S1 Ep 1: Royals Arc Part 1: Welcome to Rainbow Academy


Narration: In the year 2100, there lies an alternate universe known as Royals Land; a land where a bunch of Royals live. From Princes to Kings, from Princesses to Queens. Everywhere in their own area seemed to have lived a peaceful, normal life without any kind of a hassle. Until one day, a new generation of Royals came along with these peculiar powers known as Kins; which are Kinesis/manipulation powers that can control whatever power they use them. Ever since the new generation of Royals have first experienced their own Kins, they have all become outcasted by their own people of their own home area. No one knows where exactly these powers came from, and what to do to help them out. That is, until these young Royals go to a school known as Rainbow Acadamy.

(Scene 1: School Bell Rings; kids going onto the school, in the Attendance office with a man and another man talking to each other, while a little boy hides behind him)

Vinnie: Ah, yes. The first day of my child's school. What do you think of that, Shaun?

Shaun: I'll say, Vinnie. My son seems to be a little unaware of what he's going to be doing at here at Rainbow Academy, right, son?

Louis (Whines): Father, was that really necessary? I told you not to embarrass me like that.

Vinnie and Shaun chuckle at Louis

Shaun: Tell you what, son, I'll check on you later on to see how things are going with you. You have your phone in your backpack, correct?

Louis: Yes, father.

Shaun: That's good. Now, run along, you don't want to be late to your first class, do you?

Louis: No, Father. (Hugs and kisses Shaun) See you around.

Shaun: You too, Louis. (Louis walks out of the Attendance room) By the way, Vinnie, where's your child?

Vinnie: Huh? Hey, where are you, ...

(A little girl in a red uniform comes out of the filing cabinet scaring everyone)

Jane: Hi everybody! (Lady screaming in horror, fainting on the ground) Oopsie. Sorry, ma'am. Ma'am? Ma'am? (Gets out of the filing cabinet, Shaun goes to make sure the lady is alright)

Vinnie (Clears throat): Jane, sweetheart, what were you doing in there?

Jane: (Giggling) Playing hide and seek with my new friend.

Vinnie: Oh? What new friend?

Jane: My imaginary friend. (Something crawls in her uniform pants pocket, giggles)

Vinnie (Chuckles): Okay, Jane, I'm sure your imaginary friend seems ticklish.

Jane: It is. Oops, I mean, he is.

Vinnie (Raising an eyebrow at his daughter): Hmm. What's in your pants pocket.

Jane: Nothing. There's nothing in my pocket, Daddy.

Vinnie: Come on, honey. I don't like it when you hide things from me. Now, come on; let's ee what inside of those pockets, baby. (A baby mouse comes out of Jane's pants pocket, gasps)

Jane: This is my new friend, Daddy. (The lady wakes up, sees the mouse, screams, and runs out of the office) Don't worry, everyone. It's just a baby mouse.

Vinnie: Jane, baby, you can't bring this mouse with you inside of the classroom. I'd advise you to take him outside. Okay, honey?

Jane (Looks at the mouse): Okay, Daddy. (Opens the window for the mouse to go outside, gives him a little piece of cheese to take with him, kisses him before he leaves) Bye, bye, little mouse.

Shaun: So, this is your child, Vinnie.

Vinnie: Yep. This is my daughter Jane. She's the Princess of the Ruby area.

Shaun: Damn. She's quite a unique child, isn't she?

Vinnie: She sure is. (Talks to Jane) Jane, I'm sure you'll make friends once you're here at Rainbow Academy. There are a ton of Royals here who can be your friends.

Jane: But what if nobody likes me?

Vinnie: Now, why would you say that? You have someone who'll always love you.

Jane: Who's that?

Vinnie: Me, silly. You will always be my daughter, and I'd never give that away. (Both Jane & Vinnie hug and kiss each other) Now, you better get to class before it's too late. Do you have everything you need in your backpack? Binder, pencils, notebook, pencil box. lunch box, phone, charger, and school schedule?

Jane: Yes, everything is on here, Daddy. (Puts backpack on her back, tears coming down across her face) I'm going to miss you. (Gets ready to get out of the attendance office, waves bye to Vinnie) Bye, Daddy. (Sighs and sees Louis) Hey! Wait up! (Runs to Louis)

(Scene 2: In the hallway, Jane sees Louis going to class, runs to catch up and try to befriend with him)

Louis: (Sees Jane behind him) Huh? Princess Jane? Is that you?

