
In a huge faraway land known as Royals Land of the year 2100, there lived a bunch of colorful and unique Royals. What exactly is a Royal? Royals are also known as Princes, Princesses, Kings, and Queens of their own land . Everyone in Royals Land had their own home area to rule over. However, these new young Princes & Princesses all have two things in common: They are all outcasts due to something they were born with. The other is thing is they all go to a school called Rainbow Academy; a school where Royals go to learn about acceptance, friendship, history about Royals, and of course the one thing that's been becoming a current generation's new discovery and trend simply as known Kins which is what they were all born with and made them outcasts in the first place.

What in this Universe are Kins? (Plus, a bonus feature from the Royals).

You're probably wondering what exactly are these so-called Kins, you ask? Well, they are not something blood related in the family. See, Kins are these manipulation/kinesis powers that each person can use to control whatever their own skill does. For example, if a Royal has the power of telekinesis, said power for that Royal and only that Royal, regardless of that. Although this was a mystery to the family and people involved of Royals Land, this was first discovered by the Philosopher who has been studying their own life on what these Royals could possibly do. Unfortunately, they did not expect these Kins powers for the new generation. The Philosopher themself thought that they were the only one with Kins to balance everything out. A theory that pops into their mind is that each of these Kins could have slipped out of them from the Cycle of Kins, while neglecting them which is said to be used by the Philosopher and only them. However, now that the current generation of each new Royals in Royals Land each has their own Kins and must learn how to properly use them.

But just exactly how they are going to do it? Surely their own parent (King or Queen, who are also Royals) who gave own heir to the throne to their son or daughter can't do it since they can do so much yet so little to help their own child on what's it like to earn it. Plus, the Princes and Princesses already feel like outcasts in their own location in Royals Land. Well, that's where the Philosopher steps in to help these current generation of Royals. They obviously know more about these Kins better than anyone else in Royals Land since they used to have them for themself. Adding to that, they also need to tell these Royals that they must discover new ways to make their own Kins function in the way that make them feel comfortable. If not, they will be weakened by corruption, overpower, painful spirits that were inside their Kins, and so much more of the worst consequences to deal with them.

However, the Philosopher then discovers a potent stone that they shall not go near, no matter what they run into. That stone that looks like an ammolite gemstone, they must avoid is the Kins Stealer Stone. What exactly is this stone? Well, this stone is extremely dangerous. If anyone touches or gets anywhere near the Kins Stealer Stone (as well as anything else that's made from it), the Kins user will weaken them by difficulty breathing, coughing uncontrollably, raspy breath, sweating, paralysis, blurry vision, headaches, and getting sick. By the way, the Kins Stealer Stone is again made by almost anything with those same colors on it. They can be made from jail cells, handcuffs, pole sticks, weapons, jewelry, etc. Thankfully the Philosopher has a treatment for it, but the Kins user must go to them, otherwise they will get worse without any kind of treatment. So, in other words, the Philosopher's Kins that were spread to the Royals in Royals Land must take that warning seriously. What's the treatment? The treatment for it are these special foods and drinks known as Food Bombs and Energy Drinks which are commonly used for when the Royals are weakened by the Kins Stealer Stone itself. As these said things work in the Royals' own stomachs, the Royals' own Kins will be back to functioning again afterwards. Although this won't be the final time this situation will occur to any of them, they still need to go to the Philosopher to get a Food Bomb & Energy Drink when they get struck by this stone. But there are some corrupted Kins powers that the Philosopher no longer wants to have for themself.

Some Examples of Food Bombs & Energy Drinks For the Royal Students in 🌈Rainbow Academy❤️

Before we talk about the Corrupted Kins, the Royals also have an added feature to themselves. See, they all have a pair of wings on their own back, specifically butterfly wings since they all get them whenever they transform into their 10-year older counterparts and/or Magical Girl or Magical Boy alter ego. They'll normally learn how to fly from their own parent(s) when they get their own wings. Also, the color of their wings goes with whatever color member they are that they are. For example, if one is colored red, then those butterfly wings will have the color red. As for how old they get their own butterfly wings when they've actually grown up is when the Royal hits the age of 12 years old which is between the area of their toddler or preteen years in the beginning till their teenage  or adult years in the future. Although they never show the Royals at 12 years old, they do pass that age after the time skip since that's how much they have grown up over the course of time.

