S1 Ep 10: Royals Arc Part 10: Blackjack, His Daughter, & His 2nd Wife!
Recap on the Previous Chapter
Narration: Previously on Rainbow Academy...
Spider Queen: What the hell happened to you?!
Sir Midnight: Honey... it was...
Spider Queen: I will get you for this, Princess Ruby.
Spider Queen: Was it Princess Ruby? If so, I will go after that sick bitch! Don't worry, dear. I will go after her for what she did to you.
(With the Mysterious Woman & Sir Daylight...)
Mysterious Woman: Oh, my beautiful latest creation, my little sister is such a fool. She really thinks Princess Ruby shot Sir Midnight.
Sir Daylight: So, how's our latest creation coming along?
Mysterious Woman: Patience, darling; she'll be finished as soon as possible.
Sir Daylight: When do you think we should our creation destroy Princess Ruby and her team?
Mysterious Woman: How about we send her on her 2nd birthday since it's been 2 years that we've been creating her?
Sir Daylight: Great idea, dear.
(At Rainbow Academy, Jane passes out on the floor)
Silas: Don't worry, Jane. The girls went to go and get Nurse Tabitha
(A girl comes in the classroom...)
Spencer: Excuse me but who are you?
Angelique: I am Angelique, Princess of the Diamond area. I am 6 years old, with my birthday landing on April 4th. Now, let's go check up on your friend.
(Louis and the Princesses go check up on Jane)
Nurse Tabitha: Here you go, Jane.
Jane: What is that?
Nurse Tabitha: These Food Bombs are only eaten when someone gets harmed by a Kins Stealer Stone.
Chelsea: A Kins Stealer Stone? What's that?
Nurse Tabitha: A Kins Stealer Stone is a dangerous stone that is rainbow-colored and can harm anyone who possesses Kins. So, I'd advise you kids to be extra cautious and avoid all costs. (Talks to the Philosopher) As for you Philosopher, you should go back to bed and rest.
Philosopher: Understandable, Nurse Tabitha.
(Back with the Spider Queen...)
Spider Queen (Getting her scepter ready): I will not rest until I get that sick, twisted Princess!
(Back at Rainbow Academy, where the Philosopher is in pain...)
Philosopher: Go outside and train some more.
(Silas & the rest of the kids transform into their alter ego forms as the Spider Queen comes out and tries to kill Princess Ruby)
Spider Queen: Ah-ha! Any last words before you die and give me your Ruby Heart? No? Oh, well.
(Silas & the Royals all attack the Spider Queen with their own powers)
(Spider Queen goes to visit her husband at the Healer's Health Center)
Spider Queen: Well, I tried getting Princess Ruby for she did to you.
Sir Midnight: Actually, honey, I was trying to tell you that wasn't Princess Ruby who shot me. It was my brother Sir Daylight, and he's married to your big sister.
Spider Queen: Oh, my God! What?!
Narration: And now, the continuation of Rainbow Academy.
(Scene 1: Back with the Spider Queen visiting her husband in the Healer's Health Center, she is still dumbfounded about all of what happened was caused by her brother-in-law)
Sir Midnight: I know it's hard to believe who did it, but you shouldn't be surprised about this since my brother is such a dick, you know? Honey/ Sweetie? Are you feeling alright? Hello?
(Spider Queen stares in a daze while taking a flashback about how her big sister (in the dark shade) vowed to her that she would never hurt her husband ever since they got married)
Young Spider Queen: You mean, you're not upset about me marrying Orpheus?
Young Mysterious Woman: I'd never hurt him, not even have someone else I'd know.
Young Spider Queen: You promise, big sister?
Young Mysterious Woman: I always keep my promises, little sister.
(At the end of the flashback, the Nurse comes into the room to treat Sir Midnight more and ask the Spider Queen to step out)
Nurse: Ma' am? Ma' am? Ma' am?
Spider Queen: Yes?
Nurse: Do you mind if you could step out of the room here? The other Healers and I need to treat your husband right now.
Spider Queen: Uh, sure. (Holds her husband's hand and kisses him) Bye, dear. I'll see you soon.
