S1 Ep 18: Royals Arc Part 18: Find Your Place
Recap on the Previous Chapter...
Narration: Previously on Rainbow Academy...
Empress Tarantula: Alright! Enough chitchat and get fighting already!
Bulldoze: Do you ladies want to go first?
Werewolf Woman: Sure, I guess.
Grizelle: I hope you're ready to fight me, Princess Ruby.
Ruby: Oh, you bet your blue ass I'm ready to fight you!
(Defeats Grizelle)
Werewolf Woman: Now, enough chitchat, let's continue the fight!
Ruby: Alright! Yeah!
Werewolf Woman: What are you finding behind your back?
Ruby (Throws the flying disc): Go get it, girl!
(Werewolf Woman gets defeated)
Spider Queen: How does Princess Ruby do that?!
Ruby: My heart... is pounding... a... again!
Madame Slither: I hope you're ready to get pounded, Princess Ruby.
Ruby: Madame Slither!
Madame Slither: Hold still, you wimpy Princess!
(Madame Slither gets knocked out)
Empress Tarantula: Do what you're able to do, Killer Orca!
Killer Orca: Glad to!
Ruby (Gets the headphones): Got them!
Empress Tarantula: Bring in the big boys!
Ruby: It's happening again! My blasted bloody red heart!
(Gets knocked out by Giggles)
Spider Queen: You've been knocked the hell out! (Laughs)
Narration: And now, the continuation to Rainbow Academy.
(Scene 1: After getting knocked out by Giggles' own weapon, Ruby is still on the ground unconscious and is in a strange dark place that she's not that familiar with)
Ruby: Ugh! Ooh, my head! That was one hell of a knockout from Giggles. (Surprised) Wait! Where am I? This doesn't look like a place I've been or seen before. Where am I?
Familiar voice: You are inside your own mind.
Ruby: Who said that? Show yourself! (Tries to get her Gemstone Weapon out) Hey! I don't have my Ruby Crystal Wand with me!
Familiar Voice: Don't be afraid of me, my dear Princess Ruby. (Shows themself)
Ruby; Phil- Philosopher? (Rubs her eyes) Am I imagining this?
Philosopher: No, you are not imagining this at all.
(Ruby slowly walks over to the Philosopher as she waves her hand in front of them, and gently touches their hand as they feel warm while they grin at each other, and both are happy)
Ruby: I can't believe it's you. (Hugs the Philosopher) Boy, am I glad to see you.
Philosopher: I'm glad to see you to. (Hugs Ruby)
Ruby: How did you get here in my mind?
Philosopher: I have been sensing your own Kins have been feeling pain lately, and I came here to help you out before it gets worse from there.
Ruby: Uh? Okay?
Philosopher: I've sensed that you were battling with the threats here at Dark Hall.
Ruby: Yeah, I was, but I haven't beaten the rest of them yet. These threats keep getting more and more challenging. I want to try and beat them the rest of them all in one go. That way, the rest of my friends can get out of here safely.
Philosopher: Oh, is that so?
Ruby: Uh-huh.
Philosopher: Princess Ruby, come and sit here for a second.
Ruby: Am I in trouble?
Philosopher: No, no, no, you're not in trouble, not in the slightest. (Pats their hand right next to them for her to sit)
(Ruby sits crisscross next to the Philosopher as they discuss to her about what she needs to do in order to get her friends out of Dark Hall, without having the need to rush by getting everyone out of there)
Philosopher: Now, do you know why I have asked you to sit with me, my Princess.
Ruby: Uh, nope. Not at all.
Philosopher: Are you sure?
Ruby: I'm sure.
Philosopher: Well, you see, Ruby, I need you to do me a favor.
Ruby (Unsure): Uh, okay. What is it?
Philosopher: I need you to close your eyes.
Ruby: Close my eyes?
Philosopher: Mm-hmm.
(Ruby closes her eyes along with the Philosopher but opens one eye a little bit)
Philosopher: No peeking, my dear Princess. (Ruby shuts her other eye) Now, Princess Ruby, I'd like you to keep your eyes closed and keep yourself quiet.
Ruby (Panics): But Philosopher, I don't have time to do this; I have to get the rest of my friends out of there before it's too late!
