S1 Ep 3: Royals Arc Part 3: New Magical Girl, New Threat
Recap on the Previous Chapter...
Narration: Previously on Rainbow Academy...
Jane: Hey, uh, Philosopher?
Philosopher: Yes, Jane?
Jane: What is the next step towards being a Magical Girl?
Philosopher: A Mascot.
Jane: A Mascot? You mean like a cute cuddly creature that helps out?
Philosopher: Yep.
Jane: Cool. Could there be a Mascot in the egg?
Philosopher: Perhaps.
(In Dungeon a la Lair...)
Aranha (Crying): I'm such a big, big failure! (Wails)
Orpheus: (Puts headphones on)
Mysterious Woman: Aranha! Quit your blubbering and come over here at once! I have another assignment for you and her husband!
Aranha: Another husband? Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me!
Mysterious Woman: I want you to get that egg from Rainbow Academy.
Aranha: And that Ruby Gemstone heart too!
Mysterious Woman: Just do what I told you to do. Got it?
(Back at Rainbow Academy...)
Jane: Gee, Philosopher, the egg is taking a while to hatch.
Philosopher: Be patient, my Princess. Maybe you can practice your Kins power. Ready for your first test, my Princess?
Jane: Yes, I am, Philosopher. (Speaks loudly) Heart Attack! (Blasts her Kins power and screams in horror)
Philosopher (Gasps): Are you okay, Jane?
Jane: I'm fine, Philosopher. But what about the egg?
Philosopher: Let's go check it out.
Spider Queen: Yes, yes, yes! You are mine now. This is what I call jackpot. See? See? I told you there's an egg! Up there!
Sir Midnight: Sure! Can we please get it now? I'm tired of waiting around here.
(Inside Rainbow Academy...)
Jane: Hey! Give that egg back!
Louis: I'll come with you! (Outside) Jane? Who are those two thieves?
Jane: Those two are the Spider Queen & Sir Midnight. Enough chitchat; let's get that egg back.
Spider Queen: (Blows raspberry) Tah-Tah, dumb kids! (Evil laugh & runs off with Sir Midnight)
(Jane & Louis get ready to transform into their Magical Girl & Magical Boy forms)
Jane: I am Princess Ruby! (Gets Ruby Crystal Wand ready)
Louis: I am Prince Pyrite! (Gets Pyrite Cutlass ready)
Spider Queen: It's Princess Ruby and someone else. Who is your friend?
Ruby: This is Prince Pyrite. We're to retrieve the egg back to Rainbow Academy. (Get her Ruby Crystal Wand)
Pyrite: We need to be very careful not harm the egg.
Ruby: You're right, Pyrite.
Spider Queen: So, it looks like we're both even, darling.
Sir Midnight: I can see that, dear.
Pyrite: There's got to be a way to stop those two!
Ruby: I know what to do, Pyrite. Let's balance our levels of fast and slow.
Pyrite: Great idea, Ruby. Let's split up!
Spider Queen: (Growls) Give me back that egg and ruby heart Gemstone, you fiend! 9Blasts her scepter at Ruby)
Ruby: (Gasps) No!
Sir Midnight: Any last for you, Fool's Gold?
Pyrite: Hi-yah! It's time to finish you off!
Spider Queen: Come back here, Princess Ruby! And while you're at it, give me your Ruby heart Gemstone!
Ruby (Drops the egg): Watch out!
Pyrite: I've got it! (Catches the egg)
Ruby: That was a close one!
(Egg hatches and a baby dragon appears)
Pyrite & Ruby (Union): Aww! It's a baby dragon!
(Back at Rainbow Academy...)
Jane: Louis? Thanks for helping me out stop the Spider Queen & Sir Midnight.
Louis: No problem, Jane.
Jane: We need a unique name for him.
Philosopher: How about Silas?
Louis: It's very unique.
(Outside of Rainbow Academy, another little girl whose shadow appears)
(Back at Dungeon a la Lair...)
