S1 Ep 2: Royals Arc: Part 2: A Royal's Mascot
Recap on the Previous Chapter...
Narration: Previously on Rainbow Academy...
(School bell rings)
Vinnie: The first day of my child's school. This is my daughter Jane. She's the Princess of Ruby area.
Jane: What if nobody likes me?
Vinnie: You have someone who loves you. Me, silly. (The two hug each other)
Jane: What's your name?
Louis: It's Louis, it's pronounced Loo-wee.
Philosopher: Hello, Princess Jane. I am your mentor, the Philosopher, and welcome to Rainbow Academy where teach the Royals in Royals Land how to help you young Royals better use your own Kins power and help the areas all around Royals Land. Here you go, my Princess Jane, I am giving you this. The pendant is to store your Kins power inside to keep them in check. The Ruby Gemstone is to magically transform into a Gemstone Weapon when you become a Magical Girl.
Jane: Huh? A Magical Girl?!
Mysterious Woman: I need you and your husband to do me a favor. Go to Rainbow Academy and annihilate those Royals and head mentor, especially that head mentor, the Philosopher. Do you understand me?
Aranha: Yes, my big sister. Rise and shine, sweetheart. We're going to annihilate the Royals and the Philosopher. Isn't that wonderful?
Orpheus (Fakes enthusiasm): I can hardly wait.
Aranha: This is going to be super exciting! (Evil laugh)
Jane: Does every Royal in this school get a pendant?
Philosopher: That's right, my Princess. Don't let anything bad happen to that pendant. If it falls in the wrong hands by someone, they will use that Kins power since your Kins power is locked inside.
Jane: Don't worry, Philosopher.
Philosopher: I got something here for the class. But since you're my first student. I need you to prove how responsible you are.
Jane: What's inside the egg?
Philosopher: I am not really certain what could be inside this egg. Do you think I can trust to make sure nothing bad happens to this egg. Okay?
Jane: Okay.
Nurse Tabitha: Someone's coming to Rainbow Academy.
Philosopher: Jane, you must stay inside the closet with Marshmallow and this egg! Go! Now! (Goes to the microphone) Attention, students and staff! There is danger approaching to the school! (Speaking in monologue) I must do whatever I can to stop evil approaching since these kids don't know how to use their own Kins powers yet. (The black panther cubs pounces and scratches the Philosopher's right arm) (Yells) Ouch!
Spider Queen: Get up, you overgrown bum.
Jane: It's time to transform into my Magical Girl form. Let's go. (Transformation)
Spider Queen: Any last words, old bum? No, well then, care to do the honors, darling?
Sir Midnight: I'll be glad to.
Ruby (shouts): Hey, you two dumbasses!
Spider Queen: Get down here now, you fiend! (Ruby comes down) Who are you?
Ruby: You can call me Princess Ruby. Ready to fight me.
Spider Queen: Yes, yes, yes!
(Ruby & Spider Queen fight with their own weapons)
Spider Queen: I demand you to give me that Ruby Gemstone this instant, Princess Ruby! Give it to me now!
Ruby: Heart Attack! (Red Hearts come out of her Ruby Crystal Wand) (Ruby fades back to Princess Jane again)
Spider Queen: Where is Princess Ruby?
Jane: Uh...
Spider Queen: Don't answer that!
Jane: Okay.
(Inside of Rainbow Academy)
Jane: I'm sorry, Philosopher, for disobeying your orders, I just wanted to help you and stop those threats since I've heard you screaming.
Philosopher: You may have disobeyed me, sure. But I am proud that you have saved, not just me, but as well the entire school. Thank you.
Jane: Alright! Yay!
Philosopher: But you still have a lot to learn about how to become a Magical Girl.
Aranha: We failed you, big sister. (Sniffles)
Orpheus: Yeah, what she said.
Mysterious Woman: Who defeated y'all?
Aranha (Glares in frustration): Princess Ruby.
Mysterious Woman: No need to worry, you two. This is only just the beginning.
Narration: And now, the continuation to Rainbow Academy.
The Royals Arc continues onward...
