S1 Ep 15: Royals Arc Part 15: Escape From Dark Hall

Recap of the Previous Chapter...

Narration: Previously on Rainbow Academy...

Empress Tarantula: This is wonderful. I've captured Princess Ruby's team, and she won't know whereabouts any of them are.

(At Rainbow Academy...)

Silas: Don't worry, Princess Ruby. I'll try and find the Royals. We won't rest until we find them.

Ruby: Where in the living hell are you Royals?!

(In an alley way...)

Old Lady: Back off! Stay the hell away from me, you, you disgrace!

Ruby: I told you to stay the hell away from me! (Stabs her with a piece of glass)

(The old woman dies in from of Princess Ruby)

Ruby: What have I done?

(By the fountain...)

Spider Queen: I saw what you did back in the alley way. (Claps and laughs)

Ruby: Look, I'm trying to find the Royals and I won't give up until I find them. Do you know where I could find them?

Spider Queen: Uh-oh. I am not going to tell you.

(Knocks Ruby out with her scepter)

(Pyrite & Silas show up to check on Ruby)

Pyrite: You shouldn't let the worse get to you.

Silas: Enough screwing already! Let's go find the Royals!

(At Dark Hall...)

Aquamarine: We must find a way to get out of here.

Empress Tarantula: Shut up, you piece of crap!

(Ruby, Pyrite & Silas all fly in the air)

Daisy: Silas? Boy, am I glad to see you.

Silas: May I ask what you are doing here?

Daisy: I was wondering if you need to get to Dark Hall.

Pyrite: Could you take us there?

(Back at Dark Hall...)

Sir Daylight: Wh -what are we going to do?

Empress Tarantula: We're going to wait until Demolishment comes back and destroys these Royals in the cage. Then, when that's through, we will destroy her next! (Evil Laughs as the thunderclaps)

(All the Royals shake in fear more than ever before)

(Scene 1: As Ruby, Pyrite, Silas & Daisy fly over to rescue the Royals, they ask Daisy something that they needed to know about herself)

Pyrite: So, Daisy, there's something we've been needing to ask you.

Daisy: Well, ask the way.

Silas: Did you say that you were created?

Daisy: Yes. Which makes me feel like a monster.

Ruby: Why would you say that?

(A vision of the Empress Tarantula creating Daisy by getting the body parts as she has now, and some of the other parts when creating her, with Empress Tarantula & Sir Daylight evilly grin)

Daisy (V/O): It all began 2 years ago when the Empress was getting everything ready for creating me. As such, she got my body from an actual dragon that she found from an old and abandoned Creature Cemetery where a lot of creatures live. Creatures such as dragons, alicorns, unicorns, Pegasi, and so forth. Ever since she's gotten my body from said place, she got the other parts from an extremely old laboratory. There she found the parts when I needed them to use as well to put my brain in this body. (View of a teenaged girl getting shot) My brain was actually from a human teenaged girl who was shot from a severe dangerous criminal that was running all over the streets of Royals Land. I can't say who, but I will say that he sounded dangerous.

(View of back to Daisy and the rest of the others)

Daisy: Ever since then, I was only created from the Empress, not born. I wish I was just like you, Silas. I wish I could have been as a flesh of dragon blood, not like a monster. If only I was just like you. (Sighs and flies down)

(The others follow Daisy as she looks at herself in the water while she looks away in disgust, thinking she's not a dragon but a monster)

Silas (Putting his dragon hand on Daisy's shoulder): Daisy, we don't see you as a monster.

Daisy: But I'm not like you, Silas. I'm not normal.

Silas: What's normal? (Picks up her chin with his thumb) Just like the Royals, you are normal just for who you are.

Daisy: Really?

Silas: Of course, Daisy. In fact, you are more unique than normal, which is good enough for me.

(The two dragons hug each other while Pyrite and Ruby watch as they both look at each other but blush redder than usual and stutter a bit)

Pyrite: Uh, (Clears throat) I hate to stop you two in the middle of a nice hug and comforting conversation, but we really need to get going to Dark Hall before anything bad happens to the Royals.