However, they are known to show off their own wings whenever they are in their own school uniforms & Gemstone form. When it comes to their own Magical Girl or Magical Boy form during battles and/or whenever they wear an attire on different occasions, they'll usually use their own wings to fly around and fight back. After a while, they'll fold up their own wings on their own backs to make room for anyone else to stand up or sit down next to them. These wings are also known to get damaged if they injured from getting injured during any battle they fought. It's been said that the pain in their wings feels like pulling a muscle. Whenever this occurs, they need to lay down for a while until further notice when they are completely healed from getting hurt. Even though they probably won't let the pain get to them, they need to rest for a while before they make it even worse. Once they are completely healed, they can go back to normal and do what they're meant to and supposed to do. Their own wings can fly again and be useful to get around.

Royals' Puberty Stage on the Butterfly Wings (Female & Male Stages)

While the Royals do get their own butterfly wings at age 12 years old, they go through puberty in different stages from both genders. Both genders of the Royals go through puberty for a month long. However, at Rainbow Academy, the two genders do learn what they go through in puberty in different groups. Females will be at the gymnasium, whereas males stay in their own homeroom until further notice. The same goes vice versa. How exactly do these Royals go through their puberty to get their own butterfly wings from the two different gender, you ask? Here's how.

Female Royal Puberty Stages

1. Glowing- This glowing mostly comes from the female Royal's forehead in a neon color in a way that shows her affection towards her closest friends and family. She'll usually feel a bit sweaty when this glow starts appearing and burning her up. She will also have a very red-like blushing look on her face when she starts panting and hyperventilating. Her rapid reaction will make her feel paranoid about what she's going through since needs to find a place for her her private shelter.

2. Shelter- A female Royal will mostly hide when they need to leave and make up excuses. This usually means she doesn't want to be spotted by any of the males or anyone in general when she's trying to find a place to make her own colored bubble to hide as she develop their wings. It also defines that she doesn't want anyone else to disturb her because she needs to have alone time.

3. Glowing Eyes- Most of the female's eyes will glow in different colors to show she's still in development. These eyes will glow in three different colors. Each of these colors represents what's going inside. Each of these colors can be shown as warnings since she contains a specific color to how each reacts to one another. This may not necessarily be a big deal to some, but it's best to stay safe from each color just to play it safe.

🔴Red- Disturbing and intimidating stage since the pain will start aching her back a lot. She'll also start speaking in a deep demonic voice. This might even be scarier to those thinking that she is possessed by a real demon from hell. If nothing else, this would intimidate the non-Royal related people since they are quite unlikely to fully understand what's going on. Plus, the females may get into very vicious attacks to those disturbing them.

🔵Blue- The new transformation for wings will make her feel sadness and grief after being trapped for several hours. Her voice will also hit into her teenage voice as she wails. The wails may sound like she's going through too much pain, but not as much as the male goes through. This may not sound peculiar, but the males will go through something different than the females.

⚪️White- She will use her super strength to crack open the bubble that has hardened them for a while. This may take as much time to relax since she needs to make sure she's not going through any trouble with attempting to make her feel uncomfortable. Plus, the wings need to take time to grow on her back.

4. Bubble Cracking- Like birds do when hatching, the female needs to take her time to get out so she get her own wings to sprout as big enough to hold her. She will take several hours to do so, but she can't rush it.

5. Wings- Once the female Royal's wings have grown on her back, she will sprout like a flower and the wings will spread out to show them off. She is also ready to start practicing her flying lessons. She may rush into it to fast because of her brawn, but she will still get used to it.

Male Royal Puberty Stages

1. Exhaustion, Dizziness & Body Noises- The male grow more fatigue than usual since he finds himself unable to stay awake at daytime. He will most likely stay up late due to insomnia at nighttime since he will feel his heart pounding and stomach growling a lot non stop. He might also get headaches from feeling a bit nauseous. His own dizzy spells may also lead to him not being able to see what's going on in front of him.