(Scene 1: Jane and the Philosopher discuss about what's the next step into becoming a Magical Girl since Jane has a lot to learn, while taking a tour around Rainbow Academy, then go to the cafeteria)
Jane: So, you are saying that there's a lot to learn about being a Magical Girl, Philosopher?
Philosopher: That's right, my Princess.
Jane: Well, I am ready for anything. Tell me what to do, and I will do.
Philosopher (Getting their Kiseru ready to smoke, inhales): Hold on there. You need to smooth things by not making things too slow or too fast at times. (Exhales)
Jane: Huh?
Philosopher; Let me explain it to you this way, my Princess. It's best to smooth things down by having smooth peanut butter and jelly on bread. For example, you like your peanut butter and jelly smooth, right? (Puts Kiseru in mouth, while getting the peanut butter and jelly ready for bread)
Jane: Uh-huh. But what does that have to do smoothing things down?
Philosopher: Well, you need to make sure to not to spread your peanut butter too fast. If you do it too fast, it's going to become a hazardous mess. You don't too slow either because you might take too much time that might get wasted. It's best to take your time wisely. It's best to take your time by balancing out your time. Not too fast, not too slow, just the balance between both.
Jane (Watches the Philosopher make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches): Ah, I see what you mean.
Philosopher (Grins): Sandwich?
Jane: Thank you! (Eats & chews on her sandwich) Yummy!
Philosopher (Chuckles): You seem to love my sandwich.
Jane: Hey, uh, Philosopher?
Philosopher: Yes, Jane.
Jane: What is the next step towards being a Magical Girl?
Philosopher: Well, actually, Jane, I've noticed you were going to learn the Magical girl transformation second. Looks like I forgot to tell you there was something you were supposed to have something before that.
Jane: Oops. What was the first thing I was supposed to have?
Philosopher: A Mascot.
Jane: A Mascot? Do you mean some kind of cute cuddly creature that helps out?
Philosopher: Yep. (Proceeds to eat their peanut butter & jelly sandwich)
Jane: Cool. Could there be a Mascot in the egg?
Philosopher: Perhaps.
Jane: Alright! Yay!
Philosopher: (Gently pats Jane's head) Let's go back to the classroom.
(Scene 2: In the dark area of Royals Land there's a place called Dungeon a la Lair, where Orpheus is sitting on his Royal chair, whereas his wife Aranha is moping, feel guilt-written about failing her big sister)
Aranha: I am such a failure. (Sniffles) I am such a big failure. A big, big failure! (Wails)
Orpheus: Oh, my God. Could you quit acting like it's the end of the world, darling. Your big sister it was only the beginning.
Aranha (Wails): I'm a big, big, big failure! (Cries loudly)
Orpheus (Puts on headphones to ignore his wife's crying): Ah, yes. That's much, much better.
(The TV screen turns automatically, and the same mysterious woman appears to talk to her little sister and little brother-in-law to give them another assignment, as Aranha continues to cry in the background)
Mysterious Woman: Aranha, my little sister? Come here at once.
Aranha (Wails): I am nothing but a big failure, big sister. (Takes a deep breath and blows her nose in a handkerchief, continues to cry)
Mysterious Woman (Shouts): Aranha! Quit your blubbering and come over here! I have another assignment for you and your husband! Unless I can call some of the other people that live in your Dungeon a la Lair.
(Chatter in the background)
Aranha (Quits crying abruptly): Shut it back there! I and talking to my big sister! Another assignment? For my husband and I? Did you hear that, honey? (Orpheus still keeps his headphones on without hearing anything in the background) Orpheus, darling? (Removes headphones from his head) Darling?!
Orpheus (Angered): Big brother, can't you see I'm listening to- (sees his wife smiling and snickering, while he gets flustered) -ugh! What the hell do you want now?!
Aranha (Grins): Are you ready for another assignment from my big sister?
Orpheus (Sighs): Whatever. Let me get myself ready for crap again. (Whispers) I hate my job so much.
Aranha: So, my dear, big sister, tell me the next assignment. Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me!
Mysterious Woman (Calmly and shows a picture of the egg on screen): I want you and your husband to get that big egg from Rainbow Academy. And keep it in Dungeon a la Lair so I'll have someone pick it up for me.
