S1 Ep 20: Bonus Episode #1: Part 20: The Christmas Special

(Scene 1: View of snow falling down on the ground and everyone shopping, decorating, and driving through the snowy roads. As well as a street Santa Claus ringing a bell to donate money for charity and some carol singers singing with little kids playing in the snow. There are also a few teenagers dressed up as reindeer to dance for the people in Royals Land.)

Narration: It's a beautiful snowy night, and everyone is getting ready for the most wonderful time of the year: Christmas. Yes, Christmas has a lot going for the people in Royals Land doing their part and having a great time. Even the kids are having fun in the snow making snowmen, snow angels, and playing snowball fights. But speaking of kids, let's head over to Rainbow Academy and see what our little Royal kids are doing.

(Cut to: At Rainbow Academy, everyone getting ready for Christmas, and they are all doing something, while the Philosopher is on the phone talking to someone, with Silas & Daisy putting some Christmas decorations up.)

Narration: Aww. It seems like everyone is super excited about Christmas. Especially for how much they love spending time with their close ones. Let's go and check out how all of the Royal kids are doing right now.

(Kiarra is writing a song in her green notebook and practice singing with her green guitar, with Naomi sewing something together)

Kiarra: (Singing): 🎵Christmastime is the most wonderful time of year. (Writing the lyrics down) 🎵Christmastime is not about the presents. (Clears throat while erasing what she wrote)

Naomi: Kiarra? Do you mind doing your singing someplace else?

Kiarra: Why? Do you have a problem with my singing?

Naomi: Yes. I'm trying to concentrate on sewing.

Kiarra: Well, then ignore my singing, Naomi.

Naomi (Rolls her eyes): Whatever. (Continues sewing)

(Scene 2: Lola is watering over dozen flowerpots while Enid is hanging up the stockings above the fireplace and carefully using tacks to pin them)

Enid: What are you doing, Lola, girl?

Lola: I'm watering my flowerpots and hope they grow into poinsettias. Oh, I just hope they blossom by Christmas morning.

Enid: Don't lose that hope, Lola. I am sure that they will grow until then.

Lola: Thanks, Enid. What would I do without a friend like you?

Enid: No problem, girl. (Blushes)

Lola: What are you doing?

Enid: I am hanging up the stockings above the fireplace.

Lola: They look amazing.

(A view of the stockings with everyone's names on each of them)

Enid: Do you really think so?

Lola: Of course.

(The 2 put their arms around each other as they stand in front of the fireplace)

(Scene 3: Spencer is shown sitting by the table while doing some drawings with some Christmas characters on some separate sheets of paper, while Angelique trying to make paper snowflakes and snow angels for gift bags)

Angelique (Sighs): I wish I was as good as you, Spencer. Your artwork looks amazing.

Spencer: It's not an artwork I'm working on, Angelique.

Angelique: Huh?

Spencer: I am making a coloring book for everyone.

Angelique: That's wonderful, Spencer.

Spencer: How are you doing with the paper snowflakes and snow angels for the gift bags?

Angelique: Uh... (Shows how they look with everything falling apart) Not very good.

Spencer: I could gladly help you out if you want.

Angelique: You could do that? Thanks, Spencer.

Spencer: Hey, what are friends for?

(Scene 4: Both Angelique and Spencer see Don putting a string with a mistletoe together as the girls are a little curious on what he's doing with it)

Angelique: Hey Don, what are you up to?

Don: I'm attaching a string to the mistletoe. (Shows it to them) Ta-da!

Spencer: That looks beautiful, Don.

Don: Thanks.

Angelique: So, who is the lucky girl?

Don: I'm looking right at her.

Angelique (Shocked and gets up from the chair and knocks it over): Oh, no! I'm not ready yet. Pick some other girl, please! (Runs off as she screams)

Spencer: Maybe I can kiss Walter under the mistletoe.

Don: Well, whenever Angelique is ready, Spencer, tell her I'll be waiting for her. (Smiles as he takes the mistletoe with him)

(Angelique comes back as she watches Spencer on how she makes the snowflakes and snow angels in front of her)

(Scene 5: View of Harriette and Vivienne try making a Christmas home video and some pictures of everyone as they are trying to make a gift for everyone)

Harriette: How is your video coming along, Vivienne?

Vivienne: It's going alright but could be better. How about your pictures? (Everything looks dark and then back to light with Harriette)

Harriette: Oh, it's not as good as I thought it would be. (Looks at the lens cap on Vivienne's video camera) Uh, Vivienne, did you know that the lens cap was still on?