Silas: Oh, yeah. Come on, let's go.

Daisy: Silas, may I ask you something?

Silas: Later. Right now, we must get to Dark Hall first.

Daisy: Right!

(The 4 proceed to fly to Dark Hall)

(Scene 2: Back in Dark Hall, Empress Tarantula and Sir Daylight head to a different room as Killer Orca returns to guard the cage as the Royals are all still pondering how to distract her and attempt to escape from the cage)

Onyx (Whispers): We must find a way out of here, everyone.

Citrine (Whispers): But how?

Tanzanite (Whispsers): Especially since the killer whale is returning.

Sapphire (Thinks, whispers the plan as everyone huddles up in a circle): I got it! Here's the plan. What we're going to, since we aren't able to use our Kins, hear me out. Emerald is going to sing a song,

(As Killer Orca chews on her last salmon stick while sitting on the chair and watching a movie called "Orca the Killer Whale" on the giant TV screen)

Sapphire (Whispers): Okay. Is everyone ready? (Everyone nods yes) Then let's do it!

(Killer Orca stays in her chair as she looks more intimidating than ever, while Emerald starts singing 'Where the Boys Are')

Emerald (Singing): 🎵Where the boys are, someone waits for me 🎵

Killer Orca: Will you shut up?

Emerald (Continues singing): 🎵A smiling face, a warm embrace, two arms to hold me tenderly 🎵 Ooh, la, la.

Killer Orca: I asked you to shut up! (Groans)

Emerald: 🎵Where the boys are🎵

Killer Orca (Annoyed and gets her triton ready): That's it! You are so dead!

Smoky Quartz (Punches Killer Orca, whispers): Hell yeah!

Aquamarine (Grabs the keychain, whispers): Got it! See anyone, Spessartite?

Spessartite (Looks around and puts her thumb up, whispers): All clear, everyone!

Aquamarine (Unlocks the cage door as he opens, whispers): Let's go!

(Everyone tiptoes slowly out of the cage but Citrine trips over Killer Orca, with everyone shushing her to be quiet, with Killer Orca slowly opening her eyes as everyone runs away)

Killer Orca: What the hell? Where are those... Royals? Those damn Royals escaped! I must find them before the Empress throws a fit. (Runs to find them)

(Scene 3: As the Royals keep running, they stumble upon a hall with different doors and wonder which one is the real door to escape from Dark Hall)

Tourmaline: Oh, no! Those are a lot of doors!

Diamond: But which one is the real door to escape?

Smoky Quartz: We won't know till we find out! Let's move!

(They tried the first door out; inside of it has a lot of roaches crawling all over the place)

Spessartite (Surprised): Holy hell! This place is nasty!

Tourmaline: Let's get out of here! This place is getting me squeamish!

Onyx: Let's try this door out!

(They all go to the next door and see Giggles is laughing while holding his sledgehammer in one hand and a machete in the other in front of the Royals)

Giggles (Echoey voice): Why, hello there, kids. Would anyone you like a stab in the gut? (Laughs)

Aquamarine (Sarcastic): I would.

Tanzanite (Shouts): Quit that morbid behavior out, Aquamarine!

Sapphire (Yells): Let's get out of here!

(The Royals run out of the door and try another door)

Citrine: Let's try this door, everyone!

(They all go inside and see Bulldoze, Blackjack, and Madame Slither dancing in such weird ways to loud DJ music)

Bulldoze: Can I get a woo-hoo?

Blackjack & Madame Slither (Union): Woo-hoo!

Bulldoze: Can I get a woo-hoo?

Blackjack & Madame Slither (Union): Woo-hoo!

Amethyst (Cringing): What the hell am I looking at?

Emerald: I don't know, but this is my jam! (Dances in front of the Royals while twirling her fist and shaking her butt) Woo-hoo! Oh, yeah! Let me give you a woo-hoo!

