S1 Ep 12: Royals Arc Part 12: Now We've Got 2 Magical Boys!
Recap on the Previous Chapter...
Narration: Previously on Rainbow Academy...
Jane: You sound incredible!
Louis: That was amazing!
Kiarra: I'm Kiarra. I am Princess of the Emerald area. I am 8 years old, with my birthday landing on May 5th.
(At Dungeon a la Lair...)
Spider Queen: Killer Orca!
Killer Orca: What the hell do you want from me, boss?
Mysterious Woman: Do you still hate humans?
Killer Orca: Certainly.
Mysterious Woman: Well, do I have a have a special assignment for you.
(At Rainbow Academy...)
Preacher: Jane, do you mind giving the Philosopher the medicine?
Philosopher: My stomach feels like hell. It's like having a baby inside while it's struggling to make room inside of me.
(Outside of Rainbow Academy...)
Angelique: I do hope the Philosopher gets better eventually.
(Everybody transforms into their alter ego forms to get ready to fight)
(Killer Orca appears)
Onyx: Who... who are you?
Killer Orca: Your worst nightmare.
Emerald: Grass Lawn Blow!
Killer Orca: I give up!
(At Dungeon a la Lair...)
Spider Queen: So, how did it go with you and the Royals?
Killer Orca: How the did you think it went?
Narration: And now, the continuation of Rainbow Academy.
(Scene 1: As Silas & the rest of the students transform back to normal and return inside, Louis tells the others that he is going back to classroom with the Preacher and join them when he's done resting)
Louis: Well, I'd say it's been fun and all, but I'll be going back to my class with the Preacher and rest for a bit.
Jane: Okay then. Thanks for all your help, Louis.
Louis: hey, what are friends for. (Kisses Jane) I'll see you around. (Goes back to class)
Jane (Blushing entirely red and giggles): Golly!
Enid: Girl, you've been kissed by a boy!
Naomi: Now, that's what I call lucky!
Lola: Isn't that cute or what, Kiarra?
Kiarra: Yeah. I guess it's cute.
Chelsea: What's wrong? Aren't you happy you helped us out? Thanks a bunch for that.
Spencer: To be fair, you were able to stop Killer Orca; none of us could have done it without you.
Vivienne: Or is it the fact that Louis kissed Jane and not you?
Harriette: You can tell us.
Angelique: Don't be so modest about it.
Kiarra: Listen, girls, I'm not into romance.
All but Jane & Kiarra (Exclaims): What?!
Kiarra: I've never been into romance. I mean, the cycle keeps repeating itself like a constant broken record. First, you start to fall in love. Next, you break up after telling them you're bored with each other. Third, you start to sulk in despair. Fourth, you grieve about it longer. And finally,..-
Naomi: Oh, my God, Kiarra. Your story about this starting to bore me to sleep. Move on to a different topic.
Kiarra: You do realize that you piss me off more than anyone else I've acquainted with.
Naomi: The same goes with you with me, Watermelon.
Kiarra (Yells): So, help me if you call me that again, I'll call you an Eggplant!
Silas (Breaks it up): That's enough, both of you. It's alright to argue, but not this often.
Jane: I can't believe he kissed me.
Spencer: Speaking of boys, it seems to me we haven't had any Magical Boys in the team, other than Louis to help out, and he's only a temporary member of the team.
Chelsea: And Silas is our male mascot, too.
Silas: It's too bad we can't interview the boys here at Rainbow Academy.
Jane (Shouts): That's it, Silas! We should do that!
Harriette: Good God, Jane! Don't ever do that again, or we will die of actual heart attacks that aren't from your Kins.
Vivienne: But what's it?
(Scene 2: As the school bell rings, it is recess time, and the girls get the table ready, chair, and have a clipboard and pen ready to interview boys at Rainbow Academy, with Silas scratching his head with confusion)
Silas: I really don't understand what's going on here.