Vivienne: Huh? (Looks at lens cap) Aw, man. I should have known that the lens cap was still on. Now I've got to start over. (Walks away from Harriette as she shakes her head)

Harriette: Let's see here. I wonder if this is a good view to take a good picture of. (Takes a picture and looks at it but looks a little blurry) Being a photographer sure isn't easy.

(Scene 6: In the kitchen, Walter is baking cookies to hang on the Christmas tree, while Chelsea is putting popcorn on string to hang on the Christmas tree as well, and Jane looks bored, not knowing what to do)

Walter: Oh, I just love baking and cooking, Chelsea. (Getting cookies out of the oven)

Chelsea: Gee, Walter, I knew you could be morbid at times, but I never knew you love to bake and cook. (Sniffs) Those cookies look amazing.

Walter: Thanks, Chelsea. I've been cooking and baking for a while now. It's actually my favorite hobby to do whenever I'm in the kitchen with my parents.

Chelsea: Really? That's amazing!

Walter: How's the popcorn coming along?

Chelsea: Slowly but surely. It's coming along good. (Looks at Jane) Jane, what's the matter?

Jane (Moans): I'm so bored and everyone else is doing something.

Walter: Well, my Father used to tell me "If you're bored, do something about it."

Chelsea: How about you go and see if Silas & Daisy need any help with the decorations.

Jane: May I please have a cookie first? I'm getting a bit hungry.

Walter: Jane, I told you before. If I have any leftover cookies, you and everyone else can have a cookie and some hot cocoa too.

Jane (Moans): Aw, come on!

Chelsea: Could you please stop moaning like that, Jane? It's really starting to get on my nerves.

Walter: We'll be right back and do not even think about going in the cookie jar.

(Walter and Chelsea walk out of the kitchen, with Jane looking at the cookie jar. As she's eyeing on the cookie jar, she gets a footstool ready to get ahold of the cookie jar. While she attempts to go after it, the red light turns off and makes a voice come out of it.)

Cookie Jar: Cookie Alert! Cookie Alert! Cookie Alert!

Walter: Ah-ha! I knew this cookie jar was much better than the ones that came out in the older generations. Good cookie jar. (Takes the cookie jar with him)

Jane (Mimics Walter): "Good cookie jar." Hmph!

(Someone knocks on the door)

Walter: Jane? Could you get that for me, please?

Jane (Sighs): Coming.

(Opens the door and sees Louis with a sled)

Jane: Oh, hello, Louis. What are you doing?

Louis: Oh, I came and stop by your classroom to see if you'd like to go sledding with me. My mentor said to me that I can do some sledding and I was wondering if you'd like to go sledding with me.

Jane: Sure. At least it'll give me something to do. I'll go get my winter coat.

(Scene 7: While Jane and Louis both go outside to play with the 2 on the sled, they both ask each other what their mentors are doing while the students are all celebrating Christmas)

Jane: So, Louis, what is your mentor doing for Christmas this year?

Louis: Well, they are busy wrapping gifts up and putting on some Christmas specials on DVDs for the rest of the students to watch.

Jane: Didn't you want to watch the Christmas specials?

Louis: Nah! I wanted to get some fresh air to get outside. I also wanted to hang out with you too.

Jane (Blushes): Aww. For real?

Louis: Of course. I love having you and I do something together. (Blushes)

Jane: Gee, I never knew you liked hanging out with me.

Louis: Anyways, what about your mentor?

Jane: I'm not sure. The Philosopher has been on the phone until our "babysitter" comes over and watches us. While the rest of the students are doing their own thing.

Louis: And Silas and Daisy?

Jane: They are both busy decorating the Christmas decorations.

Louis: About the "babysitter" thing; why does your mentor need to get a babysitter for you and the rest of the Royals.

Jane: Because the Philosopher doesn't want us to try and peek to see what they are making us for Christmas.

Louis: That seems reasonable.

Jane: By the way, Louis, do you have any plans for Christmas?

Louis: Well, I'm thinking about what kind of a special gift I can make for a special someone.

Jane: Who is that special someone?

Louis: I can't say who it is. But what about you?

Jane: Oh, I'm still thinking about it.

Louis: Hey, look over there, Jane.

(A limo starts parking in front of Rainbow Academy)

Jane: It's a limo. Let's go over there and open the school door for them.