All the Royals grab Emerald's arm (Union): Emerald!

(As they all got out of the room, they all have very shocked looks on their faces on what they've seen from Emerald & some of the threats)

Diamond: What did we just witness in there?

Tourmaline: I think we've just witnessed Emerald shaking her ass in front of us.

Amethyst: Thanks a lot, Emerald. Now I'm going to have that image of you shaking your fat ass in front of us.

Tanzanite: Was that really necessary of you to do that, Emerald?

Emerald: I'm sorry about that, everyone.

Smoky Quartz (Breaks up the Royals bickering): Enough already, y'all. Let's try one more door.

Sapphire: You're right, Smoky Quartz. Let's try this door right here.

(As the Royals try the last door, they see the Spider Queen is doing something in bed with Sir Midnight as he sleeps)

Spider Queen (Moaning and sighing in relief): Oh. Uh-huh. That's right, honey. Give me some more sugar, baby. You look so adorable when you're sleeping. Oh, yeah. (Sighs in relief)

Aquamarine: Now that's what I call the birds and the bees.

Tanzanite: She should get off of his pee-pee.

Diamond: Tanzanite! Shush!

(The Spider Queen's eyes widen as she gasps when she hears someone, slowly gets the covers off of her head, and sees the Royals all looking at her with their nervous looks on their faces)

Citrine: Uh, hello, Spider Queen?

Spider Queen (Screams in horror): Ahh! Oh, my God!

The Royals (Scream in Union): Ahh!

Spider Queen (Yells): Killer Orca! Get in Room-4 and get these Royals!

(Killer Orca hears her name being called, runs to Room-4, and kicks the door open, and takes the Royals away with her and put them back in the same cage they were all in)

(Scene 4: As Killer Orca puts the Royals back in the cage, she leaves the keys on the hook further away from them, while the Spider Queen is glaring at the Royals with her pale purple sweater on her on and her normal black one piece on underneath)

Killer Orca: Stay here with the Royals while I go fix your door, your majesty.

Spider Queen: Sure thing, Killer Orca. (Killer Orca walks out as the Spider Queen glares at them with her arms crossed) Well?

Amethyst: Well, what?

Spider Queen: Did we learn anything today?

Tanzanite: Yeah, we learned that adults have sex at night without locking the door.

Spider Queen (Face palm): And people say I'm stupid.

Citrine: Did you hurt his pee-pee by any chance?

Spider Queen: That is none of your freaking business if I did or not.

Emerald: This is one of the other reasons I don't believe in love.

Spider Queen (Snaps): Shut up, all of you stupid kids. Goddamn, how does that Princess Ruby put up with your behaviors? Maybe it's a tomboy thing. (Stomach grumbles) Oh, my God. I really need to sit down. (Squeals and rubs her stomach) My tummy hurts. Ugh! It's like my stomach is getting queasier.

Tourmaline (Monologue): I wish Princess Ruby & Silas were here to help us escape.

(Scene 5: Back with Ruby, Pyrite, Silas & Daisy flying to find Dark Hall, they all start to rest for a bit since their wings are getting a little tired)

Pyrite (Exhausted): Are we at Dark Hall yet, Daisy?

Daisy: Not quite yet Prince Pyrite.

Silas: Let's rest our wings for a bit, everyone.

Daisy: Let's rest for a bit.

(The 4 fly down to where there's an empty parking area to rest for a bit)

Pyrite: Damn! Who would have guessed that Royals Land could be so huge?

Silas: Well, I wouldn't know that considering I've aged myself to be 1 year old after I was hatched very recently. Plus, I only transform to an 11-year-old adult sized dragon whenever we go to stop any threats that come our way.

Daisy: And I was made 2 years ago, but I can age myself to be a 12-year-old adult sized dragon to do whatever I must do.

(As Ruby wanders by herself while the others talking, she sees something coming out of the alley way, making her heart pump a bit)

Pyrite (Off screen): Are you sure you know where Dark Hall is at?

