S1 Ep 16: Royals Arc Part 16: Rescue at Dark Hall

Recap on the Previous Chapter

Narration: Previously on Rainbow Academy...

Daisy: I wish I was like you, Silas. I'm not normal.

Silas: What's normal? Just like the Royals, you are normal just for who you are.

(At Dark Hall...)

Aquamarine (Unlocking the cage door, whispers): Let's go!

Killer Orca: What the hell Where are those Royals?

(Killer Orca puts the Royals back in the cage)

(Back with Ruby, Pyrite, Silas & Daisy...)

Chubby Man: Woah! Take it easy! My heart feels like I'm going through a heart attack!

(Ruby accidentally kills the chubby man)

Silas: Hey, Ruby, what were you doing back there?

Pyrite: Did you see something?

Daisy: Or someone?

Ruby: Uh, yeah. I guess you could say that in a way.

(Back at Dark Hall...)

Spider Queen: So, what do you plan on doing with the Royals, Lorna?

Empress Tarantula: Well, Aranha, I was thinking of using sleeping gas on them without any chance, without any chance of waking up for rest of the night and given them a chance to wake up.

(In another room...)

Spider Queen: Hey, sis/

Empress Tarantula: Yes?

Spider Queen: Is that Demolishment?

Empress Tarantula: Yeah. That is Demolishment.

Spider Queen: And Princess Ruby along with other 2 friends.

Empress Tarantula: Let's get them!

Narration: And now, the continuation to Rainbow Academy.

(Scene 1: Ever since Empress Tarantula & the Spider Queen both witness the 4, they get their own weapons to take charge and fight them)

Empress Tarantula (Getting her alloy sword ready): Ready for action, little sis?

Spider Queen (Getting her scepter ready): Always ready.

(Back outside with Ruby & the others, Daisy leads the others to the Dark Hall's ceiling so no one will see them and catch them on what they are doing to get the Royals out of there)

Daisy (Whispsers): Hey, everyone? Fly with me to the ceiling.

Silas (Whispers): Okay, Daisy.

(The 4 fly up to the ceiling as both of the women head outside and see no sign of them anywhere)

Spider Queen: That's odd? I thought I just saw Princess Ruby out here along with her other friends.

Empress Tarantula: And I just saw Demolishment as well. Where could they have gone?

(On top the ceiling, the 4 stay as quiet as possible to make sure don't spot or hear a peep from them as both of the women search around outside of Dark Hall while the 4 quietly look down)

Spider Queen: What the actual hell?

Empress Tarantula: Let's split up. You take one way; I'll take the other way.

Spider Queen: You got it, big sis.

Ruby (Whispers): This doesn't look good, everyone.

Pyrite (Whispers): What are we going to do?

Silas (Whispers): Calm down, you two.

Daisy (Whispers): Psst! Come over here, you three! (She opens the window as all 4 of them quietly sneak inside) Okay. Remember, we need to be very quiet once we try and find the Royals.

(As the 4 quietly walk to find the room, Ruby looks around covering her mouth up with one hand, thinking that she feels like this place is too eerie as she sees statues of a dead skeleton, a loch ness monster, a demon, and such, as she holds her other hand on her stomach as she can't stand to see the murders she sees like how she accidentally killed 2 people earlier)

(Scene 2: Back outside of Dark Hall, both the Spider Queen and Empress Tarantula are still searching all over their own directions to find out where they could have gone to)

Spider Queen (Searching): Princess Ruby? (Looks around) Princess Ruby? Come out, come out wherever you are. (Looks in the bushes with a raccoon and hawk scattering away) I know you're here someplace; you damn fool!

Empress Tarantula (Searching): Oh, where is that stupid orange dragon? Demolishment, you know once you've disobeyed me, you will be destroyed... literally at this point. (Climbs up a tree) I'm the one whose created you and I have every right to take you apart with rebuilding you. (Sees an owl hooting at her face with its big eyes scaring her, causing her to scream) Ahh! An owl! Get away from me, you big eyed freak! (Falls off the tree by landing in the bushes with thorns) Ouch! Stupid ass thorns!

