S1 Ep 13: Royals Arc Part 13: Who is This Empress?
Recap on the Previous Chapter
Narration: Previously on Rainbow Academy...
Silas: How many boys were you thinking of?
Jane: I guess we can worry about the total of male members later.
(At Dungeon a la Lair...)
Sir Daylight: Hello? Werewolf Woman? Grizelle? Are you both there?
(At Rainbow Academy...)
Don: I am Don, Prince of the Tanzanite area.
Walter: And I'm Walter, Prince of the Aquamarine area.
Jane: Hey, do you boys want to come inside with Silas and me?
(Inside of Rainbow Academy...)
Silas: Now, don't get too excited, boys. This isn't an easy job to do since this'll be your first time doing so.
(Outside of Rainbow Academy...)
Grizelle: Now, this is something I've been waiting for.
(With the Royals...)
Silas: It's time to transform, everyone!
(Everyone transforms into their own alter ego forms)
Aquamarine: Soul Invisibility!
Tanzanite: Ink Portal!
Werewolf Woman & Grizelle (Union): The Empress isn't going to be happy!
Everyone (Union): Empress!
Spider Queen: Hello, everyone. Did I miss something?
Mysterious Woman: No, my little sister! You've arrived just in time! (Evil laughs)
(Scene 1: The Mysterious Woman is seen on screen talking to her little sister and some of the other threats on what she's planning to do to annihilate the Royals while stitching something together)
Mysterious Woman: My dear little sister and her friends, I hope all of you are paying attention to what I am going to do.
Spider Queen: What are you planning to do, big sister?
Sir Midnight: Hopefully it'll work to get rid of those bastards.
Mysterious Woman: Patience, Orpheus. I was thinking that I will have my dragon creation to distract the Royals' own Mascot, Silas and kidnap those Royals, without Princess Ruby or Silas. Once that's done, my dragon here will have them captured in a Kins Stealer Stone cage to weaken them and have my dragon here destroy them, without their red Princess and dragon with them. And that's when all hell will break loose. That's when you and some of the other threats will fight them off, while weak from the cage that's made from Kins Stealer Stone, and they'll be too weak to stop them. (Evil snickers)
Spider Queen (Surprised): Wait a minute! I thought you said we were going to hang out together. What the hell happened to that idea?!
Mysterious Woman (Snaps): Silence!
Spider Queen (Whimpers): Yes, big sister!
Mysterious Woman (Calm): This is just the first part of the plan. I will talk more about the plan as time continues them.
Spider Queen: Yes, yes, yes!
Grizelle: I hope those Royals get demolished.
Werewolf Woman: I couldn't agree more!
(Scene 2: As the Mysterious smiles with her evil grin, she has her own dragon
Mysterious Woman (Turns off the giant TV): Yes, my now finished creation. Now, that you are completed, you will be used to distract that purple dragon to get the Royals come to me. Tomorrow is your 2nd birthday, and you will spot Princess Ruby and her damn team. (Evil snickers) I just know it.
(As the female orange dragon with blue eyes and magenta scales appears outside of the white blanket and flapping her big wings)
Sir Daylight: She looks amazing, dear.
Mysterious Woman: I know. And I made her able to speak, fly, shapeshift her age difference, and make her look real enough to look exactly like a dragon.
Sir Daylight: So, what did you decide to call her.
Mysterious Woman: I call her Demolishment the Dragon. Because she is going to destroy Princess Ruby and the Royals and prevent them from making Royals Land peaceful again.
Sir Daylight: Hmm. I like that name, especially her look is very deceiving at first glance.
Mysterious Woman: Oh, my beautiful dragon, you will do what I tell you. (Evil snickers)
(Scene 3: After the fight with Grizelle and Werewolf Woman, Silas & the Royals go back to normal and head inside with all confused looks on their own faces on who is this Empress)
Jane: Silas? Do you think that the Philosopher would know who is this "Empress?"