(Both of them rush over to open the door for the person and take the sled with them)

(Scene 8: As Jane & Louis go over, they kindly open the door for them, and wonder who it could be that is babysitting for Jane and her friends)

Jane: Hello there.

Louis: Let us both help you out.

Jane & Louis (Union): Huh?

Aranha: Why, hello there, children. Thanks for opening the door for me. (Goes inside after pushing the scarf back)

Jane (Whispers): Louis, it's the Spider Queen.

Louis (Whispers): I can see that, Jane.

(Inside of Rainbow Academy, Aranha calls to see if the person who called them and ask them what she is supposed to do while babysitting the Royal kids as Jane & Louis look suspicious)

Aranha: Hello? Hello? Whoever called me? Are they here somewhere?

Philosopher (Comes in): Yes, Aranha, I'm over here. Come here for a second.

Aranha: Ah, yes. (Goes over to the Philosopher as they go over the rules on the Royal kids)

Louis: Why would the Philosopher hire the Spider Queen to babysit?

Jane: I don't know, Louis. She's not even babysitting required. At least not that I can tell.

Louis: At least she doesn't know any of our alter egos. So at least she doesn't know that you are Princess Ruby. And who knows, maybe she won't ask for the Ruby Heart.

Jane: That's true.

Aranha: Okay, Philosopher. I promise the kids won't bother you while you're busy.

Philosopher: Thank you so much, Aranha. (Closes the door behind her)

Louis: Do you want me to stick around?

Jane: You don't have to stick around if you don't want. But if you do go back to your class, I'll head call you over and tell you if I need anything.

Louis: Okay. See you around. (Heads back to his classroom with his sled)

Aranha: Hello, um? What's your name?

Jane: Princess Jane.

Aranha: Why, hello there, Princess Jane. Where's your friend?

Jane: He went back to class.

Aranha: Oh. Well, let's both head to class together. (Puts her hands behind Jane as Jane has suspicious look on her face and wonders what she's going to do with the rest of the class)

(Scene 9: While Aranha and Jane return to class, the rest of the class is still busy doing their own thing while Aranha sits on the recliner and Silas and Daisy ask Jane to come over)

Aranha: Ooh, a recliner. I guess I'll sit here and watch you and the Royal kids while I write in my special diary. (Gets her diary out and does some writing) If you or any of the students need anything, I'll be here for you. (Jane has a puzzled look on her face)

Daisy: Hey, Princess Jane, do you mind coming over here?

Silas: We need your help.

Jane: I'm coming. (Goes over to Silas & Daisy) Is there anything that you need?

Silas: Yeah. We need your help to hang up the Christmas lights.

Daisy: But first, I need your help to untangle the lights.

Jane: Sure. At least it'll give me something to do.

(After untangling the lights, the 3 hang up the lights as Aranha looks up and has a bit of a twinkle in her eyes as she sees how they are having fun putting the lights, until Kiarra & Naomi interrupt)

Kiarra: Excuse me, ma' am? May you please tell Naomi to stop telling me to stop singing?

Naomi: Please stop Kiarra from breaking my concentration while I'm sewing.

Kiarra: Am not!

Naomi: Are too!

Kiarra: Am not!

Naomi: Are too!

Aranha: Girls, please no fighting on this day. It's almost Christmas and you shouldn't pout like this. Here, let me help you girls out. (Goes and helps the girls out as Jane looks suspicious on what is Aranha up to)

Daisy: Princess Jane, could you please pay attention? We're almost done.

Jane: Oh, sorry about that, Daisy. Here you go. (Hands over the last of the lights)

Daisy: Thanks. You can do what you want now.

(Scene 10: As Jane follows Aranha to where Kiarra & Naomi are at, she sees her listening to Kiarra playing with her guitar as Naomi measures Aranha with a tape measure but Jane hides behind the door to peek what she's doing)

Kiarra (Playing her guitar & singing): 🎵Christmastime is the most special time of the year for us all. Without Christmas how can we celebrate? (Speaking) What do you think, Aranha?

Aranha: I think it could use a little more work. I am sure that once you keep on practicing on your Christmas song, you'll do great.

Kiarra: Thanks.

Naomi: Hmm. How tall are you, Aranha?

Aranha: I am 6' 8" tall, Naomi.

Naomi: Okay. And what is your favorite color?

Aranha: My favorite color is orchid.

Naomi: Ooh, that's a beautiful color, ma' am.

Aranha: Do you need any help with your sewing, Naomi?

Naomi: Just hold still while I measure you. I am almost done and okay. That should do the trick. (Jots down the measurements)

Jane: Uh, hey, ladies, do you have a minute?

