S1 Ep 14: Royals Arc Part 14: Anger & Confusion
Recap on the Previous Chapter
Narration: Previously on Rainbow Academy...
Mysterious Woman: My dear little sister, I hope you all are paying attention. I will have my dragon creation to distract the Royals' own Mascot, Silas and kidnap those Royals, without Princess Ruby or Silas.
(At Rainbow Academy...)
Jane: Philosopher? We have something to ask you.
Walter: We want to know if you know anything about this "Empress"
Philosopher: Empress Lorna, known as one of the evilest figures that came from the Emperor and Empress line.
(With the Mysterious Woman...)
Mysterious Woman: Call up from my little sister's place. As for you, my creation, I need you to go and find Silas and distract him to give you the Royals, except for Princess Ruby.
Demolishment: Yes, my Empress.
(Back at Rainbow Academy...)
Silas: Come here all of you, Royals.
Emerald: Huh? What's going on here?
(Silas spits outs his green sting)
Tanzanite: Look out!
(Everyone dodges from the green sting)
Silas: What happened?
Ruby: Oh, no! This is terrible! Absolutely terrible! What are we going to do? What are we going to do? (Teeth chattering)
Philosopher: Calm down, Princess Ruby. We'll be sure to find them.
(At Dark Hall...)
Aquamarine: Whoever you are, you have no right to do this to us.
Tanzanite: Tell us who you are!
Empress Tarantula: I am Empress Tarantula! Also known as Empress Lorna!
(All the Royals are all shocked in horror)
(Scene 1: Back at Dark Hall, the Empress Tarantula is laughing at the Royals and their misery as the Kins Stealer Stone cage is weakening them every time)
Empress Tarantula (Evil laughs): This is wonderful. I've captured Princess Ruby's team, and she won't know whereabouts any of them are.
Spider Queen: Hey, Lorna, my big sister?
Empress Tarantula: Aranha, little sister, why did you have to interrupt me? I was just laughing at these pathetic and worthless Royals' misery. What do you want?
Spider Queen (Chews on dead moths from the jar she's holding in her hand): I'm sorry that I'm bothering you. How would you like to have me go out and...
Empress Tarantula: And get more bugs to devour? Fine! Knock yourself out of the park for all I care. Frankly, I don't care what you do. (Exits out of the room)
Spider Queen: Actually, I, uh... Oh, well. I might as well go find Princess Ruby and laugh at her misery. I'll see you Royals later. I'm going to pay your friend a visit. See you little runts later. (Laughs on the way out. (Exits out of the room)
(Over in the corner, Demolishment looks at the Royals sadder than usual, as she goes out the window without anyone noticing, and tries to find Silas and help get them out of the cage and return back to Rainbow Academy.)
(Scene 2: Back at Rainbow Academy, it's around nighttime, and Silas tells Princess Ruby that he'll try and search for the Royals if he can find them)
Silas: Don't worry, Princess Ruby. I'll try and find the Royals. We won't rest until we find them. You can come if you want, but that's up to you. (Flies off to search for the Royals)
Ruby (Angered by pounding her fist and screaming in despair): Why?! How did this happen?! Where in the living hell are you, Royals?! (Growls)
Philosopher: My dear Princess, Silas went out to search for them. If you want to, you can go and search for them too. But I will say that it won't be easy.
(Ruby proceeds to fly away from Rainbow Academy, she doesn't say a word to the Philosopher, but the Philosopher looks concerned in hoping they will be found soon)
Ruby (Monologue): Why? Why do bad things happen all the time? I am so pissed off that I could just scream into the void. Something's not right with me. My heart feels like it's pounding harder than ever. I need to stop for a moment.
(Scene 3: As Ruby stops in an alley way in the corner, she begins kneeling on her knees and holding her head with both hands screaming in anger, when all of a sudden, somebody comes reaching in and laughing at her misery)
Ruby (Angered and frustrated) Who goes there? Show yourself to me! (Gets her Ruby Crystal Wand ready to fight back) I'm not screwing around with you! Show me who you are!
Old Lady (Walking by): Hello there, young lady. Do you need help with something?
Ruby (Grits her teeth and screams at the top of her lungs): Stay the hell away from me! (Her pendant starts glowing redder than ever and does something the old lady)
Old Lady (In pain): Oh? Oh, my goodness! What's wrong with my heart? My heart is pounding faster than usual. (Coughs)
Ruby (Confused): Huh? What do you mean?
