S1 Ep 17: Royals Arc Part 17: The Tournament: Princess Ruby vs Threats

Recap on the Previous Chapter...

Narration: Previously on Rainbow Academy...

Empress Tarantula: Ready for action, little sis?

Spider Queen: Always ready.

(With the other 4...)

Daisy: Psst! Come over here, you three! (Opens the window, whispers) Okay, everyone, listen up! I was thinking we should split up and try and find the rest of the Royals.

(The 4 all split up to find the Royals, Ruby finds a room with colored cylinder-shaped tanks)

Ruby: Oh, I, uh, ... I never knew... this is what happened to my poor friends.

Pyrite: Ruby? We see that you've found them.

(Spider Queen & Empress Tarantula come in the room)

Empress Tarantula: And now, you are here to rescue them from Dark Hall.

Spider Queen: You cannot be serious! (Laughs)

Ruby: I'll make a deal with you, Empress. If you want, let's make this fight happen by settling it by having a dual. We use our weapons to fight off.

(Outside of Dark Hall...)

Ruby: So, let's start this fight to get my friends back. (Evilly laughs)

Narration: And now, the continuation to Rainbow Academy.

(Scene 1: The scene is back to where the previous chapter has left off, where Princess Ruby is maniacally laughing, with all the others are wondering what has happened to her)

Ruby (Maniacally laughing): This is wonderful.

Daisy: Princess Ruby? What has happened to you? First, you were angry, then you were sad, and now you are getting a bit cocky. (Asks Silas & Pyrite) Has she ever acted like this before, boys?

Pyrite: Nope. Not at all.

Silas: Not that we know of.

(Back with the threats)

Empress Tarantula: Alright! Enough chitchat and get fighting already!

All the threats (Union): Yes, my Empress.

Spider Queen: Lorna, do you think Princess Ruby could be going insane or such nonsense?

Empress Tarantula: We'll never know until we watch and see how she fight these threats off, Aranha. Maybe we'll figure out along the way.

Spider Queen: Okay. (Sips out of a straw with her cup)

Ruby: Okay, threats, you want to fight me, come and fight me. (Laughs)

Bulldoze: Uh, do you ladies want to fight Princess Ruby first?

Werewolf Woman: Uh, sure, I guess.

Killer Orca: Let's get our weapons ready first.

(Scene 2: As all of the threats get their own weapons ready, Ruby waits for them to all get ready to fight them as she has her Ruby Crystal Wand while acting a bit cocky)

Ruby: This shall be one hell of a fight. I mean, do you really think that these threats are going to beat this tomboy from a single fight?

Silas: That's enough, Ruby. You don't need to be so cocky.

Ruby: Oh, come on, Silas. This is Princess Ruby you're talking to. A Princess who must win these duals to get these Royals out, you know what I'm saying.

Daisy: That doesn't give you any right to act like this.

Pyrite: Just remember that you have friends here too who are here to back you up. Okay?

Ruby: Yeah, yeah, yeah. (Twirls her Ruby Crystal Wand) This is someone who has fought for those around me. (Throws it backwards in the air) Huh? Where'd my Ruby Crystal Wand go? (Hits the Spider Queen's head) Oh, there it is. I'll be right back, everyone. (Goes to retrieve her Ruby Crystal Wand)

Pyrite: Silas? Daisy? I don't know about you two, but I really don't like how she's acting.

Daisy: Me, neither.

Silas: Me, neither, either. I get that she wants to get the Royals out of there, but she seems to really change her mood every time.

(Back with Princess Ruby)

Ruby: May I have my Ruby Crystal Wand, please?

Spider Queen (Angered while rubbing her head and giving Ruby's weapon back): Here! Take your stupid wand since that thing is so damn hard that it hurt my head?

Ruby: Thank you! (Flies back to get ready to fight the threats)

(Scene 3: The threats get ready to fight to Ruby as they all have their own weapons ready to fight her with as they decide who should go first to dual with her)

Blackjack: So, who should go first?

Bulldoze: Do you ladies want to go first?

Werewolf Woman: Sure, I guess.

Grizelle: Watch this, your majesty and my Empress. I'll go first to get it over with. (Gets her wrist blade ready to hurt her with) I hope you're ready to fight me, Princess Ruby. You don't have your Soul Boy to fight me and back you up.

(The rest sit down while Grizelle fights off Ruby)

Ruby (Looks away and turns around): Oh, you bet your blue ass I'm ready to fight you.

Grizelle (Disappears): Great!