(Scene 2: As she returns home, she drops her purse and scepter on the floor, and goes to the bedroom and sits there in a daze, talking to herself, slowly going insane as a result)
Spider Queen: I... I was at the Healer's Health Center today. (Red marks start appearing on her face, getting darker and darker) I was made a promise from dear, big sister. She said she "keeps" her promises. (Looks at her hands with the black fingerless gloves on) We were supposed to be like true sisters, and this is how she repays me. (Rubs her hands together) Why do I feel like I'm going insane?! (Screams after looking at her hands and lies on the bed, putting her pinky in her naval, and slowly goes insane) Big sister? You promised me, Big Sister? How could you do this to me? (Grinds her teeth and jiggles her stomach) Oh, tummy. Remember the jelly that big sister gave you? (View of inside of her stomach with bugs having fun together, with bubbles popping) Why do we get treated like crap now? (Back to the Spider Queen) You and my brain were always enemies inside of me. (Slowly smiles, licks her lips, cracks her knuckles, rubbing ger stomach) I wonder if I could eat my big sister. Yes, yes, yes. I mean, she and I ate other bugs. Time for me to go out and eat her... alive. (Hears her heart pounding and screams) No! It's happening again! My heart! My... bloody... red... heart! (Screams)
(Servants come bursting in the bedroom)
Servant #1: Your majesty?
Servant #2: You need something!
Spider Queen (Holds her heart): Shut up! You two need to get out! (Screams)
(Scene 3: Back at Rainbow Academy, Silas & the kids all sit together outside eating lunch while wondering why the Spider Queen assume Jane would shoot Sir Midnight)
Chelsea: I don't understand why the Spider Queen would think Jane shot Sir Midnight.
Jane: I told her that I didn't do it.
Angelique: Maybe she just assumes that because someone convinced her that she did it.
Harriette: I sure hope not.
Vivienne: Who is this Sir Midnight, by the way?
Louis: Sir Midnight is the Spider Queen's husband who's quite hard to explain.
Spencer: Well, if we ever see him, we should be able to stop him.
Enid: As well as any other threat that comes our way.
Lola: I hope he's not too scary to fight off.
Silas: Try not to let your fears get to you. After lunch, I'll be checking on the Philosopher to see if they're alright.
Louis: May I come with you, Silas?
Silas: Sure, if you'd like to.
(Scene 4: After lunch, they all wander outside and wonder how they can make themselves stronger, as Jane witnesses a stage with a rack of purple clothes)
Enid: We need to find a way to get ourselves stronger together as a team.
Harriette: Any ideas, ladies?
Spencer: I can't think of anything. At least not yet anyway.
Jane (Spreads her arms apart): Hey, wait a minute?
Vivienne: What's the hold up, Jane?
Chelsea: Do you see something?
Angelique: If so, we need to transform.
Lola: But we need to have Silas with us too.
Jane: You girls stay here for a second. I'll be right back.
(As Jane quietly tiptoes over to the stage to see what the clothing are doing there, she peaks through the red curtains and sees no one there, until she gets her ponytail snatched by a huge man with a purple leather jacket and a round belly sticking out while laughing at her)
Blackjack (Laughs hysterically): Well, what have we got here.
Jane (Shouts and struggles to get away): Who are you? Let me go! I am waring you. I'm not afraid to hurt you.
Blackjack: I am Blackjack. And you must be a tomboy who isn't afraid to fight back, correct?
Madame Slither: Hello there.
Jane (Stops struggling and sees a familiar face): You?
Madame Slither: I see you've met my husband here.
Blackjack (Burps and laughs maniacally after throwing Jane): See you later, tomboy.
Jane: Woah!
(All the girls rush over to see if Jane is alright)
Enid: Jane?
Angelique: What happened?
Jane: I don't know. But I met a huge man along with his wife was Madame Slither.
Spencer, Lola, Enid, Chelsea (Union): Madame Slither?
Vivienne, Harriette, Angelique (Union): Who?
A girl in a purple uniform appears in front of the other girls: I see you've met Blackjack.