Old Lady: Back off! Stay the hell away from me, you, you disgrace!
Ruby (Angered): What did you just call me?! Did you call me a disgrace?! A disgrace?!
Old Lady (Whimpers): Please! I didn't mean to! Whatever you do, don't hurt me!
Ruby (Finds a sharp piece of glass and stabs the woman across her chest with anger) I told you to stay the hell away from me!
Old Lady: No! (Coughs a bit of blood, weakened) I said, that... I didn't... mean to. (Dies in front of Princess Ruby)
Ruby (Pendant stops glowing red and gasps in horror): Oh, my God. What did I...? Did I do that?
(She then looks at the lady in fear of she did, puts her hand on her chest, with severe blood coming out of her chest, backs away from the old lady she accidentally killed with a shaky hyperventilation breath coming out of her)
Ruby (Whispers to herself): What have I done? (Looks at the blood on her hand in fear and hears a bunch of sirens and flies off)
(Scene 4: After fleeing away from the Guards of Royals Land, Ruby sits by the fountain, looking at her reflection in confusion, splashing water very roughly, and sits and sulks and bends her head down in despair as someone appears from out of the shadows)
Spider Queen (Laughing behind Princess Ruby's misery while petting a centipede on her shoulder): I saw what you did back in the alley way. Isn't this wonderful? You've just killed an old lady. You ought to be mighty proud of yourself, Princess Ruby. (Claps her hands and laughs)
Ruby: What the hell are you doing here, Spider Queen?
Spider Queen: Oh, I just thought I'd come here and laugh at your misery. (Takes the centipede off her shoulder and slurps it up) Join the party, centipede. (Laughs) Do you mind if I sit next to you?
Ruby: Yes, I do mind.
Spider Queen: Thanks. (Sits down and puts Ruby closer to her with her arm around her shoulder) You know? Right after you killed that old lady, I have to I am mighty proud of you. (Looks at her Ruby Gemstone while sucking on her scepter and smacking her lips) This is a nice Gemstone here. Do you mind if I can have it for myself? Maybe you can put it in my belly button?
Ruby (Snatches the Ruby Gemstone): Like hell I'd have put it in your belly button.
Spider Queen (Licks one of Ruby's red butterfly wings): Yeah, yeah, yeah. Did I mention to you I am so proud of what you did back there? (Ruby glares at the Spider Queen)
Ruby: Quit rubbing it in, you fiend.
Spider Queen: Whatever. (Snickers)
Ruby: How did you know what I did?
Spider Queen: I was watching you. In fact, I was the one who was laughing back there. (Snatches the ice cream from the kid with him crying in the background while getting a bag of ladybugs from her purse to put in the ice cream) Good thing I brought my bag of ladybugs.
Ruby: I should have known it was you.
Spider Queen: So, what are you doing wandering around Royals Land? (Licks the ice cream)
Ruby: Why do you care?
Spider Queen: You're right; I don't care. (Licks the ice cream and shows it to Ruby's angered face) Would you like some? No? Oh, well, your loss.
Ruby: Look, I'm trying to find the Royals and I won't give up until I find them. Do you know where I could find them?
Spider Queen: Oh, did you say the Royals? (Continues licking the ice cream)
Ruby: Yes. Do you know whereabouts they are located?
Spider Queen: Oh, yes, I do. They are... (Laughs and spills the ice cream on the lawn) Uh- oh. I am not going to tell you. (Looks at the ice cream) Someone can clean that up.
Ruby (Angered, her pendant starts glowing, and gets her Ruby Gemstone ready and transforms it into a Ruby Crystal Wand): If you don't tell me, I'm going to...
Spider Queen (Puts her finger on Ruby's Lips): Shh! Temper, temper, temper. You mustn't try and kill me like what you did to that old woman. (Fakes crying) Oh, no. That poor old woman has been killed by the Magical Girl Princess Ruby. It's so tragic that it brings tears to my eyes. She's not a Magical Girl, she's a disgrace. (Laughs)
Ruby (Growls and screams and attempts to hit Spider Queen): Shut up! Shut up, you disgusting, breathing piece of...!
Spider Queen (Hits Ruby in the face with her scepter): Nobody tells me to shut up. (Grabs Ruby's arm and throws her to the tree)
Ruby (Grunts and coughs while attempting to get up): I... am not... going to... give... up.