Jane: It's quite simple, Silas. All we got to do is interview the boys here at Rainbow Academy, and see who'll join us.
Silas: I guess that helps, but...
Naomi: But what, Silas?
Silas: How many boys were you thinking of?
Angelique: Well, we do have plenty of girls already.
Lola: if you do the math, there are 10 girls in total.
Jane: Although I want to find another female Mascot soon, not right now.
Kiarra: Okay, so that'll be 11 female members in total once we find that last one.
Chelsea: Hmm. We don't to overcrowd our team, girls.
Enid: Chelsea has a point, y'all. We should think about this.
Harriette: Well, now that I think about it, Silas, how many boxes are left with those pendants and Gemstones for anyone to be part of team in the classroom.
Silas: I'm not supposed to say since the Philosopher told me that it's not supposed to be shared with any of the students in the classroom.
Vivienne: Can't you use your Psychic Kins to find out, Harriette?
Harriette: Nope. I can't do that, either. Sorry about that, Vivienne.
Jane: Well, that sucks. I guess we can worry about the total of male members later. Right now, let's start interviewing boys. Who wants to interview the boys?
Naomi (Raises her hand quickly): Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!
Kiarra (Rolling her eyes): Why am I not surprised?
Naomi: Shut up, Kiarra!
Kiarra: You don't tell me to shut up, Naomi!
(The two girls keep bickering in the background)
Jane: Does anyone else care to interview?
Silas: I guess I can do it. But you girls give me the signal. Thumbs up: Good or Thumbs Down: Bad. Got that?
Girls (Union): Got it!
Silas: Good. Now, let's get started on to the interviewing.
(Scene 3: At Dungeon a la Lair, the Spider Queen gets ready to go to visit Sir Midnight at the Healer's Health Center, then gets a call from her own phone)
Spider Queen: Hello? Oh, my God? What?! Okay! I'll be there as soon as I can. Bye. (Hangs up the phone)
(The giant TV screen turns on automatically with the Mysterious appearing on screen)
Mysterious Woman: Hello again, my little sister. Going somewhere?
Spider Queen (Puts her black fedora hat on): Yep. I'm visiting my husband at the hospital since the Healers have something to tell me about what's going to happen.
Mysterious Woman: I am surprised that you don't want to go after Princess Ruby for her Ruby Heart. What happened?
Spider Queen: Oh, don't worry, big sister. I will go after her Ruby Heart. I just want to see my beloved husband first before I go after her and her team.
Mysterious Woman: Oh, that's too bad because I am bringing two more threats to do the job. These two are Werewolf Woman and Grizelle.
Spider Queen (Dumfounded): Excuse me?! You are having my 2 best friends do this job?! You can't be dead serious!
Mysterious Woman: Not my problem if you can't make it to help out.
Spider Queen: I do hope to team up with those women sometime. Maybe after I'm done with teaming up with you, big sister!
Mysterious Woman (Rolls her eyes): We'll see. (Turns off the TV screen and goes to Sir Daylight) Sir Daylight, contact Werewolf Woman & Grizelle immediately.
Sir Daylight: Right away, my Empress! (Starts contacting them)
Mysterious Woman (Walks over to her creation): We're almost there, my sweet creation. You just need a human brain and thankfully I have one in my special jar somewhere. Let me go find it.
Sir Daylight: Hello? Werewolf Woman? Grizelle? Are you both there? Yes, you must go to Rainbow Academy and go after Princess Ruby. Thanks. Bye. (Hangs up the phone as he sees his wife with a jar with a brain and green liquid) What's that, dear?
Mysterious Woman: It's the brain for this dragon I've created. Once she's all completed, she will be used to destroy Princess Ruby and her team of Royals. (Evil laugh)
(Scene 4: Back at Rainbow Academy, Silas is still interviewing with different boys, but so far none of them were good enough so far in a montage)
Silas: What can you do?
Willaim: I can use my Kins for sleeping. (Falls asleep)
(All girls but Naomi put their thumbs down)
Silas: And what can you do?