Daisy (Off screen): Of course, I do, Prince Pyrite.

Silas (Off screen): Then how come it's taking us forever to get there?

(As Ruby follows the person in the alley by herself, she suspects it could be the Spider Queen while getting her Ruby Crystal Wand out to fight but her pendant starts glowing redder than before and heart starts pumping harder)

Ruby (Shouts): Hey, you! Come out whoever you are! I won't leave you alone until you show yourself! (The person keeps walking away without responding) Did you not hear a word I said to you? I said (Gasps and drops her Ruby Crystal Wand, puts her hands on her chest as she feels pain while following the person, and screams in pain, with the person) It's happening again! My damn... b- bloody heart! Blood... pounding... more! (Panting)

Chubby Man (Pulling one of Ruby's butterfly wings, angrily): Hey! Can't you see I'm trying to go home? What do you want from me?

Ruby (Warns the man): No! Please! Leave me alone!

Chubby Man (Hits Ruby's head up against the wall): I'm not going to leave you alone until you answer my damn question! (Drops her on the ground as she walks backwards)

Ruby (Walking backwards in the alley way they both came from): You don't seem to understand, sir. I don't feel so good. You should leave me alone, please! (Finds her Ruby Crystal Wand on the ground and points it in front his face)

Chubby Man (Getting angrier): Answer me, bitch! You're really starting to piss me off!

Ruby: You asked for it, you bastard! (Her pendant begins to glow redder than ever as the man's heart begins to pound)

Chubby Man (Whimpering): Woah! Take it easy! My... my heart feels like I'm going through a heart attack. But... why? (Grunts) Please, whatever you do, don't hurt me!

Ruby (Growls): Too late, you damn fool!

(She points her Ruby Crystal Wand on his chest and kills him in front of her, with his headphones and music player dropped on the ground, with a pool of blood coming out of the alley way)

Ruby (Gasps while putting both of her hands on her mouth): Oh, no! It's happened again! Why am I doing this all of a sudden?

(She then hears sirens go off and the Guards of Royals Land, and runs away as she hears it while running back to the others)

Ruby: Come on, everyone! Let's get going before it's too late!

Pyrite: You're right! Let's get to Dark Hall!

Silas: With you on that!

Daisy: Right behind you all!

(As the 4 fly away, they ask Ruby what she was doing back in the alley way by herself)

Silas: Hey, Ruby, what were you doing back there by yourself?

Pyrite: Did you see something?

Daisy: Or someone?

Ruby: Uh, yeah. I guess you could say that... in a way. Let's get to Dark Hall now.

(While flying in the air, Ruby has a worried look on her face, thinking that one of these days that she'll be wanted for accidentally killing 2 random people off of the streets in one night)

(Scene 6: Back in Dark Hall, the Spider Queen is still watching the Royals from the cage they're in, while the Spider Queen rubs her belly after it keeps grumbling in pain)

Spider Queen (Groans): Oh! Why does my tummy hurt so much? (Stomach grumbles)

Amethyst: Could you please quit your complaining?

Spider Queen: Hey! It's not my fault my stomach feels like this. You see, children. Before I met any of you and Princess Ruby, I dropped 50 pounds. (Shows her belly to the kids while holding it with the Royals cringing after seeing red spots) It's also worth pointing out that it's not easy to stay on your diet, if you know what I mean.

Onyx (Cringes): Uh, Spider Queen?

Spider Queen (Snaps): What?!

Smoky Quartz: Those red spots on your belly, lady!

Spider Queen (Shocked): What?!

(Spider Queen goes and finds a mirror somewhere and screams off screen, while doing so Aquamarine attempts to kick the cage door open, making the noise)

Tourmaline: Aquamarine! You're making too much noise!

Aquamarine: I don't care. Since I can't use my Kins to go through the cage with my Soul Wavelength, I decided to kick the door.