2. Cravings- The cravings that a male goes through is bizarre. Whenever he sees someone, he is very interested in, his own cravings will have them stick his tongue out and search for anything that he can find. It goes beyond that- he will eat more food than his poor belly can handle. He will usually say he's full of food, but he will continue to eat since he thinks his stomach will handle. These foods mostly contain eating either messy, greasy or unhealthy things that they shouldn't eat all the time since it's unhealthy.

3. Moodiness- This is one stage that makes the male Royal unable to get handled around those around him, especially a female Royal. See, when he gets all moody, he will start crying, uptight, squealing like a baby, act like he's already grown up, clingy, and ask personal questions about girls. He will also start changing his mood from being nice and loving to aggressive and nasty. He may not hit, but he will yell and throw a crying fit. It's usually best not to get him too worked up since he's not going to explain what's wrong- he'll just make things up, even if he's being honest about it.

4. Agony- As the male gets his own wings are ready to come out of his back, he will begin to scream in his bedroom like he's going through labor. This is more painful for him than the female because he will scream so loud like he's trying desperately to get a baby to coming out of him. He will also say he wants his parents or closest friends with him, even though he needs his parents to help him more. His eyes will start bawling for several hours, until the wings come out. But he needs to be in his own made bubble to take time like the females do. His voice will change too, just like the females.

5. Wings- These wings on the male's back need to take his time wisely as well. As one would guess, he needs to make sure his wings are big to hold him. His wings may not be as strong as the females, but he is still using their brains instead of his brawn to think about how much time he needs for his wings to grow out of his back. After that, his own wings will grow gracefully and be ready to use to practice his flying lessons.

What Exactly Are Corrupted Kins?

Now, let's talk about these Corrupted Kins. These kind of Kins powers are known to be very uneasy for anyone to handle. This is mostly due to some of the Kins being too wicked for the Cycle of Kins to actually handle. In fact, they can be considered too dangerous for the Royals themselves to manipulate and know what to do with them. For example, one of these villains in Royals Land, the Spider Queen, got a corrupted Kins power known as Metákinesis (silk manipulation) is not good enough for the Cycle of Kins. Now, there are some that are probably thinking how are this kind of Kins be so evil? Well, whenever someone gets caught in this kind of thread, she can make it very hard for anyone to get out of. Mostly because she's able to use her thread as paralysis to make the Royal helpless during fight. Granted, the Royal will find a way out, but he or she needs to use as much determination to keep going on, otherwise the Royal won't be able to stop their enemy. However, the villain does not use a Kins necklace to store their Kins. Instead, they use a ring with a Gemstone embedded on it. However, they can put their own ring on whichever hand functions properly. If they are lefty, the left hand, if they are righty, the right hand.

However, there are some villains who will have the same Kins as some of the Royals, if they ever swipe some of their power. Basically, if one of the Royals who fight off with one of the villains, they will swipe away some said Royal's own Kins power and use it to their own advantage. What's worse, once they use it, they will use it in a sick, twisted way to make it stand out and make such horrifying results to make it more intimidating. Usually this means they'll knock the Royal out senselessly with their own weapon and take a bit of the Kins power from the Kins necklace and store it inside of their own Kins ring to make great use of it. After that, they will do whatever it takes to make themselves more invincible, even though the Royals will find a way to stop them. Sure, the Royal can't take some of the Kins they stole, but thankfully they'll find a way to make sure their Kins much stronger than some of the same Kins they've gotten stolen.

Of course, not all the Villains have Kins. This is likely due to the fact that they don't want face through the major consequences that Kins go through. So, how exactly do they defend themselves from whenever they face the Royals. Well, they use a weapon that is made from the material of the hazardous Kins Stealer Stone itself. As alluded to before, the Kins Stealer Stone can be used for almost anything. Sometimes they'll use it a jail cell to trap any of the Royals who are gullible enough to take the bait, and then the Villain without will use their own made weapon made out of Kins Stealer Stone to harm that Royal in the process. It's a good thing that they don't have all the Royals go at the same time since they might need some for backup if any of them get injured in the process.

Kins Stealer Stone image

Philosopher's Book, Age, and Rainbow Academy itself.