Mysterious Woman: What is this?
Aranha: That the egg I gave you.
Mysterious Woman (Growls in anger): Aranha!
Aranha: Damn it.
Mysterious Woman: I am going to have someone else do the job for you for the next assignment and see what they can do!
(Giggles ' eyes and terrifying smile in the dark shadows in the background)
Narration: And now, the continuation of Rainbow Academy)
The Royals Arc continues onward...
(Scene 1: In Dungeon a la Lair, the Mysterious Woman on the screen talks to Giggles as he appears from the dark background, laughing at Aranha's misery)
Mysterious Woman (Calls out Giggles): Oh, Giggles. I have a special assignment for you. (Talks to Spider Queen) I said you can take a seat, little sister.
Giggles (Talks in an echoey voice, pushes Aranha away from the screen): That's right. Step back, your majesty. Your big sister has a very special assignment for me.
Aranha (Sits on her chair and sulks): My big sister was never like this to me when she used to babysit me. No, no, no!
(2 of the Spider Queen's servants come in to comfort her)
Servant #1: I brought you some Insect Blood Wine in a glass and some crunchy beetles, your majesty.
Servant #2: And I also brought a box of tissues, your majesty.
Spider Queen: Thanks, you two. Y'all are too good for this world. (Grabs and blows her nose in tissues while patting his servants on their backs)
(Back to the Mysterious Woman talking to Giggles)
Giggles (Talks in an echoey voice, blushes, and takes off his top red hat): So, my dear, lovely lady, what shall I do for you on this fine day; though not as fine as you. (Wolf whistle)
Mysterious Woman: Oh, shut up, Giggles. So, help me, if you flirt, death will come on your way. Do you understand me?
Giggles (Talks normally): I understand, ma'am- I didn't mean to piss you off. (Puts his hat back on his head) So, what's my first mission?
Mysterious Woman: I'd like you to go to Rainbow Academy and try to kill those one of those damn Royals. I know how much you've always wanted to kill. Especially those small children at the Sapphire area, correct?
Giggles: Correct, my lady. (Grabs his red & black sledgehammer as he walks out and laughs) Well, I must be going. See you around, my lady. I will not disappoint you. Come my Clown Minions, let's go to Rainbow Academy. (A bunch of Clown Minions come and march towards Giggles)
Mysterious Woman: I love the sound of that. (Evil chuckles) Now! Enough clowning around, men! Get out there and do your thing!
(Scene 2: Back at Rainbow Academy, Jane and Louis put Baby Silas down for a nap in the small bed that the Philosopher has ready for him. while the Preacher tells Louis to come back to class when he's done)
Preacher: When you're finished putting Silas to bed, remember to come back to class. Okay, Louis?
Louis: Okay, Preacher. I'll be with you when I'm finished here.
(Jane & Louis put the covers over, and stuffed dragon toy by him, so he can fall asleep better)
Jane: Well, Louis, he's fast asleep now. Look at him sleeping like a baby.
Louis: Uh, Jane, he is a baby.
Jane: I know. (Giggles softly)
Louis: Well, I better get back to class now. I guess I'll be seeing around sometime. See you around, Jane. (Waves to Jane and exits out of the Philosopher's bedroom)
Jane: (Waves to Louis) See you, Louis. (Talks to the Philosopher) So, now that I've earned a Mascot, what's the next lesson to learn ab out becoming a Magical Girl or Magical Boy, Philosopher.
Philosopher: Well, my dear Princess. The next lesson is up to you decide if you want to do it or not.
Jane: What's that?
Philosopher: Since you've worked so well with Louis, the next step is to form a team of Magical Girls and Boys.
Jane: Nah! I don't need a team of Magical Girls. Maybe Magical Boys, but not Magical Girls.
Philosopher (Disgusted): Jane?
Jane: Yes?
Philosopher: Is there a reason why you don't want to work together with Magical Girls?