Spider Queen (Grabs Ruby crop top from the front): What a stubborn tomboy you are. (Takes her scepter to Ruby's face) It was fun seeing you again. I hope to see you again. And hopefully, you can give me your Ruby Heart that time. Not tonight since I have important business to do. (Knocks Ruby out with her scepter and laughs at her face while walking away)
(Scene 5: After getting knocked out, Ruby's been woken up by Silas & Pyrite and see how badly she's been beaten up)
Pyrite: Princess Ruby? Princess Ruby?
Silas: Wake up, Ruby. (Lightly pats on her cheek)
Ruby (Slowly wakes up): Pyrite? Silas? What are you doing here? How did you know I was here?
Silas: The Philosopher contacted me from my stopwatch, and I asked if they could send Prince Pyrite to help me search the Royals? But it seems to me that you went out searching too.
Ruby (Wakes up and snaps): Where the...? Where is she? Where the hell is she?
Silas: Who?
Ruby (Frustrated): The Spider Queen! She did this to me!
Pyrite: Did what to you?
Ruby (Snaps): Beat me up badly! Did you think I would do this to myself?!
Silas: Calm down, Ruby. You're losing your cool over battling the Spider Queen. Getting angry over this isn't going to help you.
Ruby (Holds her head while clenching her fists): I must find those Royals. If not, then it'll be my fault for everything.
Pyrite: Says who? You shouldn't let the worse get to you. Please calm down so we can help you find the Royals. We will find them. Just don't lose that hope.
Silas: Doubting yourself isn't going help you if you keep it up. You are never alone, and you'll always have us by your side.
Ruby (Takes a few deep breaths): Sure. Enough screwing already! Let's go find the Royals!
(The 3 of them begin to fly off and search for the Royals)
(Scene 6: Back in Dark Hall, the Empress Tarantula watches the Royals all tortured from the cage that's been infected by the Kins Stealer Stone while they try to figure a way out)
Aquamarine (Weakened): We must find a way to get out of here.
Spessartite (Weakened): But how? This cage is too potent for us to get out of.
Tanzanite (Weakened): If only... Princess... Princess... (Holding his head) Ugh! My brain is starting to pound harder than ever before.
Diamond (Weakened): You mean Princess Ruby? (Coughs)
Empress Tarantula: You'll never get your asses out of this cage, nor will Princess Ruby ever find you Royals. If she does, there will be heinous repercussions coming her way. (Evil snickers)
Tourmaline (Weakened): She'll find us; you'll see, you oversized freak.
(Empress Tarantula punches Tourmaline in the face and grunts)
Onyx (Weakened): Tourmaline!
Empress Tarantula: Shut up, you piece of crap!
Citrine (Crawls over to Tourmaline and puts her head on her knees, Weakened): Don't worry, Tourmaline. Princess Ruby will save us. Won't she, everyone?
Smoky Quartz (Weakened): Sure, she will. Just... keep... your faith. (Falls and coughs a little)
(Emerald snores and drools out of her mouth, while Amethyst hits her on the head with her fist)
Emerald (Weakened and yawning): Morning, everyone.
Amethyst (Weakened): It's nighttime, stupid bitch!
Sapphire (Weakened): Quit screaming, Amethyst. My head hurts so freaking much.
(Spider Queen comes back and asks Empress Tarantula something)
Spider Queen: Lorna? May I ask you something?
Empress Tarantula: Of course, my sweet little sister Aranha. What could it be?
Spider Queen: May I see 2 of the 11 members of the Royals?
Empress Tarantula: Help yourself? (Unlocks the cage) Just remember to put them back in the cage when you are done with them. (Hands the key to the Spider Queen)
Spider Queen: Oh, I'll remember, my beloved big sister. (Walks inside of the cage and whispers in Aquamarine and Tanzanite's ears) Come here, my badass Beryl and janegirl Zoisite.
Aquamarine (Slaps her face): Like hell we will.
Tanzanite: We refuse to come with you, you creep!
Amethyst (Weakened and shaking with her wobbly legs): Leave the boys alone! (Aranha punches Amethyst in the stomach and starts coughing)
Spider Queen: That's okay. (Takes a box out with an injection in) Good thing I came prepared.
Aquamarine (Quivering in fear and holds onto the bar): Is that... an injection?
Spider Queen: Yes, yes, yes, it is, Aquamarine. (Takes the injection out of the box and gets it ready to knock him out) I hope you're ready.
Aquamarine (Frightened): Hell no!
Spessartite (Stands in front of Aquamarine): You want him? You have to get through me first!
Spider Queen: With pleasure! (Smacks her) Now, let me have the Beryl Boy.