Philosopher: Shh! You'll have plenty of time to save your friends, Princess Ruby. Just stay calm and keep yourself quiet with your eyes closed. (Takes a deep breath) Now, take a few deep breaths with me.
(Both of them take a few deep breaths together)
Philosopher: Are you feeling calm now?
Ruby: Mm-hmm.
Philosopher: Good. I need you to think about something; something that's on your mind right now and look at what you see.
(Scene 2: Ruby is in a place where she sees grass & flowers all over the place, butterflies flying, trees, the trees are breezing in the wind, and such. But while wandering around, Ruby sees the Philosopher standing by themself, they wave their hand over to have her come over)
Ruby: What are we doing here?
Philosopher: We're here to figure out why your Kins power is always taking more control of you. Well, I say 'we', but it's more like you.
Ruby: Oh. But, Philosopher, what is this place?
Philosopher (Points to a different direction): Look over there, Princess Ruby.
(Ruby sees her real form as Jane as a little girl playing with her Daddy as she and him are chasing each other in the grass, while both having a picnic together)
Jane: Daddy! Come and catch me!
Vinnie (Chuckles): I'm going to get you, sweetie.
(As Jane & Vinnie both watch a young Jane and Vinnie chasing each other, Jane is giggling in the background with Vinnie tickling her)
Ruby: I remember this. This was the time when Daddy and I were having fun and playing together. But what does this have to do with my Kins power?
Philosopher: Do you remember what happened on this day?
Jane (Heart pounding): Daddy! Please, leave me alone! (Cries)
Vinnie: What's the matter, Jane?
Jane: My heart feels like pain. (Heart pounding) Ouch!
(Vinnie wraps her his arms around with a red blanket to calm her down)
Vinnie (Calms Jane down): Shh! It's okay, my baby girl. I'm here for you. Is your own power calming down now?
(As Jane continues crying, Ruby is still puzzled on how this is supposed to help her figure out what's making her Kins power take control of her)
Ruby: Uh, Philosopher, I don't understand. How is this supposed to show me what's happening to my own Kins power?
Philosopher: I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually. Come with me, my Princess.
(Scene 3: As the Philosopher directs Ruby to a different location, they both go to another memory of hers that shows Vinnie and her younger self where Jane is with a bunch of other kids with parents who are judging her for how she acts around others)
Vinnie: Hello, everybody. I'd like you to meet my daughter, Princess Jane.
(Jane hides behind him while she wears her usual black ponytail up, white t-shirt, red overalls, and black boots)
Vinnie: Don't be scared, dear. I'm sure nobody will harm you. (Jane slowly walks up in front of him) Go on, Jane.
Jane (Nervously): Hello, everyone!
Child #1: Is this really your daughter?
Child #2: She looks weird to me.
Parent #1: I thought you had a son. That's no son, that's a daughter!
Parent #2: Why, she is a disgrace! (Echoes) Disgrace! Disgrace! Disgrace1 And furthermore, she shouldn't be wearing such boyish clothes. (Jane hides behind Vinnie)
Vinnie: But you don't understand, ma' am. Jane loves these kinds of clothes.
Child# 3: And she's supposed to be the next generation's new King?!
Child #4: She's not supposed to have the throne.
Parent #3: Exactly! Ruby area has always been known to have a Princes take the throne, not Princesses like whatever that thing is!
Parent #4: Get her the hell out of here, your highness!
Jane (Jumps in front with anger): Don't talk to my Daddy like that you fat woman!
(Everyone gasps in shock and horror as Ruby watches in the background with the Philosopher as she looks terrified about what she said to one of the parents)
Parent #4: What did she just say to me?
Jane (Angered): That's right! You never talk to my Daddy like that again, or I'll (Heart pounding) Oh, no! My heart is hurting again, Daddy! (Groans in pain)
Vinnie (Picks Jane up and holds her as she looks behind Vinnie): It's okay, baby. I'm here to help calm you down.
Parent #1: Yeah! Keep getting sympathy from your old man, you spoiled brat!
Vinnie: This isn't a joke, ma' am! (Pats Jane on the back) C'mon, sweetie, let's go home before things get worse from here.
Jane (Looks behind Vinnie's back, crying): Daddy? Daddy? Daddy?