Jane: Because I get along with boys more than girls. Plus, girls find me weird.
Philosopher: So? Every one of us is weird. It's how we all stand out from everyone else. Also, it shows us all how unique we are in certain ways. In my words, it's better to be weird than be creepy. (Gets their Kiseru ready to smoke) Even if you are quite the tomboy, you still manage to stand out from most female Royals I have come across on. Right, Jane?
Jane (Unsure): I guess so. But just about how many teammates should I have?
Philosopher: To be honest, that's not for me to do decide. The thing is, Jane, it's up to you to decide how many teammates you'd like to have. Plus, you have a Mascot that can help you out, despite being a baby for now until he shapeshifts into being slightly older.
Jane (Excited): So, I get to make my decision on how many teammates I want for my own team?
Philosopher: Correct, my Princess.
Jane: So, that means I get to be leader. (Cheers loudly) Oops. (Whispers) Sorry about that.
Philosopher: Well, yes and no. Yes, you get to be leader of your team whenever there's any sort of danger outside of Rainbow Academy. But no, you still need to have me tell you whereabouts your missions will be, and Silas will need to tell you and your team what you need to do in order to protect yourselves from any sort of danger and as well as to know what to do to improve your own Kins powers.
Jane: I understand, Philosopher.
(The school bell rings)
Philosopher: Well, maybe you can find one or more Magical Girls and/or teammates during recess time. And don't worry, I'll be here with your Mascot and make sure nothing bad happens to him.
(Scene 3: At recess, Jane & Louis talk to each other about what they're going to do as Magical Girls & Magical Boys)
Louis: Well, I don't know about you, Jane, but I decide to go on and off with helping you and others when it's absolutely necessary to help. But I want to try to do this Magical Boy thing more independently,
Jane: Well, you know if I need help, I'll call you or Prince Pyrite, eh?
Louis: True that. (Looks and sees someone behind the bushes) Huh? Who's there?
Jane (Looks behind herself): Hmm? Where?
Louis: Over there?
Jane: If it's the Spider Queen & Sir Midnight, I'll be ready. (Cracks her knuckles)
(Jane & Louis slowly go over to see who's behind the bushes and see who it is)
Jane; Hello? Is anyone there?
Louis: We promise not to hurt you.
(A girl appears and gets out of the bushes and scares Jane & Louis by splashing with cold water while screaming in horror and run behind the nearby trees)
Chelsea: Hello? I'm sorry about that, you two. I didn't mean to scare you. My name is Chelsea, Princess Chelsea of the Sapphire area.
Jane (Smiles): Oh, hello. I am Jane, Princess Jane of the Ruby area.
Louis: And I am Louis, Prince Louis of the Pyrite area. It's nice to meet you, but why did you scare us like that?
Chelsea: I said that I was sorry. I was just trying to defend myself from whatever kind of danger that approaches. Especially with an evil Jester and his evil Clown Minions.
Jane: Evil Jester?
Chelsea: Where? I'm ready to fight back against the Jester. Show me where he is.
Louis: Well, he's not here... at least not here, here.
Chelsea: Phew! That's a close one.
Jane: Wait! Weren't you supposed to be in class?
Chelsea: Yes, but I didn't know if the evil Jester will be in the classroom or not. So, I thought if I'd stay out here, I could be much safer with my own Kins power.
Louis: Well, it's not going to do much if you stay out here the whole time. Besides, there are mentors inside that promise to teach how to be a Magical Girl and learn whatever it takes to become stronger and braver.
Chelsea: You've got a good point there, Louis.
Jane: What class do you have?
Chelsea: I have a class with the Philosopher. Why?
Jane: All right! Yay!
Chelsea: Why is she cheering?
Louis: You have the same class as her.
Chelsea: Really? Cool. But Louis, don't you have the same class as us, Louis?
Louis: Unfortunately, I don't. I have my class with the Preacher. But if you need any assistance at any time, just let me know.
Chelsea: Okay, Louis. It was nice to meet you.
