S1 Ep 5: Royals Arc Part 5: Lost & Found
Recap on the Previous Chapter...
Narration: Previously on Rainbow Academy...
Chelsea: So, have you decided how many teammates you want to have in the team? Plus, what should be the name of our team, too?
Jane: I was thinking since Louis will only be a temporary member, that was going to be 3 members, but you and I are just 2 members... for now. So, I guess we can have 13 members of our team, including Silas would make 14 since he'll be our Mascot. As for the name of our team, I haven't decided yet.
Chelsea: Don't forget the Philosopher, Jane. They need to tell us where these missions are.
(Outside of Rainbow Academy, where the girls meet a new member of the team)
Chelsea: Who are you?
Lola: My name is Lola, Princess Lola of the Onyx area. I am 3 years old and my birthday lands on August 6th.
Chelsea: Nice to meet you, Lola. I am Princess Chelsea, Princess of the Sapphire area.
Jane: And I'm Jane, Princess Jane, Princess of the Ruby area.
Lola (Sneezes and blows the girls away)
Chelsea & Lola (Scream after seeing a black widow spider)
Jane (Flicks the black widow spider)
Philosopher (Sees Lola) Why, hello, little girl. Are you one of my other students?
Lola: I think so. Are you the Philosopher?
Philosopher: Yes, I am, my Princess. I'll be with you in a minute. I'll be right back; I need to go get a towel for Silas.
Lola: Who is Silas?
(The girls start screaming after Silas talked)
Philosopher: Girls, girls, girls. Clam down he's supposed to be talk since he's your since he's going to be your Mascot.
Lola: Us Royals should help out no matter what.
Jane: We should call ourselves Royals since we are Princesses and such.
Chelsea: That sounds like a perfect name.
Jane & Chelsea (Hug in union): Thank you for the name of our team, Lola.
Lola (Blushes): Aww, shucks.
Silas: That does sound nice.
(The Philosopher, Silas & the Princesses walk around the school)
Jane: Are you saying you cannot come with us?
Philosopher: I can't go anywhere past 10 feet away since my soul since my soul can't be anyplace else, hence why you, Silas, and the rest of your team to help with them with any missions outside of the Rainbow Academy area. Plus, I will only be here to give you kids the location on whereabouts your missions are located in Royals Land, and Silas will help you and need to know what to do. That said, he still needs to report back on what's happened after the mission.
(All 3 of the girls transform into their Magical Girl forms)
Philosopher: Remember to be careful, Royals, as well as you, Silas. I don't want y'all to get hurt.
(Outside, the Spider Queen attempts to stop the Royals and their Mascot)
Ruby: Spider Queen?
Spider Queen: Of course! Now, give me your Ruby Heart!
Ruby: Never, you pest!
Spider Queen: Then say goodbye to your friends!
Ruby: Royals! Watch out!
Spider Queen: I guess I'm going to blast you "Royals" now!
Onyx: I guess it's up to me to... (Gets her Onyx Nunchucks ready and feels like she's going to sneeze)
Spider Queen: You think I'm going to fall for your sneezes, little girl.
Onyx (Sneezes a bigger one than before)
(After searching, the Spider Queen attempts to attack Silas & Onyx)
Onyx: Windstorm!
Spider Queen: I'll be back to get you, Royal. (Gets blown away)
Onyx (Fades back to Lola)
Silas: Come on, Lola. We must find, Lola. We must find the girls before it's too late.
Mysterious Woman: Wait a sec, did you say they call themselves "Royals?"
Spider Queen: Yes, my big sister.
Mysterious Woman: Hmmm. Interesting.
Narration: And now, the continuation of Rainbow Academy.
The Royals Arc continues onward...
(Scene 1: Lola & Silas both went to search for the girls since they're somewhere away from Royals Land, and discuss about what are the Royals doing at Rainbow Academy)
Lola: Oh, Silas, this is terrible. What if we never find the girls?
Silas: Don't worry, Lola. We'll find them; I know we will. So, don't lose hope on them.
Lola: How's your shoulder doing?
Silas: It hurts a little, but don't worry about it. Us dragons have tough skin that heal our own injuries on our own and usually heal More importantly, let's focus more about where the girls are.
Lola: But it's my fault that I blew them away with Kins power. (Begins to cry) I can't bear to see what bad things could have happened to them.
Silas: (Gives Lola a handkerchief) There was no way you could have known what happened. You need to understand that this is the reason why the new generation of Royals need to go Rainbow Academy; to learn how to manipulate their own Kins power and experience the strengths and weaknesses they require.