Jane: Yeah! How did you know my name?

Louis: This is Royals Land. Every Royal here is coming to Rainbow Academy to learn how to learn how to use their own Kins power properly.

Jane: You have a Kins power too? Alright! Yay! (Hugs Louis immediately)

Louis: Uh, why are hugging me?

Jane: Oh, I'm sorry about that, uh... What's your name? Luis?

Louis: It's Louis, it's pronounced Loo-wee.

Jane: Louis, eh? I like that name. It sounds quite cute.

Louis (Blushes): Aww, thanks. You have a nice name too, Jane.

Jane (Glows red): Golly! (School bell rings, screams) Ah! We're going to be late for our classes.

Louis: What class do you have?

Jane: The class with the Philosopher.

Louis: I have someone else, but I hope to see you around. Bye. (Gets to his class before he gets a tardy)

Jane: Same with you, Louis. (Sighs and runs to her class) Oh, my goodness. I better get going before the mentor has a fit on why I am so late to class.

(Scene 3: At the Philosopher's door, Jane attempts to knock on the door, but doesn't want to embarrass herself in front of her first mentor of the day)

Jane: Oh, I don't want to be tardy. What's my first mentor going to say about me being late? (Mimics what her mentor might say) Jane, young lady, you are late to my classroom. You deserve a detention slip. (Goes back to her normal voice) But, sir or ma'am, I really didn't mean to, I was just... (Mimics what mentor might say) No excuses, young lady. I want you to go the office and think about what you've done. (Goes back to normal voice) Oh well. Here goes nothing.

(She knocks on the door to see if she can come in the classroom; there's no answer from the mentor classroom)

Jane: Huh? No answer. (Opens the door up, slowly) Hello? Is anyone here? Hello?

Mysterious voice: Come in, my student.

Jane: (Gulps nervously) Wh-who said that? Are you a ghost? (Looks at the chair turned the other way where Jane can't see their face)

Mysterious voice: Come right this way, Jane. I won't harm you.

Jane:(Jane slowly tiptoes over to the mysterious person who wants to see her) Oh, uh, okay. Are you my mentor known as the Philosopher.

The mysterious voice from the person turns around and introduces themself and welcomes Jane to Rainbow Academy.

Philosopher: Hello, Princess Jane. I am your mentor, the Philosopher, and welcome to Rainbow Academy, where we teach the Royals all over Royals Land how to better help you young royals how better use your own Kins powers and help make the areas all around a lot better. Have any questions, my Princess.

Jane: Yeah, uh, may I ask what kind of power is mine? Because I have a power that associates with... (Heartbeats pounds hard in her chest) ...Ouch! The heart.

Philosopher: Ah, yes. I see that you, my friend, have Cardiokinsis. Which is the power of the Heart. Well, my Princess, since every one of the new generation of Royals have a Kins power, you will be given this. (Grabs the box from their top shelf, grabs a baby bottle of milk, while Jane sees a Persian kitten purring on Jane's legs)

Jane: Aww, a cute kitten. Hello, kitty, you look so adorable.

Philosopher: Marshmallow, my kitten, don't forget to drink your milk. Here you go. (Marshmallow drinks the milk) Here you go, my Princess Jane. I am giving this. (Gives the box to Jane)

Jane: For me? But it's not even my birthday today. my birthday isn't until July 7th. (Opens the box up; inside of the box comes with a red collar with a Ruby heart Gemstone attached to it and a round shaped Gemstone with it. Huh? A pendant and Ruby Gemstone.

Philosopher: The pendant is for you to store your Kins power inside to keep them in check. (Puts the Ruby pendant around Jane's neck) The Ruby Gemstone is to magically transform into a Gemstone Weapon when you become a Magical Girl.

Jane: (Dumbfounded) Huh?! A Magical Girl?!

(Scene 4: In the dark area of Royals Land, a large woman's eyes are shown, while walking up to a giant flat TV screen that; the thunder roars and claps as she grunts in anger as she calls someone on the screen up, she sits in her own evil throne chair)

The Mysterious Woman (Speaks in a cold, calm voice): The new generation of Royals must be killed act once. They do nothing but show off those disgusting Kins powers because they have powers. They are such disgusting human beings. Why the hell would anyone want these powers? They cause nothing but a bunch of mayhem. I must signal my little sister and her husband at once. (Contacts them on the giant flat TV screen) Aranha, my little sister, are you there?