Spider Queen (Afraid as she looks both ways): Lorna? W- was that you? (Nervously shakes with her scepter in her while clenching both of her hands and tiptoes backwards)

Empress Tarantula: Uh, Aranha? Did you say something? (Tiptoes backwards as she walks backwards with her alloy sword ready for action)

(Both women quietly tiptoe backwards as the two of them try to be as silent as they can be but then they both bump into each other while screaming and jump into separate bushes in opposite directions)

Spider Queen (Panting while walking up her sister): You almost gave me a freaking heart attack, you bitch!

Empress Tarantula (Panting and appalled while walking up to her): Me?! How dare you call me bitch?! (Smacks the Spider Queen across the face) Don't you ever call me that again!

(The Spider Queen trembles backwards as she puts her hand on her cheek with a tear rushing down her face, with the Empress Tarantula quickly shocked on what she did as she flashes back to the time when someone did the same thing to her little sister. When they both were getting hurt from some of the other humans, they both laugh in the background as the two hug each other in fear and shaking from those around them. Shaken by this, the Empress Tarantula bends down on her knees and hugs her little sister while kissing her on the cheek)

Empress Tarantula: Oh. I'm sorry that I did that to you, little sister. I'm just really stressed out with not being able to find Demolishment. But you mean more to me than you think.

Spider Queen: You really mean the world to me, big sister. (Sniffles) I just really want to get that Princess Ruby and get her Ruby Heart for myself and Orpheus.

Empress Tarantula: Of course, Aranha, darling. We'll get those 2 rascals. I promise with all of my beloved heart.

(Scene 3: In Dark Hall, the 4 are still quietly searching around as Daisy tells them all a plan that she has come up with for what they should do)

Daisy (Whispers): Okay, everyone, listen up; I have a plan. I was thinking we should all split up and try and find the rest of the Royals.

Silas (Whispers): That's a great idea, Daisy.

Pyrite (Whispers): Does it matter which direction we take to find them?

Daisy (Whispers): No, it doesn't matter to me. Just as long as you search for them. Just remember to stay as quiet as possible since a lot of threats are here.

Pyrite (Shouts): Got it! (Silas & Daisy shoosh him as he whispers again) Oops! Sorry about that!

(The 3 go and split up as Ruby looks worried that she might accidentally kill someone again like she did before since she doesn't know want anyone to know the truth, including how the Spider Queen taunted her before, while walking she talks inside her mind)

Ruby (Monologue): What's the matter with me? The more I accidentally kill people, the more I feel like the devil himself. My brain feels heavier than usual. My stomach feels as grumpy as a grizzly bear that it's pissed off at me for killing 2 people. My heart is pounding, but not as much as it did before. Hopefully it doesn't pound any harder. I just hope for the life of me gets my best friends out of here as soon as I can. (A tear comes down her cheek as she holds her stomach and covers up her mouth up with the other hand while concerned about those around her)

(Scene 4: While flapping his wings as quietly as possible, Pyrite looks in one of the hallways as he lands quietly to the floor and looks all around while slowly getting his Gemstone Weapon ready)

Pyrite (Whispers to himself): Royals? Anyone? Where are you? You've got to be here somewhere.

(As he quietly searches for the Royals, he opens a crack bit to look in a door. The first one has nothing as he takes a peek in one, with one that looked dark with a small cool breeze out of it. The next one he looks in has a noise coming out with the sound of a woman screaming miserably, but then he goes inside to save the woman from getting harmed.)

Pyrite (Opens the door and gets his Pyrite Cutlass ready): Hello? I'll come here to save you. (He looks all over the place in the room) Huh? That's weird; I could have sworn I heard a woman screaming in this room. (He hears the same sound while pointing his Pyrite Cutlass at one of the directions to his right)

(Pyrite slowly walks as he still looks around the room to find out where the noise was coming from, but the noise pops up again. He then sees an extremely old record that playing that scream. So, he stops it, so the scream won't make the same sound repeatedly as he exits out.)

Pyrite (Whispers to himself): That's odd. I wonder why'd they leave on the record in there. (Closes the door) I might as well keep going until I find them.

(Scene 5: Silas quietly tiptoes through a different hallway in Dark Hall, while ducking by the wall, so nobody catches him)

Silas (Whispsers): Hello? Can any of you Royals hear me? (Looks all around the two sides of the hallway he's in) Dang! There's a lot of a doors. I must look inside which door could they be inside of.

(Silas opens the door on his left side and hears loud DJ music but closes the door immediately)

Silas: Geez! That was loud music. (Gasps and whispers to himself) I mustn't be so loud. I might get caught by someone!