Lola: (Blows her nose) My Mommy told me that I shouldn't worry about those around me who make me look bad.
Silas: Well, she has a point. It's best to focus on what you're able to do. Yes, there are going to be disadvantages to your Kins power, but don't let them consume you. (Gently pats Lola on the back)
Lola: Okay.
(Both Lola & Silas hear something and believe it could be the girls)
Lola: What was that noise?
Silas (Transforms into a medium sized dragon and voice slightly changes): Hop on my back so we can find out. (Flies and soars to the sky)
(Scene 2: As Lola goes on Silas' back, Silas carefully flies in the air, and both searched to find put where that noise was coming from, while searching for what that noise was, they see the girls with another girl)
Chelsea (Waves and shouts): Hey! Lola! Silas!
Jane: We're down here!
Silas: Hey! Look down there. (View of Jane & Chelsea, along with another girl)
Lola: Let's get down there.
(Silas & Lola land down safely where Jane & Chelsea are at)
Silas (Looks down): Hey, Princesses! There you are!
Lola: Thank God, we found you, girls! Are you two alright?
Jane: Alright? We're better than alright. Look! We found a new member of our team.
Chelsea: Jane, we don't know if she's trustworthy enough.
Enid (On screen with her brown uniform): You can trust me, gals! My name is Enid, Princess Enid of the Smoky Quartz area. I am 4 years old, and my birthday lands on June 13th.
Jane: I'm Jane, Princess of the Ruby area.
Chelsea The name's Chelsea, and I'm Princess of the Sapphire area.
Lola: I am Lola, Princess of the Onyx area.
Silas: And I am Silas, the Mascot of the team.
Enid: Nice to meet, y'all. (Sees a pile of dirt) Good thing I wear gloves. Watch this! (Gets pile of dirt and makes it into a large ball and does a backflip trick while kicking it) Ya-Hoo!
Lola (Amazed): That was amazing!
Jane: I'll say.
Chelsea: Impressive.
Silas (Ponders): Enid, why are you out here when you should be at Rainbow Academy?
Enid: Because why go to a school when you can just do what you want to do as a Princess.
Chelsea: But you can better master your Kins power.
Silas: Exactly. Stay here without going to school isn't going to get you anywhere if you don't go to school.
Enid: But what if the mentor makes me feel like I'm not able to learn anything.
Jane: Who is your mentor, Enid?
Enid: The Philosopher.
Lola: That's who we all have.
Enid: Really? Cool! I just hope they don't mind me wearing my eyepatch.
Lola: Why do you wear an eyepatch?
Silas (Shocked): Lola?
Lola: Oops. I'm sorry about that.
Enid: That's okay, y'all. I wear this eyepatch because I was born with just one eye.
(Everyone looked shocked yet understanding why Enid wears it)
Silas (Looks at his stopwatch around his neck): Oh, my God. We better get back to Rainbow Academy, girls! It's getting late already.
Enid: Oh, crap! What are waiting for? Let's go.
(The girls get on Silas' back to ride back to Rainbow Academy)
Silas: Hold on tight, Princesses! Because here we go! (Takes flight)
All 4 Princesses: Woah!
(Scene 3: In Dungeon a la Lair, the Mysterious Woman asks someone to step forward to the giant TV screen and instruct them what to do with the Royals)
Mysterious Woman: Ever since my little sister, her husband, and the Jester have failed me.... again, I think it's only now to bring in a different enemy. (Calls) Oh, Vanessa? May you come up to the giant TV screen, please?
(A little black bat with red eyes appears by the TV screen and transforms into a woman with a red and black robe appear while taking a bottle of blood to drink with her)
Vanessa: What can I do for you, ma'am? (Drinks up her bottle)
Mysterious Woman: My dear, since it's almost nighttime, and I would like you to do me a favor.
Vanessa: Glad to do a favor for you. What can I do for you?
Mysterious Woman: Since you are a Vampire, I'd like you to go after those Royals' blood since their blood might be good enough for you to bring it back for my latest creation.
