S1 Ep 4: Royals Arc Part 4: Along Came Another Princess

Recap on the Previous Chapter...

Narration: Previously on Rainbow Academy...

Mysterious Woman: Oh, Giggles. I have a special assignment for you.

Giggles (Pushes Aranha away): Step back, your majesty. Your big sister has a special assignment for me.

(Back in the Philosopher's classroom)

Jane: So, I've earned a Mascot, what's the next lesson to learn about becoming a Magical Girl or Magical Boy, Philosopher?

Philosopher: Since you've worked so well with Louis, the next step is to form a team of Magical Girls & Boys.

Jane: But just about how many teammates should I have?

Philosopher: The thing is, Jane, it's up you to decide how many teammates you'd like to have.

(School bell rings, outside of Rainbow Academy, Jane & Louis have a discussion about what they both will be doing)

Louis: Well, I don't know about you, Jane, but I decide to go on and off with others when it's absolutely necessary to help.

Jane: Well, you know if I need help, I'll call you or Prince Pyrite, eh?

Louis: True that.

(Look in the bushes to see who's there)

Jane: Hello? Is anyone there?

Louis: We promised not to hurt you.

Chelsea (Splashes water on Jane & Louis): Hello? I'm sorry about that, you two. I didn't mean to scare you. My name is Chelsea, Princess Chelsea of the Sapphire area.

Jane: Oh, hello, I am Jane, Princess Jane of the Ruby area.

Louis: And I am Louis, Prince Louis of the Pyrite area.

(Behind the bushes...)

Giggles (Whispers in his echoey voice): That's right, Princess Chelsea. Run like you've always done back then. You can run, but you can't hide from me.

(Back inside of Rainbow Academy with the Philosopher...)

Chelsea: I am Princess Chelsea. You must be the Philosopher, too?

Philosopher: Uh-huh. I have something for you, my Princess.

Chelsea: What's that?

Philosopher (Returns with a box and opens it for Chelsea and puts the pendant around her neck): Here you go, my dear Princess. This is a pendant that will store your Kins power. The Kins power possess is Hydrokinesis- which is water manipulation.

(Back outside behind the bushes, Giggles is talking into a walkie talkie)

Mysterious Woman V/O: Are you aiming at the prize?

Giggles (Normal Voice; whispering): Don't worry, lady. My Clown Minions and I are almost there. i promise not to disappoint you, my lady. (Speaks in his bullhorn in his echoey voice) Okay, gentlemen. Get your clown equipment and set your acts so we can get a hold of the Princess! (Evil laugh)

(Back inside of Rainbow Academy...)

Chelsea: Oh, no! It's him! That evil Jester!

Jane: He does look terrifying with that smile! It's time for us to transform into being Magical Girls!

(Jane & Chelsea transform into their Magical Girl forms)

Philosopher: Now, get going, my Princesses; go after that threat!

(Outside of Rainbow Academy...)

Ruby: We're here to stop you, Giggles! I am Princess Ruby!

Sapphire: And I am her partner. You can call me Princess Sapphire!

Giggles: Clown Minions! After them!

Sapphire: Right on target!

Giggles: Get down here right now, little blue girl! (Looks at Ruby) I guess I can go after your friend instead. Say goodbye to your friend, Princess Sapphire! (Knocks Ruby out; evil laugh)

Sapphire (Screams): Giggles! Water Flood! (Stabs Giggles' shoulder with Sapphire Energy Sword)

(Inside of Rainbow Academy...)

Ruby (Flustered): Giggles? That bastard! I'll get that son of a bitch!

Sapphire (Calms ruby down): Don't worry, Ruby. Giggles retrieved from here.

Philosopher: I can tell you two are going to make a great team.

(Ruby & Sapphire hug each other to transform back into their original forms as Jane & Chelsea)

(Back at Dungeon a la Lair...)

Mysterious Woman: Giggles!

Giggles: My lady, I can explain. It was Princess Ruby's partner. Princess Sapphire.

Mysterious Woman: Okay, little sister. I'll give you another shot.

Spider Queen (Goes into a dark room, transforming into her real black widow spider form): Yes, yes, yes! This is going to be delightful; I just know it. (Evil laugh)

Narration: And now, the continuation of Rainbow Academy.

The Royals Arc continues onward...