Jane: Hello? Who are you? (The girl helps her get up) Thanks.
Naomi: My name is Naomi. Princess of the Amethyst area. I am 9 years old, with my birthday landing on February 8th.
Chelsea: Oh, I've heard of those people. Those people are always fashion crazy about Fashion Expos.
Naomi: That's right! I see all you girls look like you could have someone who needs advice on fashion; in this case, me.
All but Jane: That sounds great! We love fashion.
Jane: Well, it's nice to meet you. I'm Jane. And these girls are Chelsea, Lola, Enid, Spencer, Vivienne, Harriette, & Angelique. We're training to become Magical Girls to stop threats.
Naomi (Laughs): You can't be serious?
Jane: But I am serious, like dead serious.
Naomi (Stops laughing): Oh.
Jane: Come with us back to the classroom.
(Scene 5: As everyone returns to the classroom, they see Silas in his big form and Louis helping the Philosopher get tucked into their bed, as Naomi gets a flower next to her and tries to flirt with Silas & Louis)
Naomi (Flirting with the flower): Hello, my lovely boys. You look like handsome boys that I know I've seen before. I just can't put my finger on it. Will you two be with me for all of eternity?
Louis: Uh, that's very sweet of you, but I'm not interested.
Silas: And I'm not what I appear to be. I transform into an adult sized dragon when I do. (Transforms back into a baby dragon) But I'll be right back. I need to get something for you.
Naomi (Dreamy): Take your time.
Harriette: Excuse me, Naomi. But what in the hell was that about?
Naomi (Normal): Oh, I was taught to be a Gentlewoman, a fair girl or woman who must treat boys and men like people, whether they are Princes, Kings or whatever they are. So, are there any Magical Boys in the team?
Jane: No. But we'll find some Magical Boys as soon as possible. But Louis here is a temporary member and Silas is our Dragon Mascot.
Naomi: Well, once there are boys, I'll be there to help out, little sister.
Jane: Little sister?
Naomi: It's how us Amethyst people talk to females who are close to us, including the ones who we acquaint with.
Spencer: That sounds like a pleasant way to say it.
Jane: I think you're going to be one teammate that we're going to enjoy.
Naomi: Really? Hugs! (Hugs Jane immediately)
Silas (Returns with the box): Okay, Princess. I came back to give something. Mind coming over here for a second?
Naomi: Don't mind if I do, Silas, my man. (She twirls around and goes to the couch)
Silas: Okay. Here you go. (He opens up the box and inside comes with a purple collar with a purple amethyst heart and a round shaped Gemstone) Ta-da! (Takes a bow and puts the collar and Naomi's neck)
Naomi: Ooh. I love it so much. But I'm kind of nervous on using my Kins power in front of you, little sisters.
Vivienne: Don't be nervous about it, Naomi, dear.
Chelsea: Exactly. No matter what Kins power you possess, you will still be part of our team.
Spencer: It goes to show how different you are from us; you are still you and that's perfectly fine with us.
Lola: So, don't hesitate with what Kins you have. Rainbow Academy is a school where you can still be free of who you are.
Silas: Exactly. Would you like to meet the Philosopher before you tell us your Kins?
Naomi (Unsure): Uh... May I see the Philosopher, please?
(Scene 6: The Philosopher meets Naomi for the first time, with a blanket on them and asks if Angelique would like to come over for a bit)
Philosopher: Don't be shy, dear. May I see Angelique too?
(Both Naomi & Angelique go over to see the Philosopher with the others behind them as they want to see how the Philosopher is doing)
Naomi: Um? You're not going to hurt us, are you?
Angelique: Yeah. Don't make us use our Kins on you.
Philosopher: You lovely Princesses have nothing to fear. I won't hurt you. Just don't hurt me since I'm quite frail now.
Spencer (Worried): Frail?
Jane: Don't tell us you're getting worse than before.
Philosopher: I'm not sure how to describe it to you kids, but I am still in pain from my stomach and all.
Louis: Do you want us to get Nurse Tabitha for you?