Vanessa: That'd be a delightful request, especially since I've been craving for delicious human blood from these new generation of Royals. (Licks lips)
Mysterious Woman: Excellent. I do not want you to fail me. Remember to bring me a few samples of blood in these little vials. (Gives the vials by the side of the of the TV and then turns off the TV screen)
(After turning off the TV screen, the Mysterious Woman in the dark shade goes to her secret room where there's a humungous vile with a giant organ inside with bubbles coming out of it)
Mysterious Woman (Hugs & whispers to her latest creation): Do not fret, my beloved creation. Once Ruby and her full team are all founded, I will have them come to me. (Goes to the fridge to get something to eat) Oh, yes. My delicious grasshoppers. (Chews and burps) I can guarantee these Royals will certainly get their blood fed to you. I will make sure that there will not be any peace in all of Royals Land. (Thunderstorm crashes)
(Scene 4: Back to Silas & the Princesses in the air, it's already nighttime and wondering whereabouts they are, and owls hooting)
Jane (Yawning): Silas? Where are we now?
Silas: We're still in the air, Jane.
Chelsea: It's already dark outside.
Lola: I wonder if our parents are worried about us.
Silas: Well, Lola, the Philosopher told me when you, Chelsea & Jane were outside having lunch that you Royals are supposed to stay at Rainbow Academy for a while. The only time you go home to spend with your family is around different vacations.
Enid: Phew! That's a relief!
(Silas lands on the ground with the Princesses safely)
Chelsea: Huh?
Jane: Why did you stop, dude?
Silas: I am getting kind of hungry. Without food, a dragon's stomach can give out make me a bit lightheaded. You girls need food too.
Enid: Well, what do you dragons eat.
Silas: My kind eats berries-any kind, Gemstone karats, and anything that's sweet but not too sweet.
Lola (Looks around): Hmm... Where can we find food?
Enid (Hops on a rock): It's too hard to see in the dark.
Silas: I can help with that. (Glows a light green light ball) This won't last too long since I need food to get a lot of my energy.
Jane: No worries, no worries, Silas. You make sure that light doesn't go out while the girls and I attempt to find food. C'mon, girls.
(Scene 5: The Vampire Princess is out in the moonlight in her bat form to search for the Royals and get blood from them as she speaks to the Mysterious Woman on her black and red phone)
Mysterious Woman: So, Vanessa, did you find the Royals yet?
Vampire Princess: Not yet ma'am.
Mysterious Woman: Don't screw up this mission like my little sister and the others I've mentioned to you. I need that blood sample for my creation.
Vampire Princess: You've got nothing to worry about. You are talking to a Vampire who enjoys sucking blood out of anyone.
Mysterious Woman: Just don't screw up this mission. Got it?
Vampire Princess: Got it, ma'am. (Hangs up and transforms into her original form again): Goddamn these Royals got to be someplace. But where? Where? (Sniffs something) What's that smell? (Sniffs again) I smell little Royal kids' blood. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't hurt to get their blood since they are still the same race as those pests. Besides, it's not like she's going to find out whose blood I'm using.
(After searching around to find the Royals, the Vampire Princess continues to keep sniffing as she attempts to search for them from different high and low locations)
Vampire Princess: Come out, come out wherever you are. I know you're here somewhere. (Gets her weapon ready to get some blood from them)
(Scene 6: As Silas & the Princesses search around for food, the girls find some strawberries and green apples for everyone to share; while doing so, they all discuss to Enid what goes on at Rainbow Academy)
Jane: We found some food for all of us to eat, Silas.
Silas: That's great.
Chelsea: Anyways, Enid, we need to discuss to you what goes on at Rainbow Academy.
Silas (Takes a bite out a strawberry): When you go to Rainbow Academy, you'll first get introduced to the Philosopher.
Jane: Then they will give you a small box that comes with a colored pendant with a heart-shaped Gemstone that will store your own Kins power, and a round shaped Gemstone that can transform into a Gemstone Weapon.
Chelsea: However, it's only able to transform when you transform into a Magical Girl.
Enid: A Magical Girl, you say?
Lola: Yep. You can only transform into a Magical Girl whenever we need to stop threats and have a time limit to transform back to ourselves again. (Takes a bite out of a green apple)
Silas: And I am going to be your Mascot to help you, your team, and the Philosopher.
Enid: Does the Philosopher have anything prejudice against someone like me?
Silas: What makes you think that, Enid?
Enid: Because of how I have an eyepatch and I am not normal to anyone from my own home area.
Jane: Don't worry about that, Enid.
Lola: Yeah. To us, you are normal for being you.
Enid (Blushes): Aww. That's really nice of y'all. Thanks for that encouragement.
Lola: Yeah?
Chelsea: I must say, Lola. Those words are quite encouraging, especially for what we're all going through lately.