While on the subject of the Royals, the Philosopher keeps a book with what each Royal in the entire land of Royals Land is known for and what makes them unique with their own Kins and personalities. They've even made each Royal their own chapter on what history was like from each of their family's own generation and past. Now, this is probably where some people are asking the same question, they've all been wondering for quite some time now. "How old is the Philosopher exactly?"

Well, believe it or not, the Philosopher is approximately eleven centuries old. See, this person is no ordinary human, they are an immortal, who can live longer than anyone else, but can die when they choose to. Many people in Royals Land like to think of and call them a God if he were immortal on land. However, the Philosopher is only capable of balancing the Yin & Yang since they no longer have the other Kins to help out. They obviously can't steal them away since that's not likely to work. Although they can teach these Royals, they can't be the only mentor in Rainbow Academy. They need to have other mentors in the academy to help teach these pupils. As alluded to earlier, the Royals can also learn about other things, such as the history behind their generation and Royals Land itself, friendship, Gemstone Weapon training, etc. Thankfully the Philosopher has more mentors and other faculty members to help when the students need them for almost anything they need.

Royalogy- The Study of Royals- How Do The Royals Get Treated Around Royalogists? (The Good, the Bad & Curious Sides)

When it comes to the Royals in Royals Land, there are going to be normal people who don't know or understand what they're dealing with. This comes across as Royalogy- the study of Royals. These people will usually study somewhere around the Royals where they are not aware that the Royals will know. However, some of the Royalogists will get very curious about and interested on how much the Royals function to their kind around. Some of the Royalogists would try and interact with the Royals if they think they are behaving in a manner that makes them more likely to be interested. The Royals would usually be called kinder names than the pseudo names they have been called from their own people in their own Royals Land's home location. In fact, there are times when the Royals will get spotted by the Royalogists at difficult locations where they are either eating, drinking, singing, sleeping, flying, praying, training, and other activities that they do when around others or by themselves. Once the Royals do one or more of the following, the Royalogists would jot down what they've learned about what's been happening. The Royals would normally act awkward when they see someone spotting them. This results in the Royals hiding from them, until they leave, but only interact when they're feeling it, instead of feeling threatened.

That being said, not every Royalogist is shown to be a good person. They'd mostly attempt to either brutally injure or kill the Royal when they attempt to go after the new generation of Royals. Most of the time the bad Royalogist would do this to threaten their own lives and find out their own secret identities and how they got their own Kins power. Another thing is that some of the Royalogists are not even close to being evil. Some of them are usually just ones that believe the new generation of Royals are just nothing too special to see in them. The Royals still do their best to avoid them at best, just in case of anything bad happening to them or those around them.

If nothing else, the Royals will usually try to stay quiet without flinching and making a peep. Although their wings are what gives them away, the nice Royalogist will usually try to take a good look at the Royal and try not to harm them. Fascinated by the Royal, the Royalogist will get curious about them and think of what they've witnessed. Most of the Royalogists are kids and/or young adults who seem to enjoy learning about the Royals since they have never been taught anything about them. Thus, they would ask themselves questions about the race and why they are treated so differently from their own people in their own home area in Royals Land.

The Prays & Hopes from the Philosopher & the Magical Girls & Magical Boys

Occasionally when it comes to the Royals' own people, they do pray on the Philosopher and their Magical Girls & Magical Boys to make sure that evil isn't rapid throughout their own home area. In addition, these people from each of the Royals' own location have no idea that the Royals are the Magical Girls and Magical Boys stopping evil, but they still appreciate whatever they have, including their own Kins and fighting skills. Speaking of praying and hoping, this is usually by the Royals Land's Belief Center, which is sort of like a church or chapel where some the Royals' own citizens of each location goes on Sundays to pray for the Philosopher and their own pupils of the Magical Girls and Magical Boys to do their own skills and never quit what they are capable of doing to make Royals Land a better land. It does still question whether or not these normal people know that these Royals are the Magical Girls or Magical Boys, but they seem to overlook that.

The Royals do some praying too, but they usually go to Royals Land's Park where the Philosopher's own Statue of Philosophy is at since the Royals are mostly outcasts to their people. What's worse, ever since this new generation of Royals who have gotten Kins from somewhere that the citizens don't know about don't take them as normal people. By thinking the freaks, outcasts, greedy, and spoiled people who get to have fun with the Kins. Each Royal has been called some disparaged name to make them trounced. So, as one would expect, mostly from the Philosopher or any of the faculty members, the Royals would go over to said statue to pray for their people and hope one day there would be goals they could be worth accomplishing. The only way to achieve is to earn it with the believing in themselves. If not, it'll not come true or be accepted.