(He tiptoes the door on his right side as he opens and sees bunch of cockroaches crawling all over with Silas closing the door immediately as he looks frightened)

Silas (Panting and whispers to himself): Dear lord! What kind of place is this?! Those Royals must be here somewhere! I won't give up!

(He puts his face close to the door to listen to see if the Royals are there. As he takes a small peek, he sees Sir Midnight is fast asleep as well as the wheelchair by the bed)

Silas (Whispers): Man! This is getting absolutely ridiculous! Where can those Royals be?

Daisy (Taps Silas' shoulder, whispers): Silas?

Silas (Gasps as he sees Daisy behind him, whispers): Daisy? I didn't see you there. When did you get here?

Daisy (Whispers): Just right now. Look, did you find the Royals yet?

Silas (Whispers): Dang!

Pyrite (Flies in, whispers): I haven't found them, either. (Looks both ways) Hey, has anyone seen Princess Ruby lately?

Silas: Not since we all split up.

(Scene 6: As Ruby is seen walking by herself, she is still looking for the Royals, as she accidentally knocks herself to a coffin with a dead body and some moths coming out of it, resulting her to gasp while holding her mouth with both hands and gulp nervously as she walks away from it backwards)

Ruby (Monologue): What's wrong with me? (Heart pounds as she holds her chest) No, heart, please don't pound any faster. Yes. Stay nice and quiet, heart. So quiet you can hear the pin drop. (Continues walking by herself as she hears a door opening as she zooms over and sees both the Spider Queen and the Empress Tarantula walking inside chitchatting from outside)

Spider Queen: You promise to never to slap me in the face again, right, big sister?

Empress Tarantula: Oh, I promise, little sister. Now, let's go into the kitchen and make some delicious salad together with our favorite bugs in it.

Spider Queen: Just like the good times, Lorna?

Empress Tarantula (Chuckles): Just like the good times, Aranha, my little sister.

(Flabbergasted, Ruby shakes in fear as she hopes they don't find her and feels her heart pound against her chest faster than before which is a bad sign because she must stay absolutely quiet as she can to find her friends, without the 2 women. But she is more surprised of what Empress Lorna looks like in person)

Ruby (Whispers): I must find the others before it's too late! (After running to find Pyrite and both of the dragons, she sees a door open automatically as she steps in front of it) Huh? What's this door to?

(As she walks inside the room, Ruby looks all around her as she sees different body parts inside of jars, including a brain, a stomach, and a heart. She holds her mouth she's almost about to vomit. After she swallows nervously, her heart begins to a bit faster than before and feels her stomach churning, while she looks around. While looking, she finally found the Royals all in their own cylinder-shaped colored tanks still passed out, but their butterfly wings aren't flapping.)

Ruby (Frightened): Oh, I, uh (Shakes in fear with her heart pounding as she whispers to herself) I never knew... this is what happened... to my... my poor friends. How could this happen to them? (While crying to herself, Pyrite, Silas & Daisy find Ruby, but she doesn't look behind herself) Why? Why would Empress Lorna and the Spider Queen do this to them? Why?

Pyrite (Puts his hand on her shoulder as she tears up): Ruby? We see that you found them.

Ruby (Walks away): If only there was a way to set them free. But I can't tell if they are still alive or not. (Covers her mouth in fear as she covers her mouth up while leaning against one of the tanks)

Pyrite (Walks up to Ruby and kneels down on his knees): Ruby? Of course, they are still alive.

Ruby: How do you know that?

(As the 3 point up to the tanks, Ruby gets up while looking and sees that they are all snoring peacefully as she touches one of the tanks with her heart pounding a bit faster and her stomach churning faster as she rubs her stomach almost as if she's having a baby inside of her belly)

Silas: Ruby? Are you alright? (No answer from her)

Daisy: Princess Ruby?

(Scene 7: As both of the women are eating their salads, they both talk to each other about what they should do next)

Empress Tarantula: My little sister, you haven't changed a bit ever since years have passed.