(School bell rings)
Louis: Well, recess is over. Let's get back inside before it's too late.
Chelsea: Okay.
Jane (Grabs Chelsea's arm): Let's go, Chelsea.
Chelsea: Woah!
(As the students run back to their classes, behind the bushes, Giggles watches the students go inside as he laughs maniacally and witnesses Princess Chelsea)
Giggles (Whispers in his echoey voice): That's right, Princess Chelsea. Run like a you've always did back then. You can run, but you can't hide from me. (Snickers)
(Scene 4: Back inside of Rainbow Academy in the Philosopher's classroom, the Philosopher holds Silas in their arms while feeding him milk from a baby bottle as Jane returns to the classroom with Chelsea)
Philosopher: There you go. Silas. Drink up. (Sees Jane walk in with a different student with her that's not Louis) Oh, hello. my Princess Jane. I see you brought in another Royal with you. (Talks to Chelsea) I suppose you are Princess Chelsea, if I'm not mistaken. (Silas burps and coos)
Chelsea: Yep. I am Princess Chelsea. You must be the Philosopher, too. And is that a baby dragon you have there?
Philosopher: Uh-huh. This will soon be the Mascot to help Jane, you and your team- once you two get as much members as you can. (Puts Silas down in his bed) I have something for you, my Princess.
Chelsea: Oh, what's that?
Philosopher: Sit over there with Princess Jane and I'll go get it for you. I'll be right back. (Marshmallow follows the Philosopher as they get what Chelsea needs in order to become a Magical Girl)
Jane: You are going to become a Magical Girl just like me.
Chelsea: A Magical Girl? That sounds cool.
Jane: How old are you, Chelsea?
Chelsea: I am 4 years old, with my birthday landing on September 12th.
Jane: I am 7 years old, with my birthday landing on July 7th.
Chelsea: Cool. (Accidentally splashes water on Jane) Oops. Sorry about that, Jane. I have trouble controlling my Kins power; this involves me using water.
Jane: That's okay. I don't mind getting wet.
Chelsea: I guess you could say 'we're splashing for some fun.'
Philosopher (Returns with a box and opens it for Chelsea, inside comes with a blue collar with a blue Sapphire heart Gemstone attached with it and a round shaped Gemstone with it): Here you go, my dear Princess. (Grabs the pendant to put on Chelsea's neck) This will be your pendant that will store in your Kins power.
Chelsea: Thank you for these beautiful things, Philosopher. I needed something to store my own Kins power. I have a bad habit of spritzing my water all over.
Philosopher: That Kins power you possess is Hydrokinesis- which is water manipulation.
Chelsea (Pets Marshmallow as they get her pendant on her neck and holds onto the gemstone in her own hands): This is quite a nice pendant. What's this Gemstone supposed to be for?
Philosopher: It's for whatever gemstone Weapon you earn from transforming into a Magical Girl. But remember, Chelsea, there's only a time limit when it comes to being a Magical Girl. So, once you transform back to your original self, you can only transform back into a Magical Girl when you stop whatever evil comes your way. Understand?
Chelsea: I understand, Philosopher.
Jane: Philosopher? Do you need to address to how this Magical Girl or Magical Boy thing to everyone who'll be in the entire school?
Philosopher: Well, Jane, only to those will come into your team. So, basically, just the following people who'll be in this classroom or your own. But if you want to, you two can explain to how many teammates you have to know what happens when they transform into a Magical Girl or Magical Boy.
Jane: Oh, I see what you mean.
Chelsea: I personally think that's a good idea. That way, you don't have to explain to everyone who will be in this team. You can just spare your voice from all of what needs to be explained and what's happening.
Philosopher: That's a great idea, Chelsea. I'll tell you what: Why not you two go on and check on Silas and see if he's grown up yet.
Jane & Chelsea (Union): Okay, Philosopher.
Chelsea: Who's Silas?
Jane: Come with me and you'll see.