Jane: We all may be different, but deep down inside of us, we are all the same, including you, Silas.
Silas: You girls are going to make me cry for hearing such inspirational words.
Chelsea: How are you feeling after eating, Silas?
Silas: Much better than before. Thanks again, my Princesses.
Enid: No problem. We are here for you, buddy.
(As all the Princesses hug Silas, they all realize that they must return to Rainbow Academy before it's too late for them to go to bed)
Silas: Oh, crap, my Princesses. We better go before it's too late. Get back on my back. (The girls get on his back) Ready, ladies?
All 4 of the Princesses: We're ready.
Silas: Hold on tight because here we go.
All 4 of the Princess: Woah!
(Scene 7: Meanwhile, the Vampire Princess still searches for the Royals and still hasn't found them, while her Kisaragi is still ready to get the Royals' blood)
Vampire Princess: Royals? Royals? Where are you damn Royals? (Sees something) Ah-ha! (A small raccoon comes out of the bushes) Damn it! Where the hell are they? I know they are here somewhere. (Phone rings) Hello?
Mysterious Woman (On the phone): Have you tracked down the Royals yet?
Vampire Princess: No, I haven't found them yet.
Mysterious Woman (On the phone): Well, keep searching for those fools. I know they've got be there; I just know it. If not, there will be drastic measures.
Vampire Princess: I promise you, ma'am. I will find those pests, even if I have to look for them all night long.
Mysterious Woman (On the phone): Okay. I'm going to let you go; my soap opera is back on.
Vampire Princess: Okay. Bye. (Sees a dragon up above and sees 4 Royal kids on his back) Yes! Jackpot baby! It's time to get some delicious juicy blood from them. (Transforms into a bat to chase after the dragon)
(While flying after Silas & the Royals, the Vampire Princess flies into a nearby branch that she didn't duck and falls to the ground)
Vampire Princess: Ouch! Goddamn it! How did I not see that stupid ass branch! I must keep going before I lose them. (Gets back up and Flies back in the sky) Huh? Don't tell me I've lost them. I mustn't give up. Their blood shall be mine. (Evil laugh)
(Scene 8: As Silas & the Princesses finally arrive at Rainbow Academy, The Philosopher & Louis are both waiting for them to return since they've been gone for quite a while)
Silas: We are finally here, Philosopher!
Louis (Surprised): Wow! You weren't kidding, Philosopher! Silas can grow and also talk. But more importantly, is everyone okay?
Jane: Yeah. We are okay.
Chelsea: Louis, these 2 are Lola, Princess of the Onyx area and Enid, Princess of the Smoky Quartz area.
Louis: Hello, you two, it's a pleasure to nice you both.
Lola: Hello, Louis.
Enid: It's a pleasure to meet you too.
Philosopher: I am so glad that all of y'all are safe. Nothing bad happened you or the Princesses, right, Silas?
Silas: Nope. Nobody got hurt, nor has any threat appeared other than the Spider Queen earlier today that Lola defeated in her Magical Girl form.
Philosopher: Well, I am quite proud of that Lola was able to show that bravery. But I am also glad that all of you are safe and sound.
Enid: Hey, Philosopher.
Philosopher: Hello, my Princess Enid. It's a good thing that you have arrived because I'd like you to come here, please.
(As Enid goes to the Philosopher, Silas & the Princesses discuss to Louis for a bit)
Silas (Transforms into normal size): So, Louis, aren't you a member of the Royals?
Louis: Royals?
Silas: Yeah, it's the name of this group.
Louis: Nah! I am only a temporary member. I will help out in different teams, including this one. However, if I do help out, it's only when someone needs me when it's necessary.
Silas: Oh, okay.
Jane: I do wish you the best of luck when it comes to your job being a Magical Boy in your Prince Pyrite form.
Louis: I wish you the best of luck too, Jane. As well as your team, too.
Jane (Blushing redder than usual): Golly! Thanks, Louis. That is very kind of you.
Chelsea: Uh, Jane, did you know you blush extremely red?
Jane: Huh?
Lola: Yeah. You're looking like fresh red strawberry.
Jane (Covers her face with both hands): Ah! Don't look at me, please. I don't like it when people look at me when I'm really red.
Silas: Damn, Jane. It was just a compliment.
(Jane faints to the ground)
Lola: Uh, Jane?