(Scene 1: As Jane is still resting her head with herself holding an ice pack, she and Chelsea discuss about how many members they should have, while the Philosopher is polishing the Gemstones for the girls, and Marshmallow takes her nap, alongside with Silas)

Chelsea: How's your head feeling, Jane?

Jane: It still hurts, Chelsea. Thanks again for helping me out.

Chelsea: And thank you for telling me that I need to become braver.

Jane: Hey, that's what friends are for.

(The two girls smile at each other)

Chelsea: So, have you decided how many teammates you want to have in the team? Plus, what should be the name of our team, too?

Jane: I was thinking since Louis will only be a temporary member, that was going to be 3 members, but you and I are just 2 members... for now. So, I guess we can have 13 members of our team, including Silas would make 14 since he'll be our Mascot. As for the name of our team, I haven't decided yet.

Chelsea (Ponders): Don't forget the Philosopher, Jane. They need to tell us where these missions are. Hmm... I guess we still have yet to think about it.

Jane: Oh, okay.

Philosopher: I am so glad that you two are thinking about the number of teammates. When it comes to the name of the team, it's going to be a bit challenging since they are many names out there. (Hands over the girls' Gemstones back after polishing, the school bell rings) Well, it's time for lunch, you two.

(Scene 2: Jane & Chelsea go outside to eat lunch as numerous students come outside with their own lunch boxes, and still think of a name of their team, they sit by a table by a tree)

Chelsea (Opens her blue lunchbox): I am so excited to eat some shrimp salad and drink some blueberry juice with it on the side.

Jane (Opens her red lunchbox): I am having some pizza bite sized snacks and blue cheese dip with a diet soda on the side. (Groans in misery) Chelsea?

Chelsea: What was that?

Jane: I still can't figure out the name of our team.

Chelsea: I can't either, but did you really have to moan like that?

Jane: I go through mood swings by moaning.

Chelsea: Well, you are a Cancer from the zodiac signs, and they do say Cancerians go through mood swings.

Jane: What are you from these zodiac signs?

Chelsea: I'm a Virgo.

Jane: (Moans in misery again)

Chelsea: Jane, could you knock it off with these mood swings? I can't tolerate those. I might get a headache from those.

Jane: It's my head; it really painful.

Chelsea (Disgusted): I understand you're in pain, just quit those mood swings, please.

(A small girl with the height of 4' 1" with red bright red pigtails in a black school uniform appears in the middle of the table with her black lunchbox, appears some macaroni & cheese and a little baby cup of juice)

Chelsea: Oh, hello there, little girl.

Jane: We hope you didn't mean to startle with our small argument.

Chelsea (Confused): "Our?"

Lola (Shyly): Actually, I just got here, girls. I was just about to get ready to eat my macaroni & cheese. You don't mind that, do you?

Jane: No, we don't mind at all.

Chelsea: Who are you?

Lola: My name is Lola, Princess Lola of the Onyx area. I am 3 years old and my birthday lands on August 6th.

Chelsea: Nice to meet you, Lola. I'm Princess Chelsea, Princess of the Sapphire area. I say that you are a Leo and a fire sign then.

Lola: Yeah? Oh, a red rose. (Finds a rose nearby)

Jane: And I'm Jane, Princess of the Ruby area. You seem to love roses.

Lola: Actually, I love all flowers. (Sniffs the red rose and sneezes a windy storm and accidentally blows Jane & Chelsea away)

Jane & Chelsea (Union): Woah! (Both crash into each other) Ouch!

Lola (Crying): Oh, my God. I am absolutely sorry, you two. Please don't get mad at me. I know my sneeze was huge, but it was an accident, I swear.

Jane (Screams in pain): Ow! My head hurts more than before!

Chelsea (Gets up and gives Jane a hand): Well, I know I'm alright. What the hell was that?

Lola: I have a Kins power that revolves around wind. I have a hard time controlling it. I have a class with the Philosopher, but I have a feeling that name sounds scary.

Jane: Don't worry, Lola. We'll be with you in the same classroom together.

Chelsea: They are able to help you out.

Lola: Thanks, girls, I really appreciate that. (Looks at the branch right by her side and screams and panics) Ahh! A spider!

Chelsea (Disgusted and screams alongside with Lola): Ewww! Where?! (Sees a black widow spider on a leaf) Ahh! It's a black widow spider!

Lola: It looks creepy and ugly!