Tanzanite (Gets the injection away from her and throws as he far as he can): Stop it! Aquamarine is like a big brother for me!
(Both Aquamarine and Tanzanite hold each other's hands while they shake in fear)
Spider Queen: Brothers, you say? Hmm? (Ponders for a bit and looks at their hands and gets her scepter out of her front pouch) Well then, I guess I have no other choice then.
Aquamarine (Cringes): Do I really want to know where she put that scepter?
Tanzanite (Cringes): I don't think so.
(Spider Queen calls Killer Orca, Werewolf Woman & Grizelle to the room while the Royals cover their ears)
Spider Queen (Shouts): Killer Orca! Werewolf Woman! Grizelle! Come out here at once on the double!
(Scene 7: As Werewolf Woman and Grizelle take both of the boys away from the girls, Killer Orca stands in front of and guards the cage while cracking her knuckles with intimidation, they appear in a separate room with Grizelle holding Aquamarine's arms behind him and the Werewolf woman holding Tanzanite's arms behind him, while the Spider Queen has something for the boys)
Spider Queen (Stands by the throne chairs in front of the 2 boys while blowing kisses for both on the cheek): Now that you 2 are here with your fine ladies, and make no mistake, they are fine as hell, I have a gift for each of you adorable boys.
Aquamarine: I'd rather get a knuckle sandwich instead.
Tanzanite (Shouts): This is no time to be morbid, Aquamarine! (Coughs)
Spider Queen (Clears her throat and calls her husband over): Honey! (Sir Midnight appears in his wheelchair with a box) You two are given these new weapons. You don't that stupid umbrella and extended straw with jewels anymore. Plus, why be Magical Boys when you can be my husband's Guards.
Tanzanite (Whines): But we've always wanted to become Magical Boys!
Aquamarine (Frustrated): What gives you the right to tell us what to be?
Spider Queen: Blah! Blah! Blah! Don't you two understand? There's no such thing as Magical Boys; only Magical Girls. This is Royals Land, where Magical Girls have existed a lot longer than Magical Boys. No wonder why Princess Ruby doesn't have many Magical Boys in her team, despite being a tomboy.
Aquamarine: So? At least she's not sexist like someone in front of us.
Tanzanite: And at least as a tomboy, she doesn't mind me being a janegirl.
Spider Queen: That's another thing too! What I've been told, you can only be what gender you're assigned in, and you can't enjoy what the opposite sex tells you. I mean, girls doing boyish activities and boys doing girlish activities. What's that about?
Aquamarine: That's their right, not yours.
Spider Queen: Did I also mention that nerdy people like you can't be all badass?
Aquamarine: Again, go back to what I said to not 3 seconds ago.
Tanzanite: You don't have the right to choose what path we lead to.
Spider Queen (Takes the 2 pistols, 1 turquoise and 1 violet, out of the box): See? These weapons are made for boys. Not those girly weapons you've possessed. Take those Gemstone Weapons away from those boys, ladies.
(As Grizelle and Werewolf Woman try to take their Gemstone Weapons away, they dodge, knock them out, and try flying away but weaken by the Kins Stealer Stone and go walk back to the cage by holding their own butterfly wings)
Spider Queen (Following them back to the cage and locking them up and puts the keys in her front pouch): Good boys. (Talks to Killer Orca) Come on, Killer Orca. Help yourself to the kitchen and have some salmon sticks while I rest my tummy. He needs to go to bed with Mommy. (Rubs her stomach after it grumbles)
Killer Orca: Whatever. (Glares at the Royals) I'll be back to watch you bastards. (Walks out of the room with the Spider Queen)
Tanzanite (Crying while kneeling on his knees): Oh, Princess Ruby. Wherever you are, you and Silas have got to hurry up.
Diamond (Hugs Tanzanite to comfort him): Agreed.
Aquamarine: Let's hope she's not in any trouble, everyone.
(Scene 8: Soaring through, Demolishment is flying through the sky while trying to find Silas and explain to him what's happening, apologize for what she did, ask something)
Demolishment (Sighs): I must find Silas before any of those Royals get killed from the Kins Stealer Stone. Silas was actually the first ever person who has ever made me feel comfortable for who I am. I wonder if he'll accept my apology after what happened. But first, I must find him since he's probably around here somewhere.
(Demolishment gets attacked a swarm of bats who are trying to get passed her)
Demolishment: Hey! Watch it! I'm trying to get through here, pesky bats! Stay away from me! (Starts falling and screaming) Help! Someone please, help me!