Silas: I don't know, Jane. We'll have to see what they think by morning. But for now, let's all get some shut eye for the night.
(As everyone heads in the bedroom with 13 beds, they all have their pajamas on and go to sleep)
(The next day as everyone gets washed and dressed in their own clothing they normally wear; they all go and see the Philosopher is using a cane as Walter and Don are surprised to see what the Philosopher looks like)
Philosopher: Well, hello there, my 2 Princes. (Slowly kneels down on the floor to give the 2 boys a hug) I am glad to see that there are Magical Boys who are willing to help out. (Slowly gets up with their cane)
Silas: How have things been going for you lately, Philosopher?
Philosopher: Still quite frail but I was advised to use this cane to help me out.
Jane: Philosopher? We have something to ask you.
Philosopher: Oh, please, my dear Silas & Royals, by all means ask. But let me get in my recliner first. (Marshmallow lies beside the Philosopher as they sit down) Okay. What is it you lovely children wanted to ask me?
Walter: We want to know if you know anything about an "Empress?"
Philosopher (Appalled): Empress? Did you just say "Empress?"
Chelsea: Yes, that's what he just said.
Spencer: You sound awfully surprised though.
Kiarra: Yeah. Why is that?
Philosopher: In order for me to explain, I'd like to give that thick journal over there. (Points over where the journal is at) Could one you hand it over to me, please?
Harriette: Sure thing, Philosopher. (Makes sounds) Oh, my God! This is one heavy journal!
Angelique: Here, let me help you, Harriette. (Both girls carry the journal together and give it to the Philosopher)
Philosopher: Thank you, ladies. (Opens up the journal and searches for the history behind the Empress) Ah, yes. Here it is, my students. How about all of you sit down on the 2 couches over there? (Everyone sits down)
(A vision of the Empress Lorna and the Spider Queen both appear in a dark shadow as the Philosopher explains to everyone who she is and why does she want to annihilate the new generation of Royals and dark shadow figures appear with fear coming all over)
Philosopher (V/O): Empress Lorna, known as one of the evilest figures that came from the Emperor and Empress line. These people are the most powerful and stronger Royal figures in all of Royals. However, Lorna wanted more than power; she wanted to kill any race that was an inferior to her. More specifically, she wanted to kill any new generation of Royals due to refusing to work with her. The only Royal who admired her to stick by her side was Aranha. They both vow to get whatever they can to conquer Royals Land and make it less of a utopia universe and more of an apocalyptic universe. Nowadays, Aranha and the other threats of Royals Land now know that the new generation of Royals have Kins, but even if you students have been outcasted by your own people, this is mostly due to them being rumored being affected by the evil Gods, and she wants to kill all the new Royal kids that were given Kins so they can't bring peace elsewhere.
(Scene 4: As the Philosopher finishes, they close the journal with a bit of sadness shown in their own face, along with Silas & the rest of the Royals)
Philosopher: Aranha wants to be like her, no matter what risks she and the rest of the threats will do what it takes to do.
Jane: Philosopher? Who is Aranha?
Philosopher: She is the one you fought with a lot; the Spider Queen.
Jane (Surprised): Wait! What?!
Philosopher: It's true.
Enid: But who could be sending all these threats to come and attack us?
Vivienne: Could she be the Empress you said, Philosopher?
Silas: I sure hope not.
Don (Gulps nervously): So, this is what it takes to be a brave member.
Walter: Especially for a Royal member.
Philosopher: Not necessarily. You can be brave, sure, but the truth is, Walter, being brave doesn't always mean you're not afraid.
Naomi: For real? I thought we couldn't be afraid of anything once we become Magical Girls or Boys.
Philosopher: No, no, no, that's not entirely true, Naomi. The truth is that you are doing the things that you are afraid of doing. Encourage and push yourself to keep moving forward to do the things that you must do. Truth be told, you kids are all brave in your own way, and I admire that a lot.