(Jane stares at the black widow spider without screaming while Chelsea & Lola stare at Jane dumbfoundedly that she's not scared of a black widow spider)

Lola (Whispers to Chelsea): Chelsea, how is Jane not sacred of a black widow spider?

Chelsea (Whispers back to Lola): Must be a tomboy thing.

Lola (Whispers): Huh?

(Jane stares down at the black widow spider on the branch as she slowly grabs her hand, attempting to flick her; as she does, the school bell rings, and the 3 Princesses rush back inside to get back inside with the Philosopher to meet Lola)

Chelsea: Come on, girls. Let's get back inside so Lola can meet the Philosopher.

Lola: Okay then. Race you, girls!

Jane: Last Princess there is a rotten egg!

(Scene 3: As the girls run back inside, the black widow spider transforms into her human self, who was the Spider Queen herself by putting her clothes back on before anyone else sees her and grabs her scepter out of her front pouch)

Spider Queen (Grunting in frustration while talking to herself): That awful Princess! Thinking that she could just flick me like that! She's a tomboy too, just like that Princess Ruby. I wonder if there's a connection between the two. Hmph! I'll never understand these strange humans. (Stomach growls and licks her lips)

(As the Spider Queen rubs her stomach, she sees a grasshopper, beetle, cockroach, and mantis crawling by her and grabs them immediately while the bugs squeal with her right hand with her scepter being in her left hand)

Spider Queen: That's right my precious food; come to mama! (Shoves them all in her mouth before they escape from her; with someone across from her stares at her in shock, while swallowing the bugs in front of them) What the hell are you looking at, weirdo? (The person backs up and runs off without a peep) Good riddance. Damn those pesky humans can't even mind their own business.

(While birds chirping in the trees & branches, the Spider Queen gets her spider web ready to take her nap)

Spider Queen: Gee! I haven't made a spider web in human form before. I sure hope I know how to do this since I have never done this before.

(After struggling for a while, Spider Queen gives up and just uses her cape to cover herself up and take a nap in the tree she's laying by, but as soon as she tries taking a nap, her phone rings)

Spider Queen (Gets her purse out and gets the phone out while yawning): What do you want, stupid?

Mysterious Woman (Angrily wakes): Who are you calling 'stupid', little sister? Do you not look at your phone who calls you, or are you really that blind?

Spider Queen (Talks over her sister): Woah, woah, woah! Big sister, I did not know it was you. I thought you were somebody else. (Hangs up on her sister) Dear lord, why do I have to get tortured by my big sister? What did I do deserve this? Geez! I might as well try and nap since it's my big sister's fault for waking me up. (Puts her hat over her face) There! That's better than that damn stupid sunlight. (Snores loudly)

(Scene 4: Inside of the Philosopher's classroom, the Philosopher gives Silas a bath in the small jacuzzi to get him clean, as the girls walk in with their new friend)

Philosopher: Welcome back, girls. (Sees Lola) Why, hello there, little girl. Are you one of my other students?

Lola: I think so. Are you the Philosopher?

Philosopher: Yes, I am, my Princess. I'll be with you in a minute. I'll be right back; I need to get a towel for Silas.

Lola: Who is Silas? (Silas splashes some water on Lola and sees a baby dragon) Are you, Silas?

Silas: Uh-huh.

Girls (Scream): He's talking!

Philosopher: Girls, girls, girls, it's okay. Calm down he's supposed to talk since he's going to be your Mascot. (Gives the towel to Silas)

Silas (Uses the towel to dry off): Also, I've grown to be a month older than I was supposed to be now. Right, Philosopher?

Philosopher: That's right. Girls, why don't you introduce yourselves to Silas, while I'm going to get something.

Jane: Hello, Silas, I am Jane, Princess of Ruby area.

Chelsea: I'm Chelsea, Princess of the Sapphire area.

Lola (Nervously): My name is Lola... Princess of the... Onyx area.

Silas: It's a pleasure to meet you, Princesses. I am here to help you out on your missions whenever the Philosopher gives out orders and such. I can also do this. Watch! (Transforms into a teenaged dragon; with a slightly deeper voice) What do you think?

Girls (Amazed): Wow!

Silas: And watch this! (Changes into an adult sized dragon with a deeper voice): Ta-da!

Jane: That's so awesome!

Chelsea: I'll say.

Lola (Scared): You're not going to hurt us, are you?

Silas (Changes back to his normal size): Only when someone I care for or I feel threatened, but not to those who I'm used to around me. So, you shouldn't have to worry about me.