Philosopher: Not now. Maybe later you can get her. (Hugs and talks to Louis, Angelique & Naomi) Make sure you never get your weaknesses to consume you. Your imperfection to me is already perfect in my eyes, and I wouldn't want you to change that.
Angelique: So, you don't mind us being who we are?
Naomi: Like, we don't have to stop being ourselves?
Louis: Especially, with all of our personality traits?
Philosopher: I love you all for being you. It's okay to improve yourselves but do it for yourselves. Not for me, for yourselves. (Continues hugging until someone steps in)
Preacher: Philosopher?
Philosopher: Preacher?
(Scene 7: Back at Dungeon a la Lair, the Spider Queen is lying in her bed, slowly going insane by laughing to herself and servants nervous about her losing herself)
Spider Queen: Why? (Laughing) Must I? (Laughing) Have a heart that is so? (Laughing) Sensitive about what I just said? (Sits up and looks at her belly making bubbles) Even a tummy who loves to eat bugs?
Servant #1 (Nervous): Uh, your majesty? Do you need anything from us?
Servant #2: (Stuttering) We're h- here for y-you if you n- need something?
Spider Queen: Don't fret my lovely servants? I know my sister didn't mean to do what she said. I mean, look at the bright side; Sir Daylight probably did it without getting asked to do it. After all, he's malicious and evil, not my big sister. (Gets up, puts her hands behind her back, and looks at her mirror) Servants?
Both Servants (Union): Yes, your majesty?
Spider Queen: Do you think my big sister is evil?
Servant #1: Uh, I think I smell something burning!
Servant #2: And I need to get your scepter and purse. We'll be right back.
(The 2 servants rush out of the bedroom and slam the door behind them)
Spider Queen (Clenches her fist and breaks the mirror): Sir Daylight? How could do this to your little brother? I will make sure my big sister doesn't get hurt since she said that she promised me to something with me when she has the time. (Takes the picture out of her front pouch) Yes, yes, yes! I will be with you my big sister. I won't eat you. I'm not sure what I was thinking, but I will be with you to destroy Princess Ruby and her team of stupid, pathetic, disgusting Royals. (Evil laughs)
(Scene 8: Back with Madame Slither & Blackjack, they get a text message from their own phones by the Mysterious Woman to remind them to destroy Princess Ruby and her friends)
Madame Slither: Did you get the same message from the boss?
Blackjack: Yes. But not to worry, I reassure you that once we get Princess Ruby, we will also get Princess Naomi as well. (Evil laugh)
Madame Slither: Oh, yes. (Transforms into a snake and coils around Blackjack) You make a fine husband to be around. (Hisses)
Blackjack: Damn straight, my beloved snake wife. You are also a weakness to Naomi as well since I know she is afraid of snakes. (Kisses her)
Madame Slither: Shall we get her now?
Blackjack: Nah. Wait until she comes back with her new friends, including that tomboy.
Madame Slither: Ah, yes! That'd be perfect!
(Both Madame Slither & Blackjack evilly laugh)
(Scene 9: The Philosopher asks the Preacher what they are doing there since they came in unexpectedly)
Philosopher: Preacher? What are you doing here?
Preacher (Talks to Louis, with a bit of disappointment): Well, first of all, Louis, if you're going to be checking on and helping Jane out, make sure you tell me that it's going to take a while. Understand?
Louis (Smiles nervously): Yes, Preacher.
Preacher (Talks to the Philosopher): I came to check my colleague out. I've been hearing a lot of moaning lately. What's been going on with you lately?
Philosopher: Oh, don't worry about it. It's not a big deal. (Grumbling from the stomach as they hold it tightly) Oh, my lord. That's not a good sign.
Preacher: I'll say. What's the matter?
Philosopher (Snaps): Nothing's the matter! (Calmly) I just need a little rest as all.
Preacher (Snaps): You think I'm stupid?! I refuse to see you like this. I won't speak for everyone, but I do have a feeling the students, including Silas, don't like seeing a mentor like this.
Silas: Do you want us to step out of the room, Philosopher?
Philosopher: Yes. You, Louis, and the Princesses can go outside while the Preacher and I have a bit of a conversation.