(As Silas stays asleep and softly snores, Jane shows Chelsea who is Silas as he looks like he has slightly grown)
Jane (Whispers): This is Silas; he is a baby dragon that's going to be our Mascot when our team evolves.
Chelsea: (Whispers) Cool. He looks so freaking adorable. Oh. Excuse my language.
Jane: No, no, you are fine.
Philosopher: I see he has grown a bit.
Jane: Yeah, he has, hasn't he?
Chelsea: I can't wait for Silas to grow more and more to become our Mascot.
Jane: Me too.
(Scene 5: Out in the bushes, Giggles snickers and talks into his red & black walkie talkie to the Mysterious Woman who's been checking to make sure he's doing his job)
Mysterious Woman (V/O): Are you aiming at the prize, Giggles?
Giggles (Normal voice; whispering): Don't worry, my lady. My Clown Minions and I are almost there. (Snickers)
Mysterious Woman (V/O): Excellent job. Do not disappoint me, whatever you do.
Giggles (Normal voice; whispering): I promise not to disappoint you, my lady.
Spider Queen (V/O, while sobbing): Big sister! Please forgive me! I want to go after the Ruby heart!
Mysterious Woman (V/O, while yelling): Oh, will you shut the hell up, little sister!
(As the walkie talkie goes off, Giggles gets his sledgehammer ready and his Clown Minions all settled to go after Chelsea that's in Rainbow Academy)
Giggles (Talking into a bullhorn, with his echoey voice): Okay, gentlemen. Get out your clown equipment and set up your acts so we can get a hold of the Princess! (Evil laugh)
(Montage of Giggles' Clown Minions set up a trap to get a hold of Princess Chelsea and attempt to kill her as Giggles shows his evil looking grin to the audience to show how much sinister he can be when he gets her)
(Scene 6: Back inside of the Philosopher's classroom, Chelsea and the Philosopher look after Silas as Jane witnesses something going on outside as she calls Chelsea and the Philosopher over to see what's happening)
Jane: Chelsea? Philosopher? Come over here.
(Chelsea and the Philosopher rush over to Jane by the same window)
Chelsea: What is it, Jane?
Jane: Look. Do you see what I see?
Chelsea (Gasps): Oh, no! It's him!
Jane: Who?
Chelsea (Points at the evil Jester): Him! That evil Jester!
Jane: He does look terrifying with that smile!
(Giggles shows his terrifying smile after seeing Chelsea and someone else)
Jane & Chelsea (Scream in horror and hide underneath the Philosopher's cloak): Look out!
Giggles (Speaking in the bullhorn with his echoey voice and holding his sledgehammer): Come out, Princess Chelsea. I know you're in there. (Evil laugh)
Philosopher: You know what to do, right, girls?
Jane: Right! It's time for us to transform into being Magical Girls!
Chelsea: But I am afraid of him to fight him.
Jane: Don't worry, Chelsea. I'll be here to help out. We'll work together to stop Giggles.
Chelseas: Thanks, Jane.
Jane: Enough chitchat! I am Princess Ruby! (Princess Ruby appears)
Chelsea: Wow! It's my turn to transform into my Magical Girl form.
(As her Sapphire pendant starts to glow into a blue color, she transforms from a 4-year-old whose 4'4" tall to a 14-year-old whose 5'4", her two black small hair tails up by having her hair down into a few spikes on each side. She earns a golden tiara with a sapphire gemstone on her forehead, her fingernails are painted blue, blue sapphire beaded bracelets with one on each wrist, dark red lips, her school uniform changes into a short-sleeved blue crop top and blue skirt, along with a pair of blue high heel sandals. She has a pair of blue butterfly wings on her back. Her round shaped Sapphire Gemstone transforms into a Sapphire Energy Sword, her voice changes into a small, cheerful girl into a playful yet rowdy teenage girl voice)
Philosopher: Now, get going, my young Princesses; go after that threat!
Ruby: Right!