Lola: Oh, okay. That's a good thing.

Philosopher: Okay, Lola, my young Princess. I've brought you something you're going to need when you become a Magical Girl. Come over here for a minute.

Lola (Walks over to the nearby couch): Alright, Philosopher. What is it you want to give me?

Philosopher (Brings over a box and opens it for Lola, inside of it comes with a black collar with a black heart onyx and a round shaped gemstone with it): This will be your pendant to store your Kins power. (Puts the pendant around Lola's neck)

Chelsea: This Onyx here is supposed to be make a Gemstone Weapon for you, but only when you transform into your Magical Girl form.

Jane: We can only transform into a Magical Girl for only a brief amount of time before we go back to normal girls again.

Lola: But I'm not brave enough to become a Magical Girl, y'all.

Philosopher: That's okay, my Princess. I am sure that your team will help you out. It'll take time for you to become brave enough to stop any threats, but I assure you that you will get better at your job as a Magical Girl.

Lola: Really? Thanks everyone for giving me a chance to show off my bravery. Us Royals will help no matter what.

Jane (Shouts): That's it!

Chelsea: What's it?

Jane: Lola called us Royals, right?

Chelsea: Yes.

Jane: Well, there you have it. We should call ourselves the Royals since we are Princesses and such. So, why not we call ourselves that?

Chelsea: That sounds like a perfect name.

Jane & Chelsea (Hug in union): Thank you for the name of our team. Lola.

Lola: Aww, shucks! (Blushes) Y'all are so kind to me.

Silas: That does sound nice.

Lola: Thank you, Silas. Excuse me... I think... I'm going to... (Sneezes with a small wind as it goes out the window)

Philosopher: Bless you, Lola.

(Scene 5: As the Spider Queen is still asleep, her hat blows away from the wind and wakes up immediately)

Spider Queen: Hey! My hat! (Chases after her hat and brushes off the leaves before she puts it on) That's weird. It's not even that windy today. Where did that wind come from?

(The Spider Queen looks at the sky to see where the wind is coming from)

Spider Queen (Puts her hat back on and flustered): I'm not afraid to use my scepter and hurt you with it! I am the Queen here! (Monologue) Damn it to hell. Why? Why can't for the life of me get a break from the harshness of reality? I am not going to give up until I get that Ruby Gemstone heart. I will not give up! I must transform back into my black widow spider form before anyone else sees me.

(As she transforms back into her small black widow spider queen, she climbs up the tree she napped nearby and talks to herself about her plan)

Spider Queen (View of her plan in her mind): Now, as that Princess Ruby comes out, I will leap on one of her shoulders and scare her. Then, I will crawl all over body, until she gets on the ground and snatch that Ruby Gemstone heart away from her pendant. Once I get it, I will retrieve it to show my big sister that her little sister that I can just as if not a better thief than anyone in Royals Land's Dungeon a la Lair. (Outside her mind) I will also use that Ruby Gemstone heart to power myself into being stronger than my sister. (Evil laugh)

(Scene 6: While in Rainbow Academy, the Philosopher walks with Silas and the girls around the school while explaining to them why Silas will need to go with them on missions)

Jane: Wait a minute! Are you saying that you cannot come with us to these missions?

Philosopher: Unfortunately, that is correct.

Chelsea: Why not, Philosopher? Is because you are scared?

Lola: I'm scared too. So, you aren't the only one.

Philosopher (Lightly grins while gently pats Lola's head): It's not because I am scared, girls. It's mostly due to the fact that I am kind of older than you might think. But more importantly, because my soul resides in this school.

Silas: What does that mean? Are you saying that your lives here and you can't anywhere far away from this school?

Philosopher: Exactly. You see, kids- (A vision of the school and the Philosopher's soul appear as well as the following students who are with Silas) -this school was actually made by me. By that same token, I can't go anywhere past 10 feet away since my soul can't be anyplace else, hence why you, Silas, and the rest of your team are going to help them with any missions outside of the Rainbow Academy area. Plus, I will only be here to give you kids the location on whereabouts your missions are located in Royals Land, and Silas will help you and need to know what to do. That said, he will still need to report back on what's happened after the mission. (Back to the Philosopher)

Silas: This sure won't be easy for us.

Philosopher: Here's what I have to say: The only way to make something hard is by making it easier for yourselves. Sure, everything is a challenge, but you still need to explore those obstacles as you go through with it.