Preacher (Frustrated): Oh, it's going to be more than just a bit.
(Silas & the students all gulp nervously as they all skedaddle outside)
(Scene 10: Silas & the students all head outside and notice that Naomi went missing)
Silas: Is everyone out here? (Checks everyone) Louis? Jane? Chelsea? Lola? Enid? Spencer? Vivienne? Harriette? Angelique? Okay. It looks like we everyone except for (Gasps) Wait a second! Where's Naomi?
Louis: Wasn't she with us?
Spencer: Do you think she could have stayed inside with the Philosopher?
Lola (Wails): Oh, no! That's just terrible! (Spins around in circles) What are we going to do? What are we going to do? What are we going to do?
Harriette: Well, I know what you can stop doing.
Lola: What's that?
Harriette (Yells): Stop spinning around in circles!
Lola: Oh. Okay. Thanks for reminding me.
Jane: Now, let's not panic, everybody. Let's all calm down and search for Naomi. She couldn't have gone too far. (Tiptoes one step and starts running around and screaming with the others looking annoyed)
Angelique: And yet, she goes screaming anyway. (Rolls her eyes)
Enid: You can say that again, girl.
Chelsea: Let's search for Naomi before we start panicking.
Vivienne: Yea, let's.
(As Jane continues screaming, Silas and the students search for Naomi)
Louis: Naomi?
Harriette: Naomi? Naomi?
Spencer (Nervous): Ooh. Where could she have gone to?
Jane (Stops screaming): Maybe I should start looking for Naomi elsewhere. (Goes off searching without the others)
Vivienne: Hey, everyone! (Finds Naomi's Gemstone)
Chelsea: What is it, Vivienne? Did you find Naomi?
Vivienne: Uh, nope.
Chelsea: Then don't tell us until you find her.
Vivienne: But Chelsea, I...
Enid: Vivienne? Chelsea said not to tell her until then. Now keep searching!
Vivienne: But Enid, I...
Angelique: Quit your chitchatting, Vivienne. Keep searching for Naomi.
Vivienne: But Angelique, I...
Chelsea, Enid & Angelique (Irritated): What is it, Vivienne?!
Vivienne: Damn. No need to scream, girls. (Shows everyone the Gemstone) Look what I found.
Spencer: Why, that's Naomi's Gemstone that was given to her.
Silas: Good work, Vivienne!
Louis: Uh, everyone?
Harriette: Yes, Louis?
Lola: What's wrong?
Louis: Not only Naomi disappeared, but where's Jane?
(Everyone with shocked looks on their faces)
(Scene 11: Jane is still out seeking for Naomi when suddenly, she realizes and witnesses that Naomi is with Blackjack & Madame Slither, she then tiptoes to see what's going on)
Jane: Naomi? (Scratching her head in confusion) What is she doing over there? (She tiptoes slowly over to see what's going on and eavesdrops)
(Blackjack and Madame Slither talk to Naomi to try and intimidate her)
Blackjack: Now, remember what I told you, Naomi. As your father, I forbid you being friends with that tomboy.
Jane (Whispers to herself): Father?!
Madame Slither: Yeah. And don't forget what that mark on your right shoulder represents. It represents you as a "Wicked Princess of Darkness." Do you understand us, Naomi?
Naomi (Angered): Listen! You were never like a father to me! In fact, I've never even liked you to begin with! (Gulps nervously)
Madame Slither (In her snake form starts coiling around Naomi's neck): Now, deary, don't you ever use that language. Blackjack here is just trying to give you a warning, and you refuse to listen to his orders!
Naomi (Shakes nervously and grabs Madame Slither's neck): Let go of me, you creep! I have a real Mom and it's definitely not you. it's Queen Roberta and Connie is a better father than any of you are, Blackjack! (Throws Madame Slither on the ground) I'm out of here! (Runs off as Jane watches in the back without Naomi seeing her)
Blackjack: You can run but you can't hide. (Laughs as Madame Slither wrapping herself around Blackjack laughing alongside with him)
(Scene 12: Naomi keeps running back to Rainbow Academy as she stops while panting, and a switchblade comes out of her skirt pocket, with Jane gasping and hides behind a tree as she sees Naomi picking it up, shaking nervously, pulling her right sleeve as she glares at the black and purple jaguar tattoo on right shoulder, she grabs the switchblade and starts stabbing herself as Blackjack's laughs echo in her mind)
Naomi (Stabs her right shoulder): Damn you, Blackjack! Blackjack! Blackjack! Blackjack! Blackjack! (Jane comes out to stop Naomi from stabbing herself more) What the...? Jane? What do you want?