Aranha: You can come in, Princess Jane. (Jane comes in) Did you want to talk about something?

Jane: Yeah, I, uh... (Gets interrupted by Walter and Don)

Walter: Aranha?

Don: May we come in, please?

Aranha: Of course, boys. Come right in. What can I do for you?

Walter (Gets a spoonful of batter with colorful pieces of candy in it): Could you please tell me if this batter tastes good or not?

Jane (Stomach growls): Poor stomach! (Moans)

(Aranha tastes the batter)

Walter: Well, what do you think?

Aranha: Hmm. I think it needs to have a pint of sugar.

Walter: Okay. (Leaves with the batter)

Don: Aranha, I need to which color aluminum you like. Silver or gold?

Aranha: I'd like the silver.

Don: Yeah, especially for how much is shines. So pretty yet so dazzling. (Chuckles and leaves the room)

Aranha: Was there something you wanted, Jane?

Jane: Nah! I guess I'll talk to you later.

(Scene 11: Jane sighs as she sits on the chair while Harriette attempts to take a picture of her but wants to see her smile)

Harriette: Hey Jane, would you like to take a picture?

Jane: Oh. A picture? Sure.

Harriette: Then look at the camera and smile. (Jane gives a small smile) Come on, Jane. I hate to beg others to do something for me. Don't look so pouty and just smile. (Jane gives a big smile)

(Camera flashes)

Harriette: Much better. Thank you, Jane. (Looks at Jane) Is there something the matter?

Jane: Harriette, you have Psychic Kins, right?

Harriette: Well, yeah, but what does that have to do with you feeling so gloomy?

Jane: Well, can you tell me why Aranha is babysitting us?

Harriette: Actually, Jane, that's not how my Kins work.

Jane (Surprised): What?

Harriette: Yeah, my Kins only work when I'm using something that involves levitating, teleporting, Psychic bubbles, and such.

Jane: Uh, but can you read her mind?

Harriette: I'm not really sure if I can...

Jane (Shakes Harriette frantically): You can try.

Harriette: Woah! Woah! Woah! Easy there, Jane. Just give a moment first before you shake me to death. Sheesh! (Puts her hand over her head) Hmm...

Jane: Well? Anything? (Gritting her teeth)

(A moment of silence)

Harriette: I can't get a read on her. Sorry about that. (Walks away)

Jane: That's okay. (Sighs)

(Scene 12: As Jane wanders by herself, she overhears Aranha talking to Spencer, Angelique, and Vivienne as she sees them bonding with each other like a mother and few daughters)

Aranha: Oh, my goodness, Spencer. That looks absolutely wonderful! I can't wait for you to see your own handmade coloring book.

Spencer (Blushes): Thanks a lot, Aranha! That means a lot to me!

Angelique: Aranha? What do you think about these gift bags that I've made? I know girl sports are usually my thing, but I want to try and do something different for a change.

(View of the gift bags that Angelique made that have blue bags with snowflakes on and snow angels, silver bags with snowmen & snowwomen, red bags with Santa Claus and reindeer, and green bags Christmas trees and Christmas lights on them)

Angelique: Tell me what you think, Aranha.

Aranha: Ah, I see, Angelique. Maybe if you put on Christmas tags, you'll be all set. As well as put on something that sounds special to everyone.

Angelique. Okay. Thanks for the advice, Aranha. (Goes and makes tags)

Vivienne: Excuse me, Aranha.

Aranha: Yes, Vivienne, my dear?

Vivienne: Could you please tell me if my video camera is working or not? (Hands Aranha the video camera)

(Aranha looks at the video camera and sees that the red light isn't on)

Aranha: Uh, I think you need to have the red light on to make a video out of it, Vivienne.

Vivienne: Dang! I have to start all over again! (Walks away)

(As Jane still watches, Chelsea sneaks up behind her and asks her to help her with something)

Chelsea: Hey Jane!

Jane (Scared): I wasn't snooping! (Calms down) Oh, it's you, Chelsea. What can I do to help you?

Chelsea: Sorry for scaring you. I was hoping you could help me out with something.

Jane: Oh, sure thing.

(Scene 13: Jane & Chelsea get small boxes, some wrapping paper, ribbons, and tape to put some gifts together and talk to each other while doing them together)

Chelsea (Gets wrapping paper): I think these blankets are going to be so nice for everyone. I'm also giving one to Louis. What do you think, Jane? Do you think that Louis will like it? (No response) Jane? Are you listening to me?