(Another mysterious woman in the dark shadows appears, chuckles while groping one of her breasts while chewing on her cockroach and burping): Yes, I am here, my big sister. (Chuckles sinisterly) What can I do for you?

Mysterious Woman: I need you and your husband to do me a favor. but first, are you in your own human form?

Aranha: Yes, I am. You should know me by now. I am a black widow spider who can transform into a human. Besides, those scaredy humans can't stand seeing a black widow spider such as myself. Unless you count my husband who- (Gets interrupted)

Mysterious Woman (Interrupts, yells): Shut the hell up! (Calmly) I know what you're going to say. You don't need to tell me your damn story for hundredth time since the last husbands you had before were eaten by you. Speaking of which, is your husband ready too?

Aranha: Uh... yes. Yes, he is. (Grins with her teeth showing)

Mysterious Woman: Do not lie to me, fat ass. I'm not in the mood to hear your bluffing.

Aranha: (Whines) Don't call me fat ass, big sister! I've lost over 50 pounds these past few months! All I have left to lose is this blubbery baby fat in my tummy.

Mysterious Woman: That's not important. You can worry about your poor weight another time. Right now, I need you and your husband to go to Rainbow Academy and annihilate those Royals, especially that head mentor, the Philosopher. Do you understand me?

Aranha: Yes, my big sister. (Salutes with her left arm)

Mysterious Woman: Good. Now without any further ado, get moving, my little sister. Oh, and you got the wrong arm that you've saluted. (Turns off TV screen)

Aranha: Huh? (Looks at left arm) Damn to freaking hell!

(Aranha gets her outfit ready; puts her bangs down, zips up hers her black long sleeved one piece with red hourglass on, black fingerless gloves on, black high heeled boots on, red velvet cape on, red lipstick on, black eyeliner, black hat on, purple round earrings, white mothball with diamond stone necklace around the neck, and gets her weapon from her from her front pants pouch, the Scepter ready; she then gets her husband to head over to Rainbow Academy)

Aranha: Oh, Orpheus, my lovely husband? Are you ready? (Hears snoring) Huh? (Growls and gets the bullhorn) Wake up, sleeping bastard!

Orpheus (Panics): Big brother Apollo, I assure you my bad red eye is the reason teenagers are such a pain in the (looks at his wife while she's smiling at his disappointed look) ass!

Aranha: Rise and shine, sweetheart.

Orpheus: (Gently and slowly grabs the bullhorn away from her and talks into it): What the hell do you want from me?!

Aranha: (Covers her ears) Honey! We have a special assignment from my big sister. We're going to annihilate the Royals and head mentor, the Philosopher. Isn't that wonderful?

Orpheus: (Fakes enthusiasm) I can't hardly believe it. Let me get dressed and grab my weapon first. (Grunts in frustration)

Aranha: Yes, yes, yes! This is going to be super exciting! (Evil laugh)

(Scene 5: Back at Rainbow Academy, Jane and the Philosopher discuss about what it means when a Royal becomes a Magical Girl or Magical Boy)

Jane: A Magical Girl?! What's that?

Philosopher: You see, my Princess, a Magical Girl or Magical Boy is basically when you new generation of Royals become heroines and heroes to use whatever kind of Kins power they can use to help out. This can prove that y'all can be more than you appear to be. Also, you'll only have a time limit to use that Magical Girl or Magical Boy form. The only times when you transform is when you see the pendant glow what color you're assigned with.

Jane: Does every Royal in this school get a pendant?

Philosopher: That's right, my Princess. Just don't let anything bad happen to that pendant. If it falls in the wrong hands by someone, they will use your Kins power since your Kins power is locked inside of it.

Jane: Don't worry, Philosopher. I won't let it get into the wrong hands. (Brings a big purple egg with green polka dots over to Jane)

Philosopher: I got something here for the class once they all show up. But since you're my first student, I need you to prove how responsible you are by making sure nothing bad happens to this egg.

Jane: What's inside the egg?

Philosopher: To be honest, I am not really certain what could be in this egg? But what I do know is that it's not ready to be hatched yet. Do you think I can trust you to make sure nothing bad happens to this egg? Okay?

Jane: Okay.

Philosopher: Good.

Jane: Maybe it could be baby ostrich. Or maybe it could be a baby loch ness monster. Or maybe it could be a baby platypus.

Philosopher: Jane, dear, we won't until it hatches. So that means we have to wait until then.