(Scene 7: As Ruby and her first teammate get outside to stop Giggles and his Clown Minions, Giggles laughs maniacally and attempts to use his sledgehammer to kill Chelsea and her new friend but fibs about it to trick them)
Giggles (Speaks in his bullhorn with his echoey voice): Oh, come on, Princess Chelsea. I promise not to hurt you. (Growls and decides to walk over to Rainbow Academy) What the hell is going on there? Come on, girls. You won't get hurt; I promise. (He gets kicked in the face by one of the Princesses)
Ruby: We're here to stop you, Giggles!
Giggles (Speaks in his normal voice): Who are you two?
Ruby: I am Princess Ruby!
Sapphire: And I am her partner. You can call me Princess Sapphire!
Giggles (Monologue): I guess I'll have to go after and kill Princess Chelsea some other time. i found 2 other Princesses to defeat. Oh, well. (Calls his Clown Minions) Clown Minions! After those two Princesses!
Sapphire (Screams): I hate clowns!
Ruby (Kicks one of the clown minions): Remember what I said to you earlier, Sapphire!
Sapphire (Flies in the air to target Giggles and gets her Sapphire Energy Sword): Right on target!
Giggles: Get down here right now, little blue girl!
Sapphire (Flies quicker to stop Giggles): Fine! I'll come down there for you, you jokester! (Blows raspberry & laughs at Giggles)
Giggles (Gets his sledgehammer out to harm her): That's right; come to me, Princess Sapphire! (He misses her after she flies right passed him) Hey! (Throws a handful of water balloons)
Sapphire (Laughs & dodges): Ha! You missed me!
Giggles (Looks at Ruby): I guess I can go after your friend instead.
Sapphire: Huh?
(Back to Ruby, she fights the Clown Minions and doesn't realize that Giggles slowly walks behind her with his sledgehammer to knock her out)
Giggles: Say goodbye to your friend, Princess Sapphire!
Sapphire (Shouts): Ruby! Look out!
Ruby (Looks behind her): Huh?
(Giggles knocks Ruby out with his sledgehammer, with Giggles and his Clown Minions laughing at her misery)
Ruby: (Grunts in pain and gets knocked out from the sledgehammer)
Giggles: One down, one to go. (Evil laughs)
Sapphire (Screams): Giggles!
Giggles (Terrified): Wh... what's... wrong, Ss... Sapphire?
Sapphire (Gets her Sapphire Energy Sword and water Kins power ready by shouting): Water Flood! (As the giant water splashes, she then stabs Giggles in the chest with her weapon as he starts bleeding)
Giggles (Screams in agony): Ow! That hurts, you pathetic blue fool! That's it! I give up! I'll return to kill you and your red friend! You'll see! You'll see! Come, my clown Minions! We'll have to wait next time to beat these 2 Princesses.
(As Giggles and his Clown Minions storm away from Rainbow Academy from their defeat, Sapphire silently holds Ruby's head on her lap after getting knocked out by Giggles' sledgehammer as she carries her on her back as they return inside to Rainbow Academy)
(Scene 8: As Marshmallow carries a bowl of water and cloth on her back as she gives to Sapphire to put on Ruby's head, Sapphire gently puts Ruby on the nearby couch in the classroom and puts her head on a soft cushion to lay her head on)
Sapphire (Takes the cloth & puts it in the water to rub gently on Ruby's head): I am so sorry this had to happen to you, Ruby. I know you're unconscious from the fight. But I do hope you are able to heal eventually.
(Marshmallow lies right by Ruby's side as Sapphire continues to Ruby's head and softly meows)
Sapphire: Don't worry, Marshmallow, girl. She should be able to heal soon.
Philosopher (Comes in): Ruby may be out cold, but she'll heal as soon as she can.
Sapphire: How long is soon?
Philosopher: I am not quite sure how long. (Ruby wakes up) I guess not that long.
Ruby: Ow. (Rubs her head) What the hell happened?