Gemstone Weapons, More onto the Kins, Royals' own Gemstone Transformations & Royals Land itself

Notice how it's called 'Gemstone Weapons.' That's mainly because in this particular school, the students each get their own Gemstone to evolve into whatever kind of weapon they'll use to fight during battles in Royals Land. Each get a Gemstone named after their own home location and alter ego. As for weapon choice, that only depends on what they will get from transforming into their alter ego and fight with that, along with their Kins to fight off evil that lurks in Royals Land itself. After that, the Gemstone Weapon will go back to its original Gemstone form for safekeeping purposes. The Gemstone itself is shaped round and the size of a person's palm. Also, once they get to Rainbow Academy, the Royal students will each receive a Kins necklace with their very own heart shaped gemstone to keep their Kins power and transformation stored inside. However, there is a consequence to that. That being that once the Royal puts on their own pendant, they cannot take it off after that because someone can steal it and attempt to steal the Kins from the necklace itself. Plus, the only way the Royal can tell that his or her necklace is safe is if they keep it on around their neck. It'll also glow in the dark when the Royal wears it. There are also times when the Kins pendant will glow when there's a sense of a certain feeling of emotion when the Royal is feeling positive or negative. If the Royal is feeling positive, his or her Kins pendant will glow once after it lights up. If the Royal is feeling negative, his or her Kins pendant will glow several times which is mostly from the danger or phobia that they are experiencing.

But most of their transformations into alter ego come from going in a strange pool known as the Gemstone Dye Pond. This pond will transform the Royal's Magical Girl or Magical Boy their school uniform into their alter ego with a symbol that matches their own Kins. It'll usually require them wearing their own Kins necklace, favorite color(s) short sleeved shirt, short pants, gemstone bracelets (with one on each wrist (updated to strong effect)), a pair of boots, and said Gemstone Weapon to transform to what they use to fight with. The Gemstone Dye form will stay on until the Royal moves his or her hand in a direction that allows him or her to go back to their original school uniform or attire outfit. This also means that they can only use whichever hand they use more. Like, if the Royal is a lefty, they will use their left hand, or if they use their right hand, they will use right hand. Ambidextrous is something, but not that often. Especially since most will say the Philosopher is the only one out of them who's ambidextrous. There will be times when the Royal student will go in the Gemstone Dye Pond if it's gym class, but mostly to train or hang out with their friends or other classmates in the same school. Also, the Gemstone Dye Pond doesn't wet their entire body, just dyes them in their proper forms. They'll unusually transform into their 10-year older counterpart until they go back to normal until the 10-year time skip occurs.

Plus, while Royals Land seems like it has its own unique place, by no means does that mean it's perfect. As mentioned before but needs to be said again, there's evil lurking in the land itself. This usually means that the Royals will come face to face to stop them before Rainbow Academy or Royals Land gets taken over by the Rogues Gallery. If nothing else, it'll be them who will take over the area itself. Some do ask the big question on why the Philosopher can't just handle the Rogues Gallery themself since they have Kins to help out. Now, there are several reasons why they can't necessarily do it. First, their only way to fight is if the villain is anywhere near Rainbow Academy to harm the students or faculty members, the Philosopher what they can do to protect them. Second, the Philosopher, despite being an immortal, they do have moments where they'll feel to frail to fight off when injured during battle and need support to back them up. Third, the Philosopher's soul is resided inside the school. In other words, they cannot leave the school or anywhere else over ten feet away from that said location.

These Royal students may start out as preteens when they go to Rainbow Academy, but they still have yet to learn about the purpose of what they are learning and about themselves on who they truly are. There are occasions where the Royal students will have free time, but only there's no report any sign of jeopardy or anything else.