Chelsea: Woah!

Jane (Sighs): Gee! I wonder why every other student hasn't shown up at the same time in your class yet.

Silas: I'm assuming it's because they aren't sure what to think and expect from the class with the Philosopher.

Lola: I hope it's not because of how scary the Philosopher looks.

Jane: My Daddy once told me that looks can be deceiving since not everyone who looks scary is going to be scary, whereas everyone who looks nice isn't going to be nice.

Philosopher: I'd like to think you can only judge the person you meet just by their personality, but that's just me.

Jane: That's true since you can't just judge people for how they look.

Lola: True that.

Silas: Hey, how about you girls transform into your alter ego forms right now before we head outside.

Jane: I am Princess Ruby. (Princess Ruby appears)

Chelsea: I am Princess Sapphire. (Princess Sapphire appears)

Lola: How do I transform into a Magical Girl?

Philosopher: Your pendant should be glowing right about now.

Lola (Gasps): Wow! (As her Onyx pendant glows into a black color, she transforms from a 3-year-old whose 4'1" tall to a 13-year-old whose 5'1" tall, her bright pigtail has a black hairbow on top on each side of it. She earns a golden tiara with an onyx gemstone on her forehead, her fingernails are painted black, along with a pair of black fingerless gloves, each wrist has a black onyx stoned bracelet, pinkish red lips, her school uniform changes into a black short-sleeved crop top and black skirt, along with a pair of white socks and black Maryjane shoes. She has a pair of black butterfly wings on her back. Her round shaped Onyx transforms into a pair of Onyx Nunchucks, her voice changes from a toddler voice to a soft teenaged girl voice) I look bigger than before.

Philosopher: Remember to be careful, Royals; as well as you, Silas. I don't want y'all to get hurt.

Silas & the Princesses (Union): We will, Philosopher.

(Scene 7: As Silas & the Princesses head outside, the Spider Queen is still in her black widow spider form as she waits for Princess Ruby to get the Ruby Gemstone heart from her)

Spider Queen: What is taking her so long? (Crawls down on the ground) Is she waiting for a trolley or something? This is getting absolutely ridiculous, even for me. (Sighs in anger) Come on out, you moron!

(Silas & the Princesses come outside as Princess Ruby steps on the Spider Queen as all of them walk on by and talk about what they should do as a team to improve)

Ruby: I don't know about, y'all, but we need to improve ourselves as well as our Kins powers to make ourselves stronger.

Sapphire: You do realize that you can be the strongest person and still fail at times. It all depends how much your team grows.

Onyx: I see what you mean, Sapphire.

Silas: You both have a point, though. You can be both strong and still have your team grow by improving yourselves. Just remember to believe in yourselves.

Ruby: Okay, Silas.

Silas (Sees something underneath one of Ruby's boots): Ruby, what's that on your left boot?

Ruby (Looks at her left boot): It looks like a black widow spider. I should flick it off.

Onyx: A spider? (Screams) Ahh! I hate spiders!

Sapphire (Screams along with her): Please get rid of that spider, Ruby!

Ruby: I am. (Flicks the black widow spider off)

(As the black widow spider gets flicked off, she transforms into her human form, while Silas & the Princesses all have shocked faces on the reveal)

Spider Queen (Screams in pain and Intimidating): Ouch! Princess Ruby? How dare you step on and flick me?

Ruby: Spider Queen? You were that black widow spider?

Spider Queen: Of course! Now, I am here to get your Ruby Heart! Give it me!

Ruby (Flies away): Never, you pest!

Spider Queen: Then say goodbye to your friends!

Ruby (Gets her Ruby Crystal Wand out and cautions her team and calls out one of her attacks): Royals! Watch out! (The team dodges) Heart Blast! (Red hearts come out)

Spider Queen (Confused and dodges): Who the hell are these Royals? Yikes! Not this time! I refuse to have you defeat me!

Sapphire (Answers and gets her Sapphire Energy Sword out and calls out one of her attacks as she flies): We are the Royals. Water Sword Slice! Ha!

Spider Queen (Dodges and still confused): Royals, eh? That's some name for a team.

Sapphire: You really think so?

Spider Queen (Singing): Hell no! 🎵 (Gets her scepter out of her front pouch) I guess I'm going to blast you "Royals" now.