Ruby: Hey! Don't disappear on me, you bald alien!

Silas: Where did she go?

Ruby: I'm not sure, Silas. (Gets tossed to the wall far away from the area she's at) Ooh! I think I found her. (Gets up)

Grizelle (Reappears): Correction, Princess Ruby. It's I who found you.

Spider Queen: Damn! That's what I call Karma kissed your ass! (Laughs and continues eating her bug popcorn while waving her flag while cheering) Go, Grizelle, go!

Grizelle (Picks Ruby up on the top): You ready to get tossed over? No? Too bad! (Throws her and laughs at her misery)

Ruby (Bounces off the wall): You can't just throw me around, Grizelle!

Grizelle: You're right, little girl. I have this wrist blade to slice your head. I hope you're ready. (Runs up to Princess Ruby as she gets wrist blade ready)

Ruby (Gasps): This isn't good! (Jump to where both the Spider Queen & Empress Tarantula are located and panting)

Spider Queen: Do you give up, Princess Ruby? (Chewing)

(Ruby glares at the Spider Queen for a bit, then looks at the tray that she is using, so she snatches out of the table in the middle, leaving a mess after jumping away)

Spider Queen (Angered): Hey! We were using that tray! Look at the mess you've made!

Empress Tarantula: Don't worry about the mess, Aranha. I have my servants with me, remember?

(Back to Ruby as she uses the tray to defend herself from Grizelle's wrist blade)

Ruby: I'm ready whenever you are, weirdo!

Grizelle (Looks at the tray): Ha! Are you really going to use tray as a shield? Oh, well, you asked for it! (Gets ready her wrist blade ready as she runs up to Ruby again) Say goodbye, Princess Ruby!

Ruby: Goodbye, Grizelle! (Tosses the tray towards Grizelle as it smacks on her face, and she hit and has the wrist blade lands on her knee, causing her knee to bleed green blood) Ouch! Son of a bitch that wrist blade cut my knee!

Spider Queen (Demanding): Get up and fight her off, blue boob!

Grizelle (Agonizing in pain): Aww, my alien Goddess! My damn knee hurts! Someone else take over for me! I'm in so much pain right now!

Empress Tarantula: What a wimpy alien womanchild! Whoever wants to go next, step forward this instant!

Werewolf Woman (Growls): It's my turn! (Jumps in front of Ruby as she puts the tray in front of her but scratches it in half with her weapon) That won't work with me, you little brat!

Ruby (Screams and runs away): Woah! You have to catch me first!

Werewolf Woman: Come back here! (Chases after Ruby)

(Scene 4: As Werewolf Woman keeps chasing after Ruby, Ruby's heart is pounding a lot faster than ever as she can't keep up with her breath & falls to the ground and passes out)

Werewolf Woman: I'm not done with you yet! But first, I need to drink some water.

Ruby (Panting and crawls to where her 3 friends): I... must... stop... her... now! (Panting)

Silas: So, you still have that cocky attitude with you?

Ruby (Panting): Do... any of... you have... water... or something... I can... drink?

Daisy (Points over to a different direction): There's a water fountain over there, Princess Ruby.

(Ruby crawls over to the fountain and goes take a drink of water)

Pyrite (Sighs): Damn! I get she ran so fast to get away from Werewolf Woman, but she shouldn't put so much pressure in that heart of hers.

Ruby (Panting while putting the water on): Phew! (Drinks a lot of water) Dear lord, my heart is beating faster than a drum from a marching band. (Werewolf Woman sneaks up behind Ruby with her own weapon) I should take a break from this.

Werewolf Woman: Are you ready to die, Princess Ruby?

Pyrite (Warns Ruby): Look out, Princess Ruby!

Ruby: Huh? (Looks behind and dodges away from the claw sword as she makes a few slice marks on the fountain) Catch me if you can, you oversized wolf! (Calls on one of her attacks from her Ruby Crystal Wand) Heart Speed!

(Scene 5: Ruby zooms to a different corner of the area while looking the other way to make sure she isn't coming, so she thinks she's lost her, until she is on top of the stadium)

Ruby (Sighs and talks to herself): I think I've lost her.

Werewolf Woman: Think again, Princess Ruby! (Ruby frightened and looks up)

(Werewolf Woman looks below her and attempts to pounce on her as Ruby flees away)

Ruby: How did you find me, you beast?

Werewolf Woman: By smelling and hearing you. Don't you anything about werewolves, Princess?

Ruby: Uh...

Werewolf Woman: Don't answer that!