Jane (Groans): I hope that doesn't take forever. Because I really want to see what's inside of this precious egg, Philosopher.

Philosopher (Chuckles): I do too.

Nurse Tabitha (Bursting in): Philosopher?!

Philosopher: Nurse Tabitha? What's happening?

Nurse Tabitha: The school must be put on lockdown this instant! Someone's coming to Rainbow Academy!

Jane: Who is?

Philosopher: Jane, you must stay inside the closet with Marshmallow and this egg!

Jane: But...

Philosopher: Go! Now! (Goes to the microphone on their desk) Attention, students and staff, lock your doors and windows immediately! There is danger approaching to the school! I repeat, there is danger approaching to the school! Keep yourselves safe from the classroom before it's too late! Please, do not panic! (Takes Jane, Marshmallow and the egg to the closet) Get in the closet now before it's too late.

(Scene 6: The Philosopher gets their weapon ready to defend themself and the school from any jeopardy; while Aranha & Orpheus are on their way to arrive at Rainbow Academy)

Aranha: isn't this great, love. We are finally intimidating the school. This is so wonderful I could just cry joyfully.

Orpheus (Petting his black panther cub, while rolling his eyes, nonchalantly): Sure, it is.

Aranha: We must come up with evil names for ourselves. But first, I must get some of my old gunk out from my left breast. (Unzips her one piece and goes into the rose bush) Phew! I thought I wasn't going to make it.

Orpheus (Sarcastically): Gee. Can't imagine why.

Aranha: Oh, shut the hell up, sweetheart. When you have a leak, it must come out.

Orpheus: And you said that us men are disgusting. Sure, we are, Aranha.

Aranha: (Zips up her one piece again) Have you thought of a good name for yourself yet?

Sir Midnight: I am calling myself Sir Midnight.

Spider Queen: Now, that's badass. I decide to call myself, uh, Spider Queen.

Sir Midnight: That sounds so generic.

Spider Queen: Oh, shut up! Anyways, let's go after those Royals before they escape from Rainbow Academia.

Sir Midnight: 'Academy.' It's 'Academy.'

Spider Queen: Whatever. Let's get to it. (Snickers and eats a mantis) Yummy, delicious mantis. It tastes just like asparagus but better. You want a bite, honey.

Sir Midnight: Ugh! No way in hell!

Spider Queen: (Smack lips) Your lost. (Chews loudly and continues to burp while they both walk to rainbow Academy)

(Scene 7: The Philosopher has their Yin & Yang Almace standing by the window in their own classroom; ready for them to fight any threat that's approaching Rainbow Academy)

Philosopher (In monologue): I must do whatever I can to stop evil approaching since these kids don't know how to use their own Kins powers yet. I also hope nothing bad happens to any of Rainbow Academy's staff. I'll do whatever it takes to stop these threats. (Gasps out loud and yells in agony) Ouch!

(The black panther cub pounces and scratches the Philosopher's right arm, causing it to bleed severely; both the Spider Queen & Sir Midnight arrive together as they see they see how badly wounded the Philosopher is by creepily glaring at him)

Spider Queen (Claps coldly): Why, would you look at that, sweetheart? This old mentor isn't able to fight back. (Grabs the Philosopher by their pendant) Get up, you overgrown bum. You know you want to. (Laughs at the Philosopher's pain and misery)

(In the closet with Jane, Marshmallow, and the egg)

Jane: I wish I could help the Philosopher out. They sound like they're in trouble. (Her own Ruby pendant beings to glow red and gasps) My pendant is glowing red. I must get out there.

(Marshmallow attempts to follow Jane to help out)

Jane: No, Marshmallow, you must stay here with the egg, okay. I must get out there and help the Philosopher before it's too late.

(Back outside with the Philosopher, Spider Queen, and Sir Midnight)

Sir Midnight: And now, it's time for you to finally die.

Philosopher (Screams): No!

(Scene 8: Jane gets out of the closet to begin by transforming into her Magical Girl form for the first time)

Jane: It's time to transform into my Magical Girl form. Let's go!

(Jane's Ruby pendant starts glowing red transforms her from a 7-year-old that's 4' 5" to 17-year-old girl that's 5' 5"with her long black-haired ponytail into short black hair down). She earns a golden tiara with a ruby gemstone on her forehead, her fingernails are painted red, red bracelets on her wrists, ruby red lips, her school uniform changes into a red long-sleeved cardigan, a short-sleeved red crop top and red skirt, along with a pair of glossy red boots. She has red butterfly wings on her back and a red cape wrapped around her. Her own round shaped Ruby Gemstone transforms into her own signature Gemstone Weapon into a Ruby Crystal Wand; her voice changes from being a high pitched to a deeper yet kinder and motherly like voice)

Ruby: Oh, my God! I am a Magical Girl now! Now, I must help the Philosopher out.