(Enid and the Philosopher return while discussing she'll do whatever it takes to be with the Royals, and see Jane on the floor)
Enid: Thanks for the pendant and Gemstone, Philosopher.
Philosopher: No problem, my Princess.
Enid: So, being a Royal member takes a bunch of responsibilities to be part of the team.
Philosopher: That, and to never give up you or the team.
Enid: Okie... doke? (Sees Jane) Uh, what's wrong with Jane, y'all?
Louis: Oh, she fainted after I complimented her.
Silas: Come on, Jane. Enough staying on the floor. (Snaps his fingers by her face)
Jane: What the hell? What happened?
Louis: Never mind. It's quite complicated.
(A smash out of the window comes out of nowhere)
Enid (Surprised): Woah! What was that?
Philosopher: I don't know, Enid.
(A bat with glowing red eyes flies around the room with everyone in the classroom horrified and goes back outside)
Louis: Did you see that, everyone?
Philosopher: It looks like a bat.
Lola: A bat!?
Silas: I sense a Vampire bat!
Jane: That bat had glowing red eyes!
Chelsea: Now that is scary!
Philosopher: All of you kids better transform and go outside to find out who it is to stop them. You too, Silas. Stay with them so they can be protected.
Silas: Right! Let's go, everyone! It's time for you to transform into your alter egos!
Jane: I am Princess Ruby! (Princess Ruby appears)
Louis: Prince Pyrite! (Prince Pyrite appears)
Chelsea: Princess Sapphire! (Princess Sapphire appears)
Lola: Princess Onyx! (Princess Onyx appears)
Enid: When am I going to transform into my Magical Girl form, though? (Brown light glows on her own pendant)
(As Enid's pendant glows brown, she transforms from a 4-year-old whose 4'3" tall to a 14-year-old whose 5' 3" tall, her dark purple bob cut loses the tiny pigtail from the left side of her head. She wears the same black eyepatch with a cross bone skull on it. She earns a golden tiara with a brown smoky quartz on her forehead, her fingernails are painted brown, along with a pair of brown fingerless gloves, each wrist has a brown bracelet with white buckles on each, magenta lips, her school uniform transforms into a brown short-sleeved crop top and brown skirt, along with a pair of brown boots with laces and straps and buckles. She has a pair of brown butterfly wings on her back. Her round shaped Gemstone transforms into a Smoky Quartz Mace. Her voice changes from being a high jumpy voice to a slightly lower jumpy voice)
Silas: Come on, everyone. Let's get outside and stop that bat!
(Scene 9: As Silas, Louis, and the rest of the Royals go outside, the Vampire Princess herself transforms into her original self again, and gets her weapon ready to fight as well as the vials to fetch some blood from them)
Vampire Princess (Transforms back into herself): Now, it's time to bite some delicious human flesh with blood for my boss and myself. (Licks her lips and sharpening her weapon)
Silas: Hey, you little bat. Where the hell did you go?
Vampire Princess: Are you talking about a bat, little dragon?
Silas: Yeah. Do you know where it went?
Vampire Princess: Well, you're looking at the bat right now.
Silas: (Gasps)
Pyrite: Silas, we've heard you gasp. What happened?
(As everyone arrives, Smoky Quartz gasps and falls to the ground and stares dumbfoundedly, where Ruby and the others question her what's the matter)
Ruby: What's wrong?
(The Vampire Princess stands intimidatingly with her evil grin and fangs showing and gets weapon and vials ready)
Sapphire: Please, tell us what's wrong, Princess Smoky Quartz?
Vampire Princess: I am the Vampire Princess! Now, enough chitchat! I suppose you are the Royals I've heard about.
Pyrite: Yes, we are! Let's get this fight started!
(As Pyrite, Ruby, & Sapphire get ready to fight, Silas & Onyx go over to check on Smoky Quartz)
Onyx (Helps Smoky Quartz get up): Are you okay?
Smoky Quartz (Stammers): I... I... I hope so.
Silas: Okay. Let's go help and fight that threat.
(While the Vampire Princess is still fighting with the 3 with her own weapon, she gets her fangs ready to bite them)
Vampire Princess: Hold still, you little bastards!
Silas (Shouts and warns them): Watch out, y'all!
Pyrite (Gets bitten & shouts in pains): Huh? Ow! My arm!
Ruby (Exclaims): Pyrite! That's it, Vampire Princess! You've asked for this! (Gets her Ruby Crystal Wand ready and calls one of her attacks) Heart Stopper!