Role Reversal in Royals Land & Rainbow Academy

In this universe of Royals Land, almost everything is played alternately. What this means is that there are times where the genders will do something differently. For example, the girls would show off how much more dominating and carefree they are since the Princesses & Magical Girls are overrated yet still more successful. Whereas the boys are both more of the brains and determined they are Princes & Magical Boys are underrated yet not as successful. This isn't true about all of them with that said gender, but there are times where the two genders will show what one can do better than other.

As the Philosopher once said:

'Neither gender is perfect, nor one can be better than the other one. You can be strongest female out there or the most no-nonsense male out there in the universe, but the way we stand out comes from within us.'

These words are taken with great pride and the Royals and other people still respect each other, even despite their actions and flaws. They even show off that they can still make a difference no matter what gender they are. In fact, it isn't just gender itself, it's also how strong each of them are with how much they fight enemies from Royals Land. While each of them may not have the greatest strengths or worst weaknesses, but they choose not to have them consumed by too much strength or weakness. They must do whatever feels best for them.

Another role reversal is what these Royals who wear glasses or the insult 'nerds' are shown to be striving to make themselves look more than who they are. For example, the old term in this universe used to refer to the Royals with glasses as the weaklings and nothing more. But while they are known as that a lot, these types of Royals have shown to be good at combat and make themselves talk back in a sarcastic or snarky manner to show they don't want to be messed with. However, deep down they do show that they have a bit of a sensitive relationship with those close to them when something happens, except they still aren't afraid to move forward when they need to do what is necessary. They may not be too brawny to completely stop their enemies, but they still use whatever knowledge they possess to help them succeed in the fight. Speaking of which, mostly the males who wear glasses are known to have the most smoking (cigarettes, cigars, pipes, or Kiseru) when they get older, and do it when they fight with each other or enemies lurking. They are still smart, just in their own way.

Speaking of enemies, mostly the female enemies would be more intimidating and threatening than the male enemies. Usually, these females would do so many unspeakable damages to the male victim by assaulting, mentally abusing, or harass them until they get want out of them. Heck, the female enemies will usually clutch the male victims, so they won't get away from them and use a weapon to threaten them if they don't obey orders. Plus, they will go so far as to say they will be used or beaten up if they don't follow what they say. The most the male victims have mostly been (male Royals) Princes. Granted, there are times when the (female Royals) Princesses will go through the same thing, but most are able to stand up for themselves. There are even times when the Princesses with have female enemies and Princes will have male enemies, but only occasionally.

There are also times when some of the females will also flirt with the males to grab their attention, though this is kind of normal to those in the real world. Although some of the females are known to be flirty, there will be times when the males (who are younger than some of the females) will be smitten with them whenever they have a crush on them. Occasionally, the females will either be oblivious or say they aren't ready for such petty things, but the males will normally tease and giggle nonchalantly when they think the females are joking around if something from them is too serious to make fun. Although this can be a little too transparent for each of them to see what's happening. Even so, the males are willing to help the females out whenever they need support or have both the brains (males) and brawns (females) balanced out during battles.

However, this does not mean that everything in this alternate universe is role reversal. They do still have some things that the males and females still keep in their favor. For instance, the females still wear nail polish and makeup, go through menstruation and pregnancy. Whereas the males could usually keep their hands to themselves if a woman ever hits them since they know better than that. That said, whenever either aren't interested, the females would normally in a verbal state tell the males they'd rather pass, whereas the males would just lightly push them away on the side and say, "not today, ma'am." But they will still show each other respect, even if some don't work well off each other. Also, there are times when some females can fight like tomboys (though a lot don't want to admit it), and some of the males can act like janegirls (though a lot don't want to admit, either).

Speaking of the romance, there comes across times when the males will go more gaga than they normally do when they see some female(s) hotter than they have never expected and gossip about it to each other. This mostly goes to either famous girl bands, crushes, celebrities, and any other type of female they witness with their own eyes. Although there are some females are known to stalk some of the males at times or trick them into some pervy situations, at least they are close to the same age as it should be. But there are times when the female enemies (who are mostly majors) will stalk some of the males (Princes) who are underaged which makes them feel very uncomfortable.