Isaiah: Lava. I don't know what else to tell you, bro.
(All girls but Naomi put their thumbs down as Silas sighs disappointed and checks off the clipboard with the pen)
(Montage: All girls but Naomi keeps putting their thumbs down as a lot of the boys aren't good enough for them, until around sundown they all feel like quitting)
Silas: Well, girls, I don't know what to tell you.
Naomi: I thought all of the boys were pretty good. I don't know why none of you didn't like them, especially for how they all look.
Kiarra (Annoyed): We're not picking up cute boys; we're picking up boys that are responsible enough to be members of the Royals.
Naomi: Yeah, well, you can still be both cute and responsible.
Harriette (Sighs): I'm getting tired of this. I highly doubt we're ever going to find any male members in the team.
Jane: Come on, everyone. We shouldn't give up yet.
Chelsea (Moaning): Come on, Jane. We've been looking for male members all day! I'm going inside to get ready to hit the hay.
Angelique: Same here! (Yawns)
(Scene 5: As the rest of the girls go inside, Jane and Silas stay outside to search for boys, despite being a bit exhausted for searching)
Silas (Yawns): Jane? How long are we going to keep searching?
Jane: You know, Silas, you don't have to follow me to find these boys.
Silas: Uh, yes, I do. I am not going to have anything bad to any of you teammates, and that includes you too, Jane. You may be a tough tomboy, but that doesn't mean you're tough about everything that comes your way.
Jane (Screams): Oh, my God!
Silas (Covers his ears and pants a bit) Don't... do that again.
Jane: Look over there!
(As Jane points by the tree where 2 boys are doing something, her and Silas both see one in a turquoise uniform, thin glasses, black hair with a few cowlicks reads a thriller novel and one in a violet uniform with a skirt is brushing his dark brown hair with his light violet-colored headband to put on his head are sitting next to each other talking about something)
Don: Oh, my God! I am such a pretty boy, Walter.
Walter (Sarcastic): I'm sure you are, Don. (Turns a page from his novel)
Don (Whines): You're not looking at me.
Walter (Sighs and closes his novel): Listen when I say this, I know you are a janegirl, you don't need to rub it in, you know. But do you realize that us Princes are trying to find people who could trust us for who we are?
Don (Saddened): Yeah. I want to be a Magical Boy to show there's equality to both Magical Girls & Magical Boys.
Walter: And I want to be a Magical Boy to show that they can be taken just as seriously as Magical Girls. I mean, come on now. If females can show off how strong they are in Royals Land, then so can us males too.
Jane: Did you hear that, Silas? They said they've always to become Magical Boys. Isn't that wonderful?
Silas: Yeah. But let's take them back inside with us since they can't stay out here for the rest of night by themselves.
Jane: Okay.
(As they go over to the two boys, they ask if they'd like to come inside with them and talk about what they can do to fulfill their goals)
Jane: Hey, boys.
Walter: Uh, hello?
Don: Aww. So adorable!
Jane (Blushes): Aww, shucks. I didn't know I was that cute.
Don: Not you, I meant the baby dragon. (Jane looks annoyed) May I hold him for a second? Please? (Takes Silas) Thank you! (Rubs Silas' head)
Silas (Relaxed): Wow! You are such a good headscratcher, Prince...
Don: Oh, I am Don, Prince of the Tanzanite area. I am 5 years old, with my birthday landing on December 10th. Nice to meet you, Silas. (Giggles)
Walter: And I'm Walter, Prince of the Aquamarine area. I am 9 years old, with my birthday landing on March 13th.
Jane: I'm Jane, Princess of the Ruby area. Hey, do you boys want to come inside with Silas and me? It's almost getting dark outside.
Don: Hell yeah, let's go inside! Let's go, everyone.
Walter: Still scared of the dark, Don?
Don: You bet I am, Walter. (Talks to Silas) Hey, Silas, do you want to ride in my violet backpack?