(On the way, Silas, Ruby & Pyrite hear someone screaming for help)
Silas: Did you hear that, you two?
Pyrite: It's coming from down there!
Ruby: So, what are we waiting for? Let's go save her!
(The 3 rush down to save whoever it is that's falling as Silas catches her)
Silas: I have saved... (Sees Demolishment while she waves) You?
Demolishment: Silas? Boy, am I glad to see you. (Hugs him)
Silas: Hold on a second! What do you mean? Why are so glad to see me after what you have done to the Royals?
Ruby (Angered and gets her Ruby Crystal Wand out): So, it was you who kidnapped the Royals, wasn't it?! Tell me what you have done to our friends! Or so help me, I will blast you with my Ruby Crystal Wand right here while we're in the air!
Pyrite (Holding Ruby back): Will you calm down, Ruby? Getting angry isn't going to help us. Huh? (Sees Ruby's pendant brighter red than usual) Uh, Ruby?
Ruby (Screams and slaps him): Let me go!
Pyrite (Feeling pain, whimpers): No. Please, Ruby, don't hurt me. My heart seems to be in pain now. (Squeals as Ruby slaps him in the face)
Silas: Princess Ruby! Please stop hurting him!
Demolishment: What's happening?
Silas: I don't know. But let's all come down and check what's going on.
(Scene 9: After stopping by a vacant area, Silas, Pyrite & Demolishment calm Ruby down before she gets worse in her temper)
Ruby (Angered): What gives you the right to harm my friends, you fiend?!
Silas: Shh! It's okay, Ruby. Calm down before it gets worse for you.
(Ruby's pendant stops glowing and puts her hand over her head as she sees Pyrite's face has a handprint from her slapping him)
Ruby (Gasps): What have I done?
Demolishment: That's what we were wondering too.
(Ruby looks at her hands as her heart beats from her chest as she flashbacks to what she did to the old lady from before)
Pyrite: How are you feeling?
Ruby: I hope I'm okay. I've never had this happen to me before.
Silas: By the way, may I ask what are you doing here?
Demolishment: Let me start off by saying that my former name was Demolishment. So, I've decided to call myself Daisy. As to answer your question, I came to tell you that the Royals are being harmed in a cage that's been rubbed with Kins Stealer Stone.
Silas, Ruby & Demolishment (Union); Kins Stealer Stone?!
Daisy: Unfortunately. But before you get up and arms, I was forced to kidnap the Royals for my boss. So, please chew me down, whatever you do.
Ruby: Daisy? Could you tell us who is this "boss" is?
Daisy: She is Empress Tarantula.
Pyrite: Uh, who?
Daisy: She's also known as (Gulps nervously and severely sweats) Empress Lorna.
Ruby & Silas (Union, dumbfounded): Empress Lorna?!
Pyrite: Um, excuse me? Who is this "Empress Lorna" you speak of?
Ruby: She is known as one of the evilest figures in Royals Land that came from the Emperor & Empress Line.
Silas: She wants to kill any race that is an inferior to her.
Daisy: Exactly. I was also wondering if you need help to get to Dark Hall.
Ruby: Dark Hall?
Silas: Is that whereabouts everyone is located?
Daisy: Yes.
Pyrite: Could you take us there?
(Scene 10: Back in Dark Hall, in a spare room, the Spider Queen lies in a bed with her husband sleeping next to her as she writes in her diary about how happy she is that she achieved almost everything she's ever wanted)
Spider Queen (Monologue): Dear Diary, I have finally achieved almost everything I wanted. I have my husband right here with me by my side as he sleeps right next to me. While he's now paralyzed from his leg down, I'm still glad he's alive from the shot. I also got to hang out with my big sister too. Although she said that her husband didn't mean to shoot him, I still know she means well. In fact, I know she would never do anything to hurt me. I love her with all of my heart. I want to be just like her; one who takes her job seriously, especially since the Royals have now been captured... except for Princess Ruby. One last thing I hope to get is the Ruby Heart and I'll have everything achieved.
(As she finishes writing, she rubs both her stomach as it grumbles and husband's back while kissing him on the head, and she tearfully hears the door open, who happens to be her sister to come and check on her)
Empress Tarantula (Whispers): Hello, little sister. I see you're writing in your diary along with the pens I got you for your birthday last year.
Spider Queen (Smiles as she closes her diary up): Uh-huh.
Empress Tarantula: You know something, little sister?