Ruby: Okay.

Werewolf Woman: Now, enough chitchat, let's continue the fight! (Pounces and gets her claw sword ready) Let's fight with our weapons!

Ruby (Gets her Ruby Crystal Wand out): Alright! Yeah!

(The two use their own weapons to fight off as they both keep dodging their own attacks while Ruby spins around, twirls her Ruby Crystal Wand, and thinks about how the Royals are doing)

Ruby (Monologue): Damn! I do hope the Royals are able to wake up after this. They really didn't deserve this. I don't why the Empress and Queen thought this was a good idea to kidnap them. I love to think like they are my own kids, just like how my Daddy takes care of me. (Gets her Ruby Crystal Wand swung out of her hands; talks out loud) Huh? Hey! My Ruby Crystal Wand!

Werewolf Woman: Now, you don't have your weapon with you? What are you going to do now? It's not like that Zoisite janegirl is going to help you or anything. (Evilly laughs)

(Ruby looks at her Gemstone Weapon on the ground, looks at Werewolf Woman with her glowing yellow eyes, then she looks at the Ruby Crystal Wand; she then sees a glow in the dark green flying disc right next to the Gemstone Weapon. While looking at it, Werewolf Woman gets her own weapon ready and proceeds to slice her, while Ruby swoops over and hides the flying disc behind her)

Werewolf Woman: What are you hiding behind your back? (Ruby smirks at her) What? Aren't you going to fight back or are you going to fight or just sit on your ass? (Ruby shows her the flying disc) Is that... a flying disc? (Starts to pant while Ruby distracts her by jumping in the air and throw it as far as she can)

Ruby: Go get it, girl!

(As Werewolf Woman chases after the flying disc, she pounces to get it and has gotten hit by the tree that she doesn't see and gets knocked out while the Empress & Queen look angered)

Empress Tarantula (Angered): Damn you, you foolish dog!

Spider Queen (Frustrated): How does Princess Ruby do it?! (Throws her cup to the ground)

Empress Tarantula: Let's take a break for now, everyone!

(Scene 6: As everyone takes a break, Ruby sits with the others as they tell her she seems to be quite good at beating the threats more than they thought she can do)

Ruby: Geez! Fighting these threats are such a hassle, everyone.

Pyrite: It kind of reminds me of the Rocky films, except for just one opponent to fight with.

Ruby: I'm sorry for being cocky to you all.

Silas: Don't worry about it. You had a reason to be like that. You had a good reason for it this time. Just don't be too cocky about yourself.

Daisy: As long as you don't go too far with yourself with the threats, and we're here to support and have your back, including me.

Ruby (Blushes): Aww, thank you, everyone. (Pendant starts glowing red)

Daisy: Uh, Princess Ruby, why is your pendant glowing?

Ruby: What do you mean, Daisy?

Silas: She's being dead serious, Ruby.

Pyrite (Frightened): Look at your pendant!

Ruby (Looks at her pendant and gasps): It's happening again!

Silas: What are you talking about?

Ruby (Heart pounding): My heart... is pounding... a... again!

Daisy: Do you want us to help you out?

Ruby (Agonizing): Stay away from me before it gets worse!

Pyrite: But... but, Ruby, we...

Ruby (In pain): I said stay away! (Runs away)

Pyrite: Ruby, please wait!

Silas: I wonder what's going on with her.

Daisy: I do hope she's okay.

(Scene 7: As Ruby runs off to get away from the others, she made it just in time for one of the threats to punch her in the face to try and to knock her out and take her down a peg)

(A punch in the face comes out of nowhere)

Ruby: Ahh! (Falls to the ground)

Empress Tarantula: I hope you're ready for you next dual with a different threat this time, Princess Ruby.

Ruby (Gets up and coughs): I'm ready whenever you are.

Empress Tarantula: Oh! I'm not going to fight you. One of these threats are going to fight you. Remember? (Goes back to her seat)

Madame Slither: I hope you're ready to get pounded by me, Princess Ruby.

Ruby (Sees the next threat): Madame Slither! (Gets her Ruby Crystal Wand ready)

Madame Slither: I still haven't forgotten what your pathetic friends Princess Spessartite & Princess Amethyst have done to me. Did you really think I'd forgive any of you after that?

Ruby: We had no other choice, Madame Slither!

Madame Slither: Well, I guess I have no other choice but to destroy you! (Transforms into her snake form to slither and attempt to bit her)

Ruby: Oh no you don't! (Jumps away from her as Madame Slither has a rock in her mouth) Take that, you sneaky snake!