Spider Queen: And you will always be the big sister I'll always admire. (Chews)

Empress Tarantula (Chews): You know, Aranha? (Swallows) I was thinking we should just wait inside to find out where those twerps have gone to. Once we find them, (Yells) BAM, that's when we will strike. (Snickers)

Spider Queen: Oh, Lorna, you always come up with the most brilliant of plans. How do you do it? (Squishes a bug)

Empress Tarantula: I'm guessing I'm just too smart for my own good. (Burps)

(The 2 women chuckle as Empress Tarantula gets a notification on her phone with a signal going off that something was in the dark room where the Royals are at)

Empress Tarantula (Monologue): What the hell is going on? (Checks on the webcam on her phone) Something's not right here. (She sees Daisy and the others in the room looking at the Royals while trying to figure out a way to get them all out as she yells) Son of a bitch! (She flips the table over out of anger and frustration)

Spider Queen: Hey! I was eating my salad! (Looks at her sister with her face palming) Uh, Lorna, is there something wrong?

Empress Tarantula: Aranha?

Spider Queen: Yes?

Empress Tarantula: Do you have your scepter ready?

Spider Queen: Always. Why?

Empress Tarantula: Get it ready. We're going to kill some worthless beings.

(Scene 8: Back in the room, while Silas, Daisy & Pyrite find a way to get the Royals out of Dark Hall, Ruby still looks all concerned when suddenly her heart starts pounding up against her chest harder like it's trying to escape from her body)

Ruby (Gasps and monologues): Oh, no! Why is my heart pounding harder again? Do I dare to look? (She zooms out quickly as she sees the 2 women coming up and warns the others) Pyrite? Silas? Daisy? We have to hide in here... now!

Pyrite: Hide? But why?

(View of Empress Tarantula and the Spider Queen walking up the stairs with their own weapons to fight them off with, back with the 4 in the room)

Ruby: There isn't any time to explain. We must hide before they come.

Silas: Who is coming?

Ruby: The Spider Queen & Empress Tarantula! (Heart pounding and hissing in pain)

(The 2 women are upstairs and, in the hallway to get to the room)

Daisy: This is terrible!

Ruby (Heart pounding as she holds her chest): Where should we hide?

Daisy: Hmm? (Thinks about it) I got it!

(Scene 9: In the hallway, both women go into the room as the 4 are nowhere to be found. They both walk slowly everywhere in the room as the 4 all hide behind the tanks the Royals are in. However, Ruby's heart begins to pound faster than ever before while covering her mouth in fear, with everyone else sweating and shaking with fear)

Spider Queen: This is getting ridiculous! Where is Princess Ruby?! (Smashes a glass jar with scepter)

Empress Tarantula (Growls): Come out here this instant, Demolishment! (Breaks the glasses out of anger with her alloy sword)

(The two continue looking for the 4 as Ruby's heart starts beating faster than ever that she gets caught by her own red butterfly wings by the Spider Queen)

Spider Queen (Growls): Princess... Ruby...

Ruby (Nervously gulps with her heart pounding): Spider... Queen? Please, do not hurt me. I'm begging you.

Spider Queen: Okay. I won't hurt you. Psych! (Tosses her to the ground)

(Pyrite and both of the dragons look up to see what's going on)

Daisy (Gasps): Princess Ruby? (Heads over to Princess Ruby)

Silas & Pyrite (Union): Daisy! No!

Empress Tarantula: Demolishment! My dragon! Come to mama!

Daisy (Looks at Ruby while getting up by herself in anger): Daisy!

Empress Tarantula: What?

Daisy: Daisy! I don't like the name Demolishment! So, I call myself Daisy!

Empress Tarantula: You don't get to call yourself a different name! I do! (Grabs Daisy's arm) Do you understand me?

Silas (Rushes over): Hey! Put her down, you freak! (Empress Tarantula glares as she coldly drops Daisy down as Silas catches her in his hands while holding her in his hands)

Pyrite (Helps Ruby get up): Are you alright, Ruby?

Ruby (Hearts pounding): Pyrite. I don't feel good. Ooh. Why does my heart hurt?

Empress Tarantula (Evilly laughs at Ruby's misery while picking her up with her alloy sword by her throat while showing her the Royals in their tanks): Princess Ruby? Your poor heart is the least of your worries. I mean, look at you poor friends. You shouldn't have left them get kidnapped by Demolishment herself.

Spider Queen: You ought to be ashamed of yourself for letting this happen.

Ruby: There's no way I could have known they were all going to get kidnapped.

Empress Tarantula: And now, you are here to rescue them from Dark Hall.

Ruby: Well, yes, that's exactly why I am here as well as the rest of us.