Spider Queen: Any last words, old bum? No? Well then, care to do the honors, darling.

Sir Midnight: I'd be glad to. (Gets his pistol ready to shoot the Philosopher by aiming at the trigger with the Philosopher shaking in fear and closing their eyes)

(Spider Queen & Sir Midnight laugh maniacally)

Philosopher (Shouts): Stop!

Ruby (Shouts with no sign of her): Hey, you two? Who do you think you are?

Spider Queen: Wait! Who said that? (Looks all around to find out where that voice is coming from)

Sir Midnight: How in the living hell should I know who said that?

Ruby: Over here, you two dumbasses!

(Spider Queen & Sir Midnight look on top of the school building as Princess Ruby has a serious look on her face as her red butterfly wings flap in the breeze)

Sir Midnight: It's coming from up there!

Spider Queen: Get down here now, you fiend!

(Jane comes down by using her wings to glide down and kicking Orpheus in the face really hard with one of her red boots on)

Sir Midnight (Shouts): Ow! My bad eye! Of all things, it had to my bad eye! Damn it!

Ruby: Take that, bozo!

Spider Queen: Who are you?

Ruby: You may call me by many names. But you can call me by Princess Ruby. Now, ready to fight me, ugly.

Spider Queen: Ugly?! Ugly?! Oh, now you have done it, you sick Princess bitch! (Gets her weapon out of her front pouch) If it's a fight you want, then it's a fight you're going to get.

Ruby (In disgust): I'm not even going to question that. (Gets out her Ruby Crystal Wand out to fight the Spider Queen) Let's fight!

Spider Queen: Yes, yes, yes! Let's.

(Both the Spider Queen & Princess Ruby have their dual fight with their own weapons by blasting random sparks and dust all over the place; Ruby's Ruby heart on her pendant starts to glow, and the Spider Queen gets immediately distracted by how beautiful the Ruby heart appears)

Spider Queen (Whispers to herself): The Ruby Heart? (Shouts loudly) I demand that Ruby Heart! Give it to me, now! (Growls)

Ruby: Never! (Gets punched in the face by the Spider Queen) Ouch! (Falls to the ground)

Spider Queen: I demand you to give me that Ruby Gemstone this instant, Princess Ruby!

Ruby: You want it? Come and get it! (Dodges as the Spider Queen gets ready to jump on top of her)

Spider Queen: I got you now! (Jumps on top of her) Ha! Ha! Huh? (Looks around) Where did she go? Honey, enough lying on the damn ground, and help me find that Princess!

Sir Midnight: I can't! My bad eye hurts more than ever before!

Spider Queen: Screw you! I have to do this on my own! Where's my weapon?

Ruby: Looking for this, Spider Queen. (Shows the Spider Queen's scepter in front of her while playing around with her)

Spider Queen: Yes! Give it to me!

Ruby: Come here, big creep. You know you want it. (About to toss the scepter)

(Spider Queen runs up to Princess Ruby to get her weapon back and rams into a tree after Princess Ruby flies up in the air with her red butterfly wings, along with each of their weapons, by shouting one of her powers from the Heart)

Ruby: Heart Attack! (Red Hearts come out of her Ruby Crystal Wand)

Spider Queen: Wait, what?! (Hallucinating) Big sister, I told I had too much I went on a diet. (Knocked out)

Ruby: I guess you could say that you got knocked the... (starts fading out) Hey, what is going on here? Why am I fading? (monologue) Oh, the Philosopher did something about how the form won't last that long. I guess I'm going back to Princess Jane again.

(Princess Ruby transforms back into Princess Jane again, once again in her school unform, and her Crystal Wand transforms back into a round shaped Ruby again, while Jane hides her Ruby Gemstone again before the Spider Queen wakes up)

Spider Queen (wakes up): What... what happened? What the hell?! Where is Princess Ruby? (Looks at Jane in disgust) Who are you?

Jane: I am Princess Jane.

Spider Queen: Where is Princess Ruby?

Jane: Uh...

Spider Queen: Don't answer that!

Jane: Okay.