Aranha: And I will also get the Ruby Gemstone heart too. (Evil laugh)
Mysterious Woman: Just do what I told you to do. Got it? I expect to have the egg there by the time you get it from Rainbow Academy. (Turns off the TV automatically)
Aranha: Good thing I kept my Spider Queen outfit on for this assignment. (Stomach growls, rubs her stomach) Oh, don't worry, Stomach, my boy, you're going to get food. Now, maybe I shouldn't have asked those Healers to put that moldy green jelly in my belly since it's too jiggly from my stomach surgery. Oh, well. I'll just take a few hairy caterpillars on the way out. (Humming and stomach growls)
(Scene 3: Jane and the Philosopher check on the egg to see how its doing and check to see if it's hatch yet)
Jane: Gee, Philosopher, the egg is really taking a while to hatch. I wonder what type of Mascot it'll be. I am too excited to see what it'll be.
Philosopher: Be patient, my Princess. These things must take time very wisely. How about you go ahead and do something while you are waiting.
Jane; Like what?
Philosopher: Well, maybe you can practice your Kins power.
Jane: Okay. (Gets Ruby Gemstone out of her uniform skirt's pocket) Here goes nothing. (Gemstone transforms into Gemstone Weapon appears; calls out a heart power) Heart Attack! (Red Hearts appear and blast a window and Marshmallow screeches) Uh-oh. Sorry about that, Philosopher.
Philosopher: Jane, when you do your Kins Power, wait for me so we can do it outside. That way, the egg won't get smashed. Okay?
Jane: Good idea. (Chuckles nervously)
(Jane and the Philosopher head outside to see what Jane can do improve on her own Kins power, while the Philosopher has their notebook and pen ready to jot down how things are going)
Philosopher: Ready for your first test, my Princess?
Jane: Yes, I am, Philosopher.
Philosopher (Points to the target sign): Okay. I want to you to try and use your Kins power by hitting directly to this target sign. Remember what I taught you earlier.
(Jane looks at the target sign and tries to remember what the Philosopher taught her earlier)
Jane (Monologue): What did the Philosopher teach me? It has something to do with the balance of speed, right? (Speaks loudly) Heart Attack! (Blasts out her Kins power from her Ruby Crystal Wand, screams in horror) Ah! (The Heart Attack bounces all over the place)
Philosopher (Gasps in shock): Are you okay, Jane?
Jane: I'm fine, Philosopher. But what about the egg?
Philosopher: Let's go check it out.
(Scene 4: Behind the bushes Spider Queen uses her binoculars to spot the egg for her sister, and try and capture it; meanwhile Sir Midnight files his nails by the tree)
Spider Queen: Yes, yes, yes! You are mine now. This is what i call jackpot.
Sir Midnight: So what? It's just a stupid egg. Can we please get it now? I'm tired of standing here like stupid stooge.
Spider Queen: Will you pipe down, sweetie? We're going to get that egg and huh? Honey? Honey? Get your ass over right now.
Sir Midnight (Groans): What?
Spider Queen: Look in these binoculars and tell me what do you see?
Sir Midnight (looks in the binoculars): I see no egg.
Spider Queen: What are you talking about? There is an egg in there with... (Gasps in horror while looking in the binoculars) Where the living hell did the egg go? It was just there.
Sir Midnight: Did you forget to put your contact lenses on?
Spider Queen: That's not important! (Sir Midnight rolls his eyes) Okay it is, but as important as getting that egg. Come on. We must find that egg before it's too late.
Sir Midnight (Sarcastic): Gee! Thanks for telling me something that I need to know, dear.
Spider Queen: No problem!
(Back inside of Rainbow Academy, Jane and the Philosopher put the egg elsewhere, so it'll be safe from Jane's Kins power harming it, while the Philosopher puts it by the windowsill)
Jane: Philosopher? Mayber I'm never going to learn what it takes to use my Kins power. (Tears come down to her eyes)
Philosopher: Now, Jane, you shouldn't jump to conclusions like that. You're able to learn how to use your Kins; it just takes time. (Wipes Jane's tears with their tissues)
(Back outside, the Spider Queen sneaks around, spots the egg on the windowsill, and tells her husband to come and see it)
Spider Queen: See? See? I told you there's an egg. Up there!