Jane: Actually, Naomi, I came to ask if there was something you want. Is there anything I can do to help you?
(A moment of silence as Naomi stands up, clenches her fists, and slowly glares at Jane)
Naomi: Jane? Bring me back to Rainbow Academy. I am ready to become... a Magical Girl. I am going to beat Blackjack.
Jane (Smiles with proudness): All right!
(Scene 13: A Montage of Naomi & Jane marching back to Rainbow Academy to get themselves ready to fight back against Blackjack, as Nurse Tabitha heals the stab marks and Naomi has Spencer paint a brand tattoo; this time with a purple star with her name on it and a purple star on each end, as everyone gets ready to transform)
Silas: It's time to transform, everyone! (Transforms into his big form)
Jane: Right! I am Princess Ruby! (Ruby appears)
Louis: I am Prince Pyrite! (Pyrite appears)
Chelsea: Princess Sapphire! (Sapphire appears)
Lola: Princess Onyx! (Onyx appears)
Enid: Princess Smoky Quartz! (Smoky Quartz appears)
Spencer: Princess Spessartite! (Spessartite appears)
Vivienne: Princess Citrine! (Citrine appears)
Harriette: Princess Tourmaline! (Tourmaline appears)
Angelique: Princess Diamond! (Diamond appears)
Naomi: I need my Gemstone! (Silas hands Naomi her Gemstone)
(As Naomi's pendant glows purple, she transforms from a 9-year-old girl whose 5' 2" tall to a 19-year-old girl whose 6' 2" tall, with her black hair growing slightly longer but not much. She earns a golden tiara with a purple gemstone in the middle of her forehead. Her fingernails are painted purple, purple bracelets on each wrist, dark red lips, her school uniform changes into a purple short-sleeved crop top and purple skirt, along with a pair of purple rhinestone high heels. She has a pair of purple butterfly wings on her back. Her round shaped Gemstone transforms into an Amethyst Halberd. Her voice changes into a little girl voice to a gruffy yet mother-like voice.)
Amethyst: Let's do this, everyone.
(Scene 14: As everyone marches to where Blackjack & Madame Slither are, they witness the Blackjack drinking some wine while he sees through the glass that someone in purple has shown up looking beautiful than ever)
Blackjack (Wolf whistle): Who's that hot chick?
Madame Slither (Angered): Hey! You're married!
Amethyst (Blushing in monologue as she gets her Gemstone Weapon ready): I am ready to fight this bastard! (Talks out loud) Hey Blackjack! Come and fight me!
Blackjack: With pleasure, Purple Lady! (Jumps in front of them with a shake in the ground)
Spessartite (Surprised): Woah! He's so damn huge!
Amethyst: Step aside, everybody! This is my fight and my fight only! (Holds onto her Amethyst Halberd tightly)
Ruby: Well, we're here when you need us!
Amethyst: Right!
(Everyone goes by the side to have Amethyst fight Blackjack off herself)
Pyrite: I hope she knows what she's doing.
Onyx: Me too, Pyrite.
Blackjack (Takes Amethyst's hand and kisses it): May I ask who are you?
Amethyst (Quivers after being kissed): That was unpleasant of you.
Blackjack: Do I need to repeat myself? I asked who are you?
Amethyst: My name is Princess Amethyst! And I am here to stop you!
Blackjack (Laughs hysterically): This is a joke, isn't it? Well, then, I guess let's have a Dual! (Jumps in the air with his Fauchard as Princess Amethyst flies in the air and dodges his attack)
Amethyst: I refuse to be beaten by someone in the likes of you! (Calls out one of her attacks) Darkness Smoke! (A purple smoke comes out of her and makes Blackjack cough uncontrollably)
Ruby (Monologue): So, she has the power of darkness? That's pretty cool how she's able to use it to her own advantage.