Vampire Princess: Oh, no you don't. (Dodges and bites Ruby's arm)
Ruby (Screams in pain): My arm!
Onyx (Calls out one of her attacks and uses her Onyx Nunchucks): Wind Blast!
Sapphire (Calls out one of her attacks and uses her Sapphire Energy Sword): Water Waves!
Vampire Princess (Gets her bat wings out as she flies in the air and bites on each Onyx & Sapphire's own arms, while both scream in pain): I will not be blown away or stopped by water!
(Onyx & Sapphire scream in pain in the background, along with Pyrite & Ruby)
Vampire Princess (Fills up each vial with each of their own blood): This is wonderful. I just need to get one more and that's going to that Quartz over there.
Silas: Princess Smoky Quartz! You must do something to help your friends out! They need you!
Smoky Quartz (Stammers): But I'm... I'm... I'm...
Ruby (Calls Smoky Quartz): Smoky! Help us! Please!
Sapphire: We need you, Smoky!
Pyrite: We are all counting on you!
Onyx: Please, do something!
Silas: I'll back you up, Smoky! (Grows into a bigger size dragon and breathes out green stings)
Vampire Princess (Screams in pain while holding her arm): Ouch! What in the damn hell was that?
Silas: Make your move now, Smoky Quartz!
Smoky Quartz (Gets her Smoky Quartz Mace ready and Smoky Quartz sparks come out): Vampire Princess! Get ready for my attack!
Vampire Princess (Being snarky): What the damn living hell are you going to do to beat me, Eyepatch? None of your Royal friends can do anything to stop me.
Smoky Quartz (Jumps up in the air and flies down to beat the Vampire Princess): Earthquake!
(The dirt from the ground gets up from where the Vampire Princess is and gets stomped by it and the vials of blood spilled on the grass)
Vampire Princess: No! My vials of blood are all gone! (Sees one with blood) Wait! I see one vial of blood! (Transforms into a Vampire bat again) I'll be again! Not tomorrow night! But some other time for you pests!
Silas: You did it, Smoky! Uh, Smoky? What's the matter?
(Smoky Quartz transforms back into her original form again, as well as the others)
Enid: Is that blood I see on the rest of the gang?
Silas: Why, yes? (Calls on everyone) Is everybody okay?
Enid: Buh... buh.. buh.. Blood! Oh! (Faints to the ground)
Silas: Oh, my goodness. (Carries Enid and the rest of the kids inside)
Scene 10: Silas and the Philosopher put Louis in his bandaged-up shoulder to heal him and take him into the Preacher's own classroom so they can put him into bed, so they can rest. As for Jane and the rest of the Royals, Silas and the Philosopher put them into their own beds in a bedroom of the students' own beds are all settled in after they got bandaged up from the bites, they've gotten from the Vampire Princess)
Silas (Whispers): Philosopher? It seems to me that Enid has passed out from exhaustion.
Philosopher (Whispers): That and/or the fact she witnessed blood and fainted, hence why she stammered like you said to me earlier. Either way, you and she have saved everyone.
Silas (Whispers): Will Enid ever wake up from seeing the blood.
Philosopher (Whispers): Of course, Silas. And so will the rest of the Royals, including Louis.
Silas: Phew! That's a relief!
(Scene 11: In Dungeon a la Lair, the Vampire Princess talks to the Mysterious Woman on the giant TV screen; not feeling too pleased with the results)
Vampire Princess: Look on the bright side, ma'am. At least you've gotten one vial of blood from one of those Royals.
Mysterious Woman (Angered): I don't want to hear it, Vanessa! (Holds the vial in her hand) All you got me was one vial of blood! You've disappointed me, you little brat! You've disappointed me, and you know it!
Vampire Princess: But, ma'am, I...
Mysterious Woman (Interrupts her): End of discussion! (Turns off the giant TV screen) I guess I'll have to use this Royal's blood to put int my creation. (Goes inside her secret room) My beautiful creation, dear. That damn Vampire has only brought you one and only one. I will get those Royals killed one of these days. I absolutely will. (Pours in the vial of blood to feed to her creation) Just you wait. once those Royals get killed, Royals Land will be no more with those new generation of Royals... including that damn Princess Ruby. (Thunder crashes)
Narration: Will the team ever expand enough to stop the threats of Royals Land? Will the Royals be able to know why these are threats after them in the first place? More importantly, who is this Mysterious Woman? And what is her deal? Find out more as Rainbow Academy continues on.
To Be Continued...
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