Sir Midnight: Sure! Can we please get it now? I'm tired of waiting around here.
Spider Queen: Okay, okay. I just need my spider web rope.
Sir Midnight: Are you sure it's strong enough to hold you?
Spider Queen: Of course, dear. I have lost 50 pounds, remember? (Throws rope by the tree branch) Here goes everything. (Climbs up the wall)
Sir Midnight: That's just great. I need to wait a little longer.
Spider Queen: Come to Mama, eggy. (Rope breaks, fall and screaming) Ahh!
Sir Midnight: Are you sure you didn't gain 50 pounds back?
(Spider Queen glares at her husband for such a comment)
Sir Midnight: What? I'm just saying.
Spider Queen: I'm just going to use my web crawling skills.
(Sir Midnight shrugs and sits on the nearby rock)
(Scene 5: As the egg still sits by the windowsill, Jane and the Philosopher sit by the window to make sure nothing bad happens to the egg)
Jane: This egg really takes a while to hatch, doesn't it, Philosopher?
Philosopher (petting Marshmallow): It sure does, my Princess.
(Door knocks)
Jane: Who's that?
Philosopher: Let's go find out.
(As Jane and the Philosopher go see who's at the door, the Spider Queen still crawls up the wall to get a hold of the egg and steal it)
Spider Queen: Yes, yes, yes! The egg shall me mine. Well, technically, my big sister's egg, but who cares who it'll belong to. It's still my egg.
Sir Midnight: Darling, what's taking you so long?
Spider Queen: Don't worry, dear. I'm getting the egg. Come to Mama!
(Back inside, Jane and the Philosopher go see who's at the door, while the Spider Queen stays as quiet as she can to steal the egg)
Philosopher: Oh, hello, Preacher. How are you doing?
Jane: Hello, Louis. It's nice to see you again, dude.
Preacher: Hello, Philosopher. I thought I'd give you this new outfit for your Mascot.
Philosopher (Nervously): Oh, uh, thanks for that.
Louis: Hello, Jane. I was wondering if you want me to help you give a name for your Mascot.
Jane: That'd be awesome!
Louis (Looks at the egg by the window): Hey, is that egg over there?
Jane (Turns around and gasps): Yes, it is!
Louis: What's going on Over there?
Jane: Hey! Give the egg back!
Spider Queen: Thanks for the egg, suckers. (Evil laughs)
Jane: I must get that egg back!
Louis: I'll come with you!
Jane: Okay!
(Spider Queen runs with the egg in her arm while her and her husband attempt to run and go back to Dungeon a la Lair)
Spider Queen: Come on, Sir Midnight! I've got the egg!
Sir Midnight: It's about damn time you did!
(As the two run, Jane & Louis chase after the Spider Queen & Sir Midnight, and Louis asks Jane who are the two thieves)
Louis: Jane? Who are those two thieves?
Jane: Those two are the Spider Queen & Sir Midnight.
Louis: Oh, my God.
Jane: Enough chitchat; let's get that egg back.
Louis: Agreed.
Spider Queen (Panting): Are those two twerps still chasing us, dear?
Sir Midnight (Panting and looks behind): Yes, love!
Spider Queen: Damn it to hell! Use your pistol to shoot them!
(As Sir Midnight shoots his pistol and grunts, Jane & Louis scream, duck, and hide from the shootings)
Sir Midnight: And stay away!
Spider Queen (Blows raspberry): Tah-Tah, dumb kids! (Evil laughs)
Sir Midnight: Was that really necessary of you to do?
Spider Queen: Of course.
(The Spider Queen & Sir Midnight continue running away with the egg)
(Scene 6: Jane & Louis are behind the bush and tree, respectively, and ask if each other is alright from the shooting)
Louis: Jane? Are you alright?
Jane: Yeah, I'm alright. You?
Louis: Uh-huh. But we must get that egg back.
Jane: I know.
Louis: Have any ideas on what we can do?