(After hearing those words, Silas & the Royals all had tears in their own eyes and gently hug them like they are a very moral guardian who looks after them)
Philosopher (Begins tearing up after the others all stand in front): I know I shouldn't be weeping, but I just wish I could come with you kids to help protect Royals Land.
Spencer: Why can't you come with us?
Jane: It's because they can't go anywhere over 10 feet away from Rainbow Academy. Their own soul is resided in the school.
Don: Oh, my God! That sounds horrible! (Covers his mouth with both of his hands with tears about to rush down his cheeks, with Angelique putting her hand on his back)
Walter: I was wondering why I was sensing a soul here since I can sense and read souls from different bodies and locations.
Lola (Grabs a tissue for her, Don, and the Philosopher while sobbing): We'll be with you, Philosopher. No matter what it takes to stop those threats.
Philosopher (Wipes their eyes): Thanks, Lola. Thanks to every one of you for being there for those all around. I couldn't ask for better young people like you.
(Scene 5: In the dark area, the Mysterious Woman looks out the window with Sir Daylight as they tell each other it's the perfect day to set their dragon out to find the Royals)
Sir Daylight: Well, my love?
Mysterious Woman: Yes, honey?
Sir Daylight: Isn't today the perfect day to set our dragon out to kidnap the Royals?
Mysterious Woman: Yes, it is dear. The Royals' cage is ready, correct?
Sir Daylight: It's all set to weaken them my dear. I rubbed as much as I did to make it no chance to stop you.
Mysterious Woman: Excellent. Now, call up the threats from my little sister's place to have them all come over here at once. As well as any new threat that lives there.
Sir Daylight: Yes, my Empress. (Gets going and calls up the threats for the Empress)
Mysterious Woman: And as for you, my creation. I need you to go and find Silas and distract him to give you the Royals, except for Princess Ruby.
Demolishment: Yes, my Empress. (Spreads her wings out and begins to fly out the window)
Mysterious Woman: That's right. Do as I tell you and do not disobey my commands. (Evil snickers)
(Scene 6: Back at Rainbow Academy, the students all outside training in their own alter ego forms as Ruby start to ask her friends if they know who this Empress could be)
Ruby (Looks at her Ruby Crystal Wand): Hey, everyone. Do you know who this Empress could be?
Spessartite: How should we know, Ruby? (Swings her Spessartite Katana while training with Diamond)
Tourmaline: Yeah, we thought that Empress' and Emperors stopped ruling over Royals Land a long time ago. (Twirls her Pink Tourmaline Spear around and throws to the target sign) Hi-yah!
Onyx (Swings her Onyx Nunchucks around): Besides, we all are too young to know who she could be. But to me, she sounds scary.
Smoky Quartz: We only transform into teenagers in our alter ego forms to prevent anyone knowing who we really are. (Whacks a target sign with her Smoky Quartz Mace)
Ruby: I know, Smoky Quartz. I just don't know who she is.
Amethyst: None of us know who she is, little sister. (Gets punched in the face by one of Emerald's Boxing Gloves and yells at her) Hey! What the hell was that for, Emerald?
Emerald: Sorry. I was trying to train while doing some dance moves. It's one of the better ways to fight.
Amethyst: Really? Could you do the moonwalk for me while I try chopping your head off with my Amethyst Halberd? (Gets her Amethyst Halberd ready)
Emerald: Do that, and I'll knock your block off!
Citrine: Why do you want to know who this Empress is, Ruby? (Gets lightning ready for her Citrine Mjolnir)
Ruby: I was just a little curious.
Sapphire: Well, at least you didn't get killed for it. (Chuckles and accidentally throws Aquamarine her Sapphire Energy Sword and gets it back) Oops. Sorry about that, Aquamarine.