Sapphire: You got knocked out by Giggles' sledgehammer.
Ruby (Flustered): Giggles? That bastard! I'll get him! In fact, I'll choke that son of a bitch if I have to. Where is he now?
Sapphire (Calms Ruby down): Settle down, Ruby. Giggles retrieved from here. So, you don't need to worry about him until he returns. In fact, I stopped him from getting me.
Ruby: But how?
Sapphire: By doing what you told me earlier. Thanks to you, while I am still scared of him, I still stand up myself to defeat him.
Ruby: Really? That's great! (Rubs her head softly) Ow! My head hurts so much.
Philosopher: I think you should take it easy with fights, Scrappy.
Sapphire (Chuckles): That's a good one, Philosopher.
Ruby: Maybe you're right, Philosopher. (Talks to Sapphire) Hey, Sapphire?
Sapphire: Yeah?
Ruby: Do you think I'm weird.
Sapphire: Yeah.
Ruby: Oh.
Sapphire: But I like that you're weird. It's what makes you unique in your own way. Hell, I find it better to be weird than be a creep like say for example, Giggles the Evil Jester.
Ruby: True.
Philosopher: See? What'd I tell you?
(After Ruby & Sapphire hug each other, they both return to their own original forms as Jane & Chelsea to get back to normal as their mentor grins while petting Marshmallow)
Philosopher: I can tell you two are going to make a great team. I can just guarantee it. What do you think, Marshmallow?
(Scene 9: Back at Dungeon a la Lair, on the giant TV screen scolds Giggles for failing her and the mission he promised her not to disappoint)
Mysterious Woman (Angered): Giggles! You said you wouldn't disappoint me! But you did, you foolish bastard!
Giggles (Takes his top hat off; stammers): My... my lady, I... I can explain.
Mysterious Woman: Explain to me why you've failed and disappointed me? Then explain to me.
Giggles: Well, you see, ma'am? It was Princess Ruby's partner. She was the one who defeated me. I swear on the behalf of my ass.
Mysterious Woman: And who in freaking hell is this partner of Princess Ruby's?
Giggles: Princess Sapphire.
Mysterious Woman: Something tells me that Ruby is going to have a team of her own. I guess it's a good thing our Rouges Gallery is massive. Otherwise, we'd be doomed from the beginning.
Spider Queen (Blows her nose while crying): Please, bug sister, I am begging you if I could please have another chance.
Giggles: What a big baby.
Mysterious Woman (Rolls her eyes): Tell me about it. (Talks to Spider Queen) Okay, little sister, I'll give you another shot.
Spider Queen (Sucks her thumb, wails): Why?! Why don't I get another chance?!
Mysterious Woman (Pounds her fist): Little sister!
Spider Queen (Wipes her tears): Yes, big sister?
Mysterious Woman: I said I'll give you another shot. If you fail me again, I'll only give you that chance when I do so. Do you understand me?
Spider Queen: Uh-huh. (Blows her nose)
Mysterious Woman: Okay then. Yeesh. (Turns off the TV screen)
Spider Queen: But this time, I'm going to do this mission without my husband. He can suck on his dick for all I care.
Sir Midnight (Off Screen): What did you say?
Spider Queen (Shouts): Never mind what I said! (Whispers to herself) Now, it's time to prepare for the next round. (Rubs her hands coldly while walking into an extremely dark room, unzipping her black one piece and the rest of her outfit) But I am going to use my real black widow spider form. This will truly frighten the Princesses, and maybe I'll get a hold of that beautiful Ruby Gemstone heart of Princess Ruby's. After all, nobody should be brave enough to step on me. Us black widow spiders only feel threatened when someone harms us. I am not like those pathetic humans, not even my big sister. (Spider Queen makes an evil maniacal laugh while transforming into her small real black widow spider form with the lightning striking) Yes, yes, yes! This is going to be delightful; I just know it. (Laughs in the dark corner as the part ends)
To Be Continued...
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