Jane: It's time for me to transform into Princess Ruby.
Louis: Princess Ruby?
Jane (Calls out and transforms into her Magical Girl form and gemstone to transform into her Ruby Crystal Wand): I am Princess Ruby! (Princess Ruby appears in front of Louis) Voila! this is my own Magical Girl form)
Louis: (Whispers) Princess Ruby? (Talks loudly) Wait for me to transform, Ruby. (Calls out and transforms from a little 7-year-old-boy that is 4'7" to a 17-year-old boy who is 5'7", with his own pendant colored gold, a gold-colored Prince outfit, and into his Magical Boy along with Gemstone Weapon to transform) I am Prince Pyrite! (His Gemstone transforms into a Pyrite Cutlass)
Ruby: Wow! You've transformed into a Magical Boy! This will be our first time to fight together side by side.
Pyrite: That's right, Princess Ruby. Now, enough dawdling around- let's go and retrieve that egg!
Ruby: Right! Let's go, Prince Pyrite!
(Scene 7: As the two Royals go and fly to search for the Spider Queen & Sir Midnight, Spider Queen & Sir Midnight stop running for a little bit to take a break with egg by their side)
Sir Midnight (Panting): I think... (panting) we need... (panting) to take a break, darling. (Panting)
Spider Queen: I agree with you. (Panting and spots a tree) Let's all rest by the tree over there. (Gently puts the egg down and rubs it) Such a beautiful egg. I wish we could eat it.
Sir Midnight: You're right. (Gets a napkin and puts it around his neck, gets fork and knife out in each hand, and gets prepared to eat the egg)
Spider Queen (Shouts): Orpheus! What in the bloody hell do you think you are doing?!
Sir Midnight: Look, Aranha, dear, I'm really hungry.
Spider Queen: And you say I'm dense. We need to keep this egg for my big sister! Remember?!
Sir Midnight: I am sorry, dear.
Spider Queen: That's okay.
Sir Midnight: I didn't mean to call you dense.
Spider Queen (irritated): I meant the egg!
Ruby (Off screen): Did you say, 'the egg?'
Sir Midnight: Who said that?
(The two Royals fly in the air above Spider Queen & Sir Midnight)
Spider Queen: It's Princess Ruby and someone else. (Talks to Ruby) Who is this friend of yours?
Ruby: This is my friend Prince Pyrite. We're to retrieve the egg back to Rainbow Academy. (Gets her Ruby Crystal Wand out)
Pyrite (Gets his Pyrite Cutlass out): Ruby, we need to be very careful to not harm the egg.
Ruby: You're right, Pyrite.
Spider Queen: So, it looks like we're both even, darling.
Sir Midnight: I can see that, dear.
Spider Queen (Gets her scepter ready out of her front pouch: You take care of the Fool's Gold Prince. I'll take care of that corundum.
Sir Midnight (Gets his pistol out and ready to shoot) Precisely.
Pyrite: (In disgust) Do I even want to know where she put that scepter of hers?
Ruby: Not really. (Shouts) Watch out! (They both fly to dodge the bullets)
Ruby & Pyrite (Union): We're not ready yet!
Sir Midnight: Who cares? Fight us! (Shoots rapidly)
Spider Queen: Yes, yes, yes! That's what I'm talking about, darling! (Evil laugh and blasts some sparks out from her scepter, and Sir Midnight keeps shooting)
Ruby (Shouts and pushes): Look out, Pyrite!
Pyrite: There's got to be a way to stop those two!
(Ruby ponders over what to do, until she remembered what the Philosopher taught her earlier, flashback of the Philosopher)
Flashback what the Philosopher taught her...
Philosopher: It's best to take your time by balancing out your time. Not too fast, not too slow, just the balance between both.
End of the flashback...
Ruby (Gasps): I know what to do, Pyrite. Let's balance our levels of fast & slow together. That way, we can use our attacks to stop the Spider Queen & Sir Midnight from getting anywhere near that egg down there.
Pyrite: Great idea, Ruby. Let's split up!
Sir Midnight: Come back here, you fool! (Chases after Pyrite)
Spider Queen: While my husband goes after your friend, I'll get you and your Ruby heart!