As an added bonus, there are even times when there's also a Boys Night Out when the males will do something without the females trying to barge into their free time. This is mostly when the males go to Royals Land's DJ Club, have a slumber party, or anywhere else in Royals Land since they don't want to have the females snoop around and catch them gossiping about their own stories. If nothing else, this is mostly revolved around the young Princes since in this universe they love to talk about cute girls (Princesses or anyone else) they've experienced. Just because the young Princes squeal and talk about cute girls, they'll never do anything to hurt them.

Jewel Deities

Despite the fact that none of the Royals in Royals Land are allowed to go to the Royals Land's Belief Center since they are all outcasts from society, the Royals go to a private area known as the Royals Fountain & Prays & Hope Center where they pray and hope for their people by going to where each said Royal meets their own Jewel Deity(ies) Statue(s). What exactly are the Jewel Deities? Basically, the Jewel Deities are each Royal (just by judging the name of their own Gemstone name's area and their own color(s)) and ask for the pray & hope they can get for both themselves and their own people just with each of the Jewel Deity having their very own colored cloak from said Royal's own color(s). This only goes by whatever color(s) they have for themselves. For example, if the Royal has a single color and is part of the Sodalite Kingdom area, the Royal will ask something just by praying & hoping by asking the Blue Deity and bless them with the poise they need in them. It's the same every other Royal with their own single color.

However, there will be times when the Royal will have more than one color from their own Gemstone name has more than one color, also known as being bicolor. For example, if the Royal is from the Ametrine Fortress, they will ask by ask something just by asking with their pray and hope from the Purple Deity & Yellow Deity themselves to combine both of them to help the same way as the single color asked for help. It's a lot more asking for them to ask from more of the Jewel Deities, but it's still worth to ask whatever help they can get to offer. This could be a bit more of a multitasking pray & hope, but it's mostly worth it.

There are also times where the Royal themself will have multiple colors from the Gemstone itself. As one would guess, this'd mean that they'd ask for all of their help from the prays and hopes they need from both their people and themself. This goes for someone who is say who came from the Opal Castle area or Rainbow Quartz Fortress area to ask pray & hope from all the Jewel Deities. It may even be more multitasking than one Jewel deity could handle, but that's what teamwork is there for, especially for something this big.

Although the Philosopher cannot go outside over 10 feet away from Rainbow Academy, they do ask some of the other mentors to guide them through the said place to help them guide through what they all must do whenever they pray & hope for something. Plus, there are times when some of the students will learn about the history of the Jewel Deities if they want to add it into their learnings. Speaking of which, the Philosopher's own book they write will usually write about how the Jewel Deities history began, even before the other mentors were around. In fact, their history goes back before the Philosopher's time even began. It has been said that the Philosopher's mother Michelle knew about the Jewel Deities before anyone else did and decided to tell the Philosopher in a story with each of them. As an added bonus, some of the students will usually study about, not just their own Jewel Deity, but the rest of the Jewel Deities as well. Not only does this amaze the Philosopher, but also the rest of the mentors in Rainbow Academy too.

Before any of the Royals ask, there is no book about the Jewel Deities since nobody knows about the history of them except for the Philosopher & Michelle. So, when the Philosopher has finally gotten the notebook, they had no idea what to write except for the Royals and their own generations. This started to give them their own ideas to write and expand the history of the Jewel Deities as time went onwards. As time went on, they decide to do more with the Royals on their own prays & hopes.

Royals' own Singing Skills (Microphones)

When it comes to all 72 of the Royals in Royals Land, they all have one thing in common: they all have the talent to sing. Each of the Royals all require their own microphone to sing with whenever they each feel like they need to put their own singing skills to work. Although this may not seem like something new to some, they'd usually sing about how they actually feel when something happens to themselves at the moment. It all depends on what their own current mood is since they all have different types of emotions. It can either be happy, sad, angry, fear, rejected, disgusted, lonely, jealousy, beloved, heartbroken, admired, etc. Granted they usually do this to express their feelings and show off their way to cope. If nothing else, they'll only do this to get how they feel.