Silas: Sure. My feet are a bit sore from walking in these shoes.
Walter: I guess I'll come inside too.
Jane: Are you afraid of the dark, Walter?
Walter: No, I love the dark. It looks beautiful and soothing. But let's all go inside since there's nothing else to do. (Grabs his turquoise backpack and puts his novel inside)
(Scene 6: As the 4 go inside, two women are rustle outside of the bushes, with a blue bald alien with orange eyes and a werewolf with red long hair comes out)
Werewolf Woman: Ouch! Stupid thorns!
Grizelle: Elaina? Why do we have to hide in the bushes? These thorns are giving me a bunch of blisters all over.
Werewolf Woman: Because, darling, we have to wait for Princess Ruby and her team of Royals since that's Sir Daylight said that's what the Empress wants. (Clears throat and attempts to howl after Grizelle covers up her mouth)
Grizelle Damn you, you bitch! If Aranha was here, she'd throw a fit with you.
Werewolf Woman: Yeah, well, she's not here, is she?
Grizelle: But you know damn well that she can be a brat, right?
Werewolf Woman: She's not just a brat. She's a giant brat, even for a Queen.
Grizelle (Imitates Aranha): Hi, I'm Aranha, and I just want to let you know that I'm the Queen of being such a big brat.
(They both start laughing at Grizelle's imitation of Aranha)
Werewolf Woman: Alright! Enough screwing around and let's get ready!
(Scene 7: As they all go inside, Jane knocks on the bedroom's door to know if everyone is awake to come in)
Jane (Knocking): Hey? Is everyone awake?
Naomi (Off screen): Yes!
Jane: Well, here we are, boys. (Opens the door and goes inside with the girls still in their uniform but watching out the window) Hey, girls! Look who I found to be our teammates.
Naomi (Wolf whistles and has heart eyes): Oh, hello, you two lucky ducks. (Heads over and gives them each a flower) May I take your backpacks and put them by your beds?
Walter (Unsure): Uh, sure?
Don: My! What a Gentlewoman!
Silas (Getting out of Don's backpack): Don't take me with you, Naomi.
Don (Frightened): I hope you didn't leave any surprises in there!
Walter (Sarcastic): Gee! I wonder what kind of surprises he'll leave you.
Don (Snaps): Will you stop that?!
Silas: Don't worry! I would never do that! But I do hope you like what surprises I have both of you, boys. I'll be right back.
(Don sees Angelique and thinks she's looks beautiful and dreamy while smiling with his heart pounding fast, whereas Spencer looks at Walter and thinks he looks so adorable and might be nice to acquaint with her mouth open)
Angelique: Uh, Spencer, are you okay? (Waves her hand and snaps her fingers)
Walter: Hello? Will you snap out of it? (Shakes his shoulders)
Kiarra: I don't find anything too attractive about them. (Looks out the window again)
Vivienne: Uh, Jane, do you mind telling us who these people are?
Jane: These 2 are Walter and Don. Boys, these girls are Angelique, Spencer, Vivienne, Kiarra, Naomi, Harriette, Lola, Enid, & Chelsea.
Don: Hello, Angelique. That's quite a beautiful name there.
Spencer: And Walter is quite the distinguishing name there.
(Angelique & Walter both blush as they've both never been complimented from the opposite gender from themselves)
Naomi: Are you kidding me? Walter & Don have the possibly the cutest boy names to have for themselves! (Sighs in relief with purple hearts coming out of herself)
Walter: Gee! Thanks for that, Naomi.
Don: Yeah, thanks for that.
Lola: What's with the skirt, Don?
Harriette: Lola!
Don: No, that's okay, Harriette. I'm quite a janegirl, hence why I only had Walter as a friend since he's the only one whose never bullied me for who I am.
Chelsea: Kind of ironic, considering Jane herself is a tomboy when she-
Jane: Okay, Chelsea, I don't think he wants to hear any more of the tomboyish nature I have.