(Ruby concentrates on how to get the egg before it gets cracked open. As she thinks, the Spider Queen swops wither cape and gets her scepter ready to blast her with. Ruby lightly flies on top of the next tree, does a light backflip and front flip to get the egg away from the Spider Queen)
Spider Queen (Flustered): Why won't you hold your tiny ass still, Princess Ruby?! Get back over here now! (Gasps) Where is my egg?
Ruby: Your egg? It's the Philosopher's egg. (Flies away)
Spider Queen (Growls): Give me that egg and Ruby heart Gemstone, you fiend! (Blasts her scepter at Ruby)
Ruby (Gasps): No! (Hides the egg inside of her red cape, while speaking in monologue) I sure hope Pyrite is doing okay.
(Scene 8: Back with Pyrite and Sir Midnight, Sir Midnight attempts to shoot Pyrite, meanwhile Pyrite uses his Pyrite Cutlass to dodge the bullets that almost hit him. As Pyrite flies away, he finds a piece of a plastic to make into a hard treasure plate to turn hit Sir Midnight back)
Pyrite (Calls out his Kins power, while throwing the hard treasure plate): Treasure Gold Plate!
Sir Midnight (Screams in agony, drops his pistol while holding his holding left eye is glowing): Ouch! It's always on my bad eye. Why couldn't it be my good purple eye or something else?!
Pyrite (Kicks the pistol away and holds up his Pyrite Cutlass by Sir Midnight's throat): Any last words, Sir Midnight?
Sir Midnight: (Grunts and kicks Pyrite in the face): Screw you, you son of a bitch!
Pyrite (Drops his weapon after he gets hurt, and he falls to the ground): Ouch!
Sir Midnight (Grabs his pistol and attempts to pull the trigger and holds his bad eye): Any last words for you, Fool's Gold?
Pyrite (Glares at Sir Midnight, after he then 'shoots' him, dodges quickly to get away from the bullet, quickly, and grabs his Gemstone Weapon to stop him): Hi-yah! It's time to finish you off, Red Eyed Bastard!
Sir Midnight: Impossible! I've just shot you!
Pyrite: And it's time to end this fight, once and for all!
Sir Midnight: It'll be my pleasure! (Runs out of bullets) Huh? What the hell is going here?! I ran out of bullets!
Spider Queen (Off screen): Come back here, Princess Ruby! That's my egg! And while you're at it, give your Ruby heart!
Ruby (Flies by with the egg in her cape which is almost slipping, and shouts at Pyrite, down below her): Pyrite! I've got the egg! (Gasps and slips out of the cape) Watch out!
Pyrite: Don't worry, Ruby! (Runs towards the egg) I've got the egg! I've got it! I've got it! (Catches the egg) Ta-da!
Ruby (Lands on the ground safely): That was a close one, Pyrite.
(The egg starts hatching in front of Ruby & Pyrite, a baby light pink dragon with purple scales appears and starts cooing)
Pyrite & Ruby (Union): Aww! It's a baby dragon.
Spider Queen: Hey! Give me that... egg?
(Baby dragon looks at the Spider Queen & starts crying loudly)
Pyrite: Stay away from the baby, Spider Queen!
Ruby: Let's get back to Rainbow Academy, Pyrite.
Pyrite: Right!
(As Ruby & Pyrite take the baby dragon back, it continues to cry in the background, the leftover big eggshells are broken in half on the ground is left behind, where the Spider Queen thinks of an idea to give it to her big sister)
Spider Queen: Come on, honey. Let's go back to the Dungeon a la Lair. I have an idea.
Sir Midnight: Oh, great. That egg is broken in half, you can't fix it.
(Scene 9: Back at Rainbow Academy, Ruby & Pyrite fade back into their normal selves and go back inside to explain to the Philosopher & Preacher that the egg hatched, as the baby dragon still cries)
Louis: Uh, ladies first.
Jane: Thanks, Louis. (Tries hushing the baby dragon from crying) It's okay, it's okay, baby dragon, you're safe now.