Once in a while, one or more of the Princess or Prince will usually show off their own singing skills to their mentors or closest family members from different parts of around Royals Land to tell them how they are. The emotions the mentors feel is connected to the Philosopher since they feel whatever emotion the Royal(s) they are gravitating towards to. Plus, there will be times when the mentors will ask the Royals to sing at Rainbow Academy's different events, parties, occasions, and celebrations. This depends on if they'd like to do it or not. They don't necessarily have to do it, but they do enjoy their singing voices a lot. In fact, there are times when the mentors will actually stand by in the background after overhearing them from different rooms in Rainbow Academy. Even though these microphones are wireless, they do have a volume setting for how loud or soft for each of the Royals want it whatever they want to set it to.

Whereabouts Did the Royals Get their own Microphones?

The Royals got their own microphones from whoever they earned the throne from in their own family. Said parent would usually tell their own child to use it wisely and to not break it since this cannot be replaced. They can only be charged by letting it charge by letting the microphone-sized magical clear crystal they get from their own home to put inside of the microphone. The Royals will usually put their own microphone inside of their own Kins necklace for safekeeping. They'll only use them when they sing and transform into their 10-year older self and have their own Magical Girl/Boy form. Speaking of which, the Royals will sometimes use their own singing skills to stop any of the evil around them that lurks in Royals Land. This may seem anticlimactic, but it since work since most of the evil aren't fans of hearing the Royals' own singing. But overall, they all aren't afraid to show off their own singing voices to express how they feel at the times.

Rainbow Academy's Activities & Occasions

Occasionally, Rainbow Academy has the Royals all participate in different activities and different occasions. Said activities include charity runs, sports, modeling, plays, Royals Land's Tournament Runs, and show off their singing skills to express themselves. As for different occasions, these include Parent/Child Picnic Season, Royals Dance Parties, Royals Land Parade, & Royals Land's Giveaway Gift Day.

Companions & Teammates (Allies)

Usually when it comes to the Royals having sidekicks, they'll either form a team with some of their peers that can work together, or have their own Companions work together. In this universe, a Companion is basically a pet that goes with them when needed. It's also worth pointing out that the Companion is any animal they can have for themselves. Whether they range to bring something tamed or dangerous enough to back up their owner. Each Royal has their own unique Companion to help out. But if they are something that they need to live with, like say a shark or dolphin, they'll usually use a watery scuba tank for their heads to keep on surviving. Without it, they'll pretty much die quickly. The Companion will only obey to their respective owner when giving orders. Granted, there are times when they'll be too scared to help, but they will do what they can to feel undaunted by helping the owner out. Another thing about these Companions is that they can be either fantasy creatures or animals that we are used to seeing in everyday life, so it's either way. There are even times when the Companions will grow into a larger size than normal to help out their owner when they need to.

But there comes across times the Companion will help comfort their owner when they need help or injured from someone who harmed them. By injured this has nothing to do with the Kins Stealer Stone, far from it. Injured means they'll get hurt from bleeding wounds or bruises after they fought someone. The Companion will usually get someone to help their get back home safely or take them if the Companion isn't too small to carry them. If the Royal gets severely injured from a battle when they are in their Magical Girl or Magical Boy form, they'll most likely stay in that respective Magical Girl or Magical Boy form until they can switch back to their normal form. The Gemstone Weapon will go back to its normal Gemstone afterwards before anyone else notices it and steals it from said Royal.

Teammates in this series are really just that; different Royals who work well off each other. That said, there will be occasional times when some of the Royals don't get along with each other, but they can still understand where the other person is coming from. This doesn't necessarily mean they need to be friends, but they can become close allies and still be there when one needs to be acquainted. If nothing else, this is why they have a mentor at Rainbow Academy to talk about how friendship works and how they can be close acquaintances. It's also something that they all learn about how there will be people who'll take time to learn how other Royals function and behave themselves. Again, they all don't need to like each other and everyone in Rainbow Academy, but they can still learn from each other and be allies if they'd like.

In Conclusion For This Long Introduction

Now, with all of that said in this long introduction, let's discuss about the Philosopher and each of the Royals in Royals Land from the series that is called Rainbow Academy.

Female Royals (Princesses)

Male Royals (Princes)

Note: These Royals from the two pictures above aren't in order for the rest of this book. Just so you get a quick head up about it. Plus, the beavers above are a symbol of 'Protector of One's own Home', which is what the Royals are known for when using their Kins to defend themselves against any evil being in Royals Land.

Here's a playlist of all the Royals with their own Gemstones.

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