Aquamarine (Sarcastic): Too bad that didn't kill me. (Gets his Aquamarine Soul Brella out to sharpen)
Spessartite: You mean it's a good thing it didn't kill you. If that ever happens again, I'll make sure of it. (Aquamarine sighs and rolls his eyes)
Amethyst: Same goes with me too if anything happens to Aquamarine and Tanzanite. You cute boys need protection from a Gentlewoman such as me.
Emerald (Whispers to herself): More like Gentle whore.
Diamond: Hey, Tanzanite? What's wrong? (Puts her Diamond Dagger Sword away)
Tanzanite (Looks at his Tanzanite Baton and puts it in his pocket and gets his violet nail file out to sharpen his fingernails while sitting next to Aquamarine): Has anyone seen Silas anywhere?
Ruby: I'll go find him. Be right back, everyone. (Flies over to searches him)
(Scene 7: As Ruby searches to find Silas, she sees him in his adult sized form by the Royals Land's Oldest Tree while looking at him like he looks like he's lonely)
Ruby: Silas?
Silas: Huh?
Ruby: What are you doing over here by yourself? You also look very lonely.
Silas: I just feel so sorry for the Philosopher. The fact they cannot go anywhere over 10 feet away from Rainbow Academy. This is quite risky for all of us to do.
Ruby (Holds Silas' dragon hand): Well, Silas, I know it's risky and so do the others. As long as we're all working together to stop those threats, nothing can stop us. I was once told by my Daddy that friends are more than just fiends; we're all a family. And that includes you and the Philosopher.
Silas: You're right, Ruby.
Ruby: Are you coming?
Silas: I'll be with you and the others, just give me some time.
Ruby: Okay. Well, you know where we all are.
Silas (Chuckles): Of course, Ruby. (Ruby smiles as she flies and goes back with the other Royals while Silas smiles tearfully)
(Scene 8: As Silas starts to wander by himself, he sees an orange dragon tail by the tree and goes over to check it out himself, as it appears to be a grown orange dragon)
Silas: Hello? Um, may I ask who are you?
Demolishment: I'm not supposed to say. Are you Silas?
Silas: Yes, I am. But how did you know my name?
Demolishment: Wow! You look even cuter in person... or in dragon. (Chuckles)
Silas: Wow! Are you from here?
Demolishment: Actually, I... (Sizzles a bit on her neck) am not what I appear to be.
Mysterious Woman (Off Screen, angered): What are you doing, Demolishment?! Do as you are commanded to do.
Demolishment: Don't worry, boss. I am doing something to keep him distracted.
Silas: Hey. Who are you talking to?
Demolishment (Snaps): That's none of your business, Silas! (Calms down and opens a bag up) Say? Would you like to eat some delicious Gemstone Karats together?
Silas: Ooh. I love Gemstone Karats.
Demolishment: Okay. Let me find a spot where you and I could sit together. Like over there by the hillside.
Silas: Okay. Lead me the way, young lady.
(As the two dragons head over to the hillside, Demolishment puts in a little pill that looks like a Gemstone Karat there for Silas to take)
(Scene 9: Silas & Demolishment both discuss about themselves to each other on what they both do as Dragons)
Silas: So, you're saying you're a sizzling dragon? That sounds cool. (Chews on a few Gemstone Karats)
Demolishment: Yep. But just like you, I can transform my age too. Watch this! (Transforms into a 2-year-old dragon) See? I'm a toddler.
Silas (Transforms into a 1-year-old): Look at me! I'm a 1-year-old dragon.
Demolishment (Transforms into a 12-year-old dragon again): Ta-da! Now, I've transformed into an adult-sized dragon.
Silas (Transforms into an 11-year-old dragon again): Me too! Just a year younger, despite being a little bigger than you.
(The two dragons chuckle together)
Silas: You know something? You really aren't that bad. Why don't you join me? I could always have a dragon by my side to help out.
Demolishment: Really?
Silas: Wait until you meet the Royals. They're all like a family together and they are all unique lovable Magical beings. I assure you that once you meet them, you're going to enjoy being around them.