(As Jane gets taken away by Vinnie, Ruby looks in despair as she can't stand how she acted like that with the people in front of her and Vinnie)
Philosopher: Princess Ruby? Is everything alright?
Ruby (Sobs): How could everything be alright after that painful memory? (Sniffles as the Philosopher gives her a handkerchief to wipe her tears away)
Philosopher: It's okay, Princess Ruby. Let it all out. Come, my Princess, let's go before things get worse from here.
Ruby: Don't you think it's already worse?
(Scene 4: The Philosopher and Princess Ruby go to another memory of hers as she sees that they are both at Ruby Castle which confuses Ruby why are they there)
Ruby: Huh? This is Ruby Castle..., my own home. But why are we here?
Philosopher: See for yourself.
(Ruby flies up to the window and sees Vinnie and her younger self as she watches inside and sees her and Vinnie getting ready for bed and discussing about something)
Vinnie: Okay, Jane, honey, are you ready for bed yet?
Jane (Putting her red pajamas on): Almost, Daddy.
Vinnie (Giggles): Here. Let me help you. (Helps put the red top on) There you go.
Jane: Thanks, Daddy.
Vinnie: Kissy, kiss! (Jane jumps and kisses Vinnie on the cheek) Did you brush your teeth?
Jane: Not yet.
Vinnie: Go ahead and brush your teeth.
Jane: Okay. (Runs to the bathroom to brush her teeth)
(As Vinnie waits for Jane as she brushes her teeth, he looks at a photo of a woman with dark blonde hair with green eyes holding baby Jane as she was just born, with Vinnie on the side looking at their daughter together)
Vinnie: Oh, Mandy, if only you were here to see your beloved daughter. (Sighs)
Jane: I'm done, Daddy. Hey? What are you looking at?
Vinnie: Oh, just a picture of something.
Jane: May I see it?
(As Jane climbs on the bed, she sits next to Vinnie and looks at the picture and sees the same thing he saw while snuggling with him)
Jane: Who is that woman?
Vinnie: Why, that is your Mommy, Jane.
Jane: Mommy. She looks so beautiful there.
Vinnie: She sure does, doesn't she?
Jane: Where is she now?
(Vinnie looks at his daughter in silence as he doesn't know how to break down to her what happened to her and doesn't want her to go through more pain than she already has)
Jane: Daddy? Please tell me what happened to Mommy. Please tell me.
Vinnie: Well, Jane, honey, she's not here anymore.
Jane: Did she go somewhere?
Vinnie: She's not here anymore. (Tears slowly came out of his eyes)
Jane: Wh- what?
Vinnie: Your Mommy died when she was giving birth to you. The last words she told me if you ever you ever ask where she is, she said to me to tell you, 'She'll be right here with you, in your heart. (Points to Jane's heart)
(Jane looks down as Vinnie puts his finger in her heart and slowly begins to cry that she never knew her Mommy before she died)
Jane (Crying): It's not the same! I want her to be here, here! (Heart pounding) Why can't she be here with us no more? Ouch! It's doing again! My heart is hurting again, Daddy!
(Both of them cuddle each other to calm Jane's heart down again)
Vinnie (Calms her down): There, there. It's okay, Jane. I'm here for you.
(Back outside the window, Ruby slowly flies away as she looks really shaken up for how much she had to hear that she couldn't get to see Mandy after giving birth to her the day she was born)
Philosopher: Well, have you figured out what made your Kins like that, Princess Ruby?
Ruby (Nods her head): No, I haven't yet.
Philosopher: Let's try one more memory of yours before we get back.
Ruby (Sniffles): Okay.
(Scene 5: While going to search for one more memory of Ruby's, the Philosopher and Ruby find a memory of when Jane was required to go to Rainbow Academy due to her own Kins)
Ruby: Where are we now, Philosopher?
Philosopher: Do you recall the time when you were nervous when coming to Rainbow Academy?
Ruby: Huh?
(The two of them watch as young Jane holds onto Vinnie's hand since she looks really scared about going to school and doesn't know what to expect)
Vinnie: Well, here we are, Jane.
Jane: Daddy, I'm scared of going to Rainbow Academy.
Vinnie: Don't worry, sweetheart. This is a school where they can teach you how to handle your own Kins and maybe do something more than that. Heck, this is where a new generation of Royals are going to nowadays due to their own Kins powers.