Smoky Quartz: Let's help you out, boy!

Spessartite: Come on, everyone! Let's try and kick the cage's lock to open!

(In another room, the Spider Queen cries to herself in front of the mirror asking herself why over and over again)

Spider Queen (Cries): Why do bad things happen to me all the time? Why? Oh, why? Oh, why? (Gets a jar of moths to eat in misery)

Killer Orca (Knocks on the door): Hey, your majesty? The door is fixed.

Spider Queen: Thanks, Killer Orca. (Cries)

Killer Orca: Hey? Weren't you supposed to be watching the cage until I was done?

Spider Queen: Yeah. Why? (Surprised) Oh, crap!

Killer Orca (Angry): The Royals! They better not have escaped. So, help me if they did, you will be crushed like an actual bug!

Spider Queen: Do that, and you will be fish fried!

(As the two women go and run to see what the Royals, the Royals are still trying their best to bust the cage door open with the lock slowly opening)

Diamond: Look, everybody! The lock is starting to open.

Sapphire: One more time!

(After they all bust the cage open, the lock opens up and they all try to escape from the Dark Hall, but all have been caught by Killer Orca & the Spider Queen)

Killer Orca: Well, well, well, where do you think you're going? (Cracks her knuckles)

Spider Queen: Dear lord, you are so fast, Killer Orca. My tummy hurts. (Stomach grumbles as she rubs it while Empress Tarantula is behind her)

Empress Tarantula: Ahem!

Spider Queen (Gulps and chuckles nervously): Oh, hello, my big sister, Lorna. How are you doing on this fine night?

Empress Tarantula (Angered): Never mind that! (Pokes Spider Queen's stomach) You go back to bed, or there will be consequences!

Spider Queen: But, big sister, these Royals have interrupted my husband and I when we were making love. Plus, my tummy has these red spots.

Empress Tarantula: I don't care! I'll deal with these Royals by myself. You go back to bed, and I'll see your red spots when I'm done. (Talks to Killer Orca) As for you, Killer Orca! Help me bring the Royals to the room I'm escorting them all in.

Killer Orca: Yes, ma' am.

(Scene 7: While the Empress Tarantula goes over to a different room, there are cylinder-shaped and colored tanks that go with each Royal's own color as Killer Orca puts each in their own tanks as the Spider Queen watches as she eats some milkweed bugs in a bag)

Spider Queen: Do you mind if I watch, big sister?

Empress Tarantula: By all means, watch since you seem more curious than going back to bed when I told you to.

Spider Queen: So, what are these cylinder-shaped and colored tanks for, big sister?

Empress Tarantula: These tanks are for the Royals are for the Royals to stay in without any chance of escaping.

Spider Queen: But there are lids on top of them. Wouldn't that have them escape?

Empress Tarantula: Not for long, my little sister. (Talks to Killer Orca) How many Royals do you have left to put in their own tanks, Killer Orca?

Killer Orca (Carrying Tanzanite): Just the Zoisite, ma' am.

Tanzanite (Crying): Let me go, you Killer Whale!

Killer Orca: Okay. (Puts him inside the clear violet cylinder tank)

Empress Tarantula: Excellent. You can go and do whatever you'd like, Killer Orca.

Killer Orca: Sure. (Walks out of the room)

Empress Tarantula (Sits down on her chair): Now, all I need to think of something to put something inside pf their tanks?

Aquamarine (Inside a clear turquoise cylinder tank, sarcastic): So, were you thinking of drowning us with water?

Citrine (Inside a clear yellow cylinder tank, panics): Don't give her any ideas, Aquamarine!

Empress Tarantula (Impatient): Zip it, you pathetic Royals!

Spider Queen (Continues eating her milkweed bugs): So, what do you plan on doing with the Royals, Lorna?

Empress Tarantula: Well, Aranha, I was thinking of using sleeping gas on them, without any chance of waking up for the rest of the night and giving them a chance to wake up.