Madame Slither: Hold still, you wimpy Princess! I'm not afraid to bite you.

Ruby (Gets her Ruby Crystal Wand out): Bite this! (Calls on one of her attacks) Ruby Heart Attack! (A mouthful size of a Ruby Heart goes inside of Madame Slither's mouth)

Madame Slither: Oh, come on now! Did you really think that was going to help you get away from me? (Smacks her lips) Also, that didn't taste so bad. It tasted like I was eating red cherry mixed with human blood.

Ruby (Monologue): There has to be a way to defeat her. I have to get away from her before she gets any ideas on biting me! (Jumps up to the tree)

Madame Slither: What do I need to do to get you to hold still? (Slithers up to the tree)

(Ruby jumps down and zooms over to another tree as she keeps distracting Madame Slither, until she's able to think of something to stop her from going after her and winning the dual)

Madame Slither (Shouts): Hey! Come back here!

Ruby (Runs as fast as she can until she trips): Woah! Ouch! What did I... huh? (Looks at the hammer that was on the ground and thinks of an idea) I thought of something!

Madame Slither: Princess Ruby? Come back here before I bite you!

(Ruby jumps up to the tree that is right behind her so she can try and pounce at Madame Slither since she can't use her own butterfly wings to fly when she's doing these duals)

Madame Slither: I'm not kidding about this, you fool! (Frustrated and hisses) You think you're so smart, don't you. Well, I'm not afraid to (Ruby jumps on top of her and grabs her by the throat) Hey! What do you think you're doing?!

Ruby: Any last words, Madame Slither (Gets the hammer ready)

Madame Slither: Yeah! Get rid of that... (Gets knocked out)

(Scene 8: As Madame Slither is unconscious after getting hit in the head, the Empress Tarantula & Spider Queen both get more irritated that they tell Killer Orca to beat Princess Ruby herself)

Spider Queen (Growls): That damn Princess Ruby!

Empress Tarantula: Do what you're able to do Killer Orca!

Killer Orca: Glad to! (Cracks her knuckles and gets her trident ready)

Ruby: Geez! These threats keep coming in like no tomorrow! When will this end? I need to get my friends out of there before it's too late.

Killer Orca: Too bad! (Getting her trident ready to fight with) Quit whining and start fighting!

(As Ruby jumps in the air, she runs to whereabouts Silas, Daisy & Pyrite are)

Killer Orca: You can run, but you can't hide, worthless Royal!

Ruby (Still runs): Silas! Daisy! Pyrite! (Panting)

Pyrite: Are you alright?

Ruby: Fine, could be better. I can't take it anymore!

Silas: But you must fight back in order to get the rest of our friends out.

Daisy: You can't quit now, Princess Ruby! Your friends need you more than anything, including us. We really need you to stop these threats before they take something away from you.

Ruby: That reminds me, I can't let the Spider Queen after my Ruby Heart. I just wonder why she is so desperate to have my heart.

Silas: Well, maybe you should ask her why she doesn't leave alone with your Ruby Heart.

Ruby: Maybe I should ask her. (Killer Orca sneaks up behind Ruby with her trident)

Daisy (Yells): Princess Ruby! Killer Orca is right behind you!

Ruby (Looks behind herself): Huh? (Jumps and makes a backflip) Killer Orca! This is getting absolutely ridiculous!

Killer Orca: Tell me about it! You never stop beating us, you pathetic, stubborn Royal. (Takes her trident and try to hit her but dodges every time) Hold still!

Ruby: Never! (Continues dodging the trident)

(After continuing to dodge the trident, Killer Orca takes her trident and have the fingers on it stab her in the left shoulder which finally got her to stop dodging from her own trident)

Ruby: Ahh! (Kneels on her knees and holds her left shoulder while she's in pain from the trident as Silas, Daisy, & Pyrite have their jaws dropped after what they've witnessed)

Killer Orca: Well, I'll be damned. I finally got you! I guess that means you lost the dual from me!

Ruby: No! I won't give up that easily! (Panting as the blood drips down her arm)

Killer Orca: Just admit it, Princess Ruby! You lost the dual from me! I will be seeing you. (She turns around walks away without remorse)

(As Killer Orca walks away with backing an eye, Ruby glares frustratingly, until she then realizes the reverse water headphones on her head. So, she thought of an idea that could stop her. If she could jump as high as she can swipe away the headphones on Killer Orca's head, maybe she won't be able to breathe without them on her head. As Ruby gets up while she is still in pain and waits, she backs up a bit, waits a bit to jump)

Killer Orca: I finally took care of that damn Princess! Now she won't be able to get her friends out now. I feel so sorry for... not!