Jane: But I feel like I might get too emotional with my Kins power. (Scared) What if everyone treats me like I'm intolerable to get behind, Daddy? (Panting)
Vinnie: It'll be okay, Jane. Please calm down, dear.
Jane: I don't want anyone thinking of me like I'm a disgrace like what happened to me!
Vinnie: Jane, dear, it's not the end of the world. You make it sound like you won't survive here.
Jane: I don't think I can manage here! This is absolutely terrible to me! What if I meet a bully? I can't figure out how to defend myself with my Kins. (Heart pounding) Ouch! My heart is hurting again, Daddy! (Kneels down to the ground) Why does this keep happening to me?
Vinnie (Kneels down): Jane, Jane, Jane! You need to learn that your Kins power seems to get out of control lately. Maybe the Philosopher can help you find a way to make it easier to manipulate them.
Jane (Sniffles): You think so?
Vinnie: Why, of course. All I want you to do is cheer up and not feel unhappy. Remember to look at the bright side to what might happens when you get in there. Also, who knows? Maybe you can meet a few friends.
Jane: Okay, Daddy. May you give me a minute to calm down before I go inside, please?
Vinnie: Sure, Jane, but don't skip out on school. I'll be inside in the Attendance Office. Remember that's whereabouts I'll be. (Goes inside while Jane calms down)
Philosopher: Come on, Princess Ruby. Let's get going while we still have the chance.
(While the Philosopher and Ruby leave, Ruby has a stumped look on her face as she feels like these memories are something she could just avoid if the Philosopher didn't have her revisit the painful memories she had when she was with her Daddy)
(Scene 6: While flying away from the last memory, they go back to the place they were from the beginning with Ruby looking frustrated and angry with what she had to witness)
Philosopher: Well, here we are, dear. (Walks as Ruby stays where she's at) Hey? Are you coming? (No response) Princess Ruby? Are you okay?
Ruby (Frustrated): No! No, I'm not okay! Philosopher, I don't understand.
Philosopher: What don't you understand?
Ruby: I don't understand why you showed me all these painful memories of me and Daddy! These memories I've had were just how much my Kins power that manipulates the heart are just Daddy comforting me!
Philosopher: My dear Princess...
Ruby (Angered): Quit calling me that! Don't you see?! I've been through a lot of hell all because 4 of these memories have something to do with my heart!
Philosopher: Exactly.
Ruby (Yells): Exactly what?! You don't seem to know why my Kins power is the way it is! All you've done is show me how much my Daddy has calm me down! So, tell me why in the living damn hell can't my heart just stop pounding like I'm going die young of a heart attack! Tell me now, Philosopher! (Starts crying and kneels down as her heart starts pounding) Why does my poor heart have to keep pounding like this? (Continues crying)
(A moment of silence as the Philosopher while they give a handkerchief to wipe her tears away and kneels to the ground with their one knee. After lifting Ruby's chin up with their one finger as she looks up at the Philosopher's face with her tears rushing down her cheeks as they both hug each other. While hugging, Ruby flashbacks to the times when Vinnie hugged her in real form as Jane as a child from all 4 of the memories. While the 2 are hugging each other, the Philosopher puts their hands on her shoulders as they both look at each other in silence)
Philosopher: Are you calm now, my dear Princess?
Ruby: I think so. (Sniffles)
Philosopher: It's okay; I'm here for you. (A tear starts rushing down their face)
(The spread a few inches apart and look at each other without saying anything and start walking back the place they started off from the beginning of where the part stands)
(Scene 7: As the 2 head back, Ruby and the Philosopher go back to where they started, with Ruby still wondering to herself what those memories have to do with her own Kins power)
Philosopher: Well, here we are, Princess Ruby.
Ruby: Philosopher?
Philosopher: Hmm?
Ruby: I am so sorry for snapping at you. I don't know what I was thinking. I guess my anger and frustration really got the best of me. Please, don't get all mad at me. I didn't want to make you think that I was taking it out on you. Could you ever forgive me?
Philosopher (Chuckles): I already have.
(Ruby has a confused look on her face and grins a bit to see that they already forgave her after what she has said)
Ruby (Sighs): I still don't understand, Philosopher. What do those memories that you've shown me have to do with my Kins power?