(As the Spider Queen gets her scepter ready, Onyx cowers as she cries and wishes she could do something, while Silas encourages her that she can't give up)

Onyx (Crying): Silas? Why does the Spider Queen have to be so intimidating? I wish I could just give up.

Silas: You mustn't give up, Onyx. You need to learn to be brave enough to stand up for yourself. Here. Let me give you a hand to help stop her with my green sting. (Grows up into his giant size to use his power while roaring ferociously)

Onyx: Your what?

Spider Queen: Let's get it started in (Gets blasted by Silas' green sting on her left arm and screams in pain) Ouch! What the hell was that crap? (Looks behind herself and gets scared of seeing an oversized dragon behind her) But you were just a baby dragon before. How did you... (Gets roared at and screams) ... Ahh!

Ruby: Silas? Is that you?

Sapphire (Appalled): He's huge.

Onyx: I guess it's up to me to... (Gets her Onyx Nunchucks out and feels another sneeze coming)

Spider Queen: What the hell is your gig? You think I'm going to fall for your sneezes, little girl?

(Onyx makes a bigger sneeze than before that it blew the Spider Queen, Ruby & Sapphire away and land at different locations)

Onyx: Oh, no. They've gotten blown away. Come on, Silas. We must find them.

Silas (Transforms back to normal): Let's go.

(Scene 8: Silas and Princess Onyx call out Ruby & Sapphire's names while searching high and low for them)

Onyx (Calling): Ruby! Sapphire! Where are you, girls?

Silas: They've got to be here somewhere; they have to be.

Onyx: Hey, Silas, look up there. (Points up at the tree)

Silas (Calls):  Ruby? Sapphire? Are you there?

Spider Queen (Grins): Hello, little girl and her pet. (Gets her scepter ready and climbs down the tree)

Silas (Annoyed): Pet?

Onyx (Gasps): The Spider Queen!

Spider Queen (Coldly claps at Onyx): Congratulations to you.

Silas: Leave her alone, you crypton.

Spider Queen (Hits Silas with her scepter): Get the hell out of the way, beast. (Talks to Onyx and gets her scepter ready to harm her) Now, it's about time for me to destroy you, you fool.

Onyx (Flies up in the air): Never!

Spider Queen: Come back here, you pest! (Blasts her scepter as Onyx continues to fly away) Hold still!

Onyx (Cries): Oh, where could Ruby & Sapphire be? They've just got to be here! (Gets blasted by the scepter; screams in pain)

Spider Queen: Yes, yes, yes! I have finally gotten you, my worthless Royal. (Gets ready to end Onyx, evil laugh)

Onyx (Calls out one of her attacks while swinging her Onyx Nunchucks around): Windstorm!

Spider Queen: Huh? No way! (Gets blown away) I'll be back to get you, Royal!

Silas (Runs to Onyx, holding his shoulder): Onyx? You defeated the Spider Queen by yourself.

Onyx: I did? Hey, I did! I beat the Spider Queen! (Cheers and crouches down) Ouch! But I am still in a little pain. (Fades back)

Silas: Come on, Lola. We must find the girls before it's too late.

Lola: Yeah, we better find them before it's too late, Silas.

(Scene 9: The Spider Queen is still screaming and ends up back in Dungeon a la Lair by landing on the chair she normally sits upside down and talks to the Mysterious Woman on the giant TV screen with her arms crossed )

Spider Queen (Screaming): Ahh! (Lands on her chair upside down) Ow! My head. Well, at least I kept my hat; that's a relief. Phew!

Mysterious Woman (Crossed): Ahem!

Spider Queen (Gulps nervously and chuckles): Oh, hello there, big sister, it's nice seeing you look more pissed than normally.

Mysterious Woman (Grunts): Foolish little sister of mine! Once again, you have failed me from proving you do your job!

Spider Queen: But I...

Mysterious Woman (Interrupts): Shut up! I'll have someone else take over unlike your worthless, pathetic ass. But who shall it be this time?

Spider Queen: Please listen to me, big sister. There was another Princess by the name of Princess Onyx who blew me again. And they now call themselves 'the Royals', and...

Mysterious Woman (Holds her hand up): Quit your sad little story. Do so, and I will squish you up from limb to limb. Do you want that?

Spider Queen: No.

Mysterious Woman: Wait a sec, did you say they call themselves "Royals?"

Spider Queen: Yes, my big sister. That's the name of their team.

Mysterious Woman: Hmmm. Interesting.

To Be Continued...

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