Spider Queen (Laughs): You cannot be serious. (Laughs)

Ruby: I am dead serious. In fact, I am serious enough to kick both of you women's asses.

Empress Tarantula: And what are the rest of your "friends" going to do? Stand and watch while you attempt to take us down? (Drops Ruby on the ground roughly)

Ruby: I'll make a deal with you, Empress. If you want, let's make this fight happen by settling it by having a dual.

Empress Tarantula: A dual, you say?

Spider Queen: A dual! A dual! Uh, what do we do in this dual?

Ruby: We use our own weapons to fight off. If you two win the dual, you can have whatever you want from me. But if I win the dual, I take my friends as well as Daisy with me.

Spider Queen: Anything from you? You mean, like say if I take your Ruby Heart from you?

Ruby (Mumbles): I guess so.

Spider Queen (Runs up to Ruby and punches her in the face): I want a yes or no answer; not a 'I guess so', bitch!

Pyrite, Silas, & Daisy (Union, frightened): Princess Ruby!

Ruby (Gets up and spits out some blood out of her mouth): Whatever you say. (Monologue) She's such a spoiled brat!

Empress Tarantula: Then let's head downstairs, everyone!

(Scene 10: Everyone heads outside, with Ruby, the Spider Queen, and the Empress Tarantula all getting ready to fight in their own duals, as Silas, Daisy & Pyrite all sitting on the bench, talking about that Ruby better win the dual)

Silas: Geez! Who would have thought that Ruby would think that a dual would settle this?

Daisy: Let's just hope she wins this because those Royals need to get out of there before both the Empress and Queen do something.

Silas: Empress & Queen vs. Princess, this should be interesting.

Daisy: Hey, Prince Pyrite, are you doing alright?

Pyrite: Huh? Oh, I'm sorry about that, Daisy & Silas. I can't stand to see what Ruby is going through. I do appreciate her tomboyish attitude and strength, but she is one that needs to be aware of what she's doing. I pray that she knows what she's doing.

Silas: You're not the only one who's praying on Ruby.

Daisy: To me, Princess Ruby sounds like the type of person who'll do anything to fight for her friends, no matter what the consequences are.

Pyrite: You better believe that, Daisy. In fact, she is the only member of the team of Royals who is a tomboy and maternal figure to those around her.

Daisy: That's quite the combination right there.

Silas: I know, right?

Pyrite: That's what I love about her. While she may be the first ever Princess I've encountered with, she does her own thing and doesn't let that stop her. She's quite the unique Princess that I wouldn't want her to change in any way. I just hope she doesn't act like everything is easy.

Daisy: Does she love you, Prince Pyrite?

Pyrite (Stammers and blushes): Woah! Woah! Woah! I don't mean... I just... I mean, I... (Clears his throat) Look! There she is right over there!

(Scene 11: As Ruby appears, she has her Ruby Crystal Wand glowing, but her heart isn't just beating faster, it's also her pendant glowing red as she comes out of the dark corner like how she gets out of the alley corner in Royals Land's streets)

Ruby (Monologue and walks over): Why? Why must my pendant glow every time I come out of a dark corner? Is my pendant trying to tell me something? My heart has been pounding for a while now. But I must win this dual to set the Royals free from Dark Hall before it's too late.

(Spider Queen & Empress Tarantula are both waiting with their own weapons ready as both of them wait for Ruby to come out so they can start the dual already)

Empress Tarantula (Sees Ruby coming out): Look, my little sister.

Spider Queen (Looks where her sister is looking): Yes, yes, yes! This should be good. It'll be like Spider Man vs Venom & Carnage, except with stronger females.

Empress Tarantula: Not necessarily, Aranha. You mean, much stronger threats and 1 weak female. See, I'm going to have the other threats for us, until we can fight back.

Spider Queen: Oh, yeah! I like that a hell of a lot more.

Empress Tarantula: Excellent.

(Both women laugh hysterically as Ruby marches up to the women with a serious look on her face as she gets her Ruby Crystal Wand ready to fight with)

Ruby: So, I see it's 2 against 1, correct?

Empress Tarantula: Actually, no. Before we get started on this dual, let's set a few rules here.1: You must not use your butterfly wings to dodge. 2: You must only use your weapon and combat skills to fight us if you want to fight fairly. 3. You must not cheapen your way out of this dual. Do I make myself perfectly clear?