Tourmaline (Monologue): I agree, Ruby.
Ruby (Speaks out loud): Woah! You read my mind, Tourmaline?!
Tourmaline (Speaks out loud): Yeah. Remember? I'm Psychic.
Ruby: Oh, yeah. I forgot.
Pyrite: Shh! Amethyst is still fighting, you two. We have to keep it down.
Madame Slither (Worried): Blackjack?! (Slithers to see if he's alright)
Amethyst: Oh no you don't! (Puts her Amethyst in front of her) Think again! (Madame Slither slithers around her waist as Amethyst screams) Ahh! Somebody please help me here!
Spessartite: I stopped Madame Slither before! I'll stop her again!
Sapphire: Spessartite! Wait a minute!
Spessartite (Calls out one of her attacks): Fire Ball Toss! (The fire ball directly hits Amethyst's right shoulder as Madame Slither slithers away)
Amethyst: Ow! My right shoulder! Spessartite! That's where my tattoo is at!
Spessartite: Sorry, Amethyst!
Blackjack: Tattoo? Did you say tattoo? On your right shoulder? (Amethyst gulps nervously with her heart beating faster than usual) I knew someone who has a tattoo on her right shoulder. Mind if I take a look at your right shoulder, Purple Lady? (Evil laugh)
Silas: We've got to help her!
Ruby (Steps right in front of Amethyst to stop Blackjack): Leave her alone, you big bully!
Blackjack: Says who?
Ruby: I did. (Jumps up in the air) Ruby Kick! Now, Amethyst!
Amethyst: Right! (Calls out one of her attacks) Amethyst Strength! (Lifts Blackjack and tosses him on top of Madame Slither)
Blackjack: Let's get out of here, dear.
Madame Slither: Agreed.
(As the two run away, Amethyst hugs Ruby after helping her out)
Ruby: Uh, Amethyst? Is everything alright?
Amethyst: Everything is great! Thanks to you and your friends, I feel more confident than ever about being a Magical Girl. All thanks to you, little sister Ruby.
Ruby (Blushes) No problem, Amethyst. Uh, Amethyst?
Amethyst: Yes?
Ruby: You can stop hugging me now; you're crushing my spine.
Amethyst: Oh, okay. (Stops hugging Ruby) In return, I will help you with any fashion tips.
Ruby (Worried): Uh, okay..., sis.
Tourmaline: Kiss each other, you two.
(Ruby & Amethyst awkwardly look at each other and Tourmaline)
Tourmaline (Chuckles nervously): Kidding... sort of.
(Scene 15: As the Mysterious Woman on the giant TV screen talks to Blackjack & Madame Slither, she doesn't sound all too pleased)
Mysterious Woman: When will you threats learn not to fail me; including you, Madame Slither?
Madame Slither: Let us explain, ma' am...
Blackjack: Princess Ruby has this member named Princess Amethyst who stropped us and...
Mysterious Woman (Snaps): Silence! You sound just like my little sister. Speaking of which, where is my little sister?
(In the bedroom, the Spider Queen snickers to herself on what she'll do to hang out with her big sister to annihilate Princess Ruby and the Royals)
Spider Queen (Snickers): Oh, big sister. You and I will hang out it with each other. Oh, yes, we will indeed. Yes, yes, yes. And once we do, we will annihilate Princess Ruby and the Royals.
(Knock on the door)
Spider Queen: Who is it?
Servant #1: Your majesty?
Servant #2: Is everything going alright with you?
Spider Queen: May I have my scepter and purse? (The two servants come in and give her the stuff she asked for) Ah, yes, Princess Ruby; I will get that Ruby Heart. It'll be all mine! Even for my injured, beloved husband. (Laughs maniacally while rubbing her stomach as it growls and yells at her servants) Get me my food, servants! (Calmly) I love being me. (Evil laugh)
To Be Continued...
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