Jane: Huh?

Chelsea: What's up with you? You look like you have a hunch on someone.

Jane: Yeah, it's about um... Aranha.

Chelsea: Yeah, she seems to be like the kind of babysitter you could have, although, she seems to be more like a mother, but still. Why? Don't you like her?

Jane: It's not that I don't like her, but it's... complicated.

Chelsea: I don't know what you mean by that, but could you give that ribbon right next to you, please?

Jane (Hands over the ribbon): It's just that I have this feeling that she might be up to something.

Chelsea: You worry too much, Jane. I really wouldn't let it get to you. Besides, she's not doing anything to harm or take anything away from us. Oops.

Jane: What happened?

Chelsea: Look, I accidently tied the ribbon on my finger. (Giggles) Could you please give me a hand or two?

Jane: Oh, sure.

(Scene 14: As Jane wanders around again, her stomach growls a bit and moans a bit while seeing that Aranha is hanging out with Lola & Enid as she helps them with something)

Jane (Moans): Dang. My stomach is getting hungry. (Looks at Aranha) Huh?

Aranha: These stockings look amazing, Enid. Hmm. Something tells me it needs a little more pizzazz to them.

Enid: Do you really think so?

Aranha: Let's see here. If you're going to put treats in them, how about put something like this. (Shows Enid a bagful of colorful teddy bears) See? I'm sure you all would like to have your very own colored teddy bear.

Enid: That's a great idea, Aranha. Thanks a bunch, lady.

Aranha (Picks Enid up): Let me help you.

(Both Aranha & Enid giggle as they help each other put the teddy bears in the stockings)

Enid: Thanks for helping me, Aranha.

Aranha: You're welcome, Enid. (Gently puts Enid down)

Lola: Excuse me, Aranha?

Aranha: Yes, Lola, my sweetheart.

Lola: May you please come over here for a second? I need your help with something.

Aranha: Sure thing. (Goes over to Lola)

(Jane watches Lola & Aranha getting along as jane looks puzzled since Lola is usually afraid of her when she's in her other form)

Lola: Do you think you can help me put this sweater on?

Aranha: Sure (Helps put the black sweater on) Put your arms in the air. (Lola does what she's instructed) Here comes the sweater. (Puts it on as it shows some penguins on) There you go. Now you have your sweater on.

Lola: How do I look?

Aranha: why, you look absolutely adorable in it.

Lola: Aww, shucks! (Blushes) Thank you!

(Both Lola & Aranha hug each other like how a mother would hug her daughter)

Jane (Whispers to herself): Why is she being so nice to everyone? I can't talk to the Philosopher over here since they are too busy. But I can get Louis to come over here for a second. (Walks away as Aranha catches her)

Aranha: Hey! Where do you think you're going?

Jane: Oops.

(Scene 15: As Aranha takes Jane to a different room, she questions her why she is everywhere she is located and what is her big deal)

Aranha: Okay, Princess Jane, what is your freaking deal?

Jane: Big deal? What are you talking about?

Aranha: You know what I mean. You seem to be everywhere I go. Tell me why you keep following me around like some lost puppy.

Jane: Uh...

(Aranha's phone rings)

Aranha: Hold that thought. I'll be right back. (Gets her phone out and answers while she watches the snow come down by the window as she talks) Hello? Oh, hello there, dear. Yes, I'm still at Rainbow Academy babysitting the Royal kids. No, but I should be home soon. Wait what?! Are you saying that you won't...? No, I understand, Orpheus. No, don't hurt yourself more than you already have. It's fine I'll just have to do without. Okay. Bye. (Hangs up the phone, sighs)

Jane: Is there something the matter? (Walks over to Aranha)

Aranha: Oh, it's my husband. He said he that he won't be able to get our limo driver to pick me up since he's visiting his family, and the other servants are having the rest of the night.

Jane: In other words, ...

Aranha: I won't be home for Christmas. All I wanted to do was hang out with my husband Christmas. That's the only gift I'm asking for. (Sniffles and wipes her tears with her handkerchief) Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and cry in a different room. (Cries and runs off)

Jane: Aranha, wait! (Aranha runs out crying)

(Aranha runs out with Jane looking more miserable than she already has)

Jane: Poor Aranha. (Calls Louis on her red phone) Louis, do you mind coming over here? I have something to discuss.

(Scene 16: As Jane gathers Louis and the rest of the students together, she tells them the sad thing about Aranha and discuss what they can do to help her get home in time)

Jane: So, you see, everybody. Aranha has no way of getting home in time for Christmas to spend time with her husband.