(As Ruby lets go of her injured and stabbed arm, she gets ready to jump on top of her. She then immediately pounces on top of Killer Orca's head while struggling to get the headphones on her head as she keeps shaking her head back and forth. As Killer Orca runs as fast as she can to get back the Empress Tarantula & Spider Queen, Ruby hangs on the top of her head as tight as she can as she struggles to get the headphones off of her. But then, she pokes Killer Orca's eyes in as she screams in agony)

Killer Orca (In pain): Get off of me! Get off my head, you fiend! I not joking with you! Get the hell of off me this instant before I crush your skull into pieces!

Ruby (Monologue): I must get these headphones off of her. (Grabs onto her head as she attempts to get the headphones off of Killer Orca as Ruby sees a brick wall nearby and takes the headphones off right away as she jumps off) Got them!

Killer Orca: Huh? (Hits her face across the wall and gets knocked out)

Ruby (Spins her headphones around on her wrist): Knockout!

(Scene 9: Back with the threats, Empress Tarantula and Spider Queen are filing their fingernails, as they both see Ruby carrying an unconscious Killer Orca while tossing her in front of the two of them)

Spider Queen (Stutters): Killer... Killer Orca? (Rubs her face) She's unconscious, big sister.

Empress Tarantula (Pounds her fist on the arm of her chair out of anger): This is getting freaking absurd! How is Princess Ruby able to bet these threats off?!

Spider Queen (Whimpers): I don't know. I tried telling you this, but you refused to listen to me.

Empress Tarantula (Sighs and rubs her forehead): Let's just keep going with these threats before I get an aneurysm.

Ruby: Come on, you two. I have been doing this for a long time. It's past midnight and I am getting a bit exhausted from fighting these threats off!

Empress Tarantula: So, you are willing to give up on your friends. I thought you were willing to get your friends out of here.

Spider Queen: I guess she really doesn't care, big sister.

Ruby: Of course, I care about my friends.

Empress Tarantula: Then we'd suggest you fight off with these threats and we'll see how things go from there.

Ruby (Sighs and disgruntled): Fine! I'll keep fighting off these threats! (Exits out)

Spider Queen: She can be so stubborn.

Empress Tarantula: Tell me about it. (Rolls her eyes in disgust as she kicks Killer Orca's body)

(Scene 10: Ruby is wandering by herself as she speaks to herself in monologue about how she really does hope that she's able to keep, until she beats all the threats after that)

Ruby (Monologue): I really do hope I can keep up. This whole thing about beating the threats is getting exhausting. Ever since I started taking this dual, I made a promise to get my friends out. I never knew being a Magical Girl could be this difficult. (Walks over at Dark Hall's window and takes a look from inside) I vow to keep this up and make sure not one of my friends get hurt. I will do whatever I can to get everybody back safely at Rainbow Academy as well as Pyrite, Silas & Daisy. They mean the world to me.

(Ruby walks over back to Pyrite and the 2 dragons as they see how exhausted she is from fighting all the threats as the night is still young)

Pyrite: Ruby, are you hanging on in there?

Ruby: I'm trying to, man. (Falls to the ground)

Silas: Oh, my God!

(The 3 of them all go over to check if Ruby is alright from falling to the ground)

Daisy: Are you alright, Princess Ruby?

Ruby: Yeah, I'm fine, Daisy. I'm just a bit tired, that's all.

Pyrite (Puts her on his lap): Are you sure you're able to fight these threats off by yourself?

Ruby: Of course, I am able to fight back those threats off, Prince Pyrite.

Daisy: There's got to be a way to stop the last threats without going through just one by one. You can't keep fighting like this all night long.

Silas: If only you were able to fight them all at once.

(Suddenly, Ruby was flabbergasted to hear that coming from Silas. She proceeds to get up, and gets her Ruby Crystal Wand ready as she heads over to the Spider Queen & Empress Tarantula)

Silas: Was it something that I said?

(As Ruby rushes over to the Empress Tarantula & Spider Queen to tell them something)

Ruby (Shouts): Spider Queen! Empress Tarantula! I want to have a word with you two!

(The 2 are still in their own chairs while both are getting pedicures)

Empress Tarantula: What's the matter, Princess Ruby?

Spider Queen: Can't you see that we're busy having our pedicures?