(Scene 8: As Walter and Don wait, Silas returns with 2 separate boxes and opens the two while Walter & Don both sit on the couch next to each other as Silas opens them up, with Silas opens up one with a turquoise collar with a turquoise aquamarine heart and round shaped Gemstone, with the other box with a violet collar with a tanzanite heart and round shaped Gemstone)
Silas: Now you see here, Gentlemen. Inside these boxes comes with your own pendant and Gemstone to help you become Magical Boys. (Grabs Walter's pendant to put it around his neck, then Don's pendant to put around his neck)
Walter: I must say, these do look beautiful and useful to transform into Magical Boys.
Don: I can't wait to become a Magical Boy. Maybe even work with Angelique too.
Silas: Now, don't get all too excited, boys. This isn't some easy job to do since this'll be your first time doing so. You're lucky you have girls to save you when you need to have someone back you up if you need it and absolutely necessary.
Walter: Hey, Dragon Boy. I may look like an awkward nerd, but I can be a badass in my own way.
Don: It's true, Silas. He's been training with a lot of karate and such.
Jane: What about you, Don?
Don: I may not as much of a badass as Walter, but I can still fight in my own way. Unless Angelique could help protect me. (Angelique blushes)
Spencer: And I can protect Walter from any kind of danger.
Naomi: And if you girls ever get injured, I'll protect you boys from any kind of danger.
Walter: Again, what a Gentlewoman you are, Naomi.
Naomi (Takes both boys' own hands) Thank you for the compliment! (Kisses each of their own hands)
Jane (Shouts): Hooray! We finally got our Magical Boys!
Silas: Shh! The Philosopher is sleeping!
Walter: Philosopher?
Don: Are they our school mentor?
Jane: Yes, they are, Donny Boy!
Don: Hmph! You really are a tomboy! (Walks away from Jane)
Jane: Wow! And you really are a janegirl! Geez!
Kiarra: So, you boys don't mind having a lot of girls as friends or whatever?
Don: That doesn't matter to me since having you girls don't make us feel more outcasted more than ever.
Vivienne: Huh? What are you boys talking about?
Walter: Well, it's because while other boys at Rainbow Academy fit in easily for who they are and their own Kins. A lot of girls rejected us for being more different than the other boys.
(A vision of shadows with glowing red eyes in the background with Walter and Don hugging each other tightly as the two started to talk about their Kins and themselves with their voiceover and hold hands with each other)
Walter (V/O): When I first arrived at Rainbow Academy, I was immediately outcasted due to how different I am due to having Kins that revolves around Souls. Others think of me as a 'Freak" and don't want me around. That is, until I met Don when he cared about me like a big brother figure and protected each other from us being bullied by others around us.
Don (V/O): I've become friends with Walter since he didn't mind me having Kins that revolve around Ink. But he's mostly became my friend due to being who I am as a janegirl since he didn't care as long as I am proud of who I am. So, he and I had to defend ourselves on what we could do from those who bullied us, hence why we wanted to become Magical Boys like the rest of the boys here.
(End of the vision)
Walter: So, which is why we were a little reluctant to join you girls.
Don: We want to make sure you girls can just trust us for who we are and not judge us as such.
Silas: Well, the Royals would never treat others just for who you are.
Vivienne: Unless you count Kiarra & Naomi bickering at each other, and-
(Harriette, Chelsea, and Enid cover Vivienne's mouth and shut her up)
Lola: We're still alright with who you are.
Enid: And what's more, you two seem to be great just the way you are.
Silas: No matter different you are and what you're able to do, you'll still be true to your own true colors. We'll never judge you two for being capable of what you're able to do.
(Walter & Don lightly smile as they are grateful for not judging how different they are)
(Scene 9: As Silas & the Royals go back outside to all transform their own alter egos, Grizelle and Werewolf Woman both get their own weapons ready to fight the Royals off, while both of them start arguing)
Grizelle (Polishing her wrist blade): Now, this is something that I've been waiting for.