Spider Queen: Yes, yes, yes. That sounds like a great plan. (Burps) Uh, where are you getting the smoke from?

Empress Tarantula: You'll see, Aranha. I'll be right back. (Goes and gets some sleeping smoke as the Spider Queen grins at the Royals while sitting on the other chair)

Emerald (Inside a clear green cylinder tank): What are you looking at?

Sapphire (Inside a clear blue cylinder tank): I believe she's looking at us.

Spessartite (Inside a clear orange cylinder tank): Damn straight she's looking at us!

Onyx (Inside a clear black cylinder tank): Could she stop looking at us? She's giving me the creeps. (Shakes in fear)

Smoky Quartz (Inside a clear brown cylinder tank): Then just ignore the Queen, Onyx.

Citrine (Inside a clear yellow cylinder tank): I wish Ruby was here to save us, everyone!

Amethyst (Inside a clear purple cylinder tank): Same here, Citrine, little sister.

Tourmaline (Inside a clear pink cylinder tank): It's too bad we can't use our Kins to get out since the Kins Stealer Stone from cage has weaken our powers.

Diamond (Inside a clear grey cylinder tank): What about our Gemstone Weapons?

Aquamarine (Inside a clear turquoise cylinder tank): Hmm? (Uses his Aquamarine Soul Brella to try and break out) Nope. No can do, I'm afraid. Our own Gemstone Weapons to these tanks are indestructible.

Tanzanite (Inside a clear violet cylinder tank): Let's face it, everyone; we're doomed.

Spider Queen (Rubbing her stomach): You see that, tummy. Nobody can get out, and yet, Princess Ruby is still not here to help save them. (Grumbles) Ooh. I should stop eating. (Whimpers) My tummy hurts. (Sighs)

Empress Tarantula: Okay, I've returned, and I got the sleeping gas ready to knock them all out. Little sister, would you like to do the honors?

Spider Queen: Are you dead serious?

Empress Tarantula: Yes, my sweet little sister. Immediately, after I put the password in, push the green button.

Spider Queen: You got it, big sister! (Rubs her stomach as it grumbles as Lorna puts in the password) You hear that, tummy? I'm going to do the honors thing. This is a dream come true.

Empress Tarantula: Okay. Any last words, Royals, before you get smoked?

(The Royals bang on their own tanks as they attempt to get out)

Spider Queen: I guess they have no last words, Lorna.

Empress Tarantula: I guess not. Do it, Aranha.

Spider Queen (Rubs her hands together and giggles): Yes, ma' am.

(After pushing the green button, sleeping gas comes inside from the tanks as the Royals are all getting sleepy while their own butterfly wings are still flapping, with the 2 women smiling as Lorna's plan isn't failing)

Spider Queen: Uh, big sis?

Empress Tarantula: Yes, little sis?

Spider Queen: Can you look at my tummy now, please?

Empress Tarantula: Let's see what's going on with it in a different room. We don't want to disturb these sleepy Royals while they slumber.

Spider Queen: Will the sleeping gas automatically?

Empress Tarantula: Oh, thanks for reminding me. (Presses the red button) There we go! Now that these Royals are sleeping, let's get out of here. They don't need anyone to watch them since this sleeping gas will make them sleep for as long as they can, which is... forever. (Evil laughs)

Spider Queen: Yes, yes, yes! (Evil laughs)

(The 2 women laugh on their way out of the room while the Royals are all sleeping their colored clear cylinder-shaped tanks, with only their butterflying wings slowly flapping a bit)

(Scene 8: Back with Ruby, Pyrite, Silas, 7 & Daisy are still flying together, they are almost at Dark Hall and notice how quiet Ruby has been ever since they left that area)

Silas: Hey, Ruby, you've been awfully quiet lately.

Pyrite: Is everything alright?

Ruby: Oh, yeah. I'll be fine. Nothing wrong with me at all.

Daisy: Well, if you need to talk about something, we're here for you.