Ruby (Gulps nervously): Yes, you did. (Takes a few deep breaths)

Spider Queen: Oh, and try not kill us, either. (Snickers)

(Back with the 3, they question what she means by killing them)

Daisy: Princess Ruby? Killing them?

Pyrite: Why would she say that to her?

Silas: I don't know.

Spider Queen (Shouts): Shut up, you 3 runts!

Empress Tarantula: Thank you, my little sister.

Spider Queen: You're welcome, my big sister. (Nudges her while hugging her)

Empress Tarantula: Oh, and I brought the other threats out here to fight you two, if you manage to beat both of us, but our rules remain the same.

Ruby (Surprised): Wait! What?! (Heart pounds faster) Ooh. Please, my heart is getting more and more painful than ever.

Empress Tarantula: Hey, you're a tomboy, not a coward. Don't run away from this fight now. Enough dawdling around, let's begin this fight!

Ruby (Monologue): For my friends. I must do this for my friends. I hope not to kill anyone here like I did before from the previous 2 times. (Gulps nervously with her heart pounding) Wait a minute, what am I saying? (Smiles) I should be confident enough to take them down. This should be a piece of cake.

(A view of the threats includes Giggles, Blackjack, Bulldoze, Vampire Princess, Killer Orca, Madame Slither, Werewolf Woman, and Grizelle appear with all of them cracking their knuckles and crushing things as they are ready to fight)

Silas: Ruby? Do you know what you're doing?

Ruby (Smiles): Sure, I do. I shouldn't let my fears consume me.

Pyrite: That's great and all, but you need to understand that there several threats there that look like they've gotten tougher and stronger than before.

Daisy: Exactly. Even if you have your confidence with you, you need to have more than that to stop them one by one, Princess Ruby.

Silas: That's right, Princess Ruby. You may be a tough tomboy-like Princess; it's going to take a lot more than just your confidence to beat them.

Pyrite: Hey, where did both the Spider Queen & Empress Tarantula go?

(View of the Empress Tarantula & Spider Queen sitting on their own chairs to watch the duals)

Empress Tarantula: We're over here. We won't do our duals until we see how "well" you do with you and these threats.

Spider Queen: This is going to be so much fun. (Calls one of the servants) Servant!

Servant: Yes, your majesty?

Spider Queen: Get us some popcorn bugs and drinks, immediately!

Servant: Right away, your majesty! (Rushes over to get the said food and drinks)

Empress Tarantula: You must be excited to this fight.

Spider Queen: You bet your ass I am. (Snickers as the servant comes back) Thanks! That'll be all... for now at least. (Chews on the popcorn bugs)

Empress Tarantula: Uh, aren't you going to share those?

Spider Queen (Chewing): Fine! (Gives her some popcorn bugs to eat) Happy?

Empress Tarantula: I'm glad I taught you well. (Announces with the bullhorn next to her) And now, we are going to have quite the interesting duals here. I am here with my little sister, and we are here to have these threats to stop Princess Ruby. So, without further ado, let's start the duals off with the Royal.

Killer Orca: I'm ready to kick this bitch's ass. (Gets her trident ready)

Grizelle: I am ready to slice her head with my shiny wrist blade. (Points her wrist blade)

Vampire Princess: Hey! Watch where you point that thing, Baldy!

Werewolf Woman: She should be easy to be taken down. (Cracks her knuckles)

Madame Slither: This should be a piece of cake.

Bulldoze: Whatever. You ladies always act like she's going to be an easy target.

Giggles: But remember, Bulldoze. She doesn't have the other Royals to back her ass up.

Blackjack: Exactly. She is on her own to fight all of us. It's 8 against 1. Well, 10, but still and all.

(All the threats evilly laugh)

Silas: Uh-oh.

Daisy: You read my mind, Silas.

Pyrite: Ruby, please don't let the worst get to you.

Ruby (Chuckles): You 3 have nothing to worry about.

Daisy: What do you mean, Princess Ruby?

Ruby (Cracks her knuckles while her heart pounds faster and pendant starts to glow redder than usual): You are talking to Princess Ruby; a tomboy who may be maternal but not afraid to kick some asses.

Spider Queen (Frightened): Woah! What's going with her?

Empress Tarantula (Stammers): I... I don't know, little sister.

(All the threats look frightened in their faces)

Ruby: So, let's start this fight to get my friends back. (Evilly laughs)

To Be Continued...

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