Demolishment: That sounds wonderful. (Digs inside the bag of Gemstone Karats) Oh, would you look at that? It looks like there's one Gemstone Karat left. Would you like to have it?
Silas: Are you sure?
Demolishment: I am sure. I had enough of them for now.
Silas: Okay. (Eats and swallows it) That was quite tasty in a dopey kind of way, but still quite good. (Hiccups) Oh, boy! I've never had that one before. (His eyes begin bursting big and stands up without blinking his eyes)
Demolishment (Commands and puts her finger on his chest while rubbing his head with the other hand): Shh! Now, take me the group of Royals, Silas, so I can take them to a special place.
Silas (Following orders): Yes, Demolishment, my dragon lady. I will take you to the Royals so you can take them to a special place.
Demolishment (Looking a little guilty on her face and kisses him on the cheek): That's right, Silas. Do as I tell you to do.
(The two go off to go to where the Royals are located at Rainbow Academy)
(Scene 10: Back at Rainbow Academy, the Royals are all sitting down by the 2 separate tables with 6 chairs each while the Philosopher is announcing the students something)
Philosopher (Announcing): I have gathered all of you students here to tell you something I've been wanting to say for a while now.
Ruby: What's that, Philosopher?
Philosopher (Raises their glass of fruit punch up): Well, it goes without saying that all of y'all are the students I've been looking for. For that, I'd like to make a special toast to each and every one of you students for making my heart feel even prouder than I've ever been.
All 12 Royals (Union while raising their own favorite colored cups of fruit punch up in cups the air): Yeah! Thank you, Philosopher. (Drink out of their own cups)
Tourmaline: We should never forget this moment, everyone.
Aquamarine: I completely agree with you, Tourmaline.
Tanzanite: This is the best group of friends we could ever ask for.
Amethyst: You said it, Tanzanite, my boy.
Emerald: We've never had anyone close like this before.
Spessartite: Especially since while we may be different from each other.
Onyx: Deep down, we're all like a family.
Smoky Quartz: That's more than good enough for me!
Sapphire: What more could we ever ask for?
Citrine: Simple. Where is the toast?
Philosopher (Chuckles): Don't worry, Citrine. There's plenty of toast right there.
Diamond: Hey, Ruby? Did you check to see where Silas is at?
Ruby: He said he'll meet up with us eventually. If you could excuse me, I need to go to the restroom.
Philosopher: Here! Let me escort you there, Princess Ruby.
(Scene 11: As the two head over to the restroom, the others munch on their snack, until Tourmaline senses Silas is on his way with another dragon)
Tourmaline: Hey, everyone. I am sensing Silas is on the way with another dragon.
Onyx: You do? (Tourmaline nods her head) Wow!
Smoky Quartz: Well, what do you know? Maybe he brought in another Mascot to help him out.
Sapphire: Yeah. Ruby did say that she wants another Mascot in the team.
Tanzanite: Why, just have 1 Mascot when you can have 2 Mascots. It'll be so adorable to have that. (Faints on the ground with his heart pounding fast)
Aquamarine: Tanzanite?! (Goes over to see if he's okay) Speak to me, man.
Tanzanite: Aquamarine? Is that you?
Aquamarine: Who else would it be? Diamond?
Tanzanite: Yes.
Aquamarine (Groans): Ugh! (Helps him up)
Diamond: Hey, everyone! Look over there! (Points over where she sees Silas)
Spessartite: It's Silas. (Calls out) Hey! Silas! Come over here and join us!
Onyx (Covers her ears): Spessartite, please don't shout so loud.
Spessartite: Sorry about that, Onyx.
Sapphire: Hey! What's up with his eyes? They look bigger than normal.
Amethyst: They are starting to creep me out. (Shivers in fear)
Aquamarine: I'm sensing something in his soul isn't right.
Citrine: What could it be?