Philosopher: Think about it. Your own happiness, anger, sadness, and fear all have one thing in common that you and everyone else has them.
Ruby: My... my emotions?
Philosopher: Correct. You see, Ruby, you came to Rainbow Academy to learn why your Kins power makes your heart hurt a lot, right? (Ruby nods her head yes) Well, you see, dear, your emotions are what makes your Kins power feel overpowered with who you are.
Ruby: So, what are you saying exactly? Are you saying that I can't use my emotions to react to something anymore?
Philosopher (Gets their Kiseru ready to smoke): I didn't say anything like that, Princess Ruby. What I am saying is that you must control your emotions. These emotions are a gift to have for everyone. You mustn't get too emotional, otherwise your emotions might get the worst out of you. You must learn to control them. (Smokes out of the Kiseru)
Ruby: But how can I control my emotions?
Philosopher: I'd suggest you do what I do. Pay attention, dear. I'd like you to close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and think of some of the things that you've done, and what you are determined to do while you're here.
(A moment of silence has reached: As Ruby listened to what the Philosopher has instructed her to do, she closes her eyes, takes deep breaths, and flashbacks to the times she did while joining Rainbow Academy. She thinks of the time when she first started going to school, meeting Louis for the first time, meeting the Philosopher for the first time, and how she stopped the Spider Queen and Sir Midnight for the first time by herself. She then thinks of the first time she fought the same threats again but with Prince Pyrite there to help out to get Silas in the egg that time. Next, she thinks of the time when she and Louis met Chelsea for the first time. Ruby & Pyrite, alongside Sapphire fight Giggles together. The next member they meet is Lola as Jane and Chelsea help Lola out. While the Spider Queen returns, Ruby, Sapphire, and Onyx fight the Spider Queen back. After getting blown away, the girls in their real child forms meets Enid for the first time. They all transform, along with Enid's alter ego Smoky Quartz to beat the Vampire Princess. The next Royal the girls meet is Spencer and they all fought, along with Spessartite, Madame Slither & the Spider Queen together. The next member is Vivienne with her alter ego as Citrine. They fought with Bulldoze altogether. Afterwards, they meet Harriette who is Tourmaline, and they fought with Sir Midnight and his older brother Sir Daylight. The next member is Angelique who is Diamond, but they fight off the Spider Queen again. The next member is Naomi as Jane helped her out as Ruby and Amethyst fight off Madame Slither and Blackjack together. The next member is Kiarra who is Emerald as she fights against Killer Orca. Jane and the rest of the team meet Walter & Don who are both Aquamarine & Tanzanite as the boys fought Grizelle & Werewolf. She then thinks about the time when she accidentally kiss two people off the streets. But then, Pyrite, Silas, Daisy, and she saw the rest of her friends trapped in the tanks when they arrived at Dark Hall. Finally, she fights in the tournament with Grizelle, Werewolf Woman, Madame Slither, and Killer Orca by herself. This is when she got knocked out after being knocked out by Giggles, which he used his own weapon to knock her out, which makes her open her eyes up, immediately and starts panting a bit. But she takes a few deep breaths before her heart starts pounding and hurting her again.)
Philosopher: It seems to me that you've been through a lot, my dear Princess Ruby. (Puts their hand on her shoulder) It's okay to feel this way. Everyone has different kinds of emotions to react to such things.
Ruby: So, what you're saying is, I need to learn how to control my emotions when I'm using my heart. Like, I can still feel my emotions, but I just can't be overwhelmed by them. I need to learn to maintain them by making them work in the way they are supposed to.
Philosopher: Correct. You see, Princess Ruby. It's perfectly alright to feel happiness, sadness, anger, fear and other emotions. As long as you know how to control them, your Kins power will be perfectly fine. I will still help you out when you need me.
Ruby: Thanks Philosopher.
Philosopher: You know something, Princess Ruby? I think this is the beginning of you starting to journey your way into becoming a stronger Magical Girl.
Ruby: You... you really think so?
Philosopher: Mm-hmm. I have a feeling that the stronger you become, the more of a better Magical Girl you have become.
Ruby: But I thought becoming a Magical Girl was just to boost up my confidence.
Philosopher: Just because you are boosting your confidence does not mean you aren't able to learn. You and the rest of the students in this class have a lot to learn. But this is just the beginning. Princess Ruby, it seems to me that you have found your place.