Spider Queen: Honey? Let's get going! We'll be back! (Grabs her weapon) You'll see. You'll see!

Sir Midnight (Covers his left glowing red eye): Wait for me, honey. I'll be back too! But I will make sure that Princess Ruby will get her revenge from me. I'll kill that lady in red myself if I have to! Just you wait and see.

(As the two threats leave, Jane checks on the Philosopher to see if they are alright after getting seriously injured)

(Scene 9: Inside of Rainbow Academy, Nurse Tabitha heals up the Philosopher's wound from the injury; the Philosopher looks at Jane in shock)

Jane (Gasps): Philosopher! You are severely injured!

Philosopher: Hey, don't worry about it. At least you show how much you do care about those around you, Jane.

Jane: I'm sorry, Philosopher.

Philosopher: Sorry for what?

Jane: For disobeying your orders. I just wanted to help you and stop those threats since I've heard you screaming. I couldn't stand to see you getting hurt. (Tears coming down her face and walks away) Just give me detention since i didn't listen to you.

Philosopher: Jane?

Jane: Yes, Philosopher?

Philosopher: You may have disobeyed me, sure. But I am proud that you have saved not just me, but as well as the entire school. Thank you.

Jane: I knew you were going to say I'm... (Pauses) Wait! what?!

Philosopher: That's right, Jane, you have everybody here at Rainbow Academy. I am appalled how much of a Magical Girl you are about to become.

Jane (Sounds gleeful): Alright! Yay!

The Philosopher: But you still have a lot to learn about how to become a Magical Girl.

Jane: That's fine with me, Philosopher.

(Marshmallow meows and brings the egg over)

Jane: The egg?! Thanks Marshmallow. (Pets Marshmallow's head)

Philosopher: Yep. I am also glad that Marshmallow and the egg are safe too. Are you okay, Jane?

Jane: Okay? I am great! I fought evil beings.

Philosopher: Now remember, Jane, you may have fought those threats alone. But you need to try and not go too hard on yourself.

Jane: Don't worry, Philosopher.

Philosopher: Oh?

Jane: We will be with each other through the thick and thin.

Philosopher: Oh, I like that coming from you, my Princess. however, you do realize that this won't be the last time that you'll be fighting threats.

Jane: Threats? What are those?

Philosopher: They are basically the bad guys that have been going all around Royals Land from making no place safe or feel like a utopia again.

Jane: But who could be sending these threats that came and attacked you and Rainbow Academy itself?

Philosopher: I guess we'll never know until we find out.

Jane: Well, if those threats ever come back, I, or on this case, Princess Ruby, ever find these threats again that occur, I'll be ready.

Philosopher: Hmm? You're quite the tomboy one, aren't you, Jane?

Jane (Blushes): Uh-huh.

(Jane and the Philosopher laugh together)

(Scene 10: Back at the dark area of Royals Land, the mysterious woman asks Aranha if she and her husband have done their job for her)

Mysterious Woman: So, my younger sister, did you and your husband do my job?

Aranha: (Nervously) Uh-huh?

Mysterious Woman: Well...?

Aranha: We f-f-f--

Mysterious Woman (Yells): Spit it out, little sister! What happened?!

Aranha: We failed you, big sister. (Sniffles)

Orpheus (Holding his wife's hand with an ice pack on his red eye that keeps glowing): Yeah, what she said.

Mysterious Woman: Oh, you two have failed me? Great. That's just freaking great. I knew something like this was going to happen, especially with you two. But don't worry, you two, one of these days we will annihilate those Royals. Who defeated y'all?

Spider Queen (Glares in frustration): Princess Ruby.

Mysterious Woman: Well, not to worry, you two. This isn't the end; this is only just the beginning.

(Thunder crashes, while Princess Ruby stands on top of the Rainbow Academy's roof with her red cape flapping from the wind, and glares coldly at the moonlight sky, to determine stop any evil that's approaching)

Princess Ruby (Monologue): I am Princess Jane. I was born as a disgrace from my own home area. But that will not stop me from facing through the dangers that approaches from lurking in the shadows. You can call me by many names. But you can call me Princess Ruby. (Thunder roars)

Narration: Will Princess Ruby be able to defeat those threats by herself? Will the Spider Queen get a hold of her Ruby heart? Who is behind this horrendous mischief from lurking behind the shadows of Royals Land itself? Find out more as we continue onward to Rainbow Academy.

(Thunder Crashes)

To Be Continued...

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