Lola (Sniffles): That is so sad. (Cries)

Enid (Patting Lola on the back): There, there, Lola. it'll be okay.

Chelsea: We've been so focused on ourselves that we should have thought of more about Aranha as well.

Harriette: Even if she's only here to babysit us, she definitely deserves more.

Angelique: Especially for how much she's been helping us.

Spencer: We should really do something for her.

Vivienne: After everything, she also needs our help.

Kiarra: Um, where is she now?

Jane: She went to a different room crying her eyes out.

Naomi: And you didn't try to and cope with her. Have you no shame?

Louis: Naomi, I'm sure she wanted us to think of a way to help her get Aranha home.

Walter: Besides, she just really wants us to try and help out.

Don: What can we do to help Aranha, Jane?

Jane: Well, we obviously can't use our alter egos since she might spot us. So, that right there is out of the question.

Silas: Hmm. Let's huddle up.

Daisy: Silas and I thought of something.

(Everyone huddles up as they discuss the plan together to help Aranha out)

(Scene 17: As Aranha continues crying in the room, she hears a knock on the door as she walks over and sees an envelope slide underneath the door and picks it up, while on the other side Silas, Louis, Walter, and Don rush off before they get caught by Aranha)

Aranha (Sniffles): What's this? An envelope? (Opens it up and reads it aloud) Please, come down, Aranha. We have something special to show you.

(Aranha walks down the hall by herself as she goes to the room and sees all the kids and both of the kids all gathered around by the fireplace as they harmonize a song together)

Aranha: Why, what's all of this?

All the kids & both dragons (Union): Merry Christmas, Aranha.

Kiarra (Gets her guitar out): Aranha, this one is for you. (Starts playing and singing first)

🎵Christmastime is not about the presents, We're not here to descent. Everybody is here together, so, everybody, let's all do this for Aranha and try to help her.

(All the Royals start singing, with Kiarra continues playing her guitar as Aranha looks a little confused on what the kids are doing)

🎵Merry Christmas from all to here, you are unlike any other. We are all to give a cheer, so let's all sing this song together!

🎵We are all wishing you a happy and cheerful holiday, we will help you along the way. We're never going to bring you down; we will appreciate you from all around.

🎵Nothing says we'll help you celebrate, so let's all give you all of the beloved fate. Let's all show our love to every girl and boy and spread our happiness and joy.

🎵Come with us all, and let's have a ball. Never give on that hope as we all help you out and cope. So as long you're still here, we want to give you a great big cheer.

🎵Merry Christmas, Aranha. Thank you for what for all of us, without a fuss. We are all thanking you for everything and let us help you in return to do something.  In order to help you get through, let us share this day with you.

🎵Thank you so much, Aranha. We all wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Let us all celebrate with you and give you all of our fate. Let us all share with you while you're here!

(Aranha begins tearing up and kneels down to give them all a big hug as she thanks them all, with the Philosopher coming out with their cane and wonders what's going on)

Philosopher: Hey? Did I miss anything? What's going on?

(Everyone laughs as they are all still hugging Aranha)

(Scene 18: As everybody heads to the room with everything all set, they all look at the Christmas tree together, but they all see something's missing on the top)

Aranha: This is such a beautiful Christmas tree, everyone. But I don't see the Christmas star on the top.

Silas: Well, that's because we wanted to save the star for last.

Daisy: So, Jane, would you like to do the honors?

Jane: Actually, I'd like to have Aranha do the honors. (Gets the star from the box and gives it to Aranha) Would you like to do the honors for us, Aranha?

Aranha: I'd love to. (Puts the star on top of the tree)

Everyone (Union): Hooray!

Aranha: Thanks everybody!

(As Jane gets everyone's attention, she tells them an idea)

Jane: Everyone, I have an idea!

(As they all go over and get something for Aranha, Aranha looks with a bit of a curious look on her face as the Philosopher as they give something to Aranha for her to go home)

Philosopher: Hey, Aranha, I have something for you. (Gives a card to Aranha) Here you go.

Aranha: A card? What's this for?

Philosopher: Not just any card. This card is for you to call a taxi and give you a ride to get home to spend time with your husband.

Aranha: Oh, my God! Thank you so much! (Hugs the Philosopher)

(The kids return with 2 gift bags)

Jane: We're back, Aranha.

Angelique: Look what we've got for you.

Aranha: Oh, what is it?