(Scene 8: After that, Ruby asks the Philosopher how long she has been knocked out and how can she defeat the rest of the threats since she needs to get the rest of the Royals out)
Ruby: Philosopher, how long have I been knocked out?
Philosopher: I'd say about 10 minutes, not that long.
Ruby (Surprised): Oh, my God! Are you freaking serious? That long?
Philosopher: No need to fret, Princess Ruby. You don't need to worry about what's going on. I sense that Pyrite is there comforting you to make sure that you are alright. So, I wouldn't worry too much about it if I was you.
Ruby: But how am I supposed to defeat those threats in one go since there are only 4 of them left to defeat. There's the Vampire Princess, Blackjack, Giggles, & Bulldoze left. Well, technically I still have a feeling that I'm going to defeat the Spider Queen and Empress Tarantula. What am I going to do, Philosopher?
Philosopher: Princess Ruby, even if you aren't able to beat the Spider Queen and Empress Tarantula in the dual, you are still a winner within.
Ruby: But...
Philosopher: Look, dear, just because you want to defeat the threats in one go, doesn't mean you have to literally just do it in one go. Take it like this, you didn't use your Kins power all the time defeat, did you?
Ruby: Well, no.
Philosopher: Well, you can still use whatever kind of technique you can think of to defeat them. Even if you are able to beat 4 out of 6 of them. That is still something you ought to be mighty proud of.
Ruby: Philosopher, you're not listening to me.
Philosopher: Oh, then what is it, dear?
Ruby: This dual is a bet to see if they can see me beat the threats and them so I can release them from being trapped. You see, I must fight in order to set them free. If I don't win this dual, I won't be able to set all of them free from Dark Hall. I might get something taken away. Maybe even get my Ruby Heart taken away from me. Didn't you say that I can't have it taken away?
Philosopher: My Princess, you will win this dual. Just don't lose your way when fighting with the threats. I am positive that you'll be able to win the dual if you put your mind to it. Never let that hope and faith get taken away from you.
(As Ruby turns around with the Philosopher behind her, she ponders on what she could do to stop the threats as she needs to win the dual in order to set the rest of her friends out from have anything worse happening to them)
Ruby (Whispers): I can't tolerate seeing my friends getting hurt. I'd rather see myself going through the pain than watch others suffer in front of me.
Philosopher: So, what are you going to do, Princess Ruby?
Ruby (Clenches her fists): I am going to do whatever I can to stop those threats. I don't care if it takes me the rest of the night to get them out. I will do what I can to help my friends get out from going through the hell they're in now.
Philosopher: That's more like it. Before I go back to my mind, let me help you train to help you get better on fighting the threats.
(Montage: As the Philosopher helps Ruby train to get stronger to fight back the threats, they have her exercise with some pushups, jumping jacks, and jogging a bit. They even help her use some new fighting skills that could help her fight back against the threats when she needs to do more than to jump in the air. They both do some front and backflips when they need to some kicking when it comes to kicking threats in the face. She even learns how do a punch by doing a pose by bending her back and lifting her leg behind her. As she finishes doing some training with the Philosopher, she closes her eyes and takes a few deep breaths to keep her Kins power in check and make sure not to make her own heart feel overwhelmed, with the Philosopher smiling at how proud they are to see how much Ruby has grown to improve.)
Philosopher: I am quite proud of you, Princess Ruby. You have shown me how much you have grown so much to really improve on yourself.
Ruby: Thanks a lot, Philosopher. I couldn't have done it without you.
Philosopher: And thank you, my dear Princess.
Ruby: For what?
Philosopher: For showing how much that you are willing to not give up on your friends and will do whatever it takes to do that. That's not because you are a tomboy, it shows how strong you are as a Magical Girl in your own way.
Ruby (Whispers): Wow!
Philosopher: Well, I must go now! You've already shown how much you've improved. Do what you must you do for yourself, not for me.
Ruby: Thanks again, Philosopher.
Philosopher: Are you ready?
Ruby: You bet I am.
Philosopher: Good. See you when you return to Rainbow Academy, my dear Princess. (Fades and disappears slowly)
Ruby: I will fight back for my friends.
To Be Continued...
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