Ruby: Bring in the rest of the threats that want to fight me.

Empress Tarantula: Excuse me?

Ruby: You heard me, Empress! Bring in the rest of the threats for me to fight. I am going to fight them all at once.

Spider Queen (Laughs): You can't be freaking serious. Are you seriously going to fight the big boys off by yourself?

Ruby (Grabs on to Spider Queen's top): Does this prove you how serious I am?

Spider Queen: Damn it, Princess Ruby! Don't you dare grab onto my light purple sweater like that! (Holds tightly onto Ruby's wrist)

Ruby: Then let bring the big boys out! Now!

Spider Queen: Tell my big sister here, not me!

Ruby (Gets her wrist back): Empress Tarantula! Bring in those big boys!

Empress Tarantula: Fine! But don't say we didn't warn you, Princess Ruby.

(Ruby goes back to her friends that are all wondering what Ruby is doing)

Empress Tarantula (Shouts): Bring in the big boys!

(Scene 11: As Ruby returns, her friends wonder what she is doing, and try to tell her that it's not going to be as easy as she thinks it'll be to stop all those threats into one)

Pyrite: Uh, Princess Ruby, what do you think you're doing?

Ruby: I am going to beat these threats all in one go!

Silas: Oh, that sounds like a... (Surprised)... What?!

Daisy: You cannot be serious!

Pyrite: How are you going to beat those threats off in one go?! (Shakes Ruby back and forth) Have you lost your damn mind?!

Ruby: Call me crazy all you want, everyone, but I won't give up on our friends! I will fight like there's no tomorrow! I won't rest until I get them all back safe and sound!

Pyrite: Damn! You're really willing to fight them all in one go!?

Ruby: Hey! Don't worry about me. Just keep in mind that I won't give up on our friends! I am Princess Ruby, and I will not give in to them!

Silas: Well, good... luck, I guess.

Daisy: Just be careful, Princess Ruby!

Pyrite: We'll still be here to support you!

(Scene 12: As Ruby goes to go back to fight off with more of the threats, but realizes that there are 3 threats left to fight off with since there aren't as many to deal with her)

Ruby: Hello, gentlemen, I hope you are ready for me to fight you all off.

Bulldoze (Cracks his knuckles): Ready for you to get beaten.

Blackjack: We're ready for you to lose and you won't be able to get your friends out.

Giggles (Echoey voice): I will knock you the hell out!

Ruby: Ha! Try me!

(The three threats are ready to knock her out but Ruby dodges by jumping over them as they all knock each other over and tumble over with Ruby running away)

Giggles (Echoey): Where did the brat go?

Bulldoze: She went over there, men.

Blackjack: Let's not just sit on our asses, men! Let's get her!

Vampire Princess: Hey! I'm a lady, you know!

(Ruby gets her Ruby Crystal Wand out and gets it ready to stop them as her own pendant starts to glow redder than usual since she seems to have a difficult time controlling it this time)

Ruby (Screams): Ahh! It's happening again! My blasted, bloody red heart! It's getting a hell of a lot worse than ever! Why does this keep happening to me?!

Empress Tarantula: Hey! What do you think you're doing? You were supposed to fight these threats off! Not run away like a gang from a street is coming after you!

Spider Queen: Maybe she's playing some kind of game with them.

Empress Tarantula: I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. little sister.

Ruby: This isn't a joke, you two!

Spider Queen: Sure, keep telling yourself that, Princess Ruby.

Empress Tarantula: More like Princess Lazy.

Spider Queen: Oh, snap! That was some sick burn! (Laughs)

(Both give each other a high five and laugh at Ruby while she's in great pain and attempts to get up to start fighting off the last 4 threats as she doesn't see that they are right behind her)

Giggles (Echoey voice): Jackpot, baby!

Blackjack: There she is!

Bulldoze: Let's get this bitch before she gets any brilliant ideas to beat us.

Blackjack: But what do we do?

Giggles (Echoey voice): I know what to do! I'll knock her out with my weapon!

Vampire Princess: Then do it, you clown!

Giggles (Normal voice): Jester!

Bulldoze: Whatever!

(Ruby gets up and has her Ruby Crystal Wand in her hand and attempts to fight back)

Ruby: I will not give up.

(Ruby turns around and gets knocked out by Giggles' weapon as she falls to the ground as the 3 threats, Spider Queen, and Empress Tarantula laugh as she's on the ground knocked out)

Spider Queen: You've been knocked the hell out! (Laughs)

To Be Continued...

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