Werewolf Woman: What the hell have you been waiting for? (Puts her claw sword in her scabbard after sharpening it)
Grizelle: Duh! Fight with the Royals, or course. I mean, beating a bunch of Magical Girls should be simple. Here's the deal, you can take 5 of them down. While I'll take down 5 of them by myself.
Werewolf Woman: Who says you can come up with the plans?
Grizelle: I did, stupid.
Werewolf Woman: Stupid? Did you just call me 'stupid?'
Grizelle: Yes, you heard me. I called you stupid, stupid.
Werewolf Woman: You bald piece of crap! I'm going to bite your fat ass and slice your head with my claw sword!
Grizelle: Do that, and I'll stab you with my wrist blade!
Werewolf Woman: This isn't getting us anywhere, Grizelle.
Grizelle: Then why start arguing in the first place?
Werewolf Woman (Slaps her in the head): You are a freaking idiot! You were the one who started the argument to begin with. So, quit blaming me for something you started!
(Scene 10: Back with Silas & the Royals, they all demonstrate how they are able to transform in front of the boys since they show what they must do to stop threats)
Silas: It's time to transform, everyone. Watch and learn, boys! (Transforms into his adult-sized form in front everyone)
(All the girls transform into their Magical Girl forms in front of the boys)
Silas: See? Now you two try!
Walter: They all look quite amazing! (Starts glowing)
(As Walter's pendant glows turquoise, he starts transforming from a 9-year-old boy whose 5' 0" tall to a 19-year-old boy whose 6' 0", with his black hair remaining the same, and a golden crown with aquamarine gemstones attached to it. His glasses remain on his face. He grows a pair of turquoise butterfly wings on his back. His fingernails are painted turquoise, each wrist with black bracelets with silver spikes. He then gets a turquoise short-sleeved t-shirt with a turquoise ribbon tied into a bow to his waist, grey belt around his grey jeans, and a pair of brown shoes with black laces. His Gemstone transforms into an Aquamarine Soul Brella. His voice changes into a small boy voice into a monotone yet raspy, nasally voice.)
Don: I want to change into a Magical Boy too! (Starts glowing)
(As Don's pendant glows violet, he starts transforming a 5-year-old boy whose 5' 3" tall to a 15-year-old whose 6' 3", with his dark brown hair remaining the same length as well as his violet headband, and a golden crown with tanzanite gemstones attached to it. He grows a pair of violet butterfly wings on his back. His fingernails are painted violet, each wrist with silver thin bracelets with tanzanite stones attached. He then gets a pale violet long-sleeved shirt with buttons going down, violet belt around his violet jeans, and a pair of violet flip flops. His Gemstone transforms into a Tanzanite Baton. His voice changes into a small boy with a teenaged softer boy voice.)
Amethyst (Heart eyes): Oh, my goodness! You two boys look just as sexy in your teenaged forms as Silas is in his adult form.
Emerald (Gripes): Give me a damn break! You are such a big-
Amethyst (Points her Amethyst Halberd to her face): Shut up, Green Beryl!
Emerald (Punches her arm with her left Emerald Boxing Glove): You too, Purple Quartz!
Silas: Enough of that, both of you! Must you always fight over everything?
Ruby: So, what do you two boys decide to call yourselves?
Aquamarine: I call myself Prince Aquamarine, and I will not tolerate anyone who gets in the way of my friends.
Tanzanite: And I am Prince Tanzanite, the boy who will do anything to punish anyone who is an evil threat.
Silas: Great! Now, let's get ready for action.
(Scene 11: As it turns into nighttime, everyone is still outside waiting for any evil threat to come out, with Tanzanite a bit apprehensive for how dark it is outside)
Tanzanite (Whiny): I don't know if I want to do anything with being a Magical Boy, everyone. I am feeling like it's too dark for me to do anything fearless now.