Spider Queen: What?
Empress Tarantula: You remind me of the good old days when you were 10 years old and I was 20 years old, just babysitting you before I became an Empress, and you were a Queen.
Spider Queen: My, how have times changed? (Grunts after her stomach grumbles, squeaky voice) My tummy hurts... and a little itchy.
Empress Tarantula: Well, my baby sister, you ate too many bugs it seems. Let's be honest, you always were the one who eats constantly. (Rubs the Spider Queen's stomach as she tears up) What's the matter, Aranha?
Spider Queen: Lorna? Would you do anything to hurt me? Would you? (Sniffles and wipes her eyes with her cape)
Empress Tarantula (Lifts up her chin): Aww, my little sister. I may get mad at times, but that does not mean I'm going to hurt you. it just means I take my job very seriously. Just like how you should take your job seriously too.
Spider Queen: Ooh. My tummy hurts. He keeps grumbling for more bugs, Lorna. (Sniffles as it keeps grumbling)
Empress Lorna: Aww. Don't give into your poor tummy. You just get some rest for your poor tummy. See you in the morning. (Closes the door)
Spider Queen: I love my big sister. (Puts her diary on the nightstand with her lamp and shuts it off to go to sleep with her husband)
(Scene 11: As Empress Tarantula walks over to the window while the Royals in the cage behind her are still in great pain, she smiles at the moon while standing next to her husband
Sir Daylight: You look happy, love.
Empress Tarantula: I am very happy, dear. (Kisses her husband on the head) The first being how my little sister is really that gullible thinking you shot your little brother by accident.
Sir Daylight: Oh, how gullible can she get? (Chuckles)
Empress Tarantula: And the second being how Princess Ruby has not shown up yet as she still doesn't know where her team of Royals are.
Sir Daylight: Shall we celebrate, Lorna?
Empress Tarantula: Yes, Apollo, my beloved husband. Let's celebrate with wine. (Calls Demolishment) Demolishment? Could you please be a dear and get us a bottle of wine and 2 shot glasses? (Hears nothing) Demolishment? What are you, deaf or something? I asked you if you could get a glass of wine and 2 shots glasses.
Sir Daylight: Why isn't she responding to us?
Empress Tarantula: How the hell should I know? That stupid orange dragon I've created better not have betrayed me. (The Royals overhear) I'm going to go and find her! (Stomps with her leather high heel cleats on her feet to search for in the Dark Hall)
Sir Daylight: Did you find her yet, dear?
Empress Tarantula (Angered): Don't just stand there like a stooge, dear! Help me find her!
Sir Daylight: Oh, sure. (Goes and helps her find Demolishment)
(As he goes over, the Royals wonder why they would create a dragon)
Aquamarine: Did all of you hear that?
Onyx: That orange dragon's name is Demolishment.
Emerald (Yawns): What the hell kind of name is "Demolishment?"
Sapphire: It sounds like something that you'd name after a monster, not a dragon.
Citrine: I wonder why'd they create a dragon.
Diamond: Could you do any sensing why they'd create a dragon, Tourmaline?
Tourmaline: Due to being affected by the Kins Stealer Stone, I can't use my Kins. Sorry about that, everyone.
Spessartite: That's okay.
Smoky Quartz: Damn it, y'all! I just wish there was a way to get out of here.
Amethyst: Don't worry, little sister. We shouldn't lose faith on Princess Ruby. As well as Silas to help out.
Tanzanite: I just hope she's not afraid of the dark like I am. (Gulps nervously and shakes nervously with his violet butterfly wings covering his body)
Aquamarine: Shh! Everyone, shut up! They are coming back!
(Empress Tarantula and Sir Daylight both return to the room)
Empress Tarantula (Angered): That does it! That damn orange dragon I've created has flew off! I wonder she has gone to. (Gasps and makes a shocked expression on her face) Oh, no she did not! (Yells at the top of her lungs) She did not! Son of a bitch! (Breaks the window with her fist)
Sir Daylight (Frightened): You... you don't mean?
Empress Tarantula: Yes. She must have flown off just to disobey me.
Sir Daylight: Wh - what are we going to do now?
Empress Tarantula: Nothing yet.
Sir Daylight: Huh? Then what?
Empress Tarantula: I'll tell you what. We're going to wait until Demolishment comes back and destroy these Royals in the cage. Then, when that's through, we will destroy her next! (Evil laughs as the thunderclaps)
(All the Royals shake in fear more than ever before)
To Be Continued...
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