Louis: Look inside for yourself.

(Aranha looks inside the bags)

Aranha: Oh, would you look at that? Let's see here. (Shows what's inside each bag and shows everyone one gift at a time) Let's see here, there's a handmade coloring book with a small box of crayons, a poinsettia, a stocking, a handmade bracelet, a copy of the song you all sang, an orchid-colored sweater, a videotape, a picture of everyone, a bag of cookies and homemade candies, a soft blanket
, and a glass red glass heart that says 'Made with Love.'

Philosopher: Aww, those are all such nice gifts.

Aranha: In the other bag, there's the same thing, except with one difference. (She gets it out of the bag and shows it to everyone) A mistletoe with a string attached to it?

Don: Yeah. I'd figure that since that you've wanted to hang out with your husband for Christmas, he and you could use it to kiss and make love with it after hanging it up.

Aranha: Aww, thank you so much, Prince Don. I'll be sure we'll treasure it forever. Thank you, everybody. These gifts mean a lot. I'll be sure my husband gets his bag too. Now if you could excuse me, I am going to make a call for a ride home so I can spend this Christmas with my husband. (Walks away to make a phone call)

(Scene 19: As Aranha gets her winter coat on to go home with the taxi on the way, Jane goes to her and apologizes for following her around Rainbow Academy)

Jane: Hey, Aranha? Do you have a minute?

Aranha: Only a few minutes before the taxi comes and picks me up. Why?

Jane: I just want to say that I'm sorry that I've been following you around. I guess you could say that I was a little curious on what you were doing. But thanks for everything you've done for us.

Aranha: Actually, Princess Jane, I should be the one thanking you all.

Jane: Huh?

Aranha: If it weren't for any of you all, I wouldn't be able to go home and spend time with my beloved husband for Christmas. (Looks inside her locket with a picture of her and her husband getting married) I really don't know how I could ever thank you kids and mentor.

Jane: Aranha, before you go home, I want to give you this. (Gives Aranha another gift)

Aranha: What's this? (Opens the gift) A small white mug with a red heart on it.

Jane: I figured you or your husband would like it.

Aranha: Thank you so much, Princess Jane.

(The 2 hug each other as they hear a taxi beeping outside)

Aranha: Oh, that's my ride. Merry Christmas, Princess Jane. (Grabs her bags of gifts inside with her purse)

Jane: Merry Christmas, Aranha.

(Scene 20: Aranha waves bye to everyone at Rainbow Academy as she wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and have a wonderful time)

Aranha: Thanks again, everyone! Have a Merry Christmas and all.

Philosopher: Thanks again, Aranha.

Everyone (Waving): Bye! Bye! Merry Christmas, Aranha.

(Inside the taxi, Aranha gets herself settled and waves bye from the window as the others head back inside. With the Philosopher making sure the stockings are nice and organized, Silas & Daisy get cozy by the fireplace, the girls put the gift bags under the tree, from the fireplace as the boys pass out the mugs of hot chocolate and cookies and is proud of everyone standing right by the Philosopher with their dazzling eyes seeing how everything's going.)

Philosopher: Thanks for all of your hard work, everybody. You Royal Kids really know how to make a Christmas miracle work.

Everyone (Union): Thank you, Philosopher.

Philosopher (Looks at the time that says 9:30pm): Oh, my goodness! It's time for you all to be hitting the hay, children.

(All the kids and both dragons start yawning as they all head off to bed and Louis going back to his classroom as everyone goes to bed. Meanwhile, the Philosopher heads to their room and puts the special surprise gifts underneath the tree, while walking with their cane to head of to bed before anyone sees them and ruin the surprise.)

(Scene 21: In Dungeon a la Lair, Aranha & Orpheus both share gifts with each other as they both have the mistletoe hanging from the middle of them)

Aranha: I've got a gift for you, dear.

Orpheus: So do I, honey.

(The two hand each other their gifts as the two open them up as Aranha gets a golden ring with a purple jade stone attached to it, and Orpheus gets a necklace with silver moon crescent with a blue stone in the middle of it)

Aranha (Gasps): Oh, Orpheus, it's absolutely beautiful.

Orpheus: I couldn't agree more, Aranha. But more importantly, I am happier that you are here to spend time with me. (Rolls over with his wheelchair)

Aranha: Really? Because that's the gift I've always wanted from you too. (Scoots over to Orpheus) I love you, Orpheus.

Orpheus: And I love you to the moon and back, Aranha.