(The two go inside and see the Philosopher & the Preacher are both waiting to see if the egg is safe)
Philosopher: Well, did you get the egg back, my Prince and Princess?
Preacher (Gasps): What happened?
Jane: The egg hatched and look what appeared...
Louis: ...A baby dragon.
(The baby dragon quits crying as it sees the two mentors both surprised to see a baby dragon in their arms)
Louis: What's wrong?
Preacher: Nothing's wrong, Louis.
Philosopher: We're both very proud of you two for making sure the baby dragon is back safe. Now, there shall be a Mascot for you two.
Preacher: You two make quite a good team. (Jane & Louis look at each other, dumbfoundedly) This baby dragon shall be your Mascot whenever you need to look up to someone.
Louis: But it's just a baby. It can't do anything right now. He needs to have time to grow up.
Jane: I'll go get a bottle of milk for it. (Goes and finds a bottle of milk for him and gets it ready) Here you go, baby dragon.
(Baby dragon drinks milk out of the bottle)
Philosopher: It will in no time at all.
Jane & Louis (Union): What do you mean?
Philosopher: This dragon is an Age & Size Changing Dragon- which means it'll be able to control how it ages and what size it'll be.
Preacher: It's able to do that on its own. But first, let's have a looksee to if it's a boy or a girl.
Jane: Louis? Thanks for helping me out stop the Spider Queen and Sir Midnight.
Louis: No problem, Jane.
(Jane & Louis gently give the baby dragon to their mentors to check to what gender the baby dragon is, while it coos, and take it over to a place so the two students don't have to look)
Preacher: Well, what do you know?
Philosopher: Your baby dragon Mascot is a boy!
Louis: What should we name him?
Jane: Hmmm... We need to think of a unique name for him.
Louis: How about... 'Thunderstorm?' Nah!
Jane: I know- how about 'Splinter?' Nah?
Philosopher: How about 'Silas?'
Preacher: Oh, Silas sounds like a unique name, Philosopher.
Louis: It's very unique.
Jane: Do you like that name? Silas?
(The baby dragon burps and coos, with the 4 laughing altogether, as the view changes outside as there's another little girl whose shadow appears, with the audience unaware of who she is)
(Scene 10: Back at Dungeon a la Lair, the Mysterious Woman finally gets the egg back, while talking to the Spider Queen on screen)
Mysterious Woman: So, this is the egg, little sister?
Aranha (With her hands behind her back): That's right, big sister.
Mysterious Woman: Oh, I can't wait to... (The eggshell falls apart in half) ...huh? Aranha?
Aranha: (Hides her hands behind her back, grins nervously): Yes, big sister.
Mysteriously Woman: What is this?
Aranha: That's the egg I gave you.
Mysterious Woman: Little sister, do you think I was born yesterday?
Aranha: I wouldn't be surprised if you were. Why?
Mysterious Woman (Growls in anger): Aranha!
Aranha: Honey? (Sir Midnight runs off) Damn it. Uh, it's not what it looks like.
Mysterious Woman: I'm going have ask you to take a seat, while I get someone else in the Rogues Gallery to the job next time.
Aranha: Are you firing me, big sister?
Mysterious Woman: No, I am not firing you. (Bangs her fist on the table) I am just going to ask someone else to fill in your boots for the next assignment. (Hears a stomach growling) What the hell is that noise?
Aranha (Giggles and rubs her stomach): Oopsie. That was my tummy. I guess I'm still a little hungry for some delicious bugs that I have leftover in the...
Mysterious Woman (Snaps): Never mind about your stupid stomach and some of those bugs! I'm sure he'll go without bugs for a few more seconds. Now, listen to me carefully. I am going to have someone else do the job for you for the next assignment and see what they can do! Do you understand me, little sister?
Aranha (Gulps nervously and lightly pats her stomach, with tears rushing down her cheeks): Yes, I understand, my big sister.
Mysterious Woman (Calmly): Good. (Clears her throat and calls out the next threat from Dungeon a la Lair) Oh, Giggles. it's your turn to have to have the spotlight.
(Giggles' eyes and terrifying smile appear in the dark shadows in the background)
To Be Continued...
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