of laziness?
(Both glare at each other for a bit)
Madame Slither: Fine. Just don't do anything stupid or I'll have to kill you with my venomous bite.
Spider Queen: Bitch! I have venomous stings, so I can bite your fat ass right back!
Madame Slither: Don't you dare start with me.
Spider Queen: What the hell ever. (Madame Slither continues walking) So, whereabouts are we going?
Madame Slither: "We?" Who is this "we?" I need to find flames for your big sister. So, I can't fail this assignment and her.
Spider Queen: Well, I am going to find me some delicious bugs and go to Rainbow Academy again to get Princess Ruby and steal her Ruby heart Gemstone.
Madame Slither: Whatever. Hey, while you're at it, maybe you can find me some rodents.
Spider Queen: Fine.
(Scene 7: Back to Rainbow Academy, the 5 Princesses are training with their own Kins powers, while both Silas & the Philosopher each use their own clipboards to score how much they've been improving)
Ruby (Calling out her one of her attacks with her own Gemstone Weapon): Heart Sparkle Shine! (A pair of red hearts collide with each other and blast at one of the target signs)
Sapphire (Calls out one of her attacks with her own Gemstone Weapon): Water Dragon! (A blue dragon appears and shoots out water and wets one of the bad guy props)
Onyx (Calls out one of her attacks with her own Gemstone Weapon): Windy Breeze! (The Onyx Nunchucks twirl around and make it quite windy towards the trees)
Smoky Quartz (Calls out one of her attacks with her own Gemstone Weapon): Earth Shaken! (A little bit of dirt comes from the ground gets tossed in the air and made it to the ground again)
Spessartite (Ponders over whether or not what she should do with her flames; monologue): Gee. This isn't going to be easy. I have to be quite cautious when it comes to doing those flames. (Rubs both of her hands together and tests out what she can do with her flames with the dummy in front of her) Here goes nothing! (After both of her hands have fire comes out, she creates a huge fire that's even bigger than last time and starts panicking a bit as Silas & the Philosopher go over to see what happened)
Silas: Spessartite! What happened?
Philosopher: Silas, take Spessartite and the rest of the Princesses over somewhere they can't get hurt. I'll take the fire out.
Silas: Right! Come on, Spessartite! Let's get you and the girls out of here!
Spessartite (Covers her mouth in fear): I'm sorry.
(Scene 8: As the Philosopher takes the fire out, Silas & the Princesses are all in fear of what happened as Spessartite walks over to a corner of the classroom by standing up by shaking in fear of what she did)
Silas: Are you girls alright?
Ruby: I'm alright.
Sapphire: So am I.
Onyx: Same.
Smoky Quartz: uh-huh.
Silas: What about you, Spessartite? (Spessartite doesn't answer) Spessartite?
Spessartite: What's the use? I'm not capable of using my own Kins power. What's worse, I am not capable of being a Magical Girl like the other girls.
Ruby: Don't say that kind of stuff, Spessartite.
Spessartite: But it's true, Ruby. I am just a dangerous Princess to y'all. Why should I be part of the team if I'm not able to control my own power. (Tears come down her cheeks)
Onyx: I know exactly how you feel, Spessartite. When I first came to Rainbow Academy and use my own Kins power, I doubted myself a lot, even my bravery.
Smoky Quartz: I was also ostracized for how much I felt different from the rest as well. So, you're not alone, girl. We are all here for you.
Silas: Plus, you've only just begun. In this school, we will make sure that you, the girls, and everyone here at Rainbow Academy are willing to show off your confidence. I know you're feeling unease, just like a lot of the students here. But try not to fret, dear. We are all here for you and we'll be there when you need us.
Ruby: Exactly. You should be happy that we're not just a team but also friends.
Sapphire: We're here for you through the thick and thin, no matter what happens to you and any one of us.
(Silas & the girls hug Spessartite and Silas grabs a few tissues to help Spessartite out and wipe her tears from her face)
Spessartite: Thanks, everyone. I'm glad I have people like you to be by my side. I will get better, and I know I will.
Philosopher (Returns to the classroom): Okay, everyone. The fire is all out now. Spessartite, I think I'm sensing why you and some of the other students why you're having trouble with your own Kins power. I believe it has to do with your own self-doubt.
Spessartite: Self-doubt?
Smoky Quartz: Could that possibly the main weakness, Philosopher?
Philosopher: Not necessarily. It is one of the weaknesses, just not the main weakness. So, if I was any of you Royals, including you, Silas, I'd try to tell each or yourself to try and not let those self-doubts get to you. Otherwise, that might make it worse as you don't want that to consume you.
Silas: Okay, Philosopher.
All 5 of the Princesses: We understand, Philosopher.