Smoky Quartz: Then let's go check him out! (Hops over the table to check Silas out)
Aquamarine: Smoky Quartz! Wait!
Silas: Come here all of you, Royals.
Emerald: Huh? What's going on here?
Demolishment (Appears): Hello, Royals.
Citrine: Are you the other Mascot that's going to join us?
Demolishment: Silas? Use your green sting to attack them.
Silas: With pleasure. (Cracks his knuckles and spits out his green sting)
Tanzanite (Shouts): Look out!
(Everyone dodges from Silas' green sting)
Aquamarine (Jumps in front of the 2 dragons): You want to fight? Let's fight! (Swings his Aquamarine Soul Brella to attack and gets tossed) Woah!
Everyone (Union): Aquamarine!
(Amethyst and Spessartite both fly over to catch Aquamarine)
Spessartite: Phew! That was a close one!
Amethyst: Do I get a kiss?
Aquamarine (Sarcastic): Yes, I'd love to give you a kiss. (Flies away as they all go back with the others)
(Back with the others trying fight back)
Citrine (Calls out one of her attacks): Lightning Toss! (Silas dodges and spits out more of his green sting but burns her) Ouch! That crap burns like hell!
Tourmaline (Shouts at Onyx): Onyx! Don't just stand there like a stooge! Do something to help us!
Onyx: Uh... okay! (Calls out one of her attacks) Windy Swirl!
(Silas roars and stings all of them with everyone sore from the stings)
Tanzanite (In pain): That crap really does burn like damn hell!
Smoky Quartz: Silas? Why would you do this to us?
Sapphire: This isn't like you at all.
Diamond (Talks to Demolishment): What have you done to Silas?!
Demolishment (Grabs a piece of wood, sighs): This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you.
Amethyst: Huh?
Emerald: What are you doing with that piece of wood?
(Scene 12: Demolishment knocks everyone out with the piece of wood and has everyone tied up to bring them back with; before Demolishment leaves, she has a sad look on her face, she gives Silas a kiss, flies away, takes the rest of the Royals away from him, and Silas goes back to normal)
Silas (Rubbing his head): Huh? What in the world? What happened?
(Ruby & the Philosopher come back outside and see Silas came back but both ask him what happened to the other Royals?
Ruby: Silas? What the hell has happened here?
Philosopher: Where are the rest of the Royals?
Silas (Unsure): I... I don't know.
Ruby: Oh, no! This is not a good sign.
Philosopher: Let's go inside and try to ask some questions.
(The 3 go inside, sit down, and the Philosopher and Ruby start asking Silas some questions on what happened)
Philosopher: Okay. (Sits down while putting their cane on the side of the recliner) Let's start off with, where were you last after you went outside with the rest of the Royals?
Silas: I remember I was further away from the recess area of Royals Land.
Philosopher: Where specifically?
Silas: By the Royals Land's Oldest Tree.
Ruby: Right after I told you to meet us back at Rainbow Academy, what else happened?
Silas: Well, I do remember that there was an orange dragon who I was talking to, and then she shared me something to eat.
Philosopher: What did she give you to eat?
Silas: A bag of Gemstone Karats.
Ruby & Philosopher (Union): Gemstone Karats?
Silas: Yeah. It wasn't until she told me to have the last one and I started acting weird.
Ruby: What do you mean by "weird?"
Silas: Like, it felt like I was brainwashed into using my green sting and hurting them in the process while they were attempting to fight back against me.
Philosopher: What exactly happened after that?
Silas: All I remember is that they were all knocked out and all of them had all been taken away by that same said orange dragon.
Ruby: So, what you're saying is you don't know whereabouts they could be?
Silas: Unfortunately. I am truly sorry, you two. I really am. I wish I could tell you both where they could be, but I don't.
Ruby: Oh, no! This is terrible! Absolutely terrible! What are we going to do? What are we going to do? (Teeth chattering)
Philosopher: Calm down, Princess Ruby. We'll be sure find them; we just need to track down whereabout they could be located.