Diamond (Putting her hand on his shoulder): Don't be so scared, Tanzanite. We're all here for everyone, including you.
Aquamarine (Grabs his Soul Brella with his left hand): I refuse to let anyone get harmed, not even to those like you all around me.
Spessartite: Lefty, huh? That's something we have in common! (Sighs in relief)
Smoky Quartz: I'm a lefty too!
Emerald: So am I; despite having a weapon for both hands.
(Two beings jump outside of the bushes in the air and both begin to pounce on the Royals)
Werewolf Woman: Hello, everyone. I am Werewolf Woman!
Grizelle: And I am Grizelle. We're here to kick your asses!
(The two get their own weapons out and attempting to injure them in the process)
Ruby: Watch out, everyone!
(Everyone gets out of the way as the 2 threats chase after 5 girls each)
Grizelle: I've got 5 of the Royals. How about you, Elaina?
Werewolf Woman: Yep! I've got 5 of my own Royals! Let's tie them all up to the trees!
(As all the girls all get tied up, the threats both get ready to harm them with all their might as Silas tells Aquamarine and Tanzanite that they must do something to stop them before they all get hurt from them)
Silas: Oh, no! We've got to save the girls!
Tanzanite: What are we going to do?
Aquamarine: I have an idea on what to do!
(Back with Grizelle and Werewolf Woman, they are almost ready to slick their throats)
Grizelle (Evil laughs): This is going to be so great!
Werewolf Woman: Are you girls ready to die? (Evil laughs)
(All the girls scream in fear from almost getting killed)
Silas (Roars to distract both Grizelle & Werewolf): Hey, ladies! Watch out for your worst enemies!
(Aquamarine & Tanzanite fly in the air with their own Gemstone Weapons)
Grizelle & Werewolf Woman (Gasps in fear): Magical Boys?!
Aquamarine (Calls out one of his attacks): Soul invisibity!
Grizelle (Runs with her wrist blade and gets whacked in the head with the Aquamarine Soul Brella as Aquamarine goes inside her own mind): Ouch! (Talks with Aquamarine's voice): You girls don't deserve to die. However, I will choke myself. (Grabs Grizelle's hands and falls to the grounds while choking Grizelle and kicking her feet in the air)
Aquamarine (Gets out of Grizelle's mind and goes back to his normal self): Tanzanite? Do what you do best!
Tanzanite (Flies in the air, jumps in front of Werewolf Woman and adjusts his Tanzanite Baton and twirls it): Ready to get taken down, Wolf Lady?
Werewolf Woman: Always ready, Pretty Boy!
(As Werewolf Woman pounces in front and him while trying to hurt him, Tanzanite blocks her and makes something out of his Kins with Gemstone Weapon)
Tanzanite (Calls out of his attacks): Ink Portal! (An ink portal opens and vacuums up the two threats up as Silas and the 2 Magical Boys untie the girls up and make sure they are okay)
Werewolf Woman & Grizelle (Union): The Empress isn't going to be happy!
Everyone (Union): Empress?
Silas: Are all of you girls alright?
Girls (Union): Yeah! You boys all did awesome!
(All boys blush in gratefulness)
(Scene 12: As the two threats land in front of the giant TV screen, the Mysterious Woman has a suspicious look on her face)
Mysterious Woman: I have a feeling you two ladies have failed. But don't you both worry, after putting the brain in my creation, she will be completed to defeat Princess Ruby and the Royals! Those girls will be dead before you know it!
Werewolf Woman: But they also have 2 Magical Boys in their team too!
Grizelle: It's true, ma' am!
Mysterious Woman: Don't worry, you two. My creation is almost complete and after my little sister comes back, we'll all discuss about what we'll do to stop those damn Royals!
Spider Queen (Comes in with Sir Midnight in a wheelchair): Hello, everyone! Did I miss something?
Mysterious Woman: No, my little sister! You've arrived just in time! (Evil laughs)
To Be Continued...
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