Ruby: Uh, okay. (Monologue) I wish I could talk to them about what I did tonight, not once but twice. This is something I can never forgive myself for what I did. If this is my weakness, I need to try and keep my anger controlled. (Looking at her hands) I feel like a monster. (Looks up after Daisy says something)

Daisy: Well, here we are, everyone, Dark Hall.

(They all land down safely as they see how tall Dark Hall's tower is)

Pyrite: Damn! This place looks bigger than we expected!

Silas: You can say that again!

Daisy: Well, Princess Ruby, aren't you happy that we're finally going to find to save the team?

Ruby: Huh? Oh, yeah, yeah. But how do you think you should go in to save them?

Daisy: Hmm? Let me think how we can go in.

Pyrite: Can't we go in through the door like we're supposed to do?

Daisy: No way, Prince Pyrite. Do you want us to get caught?

Pyrite; Oh, no! We need to think of a different way to get inside. (Pulls out his Pyrite Cutlass) Lead us the way, Daisy.

Daisy: Come on, everyone! This way!

(As Silas & Pyrite follow Daisy, Ruby looks at her hands as she wonders if she's meant to be a Magical Girl, considering what she has done to two people from off the streets)

Ruby (Sighs as she gets her Ruby Crystal Wand ready): For my friends. Remember for my friends.

(While walking, she looks at how eerie Dark Hall is, but stumbles upon a statue with a statue of a Gargoyle with its mouth open as she gasps in terrifying way by covering her mouth with one hand, and Daisy calls her)

Daisy: Princess Ruby? Come on, we don't have all night.

Ruby: Coming.

(As she walks, she still looks at the eerie looking of the statues, after she steps on a piece of glass from one of her red boots, and takes a flashback of when she accidentally killed before getting taunted by the Spider Queen, and starts screaming out loud)

Pyrite: Ruby! Shush! Do you want us to get caught?

Daisy: What's the matter?

Silas: Ruby! This isn't like you at all! (Puts his hands on her shoulders) Please calm down before we get caught!

(Scene 9: As Empress Tarantula and the Spider Queen see what are those red spots that are on the Spider Queen since they have been bothering her for a while)

Empress Tarantula: My, my, my, little sister.

Spider Queen: What?

Empress Tarantula: It seems to me that you have an allergy.

Spider Queen: Allergy? Oh, no!

Empress Tarantula: Aranha, did you eat moths again?

Spider Queen (Nervously blushing): Uh-huh.

Empress Tarantula: Good thing I keep some ointment on me. (Get the ointment out of the drawer and puts it in her hand) Hold still while I put this on you.

Spider Queen (Giggles): Hey! That tickles, Lorna!

Empress Tarantula: Well, to be fair, you always were the ticklish one. (Finishes up) Okay. You can go ahead and zip up your one piece and put your sweater down. (Jokes around while tickling the Spider Queen) Say, look at that cute tummy! I wonder whose tummy does this belong to?

Spider Queen (Giggles as she's being tickled): This tummy belongs to me, bis sister!

Empress Tarantula: Well, you always were the chunky one. (Puts the ointment back in the drawer)

Spider Queen (Looking out the window): It sure is a nice night. Isn't it, big sis?

Empress Tarantula (Putting her hand on the Spider Queen's shoulder): It sure is. (Puts her finger on her chin) If both of our moms were here, we would be a big family again.

Spider Queen: But I will always find you as family.

Empress Tarantula: Same with you, little sister.

(The 2 women hug each other as the Spider Queen sees something out the window)

Spider Queen: Hey, sis?

Empress Tarantula: Yes?

Spider Queen: Is that Demolishment?

Empress Tarantula (Calm): Yeah. That is Demolishment.

Spider Queen: As well as Princess Ruby with her other 2 friends.

Empress Tarantula: Well, what do you know? (Shocked and yells) Demolishment!

Spider Queen (Shocked & Yells): Princess Ruby!

Empress Tarantula: Let's get them!

To Be Continued...

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