(The two kiss each other und er the mistletoe with the lights turned off)

(Scene 22: The next morning arrives, and everyone heads to the Christmas tree with their pajamas and wait for the Philosopher to wake up and give them their gifts to them, and Louis comes in with a gift behind his back)

Louis: Merry Christmas, everyone! Am I too late?

Daisy: Nope. You're just in time, Prince Louis.

Louis: Okay. (Walks towards them)

Philosopher: Good morning, children. (Walks over with their cane)

Harriette: Great! We have a special surprise for you.

(Everyone looks in the tree to give the Philosopher their gift bag as their mentor sits in their recliner to wait for the students have for them)

Naomi: Here you go, Philosopher.

Kiarra: Look inside of it.

Angelique: I made all the gift bags all by myself.

Philosopher: And you did a spectacular job, Princess Angelique. I'll treasure it forever. (Angelique blushes)

(The students give the gift bag to the Philosopher as they all tell them to look at what they all gave them)

Philosopher (Gasps): Oh, my goodness. (Gets each gift out at a time) Let's see here what we have here. I've got a stocking filled with treats and a teddy bear from Enid, a Poinsettia plant from Lola, a navy-blue cardigan from Naomi, a CD with slow dance music from Kiarra, a coloring book with a box of crayons from Spencer, a bag of homemade chocolates and cookies from Walter, a videotape from Vivienne, a picture frame with a picture of everyone on it and says, 'To the Philosopher, with Love' from Harriette, a soft blanket from Chelsea, a new mug from Jane, a pair of 2 bracelets with silver and gold stones attached from Don, a pair of homemade slippers from Silas & Daisy, and a Yin & Yang heart pendant from Louis. And I see a new cat toy for Marshmallow. (Gives it to Marshmallow as she plays with it) These are all absolutely wonderful gifts, children. Thank you all so much.

(Everyone hugs the Philosopher with all of love and care)

Philosopher: I have special gifts for all of you precious children. (Gets the huge bag as they show each of them their own favorite color handmade not kidding. That's because this guy what the guys name is cloaks with white fluff on the hood)

Everyone (Union): Thank you, Philosopher.

Philosopher: Now, why don't you all go and open the rest of your gifts under the tree.

(Everyone opens the gifts up from underneath the tree)

Jane: I have something for you, Louis.

Louis: And I have something for you, Jane.

(The two open the gifts that they give each other, with Louis getting a golden locket with a picture of each of them as it says, 'Love You from the Bottom of my Heart.' As Jane opens her gift up as it's the sled Louis and her used from the night before.)

Jane: Louis, this is your sled.

Louis: No, this sled belongs to you. Look what it says on the back.

(The back of the sled as Jane reads it)

Jane: To the Princess of my life, she means the world to me, and I would never give that up. She will always be part of me as I am part of her. Thank you so much for showing me you're more than who you. Sincerely yours, Prince Louis. P. S. Merry Christmas, Jane. Thank you so much, Louis.

Louis: Thank you, Jane.

(The 2 hug each other as they show how much they both really care for each other as the camera zooms outside with the snow keeps coming down from the sky)

Narration: And there you have it, everyone. It seems like everyone is having a Merry Christmas and having a wonderful time. So, as everyone in Royals Land, including the Royal kids in Rainbow Academy would say to those around, 'Have a Merry Christmas, everyone!' (Everyone pops out to wish everyone to have a very Merry Christmas)

Everyone (Union): Merry Christmas, everyone! Have a wonderful time as well! (Giggles)

(The characters break the 4th wall by talking to the audience who's been following the first season of Rainbow Academy.)

Philosopher: Thank you for all your time.

Jane: This first season was such a journey.

Louis: We're more than glad how much you've spent during the time with us.

Chelsea: What we would do without any of you.

Lola: It really means a lot to us.

Enid: Be sure stay tuned for the next season with us, y'all.

Spencer: There's still more to come from us.

Vivienne: All of us really appreciate each and every one of you.

Harriette: Never forget that each of you are special in your own way.

Angelique: Don't be afraid to show off your true altruism.

Naomi: And never be afraid to show off your true colors in your friendship.

Kiarra: Never let anyone take you for granted.

Walter: Share and cherish the memories you have with the ones you're closed with.

Don: We recommend you to always count on those you can trust.

Silas: Friends will be with you through the thick and thin.

Daisy: Friendships are also there like a family, don't forget. 

Everyone (Union): Have a Merry Christmas to one and all!

(Everyone waves while waiting for Season 2)

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