(Scene 13: As the rest of the Royals, they all wake up and find themselves inside of a huge cage and see a tiny man in gold coming his way to greet them)
Sapphire: Hey? Where in the damn universe are we?
Sir Daylight (Creepily grins): Welcome to Royals Land's Dark Hall, children.
Onyx (Gasps): Sir Daylight!
Smoky Quartz: Who the hell do you think you are to kidnap us?
Spessartite: You know that none of us if afraid to kick your tiny ass!
Citrine (Yells): Come over here, you little runt!
Tourmaline (Snaps): Let me use my Psychic Kins to knock you out!
Sir Daylight (Sarcastic): Oh, my goodness. I am so scared of your Kins. Well, let me get away from you before you don't any harm to me. (Walks away from them and goes to another room)
Diamond (Angered): Hey! Get back here, smartass! We aren't finished with you yet.
Amethyst: Hey! Is anyone else feeling a bit weak? My head feels like it's pounding like a drum. (Holding her head)
Emerald (Grunting): Yeah. My legs feel like they're falling asleep, and I can't stand anymore.
Aquamarine (Panting out of breath): My chest feels like it's too heavy to lift. Almost as if I'm carrying a boulder inside of me.
Tanzanite (Stomach growls): My stomach sounds like a pissed off bear. What's making us feel so weak?
Spessartite (Out of breath): It's... Kins... Stealer... Stone.
Emerald: What is a Kins Stealer Stone?
Sapphire (Crawling slowly in great pain): It's an extremely dangerous rainbow-colored stone that can weaken any of us Royals who possesses a Kins power.
Spider Queen (Burps as she appears): Yes, yes, yes! That was one of the most delicious bugs I've ever ate. Nice, nice, nice. (Takes her scepter out of her front pouch)
Onyx (Gasps): It's the Spider Queen! (Coughs) My heart hurts.
Spider Queen: I am so glad to see you all here. Wait a minute! (Looks around in the cage)
Smoky Quartz (Holding her shoulder): What the hell are you looking for?
Spider Queen: Not what! Who! I'm looking for Princess Ruby! (Yells and runs to the other room) Big sister?
Tourmaline: My hands feel like pins and needles! (Hisses in pain)
Diamond: We must have... (Falls on her back) get out of here. My back feels like I pulled a muscle.
Citrine (Raspy voice) But how?
(Scene 14: In the other room, the Spider Queen goes to her big sister to ask about Princess Ruby and what she's going to do)
Spider Queen (Wails): Big sister! Where is Princess Ruby? You promised me that you would have Princess Ruby!
Mysterious Woman: I never said that. But don't you worry about a thing, little sister. We will get her to come over, but she needs to find us first.
Spider Queen: Yeah?
Mysterious Woman: And once she comes here, you can try and catch your real prize.
Spider Queen: The Ruby Heart? (Rubs her hands together) Yes, yes, yes! That Ruby Heart will be all mine. (Hugs her big sister) Thank you so much, big sister. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to check on my beloved husband, eat more delicious bug food, and practice with my scepter. (Walks out of the room)
Mysterious Woman: What a foolish little sister. She really thinks that she's going to get her way. But now, it's up to me to now reveal myself to these pathetic children.
Demolishment (Looking at the Royals miserably): I wish I didn't have to do that to the Royals. The way that Silas spoke to me about what they're like, they sound like better people than the people here. (Sighs and walks away)
(The Mysterious Woman comes out and finally reveals who she is in the light)
Aquamarine: Whoever you are, you have no right to do this to us. (Coughs uncontrollably)
Tanzanite: Tell us who are you! (Heart pounding like crazy) Ouch! My poor heart!
Empress Tarantula: I am Empress Tarantula! Also known as Empress Lorna!
(All the Royals are all shocked in horror)
To Be Continued...
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