(Scene 9: Back with Madame Slither & Spider Queen both eat their own foods behind the bushes and still searching while looking through a pair of binoculars to see whereabout the Royals are)
Madame Slither: You know, your majesty, you can get off of me now. (Chews on a dead mouse)
Spider Queen: Nah! I can do this all day. (Chews on a blue beetle) Now, shut up while I search for those damn Royals.
Madame Slither (Sighs): Why am I not surprised? Might as well search for the Royals too since maybe one of them might have the power I need. (Looks through her binoculars)
Spider Queen: I said to you to shut up, Madame. (Looks through binoculars)
Madame Slither: Start with me again, and I'll choke you. (Gasps and sees something) Hey, I see something.
Spider Queen: Someone died?
Madame Slither: No, dumbass! I meant the Royals. They are over there! (View of Silas & the Royals in the classroom talking to the Philosopher)
Spider Queen (Jumps off of Madame Slither's Back): Where? Where? Let me see.
Madame Slither: You have a pair of binoculars- you can see through them.
Spider Queen (Looks through them): Jackpot, baby! This is what I love about looking through these binoculars! I can't wait to get my hands on that precious Ruby heart.
Madame Slither: Why are you so obsessed with getting that Ruby?
Spider Queen: Why are you so obsessed with getting flames? Aren't you afraid of fire?
Madame Slither (Grabs her weapon and ball): I need to get flames since your big sister needs them for some sort of creation she's working on. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go ahead and attempt to get some flames from one of those Royals.
Spider Queen: Hey! Wait for me! (Grabs her scepter)
(Scene 10: As Silas & the Princesses go outside for a little stroll, Silas senses someone coming to Rainbow Academy)
Silas: Hey! Did any of you girls just sense something that I sense?
Ruby: No! What is it?
(They all hear a sound that's coming from the bushes)
Smoky Quartz: It's coming from those bushes over there.
(Out of the bushes comes the Spider Queen & Madame Slither)
Onyx (Screams): Ah! It's the Spider Queen!
Sapphire: And she brought somebody with her too!
Spider Queen: Did you miss me?
Spessartite: I don't even know who you are.
Smoky Quartz: Me, neither.
Spider Queen: I wasn't asking you two pests. I meant your red corundum friend. (Pushes the two Princesses who responded on the side and the other two by hitting them with her weapon)
Ruby: Hey! Who the hell is this woman that's with you?
Spider Queen: Why this is my sidekick, Madame Slither.
Madame Slither (Unsure): Sidekick?!
Spider Queen: That's right. Now, Ruby, give me your Ruby heart.
Ruby: Never! (Flies away and calls out one of her attacks out of her Ruby Crystal Wand) Heart Ruby Sparkle! (A pair of two red hearts collide and come together to distract the Spider Queen)
Spider Queen: What the hell! (Uses her cape to block the hearts)
Sapphire: Now, it's my turn! (Calls out one of her attacks with her Sapphire Energy Sword and swings around) Water Dragon! (A blue dragon appears and shoots out water)
Spider Queen: Look out!
(Madame Slither & Spider Queen get all wet)
Madame Slither: Oh, my God. That crap's freaking cold! (Shivers in the cold water) I must stop these Royals.
Spider Queen (Shivers): Well, we can agree that one at least.
Onyx: No! (Calls out one of her attacks and uses her Onyx Nunchucks by twirling them around) Windy Breeze! (A gust of wind blows the two villains to the nearby tree)
Silas (Heads over to Smoky Quartz & Spessartite): Come on, you two! You must get up and stop those two them before it's too late!
Smoky Quartz: No problem! (Gets up and gets her Smoky Quartz Mace ready in her left hand to fight back against the threats) Here goes nothing. Earth Shaken! (A little dirt comes from the ground gets tossed in the air and gets swung by the two threats)
Madame Slither: What happened?
Spider Queen (Gasps): I don't know! But I do know we're going to get filthy if we don't watch out! Look out!
(The pile of dirt splats on the two and comes on top of the two)
Spider Queen: Aww, man! It's too late now! (Scared of Madame Slither's face) Uh, are you okay? Madame?
Madame Slither (Frustrated and growls in anger): That's it! Now, you've really done it this time! You've really pissed the snake off this time! It's time to finish you Royals off!
(Spessartite gasps and remembers what she was told earlier): Remember to believe in yourselves.
(Back to Princess Spessartite...)
Spessartite (Jumps and flies up in the air, grabs her Spessartite Katana on her left hand and calls out of her attacks makes flames come out of it): No! Fire Flame Slicer!
(Madame Slither gasps and gets burned)
Spider Queen (Shouts): Madame Slither! (Scared and watches her get burned)
To Be Continued...
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